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Instant Alpha Ch. 02

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Out of sight, out of mind.
11.8k words

Part 2 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 03/30/2020
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Mike tried to do as much of the 'interview' over email as he could. He took time between classes to send his documents and answer questions to be firmly established in their minds before he got down there.

Mike arrived early but instead of being told to wait the lady in the less than perfectly clean office started to explain to Mike what their business was.

They were a service company that worked with a catering company to provide staff to hotels and other venues when someone wanted to throw a big party. They hired pretty girls to wear pretty uniforms and go around pouring alcohol for the guests.

"So, what does that have to do with a photo shoot?" Mike asked.

The woman explained that they created a portfolio of the girls so potential clients could pick the roster of girls they wanted. She pulled out a big fat binder and showed it to him. Mike flipped through a few pages and noticed the random dude standing there with his dick out.

"Is this porn?"

The woman explained that it was not porn and that no one would ever see those pictures. They did not go out to magazines or internet sites. The pictures existed solely to get clients to pick the girl so she could work.

"Some of the guests think they can take liberties with the girls. It's a gray area and we have to walk a tight rope. Of course we can't allow any guest to actually touch one of our girls no matter their VIP status but clients feel more comfortable knowing that if they do happen to get a little drunk and don't exercise the best discretion at a party that they won't get in big trouble for it. Having a picture like that mixed in puts the client at ease."

"I imagine for a church group you'd probably take these out, right?"

She laughed. "No. For a church group we make sure they see those first. They're the worst offenders."

So with the interview completed Mike knew that if he just walked out the door then this entire conversation would be for naught so he wanted to get in writing in an email that he had a job and what the job was supposed to be.

"Eager to get started. We've actually been behind for a while now. Can you do a shoot today?"

Mike agreed but then asked when he'd be paid.

"We'll pay you after the shoot today. $200 and if you really can keep a hard on for the shoot we'll get you $100 bonus."

That sounded good to Mike. The lady in charge started to call a girl and tell her they had a model for her to finish her shoot and then Mike was passed off to the wardrobe lady. Mike had to wear a tux and they had another lady to come and put make up on his face and do his hair a bit.

Mike waited patiently for the girl he was shooting with to arrive and when she did she was wearing just street clothes like she'd just been chilling at home doing nothing. He had to wait some more as the girl got into one of the company's uniforms and then had her hair and makeup done as well.

The studio part of the office was actually very clean. The other offices and spaces had a very lived in and worn out look but the studio looked like it had just been polished or something. Mike stood by a white backdrop in his tux. He tried to look manly as the girl came in with her uniform all fixed and everything.

For the first 30 minutes of the shoot the photographer lady had them do several innocent poses with each other and then it was time to take a short break while the photographer looked over her notes about something.

"So, this is a fun job." Mike said.

The girl didn't say anything. Mike tried to talk to her again but then one of the helper girls with braces in charge of lighting came over and started to translate. The girl said something to the helper girl and then the helper girl told Mike that the server girl in the uniform liked her job very much.

"She doesn't speak English?"

The helper girl just shook her head.

Oh, ok.

When the photographer was ready she spoke with the server girl in her language and then the server girl held a tray and poked her ass out towards Mike. The photographer then instructed Mike to get his dick out and get it hard. No problem there.

"Remember, this isn't porn. You don't touch her. If you do we'll let her beat the snot out of you with that tray."

There were a couple of shots of the server acting dignified while Mike acted like a lecher who was trying to poke his dick at her.

"Ok. Good. Good. Yes. Just like that. Hold." the photographer said. "Great. Now I have an idea for a shot." she said and then she started to explain the idea to the girl in the shoot with Mike. Once the girl agreed she started to explain it to Mike. "I want to get a couple of teasing photos. Do you mind if her hand makes contact with your penis."

"I don't mind."

"Good. Ok. So what she's going to do is she's going to be down on her knees like this. Imagine that something has fallen and she's picking it up. Ok. Now you're going to come and try to put your dick next to her face. Don't actually touch her face though."

"I got it."

"She's going to put her hand up like this to block your dick. Ok."

Mike and the girl got into position and Mike actually had to be told not to be shy and get his erection closer to the girl. His cock actually did accidentally touch her cheek and the make up girl came over to do a touch up. The funny part was that while she was doing that the server girl was just casually holding Mike's dick in her hand. Well that sparked a conversation with her and the photographer and the next thing Mike new they were then doing a series of photos where the server had her mouth right next to Mike's dick and she had her mouth open like she was pretending to be about to give him a blowjob. They technically hadn't asked Mike if this was ok but he was just going to roll with it. He needed money. The girl stuck her tongue out in the direction of the cock and Mike could sense the heat from it with the head of his cock. Precum started to drip from his dick and he was getting legitimately horny. But that was ok. He knew were Norma slept, he smiled.

They took another short break and the photographer said she thought she had everything so to wrap up Mike and the girl could just do a couple of fun shots that didn't make any sense. Mike figured they would do blooper reel stuff and he had a mind to put that damn bow tie around his forehead like an Apache or something. He looked down at the girl who still had his dick in her hand and he just asked in English, "So, what do you want to do?"

The girl looked up at him and her eyes then told Mike what she was thinking. She brought her lips to the very tip of his cock and she kissed it, getting his precum on her face. The photographer started taking pictures and when Mike didn't object the girl on her knees without further warning just took Mike's dick in her mouth and started to suck his cock.

Oh well that was something. "I thought this wasn't porn."

"Do you want her to stop?" the photographer said.

"No but do I get paid extra?" Mike needed money.

"No but I think we'll definitely want you back."

Mike stood there getting his cock sucked by this girl he'd never met and watched her take her uniform off top off and expose her tits. She was pretty good at sucking dick too. She stroked him and sucked him and when Mike was ready he blasted his cum all over her chin, neck and tits. The photographer got close and started taking a bunch of pictures all at once and the lights flashed so much Mike worried that he might get a seizure.

When it was finished they told Mike good job and then one of the helper girls came up to help the model/server get cleaned up.

Before leaving Mike insisted that the photographer come with him to the lady in charge and help him get paid. There didn't seem to be any hassles and the boss lady was very happy to hear that the shoot was finished.

"We've got a few more girls that need to finish their portfolios. When can you come back?" Mike started to get himself on the schedule and he mentioned that he needed as much work as they could give him. They asked if he was free weekends and he thought he could get a bunch of shoots done then but actually they needed some staff for carrying things and guarding the alcohol during parties so it wasn't stolen.

"The real reason you're there is that with a male presence the guests aren't as likely to break the rules."

Mike was counting his money when the girl was on her way out after having taken a shower. She stopped to say something to the boss lady and the helper girl translated. The server girl needed someone to watch her little boy on Thursday night and wanted to know if Mike could babysit. Mike was surprised but it was a potential job and he wasn't going to turn it down. They made the plan and then Mike made sure that it was written down and they exchanged all the contact details and addresses and everything. Right there in the office before he let her leave he had the helper girl type in a message to the server girl and send it to her.

Mike was $300 richer when he got back to his mom's house and then discovered that there were people in the house. When he went inside he found Amy along with his mom and his 18 year old younger sister Sarah. They all welcomed Mike home and then Amy started to tell the mom about how Mike had only texted or call but never came to visit.

"How was Chicago?" Mike asked.

So that was going to be interesting. The house wasn't that big and all and while Mike had been growing up the four of them in that house it always just felt cramped. Then when this or that started to break him mom never fixed anything. It was only after Mike had the whole house to himself that it actually seemed like he had enough room and was comfortable moving around. Now with his mom seemingly back from her tryst it was going to feel cramped again and Mike would start to wonder if he could move into a dorm finally. But then again, Amy had that guest room and he could see himself hanging out there until his mom found another boyfriend.

Mike was actually really tired from doing his job and also from walking all the way home so he went to bed.

In the morning he made himself some breakfast and when his mother came into the kitchen she noticed him.

"When did you get home last night?"

"Sorry, I was working late." he answered and then just went back to his breakfast.

"Aren't you going to ask me how Chicago was?"

Mike looked down at his food and wondered how he could go on living his life if it was going to be like this. Maybe he could rob a bank and then everyone would forget he'd done it and ... No, he couldn't break the law and he knew it. That was the entire reason why he'd gotten into that argument with Alexa and then she broke up with him.

Then another thought occurred to him. He wasn't sure but it seemed like women were extra attracted to him for some reason. Amy had been affected by it and he started to wonder if maybe his mom or Sarah would be affected too. That would be bad. He did not want to have sex with either of them. Amy was ok because it had already happened and he'd dealt with it sort of but he could not start that up with his mom. That meant he needed a new place to stay away from them pronto. $300 was not enough to get his own place. Maybe he could get a girl to ... no cause then she'd freak out every morning like Amy had. If he took that guest room with Amy then she was going to freak out every morning when she found him in there, or maybe when she found herself naked on top of him.

Still, the guest room was a good temporary solution so when he went to school that day he texted Amy and told her he was really sorry he hadn't been coming by and to make up for it he could pay her $300 if she'd let him stay in her guest room for a little while. Over email and texting Amy agreed and so after school that day Mike packed up his stuff and hauled what he could carry over to Amy's.

It was a bit to manage but Mike found a way to keep his mom and little sister in the loop so they wouldn't wonder where he was all of the sudden. He let Amy know that his new job might see him coming home late so she might not see him much if she didn't stay up.

Mike spent one more night in his mom's house just to let Amy get used to his stuff being in the house and having a good memory of that which wouldn't get wiped. He'd start sleeping there from the next night.


When Thursday had rolled around Mike was surprised to find that he'd actually gone a few days with no sex. He'd been feeling guilty about fucking his sister now that his mom was home and working out the logistics of the new handicap in his life required a lot of work at first. He was texting and messaging and generally doing as much of his life at a distance as possible. He made a plan to start taking correspondence and online courses starting from the next semester. Instead of going to see a teacher in their office for office hours he would say he couldn't leave the house and please please please could they video chat with him.

And it started working. He was getting on track. He even found a way to deal with Amy which was to stay out of the house when she was there and wait for her to fall asleep before going home. That was easy anyway because he had another photo shoot on Wednesday afternoon and then of course he had to babysit on Thursday. The photo shoot went pretty well though there was no blowjob this time. The most Mike got was her putting his cock under her skirt next to her panties for the camera. Mike made sure to get paid and then he had another $300 for his sister. Well, maybe not all for her. He was going to keep some of it.

When it was time for him to report for babysitting duty he found the foreign girl yelling at someone on the phone. Mike didn't know how to have a conversation with her so he called the translator girl and got her to talk to the woman. It turned out that the baby daddy was late bringing the little one home and then her appointment got moved on her so she was stuck there waiting for the baby daddy to come home with her kid. It was going to take like two more hours and she was frustrated.

That was the end of the official translation part and Mike hung up with her. Then Mike was just going to make the long walk back to Amy's house when the model said something that Mike interpreted to mean that she wanted to say sorry for having him come out there. She poured him a glass of alcohol and insisted that he drink. Mike usually didn't drink but it was her house and he was thirsty so he took a few sips.

While he was trying to get the alcohol to actually go down his throat and having a difficult time of it the girl started to say something. Mike was going to call the translator but instead the girl put her hand on his phone to block his view of the screen. He looked at her and she shook her head no. She then came close and tried to kiss him. Mike pulled away for just a moment but then he thought that he was in her house so he'd do as she liked. She landed the kiss and that was just the beginning.

She moved him from the kitchen to the bedroom and she had him put down his bag and lay on the bed. She came over to him and pressed her body up close to him while she felt the outline of his growing cock in his shorts. Before long she was giving him another blowjob and Mike wondered if she could remember the first one she'd given him.

This session didn't end with a blowjob as the girl got out of her clothes and got on all fours on the bed. She beckoned him over and he came up behind her. She squealed impatiently and Mike started to shove his dick into her. She was so sexy but he wondered how a girl so white wouldn't speak English. All the girls on campus who didn't speak English were all Latinas.

They changed positions and she got on top of him to ride his cock. However, instead of looking at him and letting him suck on her tits she was facing away from him so he could still see his cock going in and out between her ass cheeks.

Mike started to cum inside of her and she enjoyed that as far as he could tell. When it was finished she came and laid next to him for a few minutes and she kissed him deeply on the lips. She started talking and saying this and that but Mike had no idea of what any of it meant.

Suddenly she got a text on her phone and from her reaction she needed Mike to leave the apartment as fast as he could. Mike quickly got dressed, grabbed his bag, and then headed for the door.

Ok, that was strange.

It was legitimately late when Mike got home to Amy's house and to his surprise she was still up. She had been drinking wine and listening to her vinyl record player. When Mike entered the house her eyes focused on him. He made his excuses for coming home late and then he said he needed a shower and would go to bed.

He felt sort of funky after all that walking. He was going to have to buy a bicycle or a car or something cause this couldn't continue. He scrubbed himself to really get clean cause besides walking he had foreign girl on him. Not that he disliked her but he couldn't really call himself clean until that was washed off.

After his shower he said good night to Amy and went to his room. He closed the door and got into bed. He started to count down in his head from ten. When he got to one nothing happened. Ok. Maybe Amy would just ... Nope, the door started to swing open. His sister was standing there looking as sexy as he'd ever seen her with the light coming from behind her.

"Robert Michael, can I talk to you about something?"


She approached the bed and came to sit down on the side next to him. "I've been thinking about what it means that you live here now and I was ..."

Mike rolled his eyes. All the way back at the beginning again! Mike sat up.

"Stop. I have something to tell you first."

She looked at him with concern and then asked him to go ahead.

"I don't know how to say this. You're probably going to kick me out."

"No. I wouldn't kick you out."

"I have a crush on you." he said like he was finally getting it off his chest.

"You do?"

"I've had a crush on you for so long. That's why I've been avoiding you."

"You should have told me."

"Oh, and how would that go. Hi Amy, I'm your brother and I just can't stop thinking about fucking you and hopefully getting you pregnant with my incest spawn."

She bit her lip and ran a hand through her hair. "You really think about that?"

"I know it's wrong but I can't help it. I understand if you want to kick me out but ..."

She came close and hugged him and then kissed him on the cheek. "Stop. No more talking about kicking you out. I wouldn't do that. Robert Michael, I feel the same way about you."

"You do?"

"Yes. I kept worrying and worrying that maybe I'd said the wrong thing or done the wrong thing to tip you off and that was why you were avoiding me."

"I just want to fuck you so bad, I'll just die if I can't."

"Well, I don't want you to die." she answered and then started to get out of her pajamas.


Amy woke up when she heard the alarm. That was funny, she never set an alarm. Then she sensed someone get out of bed. She opened her eyes and saw her brother getting dressed. He told her he had a test that day and couldn't be late. Amy's house was farther from school than their mother's so he had to leave earlier. As Mike grabbed his things and ran for the door Amy was suddenly aware that she was naked. She had slept naked in Mike's room with him in there and she couldn't understand why she would have done that.


Mike actually cheated on the test. He didn't really need to cheat but he wanted to see if he could get away with something like that. If he had this burden on his life he was going to try to find a way to use it to his own advantage. Half way through the test he put his test paper in his bag got up and left the classroom telling the teacher that he couldn't finish. Outside the classroom he opened his textbook, got the answers to a few of the questions, wrote them in on the test paper and then reentered the classroom. He apologized for being late and went to his seat. The teacher gave him the test paper but once the teacher's back was turned to him he swapped it out for his original test paper and then just continued to finish the test.

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