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In a Family Way

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Man finds polyamorous love in the arms of several women.
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Chapter 1

It seemed like the thousandth time that I'd taken that trip to San Jose, but this time it was different. I was going for good this time.

After years of talking to people out there, it seemed that just moving out was the smart thing for my career. It'd certainly make a difference in my wallet.

My flight had been canceled the night before, so I was on an early flight to San Francisco out of Atlanta. I'd been shoehorned into the center of the second to last row. I'm not claustrophobic, but I was feeling the cattle car experience first­hand. I was looking forward to a little shut eye through it all.

I'd spent the last two days in a hotel, since all my stuff had been packed and shipped on ahead. I was exhausted. The job search, interview trips, eventual packing, and now travel troubles had left me almost entirely without energy.

The plane was pretty full, and I'd hoped that the seat next to me would stay empty, but it wasn't to be. A young woman, perhaps twenty­four, slender, and with straight shoulder­length dirty­blond hair came down the aisle to the back of the plane, looking at what I figured must be her seat: the one next to me.

She was cute, something I'd be willing to watch for a little while. She was wearing fairly tight jeans and a short white blouse that was not really meant to hide much. She was wearing a gray jogging bra that was filled well. The fabric of her bra was pushed out into well rounded shaped by her breasts. She filled her space nicely.

"Good morning," I said matter­-of-­faculty.

"Hi," she said as she was struggling with the belt. Nothing else was said. I fell asleep as soon as we were airborne. I felt a nudge, which woke me out of a much needed rest. "Do you want breakfast," she asked. "Umm, sure, ya," I mustered.

"Are you the other vegetarian meal," the flight attended asked.

"No... heck no!" I said. "I'll take anything with meat in it, thanks." She handed me a tray of scrambled eggs and sausage.

"I wonder why she asked that," I mused to myself.

"Because you're sitting next to me, and I ordered vegetarian," the young lady volunteered. "You should try it sometime, it's more healthy than that stuff you're eating."

"What made you decide to go vegetarian, a bad steak or something?"

"Hah. No. A few years ago, I moved in with some vegetarian friends in Santa Cruz, and, well, that was that," she explained. "I've never gone back."

"Ah, Santa Cruz, that mecca of alternative lifestyle," I prodded. I was in a feisty mood. Everything was moving me in that direction that day.

"Yup, and I suppose that you'd consider me the poster child. I live in sort of a apartment house with two other women, which I suppose you'd consider a commune."

"No kidding. Two roommates. That must cramp the old lifestyle." I prodded some more.

"Well, actually, it is my lifestyle. We're actually all sort of living together." I got the picture, but didn't know what to say.

"Umm, wow, well, I didn't mean to pry!" I backed off. Fast.

"Actually, you didn't, but we all love our lifestyles, and aren't ashamed of it. People like us should be more open with it."

"Ya, well, there ya go."

"You're now a captive audience. I just spent a week on the conservative east coast, you know."

"Uh huh. Don't you ever want kids? Doesn't it seem that you're giving up a lot?"

"Well, ya, sort of. A few of us have been talking about planning for the future in that way." I was curious to hear what was coming next. "We've looked into artificial insemination, and may go that way if we can come up with enough money to do it right."

"Hmm." I stopped the conversation for a while. I felt as though I was invading someone's space in a big way. A few minutes passed.

"So, you strike me as the conservative east coast type," she observed.

"Me, east coast, ya, not quite conservative. You'll never see me in a tie."

"It's just the talk about kids and all..."

"Well, you do want kids, right? So what's conservative about that?"

"Nothing I suppose. It came off as a little judgmental, that's all."

"Sorry, I didn't mean it that way. We went from talking about your being a vegetarian to your sex life pretty quickly." This time she let the conversation idle for a few minutes.

"You know, there are cheaper ways to do it," I blurted out.

"Do what?"

"Conceive ­­ have kids, I mean."

"Oh, you mean the conservative, traditional way, right? I've heard of that," she said sarcastically. "You know, I'm not entirely gay, I still see things in guys that I like.

"You just need the right guy, you know, who's willing to do the up­front work." I was stammering a little. This was an odd conversation. A few minutes passed, as we both looked at magazines.

"What do you think of this suit," she asked, showing me a tan­through swimsuit being modeled by a woman who seemed to have no brain whatsoever.

"I like it," I said. It was a full body suit that had high lines at the thighs and a low cut at the breasts. "It accentuates all the right things." I went out on a limb, "I think it'd look pretty good on you."

She blushed, "Oh you do, do you?" "So, um, would you happen to know any of those guys who could help me out with my, shall we say, proposed project?"

"You mean get you pregnant?" "Well, ya," she said, as if to say "duh!"

"Well, I, uh, I'd be inclined to give it a try. I'm moving out there you know."


"Ya, I'd have a few conditions though," I said. I was beginning to regain some composure.

"Well,that's sort of the problem, I don't want any conditions." She turned away a little.

"It's pretty simple, really. I'd want time with you while you were pregnant, you know, intimate time."

"That's all?"

"Ya, that's pretty much it. I've always wanted to make love to a pregnant woman, and well, that'd be my price. We'd both get something from the deal."

Chapter 2

I got into the center of Santa Cruz, and after taking a few wrong turns, finally found my way to her place. It was a surprisingly nice building. When someone says "apartment building" to me, I think dreary, but this was nice. It was almost an east coast Victorian. She was on the porch waving to me.

"Glad you found the place!" she said. Let me introduce you to my girlfriends, Deidre and Cassandra.

"Very glad to meet you," I politely said.

They were clearly sizing me up, and I was sizing them up, wondering why such good looking women would want to be a lesbian. I had a lot to learn. "He's the one who's going to make us a family." They all sized me up a little more. We went in the front door.

"Gees, who'd you tell?"

"Just my girlfriends. They're all curious how this is all going to work out, you know, how you deal with this and all."

"How I deal with it?"

"Ya, pretty much." She took me by the hand and led me to her room upstairs. The place looked a little like a sorority house, lots of common areas, with bedrooms here and there.

Her room was a weird cross between a teenage boy's room and a twenty­something woman's room. A poster of Xena was on the wall, a make­up table was against another wall. Two large open windows faced the bay, letting the early afternoon sun and sea breeze in.

She was all business. She undressed me, and then undressed herself. She grabbed my cock, rubbing it back and forth as it grew to full potential. "This'll do the trick," she said. She pushed me onto the bed, and mounted me like a lion would pounce a gazelle. "I'm ovulating you know, so let's make it happen!"

Her boobs were fantastic, freed from her bra. She wasn't quite as slender as I'd imagined, but nicely shaped just the same. "OK, boy, now gimme all you got, fill me with your manhood!" She moaned as I pumped what felt like a cup into her.

We did it as many times as I could. I was beat. "You want something to drink, sperm­boy? We have to keep you healthy and making more of that baby juice."

"Sure, a beer would be great." She didn't bother dressing as she went to the kitchen. She returned with not one, but two Buds, both for me.

I went back two more times that week to give her a top­ up, both times she was quite thankful. I'd squirted into her more times in those few days than I'd ever done to any one woman. I could feel that my volume was increasing each time.

Chapter 3

Several weeks passed, and I was curious what was happening. Just as I was about to call, she called me.

"You're a wonder­man," she said. I went cold in disbelief of what I was expecting her to say. "You juiced me so well that we did it in the first month! I'm preggo, with child, carrying, got a bun in the oven, woohoo! The girls are so jealous!"

"Wow, that's great, always thought I had it in me!

"And you know, I did really enjoy our little project a few weeks back, and I'm sort of looking forward to your fulfilling your 'condition'."

"And I'm really going to enjoy your 'condition' too!" We both laughed.

"Would you mind if I came down to see you?"

"No, that'd be fine. You can spend the night, it's long drive."

I was in the car in under ten minutes, and at her door an hour later.

Chapter 4

I went into the living room where she was standing there, topless, holding her boobs in front of Deidre and Cassandra. "They're bigger, don't you think?"

"Oh, ya," said Deidre.

"I don't know, they do seem a little bigger," said Cassandra, with what sounded to me like jealous skepticism.

"They feel bigger," said Sam.

"And heavier," said Cassandra, after she came up and felt both boobs.

"Ya, that's a good way to describe it. Definitely heavier." said Sam. "I'll bet that your nipples are darker too," I said, coming into the conversation. "May I?"

"Sure," Samantha said, as her friends backed away a little, and she lifted her arms. I reached from behind her and cupped my hands onto her boobs, lifting gently to feel the weight. She turned toward me and said "My man", again weighing her boobs in her hand. "Look what you've done to me!"

"Do you think that there's milk in them?" asked Deidre. "I don't hink that happens until after birth," I said.

"So how long before you get a belly, Sam," asked Cassandra.

"I don't know, maybe a couple of months?" She looked to me as though I'd know.

"Ya, probably something like that. Maybe less." All of a sudden I was the expert. I didn't have a clue, but it was going to be fun to watch. "I brought a camera, I'd like to get some pics to remember this by."

"That's fine, as long as I get prints too."

"Us too," said Deidre, looking at Cassandra.

We all went upstairs. Samantha started posing even before I was ready for her. I think that she was posing for her girlfriends as much as for the camera. We took all kinds of shots. She gave us profile shots, frontal shots, and all shots in between. My favorite was when she gave us a profile shot of her on her hands and knees. Her breasts, while nice and firm, drooped like honey drops. I could only imagine her belly doing the same in a few weeks!

Later that night, I made love to her, and felt a difference in how she felt wrapped around my cock, somehow she felt warmer and softer. I had heard how this can happen, but was amazed at the difference that it made!

Chapter 5

A few weeks passed, and I wanted another look and feel. When I got there, Samantha was still at work. Deidre was on the porch, and said "So, you seem to have done a fine job with Sam."

I thought that she was pissed. "I did what she wanted." "So you did. She's rounding out quite nicely. I'm impressed. I don't suppose that you handle more than one client at a time, do you?" She handed me a beer.

I hadn't expected that. It's not like this was a business. "Well, I suppose, as long as you don't think that Sam would mind."

"Nah, we talked about it, she was impressed with your work too, and recommended you highly." I laughed nervously. What the hell was I getting into?

Again, I was taken by the hand upstairs, this time into Deidre's room. She put on some music, and lit up a joint. "I won't be able to do this anymore, so here goes one more time." Out of character for me, I joined her in the smoke. I started undressing her, and she me. Her boobs were pretty average, but she was as skinny as a rail. I figured that if she did get pregnant from this, she'd look like a snake having swallowed a duck.

"Are you ovulating?" I sounded like a doctor. I suppose that in a way, I was!

"I think so. I'm really glad you're here in prime time. I've wanted to do this for a long time, just didn't have the 'contacts' you might say. Sam's boobs have gotten huge. I've always wanted huge boobs. Her tummy's beginning to round out nicely. I've always wanted to be something more than a stick. Besides, being a mom should suit me, don't you think?"

"I guess, I stammered. "Well, let's see what we can do about rounding you out a little. As I recall, this is the right procedure..." I got on top of her, as she grasped my sides to pull me into position.

"I hope that you brought a lot of that baby potion with you," she said as she worked with me to get every drop out. We collapsed on the bed. Actually, I collapsed, she just laid down next to me. We fell asleep pretty quickly.

A light knock at the door woke us up a few minutes later. "Knock, knock! I see that you took my recommendation, Deidre, a fine choice." Samantha sat on the bed beside Deidre as they both looked at me. "I'm glad to see that you're helping out my friends too!"

Samantha removed her jacket, blouse and bra. She had a different bra this time, it seemed bigger. When the bra was away, it was clear why, her boobs were much bigger, and her nipples were much darker. Deidre said, "I can't wait until mine are round and full like this," as she suckled up to Samantha's left boob.

"Neither can I," I said. I felt Samantha's right boob, remembering its old size with my head while my hand measured up the new size. It was quite a lot bigger and fuller than I recalled.

I removed her boots, and then went to remove her jeans.

She stroked my dick, "Here's our man." Her jeans were elastic waist jeans. I put my hands on the jeans to feel the shape of her belly. It was definitely rounding out and firm. I untied the tie and pulled them down over her belly, which was indeed much more substantial that I had imagined. I removed her panties, and rubbed her belly round and round.

"I don't want you making love to her right now. If you want to do that, you come squirt your juice this way. Besides, she doesn't need it! You gave her enough to last nine months! Look how big she's getting!" We all laughed, but I was really into making love to Samantha, since she was far sexier with her enhanced breasts and rounding belly. Samantha released my dick as Deidre pulled me back to her side of the bed and directed me to top her off. I pushed my dick into her slick opening, and gave her another dose.

Samantha got up from the bed as we finished. I watched while Deidre was getting her underwear on. Samantha's pregnancy was clear to see. Just beneath her belly button a small round protrusion showed. It was especially prominent when she leaned back a little, which she did because her back was a little sort. "How many weeks are you now?" I asked.

"Ten, I think." She put her hands onto her slightly rounded belly. I went over to her from behind, and put mine on too. "I can't believe that I'm growing a new little one in here. It's always been a dream of mine."

"Mine too," said Deidre, as she put her arms around Samantha, rubbing her belly from behind. "Mmmmm," she said, as she moved her hands up to Samantha's large breasts. Samantha tilted her head back, enjoying the sensation.

I went to get my camera.

Chapter 6

I knocked on the door of the house early on Saturday morning. The smell of bacon and eggs wafted from the house. Deidre had called me a couple of weeks earlier to tell me that once again, my powerful semen had impregnated someone on the first try! When she opened the door, she was wearing pajama shorts that were a little low on her abdomen, and a short top that stopped just beneath her boobs, which had grown from their earlier small size into nicely rounded breasts.

"Hey Daddy, how's it going?"

I'd never been called Daddy before. That was a bit of a head drain! "Great, how's my little one?" She let me in and closed the door behind me.

"Fine, getting bigger every day." She picked up her shirt to show her small belly. Her thin body let the belly show earlier than it might otherwise. A small bulge below her bellybutton gave away the secret. "Seven weeks now, a sixth of the way there. I hope that I get frickin' huge. If I've got to get big anyway, it might as well be over the top!"

"Me too, the bigger the better, I figure. I brought my camera, I was hoping that we could get some shots of you and Samantha together."

"Sure, but I think that Samantha's going down to the beach this morning." As soon as her name was mentioned, Samantha came down the stairs, clearly ready for the beach, and clearly pregnant.

"Hi there." As she reached the bottom of the stairs, her belly came into full view. There she was, with a full round fifteen week belly pushing her bikini bottom down and a little out of place. She wagged her belly side to side to show it off. I went over. Clearly, she wasn't the kind of woman to hide her pregnancy ­­ as a matter of fact, she was a little on the exhibitionist side. I wondered how many guys at the beach would be watching her closely. I sure would be.

"Hi. Well, you've certainly rounded out since I saw you last."

"Ya, the girls love it. As a matter of fact, Cassandra wanted to chat with you a while." She was cradling her belly with her hands.

"You're kidding, another?"

"Sure, lesbians want kids too, and this is a good arrangement."

"OK, but I'm not going to leave here without having some time with you."

"You're a brat, did you know that?" she said as she pulled me up the stairs.

I hadn't expected that. She must sort of like this.

We went into her room. I came up behind her and put my hands on her belly. I moved my right hand down to her bikini bottom and pulled it down. She turned to unzip me and take off my jeans. As she did, she grabbed my dick and said, "look what this bad boy's done to me!" I took off her bikini top, letting her full breasts free. The threw me onto the bed, and was on top of me in a second. "Let's do this," she said as she aimed herself at my dick, and slowly pushed us together. As we made love, I caressed her belly and boobs, not knowing which I should spend more time with. She leaned into me, and I sucked her right breast. "There's nothing there yet, you naughty boy, but just you wait a couple of months" She wouldn't let me cum more than once. "That's enough, you want enough for Cassandra, don't you?"

"I guess so, as I got up." There was a light knock on the door, as Deidre came in.

"Well, we didn't waste any time did we? Did you save any for me?"

"Well, I guess so," I said as I sat back down on the bed. "Do you mind?" Deidre asked of Samantha.

"No, that's fine, I'm heading off to tan my big round belly!"

Having sex with Deidre wasn't as fun as Samantha, since her boobs and belly were smaller, but what she lacked in size, made up for in energy.

We went downstairs afterward. As we came into the living room, Cassandra was coming in the door with a boogie board and wearing a wetsuit. Her short blond hair was still wet and wild from the surf and from the short ride from the beach in her jeep. "Hey," she said as she put the boogie board in the corner and threw her keys onto the coffee table. "I'd wanted to talk to you about your 'business'".

"It's not a business," I countered, "it's a hobby."

"I see," she said, unimpressed with the distinction. "When can we start?"

"Umm, today, I guess. How do you feel about," I had to think, "a May baby?"

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