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I Hit a Grand Slam in Seattle!


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If they had done a more comprehensive check on the surrounding counties they would have found a serious rap sheet going back to before she was eighteen.

Lessons were learned and we put into place much tighter policies and procedures and we had people checking people to keep everyone honest.

I'll share more about Cordelia later.


While we were in Seattle Catherine had me reach out to Lorraine, our real estate agent.

In most marriages, the wife makes the major decisions, like buying a house, where to go on vacation.

When I was looking for our rental house, I had looked at five lots to build our custom home.

I had rejected three sites because they were not view lots and bought the two that had views of the valley below.

Catherine now asked me to buy the three lots; and asked me if Lorraine could find other houses or more vacant lots in the neighborhood.

She had something in mind but did not tell me what she was thinking.

I did as I was asked. I asked no questions of my wife.

Lorraine asked me how my hunt was going for her next husband and I hung up the phone laughing.

But I did tell her I'd find someone.


This was going to be awkward.



Probably not tears; more likely fisticuffs, punching.

I hoped not, but I had to be prepared.

It was one of those "difficult conversations" that a man needs to have sometimes with another man about something personal.

Like most people, I put it off because I knew it would be painful, awkward; but I didn't want to not have it because so much was at stake.

If you want the full story, all the hot details, read my story "A MILF Neighbor Shows Her Gratitude."

Then read "A MILF Neighbor Comes Clean."

But if you don't have time for that, here's the back story, a short summary:

With my wife Catherine's permission and with her full knowledge, I fucked her best friend, Janet.

I never wear a rubber because that's the way I like it.

And my sex partners are all on the pill.

So I don't worry about the consequences of unprotected sex, I just enjoy the sex.


I'm not saying Janet was a siren.

I am saying that this MILF had an allure that attracted me.

So, after a few months of flirting, and with my wife's blessing, Janet and I got naked and we had sex.

I actually fucked Janet numerous times over a two day period.

It was incredibly pleasurable sex.

I came numerous times in all three of her holes, but her pussy was the absolute best.

Janet swore she was "safe" but to be sure after the second day of wonderful sex together, she started taking the pill.

Neither one of us thought about the morning after pill because Janet was supposed to be safe.

(Janet had lied to my wife about when she started taking the pill. She also lied to me. Janet had a prescription but did not fill it until after we'd had unprotected sex numerous times.)

Fast forward a few weeks into January and Janet missed her period.

Since she hadn't had sex with her husband for months, I was the culprit.

I had done the dirty deed.

I planted the seed.

My potent sperm.

My hot man juice.

My creamy white baby batter.

God it was fun.

Janet was a great lover.


So tight, so hot, so wet.

Her pussy was deep and accommodating.

In the midst of my first penetration of the object of my desire, she came as I entered her and came repeatedly as I pounded her.

Her clit was extraordinary.

It was long, sensitive and she loved for me to lick it.

She had me shave her bare.

I laughed and said "The better to eat you."

Janet loved me licking her pussy.

She was so willing.

My large cock initially scared her but as I pushed in she accepted the intrusion and melted into me, encompassing me as we mated.

I took her in every hole.

When I ploughed her ass, she screamed into the pillow, her hands gripping the sheets.

Until she came that first time, her entire body shaking as her anal orgasm consumed her body.

Janet allowed me to have her in any position under the sun.

She was so very responsive.

Very compliant.

A slap on the ass got her on all fours; a gentle nudge on the back of her head brought her mouth to my cock.

This went on all night and all the next day; we were interrupted only by sleep and time spent with family while we were all on vacation.

But now, I had a pregnant wife and a pregnant ... what do I call her ... a girlfriend? Or was it mistress?

And, I calculated that I had impregnated her the day she filed for divorce, before her husband was even served papers.

I'm not proud of what I did and I had to figure a way out to address all the parties involved.

Because while Janet was officially separated and had filed for divorce, she also had two children (Vickie and Annie) and her kids were classmates and friends of my wife's kids Marie and Natalie.

Abortion was not an option.

Janet was going to have the baby.

It was a boy.

Oh shit.


I've been a business consultant living on the edge long enough to know that careful planning always helps any situation, but having money to blow on something (I'm sorry, I meant to say, invest in something) can turn almost any situation around.

And, I know enough about people to know that ego plays a big role in how individuals make decisions.

Using these tools and knowledge, I plotted a strategy to deal with Janet's husband.

His name was Tony.


I spent a lot of one on one time with Janet trying to understand what Tony all about.

Janet was understandably nervous about the whole thing; not just dealing with Tony but having a baby out of wedlock, and all that.

The good news was she was taken care of financially.

Catherine had reassured her that I would be a good father to the boy.

We did our talking when I had her naked face down on my massage table.

She didn't mind a rub, so I did it everyday for a week trying to get the information and insight I needed.

I worked hard on her neck, shoulders and both upper and lower back, trying to get the knots of tension out.

She had a lot of stress in her hands and arms and I also, carefully, without oil, massaged her head.

This all worked to reduce her stress and got her sharing things with me, little things, about Tony that could help me.

Of course, this wasn't all a professional massage and a discussion; Janet was already hot to trot by the time I started massaging her butt cheeks and her thighs.

She was wet and aroused; I could smell her feminine odor as I did long sweeps from her neck to the bottom of her ass.

As my oiled hands reached her firm bottom I would cup her cheeks, lifting them and spreading them so that I could see her tiny rosebud.

She giggled at my efforts; she knew what I wanted -- her ass.

Janet was hungry for me to put my strong hands and probing fingers on and into her ass and her pussy, and I noticed she was spreading her legs and raising her ass to meet my hands as I worked on her lower back.

She and Catherine has started swimming their morning laps together and even though it was winter in Southern California, both ladies had acquired nice full body tans.

Janet was a little spoiled by my massages (that was my fault) because when I started in on her ass, working north to south, so to speak, she would always ask for "more oil" and I would deny her until I was ready to start probing and spreading her crack and pushing around her tiny rosebud.

With my hands on her, Viagra or no Viagra, I got very hard very quickly touching her.

If I was standing next to her as she lie on the table, she'd search out my penis and give me a little hand action with her tiny hand.

I usually have pretty good control but a few times I had to pull away from her tugging because I was starting to feel the inevitable beginning to take place and I had other plans where I wanted to make my deposit.

She loved my massages; she teased and stroked me and I took the opportunity to get her hot.

I finally allowed her to come as I got her up on all fours and I took her doggie from behind, bringing her to at least two big, body shaking orgasms as I pounded that welcoming wet hot tight pussy as her large tits swayed.

I'd get my fun too, spurting more of my hot juice deep inside of her as she was in the downward dog pose, her tight lower lips gripping me in a highly pleasurable manner as I exploded deep into her.

I'd collapse on top of her; we'd snuggle for a few minutes and then, Janet still being horny (who am I kidding, I wanted at least another round too), she'd get between my legs and suck me to hardness, paying extra special attention to my balls because she loved it when I gave her a lot of cum.

Janet was a certified pussy licker and had no issue tasting her own juices, my juices or those of another woman either. She was still learning how to take me deep and I appreciated her wanting to learn how to please me that way.

Janet would tease me to hardness and then I'd get her on her back and finish her massage.

It was when she was lying on her back, having enjoyed her large orgasms that she really opened up to me about her soon to be ex husband.

I learned Tony was in a job he hated; he thought he was underpaid and under appreciated by his boss, the owner of the company he worked at.

Tony wanted to be seen as successful and be recognized for his success.

Janet said that he wanted more than anything to someday own his own business and be financially secure.

Janet went on to say that Tony was starting to resent having children, believing that they were holding him back from having fun.

"When Tony finds out I am pregnant, he will go nuts."

Fortunately for me, and unfortunately for Tony, I was a hell of a lot bigger than he was. And stronger.

I created several options in my mind about how I wanted this negotiation to go, although I doubt Tony knew it was a negotiation.


The meeting with Tony went much better than I expected.

We met at my country club in the early afternoon; the place was deserted.

I started out by told him that I had gotten Janet pregnant; he said he knew something was up when his family started spending more time at my home than their own.

I apologized to him, telling him that it was not my intention, nor Janet's, for her to become pregnant.

But that since an abortion was not an option, we had to figure out how to deal with having an unplanned but welcomed baby boy.

Tony took it well.

He said "I knew that if I wasn't taking care of her sexually, someone else would" and then asked me if there was more for us to discuss.

I said "Tony, I want to give you the opportunity to have a do over in your life. I understand that you are not happy in your job, and you are in the process of getting a divorce. I have the means to help you, if you want my help, to get you started in a new profession, maybe a new industry, and maybe even a geographic move if you are open to thinking about that."

Tony nodded and then he started to cry.

I felt bad for the guy but I had to let him finish going through his waves of emotions.

His voice cracking, he said "She always wanted to have a baby boy ... " and then the tears started again.

Tony got up and headed to the men's room.

When he came back he looked better.

I asked him how things were going since he had moved out of the house at Christmas.

He said "I moved in with a girl from work. Last week I lost my job. Things may or may not work out with the girl and I am broke with nothing in savings and legal bills coming in."

(I knew the owner of the company where Tony had worked and the owner was an asshole.)

I replied "I can help you with all that. Are you open to hearing what I can do?"

He nodded, looking defeated.

But he soon got interested.

"First, you're a smart guy. I can arrange for you to be working in less than 24 hours at one of my companies. We're always looking for good people. How much are you making?"

"$90,000 a year."

"Okay, how about I pay you $10,000 a month with a probable 100 percent annual bonus."

He looked across the table at me in surprise.

"You'd do that for me?"

"Yes. I would and I will."

"What would I be doing?"

"I need smart business people, with experience, to work in my consulting business. We help owners get their business primed for sale."

"I'm not a sales man."

"Tony, there is no need for you to sell anything. I have someone who sells for me, Eva, and she is outselling our ability to deliver. I need someone who can travel and do the actual consulting work she sells. Are you interested in that?"

"How much travel?"

"You'd be gone five days a week. Sometimes you would need to leave on Sunday and you might not get back until late on a Friday night. Sometimes you would need to work weekends with our clients and if that is the case, you'd need to stay out of town on those weekends. But we pick up all the expenses. We ask our consultants to be reasonable with travel, meals, and entertainment. We give everyone an American Express card to use."

He smiled at me and said "What's the catch? It's almost too good to be true."

I replied "There are a few. The first is that I need you to be based in Las Vegas. It's because of the cheaper airfare and corporate operating costs. We have an apartment building in an nice area there and we can rent you a nice place at a discounted rate until you want something bigger and nice; maybe a condo or a house. The second is that you may end up working in some out of the way places. You may have to fly and then drive. For example, fly to Spokane and then drive two or three hours to Walla Walla. Or fly to San Antonio and drive four hours to Eagle Pass, Texas, down on the Mexican border."

Tony said, "I understand. Anything else?"

I continued with "The third is that our goal for you will be to be leading a team of women consultants. Even though you haven't been a consultant before, you have many years of good business experience and your team will be pretty much right out of college, or maybe this will be their second job after graduation. So you will be mentoring, coaching and teaching along with running the engagement."

"How do I earn the bonus?"

"Tony, when we close our deals we distribute cash to all of our consultants. It isn't based on seniority. If you are employed on the day we close the deal, you get the bonus. We don't wait until the end of the year and we don't wait until the deal you're working on closes because it could take years. And sometimes deals never close. But we do allow our employees to time when they want their bonuses to be issued, for tax planning and other reasons. I can tell you right now that two deals will close within the next six months and your annual bonus is almost a sure thing for this year."

I paused for a moment, thinking.

Then I said "Actually, if things go the way we have planned, bonuses should be paid in each of the next five years."

Tony nodded, thinking about how much money he would earn.

I already knew: the answer was $1.25 million in the next five years.

He could never make that much money anywhere else.

What I didn't say to Tony, and I would never admit this out loud to anyone, but Catherine, Janet and I wanted Tony out of Los Angeles, earning enough money to pay his soon to be court mandated child support, alimony and to meet his other financial obligations.

Janet told me on the side that Tony had never been much of a father to his daughters and she wanted them to have me step in and act as their dad, so to speak. In order for that to happen Tony needed to be living somewhere else, and traveling to places and working with clients that needed him to be there on weekends so he couldn't use his visitation rights.

Tony broke the silence by asking "Tell me about this team of consultants I will be managing."

I replied "We're going to put you through some extensive on the job training so you can learn our way of doing things. I have a few experienced consulting team leaders you will be traveling with at the start and within in about six months, maybe sooner, you'll be leading your own team."

What I didn't share with Tony is that each of his subordinate consultants were single, smart and relatively attractive females. Maybe not tens, but certainly six, sevens and eights. We had hired them from all the small colleges in out of the way places and offered them a chance to move to Las Vegas, plus travel and an opportunity to bank some serious cash. None had a business degree but all were college graduates.

I thought that in no time flat Tony be sleeping with one, or more of these ladies and he would soon forget about his former family. As Glenn Fry sang in the song Smuggler's Blues "Its the lure of easy money, it has very strong appeal." So does fresh young pussy, as Tony would soon find out. He might never thank me but he would be grateful to me nevertheless. And both Catherine and Janet would be happy that Tony was off in Podunk, Wyoming, allowing us to raise his daughters right with his money but without much of his input.

Tony nodded, taking it all in.

I knew what he was thinking. Money, more than he thought he would every make in his life. Pussy, young, hot, fresh, all around him. No family responsibilities. And no asshole boss looking over his shoulder everyday.

I added "If you want to move ahead with this I need an answer in the next couple of days. The consulting company is based in Las Vegas so you need to get up there by Monday morning. Once you get there you can fill out the paperwork, do the drug test and all that. Oh, three more things. First, I have a company car you can use if you want. It's at the dealership. It isn't new but it has low miles and is very clean inside. Second, your first paycheck will be waiting for you when you get to the office. We pay twice a month and we pay in advance, not arrears. You'll like it that Nevada has no state income tax. It's an instant raise from California. Third, all of our consultants wear suits and ties on assignment so let me give you this."

I slid Tony an envelope with $5,000 worth of Visa gift cards.

"Go buy some new clothes and a suitcase if you need one so you can start working with us on the right foot."

Tony smiled and looked at me.

"Why are you doing this for me?"

"You seem like a nice guy who needs a fresh start. I have the means to help you, so let me, please. I feel badly how things turned out for you and I'd like to make it right if I can."

We shook hands and Tony said "I accept. Thanks for the new job."

He stood up, ready to go.

I had waited until he agreed to add one more term to our agreement.

"One more thing."

Now I am sounding like Columbo, the old TV detective played by Peter Falk.

Tony was so happy with the deal he thought he negotiated he wasn't ready for the sucker punch.

"I'll need for you to put your name on the baby's birth certificate as the father."

He looked at me and said "Will I have to pay child support?"

I replied "Yes, you will, but how about I just give you a once a year bonus to cover that cost. You know, pay you up front."

He agreed that would be fine, and we shook hands again and he left.

He was smiling as he left. He might not be smiling for long.

What Tony didn't know was that he was going to be working for Eva, the hardest charging female I had ever run across. He'd be earning every penny of his salary and his bonus.

You can read about Eva in "I Get Rewarded for a Job Well Done" and "The Second Time is Twice as Nice."

Eva was like a bronco. If you didn't make it clear you were the alpha from the get go, it would be a rough ride.

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