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Husband with Testing Device

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A guy gets a device that lets him swap body parts and things.
8.2k words

Part 1 of the 4 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 09/24/2018
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Author's note: I am shamelessly appropriating Razmagurk's concept in the "Girlfriend With Testing Device" series. The testing device itself, specifically. As well as the lack of awareness of the swap if the character isn't touching the device. It's one of the hottest ideas and implementations I've ever read. So I just thought about what it would be like if I had one and what I'd do with it, and here's the result...

Kindly note: Razmagurk has given me permission to use the concept and to post it here.


My heart was racing. I had this strange new device and the possibilities were breathtaking. After signing all of the documents that the strangers had insisted that I sign, the weird, cobbled-together-looking box that they told me swapped things. Anything. Body parts, personality traits, anything. It was just one-to-one, that was the only restriction. And I knew what I wanted to try first, and I couldn't wait for the opportunity to present itself.

My mouth was dry, I couldn't stop pacing, and I couldn't concentrate on anything. Oh, shit! She's here.

I took a deep breath to steady myself as my wife walked in through the front door. She was pretty-not model gorgeous, but pretty with a smile that radiated sunshine. And was she ever curvy. I've always appreciated women who were more...voluptuous than a lot of our culture was often trying to sell. I'd rather have a woman with generous hips, thick thighs, and big boobs than some shivering waif.

I felt my stomach lurch. I was still very much on the fence about doing this, but there was no test drive for the device, there wasn't some focus group, they had made that very clear. The real world was the only way to gather the data that they needed. For what, they hadn't specified, but it was very much apparent.

"Hey, honey," she said as she kissed me.

"Hi," I replied, trying like hell to hide how nervous I was. "I took care of some of the stuff you normally do."

"Thanks, babe. I appreciate it when you help out after the day I had."

I swallowed, dreading the guilt I was afraid that I was going to feel.

But that was overpowered by how hot it was to consider the idea that I was about to make real...


There it was. I had turned the knobs before I put the device in my pocket and had managed to turn myself in a nonchalant way so that its antenna was pointed at my sweet wife.




In all of my years, I'd gotten used to my dick being there. It wasn't always the focus of my attention but I was always aware that it was there on the periphery of my consciousness. When I did pay attention to it, it was always with high intensity, whether I was having sex with my wife, or jerking off, or just adjusting it so that my balls weren't getting pinched the way that I was sitting.

Now it was just...gone.

I tried to hide the giggle behind a cough and I think it worked. Jess, of course, kept on doing what she was doing, just taking care of the stuff she'd brought with her to work that day, like her coffee mug.

I made some vague excuse or something that I was going to check on something upstairs and had to restrain myself from running to the bathroom.

The thudding of my heart with excitement threatened to rip the organ from my chest. I was frantic as I fumbled with my belt buckle, my hands shaking so badly that I could barely unzip my jeans and yank them along with my boxers down to my ankles.

And there it was.

My faithful cock, with me from before the day that I was born, was gone. In its place was what I was pretty sure was my wife's pussy.

Oh, wow. My hand was shaking as I reached down, watching my hand in the mirror as it got closer to my new crotch. I had just shaved everything around my dick and balls from basically what would be a bikini bottom down to the base of my perineum earlier that day, looking forward to some fun when she got home from work. That was before I'd been given this thing, of course.

Now, it was my wife's snatch, shaved smooth. I shuddered as my fingers touched the smooth skin, slowly drifting lower and lower. I heard a low sound of pleasure escape my throat as I came upon her-well, now my-labia majora. I shuddered when my fingertips went a little lower and were rewarded with the feeling of wetness when they got a little lower, to the inner lips of my new pussy. I was drenched, of course.

I'm sure that at least once in his life, every guy wonders what it would be like to have a woman's genitalia. I had fantasized about it for most of my life, and now I had the opportunity to actually find out!

Faster, faster, my heart beat in anticipation. I shuffled over to the toilet, that being the only thing to realistically sit on without the risk of her just walking in, and lifted the lid with haste. I sat down as quickly as I could while being quiet, then spread my hairy legs wide, marveling at the sight.

I returned my hand to my new equipment and started exploring. Once I brushed my erect clit I shuddered and bit my lip to avoid a loud moan. Jesus, is this what it felt like for women!? I was right, I had been missing out.

Practice is something that I had with this pussy; one of my favorite things to do when we were getting ready was to lay next to Jess and once she was nice and lubricated, play with her clitoris until she came before we had actual sex. So I already knew exactly how to circle my fingers around what was now my clit, and I was not ready for how it felt.

"Mmmmmmhhhh..." I groaned as quietly as I could. Fuck. It was sending shock waves through my whole body. I could feel more wetness leaking out of me as I manipulated this new part of my body. I realized that she hadn't been kidding. This little button was sensitive! I barely needed to apply any pressure as I circled it, the juices from my cunt keeping it even slipperier than I needed it to be.

"Oh, fuck!" I whispered a gasp as a sort of...well, I don't know exactly how to describe it. I could feel something big building and it just kept feeling better and better the more that I stimulated myself. And my abdominal muscles started to clench outside of my control. And then it hit. I groaned as softly as I could when my thighs locked together, my cunt started clenching uncontrollably along with my abs, my toes curled, and all that I could do was flex my fingers a little to keep the pressure on my clit up. This was WAY different than my orgasms had ever been! With my penis, it was intense and sharp and only lasted for a few seconds followed by almost oversensitivity. This one just kept rolling, radiating out from my twat, shooting down to the tips of my toes and making my whole body shake. "F-f-f-f-f-fuuuuuuuu-uh-uh-uh-uuuuck..." I whimpered.

I almost lost track of how long it lasted. I know that it was way longer than any orgasm I'd ever had before! It subsided, and I sat back, panting. I was slightly sweaty and my thighs and abs were still twitching. That was beyond fantastic! I giggled a little, feeling so very good that I couldn't help it. Feeling naughty, I lifted the fingers I had used to just get myself off for the first time with my wife's twat to my mouth and licked them off. I still tasted almost exactly like her. I grimaced, then realized that apparently her aversion to her taste and scent must have swapped along with this part of her anatomy. That's funny, I mused. Oh, well. At least she won't mind going down on me, since now it's me who doesn't like the taste of pussy.

As I caught my breath I realized that I had to get back downstairs. I was quick as I could as I got dressed again. My legs were still shaky but I also still felt fantastic. I had to look at myself in the mirror one more time before I buttoned my jeans. I grinned seeing the shaved cleft between my legs instead of the uncut dick and balls I had always had. As I had suspected, unlike after I had just gotten off with my original equipment, I was sensitive and it had felt great to cum, but I was ready for more. And I intended to get more from my sexy, curvy wife.

This was going to be so much fun!

It occurred to me once more as the fog in my brain cleared that we had swapped. Not only did I get her pussy, but my wife Jess now had my cock! There was an involuntary clench downstairs and I swore I could feel myself get a little wet again.

I headed down the stairs and we passed each other sharing a quick kiss. Jess didn't appear to notice that anything was different and that made me a little wetter. Usually after she gets home she changes out of her work clothes into something more comfy.

I futzed around a little while I waited for her to come back downstairs, it being a supreme effort of will not to stick my hands down my pants and play with my new snatch.

Jess came downstairs wearing a t-shirt and a pair of light loose sweatpants. I kissed her again and followed her shapely hips into our living room. I had to suppress a guffaw when, after she sat down, she adjusted her junk so that it wasn't uncomfortable. Like it was completely normal and nothing was out of the ordinary at all. So I was right: she had no idea that anything had changed. A thrill ran through my body and my pussy clenched again.

We chatted about how our day had gone-I, of course, had to omit one huge detail-and it was for a few minutes a normal day after she got home from work.

I sat down next to her on the couch, moving so that I was pressed up against her and started stroking the inside of her thigh through her pants. "I love you," I said softly, looking into her eyes and kissing her. I got another jolt of pleasure from my twat as our lips met.

"I love you, too," she replied before I kissed her again, this time opening my mouth and using my tongue. "Mmmm...what's gotten into you?" she asked with that soft, sexy smile that means she's liking where the events are going.

"I don't know, I just love you a lot and you're sexy," I answered in a low voice intended to convey that I was kind of horny and was interested.

"I love you lots, too," she murmured, beginning to return the tongue as our kisses deepened.

My right hand wandered farther up the inside of her generous thigh, getting closer and closer to her crotch. I managed to control myself and slid up over her tummy to her enormous breasts. Jess had gained some weight since we had met, and she'd never been skinny to begin with. All of this was perfectly fine with me, because as I said before, I love curvy women. She had fantastic hips, still had an hourglass figure, and her bra size had ended up at 38H!

"Mmmm," she said. "You're not this interested on most Monday afternoons," she purred.

"You're sexy and I love you and I'd like to get upstairs," I replied.

She stood. My pussy clenched again when I saw that her pants were tented. Oh, shit, this was so sexy! My voluptuous wife had a hard-on! I was already very moist all over again.

"Follow me in about ten minutes," she told me, giving me a quick kiss and heading for the stairs. This was just getting better and better! Usually when she wants a little time that means she's going to put on some lingerie!

"Okay, sweetie," I called after her.

I had to sit down. My hands were shaking with excitement. In addition to always having wondered what it would feel like to have a vagina instead of my uncut penis, I was attracted just as much as to cisgendered women as I was to male-to-female transgendered women. I had large collection of transgirl porn on my computer and loved watching them have sex. Top or bottom with men, t-girls masturbating, having sex with other transwomen, or having sex with cis women, it was all hot as fuck. And now in addition to having my wife's twat, she was now an embodiment of one of my biggest fantasies!

I got up and headed out back for a quick smoke. My nerves were really getting to me. I finished and popped in a breath mint. She hated the smell of it after I had just smoked, so I washed my hands, too.

I was flexing my new muscles as dried my hands and heard the tell-tale clunking sound of high heels against hardwood floor upstairs. "Hey, honey?" she called out. My stomach flopped again and I raced upstairs, a detached part of my brain noticing how different it felt to have a pussy instead of a cock against my boxers.

I got to the top of our stairs and there she stood. Almost as a joke, while I was on a long-ish business trip, I had ordered a sexy schoolgirl outfit online. She had found a pair of knee-high stockings that were only sexy to me when paired with that outfit and a pair of white patent leather pumps that sported a five-inch stiletto heel. There was something that recalled the notion of a skirt, really just a green plaid elastic waistband that was about three inches long with another four inches of the same plaid material. Even standing straight, it only normally barely reached below her crotch before I'd switched our genitals. The top was a stretchy white bra-like thing with matching plaid accents that only highlighted her gigantic tits and that tied in the middle between them, keeping her smooth, soft midriff exposed. With those heels on, she stood eye-to-eye with me.

And the front of her tiny skirt was standing out because she had a throbbing erection. It looked just like mine had, the foreskin pale and not quite closing around the head when hard. I kissed her hard, one hand snaking around the small of her exposed back, the other gingerly reaching for her shaft.

"Mmmm..." she murmured. My pussy contracted when I felt her flex her PC muscles, making her cock slightly harder with a throb in my hand. I felt my cunt throb again as she turned toward our bedroom, taking my hand. Jess had never been all that great at walking in high heels but thankfully the journey was short.

I stripped as fast as I possibly could, suddenly nervous. Was she truly oblivious to the change that I had made to our bodies? Furthermore, how would it work, as it related to positions? Would she expect me to ride her, since I was usually on top? Or would it be the other way around since she would be penetrating me, with her on top now?

I didn't have any more time to worry because she laid down on the bed on her back and all thoughts that didn't have to do with her body left my head. I stood there, naked, staring at her, absently stroking my drenched cunt, taking her in. Her boobs flattened a little against her chest but were still large and prominent. And her tiny skirt had ridden up, exposing to me her hard cock. My mouth watered.

I joined her on the bed, laying right next to her and taking her hardness in my hand. It felt so weird to feel it with my hand but not have the corresponding sensation coming from my crotch.

But my stomach flipped again with excitement as I realized that I could fulfill another fantasy, so I started kissing my way down her body at the same time that her fingertips found my cleft. I groaned, my hips bucking as she diddled my love button.

"Somebody's excited," she announced. I could hear the smile on her face as I reached what used to be my cock.

I turned to grin at her and replied, "Yeah, and you're not?" I stroked her for a moment or two, still fascinated, then took a deep breath and wrapped my lips around the head. Jess groaned along with me as I tasted the slightly salty skin.

This was awesome. I was finally giving head to a sexy t-girl! And it was my wife! I moaned as I started moving my mouth up and down while swirling my tongue around, and at the same time using my hand to move her foreskin in time with the bobbing of my head. The other hand cupped her scrotum and played with the skin. "Ohhh, god, that feels good!" she moaned. I felt pressure on my hip that was opposite her head, indicating that she wanted my hips closer. I was only too happy to oblige, shuffling as I kept the motion of my head up. More pressure. Oh, boy, this was going to be a new experience. I shifted my knee so that one of each of them was on either side of her head, which actually made it easier for me to keep blowing her.

However, I had to take my mouth off of her when her lips met with mine. "Oh, fuck!" I gasped. This felt even better than it had when I was using my hands! I tried to refocus on the task at hand, though, and wrapped my mouth around her cock once more. I kept losing my rhythm once she found my clit and just kept rubbing the tip of her tongue over it. I started shaking after a minute or so and could feel a building up in my core a lot like I had the first time that I'd jilled off not half an hour earlier.

I could taste her precum as I tried to keep her cock sliding in and out of my mouth but it was so damn distracting to have her tongue dancing on my pleasure button, and shortly my moans rose to a crescendo, first around her shaft but soon enough I was crying out as she kept up the stimulation. It was odd to hear my male voice trying to vocalize a decidedly female orgasm, one that was both more powerful than the one before and far more, um...comprehensive, I guess? It's really hard to describe but before long I had to dismount and get away from her tongue. It was way too sensitive and every little brush sent shockwaves rolling throughout my modified body.

"Stop, baby, stop!" I gasped. I was shaking, my heart was racing, and I was out of breath. She grinned at me with a predatory look that I don't think that I've ever seen. Jess's marvelous chest shifted as she got up off of her back and she positioned herself between my legs with a hungry look. Well, I guess that answers my question from earlier, I thought as she shuffled forward, lining her hard uncut dick up with my sopping wet twat. "Oh, shit!" I gasped as she started pushing her way inside of me.

"Ohhhh, yeah..." she groaned.

Between the incredible orgasm I had just had and her pretty thick meat starting to fill me up, I was unable to control my vocalizations. "Fuuuuuuck..." I groaned as she bottomed out. I could feel her balls, freshly trimmed so that there was barely any hair on them, resting against my perineum. She kissed me with passion as she started to pull herself back then sink back in. Her heavy, soft tits were pressed against my chest. This was so intense! I was moaning like a bitch in heat as she started to fuck me faster and faster. I tried hard to remember to keep clenching the muscles in my new cunt around what used to be my dick but sometimes the titanic amounts of pleasure were too distracting so the only thing that I could do was rely on my body's natural clenches and just enjoy the ride.

I whined a little when she stopped for a second, but it wasn't that bad since she was still pretty deep in my pussy, but it was a lot better when I realized that she was getting into what had always been one of my favorite positions: on her knees so that she could thrust into me quickly and the muscles in her pussy would grab me easily and evenly. "Oh, fuck!" I cried when her hand found my clit and started to rub it in time with the motion of her hips. It was still really sensitive but I had come down just enough so that it wasn't too much. But it was close.

As she fucked me, I reached up to fondle Jessica's bouncing tits. This was so fucking sexy I could tell that I was going to come again soon...I had no idea it could be this good having a pussy! I could feel another one building, the feel of her hard meat stroking my insides, the pressure of her thumb on my clit, and how erotic it looked to have my chesty wife fucking me...it was too much.

"Oh, shit!" I screamed, wrapping my legs around her waist as the most powerful orgasm so far ripped through me. My eyes were squeezed shut, I arched my back, my hips bucked back at her, and a series of convulsions rolled through my hungry cunt at the same time that my legs shook, locked around her hips, and my abdomen clenched over and over again. As good as it had felt to masturbate by diddling my clit, it felt so much better to have something inside it when the muscles in my cunt ground down. And that just made it feel even more intense.

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