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He'll divorce her as long as he keeps his house.
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It was just a simple girls' night out at the beginning. The women who worked at Winchester Logistics, those who worked in the warehouse anyway, got paid on the last Friday of the month. They agreed that was the best opportunity to get together. Hilary really enjoyed letting her hair down with her friends. Most of them were married like her, and this was a chance for some lively fun, away from their humdrum work. Hilary's husband Paddy didn't mind at all, and the other husbands didn't seem to care what their wives got up to, as long as dinner was on the table when they got home.

At work, Hilary felt slightly superior to her workmates, though she tried not to show it. They were all working class women doing a boring repetetive job because they needed the money. But her Paddy was well off and Hilary did not meed to work. She thought being a stay-at-home wife would be fun, but soon got bored and taken a job well below her capabilities. She loved the interaction with women who came from the background she had once known. And when they exchanged tales about what they'd got up to on their holidays in Ibiza and Torremolinos, she laughed at their antics but didn't really join in. She and Paddy were more likely to holiday in Singapore and Bali

The girls had tried most of the town's watering holes and eventually setlled on the Tollgate Hotel. It tried to keep its guests and the locals from straying all over the town by providing music and dancing every Friday and Saturday night. The ballroom had plenty of dimly lit corners and their husbands never went there. So it was the perfect place to cut loose without anyone paying attention. For Hilary it was a perfect location. Not too far for most of the girls to travel, but a fairly long taxi ride for her.

That first night Hilary had a wonderful time. She soon let her down with the other girls and started flirting. Watching them, especially the married ones; dancing and getting groped turned her on. She drank five glasses of wine, but only paid for one. And she had dances with four different men, getting her arse squeezed by three of them and wet kisses from two. At least one married member of their gang slipped upstairs for an hour with a stranger. Two more spent time in the carpark. Later they all agreed any indiscretions would never be discussed outside their girls'night out. And they would definitely be on the pull next month.

When Hilary got home she felt sexy and rejuvenated and Paddy was happy she'd had a good time. She had been a wild one when she was at secretarial college, soon finding she had a submissive side. She had a lot of boyfriends and let them do whatever they wanted with her. But one day she overheard two classmates talking about her. She was getting a reputation. That had been when Hilary decided to clean up her act. She met Paddy and he was her saviour; marriage would calm her down. They got wed, and honeymooned in Hawaai. Her wild hedonistic days were behind her.


There were only two of these houses left on the upmarket side of town. They were reputed to be the oldest in the county. They were not actually 'listed' or old enough to have earned preservation orders, but they did cause the occasional pedestrian to stop and admire. They were semi-detached and boasted the numbers 1 and 2 Bristol Road. Mr Barnes lived in number 2; he had retired. Paddy and Hilary were in number 1 which had been passed down from Paddy's parents. He liked the place, despite the creaks and draughts.

Paddy ran his own business, Paddy's Plans, working from home. He designed warehouses, domestic extensions and carparks, and word of mouth was bringing him in a steady stream of commissions. His computer aided drawings were not quite to architect standard. But they were more than good enough for local planning permissions.


The following month Hilary was in the arms of a handsome man; tall, with black hair greying at the temples. His name was Arthur and he had slow danced with her last month and got familiar with her buttocks and lips. She'd been hoping he would be there again. The song was loud and he leaned in close to her ear.

"I really enjoy your company Hilary. Could we sit somewhere quiet for a minute, so we can talk properly?"

After eighteen years of marriage, Hilary was feeling like her old wild self again. Sex with Paddy had always been fulfilling, if not quite frequent enough. But the low light levels, the naughty co-workers, and getting her arse fondled and her ear kissed, was making her horny. She couldn't believe how her nipples and clitoris were crying out for attention. They hadn't responded like this since the first time Paddy slid his hand up her dress, and that was two decades ago. Paddy made love to her, but what she wanted now was a good fucking from a stranger.

Arthur's hands were gripping her buttocks harder now -- almost pinching her. Hilary shivered; the truth was she would prefer to keep talking to him right here, with his erection prodding into her lower belly.

"OK, let's find a quieter table." she agreed reluctantly.

They moved to a darker spot away from the stage. Without asking what Hilary would like, he went for more drinks. When he returned, he shuffled his chair round next to hers

"You said you work for Winchester Logistics?"

"Yes," she replied, "the girls I'm with tonight have jobs in their warehouse, like me."

That sounded a bit low-life, but Hilary didn't care; she was feeling low-life. Still, she didn't want to come across as a typical mamual worker though, so she added:

"I did go to secretarial college but warehouse work was all I could find round here."

"Well I'm director of sales at Empire Holdings, on the other side of town. I think a woman with your class should be a PA. And it just so happens I'm looking for one"

Hilary was flattered. She knew men found her attractive but had never been described as classy before. If Arthur really did have a job for her, Hilary would be off like a shot. She would miss her friends of course, but that's what this girls' night out was for. She wished she'd worn something more alluring. Sitting next to a powerful man, she could feel a tingling sensation spreading from her breasts to her groin. Handsome, sexy, possibly with a better job for her; how could she resist?

"That's sweet of you to say so Arthur. Tell me more."

They chatted for another tweny minutes and he continued to flatter her. He soon had one arm draped across the back of her chair. Occasionally he touched her shoulder.

"Well, it's been lovely talking to you Arthur ..."

He interrupted her.

"Next time we talk we should get a room and talk about the PA position. We could take a bottle of wine up with us."

Hilary wasn't sure what to say. On the one hand he was bold to presume she would agree; there was no doubt he had sex on his mind. But on the other hand, sex was what she wanted too. This handsome man clearly desired her, and she him. No need to make it too easy for him though.

"Perhaps I ought to get back to my friends." she said.

"Most of them are occupied now." he said.

She looked across to their table. Irene and Doris were the only two left, and were deep in conversation with two men, snuggling up close. She could see Tracy out on the dance floor sandwiched between two black guys. The rest of the girls were nowhere to be seen.

"At least two of your friends have gone up to a man's room. I think a couple more went out to the carpark."

Irene was now exploring a young guy's tonsils, and Doris was sitting on an an older man's lap. Hilary knew she wouldn't be welcome back at the table. The idea of sex with Arthur was enticing, and her mates probably expected it of her. She crossed her legs and drained her wine.

"Could I have another drink please?"

Arthur's free hand moved assertively up her thigh. It felt so sexy sliding over her silky tights. When it got most of the way up her leg, it stopped and gave a hard squeeze. She almost wished it had reached its target; acutely aware she had made her panties wet; either that or he had. He gave a final squeeze and went to the bar.


It was a big house and Paddy had commandeered the dining room for his office. He and Hilary hardly ever had guests for dinner. The odd time he had to entertain potential clients, he and Hilary took them to a nearby restaurant. Their dining table was now his work station and there was a large printer next to the computer. He'd just finished a warehouse extension and checked his phone; surprised how time had flown - it was after eleven. Last month Hilary had got home around ten thirty. The girls must have had a lot of gossip tonight. He put his pyjamas on and was still awake when she got in at eleven thirty.

"Aha! Your red face gives you away!" he said.

Hilary went even redder.

"What do you mean?" she asked.

She began to panic. Had he gone to the Tollgate and seen her? There hadn't been time to shower so she prayed he wouldn't want to check her undies; they were drenched.

"The red face tells me everything I need to know. You've had more glasses of wine than you should! At least three, I would guess!"

Her relief was almost palpable, and her heartbeat slowed back to near normal.


The following week Doris telephoned Hilary. The girls had enjoyed flirting, and more, so much; they wanted to go twice a month. They hoped Hilary would join them. They had all either scored or were about to. She agreed.

"You remember I told you about that music night babe?"

"Yes, you said you had fun dancing."

"I did, but it was also the ambience. It's more the catching up on the news. I know I work with the girls, but we're scattered all over that warehouse and don't get together very often. I danced a few times, we all did, but I soon put guys in their place if they came on too strong."

"I don't doubt it, so are you asking me for something?"

"Yes; the girls want to go more often. They're suggesting twice a month. What do you think?"

"Well a girls' night out once a fortnight doesn't sound excessive; as long as you're good."

"I'll be good babe. And I will not let anyone ravish me on the dance floor."

But Hilary was thinking she would definitely get ravished in a hotel bedroom; she was really looking forward to her next session, especially with anal sex on the menu. The dangling carrot of new employment was not the most important thing any more. This new Hilary was now a cheating slut and wanted that dirty sex again -- job or no job.

She slipped out from work one lunch time and bought a bottle of baby oil and a pair of hold-up stockings at the shopping mall. And a red thong which was so small her vulva would be bisected by little more than a piece of string. Arthur had not made suggestions concerning these purchases; he had issued instructions. Hilary was not used to being ordered about and it gave her another shiver. On the way back to work, she looked at the glovebox. Better keep her 'sex with Arthur' items in there. Paddy would not usually look in her handbag, but better safe than sorry.

When she had first lain on the bed that night, Arthur had gone down on her. She always enjoyed it when Paddy did that, but Arthur had paid more attention to her anus. She'd had a tongue and more in that dark place in her college days and couldn't believe how exciting it was. With his thumb rubbing her clitoris and his tongue deep in her bottom, she actually had an orgasm. He said it was called rimming. Hilary couldn't wait to have something bigger up there. The fact it was somewhat dirty made her want it more. Back in the past, behaviour like this had turned into a submissive slut. Had Arthur brought this side of her out again?

Once he had exhausted the possibilities of anilingus, he had laid back and she'd ridden him. He told her this was cowgirl style. It was his favourite position because he could see her full frontal, and loved how her breasts bounced around. Arthur had a very big penis -- thicker, and around two inches longer than Paddy's; Hilary came again within a minute. Then he pulled her face onto his and slid a wet finger in her bottom. She came again.

"Another reason I like this position," he said, "is I find it difficult to finish. You know what to do; get on with it."

Hilary gripped his penis at the base and plunged her mouth onto it, tasting her own salty juices; another thing she'd never done with Paddy. Arthur's moment soon arrived and his semen hit the back of her throat, she pushed a finger into his bottom as he squirted down her throat; she had to breathe through her nose. When he was empty, she squeezed him from base to top and licked off the last drop of cum. Almost overnight, the vanilla Hilary Dewes had transformed into a multi flavoured slut!

Sucking and swallowing everything on offer had ensured she had not gone home with cum dripping out of her. So Paddy's joke accusation had only been scary for a moment. Now she couldn't get her mind off Arthur's final orders. Full anal sex was on the menu next time.. And he wanted her to change her vocabulary. Hilary had to say cunt, shit, fuck and arsehole. She shivered at the thought of talking dirty; Paddy didn't approve of it.


Paddy had just been paid for drawing a large garage which was to be attached to the front corner of a client's house. It would lengthen the façade and extend at the rear to accommodate a laundry room and downstairs toilet. At the start of the project he queried why the client specified an air gap on the outside wall; a breezeblock inner and a brick outer, to be built with metal ties binding them. This wasn't necessary on a garage. Today he'd found out why.

Planning permission had been approved but now the client wanted to resubmit with an additional storey over the garage; hence the stronger supporting wall. Paddy was asked to design an en suite shower room at the back, a dressing room at the front, and a computer nook in between. He appreciated the extra fee; this additional plan would take longer to design. And it would cost more, but Paddy didn't want to proceed until he'd visited the site for more measurements.

He had the property blueprints but didn't trust them; they often showed the architect's original intention, rather than 'as built'. He had designed the garage at the standard width, as per the customer's instructions. But the bathroom over it would be improved if he could squeeze an extra couple of inches. He was having an internal debate: should he begin the drawing tonight, or wait till he'd been to the house? He decided to go and get his shillelagh.

As his name suggested he had Irish roots, though had never lived in 'the auld country'. But he had an uncle in Shillelagh, where his grandparents had been born. For a wedding present, uncle had sent Paddy a souvenir shillelagh; a piece of hardened blackthorn -- effectively a cudgel or club. It had the traditional lumps along the shaft and a thicker branch piece at the business end. He always grinned when holding it. In 'A Few Good Men' Tom Cruise had said he always thought better with his baseball bat. Paddy lifted it from its place of honour above the fireplace, and hefted it from hand to hand. He spoke out loud in an Irish accent.

"I always tinks better wid me shillelagh!"

Hilary walked in.

"What are you doing with that?" she asked.

"I'm thinking."

He paced up and down the room, smacking the heavy end in his palm.

"What are you thinking about?"

"The difference an extra couple of inches can make!"

She gulped. A taxi horn sounded outside.

"I'm, er, off to meet the girls then."

She left. But Paddy had seen the flicker of concern on her face; even fear? He stared at the shillelagh and threw it onto the sofa. Surely she didn't imagine he would hit her with it? Yet that was what her face had told him. And why hadn't she kissed him goodbye, like she usually did?

He parted the curtain and watched her approach the taxi. Her red blouse was nearly transparent; he'd been able to see her black bra through it. And the black pleated skirt was the shortest one she possessed. Hilary did not look tarty but she was halfway there. She stopped at her car, unlocked the passenger door and removed a plastic bag from the glovebox. What was this all about? Paddy wasn't usually suspicious, but was far from stupid. He would investigate her car later. He picked up the shillelagh and began pacing again.

Hilary calmed down in the taxi. Paddy was just being weird. He must have been thinking of something else; he would never hit her. His odd comment about extra inches had nothing to do with her. Soon she was feeling fine and entered the hotel, going directly to the toilets. In a stall she opened her handbag, the biggest one she had. She removed the plastic bag and took off her bra, panties, and tights. She stuffed them into it and pushed it into a corner of her handbag. Then slipped off her shoes, pulled on the thong and stockings, and put her shoes back on. At the mirror she applied some red lipstick. It matched her stockings; now she really looked like a whore. Perfect; that was the effect she was after. She had a final check that she had the baby oil; and stepped into the bar.

Arthur stood and greeted her, his hug and deep kiss jump-started that familiar tingle; her nipples were straining at her blouse already. She said hello to a couple of the girls, and she and Arthur had a drink just to show their faces. Irene and Doris were already sitting on their guys' laps and gave her a quick wave. The guys might have tried to wave but their hands were out of sight. Tracy was dancing with two black guys again. Hilary shuddered; the thought of being sandwiched between two men penetrating her brought back memories. She'd done that once in her youth and loved it.

She couldn't get to Arthur's room quick enough and was kissing him before the lift doors closed. Once they arrived Arthur ordered her to take his clothes off; treating her like a servant. Back home was a good husband working to provide her with holidays and expensive clothes. And here was his cheating wife, folding another man's clothes. And she was about to give this stranger her mouth cunt and arsehole. When he was naked, Arthur told her to bend over the chair. He pulled off her thong, and dragged her buttocks wide open. Examining her closely he shoved a finger in.

"I told you to lubricate."

"I thought I'd do it when we're ready. It'll stain my skirt."

He spanked her twice on each cheek and they went red. Then he opened her handbag and pulled out the baby oil.

"This is wrong. You need a water or silicon-based lube. Get the right stuff next time."

He put one hand on the base of her spine and spanked her again six times. Her buttocks shone with hand prints and her cunt began oozing.

"Are you ready for your first lesson now? It's called atm."

Hilary wondered what the bank machine had to do with sex, so she just said: "I'm ready."

Arthur thoroughly oiled her arse and slathered more on his dick. He thumbed her buttocks apart again and slammed the head in. She grunted.

"Loosen your muscles and push towards me; it'll be more comfortable. And I mean comfortable for me."

Hilary tried to control her sphincter but it seemed to have a mind of its own; gripping his dick fiercely. She grunted again as he bottomed out; his balls banging against her cunt. It was painful, yet thrilling. He picked up the pace and she gradually got into a rhythm with his thrusting. The sheer wickedness of it, and wondering what else he would tell her do next, made it all the more exciting. She thought she was recalling the feelings from the past. Half a dozen guys had been up her arse and she'd always enjoyed it. Somehow doing it again outside her marriage was even better.

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