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I Am My Master's Slut Ch. 05

Story Info
She wades through her feelings.
2.8k words

Part 5 of the 12 part series

Updated 10/09/2022
Created 09/27/2005
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For a few minutes, Sara stood in the dimly lit vestibule of her home trying to sort her emotions. Finally, she decided morning might be a better time to wade through the mixture of feelings that swam freely in her imagination. Instead, she stopped by the kitchen to make a cup of tea, then curled up to finish the novel she had been reading, but found it difficult to focus. In resignation, she undressed and prepared for bed.

Sara's bedroom was comfortably large, with her king size bed centered along the outside wall. She had arranged a graceful canopy of reds and yellows to accent the wall at the head of her bed. It was a distinctively feminine room, with cinnamon scented candles, and lace doilies on the available flat surfaces. From a doorway beside her walkin closet, Sara could go out to a small covered veranda and contemplate the nature of the universe or just gaze at the starlit sky and dream.

By the time Sara sat down outside, her mind and heart were filled with thoughts of Ron. She was a little confused, but more pleasantly surprised with how much fun she had with him. She permitted her mind to wander and felt her body respond with it's natural warmth.

The phone rang, and Sara's dreams were abruptly interrupted by the sound of Ron's voice.

"Hi Sara." Sara greeted Ron and giggled. "I wanted to tell you again what a good time I had being with you this evening. Thank you," Ron continued.

"Thanks! Likewise, and frankly, I'm a little surprised. Why haven't we done this before?"

"Timing is everything, Sara. You know that!"

"Of course, but ..." Her voice faded into a comfortable silence.

"Sara, have you changed for bed yet?"

"Yes, as a matter of fact. I'm sitting on my back veranda sipping a cup of herbal tea before retiring for the night."

"Sounds good. What do you wear to bed, may I ask?" "Whatever I want, " Sara answered with a playful chuckle. "For example, at the moment, I have a purple silk nightie on."

"Oh I bet it outlines your breasts beautifully. Are your nipples hard?"

"Ron!" She laughed as much in embarrassment as in response to the combined stimulus of cool evening and sexual teasing.

"Well, my girl, are they?" He paused for a minute and then continued. "Yes, I'm sure they are. I bet that your body is responding in other ways as well, yes?" He did not wait for her answer this time. "Sara, will you dream of me tonight, do you think? Of course, you will and tomorrow, you can tell me exactly what you dreamed, OK?"

Sara felt a little uncomfortable by this point and was about to make excuses for tomorrow when Ron interrupted himself with an apology of sorts.

"I'm sorry, Sara. It has been some time since I felt this kind of attraction for a beautiful lady. I'm getting ahead of myself. Please forgive me. I do like the thought of your body draped in rich silk, though, and forgive me if in my dream, your nipples are enticingly hard."

"No harm done," she quietly replied, "and yes, as it happens, they are hard!" She laughed.

"Thank you Sara! Now please, sleep deeply and dream of our times together. Good night, Sara."

"G'night, Ron."

Sara sat for several minutes outside. "What is going on?" she thought. "Out of the blue he calls, and asks me out and ... what's next?" The night breeze gusted and her nightie wrapped around her legs, and her nipples did, indeed, respond.

Her bed felt wonderful, as always. It didn't take her long to fade into a restful and deep sleep. Her mind, however, headed for familiar territory in her dreams.

"Yes, Master, I am here." Sara knelt at her Master's side, naked, positioned as taught for complete openness and availability in the well lit parlor of his cabin. The most exciting thing to Sara about belonging to her Master was feeling totally cherished in body, soul, and mind as his prize possession. Kneeling like this at his side, her body thrilled at the delight of his ownership of her. She loved him and knew he loved her.

"Sara, who are you?" He put down his newspaper and looked deeply into her.

"I am your most valuable jewel, Master, and your most devoted slut. I am who and whatever you want me to be."

"Please stand over there by the back window, Sara, and masturbate for me."

"Very well, Master." Sara arose quickly and glided sensuously to the spot by the back window as her Master indicated. She faced him, standing beautifully, her legs parted, her back straight. She squatted some so that her female parts were visible to her Master. The muscles in her thighs showed wonderfully. Her right hand began to manipulate and tweak her right nipple while her left hand stroked her body slowly until it reached her cleanly shaved pubis. Nimbly, her fingers opened her labia lips to display her ripe and partially swollen clitoris. She lifted her face to her Master, smiled, and closed her eyes.

"No, Sara, keep your eyes open, please, so I can see the pleasure I am giving you more clearly."

"Yes, Master!" She pulled her nipple roughly and flicked her clitoris. Her body quickly responded. Her face flushed a beautiful shade of pink even as her fingers stirred the pinkness of her female heat. She stroked herself skillfully, and demonstrated her increased arousal in the slurping sounds her fingers now made. Master watched intently. He studied her face. The light from the window made shadows on her body. Deep affection filled his heart for his beautiful girl.

He allowed her to continue for quite some time. He enjoyed the various expressions on her face as her heat grew and as she displayed herself openly for his pleasure.

"Sara, I believe it is time to make a public declaration." She stopped her masturbation, stunned. "Oh my girl, please continue. I think it is time to have a celebration. I will publically collar you as mine before our friends, colleagues, and fellows. How does that sound, dear?"

Sara was so hot by this time that she had to focus very hard to speak. Her body vibrated with arousal and desire as her fingers continued to rub her and dive into her wet vagina.

"I am yours, Master. I love you with all my heart, my soul and my mind. I belong as thoroughly to you. I am proud to be yours."

"Very well, then it is settled. Next weekend, we will celebrate us. Now, run to my bed and prepare yourself in a spread eagle position, please. I will be there soon."

She did as commanded. Master took his time, turned out lights, locked doors, and brushed his teeth in preparation for bed. He entered his bedroom, lit 3 cinnamon scented candles, and approached the bed. He mounted her, giving her his penis. Slowly he slid into her prepared vagina and he felt her squeeze him in welcome. There were no words, and she did not visibly move until he was fully inserted and began to pulse within her. Naturally, her feminine passions exploded with rapture as he rode her. Her legs lifted, and he grabbed her ankles, pushing himself into her fully. Her arms reached down and massaged his testicles, and he groaned loudly filling her heart with deep satisfaction. Deeper and deeper he pushed into her, and his hips slapped against her in hot excitement. No whips, no clamps just hot, unveiled passion given mutually. Together they screamed in orgasm, and together they collapsed in a loving kiss and soon slept.

Sara awoke alone and in a sweat. Her body aroused and hungry. After quickly noting the time, she rolled over and found her favorite vibrator. She undressed and lay back down on her soft silky sheets, and responded to the sensation with goosebumps. Arching her back slightly, she slowly inserted the vibrator and turned it to low, then tucked her hands under her pillow and closed her eyes. She imagined being securely bound and helpless while being invaded intimately by an unfaced Man.

She allowed her mind to feel her nakedness and the invasion of the vibrator within her. Her nipples hardened and rose, her skin became clammy. She let her mind wander. She imagined she was not alone, but was being watched by ... by whom? Who was it? She was eager to see his face, but it remained just out of sight. He was standing at the foot of her bed, his hands in his pockets, just watching her naked body begin to demonstrate its arousal.

He commented on her beauty and on her wetness. He laughed, too, at the hardness of her nipples. "See, I knew I could make them hard. Now, spread your legs farther for me, please." She did. "Rub your clitoris for me." She did. He watched as her body began to lift and twist with arousal, and he smiled. Repeatedly, he spoke of her feminine charms, how natural her femininity was, and how hot she was. "Turn the vibrator to high, please, Sara, and lift your hips up for me to see. I want to watch your arousal climb."

Sara was much too hot to make any sense of this imaginary conversation. She simply enjoyed it, gave in to it, and let her heat rise and overtake her. Her body writhed on the soft sheets, and her juices oozed from her.

A familiar sound echoed in her ears. It pulled her back to reality. The phone. She forced herself to answer.

"Hello?" She managed.

"Good morning, Sara. How did you sleep?"

"Hmmm Hi Ron." A dreamy smile crossed her face. "I was just thinking of you."Her voice was a little bit breathless as she spoke.

"Oh yeah? That's nice to know. Tell me more, please?"

"Suffice it to say it was a lovely dream, Ron," Sara answered.

"How can I make your dreams come true, if you won't tell me your dreams?"

Sara laughed a little uncomfortably. "I imagine in time, you will know. What's on your mind this bright sunny morning?"

"You, Sara! You are on my mind. I'd like to meet you for breakfast in about an hour. Is that doable?"

"Sure, I suppose I can be ready in an hour," she replied in a playful tone.

"Great! You will wear a nice dress or skirt for me, yes?"

"I suppose," she continued, "is there anything else, Your Majesty?"

"Now that you ask, please do not wear a bra." He laughed and heard her chuckling on the other end of the phone.

"Hmmm getting a bit risque, aren't we?"

"Not really. I just adore natural female charms, and well, you're a beautiful woman, Sara."

"Where shall I meet you?" she asked.

"You know the Red Cat Café? I'll be waiting for my lovely Sara."

"Oh, good! I've been wanting to check it out. Have you been there before?" The Red Cat Café was a new addition to the sprawling shopping mall near their real estate office.

"I stopped in once for coffee. I will get a table by the windows so you can find me easily." He smiled. He was pleased with the growing ease between them.

"OK, well, I should get started if you want me there in an hour, so see you soon."

"One hour, Sara." They hung up. Sara's heart raced, and she was surprised at what she felt for Ron. She showered and smeared fragrant lotion all over her skin, and stood naked in her room. Finally, she decided on her navy blue skirt and a pink chiffon blouse. She struggled with the blouse decision, whether to wear something snug and supportive or loose. She decided on loose, although her pink blouse always received plenty of attention because of it's low scoop neckline framed in pretty lace.

She dressed in the chosen outfit, added thigh high stockings and her navy heels. Again, she stood in front of the mirror. It was quite obvious that she wore no bra. Her nipples pressed against the thin opaque fabric. She took a deep breath and thought to herself, "Why not!" She picked up her purse on the way out, locked the door, and left for her day.

Her breasts bounced freely beneath the soft, thin chiffon, and her body felt alive with sensations. She stopped at a red light and a trucker whistled at her. She smiled politely in reply, and realized he had an exaggerated of her cleavage view from his truck.

She arrived at the Red Cat Café with a couple minutes to spare. She freshened her lipstick, and went into the building. Ron was waiting. He stood as she approached and greeted her with an affectionate kiss on her cheek. Before she sat, his eyes expertly examined her, and he smiled into her eyes as he noticed her lack of bra.

"Thank you for meeting me here, and thank you for allowing your body it's freedom. Pink suits you. We shall have to buy you more pink!"

"Whoa! How many cups of coffee have you had? Good morning!" She laughed, but felt the impact of his delight. She was happy she had pleased him.

"I do like seeing you fresh in the morning. We should make this a regular event, shall we? Every morning say, about 9, we can start our days together. How does that sound?"

"It's fine, Ron. I'm just slightly off-balance. I mean, we have known each other for years. Why now? What has changed? I have always thought you attractive, but slightly out of reach for some reason. I'm a little dazed, I guess is a good word choice."

"I knew you when you were married to that fool. Remember? And I heard about your divorce, and from a distance, began to watch out for you. If you had needed anything, I would have seen to it that you had whatever you needed. I have watched you heal and grow into the businesswoman you are now. I have seen how your children respect and love you. It seemed like the right time to get better acquainted. Does that help? Besides, off-balance is where I want you!" He chuckled and took her hand over the table, kissed it and let it go."

"See, there you go again. I don't know whether to be flattered by your attention of put off by your spying." She smiled, but still felt a little defensive.

"I can see the battle raging, Sara, dear, between who you want to be and who you have always been. If you have specific fears or misgivings, though, I encourage you to speak them, and we can talk them through like reasonable adults. Fair enough?"

She smiled and her tension eased. "Fair enough. Now what's awaiting you today?"

"I have 3 listing appointments today," he stated, " How about you?"

"I just have a list of about 20 calls I have to make to potential buyers or listers. Nothing definite, although there are a few of these calls that should bring some results soon. I'm trying to really focus on the 10 most likely clients I have and see if I can't get something going. Any suggestions?"

He spoke confidently of some sales tactics he had gleaned over the years, and was pleased that Sara paid close attention. He watched her facial expressions, but he also watched her body language. She was open, honest, trusting. He smiled. She was beautiful. He asked her some questions about her clients and both watched and listened to her responses. He wanted to watch her with a client and see how she handled objections. He wanted to help her succeed.

They talked for over an hour, and sipped their coffee. After her initial tension, Sara seemed to relax and enjoy Ron's company. Ron watched her body movements, and couldn't help but notice her nipples protruding through the soft pink as she gestured and laughed. He liked the way the soft cloth outlined her feminine curves. He also liked the way her smile wrapped around his heart and hugged it.

Again he took her hand and said it was time to move on to their office. She agreed and they stood to leave. They walked out of the café, his hand on her back, and over to her car. Quickly, he leaned into her and kissed her, his hands on her waist. He managed, though, to press his own chest against hers and feel the hardness of her nipples against him.

"Your nipples are fantastic," he whispered into her ear. "I think you should throw away all your bras ... panties, too!!" She blushed and chuckled softly, but she couldn't dismiss the way he made her feel inside. He had ignited a fire and neither of them knew how hotly it could burn. "I'll call you later, sexy!"

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