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Insatiable Ch. 02

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Mom invites daughter to join in the incestuous family fun.
22.5k words

Part 2 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 07/23/2019
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***Author's note: Anyone involved in any sexual activity is at least eighteen years old. Part one ended with Maggie and Terry enjoying some fun in the sun, but it turns out they had an audience.***


In so many ways, incest provides its own greatest alibi.

The act itself is so shocking, so forbidden, so fundamentally wrong; people can't seriously imagine that it's actually taking place. For most, incest can only exist as a form of abuse. A father sneaking into his daughter's bedroom late at night, to carry out wicked acts of molestation. An older brother or sister taking advantage of a younger sibling, wanting to satisfy their most base urges.

That people can believe. They might not imagine it could happen in their home or their family, but they know it could be happening somewhere.

But consensual incest? That's a different story. That seems a little more far fetched, a little more unlikely. Two closely related individuals, a brother and sister, a father and daughter, a mother and son, willingly entering into a sexual relationship with one another? It's an affront against nature; against basic human instinct. Some will tell you it's basically an impossibility; that by definition all incest is abusive. Consent is not truly possible. A distorted power dynamic of some sort is always at work in one way or other.

Maybe that's true. Maybe on some subconscious level, someone is always being abused, and someone else is always carrying out the abuse? Who knows? It's a question that can't be easily answered, for fairly obvious reasons. Few who are involved in such a forbidden relationship would want to discuss the matter with social scientists or interested college researchers.

But, whatever the answer, whatever the truth, Terry Molloy certainly didn't feel like he was being abused. Not on this fine Sunday morning, as he reclined by the pool in the backyard of his house. Not as his mother continued to enthusiastically and vigorously suck his cock.

God no, he felt as far from being abused as it was possible to feel. He felt amazing. He felt ecstatic. He felt alive. He was sat at the edge of the pool, with his feet dangling over the side. His arms were stretched out behind him as he just soaked up the sensual pleasure he was feeling. His skin was still glistening with water, his hair was wet, his eyes were closed. He baked in the morning sun.

In front of him, his mother was busy at work giving him a blowjob. She was stood in the water, crouching slightly, as her head bobbed up and down. She had her hands wrapped round the shaft of his cock, as she sucked away furiously. Then, as her lips widened and her head descended further and further, she would rub his thighs, gripping and stroking his hard leg muscles firmly.

She was trying desperately to get as much of him inside her mouth and throat as she could. Maggie prided herself on being a top drawer, grade A, prize-winning cocksucker. She had blown a lot of guys when she was younger, and had enjoyed a reputation for being a massive oral slut (not just an oral slut, if she was being honest). But she'd gotten a bit rusty during her marriage, since her husband Elliott had never been too demanding in that regard. Terry, on the other hand, loved having his dick sucked, so Maggie had been honing her newly rediscovered skills with tremendous enthusiasm. Deep throating her baby boy was a point of pride for this particular mother.

She pulled her head back, gasping for air. Terry opened his eyes and saw her dazzling smile, as his dick, covered in her saliva, swayed gently between them.

"I fucking love your cock." She told him, before leaning forward and teasing his piss-slit playfully with her tongue.

"I think my cock loves you too, Mom." He groaned, as she continued rolling that tongue round the ridge of his glans. Then she leant down a little further and started sucking on his balls. Her big, succulent breasts sinking down into the water, as she massaged his thick, pulsing shaft.

"How often did you think about me while you were jerking this big boy?" She asked him.

"Oh Christ! All the fucking time! You were the only thing I used to think about, whenever I was jerking off."

"Oh, my poor little lamb. Think of all that cum you wasted, squirting it into a tissue or a dirty sock, when Mommy would've taken care of you? All that thick cream you could've shot in my mouth, my cunt or my dirty little asshole?"

"Oh fuck, Mom!" He groaned.

"Did you think about these titties?" She lifted up her breasts and squeezed them together.

"Yeah, I did."

"Did you think about sliding that monster horse-cock of yours between these big babies?"


She took a step towards him and wrapped her breasts round his cock. Then she pressed them together, smothering his prick with soft, succulent tit-flesh. She started bobbing up and down, his penis sliding through her shining wet cleavage.

"I would've let you, you know? If you had told me, I would've fucked you in a heartbeat. We could've been doing this a long, long time ago. Just think about all that hot, nasty, incestuous sex we missed out on? Me and my little boy."

"Better make up for lost time then, shouldn't we?" He said, before sliding back into the water and enveloping her in his arms. They kissed passionately, open-mouthed with tongues meeting, and within minutes mother and son were making love in the deep end of the pool. Water splashing violently with every stroke, as his cock slammed inside her cunt.

Not far away, hiding round the corner of the house, was Katy; Maggie's daughter and Terry's sister. She'd been watching her mother and brother fool around for a few minutes now. It was a sight that, despite some long-held suspicions, had still shocked her. But it had aroused her too. At the precise moment Maggie and Terry had been discussing his teenage masturbation habits, Katy had been indulging in a little light onanism of her own.

She was leaning up against the wall, her legs squeezed together, one hand clamped to her mouth, desperately trying to stifle her sensuous moans, while the other was buried deep in her panties. She was frantically rubbing her clit, rapidly approaching orgasm, enjoying the amazing, unbelievable and incredibly erotic spectacle playing out in front of her.

Yes, incest could provide its own greatest alibi. But not every alibi is always ironclad or watertight.

Over the last eighteen months, Maggie and Terry had been crazily reckless, taking extraordinary risks in the pursuit of their shared sexual satisfaction. So many times they would quickly grab and fondle each other as they passed in a corridor or hallway.

So many times they were nearly caught making out, grinding their aroused bodies together; practically dry-humping in the kitchen or the living room.

So many times they had nearly been caught having sex. Long afternoons of sucking and fucking, brought to a sudden and precipitous end, as they frantically cleared up before Elliott or Katy came home. Both of them having to wipe cum off the floor, change bedsheets, or open windows to air out a room pungent with the stench of their nasty lovemaking.

So many times they had sat together on the couch, watching television, a blanket covering their laps; and mother would surreptitiously unzip her son's fly, fish out his dick, and start masturbating him. Even though Elliott or Katy might have been there, only a few feet away, she wouldn't stop until he would cum and then she would silently lick her fingers clean.

So many times Maggie had crept into her son's room, late at night, so they could make love. Or maybe just have oral sex. Or maybe just make out. If they did end up fucking, Maggie could be quite the noisy girl. Sometimes Terry had to almost smother her with a pillow to stop her screaming and waking up the entire house.

Then there was the time Maggie was sucking Terry's cock, when they were in the shower one morning, and suddenly, without warning, Elliott walked in to have a piss. Only the billowing clouds of steam, and Elliott's customary lack of curiosity, had prevented him from discovering his wife sword-swallowing their son. She had been there on her knees, Terry's dick in her mouth. Both of them frozen, staring at one another, their eyes wide open in shock, their hearts racing, listening to the trickling sound of Elliott's urine hitting the pan. Oh God, the fear. Oh God, the excitement. Maggie got well and truly pounded by her son, once her husband had left the room.

Clearly, there wouldn't have been much chance of talking their way out of that one, if they had been caught. But some of the other incidents? In all likelihood they wouldn't have been a problem. What would you think if you caught a mother and son embracing, even if that embrace seemed strangely tactile and intimate? You probably wouldn't have given it a second thought. Your Spidey sense wouldn't have tingled, your suspicions wouldn't have been raised. Mothers and sons give each other hugs all the time, especially a mother and son like Maggie and Terry, who had always been so close to one another. So physically affectionate.

What was the alternative? Something untoward was going on? They were having an affair? They were fucking each other? No. That was silly. Stupid. Insane. It wouldn't even have crossed your mind. It was too crazy to even contemplate.

So yes, incest often provides its own greatest alibi.

Except sometimes it doesn't. Not if someone was really paying attention. Looking very closely.

And that someone was Katy.

She had known something was going on. She wasn't exactly sure what that something was, but she knew things weren't right. She had known for a while. She could feel it.

Katy was Elliott and Maggie's youngest child, their only daughter. She had been a sweet, adorable little girl, but she had always been something of an afterthought. At least for her mother. For reasons no one had ever been able to explain, Maggie had never taken to her second child the way she did to her first. She loved her, but she just didn't love her as much as she did Terry.

He had been the apple of her eye, long before she ever developed any desire to spread her legs for him. She spoiled him. Doted on him. She always put him first. When she was little, Katy had barely understood what was happening; but as she got older, the realisation dawned on her that something wasn't right. It wasn't that Maggie was cold or cruel or unkind to her daughter; she just didn't lavish praise or affection - or attention - on her in quite the same way.

Katy got used to the situation, as you imagine she would. Children always accept the reality in which they live; they have nothing to compare it to, after all. She didn't quite understand why her mother played favourites in such an obvious way, and it did hurt on some deeper, unspoken level, but she became reconciled to the fact. That was just the way it is. Katy convinced herself she was a daddy's girl, and Elliott was certainly very fond of his youngest child. But no matter how much love he would show for his daughter, it would never equal the amount of sheer adoration Maggie showered on Terry.

It became a sort of private joke within the family, the divide that existed between them. On one side was Elliott and Katy, on the other was Maggie and Terry. If any sport or game or pastime was to be played, the opposing teams would always select themselves. Mother and son would face off against father and daughter. Any disagreement that ever took place, you could always predict who would back the other.

It's parenting 101 that mother and father should present a united front when disciplining their children, but all that went out the window with Maggie and Elliott, at least when it came to Terry. She would always give him the benefit of the doubt, even if it undermined her husband.

On several occasions, Elliott had joked that Maggie would rather be married to her son than her husband. These were innocent, good-humoured remarks, and Maggie would laugh easily, dismissing the idea as being silly. But on some level, in her quiet, introspective moments, she realised he'd actually hit the nail on the head. She had always much rather spent time with Terry than Elliott or Katy, and she had long admitted to herself that she loved him more than anyone else. He was still a boy at that moment, the dramatic physical transformation he was to undergo, was still some way in the future. There was nothing sexual - yet - about the bond she shared with her son. But it was a much stronger bond than she had with any other person in her life.

And then - in no more than a few years time - that bond did indeed become sexual. Maggie, with very little resistance or doubt, gave herself to her son, heart, body and soul; becoming his lover as well as his mother. His partner as well as his parent. And once that decision had been made, once he had slipped his cock inside her and cum for the first time, the decision seemed obvious. Natural. Right. As fucked up and weird as others may have found it, for mother and son it made perfect sense. A riddle was solved. A jigsaw was completed.

Think about that for a second; the speed with which they moved from being mother and son, to being lovers. Maggie had caught Terry having sex, and within no more than a few weeks she was having sex with him herself. Eighteen years of parenting, a lifetime of social conditioning, overcome in fewer than eighteen days. The journey was so fast, so extreme. The truth is, she had wanted him for a much longer period of time than she had ever realised. She hadn't even admitted it to herself; the attraction had existed on a deeper, subconscious level, but it had been there. And once that admission had been made, everything that followed was inevitable.

Katy didn't notice it immediately. Maggie and Terry had been having sex for several months before she realised something was amiss. But there were signs and clues. The way they looked at each other, the way they acted round one another. The two of them had always had a deep and intimate connection, but that connection now seemed even more intense.

She had caught them - well almost caught them - on numerous occasions. But she hadn't quite understood it at the time. There was one afternoon when Maggie was bent over a kitchen counter and Terry had been vigorously fingering her twat. Her skirt was hitched up round her waist and, by now, panties were no longer an issue. She was following his rules, after all. He had been sawing three fingers in and out of her steaming wet gash. Give him five or ten minutes more and he would be fisting her. But then, Katy had come in through the front door. She had found her mother and brother together, Maggie seemed to be kissing Terry's fingers. They both looked flushed and embarrassed. Katy could see her mother's skirt was a little disheveled and her hair seemed mussed and messed up.

"What's going on?" Katy had asked, a suspicious tone in her voice.

"Oh, Terry's cut his finger. I was just kissing it better." Maggie had replied.

In hindsight, that had seemed such a lame answer, but why would Katy disbelieve what she was being told? What did she think had been happening?

If she had caught two other people in such a compromising situation, she would've known exactly what was going on. It would've been obvious. But her mother and her brother? That was not so obvious.

But Katy was no fool.

And that's why, on this particular Sunday morning, she had decided to come home early. She knew her father was still at hospital, she knew her mother and brother would be alone. Over the last few months, Katy had begun to think the unthinkable, suspect the unimaginable; and she thought this might be an opportunity to see if those suspicions were true.

And, as it turned out, in the suspecting-your-mother-is-getting-it-on-with-your-brother sweepstakes, Katy had just hit the jackpot. A rollover jackpot. There, right before her eyes, was all the proof she needed. Proof, in all its sweaty, visceral, carnal glory.

Terry continued to pound away at Maggie, the chlorinated water splashing and frothing around them. She was howling and screaming like a banshee, as her son slammed his prick inside her; seemingly not caring if the rest of the street could hear her indulge in the most depraved sin possible. In truth, due to the position of the house, and its distance from neighbouring properties, it was unlikely their behaviour would be discovered.

At least not by anyone other than Katy.

She continued to masturbate, almost in rhythm with the incestuous couple rutting like beasts in front of her.

Eventually, all three members of the Molloy family orgasmed, practically in sync. As Terry came for what might as well have been the one millionth time somewhere inside his mother's body, as Maggie shook and pulsed and rocked with sexual euphoria, Katy squirted her fluids all over the wall and the patio.

Then, after wiping her hands clean on her top, she withdrew quietly and headed back out onto the street. She had to get away, find somewhere to go and think, to go and recover. She wanted to try and come to terms with what she had witnessed.

She felt shocked. She felt excited.

Did she run to her father and tell him what was happening? Did she go to the police and inform them about what she had seen?

No. She did not. Katy kept this revelation to herself.

You see, as it turned out, Katy had some secrets of her own.


When she had received the call from her mother, telling her that her father had been rushed to hospital with a suspected heart attack, Katy had been a little bit busy.

Namely, she had been a little bit busy fucking her friend Liberty with a ginormous strap-on dildo she had ordered online.

Liberty, a beautiful, athletic-looking, African American girl, had been bent double on her bed; a good seven or eight inches of Katy's faux-cock buried inside her tight teenage snatch. Both girls were glistening with sweat. They had spent most of that morning fingering and eating each other out, before Katy had suggested pulling out the big guns - the main 'big gun' being a hard rubber dick retailed under the name, the Dark Destroyer.

Katy had a far less ambivalent attitude towards fucking women than her mother did. While Maggie was essentially a true disciple of the dick, who would only sup from the furry cup if it entertained or aroused her male lover; Katy genuinely like getting it on with other girls. She didn't think she was a lesbian, she was more a real-life, bona fide bisexual. You see, Katy liked cock a whole hell of a lot too.

In some ways, her sexual trajectory had been similar to her brother. The overwhelming advance of puberty bringing about dramatic changes both physically and hormonally. Very quickly, much faster than she had been able to deal with emotionally, a little girl had become a grown woman. Katy had never been what you would call an ugly duckling - both the Molloy children had been adorable cuties in their youth - but she had certainly become a beautiful swan.

A beautiful swan with big juicy tits, long shapely legs and an amazing ass.

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