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Instant Attraction Ch. 03

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A work romance with an erotic twist.
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I was left bound and gagged on his bed, waiting for him. He had left me here due to me being rude to him in his office. Clearly telling him that the printer was low on ink was deemed punishable. I was unaware it was part of my role to order more, having not been given a clear job description to follow.

This was my third time in his dungeon, however it was fhe first time he had left me here like this, vulnerable. I had been warming to the dungeon and his sexual demands, still unsure though after him spanking, whipping and nearly strangling me, I had already been through a lot. Yet still I stayed.

It was him. he had this power which was like a magic spell, making me just utterly defenceless to him, letting him do what he wanted. As scary as it was, it was also very erotic and exciting. Our sex was just mind blowing, making me come and have orgasms which made my body left unable to move from exhaustion.

Today he had dragged me here and stripped me naked, leaving me tied and gagged ready for his return. In his defence, he got an urgent call as he had just finished strapping me to his bed, meaning he had to leave. He had promised he would return quickly.

I was feeling extremely vulnerable and exposed. I had no clue how long I had been here, though it felt like hours.

What if another member of the firm came down here?

Do they know of Mr Hydes dungeon?

Would they untie me?

Panic starts to fill me at the thought of someone finding me in such a delicate and vulnerable state. Hearing the sound of the lift descending made my heart stop.

Watching the doors anxiously hoping it would be Mr Hyde.

As the doors open, I see it was. Relief floods over me.

Rushing over, he quickly unfastens my wrists and ankles, letting me remove the gag.

"I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to just leave you. I got called away."

The worry on his face clear, though the rage in mine was also very obvious.

Grabbing a robe, I march towards the lift to leave.

"STOP. Miss Kendall, I have not said you could leave." 

His words rang in my ears. My rage building even higher as I wanted to slap and hit him.

Walking calmly over to me, taking my waist he gently kisses my neck, letting the robe fall open as his hands start moving over my body, the rage quickly disappears, replaced with desire for him. Pulling his lips into mine I kiss him hard, wrapping my body around his.

His hands taking hold of me, pulling back he stops.

"Sorry, we need to go upstairs. I have a client coming in, emergency meeting....we will continue this later."

He takes my hand and we walk to the lift, taking it back up to his apartment.

I walk casually through and into the bathroom, dropping the robe on the floor, before stepping into the shower. I wash my body quickly, before grabbing a towel to wrap around myself, he just watched. I pull on a pair of black knickers and a black bra.

Taking a long blouse dress, I fasten the buttons. It was beige, pulling the belt around my waste, I pull it tight and put on a pair of black heels and walk over to him.

Wrapping my arms around his waist, leaning forward to kiss him, he pulls away.

"Come now, Miss Kendall, we need to go."

Walking into the lift, I follow him reluctantly. Still wanting to feel his hot lips on mine. Feeling very naughty as the doors close I pounce on him, kissing him hard and passionately. Taken by surprise he starts kissing me back.

Quickly pulling me off, moments before the doors ping and open. 
A stern look filled his face, fierce and ready for action.

We walk into the conference room together, I sit at the top end next to his seat, preparing to take notes. Moments later, four men walk in and sit down, their eyes firmly on Mr Hyde and his reaction to them.

Once they were seated, Mr Hyde stood very firm at the top end of the table.

"Gentlemen the situation is not good. Our offer was rejected and they have made extra demands, before they want to settle. Do any of you know what has fuelled their sudden change of heart?"

He said, he was very firm with his demeanour very serious. A man who I believed to be Mr Pattison spoke up.

"They heard of your recent case against the Morecambe's and have clearly retaliated. Wanting similar figures in their payout. Greed is their only fuel I'm afraid Conner, nothing more." The old man sounded very sure.

"Right. Yet why is it, that only yesterday you said they had signed everything Alfred? Clearly, this was a fabrication on your part."

A very aggressive tone stung to his words, leaving Alfred unable to respond, had he just been caught out?

"We have no option, but to make them reconsider, they have no idea, the risks in changing their demands this late on, comparing to other cases is ridiculous, if not for the fact they are extremely similar. Clearly Alfred, you have mixed up vital information."

"Sorry Conner, what exactly are you implying here?"

Alfred looked shocked

"You have mixed up vital case details within the two cases, causing a massive disaster in which we face losing billions of pounds. You sit there trying to deny it?" The rage filling the room was just overwhelming. He was seething, it was very scary seeing the rage on his face..

I felt scared watching him react to Alfred. The sheer anger on his face was so terrifying, I had never seen him look like this before, the rage steaming from him, everyone in the room was fully focused on him, it was very intense.

He stood upright, very stern as he said.

"I for one will not tolerate such mistakes, you know yourself, a mistake like this would normally result in instant dismissal. Though, as an owner within the firm this is not possible. I do however expect you to act accordingly."

I watched Alfred's face change to one of utter shock and despair, as he heard Mr Hyde's words.

"After all, it is your reputation on the line here. I'm sure you don't want a mistake like this being leaked out to the public, showing your blatant incompetence."

He continued.

Hearing him go for Alfred in such an aggressive manner left me totally speechless. He was ruthless and without emotion. Alfred was mortified, knowing he was left with no option but to resign from his position. He was being forced to take a back seat within the firm.

The pain on his face was clear. Mr Hyde was being far too harsh in my eyes.

Yes, Alfred had messed up, though in his defence the cases were being worked on at the same time. It was too easy to have them confused. He was forcing Alfred out of the firm, he seemed to want him out. This seemed to be his excuse to make it happen. I felt anger and hurt.

Ashamed that a man so beautiful, could be capable of such ugliness. I stand and leave the room, unable to listen any more. Feeling everyone watching as I slam the door behind me.

I felt powerful in my decision.

Though in the pit of my stomach, I also felt dread, knowing Mr Hyde would be furious with me........I didn't care.

I leave the building and enter a bar across the street, needing a very strong drink to calm me down, perhaps even a couple.

Mr Hyde may be a force in his own right, though hearing him in there, was a side that I had not liked.

I order a double vodka and slam the shot back, quickly ordering another. This time I slam it back and order another with a large glass of wine. The barman came back, sliding the shot to me, as he poured my wine he watched me drink the shot.

"Something wrong, you seem upset?"

"Just not a good day is all."

I say, trying to hold back tears of frustration.

"It's only 11am and your on the vodka, so I would say it is definitely something bad." He leans on the bar towards me.

"Your not wrong. Look it's fine, honestly."

I look at his face. His dark brown eyes met me, a kind soft expression, soft features, subtle pert lips. He was young, a firm strong physique hidden under his black shirt and jeans.

"Ok Miss, well if you need me, just call, I'm Glen." 

He smiled, holding out his hand for me to shake.

"Rachel and thank you Glen, that's very kind. I think I'd better get back to work to be honest."

Glancing down at my glass.

"Where is it you work?"

"Pattison and Hyde." I lok st my glass, twirling it in my fingers

"Your a lawyer?"

"No, no. I am a secretary to one, Conner Hyde"

I lift my gaze, watching his reaction.

"Right, Mr Hyde has came in here a couple of times, very serious."

He said casually, while continuing to stare at me, his gaze fixed.

"Yes, he can be. Sorry Glen, I really must go."

I stand to leave.

"Well, you know where I am, if you need more courage to deal with him."

He smiles softly back. Returning him a warm smile, I leave the bar.

Standing outside again, looking up at the sky, I felt very lightheaded.

The alcohol beginning to hit me now I was outside.

Mr Hyde had some explaining to do, that was for sure. I enter the building and head to my office. Closing the door behind me, I sit at my desk. I had a message on my answer machine, I press play.

"Go to the basement immediately!"

He sounded furious.

He was so angry and now he wanted to punish me.

This was not a great situation.

I felt scared, not wanting to be punished again.

I decide to ignore his request and continue with my work. 
I was too angry to see him and I certainly was not going to his basement.

My phone begins ringing, I can see it's line 1, Mr Hyde. I ignore it.

The light begins flashing, he was leaving another message. I wait for the flashing to stop, before pressing the play button.

"Miss Kendall, I have given you an instruction, obey or I will make you!"

His words very angry. He clearly did not like me defying him. So I remain in my seat, refusing to have him bully me.

Moments later, there is a hard knocking on my door.

Before I could answer, Mr Hyde rushes in, red faced and angry.

"Rachel, I have told you to go downstairs!"

He roared, charging towards my desk.

Surprised by his angry intrusion, I look at him, he was breathing very fast as he was angry.

"Are you angry at me for walking out or because I am refusing you?"

My eyes wide with a stern expression on my face, showing him I too was angry, but with him.

"Do not refuse me Miss Kendall!"

He warned, behind gritted teeth.

"Refuse? Sorry no. I don't want to go!"

My stare still on him, not letting his raw anger intimidate me. He could clearly see my stubborn streak. The fire in his eyes was raging, met with the matching fire in mine.

"Miss Kendall. Now!"

He shouted at me, his face very red. I remain seated.

The rage was so intense with him, he lunges forward, takes hold of me he throws me over his shoulder, before marching to the lift.

I try and resist, but he was too strong, my nails scratching and legs kicking.

"Stop it. Miss Kendall, save it for downstairs."

He snaps, before putting me down when we were inside the lift.

As the lift moves down, he looks at me.

"Do not refuse me, we both need this."

He says slightly calmer now.

I couldn't help it. He has this way of making me instantly want him.

Moments before I was furious, wanting to hit and kick him. Yet now, I want to rip his clothes off and let him dominate me for hours.

How did he have such a strong effect on me?

I look at his face, I wanted him.

Leaning forward, I kiss him.

Holding his chin before moving my hands around his neck, pulling him into me.

He kisses me back, his hands grapple at my body through my clothes.

Unfastening my belt, letting it fall to the floor of the lift. Turning his attention to the buttons on the front of my dress, he carefully unfastens them just as the lift stops and beeps.

As the doors open he lifts me and walks over to the bed, pulling down a large metal rack, laying me on it before pulling off my dress. Led in only my underwear.

It was cold on my skin and hard. Tearing off my bra and knickers, he pulls my body open and spreads me across the rack, securing my wrists and ankles so I am unable to move. Putting a fabric gag into my mouth he pulls it tight before he starts to pull on a chain which lifted the rack upright.

I am spread and unable to move.

He stood before me, slowly unbuttoning his shirt and pulling it off.

He removes his socks and shoes before taking off his trousers.

His pants were filled with the excitement of him. Pulling them down, releasing his hard length as he moves towards me.

Stroking himself as he starts pushing against my restrained body. Rubbing his end against my skin, pressing it between my legs as he kisses my shoulder and neck.

He was very rough and fast with his touch and kisses. Then he stops.

His demeanour changed as he took hold of a leather whip, he steps back as he pulls it across his hands.

"You have been very bad Miss Kendall, I told you I would punish you. This is going to hurt though I will make you see you deserve it."

He quickly snaps the whip forward. Letting it strike across my stomach, the sting of pain rippled throughout my body making my eyes water as the sting began to burn. He did another hard crack and then another.

Striking me three times across my stomach and chest, the pain was nothing I had ever experienced.

Placing the whip down he moves over to me, kissing the marks he had made on my skin.

His hands moving all over my body as he continued biting and kissing.

As he reaches my face he pulls the gag from my mouth, kissing me on the lips hard. While kissing me he pushing his hardness deep into me, continuing to kiss me as he rams me hard against the rack.

He lunges hard into me, each thrust makes the metal press into my back. The marks from the whip stinging and my head was spinning.

His forceful thrusts really hurting as I feel him come inside me, pulling out he moves away.

Leaning on the table near the rack, I watch as he looks conflicted, he was breathing fast and sweating.

"Conner, please." I say behind tears, making the words muffle into a continual sound. Turning round, he looks at me.

Seeing the pain in my eyes and the marks swelling on my body, he pulls the chains to lower the rack. Unfastening the straps, he lifts me from it before gently laying me on the bed. I curl up, rolling onto my side as the pain was still very raw.

"Rachel, can I hold you?"

He asked quietly, trying to show me some form of emotion, clearly seeing the pain he had just caused.

"No, just leave me alone."

I sob behind my hands, my whole body throbbing in pain.

"I can't do that. Come here!"

He leans over the bed, resting behind me, gently stroking my shoulder he wraps his arm over me, holding me as I remained curled up tight and sobbing.

We lay there for some time, my body began shaking from the cold.

Pulling the blanket over me, he kisses my cheek before leaving.

He was certainly aware that I was not impressed and his punishment was too much for me.

He enjoyed causing me actual pain, this did not feel right, it scared me.

I really liked Conner, though him doing this completely destroyed any chance of us having a meaningful relationship. This was painful and terrifying, yet I also did feel some pleasure, it was just all so overwhelming.

Perhaps that's why he does it. No emotion. He got excited watching me suffer.

The pleasure sex he took, that was not something I would think was appealing.

How can harming someone make you excited?

This notion just would not make sense to me. Passion is one thing and pain another. Mixing the two is in this situation was extremely dangerous.

I must have fallen asleep, when I woke I found myself in his apartment, led naked in his bed. My clothes neatly folded and piled on a chair. I take a shower before getting dressed. The pain from the marks left by the whip were raw, stinging under the force of the water, my clothes rubbing against them too.

Needing to get some rest, I return to my office, it was nearly 5pm.

Taking my bag, I head back to my apartment, I had no idea where Mr Hyde had gone and I didn't care.



I could not leave her in the dungeon, carefully carrying her to my apartment, I lay her in my bed. I gathered her clothes and leave them neatly for her.

Realising I had hurt her bad this time, the marks swelling on her skin.

I sit in my office thinking about what I had done to her, the look in her eyes, I had took things too far too soon. Once again I had scared her, I nust kept losing control with her. she drove me crazy.

Why had I chosen the whip?

The pain I inflicted upon her was not something I had intended on doing, the anger of Alfred and her walking out of the meeting made me lose control.

I should never have taken her down there, not while my mood was so dark.

How could I fix this?

I had spent time building myself this empire and my basement has always been my private sanctuary. I knew that Rachel enjoyed being with me, well normally. I had to make it right.

Returning to my apartment, she had already left. I rush to her office but she again was not there. Pulling out my phone, I text her.

"Where are you?" I send.

She reads it immediately.

Why doesn't she answer?

"Come here now!" I write, my rage building again.

"No. I have left. Leave me alone."

"Left? Gone where?"

"Away from you!"

Ouch that hurt. She was very angry with me.

"Please, Rachel, come to my office, let's talk?"

I plead, trying to get her to come back.

She doesn't answer. I head back to my office.

She would have to come back to me, curiosity will take hold, drawing her back.

She did want this, she just needed a little persuading is all.

After nearly an hour of waiting, she did in-fact return, walking into my office, she sits at my desk with her legs crossed. A fierce look on her face.

She had changed, she was wearing a simple grey dress, knee length. It had a zip all the way down the front.

Oh, I do love how I am always right! She did in fact want me, this is why she returned.

"Hey, Miss Kendall you came"

"I want it to stop. No more!"

I hear her words ring around my head.

"Stop? Why would I do that?"

"You can't hurt me!"

I stand and walk to her, making her stand.

Holding her shoulders as she stands in front of me, looking her in the eyes.

"I had to punish you, I'm sorry, but that is part of it. I have to. I would never deliberately hurt you other than controlled punishments, you have my word on that. I may like causing you pain for my personal pleasure, but I am not wanting to damage your body or make you not want me. I want you to respect and desire me and most of all Obey my commands."


"Indeed, you must always obey me, no matter what."

I say firmly, moving my hands over her dress.

Slowly pulling the zip down watching the dress open, pushing it from her body so it falls to the floor. Revealing her bra and knickers.

Pulling them slowly from her body, leaving her stood naked before me, she was shaking slightly. I take her to my apartment and push her onto my bed, mounting her as I forcefully take her.

The pain she had felt from my whipping faded and I replaced it with a flood of orgasms instead. Making her body twitch and jerk excitedly, pleasuring her for several hours.

I had to make her see that the pleasure I can unleash on her was powerful, though she would see that introducing pain will take her to a whole new magical world of excitement, beyond anything she can imagine.

After, I call Milo to take her home, knowing it was far to risky keeping her in my apartment, she was too much of a distraction. I had to also make her yearn and desire me. Making her leave meant she would be left wanting more.

As for now, I had to be clever and not pressure her to do hard line just yet.

Make her build up her tolerance to me and in time, I will make her my ultimate sex slave, obeying my every wish and enjoying each and every second.

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