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Husband's Best Friend - Pt. 01

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Husband's best friend gets kicked out for cheating.
6.1k words

Part 1 of the 3 part series

Updated 05/15/2024
Created 04/01/2024
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"What?" Becca said, caught off guard. "No.  I mean, I don't think that's a good idea."

"He really doesn't have anyplace else to go, baby," Tim replied pleadingly. "I don't think it would be for too long.  If they don't work things out then he will look for something more permanent.  I mean he's my friend, I can't really tell him no after he already asked. He was best man at our wedding."

"I know, I know," Becca sounded flustered. "I just ..."

"Is it because he cheated on his wife that you don't want him staying here?" Tim asked.  

"No, it's not that, exactly.  I mean, I shouldn't judge, right? I just don't know if it's a good idea, we are both really busy and...." Becca seemed to struggle to find the right words to argue her case.  If it were anyone else, she wouldn't have had an issue, but this situation was different. Much different.

To begin with, their history was a little complicated, or at least in her mind it was.

The night she met her husband Tim was also the night she met Rob.  Becca and her friend had been at a bar and they'd struck up a conversation with two guys who turned out to be Tim and Rob.  Becca had flirted shamelessly with Rob that night.  In fact, she'd been pretty intoxicated and had practically thrown herself at him.  He was rugged, handsome and charismatic.  He oozed confidence and she had immediately been attracted to him.  She had been a little more loose in those days and she'd had every intention of taking him home with her that night and fucking him.

But that didn't happen.  Rob had actually chosen her friend to go home with, leaving Becca shocked and disappointed. 

In the long run, it had all worked out as it should.  Tim was kind and he was a gentleman.  He made sure to get her home safely that night and didn't make any sexual advances, respecting the state she was in.

Over the following weeks, she and Tim dated several times and found they had a lot in common.  While he didn't ooze sexual charm like his friend Rob did, he was intelligent, responsible and he made Becca laugh.  They fell in love and had been happily married for over 12 years.  

Becca perhaps hadn't realized how that night had stuck with her.  She was an extremely attractive blonde in amazing shape and full round breasts that most men couldn't help but stare at.  She had never had issues getting practically any guy she wanted.  So being rejected by Rob that night had been a new experience for her.

He had moved away for work a short time later so they had rarely seen him over the years.  He had come home to be Tim's best man when he and Becca got married but otherwise hadn't been a big part of their lives.  Until a few months ago when he moved back home with his new wife that he'd met just 3 months before.

As soon as he moved back to town, he and Tim rekindled their relationship, and they'd even spent times together hanging out as couples.  Becca didn't care much for Rob's new wife Jane, but she managed to fake her way through.  She could never put her finger on why she didn't like her, she was friendly enough and was certainly beautiful.  But she had never felt she was a good fit for Rob, for whatever reason.

And then just 2 weeks ago, she had been out with friends for drinks and had run into Rob at the pub they were at.  They had both been drinking a lot and she'd found herself enjoying his attention.  They had flirted for most of the evening before he had simply leaned in close and whispered if she'd like to get out of there.  Becca didn't know why she'd so quickly and easily thrown away any thoughts of her husband or the repercussions of accepting, but saying no didn't even cross her mind.

The guilt had been difficult in the following days but not nearly as much as she would have thought.  She felt bad that she'd cheated on her husband, especially with his best friend.  But maybe the intensity of the sex helped appease her guilt.  It had been like no other sex she'd ever experienced.

And so when he text her a week later and asked her to meet him at a hotel room that afternoon, she accepted.  That second meeting may have been even better.  Becca had orgasmed 3 times that day, something she'd never come close to experiencing with Tim.  The truth was, Tim had never made her orgasm.  At least not without her helping things along with one of her vibrators.  She'd always assumed she was one of those women who just couldn't orgasm through intercourse.  She had not been disattisfied with Tim's skills in the bedroom, necessarily.  He was average size and usually lasted around 10 minutes, maybe 20 on a really good night.  And that had been fine for her.  At least that's what she had always thought.  Until Rob.

But after that second encounter she had decided she couldn't hurt her husband that way, betraying him in the worst way, with his best friend.  She didn't want to be that person.  The sex was amazing but that was not a reason to throw away a happy marriage.  It was selfish and made her feel terrible about herself.

So when Rob text her again to proposition a meeting, she had declined. She explained it wasn't right and she felt terrible about what they'd done.  That they could never let it happen again and that they could never let Tim know, for all of their sakes.  

Oddly, Rob had not tried to push her on the subject.  She actually thought it was strange that he didn't try to fight even just a bit to get her to change her mind.  The sex had been amazing, she was surprised he wouldn't have tried to twist her arm more to get another chance with her.  She had felt a hint of that same rejection she'd first felt when he had chosen to take her friend home that first night so many years ago instead of her.

But her request had been honored and he had not contacted her again for the past 2 weeks.

And now, here was Tim trying to convince her to let Rob stay with them because his wife had caught him cheating.  Had Jane found out that he'd slept with Becca?  If so, was she going to expose them to Tim?  Or perhaps Rob had slept with a different woman over the past couple of weeks since Becca had been with him and that is who he'd been caught with.  Somehow, that thought bothered her almost as much as the thought of it being her the cause of their breakup.

How the hell could Rob even entertain the idea of staying with them after what he'd done to his best friend?  How could he ask to stay with them when he knew that he'd been fucking his best friend's wife behind his back? The nerve of him, Becca fumed in her head.

"So it's ok then?" she hear Tim asking her.  Somehow while she was deep in thought she must have finally said OK, though she didn't remember it.

"I... I guess," she said, convinced this was a terrible idea. "Are you sure he wants to stay here?  It just seems odd that he would ask to stay... here."

Tim looked at her confused.  

"Why would it be strange?  We're best friends, who else would he ask?" he asked.

"Right, of course," she recovered. "I just meant, it's strange he wouldn't just get a hotel."

"He may end up doing that at some point, but I think he is nervous about their finances.  Especially if she doesn't take him back and it actually does end in a messy divorce. So it may not be for long anyhow,"  he reassured her.

"Ok then," she sighed in resignation, trying to fake a smile for her husband.  "I guess we let him stay for a bit.  But let's not let it go too long, ok?  I like having you all to myself," she smiled, snuggling in close to her husband.

"I promise," Tim said, wrapping his arms around her warmly.  "And who knows, we may like having him around, at least for awhile.  He's a lot of fun and you two have always got along well.  You don't think I've seen you guys flirting when you're drinking?" he teased her.

"Ha, ha, funny man," she responded, trying to sound casual.  "That's not true."

"Ok, if you say so," Tim chuckled, grabbing her firm ass in both hands.

Becca felt his cock press against her thigh and was surprised by how hard it was.

"Jeez, somebody is worked up," she said, leaning her head back to look down at his crotch.  "Maybe you like the thought of other guys flirting with me,"  Becca said, playfully patting his cock through his pants.

"Well," Tim grinned.  "Maybe I like that other guys can't keep their eyes off my sexy wife."

"Or...." Becca purred, playing along. "Maybe you like the thought of your wife flirting with other men."

She felt his cock begin to twitch against her, feeling even harder than it had felt a moment ago.

"Is that what it is?" she said playfully, her eyebrow raised in mock surprise. "Do you like thinking about me flirting with other men, Tim?"

Tim paused for a moment, his eyes locked on hers. Becca wondered if she'd gone too far. Something seemed to cross his face, an idea perhaps. Without warning, he grabbed her around her waist and spun her around. Before she could react, he bent her over the dining table, lifting her dress up over her ass. His fingers deftly slid her thong to one side, and she felt his cock pressing against her mound.

"Fuck!" Becca  exclaimed, surprised at his sudden manhandling. "What's gotten into you?"

His head pushed against her opening and inched inside, making her gasp.

"God, yes!" Becca muttered, pushing her hips back at him.  Tim had never taken her like this before and certainly not in their kitchen.  She felt herself get wetter almost instantly.

His cock slid in and out of her now soaked pussy, at a feverish pace. 

"Oh fuck," she heard Tim grunt as he pressed deeper into her pussy. "You feel so fucking good."

His words alone made her body shudder. His tempo increased mercilessly until they both heard sounds of their bodies slapping against each other.

Rebecca grabbed the edges of the table tightly while her entire body shook with each hard thrust from behind. Even with her shirt on, she could feel the cool from the wooden table as her breasts mashed into the hard surface.  Her mind raced in pleasure from the suddenness of this savage sex in their dining room.

Becca couldn't believe how horny this unexpectedness had made her, the thrill of taking it from behind, so forcefully. She had always known Tim was a little vanilla in bed, and she wondered if the idea of her flirting with other men was what had driven this welcome assault.

Her fingers gripped the sleek surface of the wooden table, knuckles turning white as Tim's brutal thrusts drove her deeper into it. The exquisite pain of her nipples hardening against the unforgiving material, combined with Tim's ruthless plunges, sent shockwaves of pleasure coursing through Becca's body. The thought of Tim's sudden change in demeanor, from softly spoken husband to aggressive lover, thrilled her to her core.

"Uh, fuck," Tim grunted through gritted teeth. "I'm gonna cum." Tim's voice sounded strained and raw.

Becca responded by arching her back, pushing her ass higher in the air, offering herself up to him, wanting him to take her with the same force he'd shown since he first bent her over the table.

"Yes, cum," she gasped. "Cum inside me."

Tim's pace got even more frenetic, if that was even possible. His balls slapped against Becca's cunt as he drove himself into her with all his might.

Suddenly, he gripped her hips and she felt his cock swell inside her. With a final, brutal thrust, he buried himself to the hilt and stayed there.

He tensed up as his cock pulsed within her warmth, his balls contracting involuntarily.

Becca moaned loudly as she felt the hot jets of Tim's seed coating her insides. She loved the feeling of him coming inside her, his warm semen filling her up as she squeezed her pussy around his thickness.

After several seconds, Tim's orgasm subsided and he pulled out.

Becca stood up and turned around, watching as he tucked himself back into his pants. The entire thing hadn't lasted more than 3 or 4 minutes but she couldn't help but smile at the sight of his satisfied expression.

"Wow," she said softly. "That was intense."

Tim grinned and pulled her in for a hug. "Sorry if I got a little carried away," he said. "I just couldn't help myself."

Becca giggled and wrapped her arms around his neck, kissing him deeply. She could still feel the remnants of Tim's cum trickling down her thighs.

"Soooo," she asked, still trying to catch her breath. "What was it that got you so worked up, mister?" 

Tim's hands roamed down the curve of her back, settling on her ass and squeezing firmly. "Did you like that?" he whispered huskily.

"I did." Becca finally admitted, softly. "But I'm just curious where it came from. You got worked up fast. You were rock hard. And I've never seen you so... aggressive."

Tim smiled, looking a little embarrassed.

"I don't know, to be honest," he said, looking a little surprised himself.

Becca looked at him closely, contemplating her response.

"Are you sure you don't know?" she chanced. "Are you sure it wasn't talking about me flirting with other guys?" Becca questioned teasingly. 

Tim looked at her sheepishly. "Well, maybe there's a part of me that likes the thought of other guys wanting you, even if it's only because they know I have you.  That no one else can have you," he admitted, with a shy grin.

Becca's heart dropped at his response.  Part of her was aroused by this revelation, that he could be turned on by thoughts of her and other men flirting. But at the same time, it brought her betrayal with Rob crashing down on her again.  Hearing Tim so proud and confident that no one else would ever have her made her stomach churn with guilt.

"Yes, baby," she hugged him tightly, burying her face into his neck. "I'm all yours," Becca whispered back, swallowing back the lump of guilt in her throat.

Early Saturday morning, Becca heard a knock on their front door and her heart jumped.

Tim had called Rob earlier in the week to let him know that he was free to stay with them as long as he needed. Becca stayed out of the loop on that, preferring not to think about it too much until Rob actually showed up on their doorstep.

She watched from the kitchen window as Rob pulled up in his pickup truck and got out. He looked around before walking up the driveway and disappeared from her view. She heard Tim greet him at the door and a rush of guilt instantly consumed her.

Becca felt like she couldn't breathe for a moment.

She heard Tim invite Rob in and lead him to the guest room. She was terrified of the thought of being in the same house as him, let alone just a few feet away from where he was sleeping. It wasn't that she disliked him, he didn't do anything wrong that she hadn't herself done.  But she felt dirty, guilty and ashamed of what she had done with Rob and having him here would be a constant reminder.

She forced herself to finish the breakfast she had started making for Tim. She couldn't eat anything herself, her stomach was in knots and her appetite had vanished. She heard Rob's voice in the hallway, talking to Tim about the arrangements for his temporary stay.

Becca squeezed her eyes shut and took a deep breath, steeling herself for the inevitable encounter. She knew she couldn't avoid him forever, especially since they were going to be living in the same house for the foreseeable future.

But that didn't make it any easier to face him. She felt a wave of shame wash over her as she remembered the two occasions they had spent together, the things they had done to each other. She had betrayed her husband in the worst possible way, and she couldn't take it back.

Becca took another deep breath and walked out of the kitchen, ready to face Rob. She rounded the corner and there he was, standing in the hallway looking just as handsome and confident as she remembered. His dark hair was perfectly styled, and his dark eyes seemed to pierce right through her.

"Becca," he said, his voice low. "It's good to see you."

She forced a smile on her face and tried to keep her voice steady.

"Hi, Rob. It's good to see you too."

Rob smiled back, and Becca felt her heart skip a beat. She had to remind herself to breathe as he walked towards her, his movements fluid and graceful.

"I want to thank you and Tim for letting me stay here," he said, his voice low and intimate. "I really appreciate it."

Becca nodded, unable to find her voice.

Rob's presence was overwhelming, and she couldn't shake the memories of their illicit encounter. She could feel heat rising in her cheeks, and she knew she was blushing.

"Uh, yeah, of course," she said shakily. 

She looked at Tim and wondered if he saw right through her but he just smiled back at her.  Clearly she was just being paranoid.  She hoped this would not be the way things would be in the days to come.

"Sorry to hear about... you know," she looked down at the floor, unable to meet his gaze. "You're wife... you guys separating or whatever." Becca stumbled over her words.

"Thanks," Rob replied, nodding. "It's been tough."

Becca nodded in sympathy, unsure what else to say. She couldn't bring herself to look at him directly, the guilt eating away at her insides. She could feel Tim watching her but didn't dare meet his gaze.

"Well, I'm gonna let you guys get settled," she said quickly, turning on her heel and walking back to the kitchen.

As she poured herself a glass of wine, she could feel her heart racing with anxiety.

For the first week of Rob's stay, things went smoother than Becca had imagined.  They had the odd meal together, talked mostly in passing, but for the most part with their work schedules, they actually didn't see each other very much. 

On a couple of evenings when everything settled down and her and Tim would be relaxing on the sofa and watching something on television, Rob might have a beer and join them.  

Becca would sometimes find herself glancing his way to see if he might be looking at her, thinking about what they'd done.  She wasn't sure if she was expecting looks of guilt or a look that suggested he was remembering the incredible sex they'd had.  She found herself thinking about it herself more often than she wished she would.

But Rob never seemed to be looking her way.  What was going on with him, she wondered?  She had really expected that he would have at least tried to bring it up with her, to let her know that he too felt guilty about it, that it was a mistake.  Or maybe even flirt with her when Tim wasn't looking.  After all, he had to have enjoyed it as much as she had.  The more she thought about it the more she knew it had been the best sex of her life.  Surely he must have felt something similar.

She didn't understand why, but by the end of the first week it was almost starting to piss her off that he was so... indifferent?  That he seemed to have just forgotten about their encounters and easily moved on. Becca tried to shake those thoughts from her mind.  She should be glad that he'd moved on, that he was on his best behavior here in his best friend's house.  That while he might want Becca, he respected her enough to know their boundaries in her own home.  That was how she should feel, she thought.

On Friday afternoon, Tim sent her a text from work to let her know that Rob would be taking them out to dinner tonight as a thank you.

That night they dined at an upscale restaurant and managed to polish off two bottles of wine over dinner.  Tim and Rob laughed and remenisced about stories, many of which Becca had heard before.  She tried to chime in on the conversation here and there but frankly she felt like a bit of an outsider at the dinner.  At one point she excused herself to the bathroom and found herself staring in the full length mirror next to the sinks.  

Her blond hair cascaded over her bare shoulders and her skin was flushed from the wine.  She had worn a nice dress that showed plenty of cleavage.  She thought she looked sexier than she'd looked in a long time. She tousled her hair and adjusted the front of her dress just slightly lower, smiling at herself as she wondered if perhaps that wasn't a little too revealing.  Fuck it, she thought and opened the door to leave.


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