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Interracial Cuckolding Therapy

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A therapist helps introduce a young white couple to BBC.
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"Babe, are you really sure you want to go through with this?" Jimmy asked his girlfriend as they sat in their car, in the parking lot of the therapy clinic.

Gabby took her boyfriend's hand and held it tightly.

"Yes baby, this is going to be so good for us, I love you so much, don't worry, this is only going to help our relationship, don't feel insecure, this lady is the most acclaimed and respected couple's sex therapist in all of Atlanta. Let's do this! If it doesn't work out, we don't ever have to come back." Gabby said, consoling her nervous boyfriend.

"You're right baby, I trust you, this could be a great thing for our relationship!" Jimmy said, as the young couple engaged in a passionate kiss.

The young 25 year old couple got out of the car and walked into the therapy clinic, holding hands tightly. Jimmy was a little more nervous than his girlfriend, Gabby, but she was also feeling a little anxious herself.

Gabby was an incredibly fit, 5'5 brunette with a killer body, most notably, her curvy ass, which always got lots of attention. Jimmy was a handsome 5'10 former athlete, who was in tip top shape.

The two have been together for 10 years, they were high school sweethearts, and the only sexual partners each has ever been with. However, since they graduated college, they have both been extremely busy with their professional careers, and as a result, their sex life has suffered.

It was Gabby's idea to go to the couple's sex therapist, and at first, it really upset her boyfriend and hurt his confidence. "Am I not good enough?" Was his initial thought, but after thinking about it for awhile, he agreed, their sex life had gotten stale and they've both been so busy, he eventually came to agree with Gabby, and 1 month later, they were walking into the therapist clinic together.

Gabby loved her boyfriend more than anyone in the world, she couldn't imagine being with anyone else, and when she imagined her future, it was getting married to him and having babies and starting a family. Jimmy was the same, he loved Gabby more than anything, and would do literally anything to keep their relationship healthy.

The two walked into the clinic and took a seat, and patiently waited for the therapist to come get them as they still held each other's hands tightly and comforted each other.

Finally, the therapist came out into the lobby 10 minutes late and called for them.

"Gabby and Jimmy?" The tall older woman in her late 50s asked. She had dirty blonde hair and was dressed nicely. All in all she just looked very professional, which helped ease the nerves of the two.

"Let's do this baby." Gabby said to her boyfriend, as she held his hand tighter as they walked.

"Right this way you two." The therapist said, as she led the attractive couple to her office.

She took a seat behind her desk as Gabby and Jimmy took a seat on the couch, sitting almost on top of each other. The therapist could sense their nervous energy and smiled.

This wasn't just a normal therapist office. There was a massive king sized bed to the left of the desk, with large pillows and silk sheets, and next to the bed, was a single chair, positioned facing the bed.

"Well, as you two must know, my name is Alicia Lansky. I've been a couple's sex therapist for over 30 years now, and I take great pride in what I do."

"I want you two to know that everything we do here is kept between us, and my utmost goal is to improve and strengthen your relationship. As you might have read, I was ranked the number one sex therapist last year in the Atlanta area, and my track record speaks for itself. I have helped hundreds of couples improve their sex lives, their marriages, and kept them together."

"I read the email that Gabby sent me, and I believe I have an idea of what I can do to help you two, but first, I'd like to hear it from you first. Just go ahead and tell me a little about your relationship, and what you believe you are missing. Gabby, I'd like to hear from you only... since it seems that you are the one who reached out...and is... let us say... missing that little extra something."

Gabby and Jimmy looked at each other briefly, Gabby gave her boyfriend a reassuring look, and he gave it back to her. Gabby then looked at the therapist and opened up.

Gabby told her everything. She went over how they have been together for over 10 years, how they are the only sex partners each one has been with their entire life, how stressed they have been with their new jobs and long hours, and how it has hurt their sex life.

"Yup. A tale as old as time. As couple's grow together, especially if they have been together since they were teenagers, adapting to adult life can be challenging, you two are definitely struggling."

"How often are you two having sex these days?"

"Well, only about once a week now, we both get home really late, and we are tired, and well..." Gabby paused and looked at her boyfriend and sighed.

"I love my boyfriend to death, and I know his job is demanding but... but... I just feel like I'm missing something, and I'm just not satisfied in bed anymore. I just want more!" Gabby said, getting emotional.

Jimmy looked a little bit stunned as he looked at his girlfriend, he didn't realize how much this was affecting her, he wrapped his arm around her shoulders and hugged her tightly.

"I'm sorry baby." Was all he could say, feeling a little bit embarrassed hearing her say this infront of the therapist.

"It's okay, I love you, this is why we are here. She is going to help us!" Gabby said, as she also wrapped her arms around her boyfriend, and the two embraced.

"I am struck by the love and affection you two have for each other. It's real, I can feel it."

"Gabby, outside of sexual satisfaction, does Jimmy satisfy you in every other way? Financially, emotionally? Do you feel safe and secure with him?"

"Yes... I love nothing more than being with him, I don't want to be with anyone else. He really is the best boyfriend a girl could have. It's just... it's just..."

"It's just he can't fuck you like you need?" The therapist said, bluntly, startling the couple.

Jimmy was stunned silent. Gabby a little redfaced herself.

"Well... he tries his best, it's just that... that..."

"That he has a small cock?" The therapist blurted out again, with no shame.

The couple both went silent, looking down in embarrassment, causing the therapist to chuckle.

"Listen you two, I've been doing this job longer than you have been alive. You think I don't know what's going on here? This isn't rocket science. 9 times out of 10, the main issue with a loving couple's sexual dissatisfaction is simply rooted in the boyfriend or husband having a small dick."

The couple stayed quiet as the therapist continued her rant.

"All that stuff about the 'motion of the ocean' and 'its not the size but how you use it' is a total fucking lie. I can tell you first hand. No matter how much you love your boyfriend, and I can clearly see that you love him dearly, it isn't going to make up for the fact he has a small cock, and can't fuck you like you deserve. I'm not going to sugar coat it, okay? Problems don't get solved by ignoring the issue. Don't get upset about what I'm saying Jimmy, please take it to heart."

Jimmy was redfaced about what he was hearing, but deep down, underneath the embarrassment he was feeling, he knew she was right.

"I know..." He confessed. "I wish I was bigger... I wish I could give her more. She deserves it. She deserves the world. I love her so much." He said, putting his head down in shame.

"It's okay baby, it's not your fault." Gabby said, hugging him tightly, feeling a bit guilty.

The therapist got up from her chair behind her desk and went and sat directly next to Jimmy on the couch to console him.

"Jimmy, I've been doing this for so long, and I can sense that you just want what is best for your girlfriend, you have a good heart, that is what sets good partners from bad partners, how much they truly desire for their loved ones to be happy and satisfied." She said, rubbing his shoulders.

"Don't you want your girlfriend to have the best of everything? Ofcourse you do, and you are able to provide her with alot. You provide her with companionship no one else can give her. She's been with you for so long. You should want her to be spoiled and have the best of everything. The best house, in the best neighborhoods, in the best school districts, with the best car, the best everything! So why shouldn't that also include... the best dick?"

Gabby's ears perked up. Jimmy felt something tingle inside the pit of his stomach.

"I am going to suggest a sort of couple's sex therapy that might seem radical to you two, but I can assure you, personally, it is the best and most proven method to assure sexual satisfaction for couples of your... let's say... demographic."

The therapist got up from the couch and stood up.

"I have prescribed this specific therapy to over 100 couples, and I kid you not, every single one of them loved it, and told me it has enhanced not just their sex lives, but their overall relationships. This method makes relationships stronger!" She said, raising her voice, getting excited.

"It is one of the fastest growing sexual relationship lifestyles in the United States, and especially here in the Atlanta area. Every year more and more couples of your specific demographic try it and love it. You both paid for the premium to be here, and I'm going to make sure you try it with me, and have a safe experience in my office, so then you can bring it into your own home and bedroom and live it yourselves. But first, I am going to guide you through this, with your trust and consent first, ofcourse."

Both Gabby and Jimmy could feel their heart pounding as they listened to the therapist's speech. Gabby truly had no idea what she was talking about, while Jimmy on the other hand, had a feeling of what she was referring to.

"First I just want to ask and make sure, Gabby and Jimmy, do you trust me, and wish to continue?"

"Yes, I trust you. I've heard only great things about you." Gabby said, almost immediately, sort of surprising Jimmy by how fast she answered.

"Yes miss Lansky, I am willing to do whatever it takes to make Gabby happy... I just love her so much."

"Awwwhhh." Gabby said, kissing her boyfriend passionately on the lips.

"Very adorable. You two are the perfect couple. I have no doubts this method is going to work perfectly for you. Normally the couples I prescribe this method to are in their late 30s and 40s. It's very nice to see a younger couple in their mid 20s start this journey so early. It's only going to lead to a lifetime of satisfaction for you both."

"The name of this specific therapy, which is a lifesaver for so many couples like you two, is called 'Interracial Cuckolding', have either of you two heard of it?"

"Interracial? Cuckolding? No, what's that?" Gabby asked.

"So you don't know, that isn't uncommon for the girlfriend in the relationship to not have heard of it, what about you Jimmy?" The therapist asked, looking at him intently.

Jimmy's face turned red, and he gulped.

Jimmy knew exactly what it was, he had stumbled upon that genre of porn before, and on multiple occasions, he had masturbated his small white cock to the videos, and everytime he would cum to them, he would feel great shame and clear his internet browsing history.

"Well I... I think I've heard of it." Jimmy confessed, his face getting redder.

"This isn't uncommon, more often than not, the boyfriend has atleast heard of this method. Can you briefly explain to the best of your ability how it goes?" The therapist asked, a slight grin on her face.

"Well I've seen it maybe once or twice in porn videos, like I really don't watch them, but I've seen a couple, and like, it's when... a white guy watches a black man with a big dick fuck his girlfriend, basically."

"Oh my." Gabby said, audibly gasping.

"Yes, that is the basis of how it works. There are millions of those porn videos online, but it's not just a porn genre, it happens everyday in real life, and it has quickly become the fastest, and most successful way to spice up the sex lives of suburban white couples. There is a reason it's so popular, because it works, and I can say that from my own personal experience, it's the method my husband and I have been doing for the last 20 years. It is now the premier method used in couple's sex therapy specifically for white couples."

"If you both trust me, and wish to move forward, I can safely introduce this method to you today, right now, under my experienced guidance. I can almost assure your satisfaction, but you both need to verbally consent to move forward. You can both have a minute to talk it over."

Gabby grabbed and squeezed her boyfriend's hand, and the two looked at each other with confusion.

"Oh my god babe. I had no idea this was a thing, did you?" Gabby asked her boyfriend.

"I kind of knew about it from the porn videos, but I didn't know it was real!" He responded.

"What should we do? It's all up to you baby, whatever you want, your happiness is what I cherish more than anything." Jimmy said looking deeply into his girlfriend's eyes.

"Well, she is the most highly rated sex therapist in Atlanta, and we paid so much money to be here... I guess we have to trust her. I read all the reviews about her, everyone loves her and says she is great... you know what, I trust her. Let's continue, let's just... try it." Gabby said hesitantly.

"If you have questions, now would be the time to ask them." The therapist said, a satisfied smile on her face.

"It's just alot to take in!" Gabby said, flustered.

"I know it can be overwhelming, Gabby. But trust me, I was a woman in my 20s in your shoes before, in a long term relationship with a little dick boyfriend, so trust me when I say this, once you take the dive into the deep end, and truly experience what it's like, to be with a well endowed, skilled, black man, you are not going to regret it one bit."

"Oh my god." Gabby said, holding her hands to her mouth. Shocked.

"Trust me when I say this Gabby, this is going to fix all your problems. From one white lady to another, It's the best pleasure we can ever experience, and you want to know why it's so damn popular? Because the boyfriends and husbands LOVE to watch it." She said with a laugh.

Gabby could feel her heart pounding while Jimmy could feel his small cock getting stiff. It was a surreal experience for the young couple.

"Would you like to proceed?" The therapist asked, knowing she had the young couple right where she wanted them.

Gabby looked at her boyfriend for reassurance.

Jimmy looked his girlfriend deeply in the eyes and told her, "It's okay baby, if you want this, and trust her, then it's something we should try, if we don't like it then well, we don't ever have to do it again, but let's just give it a shot?" He said, as his cock got harder and harder.

Gabby has on multiple occasions fantasized about a bigger cock, but nonetheless, she has always remained loyal to her boyfriend and his small dick, and never cheated on him. Jimmy on the other hand, has masturbated on multiple occasions to Interracial cuckold porn himself, and when he did, he would often imagine it was his own girlfriend getting fucked by those hung black men, and it always made him cum hard.

There was no doubt about it, the young couple was horny and excited, and ready to venture into this, with the help of the experienced therapist.

"Let's do it." Gabby said, hesitant, but excited.

"I'm so excited for you two, and your boyfriend is absolutely correct, if you don't like it, then guess what? Just don't ever do it again, but I can almost promise you that you guys are going to fall in love with the lifestyle, there is a reason it's exploding in popularity." The therapist said, getting excited herself. She has a passion of introducing white couples to the Interracial Cuckold lifestyle, and Gabby and Jimmy were the most attractive young couple she has ever had in her office, she wanted to see this action first hand, her own pussy getting wet.

"So I have a guy for you two, now that I know you both want to proceed, I'm going to give him a call, and he is going to head over and join us. He is a very experienced black bull in the lifestyle, and he is currently looking for a long term situation with a younger white couple. I told him about the appointment I had with you two, and told him to be on standby incase everything went well, and so far, it has. So I'm going to give him a call, hang tight." The therapist said taking out her phone.

"Hey there Dwayne, the couple is ready for you, everything has gone amazing. You're going to love them, they are the hottest couple I've ever had here, the girlfriend is a bombshell, can't wait to see you, I'll get them ready for you, see you a few."

Gabby and Jimmy looked at each other, their hearts beating out their chest, knowing this was really about to happen. This was really going to change their relationship, and they both were excited.

"Alright, your bull is on his way. I can't wait, you're going to love him, he's one of the best men I have ever worked with, I really hooked you guys up with the best of the best.

"I'm nervous and excited! So how is this going to work?" Gabby asked, still holding her boyfriend's hand.

"Well, first we are going to get you two undressed a bit, you are going to get on the bed, and your boyfriend is going to watch from this chair, you guys can engage in some foreplay before big Dwayne gets here, then when he arrives, the real action is going to start, and he's going to show you why the phrase 'once you go black, you never go back' exists, got it?" She asked, her own pussy getting soaked.

"Oh my goodness!" Gabby said, giggling with nervousness and excitement.

"Baby, are you ready for this?" Jimmy asked his girlfriend, concerned, and undoubtedly horny.

"I think so!" Gabby said, unsure.

The therapist walked over and took control of the situation for the nervous couple.

"I want you both to undress for me, no need to be nervous about it, I see naked couples everyday, and you two are the most attractive couple I've ever seen here, your bodies are both stellar, well... except for one small issue." She said with a laugh.

"Jimmy, you first, if you don't mind."

Jimmy looked at his girlfriend nervously.

"It's okay baby, she's a professional, she knows what she is doing." Gabby said, reassuring him.

Jimmy didn't expect he would have to get naked, his previously hard cock went immediately soft and shrinking from being nervous, and he really didn't want the therapist to see his small dick.

He reluctantly took off his shirt and unbuckled his belt, then pulled down his pants, socks and shoes, leaving him in just his boxers, all while his girlfriend and therapist watched.

Then he took a big gulp and pulled downed his boxers, revealing his teeny tiny shriveled up white pecker.

"Oh my." The therapist said. "That explains it."

Gabby reached out and grabbed her boyfriend's hand. "It's okay baby. I still love you no matter what." She said, sensing that he was embarrassed.

"No need to feel embarrassed now Jimmy, I've been doing this for 30 years, remember? I've seen lots of little white weenies over the years doing this job. Don't feel bad." The therapist said, helping make Jimmy feel a bit more at ease.

"Alright Gabby, you're up." The therapist ordered.

Gabby got up and undressed, with much more confidence than her boyfriend. She took off her blouse, kicked off her heels, and slid down her skirt. Leaving her in just her bra and panties.

"Goodness me! What a bombshell. Go ahead and turn around for me sweetie, let me get a good look at that backside."

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