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Intro to Interracial Relations Pt. 01

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A college class is programmed to love black cock.
25.2k words

Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 04/02/2024
Created 03/31/2024
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This story focuses on Mind Control and Interracial Domination.

This work also goes harder on humiliation than many of my past stories. If you find that this story is too extreme for you, my apologies: I don't plan to have humiliation this intense in all of my stories going forward, so I hope my next release suits your tastes better.

This story includes a large number of fetishes. The following list contains the major kinks represented. If one of these is a personal deal breaker, the story may not be for you.


Mind Control, Raceplay, Cuckolding, Betrayal, Exhibitionism, Corruption, Bimbofication, Incest, Impregnation, Coerced Male Cum Eating, Foot Play, Small Penis Humiliation, Coerced Chastity.

I hope that you enjoy the story! Let me know what you think with a comment! It really helps me when people can tell me things that they specifically liked or disliked about stories, so I appreciate it!


Roderick Caine looked around his new office with satisfaction. Gleaming hardwood, leather furnishings, shelf after shelf of serious-looking old books that the old white fucks who had used this office before him had probably never even read. Making it here was a major accomplishment. The vote had been held only this afternoon. He could still picture the faces of the old pack of racists on the regents' board when the results had been announced. He suspected he would be treasuring the memory for years to come.

But becoming the first-ever black chancellor of Mulbrooke University wasn't the end goal. It was only the beginning.

"Well," said a lazy, sarcastic voice from behind him, "If you're quite finished patting yourself on the back, maybe we can talk business."

Roderick turned with a rueful grin to face his guest. She was right, he was being a little rude. Morgan Cherry lounged in one of the leather chairs, long brown legs crossed tightly, the smooth warm skin of her thick thighs perfectly displayed by her unprofessionally short skirt. Morgan's snow-white blouse had far too many buttons undone, and, judging by the amount of her velvety dark cleavage currently on display, she wasn't wearing a bra. Roderick would have to discuss the dress code with her. As much as he enjoyed seeing her curvy brown body, if she was too careless she might blow their plans.

"Of course," said Roderick smoothly, leaning back against his new desk. "As chancellor, I'll be in a prime position to change hearts and minds. That's where you come in."

Morgan Cherry flashed her boss a venomous smile and leaned forward, exposing even more of her ample chest. "What do you think?" she asked conspiratorially. "Should we just call a mandatory assembly? Get the whole student body in one go?"

Roderick gave her a withering look. Morgan Cherry was a skilled mesmerist and a key to his plans. She had been instrumental in strategically altering a few of the votes in the chancellorship election for one. But she simply didn't have Roderick's foresight or planning skills. If they wanted to change the world, they would have to work a lot smarter than that. "Seriously, Morgan?" he said dryly, "Think for a moment. The entire white student body starts worshiping the African race overnight the day after the first black chancellor takes power? We would both be in jail."

Morgan sat back with a sour look on her face, crossing her arms beneath the swell of her breasts. "Well then. I assume you have a better idea."

"Obviously. This doesn't need to happen overnight. We work slowly. Start with a small core group of students. Make them loyal ambassadors of the movement."

Morgan huffed but looked intrigued despite herself. "What group did you have in mind exactly?" she asked curiously.

Just then, a hesitant knock sounded at the office door.

"Come in!" called Roderick.

Candice Greene slipped into the room. She was a beautiful woman in her mid-thirties, one of the youngest professors at the stuffy old establishment of Mullbrooke University. Candice had exactly the wide curved hips and ample butt that Roderick liked to see in his women. Especially white women. Add to that a bosom that her professional attire couldn't entirely conceal, and her shining blonde waves of hair, and Candice was a dazzling presence that normally commanded the room. Right now however, instead of her usual intelligent confidence, her face was locked into the conflicted expression of anxiety and arousal that Roderick had come to inspire in her.

"You called for me, Chancellor?" she asked meekly. Her hands fluttered to the top button of her blouse but froze when she noticed Morgan Cherry. "Dr. Cherry!" she said, her beautiful blue eyes opening wide and her mouth dropping open in shock. "What is my... my...?" she asked faintly.

"What is your therapist doing in my office?" supplied Roderick smoothly, with a raised eyebrow. "Well, Dr. Cherry has such an incredible talent for helping people overcome their prejudice that I've decided to hire her for the coming term. You two will be working closely, in fact."

Morgan gave a casual wave and a sneer of contempt to the poor, mixed-up woman. "But... I do believe that we had a deal, Ms. Greene," said Roderick firmly, "Concerning your conduct whenever you come to my office."

Candice's lip wobbled, and she helplessly indicated the confident black woman watching her with amused eyes. "But... but sir!" she whimpered.

Roderick slapped a hand down on his new desk. "I don't want to hear your excuses, Candice! Morgan is a trusted friend of mine and your new colleague. She needs to see what kind of woman you truly are! I won't tell you again."

In answer, Candice simply hung her head and resumed unbuttoning her blouse, revealing a conservative cream-colored bra supporting her large pale tits. With a look of horrified shame, she fumbled with the clasp behind her back, removing her bra to reveal her magnificent breasts, topped with two hard pink nipples that showed that this forced display turned her on just as much as it shamed her.

"Leave the stockings and heels on, Ms. Greene," said Roderick gleefully, "But do hurry and remove your skirt and panties."

Continuing to blush and cringe, the once-respected professor unzipped her long skirt and dropped it to the ground, standing in only her high-waisted panties and stockings. Roderick practically licked his lips at what he would see next. "Did you get it?" he asked eagerly.

"Y-yes sir," said the humbled blonde woman in a cracked whisper, and to prove it, she pulled down her panties to show her new tattoo, still bright black and edged in red from its recent application. A large black spade shape with a letter Q left blank in the center. It was placed immediately above her dripping, flushed pussy.

"Come here, darling," said Roderick with hungry eyes, extending a hand to his new slave. She crossed the room with hesitant steps, like a fawn willingly walking toward a wolf. When she was within reach, the new chancellor pulled her toward him, one large ebony hand gripping her throat possessively as the other gently traced the outlines of her new tattoo. A permanent symbol of his ownership, and of her complete submission. "What did you tell your husband?" he asked, amused.

"J-just that I thought it looked cute, and that I like c-card games," said Candice in a shameful whisper, unable to meet Roderick's eyes.

Roderick barked a laugh. "And the little wimp bought it? White men truly are pathetic. Dr. Cherry and I were in a meeting, dear," said Roderick with a twisted grin. "Why don't you make yourself useful while we continue talking." With that, he slowly pushed the naked professor down to her knees. Through careful training, Candice already knew what was expected of her. She locked her arms behind her back and began struggling to use her lips, tongue and teeth to undo Victor's pants button and zipper. Roderick resumed his conversation as the little disgrace made frustrated grunts, doing her best to free his cock.

"Ms. Greene here, believe it or not, is a highly respected psychology professor," he explained with a wide grin. "Especially among the... richer and paler of the parents at the University. So much so that they typically clamor for their children to take the seats in her Intro to Psych class." With a gasp of satisfaction, Candice finally used her teeth to pull down Roderick's boxers, freeing his massive black cock to bounce in the open air, already inflating to its impressive length.

"In other words," Continued Roderick as Candice greedily slurped his cock into her mouth, all of her shame and hesitance forgotten in the face of her favorite treat, "The children of some greatest obstacles to our plan, all in one place. The perfect group to start on for our little revolution." Roderick planted a hand firmly on the head of the eager blonde on her knees in front of him, forcibly increasing the speed of her fellatio.

"We'll just change the material a bit, and add you as a supplement to the course." Said Roderick, raising his voice slightly to be heard above the sloppy sounds Candice's married mouth was making. "And before the end of term, we will have a useful group of students with radically changed views on race relations. Sound like a plan?"

Morgan's eyes glittered as she watched the abject debasement of the woman she had carefully programmed over the past few months. She flicked her gaze up to Roderick's commanding brown eyes and smiled.

"You got it, boss."


"Look at them," said Noah Bancroft, gesturing with his chin. "They must feel like they're going to own the campus this year. What with their man in the top position."

He had indicated a group of four black men just across the green from them, laughing loudly and throwing a frisbee back and forth to each other. As he watched, sneering, one of them pulled his shirt off, revealing a chiseled ebony physique.

A light punch to his arm pulled him back to the group. His girlfriend Juno was giving him an exasperated look. "Give it a rest already," she said in a quiet, warning tone. "If you get all obsessed about that kind of thing you'll ruin your whole university experience." Her clear blue eyes, peering through her square-rimmed glasses, were affectionate but serious. Juno usually didn't like to make a scene or be the center of attention, but if Noah made her angry, he would pay for it in private later. Her slim little body(always modestly covered of course) pale porcelain skin, and long coal-black hair made her look sweet and feminine, but Juno was tough as nails on the inside.

"It's a temporary problem anyway," said Arthur in a bored tone, ripping up small pieces of grass and trying to sneak them down the back of his sister Cecily's collar. "At least, that's what my father says. He told me Caine got the chancellorship through some sort of trickery, and when it gets straightened out, he'll be out on his ear." Cecily wrinkled her cute freckled nose, swiping a hand across the back of her collar while continuing to stare at her phone. She narrowed her eyes as she realized what Arthur was doing and roared "You fucker! This is a new shirt!" while aiming vicious fists at her giggling brother's face and chest. Arthur and Cecily Gabriel were twins. Both of them were tall, had almost-white blonde hair, and a spray of freckles which honestly worked better for Cecily than they did for Arthur. But unlike when they were kids, no one would confuse them. Arthur had broad shoulders and thick arms that had more than a few women interested in him at any given time, and Cecily had a willowy supermodel build that made women jealous and made men take notice. They were also by far the most upper class of the group of friends: although they didn't like to talk about it, their father was a baron.

"And, like, how is it your problem anyway who the chancellor is?" said Rosemary, lying her head back on Miles's lap as she stared peacefully up at the fluffy clouds. Rosemary Yates was a stunning beauty. She took great care of her sun-kissed skin and lustrous auburn hair and she dressed carefully to emphasize her wickedly curvy body without showing the boys too much. Miles Huntly, Noah's small, thoughtful, dark-haired best friend was currently stiff and silent, barely able to breathe from Rose's sheer proximity. Miles had been madly, desperate in love with Rose for years. If Miles didn't tell Rosemary how he felt soon, Noah would do it for him. There was only so much he could take of this puppy-dog act.

Juno shot him another exasperated glance as their friends took his comment and ran with it. Noah suppressed a smile as his eyes lovingly traced his girlfriend's upturned nose and delicate cheekbones. She was beautiful even when she was annoyed. Noah was thrilled that they had managed to go to the same university. And the fact that their whole friend group had come along was even better. Juno was right, today was too nice of a day to get all sour and ignore his friends.

Noah slapped his knees and pushed himself to his feet. "Well, it's about time to head to class, yeah?" he said with a smile. Rosemary pouted a little about wanting to stay outside longer, but the group as a whole looked excited. In their first term, they all had one shared class. Intro to Psych with the respected Professor Greene. The whole friend group moved toward the lecture hall, happily chattering in the bright fall air. Noah couldn't help casting one more glance back at the group of black students playing on the lawn. Rosemary was wrong. This was his problem to worry about. His father was the one who was supposed to be elected chancellor. Roderick fucking Caine had stolen that somehow.

There had to be something he could do to fight back against that arrogant upstart.


As they filed into the slightly dusty old lecture hall, Noah was shocked to see none other than Roderick Caine himself, standing at the front of the room talking animatedly with a beautiful blonde woman who must be Professor Greene. It was certainly odd. As far as he understood, the Chancellor's duties didn't involve visiting classrooms.

As they entered the hall and sat, Roderick's eyes locked with Noah's and his grin widened. Noah felt a boiling swell of anger inside him. So it looked like Roderick Caine knew who he was. He would regret making enemies of the Bancrofts.

"Students! Your attention please!" called Roderick Caine in a clear, ringing voice, ending the murmuring conversations throughout the hall.

"Now, for those of you who don't know me by sight, I am your new chancellor, Roderick Caine," he said with a warm smile. Noah gritted his teeth at the man's self-satisfied use of the title that should be his father's. Noah looked around and noted smugly that he recognized many of the students in the class. All of them white, all of them from the right sort of families. If Roderick was hoping to find a crowd sympathetic to him and his planned changes at the University, he couldn't have picked a worse class.

"When I took my post as chancellor, I noticed that there was a great deal of controversy. There has also been controversy over the increased admissions for non-white students in recent years." The crowd watched the new chancellor with stony, unsympathetic silence.

"There is, without a doubt, an issue with racial tension at this University, so I thought it was crucial to increase awareness of the issues of racism and discrimination among the student body," explained Roderick, pacing the front of the room. "Now, unfortunately, it was too late to have any courses added to the fall term, but Professor Greene agreed so strongly on the need for this content, that she volunteered to modify her course until a new class could be added." He gestured toward the lovely young professor, who shyly smiled and waved awkwardly to the class.

"This term, the course offered by Professor Greene will be "Intro to Interracial Relations" rather than "Intro to Psychology"."

The class broke into muttering amongst themselves.

Before anyone could protest, Roderick Caine spoke again. "I understand that this comes as a surprise, and for some of you, this may not be ideal. I only ask that you give this a chance. After the first week, any student who still wishes to be transferred will be given a spot in a different Intro to Psychology course."

"Are you joking?" Noah's loud, confident voice cut through the chatter in the class, making Roderick focus on him with a non-plussed glare, and causing the rest of the students to go silent and take notice.

Noah soaked up the attention, leaning back in his chair and running a hand through his stylishly cut brown hair before continuing. "You knew you wouldn't be able to get enough students interested in your politically correct joke of a class, so you decided to trick them into it. That's the real story, right?"

Roderick Caine just smiled calmly, although Noah noted with satisfaction that his hand tightened on the table he leaned on. "I'm not surprised that you feel that way about diversity education, Mr. Bancroft. If I remember correctly, your father was the source of much of the controversy I mentioned earlier."

Juno was leaning over to Noah, whispering in his ear. "You should tell him that the fact that the subject of academic courses can be switched so easily just shows that he doesn't understand his job," she said fiercely.

Roderick raised his eyebrows. "It seems like your lady friend has something she would like to share. Could I hear it as well, miss?" he asked in a cold voice.

Noah felt his hackles rise just from the huge black chancellor talking to his sweet, shy girlfriend. "I'm afraid not, Chancellor Caine," he said, his tone dripping with sarcasm, "She doesn't associate with men like you." Noah could tell from the ooohs of the crowd that he had gotten a little too blatant with that one, but he was too angry to care. Juno supported his verbal barb, her hand on his shoulder, her nose in the air as she gave Roderick Caine a disdainful look that backed up Noah's words.

Roderick Caine sighed. "You seem to have something you want to say, Mr. Bancroft. So let's hear it. My job, as duly elected chancellor, is to listen to the complaints of students under my care."

"I do have something to say actually Roderick," said Noah, rising to his feet. "By tricking your way into this job, you took something that wasn't yours. That rightfully belonged to someone else. And while our parents straighten out how to remove you from the position you stole, not one person in this class will bow down to the ridiculous regime that you're setting up. And that includes the propaganda you're trying to shove down our throats."

The class applauded, and Juno rose to stand by his side, her face haughty and proud of her man. She had wanted Noah to drop the topic of their new chancellor earlier in the afternoon, but after seeing Roderick's arrogance for herself, she was now one hundred percent behind her boyfriend.

Roderick's deep brown eyes swept over the room of sneering, applauding upper-class students. Then, to Noah's confusion...

He smiled.

"If you still feel like that in a week, my offer stands," said the new chancellor simply. "You will be transferred out of the class. There will be no transfer requests accepted before then. Enjoy your lecture everyone!"

And the massive chancellor turned without further ceremony and left the lecture hall.


Roderick Caine forced himself to breathe and release his tight fists as he strode across campus toward his office. Noah Bancroft was an unpleasant racist little shit, but this was, in fact, the ideal scenario.

This class was the perfect place for a spoiled brat like Noah Bancroft. He and his cute little girlfriend as well. Her eyes, filled with the casual disdain for black men that society had trained into her, galled Roderick almost as much as Noah's heated words. She was the type to hide away her body under shrouding clothes, but Roderick doubted that she would stay that prudish after Greene and Cherry had done their work on her. The idea was intriguing.


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