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It Started with Chelsea Ch. 03

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Natalie has some urges.
3k words

Part 4 of the 5 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 10/29/2014
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Author's note: All sexual participants in this are over the ages of 18. And unlike the previous three entries of this series, this following entry occurs in a split perspective following the viewpoints of Chelsea, Sam's step-sister, and Natalie, his Step-mother. If you have not read any of the other chapters in this story I suggest you do so before reading this one. I hope you enjoy and remember to rate, favourite and subscribe should you enjoy the story. Thank you.

Natalie's Urges

Chelsea Chapter 3

Chelsea & Natalie reveal their feelings



I keep turning over in bed, Daniel is hogging the covers, snoring, and I'm awake. It's 3AM, and I can't sleep, because... I can't stop thinking about it. I saw it. His-- my step-son's... Sam's... Sam's dick, I saw it. I didn't mean to. It's not like he was just masturbating and I had walked in on him, no, he had finished.

But he was just sat there as hard as ivory and caked in cum. My step-son, I can't stop thinking about my step-son's cock. So hard, and big, bigger than my husband's even. How hasn't Sam got a girlfriend, with a monster like that in his pants? Is he socially awkward? Is he a premature ejaculator? No, no. Stop. I shouldn't be thinking like this. But I can't stop, I can't sleep.

Daniel leaves today, and he will be gone for over a month. A month without my husband. And I'll be locked inside a house with that deviant, that deviant with a monster cock. Stop it, Natalie, stop it. He's your son for fucks sake.

I can't sleep. Daniel hasn't touched me in over a fortnight. I didn't think marriage could become stale so quickly. Should I wake him up? No, no it's way too late. I should just try and sleep. Turn my head over and close my eyes.

And as soon as I do, there it is.

Cock. Big, sloppy, and shiny.

Sam's cock.

Oh god. I need help.


Mmmphfff. Oh, fuck. My Vibrator's run out of battery. This always happens. Why is it always on a Friday? Maybe it's a sign I that I wank too much. I could maybe sneak into Sam's room and get an early morning pick me up. He shouldn't mind too much, he'll probably be playing on his game anyway. Hehe, "Oh well he'll have to play with me instead."

I sit up on my bed and put my vibrator away in my bedside cabinet, hiding it just behind a bunch of old junk. I try to keep an overly boring image in my room, especially secretive hiding spots, just in case anyone goes sneaking about. I put my pink-dick-stick as I like to call it, away, and turn my lamp off heading out into the hall. I immediately stumble, with all the grace of a drunken elephant it has always been my first instinct when entering a dark room to try and grab onto something. I've always had an especially terrible fear of the dark, not being able to see where I am, freaks me the fuck out.

But I stay brave, brave as an Amazonian warrior fulfilling her quest to slay the monsters of the cave and receive a wondrous treasure at the end of the level. And the treasure being a nice slice of dick. I was a bit worried about going to see him, we promised each other after the debacle of my mum seeing his wet willy earlier that we'd be more careful and limit ourselves to night time escapades only. Or to the very least, when the house is empty.

I had spent the last week in work covering twelve-hour shifts, I do a ridiculous amount of hours. It comes with the territory I suppose, you want to be a nurse, then you have to pay the price. Still, it gives me some money to take me and Sam out on a few days out. Since his broke ass can't get a job. I have to provide for my man, he's a stay at home hubby, I bring home the bacon, and he irons my thongs.

And after a long and hard journey I make it to the end of the corridor, still alive, unscathed by the big bad bogeyman who seems to be looming behind the plant pot. He teases me, and is a patient one indeed, no doubt he'll get me on the way back. I open Sam's door slowly to not wake him if he is asleep that is. And yes, he is. Once again I am greeted by darkness, but the Holy Grail awaits upon my prince's bed and I shall drink from it.

Sam's room is mind-bogglingly clean compared to mine, it kind of makes me worried a little. I have never trusted a person who is so clean. As the once great Albert Einstein once said; a clean desk is the sign of a sick mind. And this boy has got to be clinically insane. You can literally smell the cleanliness amongst the bad B.O of course, but that's actually me. Finger banging myself to sleep every night does nightmares for my hygiene.

I slope down and scuttle across his bedroom careful to avoid the lack of obstructions. Sliding my way under his covers. Ready to mouth rape the fairest hunk in all the land. I did begin my nightly visits on Sam with only Bj's, and as such, I was able to get some quick and easy experience. I would guess I'm a level 28 in the fellatio department. But I won't be satisfied till I'm at least a 30.

As I snuck in the boy's underpants, slowly, and carefully removing his pants. With the graceful care of a ninja shadowed in a total eclipse, with nothing to give my deadliest intentions away I finally had his pants off. I flung them to the floor and slid his boxers off. Penis in sight.

Jaws, locked, aimed, and at the ready to engulf the monstrous large portion of the sleeping beast. I admit I've never taken the time to tell Sam about just how big he is, and I'm pretty damn sure he doesn't know himself. All the more reason to keep the keys to the Kraken's cage all to myself. I hopped up onto his mattress and placed the cover over both of us and began awakening the snake.

Sucking on his foreskin instantly sent shivers up my spine and fluids pouring through my pussy. It takes him awhile to realise what's going on before the turtle pops out of his shell, and the turtle can swim for a hell of a long time if you get what I mean.

I continue my assault on Sam's dick with a soft stroking of his balls as I suck him gently to make sure I don't wake him up. Rolling his balls in my hand as I go deeper, taking his swelling member's head on the cusp of my tongue. And he finally reacts with the licking and soft nibbling of his foreskin, the snake begins to arise in the moist cave of Chelsea. And soon as he is fully erect ready for a full fucking barrage of sucking.

I dedicate my left hand to his stomach, he loves it when I stroke his happy trail as I go down on him. And my right unbeknownst to me is suddenly in my own panties stroking my clit furiously as I use my tongue in a calm and steady swirl around his cock. I finally pull his skin down and kiss his head. A drop of pre-cum surfaces and I rub my lips all over it spreading it charitably around his bulging member.

I take him in now and dive into the deep depths of the oceans of sultry pleasure. Giving him a rocking motion of deep throating, which I might add I am getting good at. I can now take more than half his cock down my throat without gagging. He always loves it when I start to choke on him, but for now, I don't wish to wake him. I spring up and down, up and down making love to his cock with my tongue, lips, and cheeks. I come up, and breathe in gasping for air. And a sudden horror dawns on my, his balls are as dry as my fingers.

I resolve the dual problem, driving my fingers into my soaking wet snatch. Spreading them evenly among my insides feeling the wetness and take the juices to his balls, rubbing them with my gooey desires. Over and over, I dive into my pussy and butter him up with everything I can collect, turning his balls into a swamp of my own juice. Sam turns and lets out a loud snore and mumbling under his breath as I cup his testes and begin sucking each ball into my mouth. And then, both, his entire sack taste like heaven as they roll around my throat with his solid hard cock resting on my face rubbing into my eye.

He begins to quiver and moan. And I release him, to grab his shaft and pour a mouthful of drool down his long meat moving my lips up and down his manhood. His dick now bulging and pulsing as I make sure to lick and kiss every spot with passion of love and lust - I never want this to end. He begins to budge in his sleep, moving his legs further down, and I shift upwards sitting forwards to catch another dose of pre-cum spilling slowly from his hole.

He turns again, moaning and gasping making my position likely to awake him. I sit up and turn around sitting on his stomach and taking his dick into my lips, he jerks forward and completes his anonymous mission. Spewing his hot white lava into my face, and I clean up the residue sucking for more gooey goodness. Deep throating him to ensure I don't miss a drop, all the while swallowing and silently gagging as he pours his seed into me. I jump up gasping for air, and dive once again to catch the last vestiges of cum rubbing my lips around the top of his dick. And then, it's gone. And I have fulfilled my mission.

Operation; 'suck that dick,' Completed. I get up off the bed and gather my composure, sitting on the end of his bed panting wildly to myself, grabbing my breasts as the feeling of his cum drips down my throat as I swallow the last of it.


3:28 AM. The clock glaring at me in the dark, mocking me for my inability to sleep. I roll over to face Daniel, he's drooling and snoring, putting me off him with each passing day. I do love him, I do. But more and more I notice the little things, the way he snores, the way he eats his breakfast, the way he chews his food, and the way he grabs me by the arm to say goodbye instead of a kiss. I hate these things, they infuriate me so much.

And he is always going away for work, always. Sometimes it's for just a night, other times for days, and this time... for a month. I didn't know his work would affect us this much, I can see now why Karen left him.

But I care for him, he's a big softy he always brings me flowers and he cooks and cleans as much as I do. I do love him, but he's so boring. I'll have to keep myself busy while he's away. I really can't be doing with the business he and his partners set up, it takes up too much of his time. If he isn't away, then he's on the phone in the house.

I think it's stressing him out, poor thing. But that face, urgh! Drooling all over my good sheets. I turn around to try and get some sleep, but the alarm has me in its vision. 3:29 AM, of all the days I can't sleep it had to be tonight didn't it? I close my eyes and yank back the covers from Daniel, he jerks violently farting in the process.

"Jesus Christ," I mumble, giving him a kick. He rolls overtaking the covers back with him.

I gasp, and my eyes flicker open staring at the ceiling.

How much longer can a person suffer I wonder, I'm half tempted to turn the alarm off. Too tempted, it would bring such relief but Daniel being Daniel would be late and only go and blame me.

I sit up in the bed, throwing aside the corner of the quilt, the only side I managed to keep hold of.

I walk over to my dressing table and throw on my bathrobe over my night-gown, and move to sit in front on the mirror where I spend hours doing my hair and makeup. Gasping, sighing, and panting bored out of my socks I grab the brush, and comb my hair, I sit back preening myself and the chair squeaks. Looking behind me Daniel doesn't flutter.

"Heavy sleeper, aren't you my love?"

I get up and walk back over to bed, and nearly back in bed as I thought I heard something. Floorboards creaking. "Are the kids up?" I investigate and pop my head out the door seeing Chelsea sneak down the corridor. What's the little rascal up to now? She should be asleep at this hour.

I leave the bedroom and head down the corridor, flicking the light switch on. She jumps in fright and guards her eyes in the sudden invasion of light. "What are you doing up?" I ask her.

"I was going the toilet, didn't want to wake you. These floors are so creaky. What are you doing up?" She asked, still guarding her eyes. "Going for a glass of water, get to bed. NOW," I say pointing at her. "Right oh, commander," She says back to me with due sarcasm.

She gets to her door and shut it behind her, and I turn the light off.

"Huh, Sam's door," I mumble to myself.

The very thought makes my mind jump back to earlier in the afternoon, filling me up with embarrassment and astonishment at the same time. He never leaves his door open, I go over and close it but not before noticing the tent he's pitching.

"Is that boy always hard?" I wonder to myself, still with the image on my mind - I do something very stupid and go in his room. Natalie, what are you doing? You shouldn't be in here. Oh, but I just can't stop. I am too curious, and too out of my mind with the thought to let reason stop me.

"Sam? Sam, are you awake?" I nudge him, he doesn't move.

I cringe and pull back the sheets, his leg is sticking out. Oh god, he's not wearing any underwear, why is he naked? I draw myself back and breath heavily, sitting by his side. You don't have to look Natalie. You shouldn't even be in here.

I pull back his covers in one quick motion, totally ignoring myself and common courtesy. Wow. Just, wow, goddamn boy you do eat your greens how in the hell do you have that thing, where'd you even get it? Daniel's doesn't even reach that far. I lean in closer in all abandonment of my senses and notice that he's wet. "Oh, Sam."

"Had a little accident have we?" I chuckle to myself, I turn around and grab a tissue from his box and go to clean him, my hand is centimetres away from his fully hard erect cock. My heart starts beating out of my chest and just as soon as I wipe his dick from excess fluid it hits me, what I'm doing. I just fucking touched my step-son's privates! Barely, but I did it. And I was about to keep going, ration finally finds me. Good GOD!? What the hell am I doing? I have to stop.

I jump back and throw the tissue on his table. Leaning against the wood, gasping for air, all the while still staring at him, at that magnificent shining piece of meat. I break into a sob, and leave the room, I can't sleep next to my husband after what I have just done. I am a terrible wife and an even worse mother!

Oh god, I... I... Daniel. I'm sorry.

I go downstairs and sleep on the couch, crying myself to sleep.


The taste of cum still soaks my mouth. I lay on my bed completely drawn to myself, naked, sweating, and panting lost in the moment. My fingers still dripping in his juices, and I sit here finger fucking the shit out of myself, smearing his fluid over my clit as I flick myself to endless orgasm. My hole pulsates with the need to be filled, I can't stop, and I can't even keep my eyes open anymore.

Sliding my middle finger into myself as I rub my clit, rubbing his cum into me. My body is screaming for him to fuck me, and my mind tells me I can't. I know it's wrong, by all rights he is my brother by marriage, I'm just lying to myself when I call him my boyfriend.

But every time he looks at me, every time he touches me, every time he kisses me, every time I see him, every time he is close to me I know that my heart is calling out to him, calling out to be near him. But most of all my heart won't stop beating, and it's not the sex. I know it's something more, my heart is calling out to me, and it says only one thing; I'm in love with you brother.

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago

It's now really worth reading, be good if the next chapter is longer.

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