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It Runs in the Family

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He'd heard that she gave great head.
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It was Thursday night at the local watering hole his parents so often frequented. It was 'all-you-can-eat chicken' night. It was generally the only night his parents ever invited their eighteen-year-old son to join them, since it precluded having to prepare dinner at home. Other parents seemed to have adopted the same regimen. As his parents joined the others in getting shit-faced drunk, the kids would shoot pool, play darts, drink sodas and chat.

The place was a combination bar, hotel and respectable restaurant. He had watched Jeananne get up and move toward the rest room. Jeananne...the object of so many masturbatory fantasies. She certainly wasn't the prettiest girl in his class. She was a compact little dirty blond with freckles and an impish smile. They'd only chatted briefly in the past. She had not been unfriendly.

He was an athlete and considered a prime dating target. They'd never gone on a date together. His best friend on the football team knew her pretty well. His best friend was in fact Jeananne's neighbor in the tiny town. A week earlier his best friend had whispered conspiratorially as they were getting ready to leave the locker room after practice:

"Jeananne likes to suck cock."

Ever since that moment, visions of Jeananne's sweet little mouth engulfing his virgin cock had haunted him. She was walking now, apparently heading to the rest room. He nonchalantly rose and headed in the same direction, trying not to appear too obvious. It was also nickel beer night so the rest rooms always had people waiting to gain entrance. There were several women waiting to use the lady's room. Jeananne did not seem willing or able to wait. She went around the corner and down the hall to the front desk. He held back; he heard her ask the ancient woman at the front desk if there was someplace else that she could go. To his surprise, the old woman slid a key across the desk and pointed down the hall.

The old woman sat down behind the front desk. He could not see her. Could he get by her without being detected? She was very old; he recalled that she didn't hear very well. Crouching down and scampering close to the front desk on fleet, sneaker-clad feet, he was quickly by her without apparent notice.

He caught a glimpse of Jeananne turning a corner ahead of him. As he got to the corner and peaked around, a door to one of the hotel rooms a few feet away was lazily swinging closed. Dashing to the door, he caught it before it latched, then stood motionless as he listened intently at the door. A toilet seat...a rustle of clothing...the flow of her urine in the bowl...another noise as something plopped in the toilet, twice. The squeak of an ancient toilet paper hanger...the flush of the rustling again...the faucet being turned on. It was now or never. He pushed the door open; his heart was racing. He was excited and scared, searching his young brain for a 'story' if she was not pleased to see him. He closed the door noisily and took the two steps that would place him in the bathroom doorway.

She turned and spoke, surprised, "David! What are you doing in here, you shouldn't be..."

He closed the distance between them and shut her up with his mouth, crushing his lips against her own and pulling her tight little body against his. She would either push him away and maybe even slap him or...

Fortunately it appeared to be the 'or', at least initially. She responded to him, returned his kiss, probed with her tongue and pushed her young mons into his rapidly inflating cock. One hand fell to her pert young ass as the other quickly found the hem of her skirt and moved underneath. He wasn't in the mood for preliminaries---there wasn't time.

Both of his hands quickly moved under her short skirt, cupped her sweet little rump and peeled her cotton panties down, exposing the cool flesh of her taut teen butt. She whimpered. He feared that she was on the verge of pulling away. As one hand caressed her tight anal groove, the other came around to the front and cupped her sparsely populated blond muff. A finger quickly slid along her greasy slot and then darted inside.

Finger fucking. He knew something about finger fucking. He had some experience in that department and had learned its finer points in the back seat of his mother's car with both the head cheerleader and the prettiest majorette. The latter had actually given him some valuable training in technique. As soon as Jeananne's slim hips started moving back and forth with increasing vigor as if fucking his fingers, his confidence rose significantly.

Her tongue was now scouring his mouth and her firm little titties were pressed against him. She was moaning and whimpering. His other hand was cupping her sweet cheeks and the fingers of said hand were working their way down her crease to her slimy hole. Now he had both hands working on her little teen twat. Her hands---both of them---had fallen to his crotch and were actively massaging his hard organ.

It was the fashion of the time not to wear belts with jeans and he had left his briefs in his gym bag after showering following practice since they were, well...nasty. A snap of a button and a quick zip and his cock was in her hands. She gasped and whimpered again. She began to stroke him. Unable to gain the desired access, she pushed his jeans to the floor with a hand, aided by a talented foot.

He was able to kick one foot free without breaking contact. He spread his legs to give her more room. She took advantage of the improved access and began to softly work his hard nuts with one hand as she stroked his cock head with the other. And then she came, squeezing his balls a little harder than he would have liked but he would recover.

What now? Push her blond head down to indicate what he wanted? No need. Jeananne, it would seem, already knew the drill. She was on her knees in a flash. The tile floor caused her immediate discomfort. He grabbed a bath towel from over the tub and threw it on the floor. She smiled appreciatively and slipped it under her knees. And then she took his cock in her mouth and blew him for all he was worth.

He would cum in less than twenty seconds. She knew it, could feel the change in his slick cock. As he got closer, her young face registered concern. His best friend had not told him that Jeananne was neither a spitter nor a swallower, previously having elected to jerk a cock on her hard little titties. Normally by this stage, she would he naked from the waist up and on one occasion, naked from the waist down too.

Normally? Wait a minute, she mused. 'I've only done this twice before and it was the same cock.' It had been with someone she thought was her best friend. In her own living room while her parents had been at work. And then he had never asked her out on a date and she had cut him off after that second time she had done it in the small garden between their two houses.

She was wearing her nicest school blouse and skirt. If he shot all over the place, both garments would be ruined and it might well end up in her hair and she still had to go back to the bar and sit with her friends and her parents were also there...

He came hard with every bit as much volume as one would expect from a healthy eighteen-year-old boy getting his knob polished for the first time ever. It was all she could do to keep it all in her mouth...she had planned to spit it out on the towel. That would mean taking his cock out of her mouth....and there was so damn much of it! There were two other problems with that plan.

First, she could feel the first drops seeping out around the edges of her mouth. Secondly, she liked the way his cock felt in her mouth, having never had a cock in her mouth at this stage before. Now he was whimpering...shuddering...shaking. She felt so completely in control...she was giving him extreme pleasure coupled with excruciating agony.

She'd made her decision. This would be a first. She swallowed tentatively. To her surprise the feel of his slippery spunk rolling down her throat excited her. She had feared she might gag---proud that she hadn't. In the end barely a drop slipped out of her talented little mouth. She stood up, still holding his cock with her small hands.

"Kiss me, David. Kiss me if you expect what just happened to ever happen again."

David wasn't sure he wanted to kiss Jeananne after he'd just filled her mouth with cum but he knew damn well he wanted her to blow him again---and she had clearly indicated that it was reasonably likely to occur---if he complied. He kissed her; to his surprise, he did not find the taste as repugnant as he had expected. In fact he found it not unpleasant at all.

A year or so later his father would put it all in perspective when he would intone, "Any man who won't kiss a woman after she's finished sucking him off is a complete ass hole who didn't deserve the blow-job in the first place."

They held each other. Jeananne spoke first. "I've never done that before---swallow, I mean. I was a little scared...thought I'd gag or choke but it wasn't that bad...nice, actually...your cum tastes okay...kind of good." She shut up.

"We better get back! Someone might already be missing us."

Jeananne nodded in agreement.

A few days later she was neither remotely surprised nor disappointed when David asked her to go to the drive-in on Saturday night. She coyly said yes. He was a hunk...really cute. He'd gone steady with the prettiest girl in the class. She certainly wasn't ugly but she was not at the top of the pecking order. Sure, there were people who would assume she was putting out to get a date with him...well, she was, actually...sort of.

When he picked her up in his mother's station wagon on Saturday, she quickly moved to the middle to sit with him, then to his disappointment, moved back to the other side and fastened her seatbelt.

"David! Don't drive away yet. We need to talk---I need to talk. If you don't like what I have to say, then I'll get out and go back inside and you can go home or whatever."

"Jeananne, what's the matter...I thought we..."

"Shut up, David. Look, you asked me out for one reason. You want another blowjob. I get it. You've decided that I'm an easy slut or you wouldn't have even bothered dipping down below the top shelf to go out with me."

"Jeananne, I..."

"Shut up, David! I'm not done."

"I've only done it two times before---both with the same boy...someone I've known since I was two...someone who I thought was my friend----someone who I know damn well is your best friend---Bill. We did it twice; he never asked me out and then acted like I didn't exist at school. It was like we'd been friends forever and suddenly he wouldn't even say hello to me! It hurt...still hurts. I know he told you---don't try to deny it. He was just trying to get back at me because I wouldn't do it again.

"Look, David, I am a virgin. I've blown that prick Bill twice and jerked off another guy you don't even know because he doesn't go to school here. I am not a slut. At the same time I'm eighteen and probably just as horny as you are. Don't count your chickens, David---a movie and a burger for Jeananne does not ensure a BJ. This is our first real date. At this moment, you can forget about the BJ---at least on this date. If there is another date---which would pleasantly surprise me, you just might get lucky. But listen very carefully: I'm not sucking you off tonight, David. Still want to spring for the movie and the burger?"

"No," he replied. Jeananne fumbled to remove her seat belt.

"Let's just go to the Burger Barn. We can talk...get to know each other. Then we can walk over to the CYA hall and maybe dance. It's a crappy movie anyway."

Jeananne completed removing her seat belt. She did not get out of the car; she slid over and planted her fine young hip tightly against his. She turned and kissed him softly, caressing his neck and face with her hands.

"Thank you. Thank you so much. I hoped...I prayed that you were the nice guy I thought you were. Thank you. Who knows?" she said, quickly brushing her hand across his crotch. "You might still get lucky tonight. Let's just see how things go."

David and Jeananne sat in a booth across from each other and talked for hours. She was a pretty cute girl, he realized. That impish little grin of hers was captivating. If her mother was any indication, she'd grow into a very pretty woman. She was also smarter, funnier and more interesting to just talk with than any girl he had ever gone out with. He would find out later that she was unquestionably the best dancer he had ever danced with.

It was during one of those classic, romantic slow dance numbers of the era, 'I'm So Close to Cathy' that he realized she felt very good in his arms. He liked her. He liked being with her and talking to her. He liked holding her in his arms. It was after that slow dance that he saw his best friend Bill across the dance floor.

"Jeananne, excuse me. I have something to say to Bill."

"David, it's okay. Don't make a scene. I can live with the gossip."

Bill leered at him as he approached. "Having fun, tonight, partner?"

"Yeah. Yeah, I am. More fun than I can ever remember. Bill, how long have we been best friends?"


"Yeah, that's how I see it. Are we still best friends?"

"You know it!"

"I like her, Bill, Jeananne, I mean. She's a neat girl. She told me about what you and she...did you tell anyone else?"

"No...I thought about it...but, no...I probably shouldn't have told you."

"She thought you were her friend, Bill. She figured it out instantly when I, ah, asked her out. Are you planning on telling anyone else, Bill? I like her...a lot. I don't want her to get hurt...hurt anymore. As my best friend---and her friend---I'm begging you...don't tell anyone else...please?"

"No. I won't tell anyone else; telling you was a shitty thing to do to her...I owed her better than that."

"It's another slow dance; why don't you go tell her...tell her you're sorry? You don't have to, I..."

"Yeah, I do. I do." Bill said as he moved his way across the dance floor making a beeline for Jeananne, much to her consternation.

"May I have this dance, Jeananne?"

"Bill, I don't think I..."

"Please Jeananne---please? I need to talk to you...tell you...I'm sorry."


As they danced, Bill did most of the talking. Finally as the song was nearing its close, she spoke.

"Bill, thank you. I thought you were my friend...I guess I was right after all. The funny thing is that if you hadn't told him, he'd have never asked me out. When I told him what was not going to happen tonight and gave him a chance to back out of the date, he didn't. I really think we're hitting it off, so in some weird way, I guess I should thank you---in spite of the fact that your motives were less than honorable."

"Oh, yeah, Jeananne, you guys are hitting it off. He likes you...a lot. He's a good guy."

"Yeah, I know."

Bill departed and David rejoined Jeananne. Wordlessly she grabbed him and kissed him and then folded perfectly into his arms as the next song began. Her essence---her scent---filled his consciousness. Her sweet tears flooded the shoulder of his best shirt. He didn't care...wasn't sure he'd ever wash it again. For the record, David did get lucky later that did Jeananne.

David never did wash that blue shirt. Not through the rest of high school, college, the Army, graduate school, or three children and ultimately half a dozen grandchildren. He only wears it on very special occasions to include his thirtieth wedding anniversary.

David and Jeananne never dated anyone else after that night. They were married after college and just before he went into the military. They ultimately moved back to that small town. They bought the old hotel, which had long since closed down, renovated it and reopened it as the small town's financial fortunes improved.

They had their thirtieth wedding anniversary party in the hotel with all their friends and family in attendance. As the party got into full swing and the liquor flowed, they snuck away to a special room. You can't rent that room at the hotel; it's never available. It's their room and their room only.

Of course it always starts with a blowjob in the bathroom. Decades ago Jeananne had taught David that reciprocation was mandatory. It was the night of their first real date that she had laid down those ground rules. They usually end up moving to the bedroom and spending the night there. Jeananne never ceases to amaze the man who has loved her for almost thirty-five years with her spirit of adventure and creativity in the bedroom...or any place else they decide to get naked and explore.

Bill was his best man at their wedding and remains a very close friend of both David and Jeananne to this day. Of course they are also related now. Bill married Jeananne's younger sister. David was the best man at that wedding. Only once in all those years has David ever brought it up, over a barbeque grill in one of their two adjoining backyards.

"Bill, it's not really my business, but does Jeananne's sister know..."

"Oh, hell, yes! It must run in the family!"

The girls' mother stood between her two daughters. She was so very proud of both of them.

"What do you suppose those two are gabbing so conspiratorially about over there?" Jeananne asked no one in particular.

"Oh, I think we all know very well what they're talking about. Excuse me, girls. Your father has had that look in his eyes all afternoon. Duty calls."

Jeananne and her sister turned to each other in mock horror and then laughed so hard they almost fell down. It did run in the family.

Edited by crazysoundguy and Techsan

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B_BaileyB_Baileyalmost 8 years ago

I really enjoyed the ending.

TavadelphinTavadelphinover 9 years ago
Perfect ending -

Mom was great too - LOL

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
3rd reading

and I enjoy it each time.

tomar82403tomar82403over 17 years ago

I remember when... thank you!

duddle146duddle146over 17 years ago
Lovely story.

A relaxed pleasant read with appealing characters. What's not to like.

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago

In spite of all the trappings you otherwise display, you are first and foremost a hard-core romantic.


AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
What about Bill?

Great story. Ever wonder which sister Bill is thinking about when he gets a blowjob?

gatorhermitgatorhermitover 17 years ago
Funny, sexy, and romantic

Loved the ending. A fun story with some good lessons in romance.

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
Very Good

This is a great story. I liked both the highly realistic description of the girl's being used by her "friend," the power of gossip to ruin reputations, the nobility of the two young men who (for a change) realize what they have done or are about to do, and the segue into a long, happy married life. Nice structure. And I do understand how boys' surging hormones and girls' curiosities lead to behavior that all will later recognize as reprehensible; what I didn't understand was the apparent split personality of the heroine. We meet her as an experienced and uninhibited Blow Job Queen - all the hero has to do is follow her into the bathroom and kiss her and she's an instant-on sexual dynamo, "pushing her young mons into his rapidly inflating cock." I'm not a woman (but I've been married to one for a while) but I just don't see this as rational behavior for a teenaged girl who's telling the hero a few days later that she's inexperienced, hurt, and unwilling to be a simple slut for him and his lordly high school jock ways. That a girl with her background could get all turned on and give head to her boyfriend I can believe. It's just hard to imagine her doing it to a random boy that she's just come in close contact with. Without the relationship and shared intimate time, a woman isn't likely to burst into flame so easily. And it would make more sense for her to slap his head off and stomp out of the room. Not that that would have hurt his chances any in the long term. But that's the main gripe here - the rest of the story is fine. I'm especially pleased with the two friends who both do the right thing by the girl in their own way. It's good to see the conscience at work, and it's very asy to see why the girl would fall for one or the other of them, and why that could well lead to a happy and successful mariage. To cap that off with the humor of finding out that all three women share something - a love of giving themselves to their men. It's funny, touching, and lovely.

DesertPirateDesertPirateover 17 years ago

This is a very sweet story about young love. I remember when guys actually tried to be gentlemen like this, it was a much better world. Great story, Thank You for this one, it's a bit more laid back than normal. Very nice feel to this one. Keep up the good work and always have fun.

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