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Ice Queen Cuckcake Pt. 02

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Joanna lets Juan know who is really boss.
4.8k words

Part 2 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/10/2024
Created 03/24/2024
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Mr. Levitz had apparently been waiting for Juan so long that he had to use the bathroom, which provided ample opportunity for Juan to glare at Joanna as she continued her work.

"What is wrong with you?" She demanded.

"I don't know what you mean, Miss Hannola." Joanna said primly. "But I have quite a bit of work to get done. Frankly, this woman you hired doesn't appear to have made a dent in these expense reports..."

"Her name is Isabel and just because you work for Mr. Levitz doesn't mean you get to send her to get you drinks or sit at her desk like it's yours." Juan said. She wanted to step closer to the desk, to insist that Joanna get up and leave at once.

Except...she wasn't sure what the clearly unhinged woman would do if she did.

"Doesn't it?" Joanna asked. "That's the way it's worked in every office I've worked in."

"This is why you have such a spotty career record, isn't it?" Juan demanded. "I expect you stalked the hirers there and verbally assaulted them too, didn't you?"

Joanna looked away, her smug smirk disappearing. "I haven't done anything wrong, Miss Hannola. You didn't think yours was the only opening I applied for when I visited this building, did you?"

Juan stood ram-road straight. "Mr. Levitz has a PA. Her name is Mrs. Baker. She's a lovely woman and unlike you she's qualified for her job."

"I wouldn't know anything about that." Joanna said. "I just interviewed for the job and Mr. Levitz hired me. I didn't expect I'd be harassed by his subordinates when I accepted the position." She glanced up at Juan. "Do you think I should talk to human resources?"

Juan just glared at her.

Then the door behind her opened and Isabel came running in, carrying a tray full of hot drinks. "I'm so sorry Miss Maire! The coffee shop was so busy, it took them nearly an hour to get to my order, I mean, you're order."

She stopped when she saw Juan and flushed. "Jay! I-I have your dark roasted, no sugar, no milk here!" With that, she grabbed one of the four cups on the cardboard drink tray and extended it in Juan's direction.

Juan stared at the drink and then at Isabel.

She was a couple years older than Juan, a fact that was of no doubt some embarrassment to her, considering her current career trajectory. But then Isabel had no one but herself to blame for that. While she'd been traveling around Mexico getting high in the desert, Juan had been working her way up the ranks.

She was pretty too, even if her body wasn't anywhere in as good a shape as Juan's was. She hid it well though, with her black leather jacket and insistence on wearing distractingly juvenile jewelry, even in a formal environment like this one. She must have thought that because she and Juan were friends, Juan would be okay with her dressing however she liked. Well, normally Juan would feel that same way too. But somehow, seeing Joanna in much more professional attire, especially with Mr. Levitz around, made Juan worry that Isabel's insistence on colorful "alternative" fashion reflected poorly on her.

She remembered the questioning look on Levitz's face when he came out of her office. He was disappointed with her for being late. Was he already ticked off at the blatant bias she'd used in the hiring process?

Realizing that Isabel's smile was slowly cracking at the awkward silence passing between them, Juan grabbed the drink. "Isabel, who told you to go get four coffee orders?"

"Oh, it's just three orders. One for you, one for Frank, and one for Miss Maire." Isabel said, her smile disappearing. "Should I have not gotten one for myself?"

Juan's glare deepened. "While you are working in this office you will address Mr. Levitz by his last name."

"Oh. Sorry, Jay." She looked nervous. "Sorry, should I call you Mrs. Hannola when people are around?"

"Isabel, did Joanna tell you to go get coffee?" Juan demanded, ignoring the blatant violation of conduct she'd prescribed when she agreed to take Isabel onboard.

"I-you mean Miss Hannola?" Isabel actually looked at Joanna for guidance here, as if she was her boss, not Juan.

Juan was ready to scream at her to look her in the eyes when talking to her, when the door opened again and Mr. Levitz returned.

"Ah. Miss Diego, good to have you finally join us." He said, wiping his still wet hands on the thigh of his pants and taking the largest of the three cups off the tray without looking.

"It's Diéguez, actually..." Isabel said, quietly.

Mr. Levitz ignored her. "Now, Mrs. Hannola, if we could speak in your office."

"Of course, sir." Juan said, casting a glare at Joanna as she followed him into her office.

Joanna just gave a halfhearted wave, before turning her hungry gaze back on Isabel.


"So, I understand you're still behind on finishing these expense reports." Mr. Levitz asked.

"Yes, sir. That won't be a problem though, now that I have Miss Diéguez." Juan reassured him as he sat down at her desk. Just like Joanna at Isabel's desk, she briefly cognized.

"Well, that's good to hear, but I'm a little less than confident given the state I found things in when I arrived here."

She rankled. "Sir, I apologize for not being here when you arrived, but if we'd scheduled a meeting..."

"Relax, Juan. I don't give a shit if you come into work at noon, as long as the work gets done." Mr. Levitz said. "I mean that I sent my new girl down here at 7 AM to find out when we could discuss your next project and she found your friend watching fucking porn at her desk."

Juan's mind refused to comprehend the bluntness of the meaning behind her boss's words, preferring instead to shut down as much higher thought as possible. "I-I don't-I mean-"

"And then she sends your new PA to get coffee so you and I can discuss the matter and Miss Domingo doesn't come back until two hours later." Mr. Levitz continued, utterly uninterested in her babbling half-explanations.

"I don't...I mean, Joanna found Isabel...masturbating?" Juan felt like she might throw up. It was a lie, a filthy lie devised by Joanna's devious mind. It had to be, that was the only thing that made sense.

But why had Isabel been so cowed by Joanna and Mr. Levitz then? Why had she blushed when she found Juan had arrived for work? She was normally so bubbly, so full of enthusiasm for new faces.

Had the whole world gone mad? Or was Joanna really willing to go to any length to ruin Juan's life?

"Mr. Levitz, you' PA. She's the one who saw Isabel do this?"

He nodded and gestured toward the door. "You can ask her yourself."

Juan shuddered at the notion of trying to talk to Joanna about anything, let alone something so...intimate. "But you didn't see Isabel doing anything wrong?" She asked.

"Juan, are you saying that Joanna is a liar?" Mr. Levitz asked.

"I...I'm just worried about her credentials." Juan insisted. "She interviewed for this position and during the interview she became very...vulgar. She started talking about me and my husband and about...sleeping with her former bosses."

Mr. Levitz narrowed his eyes. "Juan, if you have a problem with my new secretary you can talk about it with human resources. When I interviewed her, she was nothing but polite. But nonetheless, your 'friend' apologized for looking at inappropriate material at work."


Levitz groaned. "Look, I'm willing to pretend like nothing happened since it's her first day. I just thought you should know in case you wanted to get someone else for the position."

Juan stared at him, trying to imagine Isabel doing something that perverse and then struggling not to.

"I also wanted to offer my new PA until you and your...friend catch up with the expense reports." He said. "Although based on what you've told me, I'm guessing that's not a good idea."

She cleared her throat, finally regaining her composure. "Thank you, Mr. Levitz, for bringing this matter to my attention. I will speak with Isabel regarding this incident and ensure it does not happen again."

Levitz stared at her for a moment and then nodded. As he moved to the door he glanced back at her. "Oh, and Juan...if you need help with the reports, just say so. You look like you've barely slept."

Juan swallowed and nodded, realizing how shitty she must look having had no time to clean herself up before racing to work. As soon as Levitz was gone, she sank against the desk and took a deep breath. Then she marched out of her office.

She came out just in time to hear Isabel laugh unnecessarily loudly at the whatever Joanna had just said. She glared at them both, ineffectually since Joanna remained unimpressed and Isabel already looked petrified.

"Miss Diéguez, can I see you in my office for a moment?" She asked.


"Jay, I'm so sorry, I didn't know I was doing anything wrong!" Isabel said as soon as they were inside the office.

"Really? What happened? What did she catch you doing?" Juan asked, pacing back and forth behind her desk with her arms crossed.

"I was just looking at some art a friend of mine had made on my phone. It was just a little risqué, that was all!" Isabel said. "If the folks around here weren't such prudes..."

Juan struck the desk loud enough to jolt Isabel before she finished her sentence. "On your first day...why couldn't you have just done your damn job? Do you like making me look like an idiot?"

Isabel stared at her in shock and horror and tears started to appear in her eyes.

Juan didn't care. She was angry. Angry at Joanna. Angry at Levitz. Angry at herself. She was not going to be made a fool of. She was not going to be pushed around or exploited by anyone.

"Did you even defend yourself, or did you just apologize to that white bitch out there the second she said you'd done something wrong?"

Isabel wilted further. "I-I'm sorry..."

Juan stared at her and then resumed pacing. "Go. Get out of here. Get back to work, alright?"

Isabel nodded and slipped out of the office. Juan turned to stare out the window behind her desk. What was wrong with her? How had she lost so much control so quickly? Everything had been fine and then-

"Miss Hannola?"

She turned sharply to stare at Joanna.

"Yes...Miss Maire?" She asked, barely unclenching her teeth to do so.

Joanna just smiled and leaned into the doorway, allowing her words to be perfectly heard by the sobbing Isabel outside. "Mr. Levitz said that you might want to talk to me about my earlier behavior? Would you like to go down to HR and talk it over with a representative?"

Juan just stared at her desk. No, she didn't. She didn't want anyone to know how Joanna made her feel, or indeed anyone to hear the things that Joanna had said to her.

"If you come near me outside work hours, I'll call the cops." Juan told her. "If you come near my husband again, I'll sue you for everything you're worth. You leave me and him and Isabel alone, alright?"

Joanna quirked her head and had the nerve to not even look amused. "Is there something wrong?"

Juan stopped herself from throwing something at the taller woman. Instead, she sat down. "Please...let's just both get back to our jobs, alright?"

Joanna's lips twitched with the most microscopic hint of glee but she nodded. "Thank you for being so understanding, Miss Hannola."

As she turned away the sound of Isabel's sobbing permeated Juan's conscience.


"So, how was work today?"

Juan sat at the table staring at the salmon and asparagus on her plate. She didn't want to eat something healthy tonight. She wanted to scarf down something greasy and sugary and very, very bad for her. She wanted to feel as awful inside as she did outside.

"Can we please not talk about it?" She asked, very quietly. She was trying to come up with a plan. A plan that would expose Joanna to Levitz as the racist, gaslighting, psycho bitch she was. A plan that wouldn't end up making Juan look weak by comparison.

Mark got up from his own quickly finished meal (with his workout routine he was perpetually hungry). Then he rounded the table, appearing behind Juan and placing his hands on her shoulders.

"I know something is wrong, alright? I know you're hurting...please, just let me help..."

Juan's shoulders tensed, then relaxed. She didn't care anymore if she should be angry with him or not. She needed an anchor right now and he was the only one available to her.

Pushing the plate away, she jumped to her feet and pounced on him, her nimble form wrapping around his tree trunk waist so that she could pull his head down to her lips.

Startled by her suddenness, he retracted from her passionate kiss with a confused and entirely unaroused expression.

"Please..." She begged him as she rubbed her hips just above his pelvic bone. "I don't want to talk tonight."

A few minutes later they were on the couch, her pressing kisses all over his balls and cock while he wiggled two thick fingers into her soaked snatch. She didn't care if she came. She just wanted him. All of him, inside of her, made permanently a part of her. She wanted him to be fulfilled. She wasn't a worm. She wasn't a nag. She was going to give as good as she got, prove that she deserved him and vice versa.

She was sure, as she felt her vagina walls clench and squelch around his calloused fingers, that if she could just bring him to climax, it would restore her own confidence. She'd be able to march into work tomorrow and bring Joanna to fucking heel like she deserved.

She grinned as she dragged her tongue down his shaft and between his balls, squeezing every vein and savoring the salty smell of a day of hard work at the gym, even as his thick black bush tickled her nose.

But the image of him at the gym, of him with Joanna...suddenly, it was in her head and she couldn't get rid of it. The two of them rolling around, rubbing all over each other, laughing and playing as Joanna told him all about how she'd humiliated Juan and her secretary at work today. Then they'd head back to the showers, but neither would be washing alone. Their massive bodies would finally fit together, like two pieces of a great white glacier. And they'd rut like animals in the dead of winter, desperate for each other's heat to survive.

Her walls clenched again, this time so hard that Mark was unable to get his fingers free. Her body, too enchanted with the spell of lust to listen to reason, began to s shove itself backward onto the meager penetration. Her mouth hung open and she let out a mournful squeal as she spasmed and climaxed on her husband's digits, at the thought of Joanna taking his entire length in one easy go. Her hips continued to jerk as she rode out the orgasms, groaning and drooling all over his nut-sack, as once again she was the first between the two of them to cum. She lowered her face to back to his shaft and pressed more kisses of apology to it's base, wrapping both lips around the side of his shaft and succeeding at milking a tepid spasm and unclimactic spurt forth. As his sperm rained down on her perfectly well-kempt hair she sighed against him in exhaustion and defeat.

A few minutes later when he'd recovered as well, she felt him pick her up and bring her upstairs. She wondered briefly, if they were about to go for round two, as she fell asleep in his arms.


"What are you doing here?"

Joanna looked up from her laptop. She was at Isabel's desk again, primly and properly dressed for the professional space and obviously well-rested.

"Miss Diéguez called in sick." Joanna stated without looking up from her computer. "Mr. Levitz asked me to fill in as your secretary for today."

Juan gritted her teeth. "Wonderful. Well, you can start by getting me a coffee. And some breakfast. Something nice and warm."

Joanna nodded but waited to finish whatever she'd been typing to stand. "Of course, Mrs. Hannola."

Juan waited until Joanna was gone to pull out her phone and type a desperate text to Isabel.

-Whr r u?

She waited for a response and, receiving none, groaned and hid herself away in her office. She considered locking the door to it, to keep Joanna out. But then she shook her head. She wasn't going to hide from this woman, it would just make her seem more powerless in this situation. She was Joanna's superior and she would demonstrate it until this bitch realized who she was fucking around with and either left the company or quit the mind games.

Still, when, over an hour later, she heard the knock on her office door she tensed in preparation of another assault. Then she held onto her desk and took a deep breath.

"Please come in." She said.

Joanna walked in with a large dark roasted in one hand. No sugar, no milk. In the other hand was a breakfast sandwich made. It was full of eggs, bacon and sausages, all piled together between two buttery croissants. It smelled fucking fantastic.

Juan stared at the sandwich, presented on a little paper plate, no doubt taken from the lunch room, as she absently seized the cup of coffee.

She was so hungry. She hadn't had dinner last night and the little pre-bed sex had only increased her appetite. She stared at the sandwich and then at Joanna.

"Oh, I'm sorry, Mrs. Hannola. You're on a diet, aren't you?" Joanna said.

Juan nodded as she slowly comprehended what the bitch was doing. Fattening her up, filling her with greasy calories so that she was less of a threat.

A soft, fat pig compared to Joanna's lean, wolfish body.

"I think Mark actually mentioned it during our session." Joanna said as Juan realized with disturbing clarity the deviousness of her foe. "I can be such an airhead sometimes. Let me just toss this out and go get you some oatmeal."

Juan didn't want oatmeal. She didn't want to eat shitty gray sludge, not unless it was covered in syrup and brown sugar and chock full of berries and banana slices.

"No!" She cried out and Joanna stopped herself.

Juan stopped herself too and licked her lips to re-moisturize them. Then she re-summoned her composure. "The sandwich will be fine, Miss Maire. Just don't make the same mistake again."

Joanna bowed her head primly. "Of course, Mrs. Hannola."


The sandwich was so good. The best thing she'd fucking eaten in fucking ages in fact. Of course, all those carbs did make her feel a bit lethargic after the meal was done. But after the week she'd had, she decided she deserved a little relaxation. And if Joanna wanted to work on the projects for her so badly and Levitz wanted her to work on the projects for Juan so badly, well, they could get what they fucking wanted. Joanna could sit at Isabel's desk and see how fun filling in excel spreadsheets was compared to trying to seduce women's husbands.

After making sure that the door to her office was locked (she didn't want that bitch walking in on her while she was vulnerable), Juan surrendered to her own exhaustion enough to get in a quick cat-nap.

When she awoke, she was stiff and warm and still tired, but after standing up and stretching a little, her mind felt clearer than it had in a long time. Empowered by the rejuvenation of rest, she decided it was time to exert her authority over her new co-worker.

But when she opened the door and stepped out of the office, she found that Joanna wasn't at the front desk. Surprise quickly turned to excitement, as she took the opportunity to head upstairs to Levitz's office and let him know about the work ethic of his newest hire. A little payback for everything revealed about Isabel which might even the playing field so to speak and open the door for the campaign of slander which Juan intended to heap on Joanna's massive shoulders.

Let's see how smug she was when she was unemployed.

As she arrived at the office and raised a hand to knock on the door, she heard something. The unmistakable sound of a licentious moan.

The breath caught in Juan's throat. Surely not. Surely she must have been mistaken. She pressed her ear to the door and heard the creak of movement across a wooden desk.


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