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I Never Liked

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I felt something else.
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I never liked her at all. She was a bitch of the highest magnitude, the local princess, daughter of the richest man in town. That wasn't saying that much, we lived in a small rural county, many miles from any town of significance. The county seat held about 25,000, and there were two hamlets of 5.000 and 8,000.

We never went to school together, she went to the big high school in town, I went to the one out in the sticks. I did well in school, top of my class of sixty-seven, and went to junior college while she went to some ivy league university.

I first ran across her the summer after our first year at university, at a party. I had made friends with a few guys, and they invited me over for a party, so I went. We were having a good time until she showed up with her new 'old money' boyfriend, trying to lord it over everyone there, bragging about the wealth of her boyfriend and how she hated 'coming back to the sticks' at the order of her father.

Her boyfriend seemed like a nice enough guy, but was obviously out of his element, and didn't seem too pleased with the remarks and behavior she was exhibiting. He ended up beside me later on, and asked if she had always been like this. I shrugged. "No clue, dude. I didn't go to school with her or run in her circles. I think this is the first time we've crossed paths. From what I've heard, this is her usual attitude."

"She wasn't like that at college, she was kind of shy and quiet. It's what drew me to her."

"Probably the result of going from a big fish in a little pond to swimming with sharks. Best of luck with her."

Just looking into his eyes, I knew their days as a couple were numbered. He left halfway through summer break. I was at the last party before going back to school, when she showed up with a different guy. When she saw me, she stormed up, aiming a slap at me. I just moved my head and the hand went by. Grabbing it, I held on while she struggled. "I don't know what your problem is. You don't even know me. I will tell you this, I let go and you try it again, I'll slap the piss out of you, and you won't be able to do shit about it. Self-defense is self-defense, it doesn't matter what gender you are."

I let go of her and she glared at me. "What did you tell Jeffrey about me?"

"If Jeffrey is the guy from the last time I saw you, I didn't tell him anything. He did ask about you, and I told the truth, we traveled in different circles and I didn't know you. That was it. Whatever happened between you two had nothing to do with me."

Her new man seemed to want to prove status as an alpha male. "You're pretty brave when it comes to a woman. You'd probably piss your pants if you had to face a real man."

I grinned, watching his reaction. "I might. Know any real men? I'd admire to see one, this little town doesn't seem to be well supplied."

People were listening and laughed, which puffed him up even more. "I can kick your ass any day of the week!"

"Well, it's Saturday, is that suitable? I don't want to break anything, so let's go out in the backyard and measure dicks, see who the real man is."

He swelled any harder, he'd bust. The host grinned and intervened. "As entertaining as that might be, save it for another day. My mother is really picky about her flower garden, you tear something up and we'll all get our asses kicked. Cool?"

I smiled. "Sure. Another day."

Alice, seeing the tide turn, pulled him away. She must have kept at him, because as the party broke up, he followed me outside. There was maybe ten people leaving and they were shocked when he came roaring out the door, Alice behind him grinning. "I'm gonna kick..."

I turned around and plowed him right in the ribs. He dropped like a rock, gasping and wheezing. Bob came out and tried not to laugh as he helped get him into her car, cordially inviting him to never come back. We found out later he had two cracked ribs, and almost lost his football scholarship because he had to sit out preseason and the first three regular games while he healed.


I didn't see her the next year, but ran into her before my senior year, at another party. I'd met a girl at school and we hit it off, and when I told her how rural we were she wanted to come and see, because she was raised in a fifth-floor condo in a major city. We stayed with my parents, and did not share a bed. It didn't matter because I had the run of our property and knew where the best places were to skinny-dip, and roll around on an air mattress. She was every bit as hot as Alice, maybe a little hotter, though she didn't flaunt it. My friends were fascinated with her, and the girls flocked to her because she was so open and friendly. I came home one day to see my mom grinning, with eight young women scattered across the living room. Sasha was conducting tutorials in makeup. Her mother owned three beauty shops and a day spa, so if anyone was qualified, she was.

I immediately retreated out the back door, jumping on an ATV, and yelling back for Mom to call me when it was safe to come home.

Word got around, and it seemed Alice was replaced as Queen Bee for the duration of our stay. That did not sit well. At the next party, Alice showed up, with a different guy, of course, dolled up way too much for a summer party where most were in shorts and tees. She had on a seriously short skirt, four-inch heels, lots of bling, and a skintight shimmery top that showed a lot of boob. I grinned when I watched her try to keep her balance as she walked across the back lawn, her heels sinking at least an inch at every step.

Everybody watched her entrance, then turned back to the conversations that were going on. My girlfriend Sasha just grinned. "That her? Bit overdressed for the occasion, wouldn't you say?"

I'd told her about Alice but I think she thought my description of her personality a little harsh. Most of the girls glanced at her, then turned back to Sasha, laughing at tales of her spa experiences. She was right in the middle of a story about an extremely hairy guy who got a full body wax to please his girlfriend, and how he passed out twice and cried like a baby, but still continued. "He must have really cared for her to go through that pain, but I had no sympathy. The ladies who frequent us and every other spa in the universe go through similar pain almost daily for their men and they have no idea."

Alice walked up, looking her over. "Hi, Mark. Who's your friend?"

It was the first time she'd used my name, usually it was just asshole. I wondered if it was her idea of an endearment. Before I could speak Sasha stuck out her hand. "Hi. I'm Sasha, and Mark here is a bit more than a friend. Isn't that right, honey?"

I knew she was doing it to bait her, so I joined in. "That's right, much more. If she wasn't so rich I'd trying to put a ring on her finger, but she can do better than a country boy like me."

She looked over and licked her lips and I almost instantly popped a boner. "Money isn't everything, honey. You bring a lot to the table."

Alice hung around for a few minutes, but she wasn't the center of attention, and she stomped off. Sasha asked me how much her family had. I shrugged. "Don't know. I was never interested in finding out. I don't think there's enough money in the world to make her appealing."

"I think she likes you."

I almost couldn't stop laughing. "Honey, I think you've been sniffing too much perfume. I've only seen her four times, and she's been rude and hateful every time."

"You make her nervous. I doubt no one has ever been unimpressed with her as you are. She doesn't know how to handle it, it's kinda like little boys pulling pigtails to get a girl to notice him."

I grabbed her into a big hug. "We need to stop talking about her, and why would I want chicken when I have steak?"

Apparently, somebody heard me and couldn't wait to tell Alice. She drank, she sulked, schemed, and finally came after me just as the party was breaking up. She tapped my shoulder and just as soon as I turned, she punched me in the nose. A real punch, not some girly flailing. I nearly passed out and the blood flew. No one knew it, but I'd been in a pickup baseball game, and long story short I lost a line drive in the sun, and my nose was smashed flat. I had two black eyes and all kind of bruising, and it was a month before I could breathe without difficulty.

Alice had just rebroken it. None of that was on my mind when the blow came, and I reacted by instinct. I broke her nose in return, standing over her raging while she cried, flailing her legs and giving us all views of her thong. Blood poured out of her nose as they helped up, holding a wad of paper towels to it. She screamed at the guy she was with.

"Aren't you going to do anything?!"

He laughed. "Yeah, I'm taking you to the ER. I told you to stop doing your entitled shit, but you wouldn't listen. This is the last straw. I'll make sure you're all right, get you home, but that's it. I won't be seeing you anymore. Now get enough towels that you don't mess up my upholstery, and let's go."

Sasha insisted on taking me as well. My nose had stopped bleeding, and the ER doc grinned. "It's broke, and looks like it was broken recently, before this, so you know the drill. Don't bump it, and it'll heal with time."


Foolish me, I thought it was over until the next morning when the cops showed up, with a warrant for my arrest for aggravated assault. The two deputies looked abashed as my mother tore into them, and my father looked grim. "You boys be careful here, before you open yourself up to false arrest. And before you say it, yes, I know who her father is. I'm going to follow you to the station, and he'll be coming home with me without a bond. Don't push me on this."

It could have gotten really bad, but one of the girls there had been taking a video of Sasha giving makeup tips, and had the whole thing on video. She sent it to me, and at the preliminary hearing, which I had to leave school to attend, I had blood in my eyes. Her lawyer paled when she saw who was representing me, and he petitioned the judge to have an in chambers interview before we proceeded. He looked at the tape, her lawyer looked at the tape and turned red, then pale, and motioned to dismiss. The Judge agreed. Alice was staring openmouthed. Her nose was still a red lump, and she had to have reconstructive surgery to return it to the former shape.

She literally passed out when she was arrested for assault. Her lawyer tried to talk me out of it, and I told her it would be a cold day in hell when that happened, asking the Judge if she could also be charged with filing a false report. The Judge was pissed over the whole thing, and agreed. The rant her father went on was epic, and they threw him out of court.

She left the courtroom in handcuffs.


Daddy ranted and raved at first, threatening to ruin me and my family. Dad just grinned and told him he wasn't the only one with access to good lawyers, and if he didn't "shut the fuck up," he'd be glad to introduce them.

I had no intention of letting her go to jail, but I wanted to yank her chain a little. In the end, she had to pay my medical and legal bills, agree to go to anger management counseling for three months, twice a week, and $30,000 dollars, which Daddy immediately forked over. I used it the money as a down payment on a new truck, and I'd smile and wave at them every time I saw them.

We all graduated. Sasha bid me a tearful farewell and departed for the West Coast and I never saw her again. I went to work for the family business, Cranston Consolidated Timber. Hardly anyone knew the family owned it, and we let them think we were just employees. We owned over forty-four thousand acres in five counties and two states, and held long term leases on eight thousand more.

We didn't just cut trees, we managed forests. It was a multi-generational business. In a few years I'd be harvesting trees my grandfather planted, huge trees worth a lot of money as lumber. Every business has it's up and downs, and we'd seen some lean years, especially when the housing market crashed in the early two thousands, and again when Covid hit. Even then we supplied markets, because building was considered an essential business. It had been a family business, but over the years we bought other family members out, so now the sole heirs would be me and my sister.

Amy was still in school, majoring in business, with two years to go. She was going to manage the office when Mom retired, and I was to manage the timber. I'd been working since I was old enough to follow my dad around so I slid into my position easily. Dad cut back to managing just our property, and turned over all the lease land to me.


A year after I graduated, I was walking the Hasting Holdings, 2400 acres of ridges and bottoms. My Dad had leased it six years ago from the old woman who owned it. She needed the money, but she was a shrewd old bird and a pretty good businesswoman. The lease was set up with graduated payments, $500 dollars per acre per year, to be deducted from her share when the lumber was harvested, and she got 15%. It was a chunk of money, but there were very few pines on the property, running to very old and massive oaks mostly on the ridges, and one tract was covered with black walnuts, the biggest I'd ever seen. Walnut was one of the most expensive woods on the market, and these were probably worth half-a-million or better. There were also a lot of scattered hickory trees large enough for boards, another expensive wood.

Those trees were from a hundred to a hundred and fifty years old, standing more through luck than planning, and we had four more years on our lease, so it was time to start harvesting. I was walking an upper portion of the land, going up the small river that flowed through the acreage. Close by was Hopper's Hole, a swimming spot popular for decades, until pools came along and it fell out of favor. Most didn't know it was there anymore. It was a big pool, thirty feet wide and forty long, running four to seven feet deep, flowing down from a rock bed worn smooth by water and time. We'd come out and picnic a couple of times a year, and Amy and I would slide down the long rock into the pool. You could build up a pretty good head of steam, and if you hit it right, you'd skip a time or two before sinking into the deep part of the pool.

It had been four years since I'd been there, and I grinned, thinking about all the girls I'd brought up when I got old enough, to 'skinny-dip', which loosely translated to ending up on thick blankets, banging our brains out. I felt my cock flex at the memory. I'd been in a bit of a dry spell, the dating pool was a little shallow in these parts, and all the women at my age were husband hunting. The solution was going to the largest city a hundred miles away every third weekend and find one of the meat markets to hook up. It usually didn't take long, I was considered attractive by the ladies, and I seemed to have money, so I rarely went back to the hotel alone.

It was pointless, meaningless sex, but it satisfied my needs.


The flash of pink drew my attention. When you spend as much time in the woods as I do, things not normally found in nature catch your eye. There were pink flowers of course, but none grew on a tree limb, shaped like a bra, with matching panties beside it. I'd learn to move pretty quiet and watch where I stepped, because the area was famous for rattlesnakes and copperheads, both highly venomous. They didn't like us either, and most would quietly glide away, but every once in a while, you'd get surprised. It was why I carried a pistol that held shotgun shells, loaded with buckshot, just in case.

The sound of her voice made me think it was a teenager. I had no desire to perv on someone underage, so I'd take a quick peek, and if they were young, I'd find another route, and they would never know anyone was around.

I looked through the foliage, knowing I couldn't be seen.

I thought my jaw was going to fall off. Alice was in the pool. She was naked, standing in the shallow end of the pool slashing water over her head as she sang. I might despise her, but I couldn't argue over the beauty of her body. She was toned to perfection, large breasts standing straight out, her nipples hard because of the water, slipping down to a narrow waist, before widening out to a killer butt. She twisted as she splashed, and while she wasn't smooth, she was closely trimmed. I don't think I ever lusted over a woman like I did right that minute.

Then I grinned, slipping out of my clothes, bundling them up with hers and hiding them. Then I slipped out of my shoes and lay down on the rock, shutting my eyes. It probably took two or three minutes for her brain to register what her eyes were seeing, and she screamed, hard. It was loud enough I sat up, pretending to wake.


She was moving her hands wildly, trying to hide body parts, when all that did was give me a show of jiggling boobs and butt cheeks. I grinned, and she got even redder that she was before.

"I own this place. Let me rephrase that. The company I work for owns the lease to this property, and I'm pretty sure it's posted. You did see the No Trespassing signs at the gate, right? Maybe some kid tore them down, but the fence and the locked gate should have given you a clue."

She just stared, eyes blazing in anger. I tried to match her stare, but my eyes kept drifting down to her prefect breasts and fabulous nipples. She realized it and stuck them out even farther. "Get a good look, perv! It'll be the last in this lifetime."

I sighed, grinning. "It's a damn shame such a perfect body is wired to such a disgusting brain. You never did answer my question. Why are you here? And my eyes are up here."

She was staring, and my dick was liking it, rising up to salute her. She almost turned purple.

"I come here to think."

"So, every two or three years then, right?"

I don't think she could get any redder and her blue eyes had turned dangerously dark. She came out of the water, stalking up to me, hurling insults as she came. I was giving as good as I got, until we were nose to nose, close enough for spit to splatter, screaming. That stopped when she latched on to my head and slammed her lips to mine so hard they were swollen the next day.

It was totally unexpected, totally confusing, and absolutely perfect! We probably kissed each other for five minutes. I think she touched my tonsils once or twice. We finally broke for air, her hand wrapped around my raging erection. I was so hard it physically hurt. Of course, I had a whole handful of perfect boob, squeezing the nipple lightly.

"You know how to use this? I bet I can't even feel it, you bastard!"

"You're probably right, you arrogant bitch. I've never fucked anything as big as the Grand Canyon! Promise me if I fall in, you'll get help."

"Asshole!" "Cunt!" "Bastard!" "Bitch!" We were at it again when I picked her up and twirled her around, bending her over so far she had to grab a tree limb for balance. I rubbed her a couple of times, and she was so wet it felt like gel. I lined up as she twisted and yelled. "Hold on! Go slow!"

Her next vocalization was a scream as I slammed into her, sinking to the hilt. I felt a gush of moisture and thought, "Damn, did she just squirt?"

She was screaming and cussin', but she was slamming back into me. Then the bitch reached around and raked those claws she calls nails across my thigh, bringing blood. I let go of her hip and gave her a tremendous swat on her ass. It was hard enough to leave a print on her ass and her scream reached a new decibel level. It was a good thing we were out in the middle of nowhere.

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