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It Started in a Cabin


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"I'm just glad Chris was there to help Scar," Lisa said. "He's pretty level headed in an emergency. He gets that from his dad, I'm a total basket-case in one."


After the nurse took the brace off of Scarlett's knee she and Chris were left alone until the doctor was available.

"So what do ya think sis? Your ACL again?" Chris asked.

"Yeah. They'll probably leave me braced up until the swelling goes down. They did that back in January, then I was in physio for a while. I really don't want to go the surgery route but you never know."

"Well I'm here for you. Whatever you need count on me."

"Sure thing Christian, I appreciate it." Scarlett replied with another grin at her step-brother.

"You're liking this aren't you?" Chris asked as he returned her grin.

"Damned straight bro, just another thing we can bitch about together when our folks aren't around."

The doctor came in shortly and asked Scarlett some more questions and carefully looked over her swollen knee before he had the nurse replace the brace with a smaller one.

"I would guess since you've just recently injured your ACL, and an injury prior to that one, that this is another ACL related injury. I suggest you see your family doctor once the swelling goes down so we can verify that that is what it is. Stay off your feet and keep your leg elevated until then."

Once Scarlett's leg was re-braced and her crutches were adjusted Chris helped his sister out to the waiting area to see their parents. Lisa and Steve got up to meet the kids as they came out and waited for the bad news.

"The doctor thinks it's her ACL again," Chris said.

"Yeah, I have to see a doctor once the swelling's down so they can be sure," Scarlett added. "Feet up and resting, but Chris offered to be my man-servant until then."

Chris laughed and took a deep bow, "What is your bidding milady?"

Lisa rolled her eyes at Steve, "Have I ever mentioned that Chris is a first class ham?"

They all laughed at Chris' mom's comment then Steve went out to pull the car around to get Scarlett home.

--- Chapter 3 ---

True to his word, once they got home Chris made sure that Scarlett wanted for nothing while she was laid up. He even dug out his old baby monitor so she could call for him wherever he was in the house.

Their parents were very pleased with how well the two of them were getting along. There was never a sharp word or dirty look between them and they spent a lot of time together watching TV, playing Xbox or just talking as Scarlett convalesced.

"Lisa? Have you noticed anything different about Scar?" Steve asked.

Chris' mom gave him a confused look, "What do you mean by different Steve?"

Steve shook his head, "Well she hasn't been her normal pain-in-the-ass, bratty self. She's being nice, and not just to Chris. She thanked me this morning when I brought her a tea."

"Now that you mention it she asked me to call her Scarlett earlier. I didn't think she liked being called that." Lisa said with a bemused look.

"Ha ha! The last kid who called her that to her face got a black eye and bloody nose. I think she was eight when that happened. Something is definitely up with that girl."

"Maybe she realized that being a brat didn't win her any popularity contests?"

"I think it's time for her and her dear old dad to have a little chat so I can figure out what's going on here." Steve said with a smile as he grabbed a couple of Cokes from the fridge and headed to the livingroom.

Scarlett and Chris were sitting on the couch playing Xbox when he entered, he handed one to Chris and asked him to give him and Scar a few minutes. Chris smiled and headed to the kitchen to get a sandwich.

Steve handed Scarlett her Coke and sat beside her, "Okay kiddo what's up?"

"What do you mean dad?" Scarlett asked, not sure what exactly he meant by his question.

"You've been on your best behaviour the last few days, and you even told Lisa to call you Scarlett. This isn't the Scar that I know."

"Dad I'm sorry. I know I've been a little bitch for the longest time, and I haven't really been fair to you, Mom and Jeff. Especially since the divorce and everything ." Scarlett said. "I guess I just needed a reality check with Chris to realize that it's easier to be nice than a bitch. Chris saved my ass the other day, I know that I was stupid for not checking the GPS before we left the camp. When we were first stuck I tried being a bitch with him and he called me on it. He's been so great with helping me out that I just couldn't act like I used to."

"Okay, so is this a permanent change or just until you're back on your feet?"

"Just 'til I get back on my feet," Scarlett said with a grin. "Just kidding dad, I think this is permanent. Just don't tell Lisa that I like her though okay?"

"I'll save that for you to do." Steve said with a grin of his own.

"Yeah I'd hate to totally blow my rep in two days. Oh, and I'm cool with it if you want to call me Scarlett again. I really just hated it when I was younger because everyone teased me about my red hair."

Steve gave his daughter a tight hug and smiled, "Okay Scarlett sounds good. I'll let you and Chris get back to playing nice now."


Once the swelling in Scarlett's knee had gone down her dad and Chris took her to the doctor to get it checked out again. After examining it thoroughly the doctor gave her the bad news.

"Well it looks like another ACL injury, we'll book an MRI and ultrasound to make sure, but after two previous injuries to your knee I suspect that we'll have to go with surgery to fix you up this time." he said.

Scarlett looked absolutely thrilled at the thought of it even though it was only arthroscopic surgery. She'd never liked going to the doctors or getting needles. The few time's she had needed stitches she'd cried through the whole procedure.

"In the meantime you need to get moving so you don't stiffen up. Try walking a bit every day to increase mobility but don't overdo it. We'll keep the brace on for now until we get the test results which should only be a few weeks. My secretary will call once the tests are booked."


Over the next few days Chris helped his sister start walking around the house more, then down to the end of their driveway and back, then up the street a bit. He was always there to catch her or support her if she made a misstep.

"We've got a problem sis," Chris said after one of their brief walks.

"Yeah? I haven't pissed you off yet have I?"

"Shit no!" Chris laughed. "I was just thinking with your tests, and probably surgery and physio our folks can't really take time to get you around."

"You're right that is a problem Chris. Got any ideas?" Scarlett asked.

"Well I was thinking, you're not going to be in any shape to start college right away, so why don't we just move our starts back a semester? That way I could be around to help you."

Scarlett sat and thought for a minute. She appreciated Chris' gesture but didn't think it would be fair to him to expect that from him. "You don't have to do that Chris, I'm sure our folks will figure something out."

"Listen Scarlett, I know I don't have to, but I want to. You said I was the brother you always wanted. Just let me be him okay?"

"You're sure this isn't just a way for you to have your hot step-sister all to yourself for an extra few months?" She teased.

Chris blushed and grinned, "Well I guess I'll just have to suffer through it until you're better sis."

That evening they explained their plan to their parents. Neither one of them was thrilled but they knew that it made a lot of sense so they agreed to it.

--- Chapter Four

After a few more weeks Scarlett was able to get around much better, using only a light brace and a cane when they went out. She was feeling a bit antsy one Saturday and asked her step-mom if they could go out shopping for a bit. Lisa was surprised but thought that it would be a good way to bond a bit with her new daughter so off they went.

They took their time walking the mall and talking. Stopping occasionally so Scarlett could rest her leg. At one store she saw a pretty dress that she actually found that she liked.

"Hey Lisa? Do you think I'd look good in this?" She asked her step-mom as she held the dress up to herself.

"Yes I think you would, I didn't think you did dresses and that kind of thing." Lisa said.

Scarlett shrugged and gave her a sheepish grin, "I dunno, new attitude, new look?"

Lisa laughed, "Well let's get that and see if there's something else here you'd like. You know I'm really enjoying this Scarlett, I never got to do a mom and daughter shopping day before."

"Yeah me too, I never really did this with my mom either. Look, I'm sorry for being such a bitch before, I've probaby been driving you nuts all summer."

"It's okay, Scarlett. I'm sure getting a new step-mom hasn't been easy for you sweetie."

Now Scarlett laughed, "It hasn't been that bad. I mean anyone who can put up with my shit for two months without wanting to strangle me has to be pretty cool right?"

"Well for all that Chris is a sweet kid he wasn't always the easiest kid to deal with after my divorce. I did have a bit of practice before you came along."

"Chris? He gave you a hard time?"

"Oh yeah. There were days he was this close to getting killed." She said as she held her finger and thumb up until they were almost touching.

The girls laughed and continued shopping, finding a few more nice outfits for Scarlett to wear. Lisa had a sneaking suspicion about Scarlett's new look idea but didn't say anything, figuring that it was up to her step-daughter to illuminate her further if she wanted to.

"If it's okay with you could we maybe hit the salon while we're here Lisa? I need a bit off the bottom and need to do something about my roots, they're starting to show now." Scarlett said.

Lisa agreed as she chuckled to herself. She'd notice Scar's roots too and had her own suspicions about that as well.

Lisa waited patiently while Scar was getting her hair done. When she finally came out Lisa was amazed at her transformation. She knew that Scarlett was a pretty girl, but with her hair bleached she'd had a stark look about her. Now she looked absolutely stunning, Scarlett's hair fell to the middle of her back in long, wavy, burnished copper locks. The harshness in her face had been changed to a striking beauty now.

"Wow! Scarlett you look incredible! Is that your natural colour?"

Scarlett blushed, "Yeah, do you think it looks good?"

"It looks fantastic, why did you ever hide it? Is the wave real too?"

"Seriously?" Scarlett asked with a giggle. "My name's Scarlett and my head looks like it's on fire. I hated it when I was a kid, everyone teased me about it. Yeah the wave's real too."

"So this is all part of the new attitude, new look thing. Or are you trying to impress someone?"

Scarlett's cheeks burned hotly, "Maybe a bit of both?"

Lisa laughed, "I'm going to guess that the new look thing is for Chris?"

"Yeah, is it that obvious Lisa?"

"Hmm, you've been able to get around the house on your own for a bit and you still need him to help you out. Not very subtle sweetie."

"You're not mad or anything?" Scarlett asked nervously.

"No I'm not mad," Lisa reassured her. "You realize that Chris is probably going to pass out when he sees the new you?"

Scarlett giggled and blushed, "Yeah that's kind of the effect I was hoping for."

"So you know about his redhead thing then."

"It kind of came up before, while we were waiting for help." Scarlett said.

"Does he know you're a redhead? I'm almost afraid to ask how he found out if he does know." Lisa laughed.

"Well his eyes kinda wandered when he was helping me up from the honey bucket." Scarlett said as she turned crimson again. "I told him not to look, but you know guys..."

Lisa gave her a hug and chuckled, "Men! They never listen do they?"

"I dunno, I've got Chris trained pretty well to listen to me now!" Scarlett grinned.

"That you have sweetie! Just go easy on him, he is my only son you know."

When they got home Chris took one look at Scarlett and bolted to his room, slamming the door behind himself. The girls looked at each other in surprise and Lisa said that maybe she should go talk to him.

"No Lisa, this is my fault. I'll go talk to him." Scarlett said as she put her bags down and made her way to the stairs. When she got to his door she knocked softly and asked if she could come in before poking her head in the door. She saw him laying face down on his bed, face buried in his pillow. His shoulders were shaking and it almost sounded like he was crying.

"Chris? Hey is everything okay?" She asked hesitantly.

"You're a fucking bitch Scar," he said, not looking at her.

Scarlett sat on the edge of his bed, bewildered by his reaction to what she'd done. "But...but I thought you'd like it Christian."

"You know, just knowing you were a redhead was bad enough. I could almost forget it when you were blond. Then you go and do this?"

"Chris I'm sorry. If I had known it was going to upset you I never would've done it." She said apologetically.

Chris rolled onto his side and grinned, "Upset me? You're killing me sis! Now I'm going to have to look at that beautiful hair all day every day for the next four months!"

"You mean you weren't crying just now?" She asked.

"Fuck no, I was laughing my ass off." Chris said as he sat up, took Scarlett into his arms and kissed her.

"Oh you fucker!" Scarlett said with a laugh.

Chris ran his fingers through his step-sister's flaming tresses, "I told you in the cabin that all bets were off if you ever let your hair grow out sis. What you did today was dirty pool."


"They're in love you know," Lisa told Steve with a smile as they cleaned up after dinner.

Steve gave her a wry grin. "I kind of figured as much. Scarlett hasn't had red hair since the day she beat that other kid up when she was eight. Seeing her come home with her hair red again I knew there was something up."

"So what should we do? These are our kids we're talking about. It's not like they're just two kids off the street."

"Lisa up until three weeks ago they were two kids off the street. They didn't know each other until Scarlett picked Chris up at camp."

"I know Steve, I'm not mad or anything like that, I'm just worried that this will blow up in their faces if they're not careful."

"Look we'll have a talk with them and set some ground rules okay? They're both smart kids honey, and you have to admit they do make a cute couple." Steve chuckled.

Lisa grinned and gave Steve a hug and quick kiss, "You're right, they are smart, and they really are cute together."

Once they were done they went out to the living room. Scarlett and Chris were on the couch playing Xbox, sitting close and bumping shoulders while they laughed and joked around as they played.

"Kids could you stop the game for a minute?" Lisa asked as she and Steve sat together on the loveseat. "We know what's happening here guys. We're not mad but it is a bit of a surprise to say the least."

Both kids blushed and looked nervously at their parents.

"Mom, Steve I'm sorry it just kinda happened." Chris said as he looked at Scarlett.

"Chris it's not like anyone really plans to fall in love." Steve said, "The problem is that you're brother and sister now so that makes it a bit...well...awkward."

Lisa looked at Chris and Scarlett, they were sitting snuggled right up against each other, "Kids we know it's pointless to stop this. Trying to do that would only make you resentful and angry, and make it unbearable for all of us. We just ask you to behave in a certain way around us."

Scarlett grinned and leaned closer to Chris, "I think what your Mom's trying to say is that my Dad would flip out if he caught us making out and groping each other."

"Well that's one way of putting it honey," Steve laughed. "I think we'll probably be okay if you guys want to cuddle and little stuff like that until we feel a bit more comfortable with this."

"Okay Dad, we'll keep it cool."

"One other thing," Lisa said. "If we're with family or all out together you're to behave like a brother and sister. I don't care if you want to call yourselves boyfriend and girlfriend or whatever, but we have to at least appear to be a normal family in public."

"Sure, we can do that," Chris said.

"Well as long as we're all on the same page here I guess we're done for now kids," Steve said as he and Lisa stood up and left the room.


The kids just sat and looked at each other for a minute then burst out laughing. Scarlett gave Chris a hug and grinned at him.

"I know I didn't say anything, did you?" Chris asked.

"Well your Mom asked me about it after I bought three dresses and had my hair done," Scarlett said. "She suspected before that though."

"You bought dresses? I thought you hated them." Chris said in surprise.

"Yeah, I just thought you might like them?" Scarlett said shyly.

Chris sat in silence for a moment, his thoughts drifting back to when he'd first met his step-sister and how hot he thought she had looked. The image of her in a sexy dress with her coppery hair flowing down her back just about blew his mind. Knowing that she had bought dresses because of him was very flattering considering how she felt about them.

Scarlett grew concerned when Chris didn't say anything right away. She had hoped that he would be pleased like he had been with her hair. Lisa had told her that she looked very pretty in the dresses she had picked out. Now she was wondering if buying them was a mistake. Then she saw a slow grin spread across his face and a twinkle in his eyes. Scarlett couldn't help herself and grabbed Chris around the neck, planting a solid kiss right on his mouth.

"Ahem!" Steve said from the kitchen door, "Get a room you two, I'm not ready to see my step-son kissing my daughter yet."

They laughed in embarrassment and apologized then headed upstairs to Scarlett's room. Once they were in her room Chris wrapped his arms around Scarlett and gave her as good as she'd given him in the living room.

"You are trying to kill me aren't you?" He said softly as they broke their kiss.

Scarlett grinned up at him, "Nope, I'm just making sure you know I'd do anything for you boy-scout. You've treated me like a princess since we met, shouldn't I at least look like one for you?"

"I think that's a great idea. So do I get to see them?"

"Face the wall and don't look until I say so," she replied.

Chris did as he was told and heard Scarlett rustling around behind him. After a few minutes she told him to turn around. Chris whistled when he saw Scarlett in her first dress, it was a slate gray knit dress with a flared skirt that fell just above her knees. Her second dress was a midnight blue number which had a dusting of rhinestones across the top half of it. Both of them looked amazing on her.

"Turn around again Christian, be patient because this one's a bit of a bitch to put on because of my knee," Scarlett smiled at him.

Chris turned and waited, listening to his sister grunt and wriggle behind him. He finally heard the zip go up her back and Scarlett said she was ready. When he turned to face her Chris was stunned speechless. While her other dresses were very nice and she looked quite pretty in them this one was over the top. It was a deep iridescent green with a skirt that reached her mid thigh, and a bodice that hugged every one of her dangerous curves. It contrasted perfectly with her hair and highlighted her milky smooth skin.

Scarlett smiled shyly at him, "So? Do you like it?"

Chris shook his head. "I'm dead. I'm so fucking dead," he replied as he took her in his arms and kissed her again.

"I'll take that as a yes then," she said with a giggle.

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