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I Hate You

Story Info
A mother battles her emotions over what her son did.
5.2k words

Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 01/11/2023
Created 12/25/2022
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All characters are over the age of eighteen and all acts described in this short story are consensual.


The noises the doors made as they opened and closed seemed louder when there was nobody in the office. The sound of her footsteps seemed more ominous in the echoing halls. She heard neither of them as her mind was preoccupied with the very thoughts of what drove her to arrive at the office before dark; hours before anyone would arrive to start their day.

She opened the fridge in the staff break room and put her lunch and water bottles in their usual spot. The fridge slammed shut, but she remained oblivious of the amplified noises around her. She turned off the lights in the lounge and headed straight to her office. She set her back down next to the printer table and sat in her over-sized chair. She made no attempt to begin working. Instead, she pulled a pen and several sheets of paper from the desk drawer. She began writing... and remembering.

" I hate you. You looked at me the way you did and I hate you for it. "

She thought back to the moment it started.

She had come home from work early the day before after closing a deal for the company that netted them millions in added revenue. After signing the final documents, she informed her business partner that she would be taking the rest of the day off in celebration.

" It was a bathing suit, Nathan. I am a woman and my bathing suits obviously don't look like yours. How dare you look at me the way you did. You preyed on my body and I hate you for it. "

She recalled happily strolling to her room and changing out of her business attire and into her conservative bathing suit. Inspecting herself in the mirror did not reveal anything out of the ordinary. Her nipples did not press hard against the material of her top. Her breasts did not fall out of the sides. She was well trimmed down below and the bottoms were not pulled tightly enough to reveal the outline of her labia. Her rear end was not exposed as a g-string would have it. Her cheeks were well covered, though still very round and plump.

" I wasn't putting on a show for you or anyone else. I was not showing off, teasing you or even inviting you to stare at me the way you did yesterday. How could you stare at your mother that way? "

She was about to exit through the french glass doors in the back of the house when her son turned the corner wearing his swimming attire and bumped into her. They both stepped away from each other. She openly chastised herself for being clumsy while attempting to look into his eyes. She noticed him staring at her then. His eyes moved up and down her body before he greeted her and excused himself to get a drink from the kitchen.

She didn't hesitate to jump in, she remembered. From the corner of the deep end, she dove in. Her son watched from the kitchen as her legs and arms moved to propel her to the other side of the pool before surfacing. She looked like the women in the movies who punch through the surface of the water in slow motion while the camera focuses on the water rushing over all her curves.

" I saw you watching me from the window. There was no confusion about what you were looking at. I just don't know why you were staring at me the way you did. You treated me like a piece of meat and I hate you for it. "

Every time she wrote her disdain for him, she would press the pen further into paper in anger but, she kept writing and reliving the moment that had been on her mind the entire night before and all morning.

Her thoughts brought her to the shallow end of the pool, consciously keeping her womanly features under the water as her son walked back out. She recognized the look her son was giving her as she was certain she had the same look on her face as he walked out. He had strong, toned shoulders, arms, pecs and legs. His abs were rounded into shape but not chiseled, as one might say.

There was no reason she could think of as to why she would look at her son the way she did. She took to swimming laps in the pool as a way to take her mind off the tension that seemed to be building between them. One breath would take her vision to the empty side of the pool while the other would catch him watching her still. When her workout was completed, she ended the final lap by diverting to the ladder and stepping out onto the concrete sidewalk surround the lip of the pool.

" I also saw you watching me swim. You were sexualizing me; your mother, you monster! I hate you for that. I hate you for getting erect while watching me walk over to you. "

The exercise accomplished nothing as she notice him getting hard when she walked toward the loungers. He was laying on the one closest to her. She knew she would have to walk past him to get to the next available one. As she walked around him, she openly stared at him watching her still. He made no effort to conceal his lustful eyes.

" You couldn't even hide the fact that you wanted me out of my clothes right there next to the pool. You had become a sick pervert and you didn't care who saw you or what I might have to say about it. "

Conversation didn't seem to deter his perverted thoughts. He turned to his side and the hard nature of his penis became even more apparent to anyone looking remotely in his direction. She tried to tell him about her day. She turned onto her side, but didn't think it was a proper view for him in his condition. She laid back onto her back but she knew his mind was twisted and he was imagining all sorts of dirty things.

" I hate you for making me uncomfortable talking to you in what should have been a routine conversation. Instead, your perversion took over. It's like my son died yesterday and you killed him. "

She continued talking while on her back, using her hands and arms to emphasize her excited feelings about the day. When she looked just slightly in his direction, she caught his eyes still fixed on her and his hand rubbing himself through his shorts. She pretended to ignore it until the sounds of skin against fabric moving rhythmically back and forth penetrated her thoughts and caused her to forget what she was about to say.

" I hate you for controlling me and making me want to see you pleasure yourself next to the pool. My common sense took leave of me and it's because of the perverted things you were doing in my presence. The audacity you displayed in front of me stopped my words from forming. "

She caught herself staring at the rod-shaped tent in his shorts. She wanted to put her hand on his and ask him why he was masturbating in front of her, but she simply watched him instead. Neither of them spoke a word as he continued to rub himself through his shorts as he looked at her body.

" How could you expose yourself to your mother? Your mother! I should have slapped the shit out of you and maybe it would have tightened whatever screws you got loose in your head. I hate you for feeling bold enough to pull your hard penis out in front of me. "

He pushed his hand into the elastic waist band of his shorts and used the back of his hand along with his wrist to push his shorts down over his shaft and balls while taking it into his hands and continuing to stroke himself. She watched him for only seconds before getting up and walking into the house and straight to her room. She didn't say a word to him and made no exaggerated movements to bring attention to the fact that she was angry at him for becoming so bold and comfortable.

" I saw it only for a second. I didn't want to see you but you raped my eyes pulling your penis out like you did. I hate that you had the nerve to masturbate in front of me like that. How could you? You knew I was looking at you and you forced me to see you in unnatural ways! "

She sat at the end of her bed and reprimanded herself for allowing the scene to continue as far as it had. She thought about his penis and how it looked being hard and veiny. She begged time to speed up so her husband could come home and have sex with her. Her mind took her hours ahead in time when she could be on her back as her husband's penis plowed in and out of her. It would purge her memory of the young penis she saw earlier that afternoon and take her away from her growing perverted thoughts.

" Worse yet is that you couldn't leave well enough alone. You could have played it off as anything other than what it obviously was and we could have both eventually pretended it didn't happen. No, you weren't satisfied with what you'd done. You had evil intentions for me and you were not going to rest until your goals were achieved. How could my son even come up with such thoughts? "

The sun brought her back into the present as it began to rise and illuminate her office. She still had a couple hours before people would arrive to work. She put her pen down on the paper that was filled with the letter she was writing to her son. She leaned back and watched the sun make its daily appearance over the buildings in the distance. Her hand roamed between her legs and pushed gently against the material between her fingers and her clit.

She knew she was giving into the same lust as she did the day before. The words she was writing began to show her falling once again into depravity. She violently pulled her skirt up and shoved her fingers into her panties. Her thoughts brought forth a quick and powerful orgasm. When she recovered, she found her panties to be wet and a single breast had been exposed to the office air for her nipple-teasing pleasure.

She recovered from her shameful self-pleasure session and continued writing... and remembering.

" I hate you for not leaving your sins at the door when you walked into the house. You came to my room to continue putting your awful, dirty thoughts into action. I could have forgiven you up to that point, but you took it too far and I hate you for it. "

She sat in a daze, hoping he would take the hint and not pursue her any more. She was about to listen at the door to see if she could hear him moving about but the door opened slowly as her son lightly knocked at it. Just as the door opened, the wondered why she wouldn't lock herself in if she were so bothered by his brazen and seemingly uncontrolled behavior. That she didn't lock the door would nag at her thoughts for a long time to come.

She asked him why he would bother to knock if he was going to let himself into her private area but instantly regretting the words she chose. The smile on his face let her know that he was not through with her. She didn't notice until the door was open enough for him to walk in that he removed his shorts. His penis stood erect in front of him. She thought she had drifted to a dreamworld as she watched him come closer. Everything seemed to be in slow motion. Her eyes fixed on his erection and watched it bounce with each step.

" Your lewd behavior in my bedroom was inexcusable. I cannot forgive you for violating my personal area like you did. What thoughts could make you come into my room sexually aroused and stand in front of me like you did. You couldn't even say anything? You treated me like I was your bitch and that I should have known my role and what I was supposed to do for you. My son would never do that to me. "

Her eyes remained focused on his penis until he stopped in front of her. Then, and only then did she look up into his eyes. Something about the way she was thinking about his actions changed. His eyes seemed to be pleading with her. Her arms were behind his back, as if making himself vulnerable to her will. She began to feel like he was acting simply out of sexual instinct and desire for an attractive woman. She would never blame him for admiring her as an attractive woman. She knew sons often looked at their mothers as the ideal specimen of woman that they would use to compare all others. For that, at least, she would have been flattered. It wasn't admiration he wanted to show her, though.

" You made me believe for a moment that I had power when you knew it was all a game. I hate that you played me for a fool. You tricked me and made me feel sorry for your inexperience and your filthy mind. I never would have touched you if you looked at me in my bedroom the way you looked at me outside and I hate you for manipulating me like that. "

She did see something different in him and it drove her to reach her hand out and touch his penis gently. She took it in her hand and felt it throb against her smooth skin. Her body reacted in a familiar but unwelcome manner. She took a moment to convince herself that if she could just get him to have the orgasm he clearly desired without going another step forward, she could end it and they could forget about it in time. Whatever lustful thoughts she was having, she could take out on her husband and screw his brains out as soon as he got home.

" I hate you for smiling at me when I began to masturbate you. You knew you won and didn't even bother to hide it. I hate you for making me touch you in a way no mother should ever touch her son. It's your fault. All I wanted to do was swim and relax, not be ogled by my pervert of a son. "

Several strokes into the erotic massage of his penis, he reached out and put a hand on her shoulder and another behind her head. He softly pulled her face toward him and her mouth closer to the tip of his penis.

" Did you have it planned like that all along, you sicko? Did you want to stare at me first, then have me masturbate you, then suck on you? Did you spend all day while I was at work thinking that the scenario that played out in your head was going to be okay? "

The words she was putting down on the paper were recognized by her as the words she should have said in the moment her son pressed the tip of his erection against her lips. Instead of admonishing him for his despicable behavior, her eyes looked up at his once more. She saw the same pleading eyes she did just moments before and opened her mouth to the thick intruder.

" Are you happy that you got your mom to perform oral sex on you? Do you and your friends have a pool going on who could get a blowjob from their mother first? Well, congratulations, asshole, you win that one, I guess, huh? Fuck you! Fuck you for making me hate you after all this time of you being my entire world! "

She gave into him once again. She held out hope that a blowjob would be all he wanted. She was turned on enough to think that if she promised to let him cum in her mouth, he would be satisfied and leave her alone. Her being turned on was simply the end of a losing game for her. She was at the mercy of every one of his requests at that point and she knew it. She simply hoped and prayed the requests would be few.

" It wasn't good enough, though, was it? You seemed to get worked up at the thought of fucking your mom's face, but no, that wasn't enough to make you finish with me... or finish in general. You had to put me in my most vulnerable state for your sexual gratification. "

Her pulsating clit called to her once again, tearing her from her thoughts and writing and begging to be touched. She reached under her dress and pulled her panties down her legs and off. One of her legs went over the armrest of the chair and she plunged two fingers into her vagina. She thought of herself on her knees with her entire bathing suit laying carelessly on the floor while her son's hard shaft was driving in and out of her mouth at varying speeds. She cursed her son and herself as she had her second orgasm since waking up that morning next to her husband. She tossed her head back for a moment, then fixed her clothing before getting back to work on the letter.

She returned quickly to the act as it unfolded in her room the day before.

As he asked, she obliged. First her top came off, exposing her breasts to him for the first time. Second, she pushed her bottoms down and off without allowing his penis to slip from her mouth as it bobbed back and forth along the hard shaft. Her hand went to aid her mouth and tongue hoping to get him to shoot his semen in her mouth sooner than it appeared he was going to.

" I tried so hard to end it. I wanted you to finish in whatever way would happen soonest. I wanted you to leave my room and leave me alone. I hate you for staring at me in the pool and having it get to the point of defiling my body for your sexual pleasure. How could you do it, Nathan? "

The sounds of slurping filled her bedroom. She was surprised he had not finished yet and was hoping still that he would cum and move on. When he put his hands under her arms and lifted her to the bed, she protested loudly. She begged him not to do what she knew he was going to do, but he assured her that she wanted him to do it.

" I could have stopped you. I should have stopped you. I never would have thought you could have sexual thoughts about me but you did. I never thought you could act on such thoughts if you ever had them but you did. I knew, though, that you could never hit me if I fought back. I hate you for making me not want to fight back. I took it all hoping that each step would be the last and I hate you for making me willing to go further, even though I knew every step was not going to be enough for you once you walked into my room. I hate you for fucking me and I hate you for making me like it. "

He told her that they had been playing a game of cat and mouse and finally, the cat had trapped the mouse. She could not think of what he was referring to. He pressed the head of his penis on her clit and with his hand, he pressed it into her flesh while simultaneously sliding it down her labia and into her vagina. She didn't recognize the game he described but couldn't care less about anything at that moment except what was happening. Her son's penis was slowly working itself inside her and she loved how it felt. She wanted him to fuck her and and do it like a man owning his woman. She wanted him to take what was his and and her eyes told him everything she was thinking. Her eyes told him it was okay.

" You entered me and made me give myself to you. I hate you for making me want to do it. I put my legs on your shoulders, encouraging you to fuck me hard and fast. I taunted you and told you all the sick things I wanted you, as a man, to do to me. You took the last remaining parts of my private life for yourself and I hate you for it. "

He plunged himself in and out of her as she begged for more. She begged him to cum inside her. She begged him to cum all over her stomach. She begged him to cum all over her breasts. She begged him to make her cum. There was no shame left in her behavior. She was no longer his mother and he was no longer her son. They became lovers and somewhere deep inside her, she didn't feel surprised. Looking back, she thought he might have been right.

" I can never forgive you for what you've done. Even if your mind told you that it was all a game that I asked you to play, I can never look at you the same way again. "

"They're asking for you at the morning meeting, ma'am," a voice said over the speaker on her phone, tearing her away from her thoughts.

"Shit," she hissed angrily.

She looked over the letter that turned into an emotional dumping ground and was poorly penned, in her view. She took her panties off the floor and stuffed them into her bag. She folded the letter and pushed it into her bag as well before taking her pen and notebook out of the office toward the conference room.

She sat at the end of the table and her mind clocked out as she recalled the remainder of her son's depraved acts upon her the day before.


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