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Injured Ch. 02 - The Mom's Get Hurt

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Can sex with Curtis heal his mother, body and soul?
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Friday – game day

Misty kissed Curtis. It was a deep, passionate kiss. They were in bed. She lay on top of him and rubbed her nude body against his bare skin.

"I missed you," she purred. "Did you miss me?"

"Oh baby, I missed you so much!"

"What did you miss the most?" She asked coyly. "This?"

She slid down his body and took his hard dick into her mouth. She pleasured him for just a few seconds. Then she pulled off and playfully asked, "Or was it this?"

She spun about, straddled his head and lowered her hot box to his lips.

"Emmm," he groaned like a starving man who stumbled into an all-you-can-eat buffet. She tasted so good, like liquid desire, acidic and earthy.

She climbed off him. He reached out to her wanting her to come back so he could eat her pussy. She shook a slender finger at him and said, "Wait. I have a big surprise for you." In a louder voice, she called out, "Girls."

Molly and Crystal, laughing, giggling and nude, ran into the room. They climbed on the bed and got on their hands and knees facing away from him. Their pretty asses and furry pussy were fully on display. The teenagers looked over their shoulders at him, smiling brightly.

Misty smiled, looked at him lovingly and said, "Darling, we haven't finished our game. What do you miss the most?"

She leaned over and caressed Molly's cute butt and then Crystal's round bottom. She pulled her hand back, licked a finger and then slid it up Crystal's ass.

"Is it this?" Misty asked in a sultry voice.

Curtis didn't answer. He didn't have time. His dick erupted and his orgasm woke him from his erotic dream. He was sweaty and his belly was covered with sticking cum.


Curtis and his family sat with Mrs. Wagner. They were cheering their girls on at the state championship game. A wonderful play by Crystal and Molly gave them a last second victory.

Their supporters went crazy. They yelled loudly and jumped up and down. Suddenly, the bleacher railing where the Sullivan's were collapsed. People screamed. A dozen fell.

"Mom!" Curtis yelled as he saw his mother fall. He reached out to his family. He grabbed his younger brother and sister saving them, but he could only watch as his mother tumbled down along with Mrs. Wagner and other fans.

An ambulance was on site. It was at the game in case any of the players got hurt. The paramedics rushed over. They examined everyone. Some luckily were uninjured. Two people were taken to the hospital. Mrs. Sullivan and Mrs. Wagner were treated on the scene for bumps and bruises, cuts and scrapes and allowed to go home.

The paramedic said to Mrs. Sullivan, "Madam, backs can be tricky. If the pain continues or worsens, see a doctor."

"Thank you. I'll go to my practitioner. She has treated me successfully for years."

Another EMT spoke to Mrs. Wagner, "I've bandaged your wounds. They are minor. I'm concerned about your leg. The sudden fall appears to have strained a muscle. If the pain persists, see someone."

"Yes. Of course."

Curtis gathered up both women. They had driven to the game together. He took the mothers and his siblings home. He helped Mrs. Wagner hobble into her house.

"Are you sure you'll be okay," he asked as he settled her on the sofa.

"Yes. Thanks. They are just minor injuries. It could have been much worse. Molly will be along shortly to help me."

Curtis went next door and checked on his family. The kids were scared but fine. His mother was sitting awkwardly.

"Mom, are you okay?"

She let out a deep breath and said, "Yes."

"You're sitting funny. Is it your back?"

"Yes. You know I've had problems with my back. If it is acting up tomorrow, I'll go see Mrs. Chen. She's always been able to fix me."

"Okay. Listen since Dad's out of town, I'll stay awhile and help with the kids. Feed them and get them to bed."

His mother, Grace, smiled broadly and said, "Thanks"

She appreciated the thought and that he wanted to help, but most of the smile was due to his naiveté. She didn't burst his bubble and tell him it wasn't necessary. The "kids" were twelve and fifteen. They hardly needed help making a sandwich or brushing their teeth.

Crystal burst through the door. She still had her game uniform on. "Oh my God! I heard what happened. Is everyone all right?"

Curtis said, "Mom fell."

Crystal rushed to her mother's side. Her eyes were big with worry. "Are you okay?"

Grace placed a reassuring hand on her arm and said, "Yes."

Curtis gave the correct answer, "She has contusions and lacerations and she injured her back."

"Oh no!" Crystal exclaimed.

"Babe, I appreciate your concern. Don't let your brother scare you. All he said is I have some cuts and bruises. I'm not going to die."

Grace waved a hand under her nose. Her daughter smelled. "Go shower. You stink. Then go celebrate with your friends."

Curtis made sure his mother had everything she needed and then checked on the kids. He laughed at himself, "Oh yeah, they aren't babies. I was drinking with my hoodlum friends at their age".

Not needed downstairs, he went upstairs. He was going to knock on his sister's door and chat about the game, then he thought, "I need to piss."

He opened the hall bathroom door and discovered his sister combing her hair stark naked. She looked up at him and said flippantly, "Knock much." She wasn't disturbed that he was seeing her naked.

"Oh, sorry," he apologized. "I didn't know you were in here. I had to use the bathroom," he added sheepishly.

She reached down and lifted the toilet seat and said, "Go ahead." She laughed and said, "Just like old times. Too many people and not enough bathrooms. Normally I'd make you wait in the hall, but since you're here and you've seen me naked a lot lately, come on in."

He hesitated. She egged him on. "Please. I've always been so jealous that guys can pee standing up. Show me. And closed the door, I'm getting cold. Some of us don't have any clothes on."

Curtis looked at her nude body. He saw the effect the cool air was having on her breasts. She was nippled up big time. He closed the door.

He suddenly really had to go. He stepped toward the toilet wondering if he truly felt an urgency to void or if his body was helping him justify pulling his penis out in front of his sister?

He peed with a forceful stream.

"That's so cool," Crystal said honestly impressed. She added, "Oh! Let me hold it." Without waiting for permission, she grabbed his dick. She moved it about taking joy in re-directing his stream.

When the flow ceased, she looked up at him and said, "What now? Do I get some toilet paper?"

"Shake it."

"Huh?" she didn't understand his instructions.

He placed his hand over her's. They both could feel his dick swelling. He shook it and said, "We give it a little shake. To get rid of the last couple of drops."

"It's so easy for you guys. I have to undress."

She shook his prick mimicking his action. She didn't want to let it go. It was growing in her hand. She stared at it and stroke him a bit. She looked up at him in amazement. "Your cock is so cool. Now you're getting hard, right?"

"Naked women have that effect on a guy. Especially, beautiful naked chicks who are handling the merchandise."

Her strokes increased in intensity. She belatedly asked permission, "Can I masturbate you?"

"Geese Crystal, aren't we taking this a little too far?"

"You're the one that burst in, knowing I was in the shower. You wanted to catch me naked," she accused.

He started to object to her version of what had happened. He stopped when she leaned over and took his hard cock into her mouth.

"Hey! Want are you doing? We said we wouldn't do that anymore."

"You said that. I didn't." She gave him a defiant look. Then said, "I'll settle for a handjob."

"You'll settle?"

"Yes. I want to see you come. I want to see cum fly out of your penis."

He stared at her dumbfounded. She continued to stroke him. She said, "That's my final offer."

Curtis folded. He signaled his surrender by sighing loudly. He grabbed the bottle of hand lotion off the counter, squeezed some on his cock and said, "We'll need lubrication and if you're going to touch me, I get to touch you."

He put the lotion down and groped her breast. She smiled, giving him permission and gripped his rod firmly. He fondled her boob. She stroked him. He thumbed her nipple. She gasped and toyed with the spongy head of his cock.

"Ahhh," he groaned. Then he tweaked her nipple.

"Fuck." she cried out in pain and pleasure. She was done playing. She beat him off vigorously. She was determined to make him climax and see him spew his seed.

Her touch thrilled him and he wanted to return the favor. He dropped his hand to her bush. His fingers strummed her sex.

"Ah. Oh!" she moaned in pleasure.

They pleasure one another.

Crystal cried out, "Emm. Ahh! Ohhh!"

The first time she orgasmed was by the skillful hand of her brother. She spasmed, stopped breathing and of more importance to Curtis, she stopped stroking his dick.

He was close. He needed a few more strokes. He took over and finished the job.

"Ahhhhh!" he growled. He turned and faced his climaxing sister. He stroked his dick and directed his sperm at his sister. She got a good shellacking. He painted her breasts and belly.

She came out of her stupor and watched him shoot the last of his load on her. She looked down at her body and started laughing.

"OMG! I'm covered. Is it always so much?"

Curtis was drained and sweaty. He answered, "What can I say, you inspired me." He brought the fingers that got her off to his nose and breathed in deeply savoring her scent.

She was astonished and asked incredulously, "You like the way my pussy smells?"

"You have a wonderful bouquet."

She laughed and then bent over and ruffled through a pile of her dirty clothes on the floor. She pulled out the yellow underwear she wore in the game. She tossed it to him.

"If you enjoy my tang, never has there been a more concentrated brew. Now, get out of here, I have to take another shower," she said with a laugh.

He zipped up his pants, stuffed her panties in his pocket and moved to leave.

"Wait! I have to thank you." She stood and kissed his cheek.

"No. That's not enough," she said.

She held his head with both hands and kissed him fervently on the mouth. Then she said, "Thank you for letting me play with your dick, watch you ejaculate and thank you most of all for giving me an orgasm.

"Now I won't have to wonder what one feels like. It was as you described, pure pleasure. Thank you. Love you."

She kissed him one more time. A wicked thought entered her mind and she set it free. She said, "Molly, complained of a sudden pain on the back of her leg after our last score. Could you see her before you go home?"



Curtis checked on everyone in the house. His mother was resting in bed and the kids were fine, so he headed home. He knocked on his neighbor's door.

"Come in," Kate Wagner called out. Her leg hurt too much to get up and answer the door.

Currently, just Molly and her mother lived at the house. Misty was in Greece and Mr. Wagner was gone, long gone. He had divorced his wife, abandoned his children and run off with his young secretary.

Curtis let himself in. "Hi, Mrs. Wagner. I feel like a doctor making my rounds. I wanted to check on you and Molly before I head to my apartment. How are you?"

She was never one to complain. She downplayed it and said, "I have some discomfort. Nothing a good night's sleep won't cure."

"Okay and Molly? Crystal mentioned some leg pain."

Molly entered the room carrying a gin and tonic. "Here you go, Mom. With lots of lime just like you like it. Oh, hi Curtis."

"Thanks, dear," Kate said and took the drink. She doted on her daughters. She said, "Molly, why didn't you tell me your leg hurt? Curtis is here to check it."

Her mother's words confused Molly. Her legs were good. She started to protest, "I'm fine."

"Don't be foolish and put on a brave front. You were in agony for almost a week with your last injury. Get to your room and let him have a look." Her tone let everyone know she wasn't taking no for an answer.

Curtis, trying to be helpful, said, "Crystal said you had some pain in the back of your leg?"

Molly chortled. She quickly covered her mouth and coughed to hide her laughter. Before the game, she had said to her best friend how much she had enjoyed being with Curtis and having him touch her. Crystal had said they should fake an injury to get him to massage them again.

Molly's legs were fine, but she was open to spending time with Curtis. She said, "Yes, mother." And led him to her room.

"Is it your right leg again," Curtis asked.

"Yes," Molly said, closing the door.

"The back of the leg?"

"Yes. Can you look at it? I think a massage would be really helpful."


Molly had showered and was wearing jeans. She took them off and her bikini underwear too. She stretched out on the bed and presented her bare backside to him. She had a great butt. It was little and cute.

Curtis admired it and then sat beside her. He ran his hands over her leg.

"Higher," she encouraged him.

He felt along her upper thigh where her previous injury was.

"Yes, up there and my butt too," She added mischievously recalling how much she enjoyed him playing with her butt. She spread her legs wider so he could have a better view of her asshole and pussy. She hoped her touch both.

As he manipulated her glutes. She sighed and honestly said, "Oh, that feels good. If you need a lubricant, there is some lotion on my dresser."

Curtis retrieved the lotion and used it. Again, he found himself trying to peer through her thick pubic hair to see her pussy. He massaged her thigh and ass and felt his dick swelling.

Molly closed her eye and enjoyed his touch. She was not hesitant or ashamed to moan expressing the good feelings his touch generated.

"Oh. That feels good. Mmmm."

This went on for ten minutes. He was fully hard and she was very wet. They both could smell her arousal. He could see the moisture collecting on her pubes. Her coos told him she was enjoying it.

She was emboldened. "Last time you had to work on my pectineus muscle. I think it needs a bit of attention."

"Okay. Turn over."

He tried to quickly re-position his hard-on so she wouldn't notice it. She turned, caught him and smiled. She said, "Is it getting hot in here? Do you mind?"

Without waiting for an answer. She pulled off her top. She wasn't wearing a bra. This was something she was doing more often. She felt sexy without one. Boys seem to like it too.

She put her hands behind her head and stretched across the bed, nude like a Playboy centerfold.

"Never mind my leg, could you do that thing you did before with your tongue on my pussy?"

What do you do when a beautiful naked woman asks you to eat her pussy? Curtis dove between her thighs and licked her slit.

"Oh yeah!" she cried out enjoying what he was doing.

She had a strong flavor and he liked that. She was dripping, he liked that too. He slurped it down. He dug out more nectar with his tongue and his fingers soon found their way to her love tunnel.

Then suddenly he pulled back and said, "What am I doing? I'm dating your sister."

Molly had loved his oral effects. She was desperate for him to continue. She said, "Misty gave you permission. I'm one of the women of Cheltingham Way. And this isn't cheating, this is training. Like when you helped me earlier. You answered my questions and told me about meatheads.

"This is education, sex education. I've never had an orgasm. With your help, I believe I will. And don't I taste okay? The other day, you said I didn't smell or taste bad."

She looked up at him with tears in her eyes. She feared he'd stop eating her pussy. He thought the sad eyes were because she was still self-conscious about her body. He worried if he stopped it would re-enforce her belief that there was something wrong with her.

"You are pretty. Your body is beautiful. Your pussy tastes wonderful."

He paused and thought about what they were doing. He too enjoyed it and wanted to continue. He justified it by saying, "I guess we can continue, you are a Cheltingham Way girl."

"Exactly," she said and beamed at him. He returned to her furry sex. He ate her pussy, sucked on her clit and gave Molly her first orgasm.

"Oh! Whoa! Whoa!" She cried out loudly. Her body spasmed. His head got trapped between her strong thighs.

"Aaiiee!" she shrieked loudly at the moment the dam inside her burst and pleasure surged throughout her body.

The sound of her shriek would have hurt Curtis' ears except for the fact that her thighs were crushing his head and they muffled the sound.

It was minutes before she released him. She lay there gasping and enjoying the orgasmic bliss. Then she slid down and hugged him and said, "That was unbelievable! Fabulous. Thank you. Thank you!"

He smiled at her. He was glad she had enjoyed it and said, "You're welcome. It is a special feeling, isn't it?"


She squeezed him tight and felt his erection dig into her.

"You have to let me thank you properly. Let me return the favor."

She reached down and began undoing his pants. She pulled them down and tugged on his underwear.

He said, "What are you doing? We can't. We shouldn't."

"I have too," she said.

She felt she owed him the world and that a BJ was the least she could do. Her whole core was still warm from the shock waves of pleasure that had radiated through her body. It had been so wonderful. He, the giver of total bliss, had to be re-paid.

"I have to. Think of it as training if that eases your mind."

His underwear went down. Her mouth enveloped his cock. She bobbed her head up and down. One hand held his rod steady. She gently jostled his balls with the other.

She sucked hard and forced herself to accept more and more of his thick member. The tip of his dick brushed her tonsils.

"Ohh! Fuck. Your mouth is so warm," he moaned.

All his objections were forgotten. She was diligent. He continued to moan and groan.

"Ah. Dammit. This feels so good. Ugh!" he cried and came.

He caught her by surprise. The teenager gagged and swallowed. He shot more and she swallowed more. This pattern repeated itself until he was spent.

She released his cock and looked up at him so proud that she had got him off. She said, "I did it. I did it!"

He touched her cheek and said, "You did. You were great. Not many girls swallow. That was special."

They embraced and lay together. Then they cleaned up and got dressed.

"What are we going to tell my mother?" Molly asked. Suddenly she was worried about the time they had spent in her room and the noise they had made.

"We'll play it by ear," Curtis said. "If she's upset, I'll take all of the blame."

The two walked out into the living room. Mrs. Wagner looked at her daughter and asked, "Are you okay? I heard screaming."

She would have gone and investigated the sounds if her leg wasn't injured and walking didn't hurt so much.

"That was my fault," Curtis said.

Molly didn't think they were caught. She said, "It was a pretty intense session. Sorry, if my shouts scared you. I'm okay."

Curtis supported her and said, "Yeah. Intense, but good."

"Yes a very good workout," Molly added. She could not suppress her smile as she remembered how good it was.

"I'm glad," Mrs. Wagner said.

"I guess I'll be leaving now," Curtis said still wondering if they were going to get away with it.

Mrs. Wagner didn't say anything. Molly walked him to the door. Curtis whispered, "This can't happen again. We have to stop."

Instead of answering, Molly stood on her toes and kissed him hard on the lips. She said, "Stop worrying. We aren't doing anything my sister hasn't approved."

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