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I Love Luci Ch. 02

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The best laid plans of Gods and angels do oft go awry.
3.8k words

Part 2 of the 20 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 04/10/2019
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Chapter Two: Strange Magic

He wasn't entirely certain at which point he felt the tug to appear before her. It was as though he'd shut his eyes to sleep and awoken to her voice. He opened his eyes and saw her, petite and curvaceous. He rifled through her thoughts as she focused on her task of summoning the elements and found a reference in her mind as to how he should appear... he was amused to see her vision of how he appeared flickered between an actor and a comic book character.

He watched her silently for a moment, and finally, as she faced the same direction as he, Lucifer ran his eyes from the smooth pale flesh of her shoulders, graced by long straight dark red tresses that fell almost to her waist. He regarded the generous curve of her hips, took note of the three inches of long healed scar tissue that hinted at some sort of damage or surgery to the base of her spine with moderate interest, the silvery-pale line of stitched skin telling him a great deal, as he continued to examine her. Full of figure but not obese by any current standard. Fair, soft... so innocent of her own power and beauty.

What mostly caught him was her voice. It was feminine, but husky, as though she'd already been aroused before he appeared, and had already seen to it at least once. He took a slow, deep breath and he scented sex in the air. His own body reacted almost immediately to that scent. It startled him that her scent alone could move him.

"You do know you're rather quite fetching in absolutely nothing at all, don't you?" It rolled off his tongue softly, but she jumped like a scalded cat, and whirled where she stood, the back of her bare knees skimming the edge of her large bed.

He played with her, teased her about her foolishness. He could see her whole life if he wanted to, but looked only so far as he needed to convince her she couldn't merely send him away. Gullible little witch. Whatever he did to her had to be by her consent. Damned free will.

When she did make a compact, he was already so hard, it was all he could do not to ravage her where she sat on the bed. And when he asked her to open her mind to him, to let him see her darkest and most humiliating fantasies, he was staggered by the sheer depravity of her deceptively innocent appearing mind.

He had intended to break her swiftly. He didn't much care for being summoned anywhere, even by accident. You let one person escape unscathed and suddenly others will try...


This one interested him too much to break her little mind. He pushed her as far as he dared... to the precipice of admitting one of her darkest fantasies that made her curl in shame and horror.

But he couldn't do it. He expected her to lie about it, deny it, or just a blush and silence at best. He did not expect for a moment the words that fell from her, nor their brazen honesty. He fucked her until she drained more than the cum from his body. He saw something flicker inside of her, like something buried in the shadows of her mind, looking at him from the abyss, in a place even she wasn't aware she possessed.

He left her sleeping in her bed. He was already looking forward to the next full moon. He watched the silvery shaft of moonlight across her face as the moon shone through her window and smiled to himself. She probably hadn't even remembered that it was a full moon, the night he took her. That little awareness would creep in eventually, and he wondered if she'd see the small joke he had played, chosing that form to take her in... if she would long for the same... or something darker. Or would she crave other temptations? There had been *so* many...

Twenty eight days. He already had a few ideas... and

Twenty eight days in which to plan...


"I knew it was all a dream," her voice sounded worried... and grateful.

"No, little witch... *this* is all a dream." He gestured to the scenery, a familiar glade in her mind, her dream-scape where he met and communed with her gods. "The 'it' you speak of... that was in your bedroom in the waking world. But I thought I would be polite and ask your Patron for permission to date his 'daughter'."

Her green eyes grew wide and she parted her pink lips to speak, but no sound emerged. He found her charming. Her sheer innocence mixed with such a fiery, passionate soul was an intoxicating mix he found very hard to look away from.

"And if I refuse?" Lucifer winked at the witch... he had discovered her name was Gwendolyn but she preferred her nick name of "Gwen" ... and turned with a charming smile to the hard, unamused voice behind him and found himself only five feet from a tall, muscular figure clad in hunting leathers and crowned with deer-like antlers on either side of his chestnut hair that fell just past his shoulders and framed his face as surely as the horns did. He looked less than amused.

"I would only point out she entered into a binding compact of her own free will," Lucifer told him simply.

The other God's honey-colored eyes fell on the woman, clad only in a sheer black wisp of a garment that did nothing to hide or protect the visibly naked body underneath. She reminded the fallen angel of ecstatic priestesses of old. So naive yet so incredibly skilled and intelligent... so endlessly orgasmic, their cum merely one of the many fluids they used in casting their sex-fueled prayers.

He didn't have the gift to know where her soul had been before this body. But he wouldn't be at all surprised to learn this soul was once housed in a body that gave itself in worship. It seemed so... foreign in this modern world... yet this woman embodied and owned that comparison as a form of power. It wasn't merely that she worshipped with her body in this incarnation... rather that she wore it like a second skin, underneath her daily life as wife, mother, homemaker; like it was her true soul to be that wonton wild thing in bed, and the mask was her mundane life... it was that she simply *shone* when she gave into that part of herself, like a fallen star herself. He would be lying if he didn't admit to craving her already.

"Priestess? Is it as The Fallen One says?" Lucifer struggled not to roll his eyes at the title.

"Really, Herne?" He muttered. The golden eyes shifted back to Lucifer. "This isn't being recorded by some British bard. And for the record, I am *not* addressing you as 'The Hunter, leader of the Wild Hunt, God of blahblah blahblah blah.' Your realm or not."

"Why didn't you just banish him, little one?" The other god asked of the startled looking woman by his side, looking mildly annoyed.

"Um... he said..." and the look of stark horror that filled her eyes as she realized her mistake almost tickled him to his toes until it didn't fade. And that he *cared* that it didn't lessen after a moment, when she remembered how much she had loved what he'd done to her body... to her mind... he felt distinctly unsettled. Some might even say "concerned". She... did remember that part, didn't she? How she gave herself and the bliss she had discovered in his arms?

"I didn't think I could..." was all she finally managed to say. "I am an idiot." She looked ashamed and aggrieved and it actually... hurt?

"Well, he is right, in this instance... you already made a compact. But that doesn't mean I have to leave you alone to him."

Lucifer would swear that surge of annoyance was only because his plans for her did not include a chaperone, if anyone asked him. He would be lying. And he, despite misconceptions, did not lie. He didn't like the gratitude on her face. He didn't like the way she gazed up at her mental image of her patron god, with complete love and trust, as if she... well, worshipped him.

He had never wanted to be anyone's personal god so much before. If should have shaken him to the core. He brushed it aside and decided to pull a different fantasy from the little witch's mental rolodex of lust, deciding he could still have fun with this and cement his claim on her for certain... for one night a month, at least...

"Well, if you're going to accompany us, Herne, make yourself useful and get your girl naked for me," Lucifer quipped, and turned to head down a hill into the valley where a massive stone altar lay. He had seen in her mind how many of her lusts were tied to his place. It would suit, he thought to himself.

He didn't bother to look to see if he was being followed. He knew he was. He didn't bother to try to overhear what the old Celtic deity whispered to her as he gently pulled the ties that held her sheer garment in place. You didn't need to be omniscient to know he was offering to protect her from the big bad devil. Telling her it was only every full moon, that she was his every other day of the month. To trust him not to allow her to be hurt in his domain... it was almost as tedious as his penchant to speak as though he were auditioning to play himself on "American Gods".

Lucifer was just passed the standing stones that surrounded the massive altar when he heard her sharp intake of breath. Pausing in his tracks, he looked back and saw Herne teasing the pretty little witch's clit with his fingers while he held her clenched to the front of his body, baring her deepest feminine secrets to any and slipping his fingers into the warm, wet core of her. Her head was thrown back against his shoulder, her pink lips parted in a tiny gasp of sheer ecstasy.

He couldn't help grinning. He knew Herne was making a point, making her cum first. Reminding the fallen angel to whom she truly belonged. And he should have been pissed. But he couldn't manage it. The passion gloriously etched in her features, the way she just flowed with power and lust...

It just made him want nothing as much as to sink into that warm, moist, sex-ridden body and mind.

He suddenly didn't see this as an intrusion on Herne's part. Rather... a blessing. And it made him pause. He understood what was happening. Herne truly was trusting him not to harm his Priestess. And if startled him. That he was also staking a claim was less territorial feeling and simply a statement of fact.

Gold eyes met blue as he felt the words pass into his thoughts, the voice Herne's: "I can see on your face you already know her worth... I see the change in your eyes. I have seen it in my own when she comes to me, to dance, to mate, to worship or to hide." Lucifer watched as Herne's eyes bore into his, even as the horned god was making the woman in his arms cum so hard on his fingers that his hand was nearly dripping in her passion. "But hear me on this, brother. Hurt her in any way and I shall hunt *YOU* next."

Lucifer nodded once, but couldn't ignore the slow pulsing of her cunt as she came again, fluid dripping from her to the ground beneath her. He was kneeling before that spasming snatch before she'd even come down from her last orgasm. He lay down beside her and drew her trembling body down to him, onto her knees, her wet pussy glistening in the sunlit Grove of the Horned God as he drew her to his questing mouth and tongue

She tasted of heat and flame, of smoky incense filled-bedrooms and and roses. She tasted of strawberries and honey, and smelled like a clear, wet and rainy pacific coast day. She tasted of desire and the painfully unfilled fantasy sweeping over her mind. She was so saturated with desire over the images and desires overwhelming her that she was all but screaming her needs silently to the other two beings in her mind.

Herne looked at him quickly and a slow smile came over his face. "Oh, you haven't known her long, have you?" There was an almost gleeful glint in his eye. "There is more than two minds here."

Lucifer cast his senses out but saw nothing and no one. But he also saw truth when he looked at Herne, could taste it. But he couldn't verify it, which put him on edge. But he put his frustration with the other god out of his mind by putting the energy of it into making her cum under his lips, teeth and tongue. There it was again... that bright, effervescent, incandescent light. It was like bathing in the sun in August in the Northern hemisphere. Her hips were writhing over his tongue as her gasps rose in pitch. The gasps turned to whimpers and moans as his tongue took over where Herne's fingers had been playing with her —directly on the hard little nub of her clit— as the other deity moved behind her and over them both, his garments tossed aside, his large cock filling up the spasming pussy mere inches below the tiny bit of flesh and nerves that Lucifer was giving a firm tongue-lashing to. He had a few moments to "thank Father" for his state of immortality... he was certain she might have smothered or drown a mortal man with the ferocity of her orgasms!

When she calmed and her eyes opened again and fell on him, he saw something... different in her eyes. A fire, and a darkness, that had nothing at all to do with him. She slid her body off of him, then leaned down and kissed him, tasting her own essence on his lips... on his tongue. But the soul within... it wasn't Gwen's.

"This is what you meant," Lucifer said softly to Herne, but returning the steady, completely shameless gaze as she beheld him, fearlessly and heated, her lust naked in her eyes and face. Zero hesitation, shyness or shame. This is what had peered out of the shadows at him last time he was in her mind.

The small peal of laughter was laced with amusement and a hint of sarcasm. "This is what he meant," she confirmed", her voice slightly frigid, even in its good humor. She untangled herself from the two gods and held out a hand in greeting to Lucifer. "Please, oh please ask me how many we are, so I can hiss: 'leeeeeeeeeeeeeeegion,'" she quipped.

"ARE you? Legion, I mean..."

She gave an inelegant sniff. "No. This isn't a poorly written movie. And I honestly only know about her and me. If it wouldn't surprise me if she had another personality or two lying in the wings. I don't think either of us know to what extent she is broken."

"She isn't broken," said the fallen angel, looking into the eyes of the little Priestess before him and but seeing a totally different mind and soul staring back at him. Similar desires, but not identical. And this one intrigued him even more, as he caressed her pale cheek and stared down the into her eyes and into a dark corridor in her mind, finding a whole new set of desires to play with.

"I'm Lucifer... and you are?"

"Lucifer... meet Evangeline. She is the protector of this form." Herne said with great fondness. "She once belonged to Nemesis, this one. But I felt her talents weren't in justice and revenge, so I... ehem..."

"Claimed me, officially, which Nemesis had not. Yes, wonderful, hello, Luci!" She wiggled her fingers impudently in his direction. "Now get your ass over here... both of us have a fantasy about having two men inside us... and both of us are horny as hell -pun intended!"

"Does... will she remember it?" He asked with genuine curiosity but still he shed his own garments moved to her as though she held some power over him, if only the power of sheer, carnal fascination. The body, whom he'd first known as Gwendolyn "call me Gwen; only my parents call me Gwendolyn when they're pissed", simply shrugged. "If I want."

He gave her a lascivious smile and drew his fingertip lightly over the hardening areola and nipple on her right breast. Her wet lips parted and her breath shuddered. "And do you..." he asked, leaning forward to catch the opposite nipple between his teeth. "...want?"

It wasn't until she was cumming under the combined caresses of Herne's fingers at her clit and cunt and his mouth and fingers on her sensitive breasts that she finally moaned; "I do want... her... to know. It would be a crime for anyone... oh, gods!... to miss this..." her cheeky, wonton little smile was the same and he could see small fractures of Gwen in Evangeline's eyes. He knew she was there, wanting him just as badly as her alternate and that knowledge made him decide to just accept for now and inquire later. But inquire, he would!

Herne lifted her as though she weighed nothing and strode to place her in his lap, on the stone alter. He began to ease her into his granite hard shaft inch by delicious inch, causing whimpers with each inch as she descended upon his cock. When he was fully seated with the luscious body of his Priestess, Lucifer couldn't stand to wait long as he stared at the little rosebud of her other entrance as she spread herself over the thick cock buried inside her wet core. He stood and looked down at her, and said, almost casually, "I think it would be best to make sure there is plenty of... lubrication." He was rewarded by a deep blush of her cheeks as she learned forward and began to stroke him into her mouth with one hand as she licked and sucked on his the root of him, using her own saliva and his pre-cum fo get him well and truly lubricated for his entrance into her tiny little asshole. Her mouth was... heaven... he could have stayed there while she worked her lips, tongue, throat and hands until he spilled into her.

But he controlled himself and extricated his cock from her grip with an almost woeful smile and moved back behind her again as Herne slowly rocked her hips around his shaft buried deep in the girl's hot, gripping, greedy little cunt. He began to press himself into her and to took every ounce of self-control not to just grab her hips and sink all the way into her. Her cries almost sounded painful but she assured him she was fine as the two being seated inside her velvet depths found a complimentary rhythm in and out of her body, causing her to clench them both almost painfully right inside her as she came for them, around them, shuddering, her voice raised in a keening cry of sheer ecstasy. It made him all the harder.

"Do you enjoy this?" He asked her from his place behind her, holding her to him as she moaned and writhed on the two cocks buried inside of her.

"Yes, my lord," she whimpered almost sounding as though she would weep in her passion.

"I'm not your lord," he reminded her, turning her head to meet Herne's gaze as he stared up at the wonton creature impaled upon the cocks of a god and a fallen angel, respectively. "He is," he whispered.

"What would you have me call you?" She panted, her body teetering in on the edge once more.

He pressed her to the edge over and over before he answered her in a ragged voice as she shattered around them once more: "You can call me 'Master'."

"Mmmmmm," she moaned, her body suddenly gripping him all the tighter as she trembled charmingly in his arms and he saw Gwen's wide guileless eyes staring back at him, almost heartbrokenly tragic but full of so much need. He saw it in her, her need to be taken by a powerful man. And while he didn't lower himself often to the human concept of manhood— he was an angel, after all!— at that moment, he realized he wanted some concession, some small claiming of his own.

"This is mine," he whispered in her ear as he began to fuck ass slowly, gently, and he gave her beautiful, curvy backside a quick slap and he was rewarded by her almost collapsing on the man underneath her. Herne, his golden eyes dark with shared desire merely watched the face of his Priestess as she was seduced and her sensitive passage claimed by the angel thrusting his body deeply into hers.

"Say it," he growled softly into her ear, needing to know she understood, she accepted.

Trying to gasp out words between delicious, body wracking orgasms, she whimpered aloud: "Yes, Luci, my ass is yours!" He gave her a hard smack on her ass, this time leaving a red handprint behind which he soothingly rubbed a moment later but his voice remained steady as he reminded her to whom she spoke.

"I'm sorry, who am I?"

Her full body shudder beneath him and the wetness seeping from around Herne's cock, still balls-deep in her oozing quim betrayed her desire to be owned and he loved it. It only made him want to fuck her harder, to push her body to its limits.


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