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I Didn't Mean to Officer

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Officer of the law takes advantage of a naive girl.
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Not much to know. The law of trespassing is misrepresented here. That is intentional. There is a very light reluctance theme.


Jean Klein was everything a man could want. She had these thin, long fingers, a thin waist, a gap between her legs, and perky breasts. I received a call from the local rich fucks. I couldn't stand them, but my job, as any half-awake person knows, is to do what rich fucks want. Whatever. Given the power that I am given, it is natural that I learned to abuse it.

Jean was resting on the lake shore in a black bikini. Her eyes were closed, and sum beams made her skin gleam due to her suntanning oil. I sauntered over slow like. From a distance, I knew that I liked what I saw. Her stomach had the perfect ratio of slim to baby fat. Her waist was small and delicate. I felt I could wrap my hands around it, and my fingers would touch. Her ribcage peaked out. In the center of her stomach, a diamond rhinestone shined about as bright as the rest of her. She would roll her shoulder, and it shimmered before dulling.

I cleared my throat. Her eyes opened. I stared down at her. She covered her face from the sun.


"Hi," I replied. "I was called."

The sun's shine blocked her view. She turned to look at me. This move gave me a chance to admire her body--the way her muscles moved and how her skin shifted to accommodate her form. Her left hand came to rest on her stomach. I noticed her nails were pink with red tips.

"Who called?"

I gestured toward the houses in the distance.

She groaned. "Typical."

I crouched and focused on the very pores of her body: the gleam and grime--how my fingers would slide and make grooves in her skin.

"You are right--There isn't a thing either of us can do about it."

She was despondent. "Can't I stay?"

I gestured to the houses. "They want me to take you in for trespassing."

"This isn't trespassing."

"By their estimation, it is."

"I can go."

"Hold on." I put my hand out. "No, you can't. You're about to be under arrest for trespassing."

"No. Please. You can't."

"What gives you that impression?"

"I can leave!" She exclaimed while standing up and picking her towel off the ground. "I am sorry."

I moved to block her. "Now, what's your name dear?"

"Jean." She said it so cold. I did not care for that.

She was standing before me with her purse in one hand and towel in the other.

"Where is your ID?" She looked behind her at the lake, toward the houses, and groaned. "We can make this easy, or we can make it hard." She handed it over. It read, Jean Klein. Eighteen years old. She was 5'7''. Her eyes were brown. I looked at the ID and made sure it was real--it had to be. No fake ID declared the age of eighteen. Although, I had seen stranger things in my day. I returned it and looked at the sun. "We can figure this out... But I need you to come to my car. Did you come in one?"

"I walked."

"Come to my car. I could give you a ride home."

"Officer, I really do not want to do that."

"This isn't a conversation. Come."

She stomped her feet in the immature way children do. She was used to having her way. I was not to be as accommodating. I gestured for her to walk in front of me. Her ass swayed. She looked at me on occasion as if to make sure I was real. To her, I was a sort of nightmare.

I opened the car door. "We are only talking."

"Am I under arrest?"

"Not at all. Hell, I'll sit back there with you."

She didn't raise an eyebrow at this and stepped into the back of the cruiser. Her purse went in first. She slid in and moved her stuff aside. I closed the door.

"I came because of a trespassing issue."

"I was not--"

"That does not matter one bit to me. I was called, and you were trespassing.

She whispered, "No."

"You were. The law is complicated on these things, but I take the law seriously."

"How much trouble am I in?"

"As much as you want to be in. You did resist. I feel that would warrant more than a ticket. Might even warrant bringing you in." Her eyes were wide. "Although... We can figure something out. I would not mind doing that as well."

"Figure what out?"

"Jean, you are a gorgeous girl. I knew it from a distance, and girls like you are rare. Don't you think? I have no intention of putting you in trouble you did not ask for. You were sunbathing in a place that should be public, by all my estimations. But I have to enforce the law... I do. Unless we can work something out."

"You said that."

"I think you can imagine what I want in exchange for not bringing you in."

"Oh... No. I don't..." She lied.

"It is a gamble. I bring you in... Give you a ticket. A judge may think you have done worse than I do."


"This could go a lot of ways."

"Is trespassing this big a deal?"

"It certainly is, young lady. I am trying to help you." I placed my hand on her knee and snaked it up to her thigh crease. "One taste of... All of you, and we can forget this whole thing."

"What is your name?" She asked.

"Officer Gomez." I ran my hand up from her thigh to her back, leaned in, which blocked her view of the door. "It is a small price to pay for not being in trouble."

"I think..."

I grabbed her hand and placed it on my cock. "No more thinking." Jean's lips trembled. I felt electricity. Thoughts of my wife came to mind and dissipated. "Good girl." I held her in the embrace. I wanted the moment to last forever.

When we broke from each other, I opened the door and unclothed myself. She watched me undress with growing uncertainty. My cock hardened as she watched me. The representation of myself in her view. The power she saw in my mere existence.

I pulled her to me by the skin of her calf. She fell. Her eyes were on the ceiling. I spread her legs and kissed her thighs. My mouth ran up her bikini-clad body. She couldn't muster a moan--no reaction. I knew I could get her to it.

"Your skin is soft." I offered. She mumbled a response I could not hear.

My lips kissed her pubic mound. The only separation being a thin line of fabric. I knew what lay beneath, but the joy of her body was in what I had yet to see.

Jean shuffled beneath me. I held her in place. "Don't think you are getting away that easy."

I crawled on top of her and sat her up into a kiss. With a hand, I untied her bikini. It fell and revealed her upper beauty. I admired her first, then placed my mouth on her skin. I cupped the opposite breast with my hand. She cradled my head well and close. A maternal instinct in women that I've never understood.

My hand fell from her breast, to her stomach, to end on her pubic mound. A certain wetness and heat emanated. My fingers moved up and under the thin material. It was my first touch of the parts of her that were vulnerable and sacred. I drenched my fingers in her infinite wetness. All the while, my lips gorged on her nubile breasts. "You are perfection."

"Th--Thank you." She said doubtfully.

"I mean it."

Her bikini slid down to her feet. I slid them off and threw them behind her. With her body on full display, I sank my tongue into her precious womanhood and whispered words of encouragement. She wriggled beneath. Her breathing sped up. She grasped my hair and clung to it as though we were falling. My hands pushed in and out of her. My tongue circled her clit, and my lips sucked.

Jean was a slave to my touch. Her breath came to a crescendo. She stopped breathing and gasped for one awesome gulp of air as her lungs gave everything to the world and demanded it back.

"Oh! I'm--I'm going to cum." And she did.

When her body came to be still, I admired the view of her. I placed my hand on her hip and ran it the length of her waist and up to her shoulder. Our tongues met. Her arms wrapped around me. My groin rubbed on her perfectly smooth skin.

"I want you," I whispered.

"Have me."

Her form was established under me as a thing of beauty but, as every man, I wanted more. I placed her on all fours. Her delicate ass pushed out. My hands sparked and turned her skin red. Jean gave delirious gasps followed by a mischievous smile. Her eyes welcomed more punishment. She had been tamed.

I gripped my cock and brought it full length by rubbing the head on her glistening wet pussy. She looked back.

"Do you have a condom?"

"For the kind of trouble you are in? No."


"This is the price we pay for our crimes." I spanked her. "You need to learn that every crime has a cost."

"I'm not on birth control."

"Neither am I."

The first thrust is the best, only bested by the one that brings you to orgasm. That one lasts an eternity. It drives men to do stupid things. But it makes all of the stupidity worthwhile.

Jean gasped. She may have wanted me to wear a condom, but once she felt my girth, that feeling disappeared. She gave me her body. I intended to use it. I slapped my torso into hers and gave her a proper fucking.

Our lovemaking became loud, then louder. She pushed back into me as I thrust into her. She begged for more. Asked me not to stop. I grasped her hair and then pulled back. I gave her monikers. Called her a slut, a whore, and a useless little criminal, she suffered each one. I could tell she had been waiting for a good fucking--and getting it made this whole endeavor worthwhile for the both of us.

With my cock all the way inside her, I realized my body was covered in sweat, and her ass was red from my continuous punishment. I appreciated my handiwork. The beauty and roundness of her ass, the softness of her skin. My cock scarcely moved as she looked back, but her pussy rubbed the edges.

"Are you done fucking me?"

"Ride me."

I struck her. My cock fell out. Jean kissed my cheek and threw her leg over me. Her bare pussy wetting my body as much as hers. My fingers ran in circles on her back; they felt her shoulder muscles as she placed her hands on either side of my head. Her nipples touched my chest, and her bare pussy would grace the head of my cock, before leaving it abandoned. I whimpered for her to sit down on it. She smiled and denied me the pleasure.

"You're such a tease." I sputtered into her mouth.

"I have to get my revenge somehow."

"Revenge for what?"

"For doing this to me."

Tired of waiting, I clenched her hips and sat her down. We held eye contact.

"You are lucky this is all I'm doing," I said.

"Shut up."

I held her face between my fingers, forcing her to look at me. "Fuck me."

Jean hitched her hips up and contorted her torso. Her tits bounced ever so slightly. She gripped my cock, and rubbed the head on her pussy lips before enveloping me in her sweet body. I brought her into my embrace and bit into her shoulder. Each thrust led a passionate utterance to leave her lips. An airy desperation begging me to fuck her harder--faster. Jean didn't want me to stop. Her breath escaped her. Each thrust forced her mouth open. She used the space to whisper the sweet phrases every man loves.

Fuck me. Yes, Daddy. Like that. Fuck me, Officer Gomez.

My face fell into her body. I took her nipples between my lips. They closed in a circle and sucked her skin into my mouth. Jean's instincts placed her hands on the back of my head. Her head fell back. Her mouth opened in pleasure. She gravitated back to me and bound my mouth to her nipples.

We were two unthinking animals. Who consumed each other for the sake of an insatiable hunger. I consumed her with my mouth first, then my hand. I held her waist. I rushed one hand up her back. The other gripped her ass and lifted her in encouragement. I worshiped her for being a woman and giving me what only a woman could.

I looked up at her, and for a moment, the sexual smog that fills the mind broke. Her face dripped sweat. She ran a hand down my cheek to my chest and spread my salt water. The exertion wore her out, but the pleasure countered the need to stop.

Our lungs were near capacity. The feeling of cumming is quick. It is not there, then it is. With my grip on her throat, though it was loose due to our wetness, I told her I was close. She continued with her begging.

"Fuck me. Fuck me, please."

It was when she reached a final peek and fell back down the length of my cock. She took every inch, and every drop of my cum filled her pussy. I grumbled incoherently. Passion filled my body. I held her close and squeezed to bring her as close to me as I could. Her perky, beautiful breasts were soft on my chest. They reminded me how much older than her I was. How much older I am now.

We gasped and held each other. Our naked bodies were hot to touch but electric to each other. Our lips met a final time. She disengaged and crawled to the other side of the car.

"So, am I free to go?"

I made a show of thinking. "I think you have earned it."

"Thank you, Officer Gomez."

"I should thank you."

"I've never had sex with a cop before. I wouldn't mind doing it again."

"Oh?" I said.

"Give me your number."

"Jean... Are you sure?" I leaned in and held my lips to her cheek. "Any man would be lucky to find a girl as good as you."

"So, give me your number."

I relented. She called my cell phone. It rang from the front seat of the cruiser. That satisfied her.

Outside the car, she put her bikini on. My eyes crawled over every part of her body. When she was covered... I missed her nudity. Missed the fuck we had.

"I can give you that ride."

This time, I brought her to the front. She gave me directions. It wasn't a long drive. Jean lived in an apartment complex with her parents. She kissed me before leaving. I smiled. I watched her walk into the apartment.

Before driving off, I considered her. My wife. I reason that there isn't anything wrong with a bit of pussy on the side. A wife is a commitment for life. A little sex is not. I can't help myself. I see beautiful young women and take a chance. The prospects of their bodies is too much. They win out over my wife time and time again.

The freeway was full of cars. The backseat of my car felt empty without Jean in it. I wondered if I would contact her in the future.

I'd done this before and since. The girls become older and bolder. They want somebody to teach them what it means to be a woman or to remind them what it means to be wanted. An authority figure they can trust. For some reason, they trust me despite how a lie brought us together.

That is who Jean was to me. A good fuck. A girl searching for somebody to use her. Jean Klein was everything a man could want. The only question now was whether I would ever want her again.


Thank you for reading. I hope you'll give me a rating! I hope to put out more stuff. Let me know if you like this kind of story. I may expand on it.

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3StrawberrY63StrawberrY610 days ago

I enjoyed those.

AnonymousAnonymous24 days ago

Great story. More tales about cops having sex on duty.

AnonymousAnonymous24 days ago


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