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I Hate Miles Bonn

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So why did I fuck him on Halloween?
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This little story is submitted for the Halloween Story Contest 2023. Please be forewarned: It features only modest descriptions of sexual activity.


I hate Miles Bonn. I detest him and everything he stands for. He makes my skin crawl whenever he's in the same room with me and when he's close, sometimes I have to back away.

But I also want to fuck him silly. I want to come as he yodels in my valley, I want to cry to the heavens as he has his way with me and I want to ride him like there's no tomorrow.

Let me back up a bit and try to explain myself. You see, Miles works at the same corporation I do. Fortunately, he's in a different department and I haven't needed to see him very often. But when I do, it's usually in a multi-departmental meeting. He leads his department while I lead mine. And when the CEO asks for our opinions about an issue, he asks me first, I guess because he's old school and believes in 'ladies first.'

And no matter what I say, Miles will find something to question, usually with a tiny, barely perceptible smirk on that gorgeous mug of his. I could say something so obvious like a 'red light means stop' and he'd find a way to call my statement into question. Maybe he'd say perhaps it means not to proceed or a fire station is about to send some fire trucks into the street, but he'd never, ever agree a red light means stop.

I don't know why he's that way with me. At these meetings, he's always deferential to the other teams, however with me he's negative with a silky politeness which pisses me off. I have never done a thing to him to deserve such treatment. To cap things off, he's so damn smooth and unthreatening that no one else seems to pick up on it.

But there's the other side of Miles which just kills me. He is such a gorgeous hunk of male. He's got to be at least six foot-five which makes my five foot-ten look petite. Oh, how I'd love to dance with him and look up into his eyes. I could even wear heels, something I almost never do on a date. You know, guys hate being shorter than the girl and if I wear heels, most run for cover. But Miles wouldn't because he's got me beat by at least seven inches.

And his body is phenomenal. Usually he wears perfectly tailored suits or sports coats but when he's busy or when it's hot, he'll slip the coat off. Oh, sweet Jesus, does he look good. You can see the outlines of some very handsome muscles across his broad chest and upper arms. Someone told me he used to be on his Ivy League rowing team and still rows a single scull for recreation, so I guess that's where he gets his muscles. And his ass! I went into his office one time while he was rooting around under his desk trying to hook up something to the power strip and all I could see were his pants painted on his tight ass. When he stood up, I glanced down to see an obviously attractive swelling. I almost swooned right then and there, at least until I realized he had caught me looking. Damn it!

I'm fairly conservative when it comes to sex. Sure, I've had sex many times. I punched my V-card when I was a college freshman and never looked back. There have been several boyfriends over the years and one 'almost' fiancé who suddenly got cold feet and left town leaving me a sorry-assed apology note. So, I've been with boys, uh men, and have had a good time but I'm a one-guy kind of girl and I don't do anything kinky, well, not too kinky, anyway. There have been no threesomes or girl-girl encounters, so you could say I've got fairly vanilla tastes. But when I saw the outline of his package, I suddenly wanted to forget vanilla and go for extra spicy.

I haven't even told you about his face. Of course, he's beautiful there, too. He wears his jet-black hair stylishly a quarter of an inch short of being 'too long' though long enough to grab it with my fingers and pull him towards me for a round of oral ministrations. He has a clean angle to his jaw, a nice little cleft on his chin and, to top things off, one tiny little dimple on his left cheek when he smiles. But wait, there's more; under the most handsome eyebrows ever are his piercing, light blue eyes. Because one usually expects brown eyes on someone with black hair, his eyes are like beacons in the dark. I could stare at them forever if he weren't so damn irritating.

And not only is he serious eye candy, believe it or not, but he's nose candy, too. There is something about his scent I can't put my finger on but it's there. Thank God he doesn't use any cheapo aftershave on that chiseled face of his but there is an almost imperceptible smell which gets to me anytime he is near. I read one time about pheromones and I have decided that must be what it is. His body gives off a scent which oozes sexual attraction. I don't know if any of the other women at the office are aware of it but if they are, he probably gives so many of them wet panties the detergent company should put him on their payroll.

And his voice! His voice reminds me of the public address announcer I heard at the Paris airport several years ago. Her voice simply oozed sex appeal. I'm sure she was telling travelers routine things like gate changes and departure times but she sounded like a woman resting on a couch, drinking a glass of fine French wine and slowly seducing her lover with words alone. Miles' voice is baritone to her contralto. His words, even when discussing stock options and corporate projects, could charm the panties off a nun.

Since I've never touched him, except for a single handshake when we were introduced, I don't know what he feels like. And I certainly don't know how he tastes, but I'd love to feel him and taste him both.


So, that was my frame of mind when Mr. Colby, the junior Colby, not his dad who spends ninety-five percent of his time on the golf course, when Mr. Colby called me into his office. When I got there, who was already there? Miles Bonn, of course. Oh, God, I'd have to spend some time making nice while Mr. Colby talked about whatever. I smiled as nicely as I could through gritted teeth and asked Mr. Colby how I could help.

"Thanks for coming in on such short notice, Erin."

"Sure thing."

"I don't know if you are aware, or you either, Miles, that we are about to embark on a huge expansion."

"Oh?" I asked with my usual eloquence.

"Yes. Dad's about to fully retire and wants his legacy to include a thriving and growing firm. We've kicked things around and our finances are solid and we can afford to go to the till to promote some growth."

"What direction? If I may ask," Miles jumped in.

"Well, that's why I've called in my two best department heads. I want some independent thinking on this. I've had a few ideas but I have the sneaking suspicion I'm missing something. I want to think big but all I can do is come up with little fixes here and there."

"Maybe an outside consultant...?" I asked.

"Bah! Nope. You two know this place inside and out, far better than any consultant. I want you to put your heads together and give me a list of four areas where we can potentially expand, you know, grow for the next generation."

"Me? Uh, us?" I asked in a stunned voice.

"Yes, you two. For the next three weeks you are temporarily relieved of your routine duties and your assistant department heads will fill your shoes. I have arranged for an office here in the C-suite where you two will have access to all our records, financial and otherwise. We will have two dedicated computers for you to do your research."

"Ah, Mr. Colby, do you have any direction you would like us to explore?" asked Miles.

"That's just it; No. I want you two working on it. If you need more time than three weeks, you'll keep at it until you have those four items to present to me and Dad."

This, this was my worst nightmare. I'd be forced to interact with Miles and his attitude while simultaneously lusting after his gorgeous body. As my mind was already torn between abject hatred and unmitigated lust, how could I function under those conditions for three, or even more, weeks?

"Ah, Mr. Colby," I stammered out, "I'm not sure you want me on this task force thing. I'm more of a policy and procedure kinda gal, you know, operations, and I'm not the one to think big, as it were."

"Oh, but you are. You are smart, quickly analyze issues and problems and come up with some startlingly good ideas at our meetings. No, you're just the one I want on this task force."

I peeked at Miles during that last statement and his face was stoic when I was being praised. No smile, no nod of agreement, nothing. See there! I knew he thought I was useless.

"Miles, do you have any questions?"

"No, Mr. Colby, I think our mission is pretty clear, though we have no idea where we will end up. When should we start?"

"Tomorrow. I'll announce things via email right now. You two go get anything you might need from your desks and come right back. Gwen and I will show you to your new office and get you logged onto the computers. Any more questions?"

I was too stunned to even think. I wanted to stand right up and turn in my resignation so I wouldn't have to spend hours, even days with Miles. How could I concentrate if part of me wanted to scratch his eyes out whenever he came into the room and the other part wanted to rip his clothes off and fuck him silly? I was seriously doubting if I could even function.

"Uh, Mr. Colby? I'm not used to working in such close proximity to another and was wondering if two offices might be better."

"Nope. I want the two of you to have total access to each other. You'll need some free-wheeling thinking and you'll need to bounce things off each other, so one office."

'I want to bounce the scotch tape dispenser off Miles' head,' I thought to myself as Miles spoke up, "Uh, sure, Mr. Colby, I think we can make this work. May we go ahead and see the office now?"

'Shit!' I thought to myself, 'He even uses correct English. I would have asked 'can we' like normal people.'

"Sure. Follow me."

We stood and Miles gestured for me to go first. Now, that may have been the polite thing, you know, ladies first, but I know he was either staring at my ass or secretly laughing his head off behind me, thinking about how he was going to destroy me in three weeks. I quickly glanced back: yup, he was checking out my ass.

Now I'm kinda proud of my ass, well, my whole body, for that matter. My ass is curvy but not huge and because I exercise thirty minutes a day, I've kept the flab-factor down to a minimum. I've got some decent boobs, too. They are, well, I won't go into cup sizes but they are well more than a handful and I've never had a guy complain about them. Nipples? Yeah, they're pretty nice. They tend to stick out easily so I've always worn slightly padded bras to hide them.

I've got curly brunette hair down to my shoulders, a button nose, as one boyfriend called it, and decent lips. I'm no super babe but I think I hold my own. If only I weren't quite so tall...

We arrived at the new office where Mr. Colby and his secretary Gwen proudly showed us in. Along one wall were several file cabinets, one wall had a huge white board, one had floor to ceiling picture windows overlooking downtown and the fourth wall had the door and a few coat hooks. In the middle of the room were two huge desks with the latest computers but the thing which struck me was these desks faced each other. I'd have to face Miles all day long!

"Well, what do you think?"

"Very good," answered Miles.

"Uh, Mr. Colby, uh, is there any way we could have the desks face apart or at least not right at each other?"

"Why, Erin?"

"Ah, I tend to think better when I'm not distracted and..."

"And I might distract you?"

"Don't let it go to your head, Miles. Anybody sitting so close in front of me would be distracting."

"Sure. Uh, I'll have housekeeping come in to move things around. With the room design I think the only other reasonable option is to have them side-by-side. Will that work?"

I knew it was the best I could hope for so I agreed to it. Maybe I could put up an idea poster on an easel between him and me.

"The white board is for your use. Housekeeping will not erase it so feel free to use it when you two are free-thinking or whatever. You can hang your coats here. Oh, by the way, your routine calls will still go to your old offices and your PAs will route them as appropriate. I doubt many calls will come to you here. I have the numbers as does Gwen, so if the phone rings, please answer it."

"Mr. Colby," asked Miles, "Do you have any directions for us to look and is there a budget limit to consider?"

"Good questions, Miles, but no, I don't have any directions for you to look. As to a budget, there is a document in your folder that outlines what we have and what we are willing to borrow. I think you'll be more than surprised at how much we're willing to spend on moving the company forward. Any other questions?"

Neither of us spoke up and Mr. Colby and Gwen excused themselves. Suddenly, I was stuck in a room with Miles. My greatest fear had come to pass. How was I going to handle being with him for three and probably more weeks? How could I avoid going off on him? How could I avoid reaching over and tearing the shirt from his unbelievably beautiful body? How could I avoid making a total fool of myself?

As I thought about the whole situation, my mind began to spin until I became lightheaded. I sat down on one the comfortable chairs before putting my head on the desk.

"You OK, Erin?"

"Yeah, I'm fine. Overwhelmed, but fine." There was no way I would give him a hint to the reason for my despair. After a few seconds, I looked up to see him standing at the windows looking out over the city. "Nice view?"

"Yeah, I guess, though I'd prefer to gaze out over a valley from a mountain or something."

"You outdoorsy?"

"When I can. You?"

"Not much. I'll go to a park or something now and then."

"You haven't lived until you've woken up at the crack of dawn and looked out at the alpenglow from your tent."


"Yeah. Early in the morning when the conditions are right, the early sunlight turns the mountains a brilliant red for a few minutes. Gorgeous, absolutely gorgeous."

"I'll take your word for it 'cause I can't see myself sleeping in a tent, ever!" I laughed. Suddenly, I realized I laughed in a simple, pleasant conversation with Miles. How could that be? Even if he was almost nice to me, I knew I still had to watch myself. "Uh, I think I'll go get my stuff, settle in here and then head home. Big day tomorrow."

"You're OK?"

"Yeah, fine. See you tomorrow."

That night was one of the worst I had in months. I tossed and turned as I stewed about our upcoming time together. I worried about the project, I worried about Miles and, most importantly, I worried about me. By midnight my frazzled mind had given up on my hatred of Miles and kept dwelling on my lust for him. I finally rolled over, grabbed my favorite vibrator and allowed myself to fantasize about him until I exploded. Only then was I able to get a few hours of sleep.

The next morning, I was able to caffeinate enough to make it to work on time. I rode the elevator up to the C-suite, greeted Gwen with an exquisite chocolate bar to thank her in advance and walked into the new office. Our desks had been moved as requested and both now faced the white board. I grabbed the one closer to the window, put away some of my supplies and sat down. Where to start? How does one come up with ideas for a major business to grow and diversify? 'That's it!" I thought to myself, "My first idea. Diversification." As I was writing 'Diversify' on the white board, in walked Miles with Gwen.

"Thank you so much, Mr. Bonn," gushed Gwen.

"Gwen, I'm merely thanking you in advance for all the work we'll throw your way."

"Still, thank you very much. You should see the flowers he got me, Ms. Kassel."

"Now, Gwen, they are from both of us," soothed Miles.

'That bastard,' I thought, 'Had to go and outshine me.'

"And please, call me Miles."

"Oh, I don't think I could."

"And I'm Erin," I threw in.

"I'll have to think about it, uh, Miles," she giggled while clearly forgetting about me.

'Great, she's in a puddle about him and I'm going to be ignored. Figures!' I thought.

Once she left, Miles casually threw a few things into his desk and turned to me. "Do we want to figure out an outline of how we want to approach this?"

"Sure, I guess."

"I kicked a few ideas around last night..."

'Of course, he'd do that while I was rubbing one out fantasizing about him,' I mused silently.

"...and I propose we come up with a long list of categories, then we'll split them up and do some quick research. Next, we'll have a detailed review and pick eight which we'll divvy up and investigate further. OK?"

"Uh, sure, I guess."

"You don't sound too enthusiastic."

"Honestly, I'm not. I didn't want this assignment and tried to get out of it with no success."

"That's why it's called 'work' and not 'play'," he chuckled. "OK, let's throw something at the whiteboard. Do you want to write it down?"

"Oh, so the girl does the secretarial work, huh?"

"Jeez, I just asked. I'll..."

"No, I'm sorry. I didn't sleep well last night. Forgive me, please. I'll be glad to do it."

"Good 'cause my writing sucks."

"OK, I'll throw out 'tele-communications'."

"That's a huge topic. Any way you want to narrow it?" he asked as I wrote it on the board. And there it was: his first, subtle dig at my idea. It was a legit dig, dammit, but it was a dig, nonetheless.

"Well, I guess we could consider tele-communications in fields that haven't fully embraced the concept yet. We can look into agriculture, for example."

"Yeah, good idea, we could."

And that's how it all started. We kicked out big ideas before focusing in on some smaller parts. The bull session lasted most of the morning and by eleven thirty my stomach was growling.

"Hungry? I know I am."

"Yeah, didn't eat well this morning. Slept in, you see..."

He invited me to go with him to lunch at the cafeteria on the first floor. As we rode the elevator down, I looked at him from the corner of my eye. Damn, he looked good. I felt frazzled due to my lack of sleep and hunger, yet he looked as good as ever. He was well dressed and exuded the confidence of a well-established alpha male. He politely held the elevator door for me as we exited, no doubt to check my ass out again. In the cafeteria, I grabbed a salad and was looking for someone, anyone to have lunch with but with no success. I sat at an empty table with him following quickly behind me.

"Mind if I join you?"

What could I say? I couldn't be rude as I had to work with him for the next several weeks so I nodded 'yes' as I warned him not to talk about the project at all. "I need a few minutes to unwind, that's all."

"Sure, I agree. So, shall it be politics, religion or what?" he laughed.

"Hate politicians and am agnostic, so it will have to be 'what'."

"OK, then we should talk about ourselves. I don't know you at all well so, tell me about yourself."

"Egads, what's to say? I grew up in 'fly over' country, went to Paffington State where I got my degree in finance. I went to NorCalU for my Masters in business admin before landing a job here."


"Mom, Dad, big brother and little sister. They are all back there. Brother runs a dealership and Kelly is at the JC trying to decide what she wants to do when she grows up. Dad's a pharmacist and Mom's a librarian. Good people, I love them all. You?"

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