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I Just Wanted to Be Fucked Pt. 02

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I learn a whole new sex life.
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Part 2 of the 6 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 05/21/2022
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This is a unique story about a husband and wife, written from two perspectives under two different titles. This one is about the woman who thought her sex life became ordinary and scripted to the point of boredom. Its companion story is titled "I Just Wanted to Fuck". I suggest you read them both chapter for chapter and gain some insight into why people who love each other end up cheating. Like I said it is Unique, and I hope you enjoy hearing both sides.

I Just Wanted to be Fucked

Chapter Two

Learning a whole new type of sex life

After being thoroughly fucked, completely used, and yes owned on Monday morning, I could not get that morning out of my mind. We, or should I say he, did things I never even dreamt of doing, and he didn't ask for my consent or even my permission to engage in sex I hadn't up until that day. He not only fucked me while bound and leaning against a wall, but he also took my anal cherry and then shoved that cock in my mouth after he was done. I can still remember the taste it left in my mouth, and what it felt like having him use my body as his personal sex toy. But what still bothers me, or maybe excites me, is that he made it clear he owns me and my body from now on. What did he mean by that, is it just something some Men say, and if not, what does he expect from me in the future?

Well, I got a glimpse of my answer to that question on Wednesday after work when I found my cut and ripped T-Shirt hanging from the door handle of my car when I left work. I texted that strange number that he used to contact me on Sunday but haven't received a response yet. It is now Thursday afternoon and I'm at work trying to keep him out of my mind and doing a terrible job at it. I must regain control over this situation and do it quickly, making sure he knows if we continue there will have to be rules. I can do this I tell myself, but the sex was amazing and new to me, although I was looking for something that was not ordinary, and he certainly gave me that.

I walked out of work and saw something small dangling from my car door handle, another reminder of what I let him do to me? It was a small draw string fabric bag, and I quickly took it and put it in my purse, looking around to see of anyone else saw it. Once in the car I looked inside that bag and I was shocked by what I saw, a large chrome butt plug with a hole in the end that stays outside your body, and it had threads in it. The plug had to be at least between 1 1/2 inches to 2 inches in Diameter and shaped like the black Spade you see on playing cards. I immediately thought it would never fit, and why would I try it just because he left it for me? He could return my text and talk to me if he wanted me to wear this thing, instead it's just hanging from my car door with no communication whatsoever. I'm going to have to put him in his place and let him know I am not some kind of cheap whore that performs any sexual act whenever he wants me to.

Again, I tried to text him, but no return text was sent so I tried calling the same number and heard a shocking recording when I went to leave a message.

"If I want to talk to you, I'll do it in person, now get your head right whore."

I was enraged that he would talk to me that way, I mean who the hell does he think he is? I immediately dialed back to give him a piece of my mind, but this time it just hung up on me. I started the car and went towards home, fuming and steaming with anger, then I heard my phone make the text message ding. I pulled over at a local convenience store and pulled it out of my purse to read it. It was from him, and it wasn't the least bit ambiguous.

"Disobey me again and you will suffer the punishment that goes along with it. Learn your place whore and this will be much easier on you".

I didn't know how to react to that message, so I drove To a local park where I could sit and think this through and formulate a plan to deal with this man. Two minutes later my phone dinged with another message, but I waited until I got to the park before reading it.

"When I text you, you will respond within 60 seconds or less no matter what your situation is. That is strike number 2 and you only get three so stop fucking up whore, get used to this as it is your new life."

I was angry, I was confused, and I didn't know how to respond to this threat he just delivered to me on my phone. Another thing I did not understand was my response to his message, it was like I was watching a moving of some dumb broad in a cheap movie. But before I could even think about it, I typed him a message in return.

"I'm sorry Sir, please forgive me sir, I didn't know the rules. Please give me another chance and I will do better."

"That's better slut, make sure you do. I'll contact you tomorrow. Don't anger me again and answer my text in a timely manner this time."

"Yes sir. I will do better in the future."

I couldn't believe the things I was typing on my phone, and who I was sending them to. This is a man who Dominated me, my body, and my mind just days ago, and he had no problem telling my that I belonged to him after violating my previously virgin ass. I was almost beginning to believe he did own me, and although I didn't like his attitude towards me, but I wanted to be with him again. I walked back to my car and found a fuzzy racoon tail trapped under the wiper arm. It had a threaded end on it, and I knew right away it was for the anal plug he left me earlier, and that he was following me.

I drove around the outside of the park and investigated every parked car trying to find him, but to no avail. I drove home with my hands shaking, my feet tingling, my pussy quivering, and a feeling of desire inside of me. All I could think about was giving myself to my new boyfriend, or should I say master, and letting him use my body in every possible way that would please him. What new sexual act would he force me to participate in, would I enjoy it, and would it matter to him if I didn't? Or would he just take me as if he actually owned me and just fuck the hell out of my body, using every orifice once again? But most importantly, when would I be with him again, and will he care if I get pleasure from our next visit or not?

I got home, got changed into my jeans and Tee, and started making dinner when my phone dinged again. I look at it and it was a text from him again.

"Listen closely slut! Tomorrow after work you will come straight home and shower. Make sure you are clean inside and out. Then install your new anal jewelry and wait for me. No Whore makeup, no whore heels, wear something around three inches. Leave the front door unlocked and don't waste any time getting ready and then go to the entrance hall. Wait there, facing the wall, hands against it above your head, legs spread, and wait for me where I first took your cunt and made it mine."

"What about my husband? I can't take chances on being caught."

"That's strike three whore. You know Brian is doing inventory this weekend. Now you are going to be punished for your insolence. I will teach you not to play games with me."

"I'm sorry, I forgot about him working tomorrow night. Please forgive me and let me make it up to you?"

"You will make it up to me with your tear's slut. I warned you about this type of thing, now I'm going to teach you what happens when you play games."

"Please, I made a mistake, don't discipline me?"

There was no reply. I waited a minute, then two, then five hoping he would answer me back, but nothing.

"Sir, I am sorry, I will do anything to make it up to you. Please answer me?"

Still no reply from my master, and I was scared he was done with me. I went back to the kitchen to start dinner when I felt a hand across my mouth and another grabbing my arm and holding it behind my back.

"You seem to be under the impression that you get to decide what happens, where it happens, and how you can act when it happens. I'm here tonight to change your views. Now. I'm going to let you go and if you don't do exactly what I say, I will tie you up naked and leave photos of our last meeting for Brian to see. Do you understand me cunt?"

"Yes sir, I understand, I'll do whatever you want just tell me."

"Unbutton your jeans and slide then down to you ankles."

I did as I was told, and then stood up straight with him still behind me. He hadn't told me to turn around and I wasn't going to take another chance of angering him. As I stood up, he grabbed my Tee at the waist and yanked it off over my head, but I still stood there not moving and not saying a word. I then heard him open a pocket knife and he cut off my panties at the hip on each side and also cut my bra straps, then unhooked my bra and pulled them both off of me.

"Whores don't need bras or panties, they barely need clothes, and you're a whore, aren't you?"

"Yes sir, I'm your whore to use as you see fit."

"Then first you need to learn an important lesson. Get on your hands and knees facing away from me."

I did exactly what he told me to do, and I did it quickly as to prevent angering him anymore than I already had. I heard him open the refrigerator and he returned with a cucumber.

"Put this in your mouth as far as it will go and keep it there, then bend down and put the other end against the floor with your hands behind your back and stay in that position."

Again, I did as ordered and kneeled with my head down touching the cucumber against the floor. I heard him take his belt off and hoped he was going to fuck me right there on the kitchen floor, but I couldn't have been more wrong.

"Now you're going to do as told, only what is told, taught to answer me timely, and that you wait for me not the other way around. If I want to speak to you, I will call, and If I want to give you a message, I will text, and you don't get to initiate either one."

When he hit me the first time with his belt across my ass, I screamed out around the cucumber, and that angered him even more.

"You don't make a fucking sound cunt; you just take your punishment in silence."

He hit me again across the very same spot and it hurt like hell, but I didn't make a sound. From there he alternated side to side and cheek to cheek. He must have whipped me with that belt fifty times pushing me forward and pushing the cucumber further down my throat causing me to gag each time. By the time he was finished my ass was on fire, my eyes filled with tears, my throat sore from the cucumber sliding in and out, and my knees hurt from the movement across the tile. He lifted my head by pulling me hair, removed the cucumber from my mouth and told me to put my cheek on the floor, which I did.

He moved behind me and slowly started pushing the cucumber in and out of my pussy and it felt wonderful him using me instead of punishing me. He kept fucking me with it and I was getting wet as hell, until about the twentieth time he pushed it in he rammed it all the way inside me. I let out a scream, but my pussy swallowed it up whole making me feel fuller than I ever had.

"That's right whore, make sure you take everything your sir gives you. Only a whore could take that whole cucumber in their cunt, and you did great. You're going to be a good sex slave after I train you."

As I was thinking about the term "Sex Slave" he rammed his cock straight up my ass without warning. Initially it hurt worse than the beating he gave me, but it quickly became pleasurable having him saw his cock in and out of my asshole. Then he started roughly massaging my clit and that was more than I could take, and my orgasm was about to overtake me.

"That's right whore, go ahead and cum from me fucking your ass. You sure are a dirty fucking slut, and I'm glad I was the one to show you what you really are."

The more he abused my and the dirtier he spoke to me the more excited I got and I shot into an orgasm that took me for a ride to outer space, squirting all over the tile below me and clamping down on that cucumber and his cock. He cock erupted inside me spurting five or six times before he pulled out of my ass. He again lifted my head by my hair and shoved his messy cock in my mouth for me to suck clean, which I did with earnest.

Then he had me walk back two steps on my knee's and forced me to look down at my mess on the floor. After he put his pants and belt back on, he told me to lick up my mess in front of me, and as I was licking my own fluids from the floor, I heard the door open and close. When I looked back to the door, I could see he had just left after he was done with me, but I didn't care. I felt so damn dirty and excited all at the same time and wanted him to come back and use me again.

I picked up my cut bra and panties and shuffled off to the bathroom to get that cucumber out of me, although it started feeling good being wedged up inside my pussy. As I sat on the toilet trying to push it out, I was surprised by how much cum he deposited in my ass. After I got the vegetable out from inside of me, I took a look at my ass in the mirror, and couldn't believe the red marks he left on me, reminding me that I was his to do with as he pleased.

After I was done, I went into the bedroom to get a fresh pair of panties and bra when I remembered what he told me; Whores don't need panties and bras, so I pulled up my jeans and returned to the kitchen to put on my tee. Every time I walked past that spot in the kitchen I felt a tingling in my pussy, reminding me of what he did to me on that spot. But Brian would be home soon, and I had to get back to preparing dinner, but I kept looking back at that spot reminiscing.

Not ten minutes after I got dressed and back in the kitchen Brain came through the door.

"Jen, you left the door unlocked."

"So, what's the problem Brian, do you think someone is going to sneak in and rape me right here on the kitchen floor? Big deal, so it's the late afternoon and I didn't lock the door."

"No problem, I was just surprised that's all."

"Go get cleaned up. Dinner will be ready in fifteen minutes."

I couldn't believe I used the scenario of what just happened, but it gave me a dirty thrill saying it out loud. What was I doing and what was I becoming? I was acting like a cheap whore, and I wasn't the least bit ashamed, and I was getting a thrill from it. How did this man know I would respond this way, I hadn't said or done anything to give him the impression I would like this treatment? Was I sending out a hidden signal to let him know this? Had I been like this all my life, and he was just waiting to take advantage of me? All I knew for sure is that I was going to let him do whatever he wanted to me.

I finished preparing dinner and plated it on the counter, then set it on the table. When I sat down, I felt the pain induced from the whipping master had just given me less than an hour ago, and it hurt like hell. I tried to act like nothing was wrong, but it was a constant reminder of what his position was and what mine is.

"It looks like you're not wearing a bra today, what's the any reason for that?"

"For gods sake Brian, I am in my own apartment and I'm wearing a shirt. What the hell is the problem? Maybe I should just walk around naked and give you a reason to pick on me? Or maybe I should go out and buy a nun's uniform just so you are pleased with the way I dress? Or better yet, I should just burn all my clothes and go to work and shopping naked, that way you wouldn't have to worry if someone saw a part of my body, it would be on full display for everyone to see.?"

I got up, left the table, and went to the bedroom to be alone. He made no attempt to follow me or sooth me, he just ignored me while he stuffed his face with the dinner I made. He didn't show any concern for my feelings at all.

We spent the rest of the night not saying a word to each other and went to sleep on our respective sides of the bed, back-to-back. All night long I tossed and turned feeling the pain on my butt cheeks from my whipping and started thinking I deserved it because I angered my master and I needed to be taught how to please him. I thought about the way he fucked me, without any reservation or concern for me or my feelings, I was just a whore for his enjoyment, and I felt myself getting wet again. I dreamt about him using me all night and got very little sleep. Morning came way to early and my ass was still sore from my punishment, it was still red from my whipping but I persevered and got up to start getting ready for work.

I made breakfast, fed Brian, and went to take a shower to be alone until he left. I was drying off when I heard him slam the front door, so I went to the window to watch him leave, which he did in anger according to his driving. I grabbed my robe and went to the living room and without even thinking about it I unlocked the front door just in case master stopped by. In my bedroom I started to pull out my clothes and lay them on the bed. A Bra, a pair of panties and when I went to my closet for a dress, I remembered his words; Whores don't need bras or panties. How could I go to work without wearing either one? Did he mean all the time? Was I to be ready for him every moment of every day? I just wanted someone to fuck me like a slut, not someone who would creep into every thought of my life, but there I was putting my bar and panties back in the drawer. I felt an uneasy and queasy feeling in my stomach and thought maybe I was ill, but when I opened my panty drawer, I saw that butt plug and my uncomfortable feeling went away. I sat there holding it, sliding my tongue up and down and all around it, savoring the thought of wearing it just for him.

I had to take time to get my mind straight, so I picked up my phone and called in sick to work. He would be coming for me tonight and I had to think this all through and either be ready for him or send him away, but I had to make that decision either way. As soon as I hung up the phone I heard his voice.

"Put it back in your mouth slut, but this time all the way and keep it there."

I didn't even turn around to look, I knew it was him and I knew I needed to obey without hesitation, so I out it in my mouth as instructed.

"Should you be wearing that robe, or any clothing when you know I am here?"

I stood and slid the robe off my body, terribly happy I had forgone the bra and panties just moments earlier.

"Come over here and kneel in front of me."

Of course, I followed his direction and knelt down on the carpet before my master.

"We have all day and part of tonight, and it's a good thing too. You have a lot to learn and I'm going to be teaching you today."

I looked up at him quizzically, but he just put a finger to his lips showing me I shouldn't speak.

"I know you have questions, and they will all be answered over time but for now just know this. Today you will learn how you are to present yourself, and how to fuck a man. Yes, I know you think you've been fucking for years and I'm here to tell you that you've been getting fucked all your life. I'm going to teach You how to fuck, fuck a man using your throat, using your asshole, and using your cunt."

I've always hated that word, I think it's demeaning and filthy but hey, He's calling me Whore and what else would a whore have between her legs? The only thing I knew for certain about today was that it's bound to be a very long day.

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