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It Started with Two, Then Became Four

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Mom finds out about Amber, Evie & Felicia.
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With the blessing of the author, I have created this version of the My Sister Eva by dezurtdawg. If you haven't read that story I highly recommend it. All characters in sexual activities are 18 or older. Nitpickers, please accept that the narrative occasionally is first person from the POV of the main character and that the grammar is how I intended it to be. Thank you and I hope that you enjoy this story. Let me know what you think.


~ November: The Weekend Before Thanksgiving ~

Life over the next three weeks settled into a very interesting routine for the girls and I. Felicia being a senior was in the final part of her second to last semester. As such, she was incredibly busy so when she had a free moment to spare I made myself very accessible to her. She was spending so much time in the library or just studying in her room that Amber and Evie would stop in to make sure she was eating or resting up. When their schedules permitted they helped her with any work that they could (as did I). It warmed my heart to hear that the girls were taking care of Felicia to the point the three had grown as close as sisters.

I have to admit that I have been laughing quite a bit these days. Why you might ask? Because due to the change in our relationship my mother was going out of her mind. She just did not know what to make of the sudden silence in the house. Evie and I were still living with our parents, but all of a sudden Evie was no longer yelling at me every time I crossed her path. It actually got to the point that my mother checked her temperature and asked her if she was on recreational drugs when that result turned out normal.

Evie simply stated that she and I have come to an understanding as such we were on much better terms now. Still, my mother kept an eye on my sister during the day just to make sure that she wasn't planning something against me. Of course, the real reason for my sister's subdued behavior was the fact that every night that I wasn't with Felicia or Amber wasn't spending the night (My mother noticed that Amber's sleep-over activities went up dramatically since Halloween for some mysterious reason), Evie was in my bed with my cock either buried in her pussy, or ass.

Evie, Amber, and I managed to keep everything on the down low for the first two weeks of our new relationship. Eventually, the law of averages caught up with us on the third weekend. It was after midnight and Amber was currently in my bed, on her hands and knees and I was having my wicked way with my soulmate. Normally I make a nice playlist of eclectic music to help mask any sounds we might make. Unfortunately, a brownout killed my sound system in the middle of our most powerful and loudest part of our lovemaking. Our nocturnal activities woke my mother who came up to see what all the racket was (as my dad tended to sleep heavy). Amber was in the middle of howling into my pillow when the door flew open and there stood my mother.

As I tended to go primal during my bouts with the girls, particularly in this position, I didn't hear my mother gasp, nor did I realize that she was even in the doorway. I was concentrating on Amber and bringing her to the brink of ecstasy. The room was filled with the sounds of flesh slapping against one another, my bed springs squeaking and the muffled sounds of Amber screaming into my pillow.

"I'm cumming!" I announce to Amber who is herself finishing her third climax of the night.

As she has the birth control implant I never wore condoms so I gave my lovely Latina a cunt full of cum which set her off even more. We have begun discussing our future and what I plan to do after high school. While I could go to college I was looking into tech campuses with the intent of doing something in the tech field. Amber informed me that the birth control implant that she and Evie were on lasted for 3 years which would take her into her junior year. She told me at that time she would need to get a new one which I understood as she would have one more year of cheerleading to finish. She tells me that while she can't wait to make a baby with me that she will get the replacement for her senior year and then cosplay model for the duration of the implant. After which she will never get another implant and we can go to work making our family. This was all information I ended up relaying to my mother at a later date.

Just as I pump the last of my sperm into Amber's receptive womb my mother screams, "Dylan Ryan Martin!"

That was enough to get me to pull my cock out of Amber and it was the first time in five years that my mother has seen my cock. My mother froze in shock when she saw it as it had not yet deflated so she got to see me in all my glory. Her eyes moved to Amber who had fallen face-first from exhaustion onto my pillows. Her head was tilted to the right and her glazed eyes more than likely saw my mother but based on our previous sexual encounters three orgasms was her limit before she crashed out. As Amber is still hunched up on her knees my mother can't help but see my lover's pussy on display. Amber's legs are parted and just as she is about to collapse my mom sees a large stream of my cum trickling out of Amber's pussy. This is of course from me packing my lover with my life-giving seed two previous times.

Once her body is down I pull the covers over Amber's naked body and once my mother finally comes to her senses she shakes her head and glares at me. I knew this day would come eventually and I always hoped that Amber or Felicia would be the one she caught me with first. So with no shame whatsoever, I turn around, find my boxers and pull them on. Clearing my throat, my blushing mother turns and gives me a look.

"How could you? How could you have sex with your sister's best friend? How long has this been going on?"

"Amber and I are in love mom. we have been together since Halloween. Evie not only knows about our relationship but she is ok with it." I inform my mother.

"Based on the last six years I really have a hard time believing that." My mother informs me.

"Feel free to ask her yourself in the morning," I tell her.

"What about the fact you are not using protection? Didn't your father have that talk with you... or your school when you were younger?"

"Sure they both gave me the facts. However, Amber has a birth control implant and has forbidden me from using any contraceptives. What's a man to do mom?" I ask.

My mother is partially relieved that one of us is taking protective matters but she scolds me and reminds me the only real contraceptive is abstinence... or surgery. I remind her that someday she might want grandchildren so surgery isn't an option for now.

"Send her back to Evie's room and get to bed." My mom states.

"Sorry, mom... Amber's currently in an orgasmic coma. She'll be dead to the world for the next few hours. We will see you in the morning."

My mom was out of the room when I made my declaration. She turns to say something but I simply closed and locked my door. As it was, I planned to go back to sleep anyways but I loved the expression of shock and awe at the notion her son was going to sleep with his sister's best friend. Amber moaned when I slid into bed with her naked once more. She reflexively rolled so that her naked body was pressed against mine. I loved the feel of her breasts melded against my chest. Her legs intertwined with my own. Her left hand started on my chest but then made its way down to my cock and took hold of it. Soon I drifted off to sleep, wondering how my mom would deal with the realization that not only was her little boy not so little anymore but that he was a sexual creature.

I must have really worked over Amber that night as she was still unconscious when I got up at 10 in the morning. I quickly showered and dressed. When I walked into the kitchen dad was already gone, having left to go golfing with my Uncle Ted. The pair had a golf tournament coming up with some of their work colleagues over Thanksgiving weekend so they were going to be at the golf course all weekend. Evie was sitting across from mom. When she saw me my sister winked at me. I open the refrigerator getting out the glass pitcher of orange juice.

"Good morning Evie, Mom." I kiss them both on the top of their heads and make my way to my seat. Once seated I say, "Evie do you mind that I'm dating your best friend?" I ask my sister.

"As long as you make her happy I'm happy for the both of you. Just don't ever do anything to hurt her," Evie replies sipping her OJ.

My mom gave the two of us a look like she was about to have a cardiac event. I decided to further mess with our mother by leaning over and kissing Evie's cheek. Evie blushed because when I leaned over to kiss her I snaked my hand into her shorts and squeezed her ass.

"Ok... who are you two and what did you do to my children?" Our mom asks when the color returns to her face.

"It's quite simple mom..." Evie begins, "Amber and Dylan love one another. Amber laid it out to me how rotten I had been to Dylan and now that they were dating she wasn't going to put up with it. Amber told me I had to either change my ways or they would both cut me out of their lives. So this is me turning over a new leaf."

My mom had to play referee for so long between us that I think she took the sudden detente at face value. I'm sure she was going to be watching us... Evie in particular, for any shenanigans. I drank my juice, poured another glass, and after plating food excused myself to go attend to my lady.

Thanksgiving was a very fun time this year. My family was all present and accounted for with my Uncle Ted, Aunt Jessica, and cousin Melissa all present. In addition to the Chamber's family, Amber and Felicia were joining us for the meal. Evie started bringing Felicia around the house and introduced her to my parents as a new friend that she met at the Halloween party (a true enough story) and asked mom if she could join us as she was staying at school for the holiday break. My mom and Aunt prepared the meal as was their standard tradition. Evie and Melissa were drafted into helping them this year as they needed to learn from their moms what goes into making a real Thanksgiving meal.

While they were in the kitchen cooking my father and uncle went out to the driving range as they knew the owner and had arranged to have the place to themselves for four hours. That left me with the task of keeping Amber and Felicia occupied for the day. Using Evie's car I drove to Amber's home, collected my beautiful lover, and drove over to Felicia's apartment. Amber and I knocked on her apartment door and were told to enter. We were greeted to a dimly lit room, soft music, and Felicia wearing a black babydoll teddy. Needless to say, I closed the door and none of us left the apartment for four hours.

Only when my alarm went off at quarter to four did our love fest end. It was 4:12 PM when the three of us exited Felicia's apartment. Amber, Felicia, and I were all clean and freshly showered after spending the day fucking and sucking in various positions over the course of that time. We stopped just after 2 PM to rest up as we had a weekend of debauchery planned.

The meal was perfect and as the Martin and Chambers women had prepared the meal, Felicia, Amber, and I volunteered for the task of cleaning up and putting away the leftovers. The tired and very full cooks were planning to go to bed early as they were going out early for Black Friday deals. Amber was joining them so she was sleeping over tonight. My mother had pulled her aside and insisted that she stay in her own bed tonight, particularly since they were getting up at 2 am. Evie suggested that the girls all going shopping sleep down in the living room slumber party style. Aunt Jessica could have the guest room, and as Felicia wasn't going shopping she could have her room and I would take her home later tomorrow.

With the sleeping arrangements, all made everyone went to bed. As the only man in the house now, Dylan made the rounds to make sure the house was locked up, kissed all of the ladies good night (some more thoroughly than others), and then announced he was locking himself in his room. About midnight the only two people in the house that were still awake were the only two not going shopping in a few hours. When the house was silent Felicia slipped out of Evie's room and made her way to mine. My door was unlocked an hour after I entered my room but Felicia rectified that after entering. Knowing we had to keep the noise down I made slow passionate love to Felicia missionary style. While some find the position boring I really enjoy having my lover under me, skin pressed closely, and kissing as lovers do.

It was ironic that we had just finished making love for the second time when I heard a little jiggle of my door handle. I suspected that it was my mom testing to see if my door was unlocked so I could partake in nocturnal activities with my girlfriend. Well, she wasn't wrong... I did have my girlfriend in bed with me, and we have been having sex, it just wasn't who she thought it would be. Of course, she couldn't get in without picking the lock but with time being an issue she simply stopped when my aunt exited the guest room and went downstairs to see if Amber was there, which she was. Felicia and I listen to the five women trying their best not to make a lot of noise as they left the house.

With the house, all to ourselves Felicia flipped the covers off of the bed, climbed between my legs, and nursed my cock back to full mast. once I was fully erect, my platinum blonde lover climbed up on top of me and rode herself to her third and loudest orgasm of the night. However, I wasn't done with her. Planting her on her stomach I take hold of her wrists and before she knows it I have slipped a pair of handcuffs onto her pretty wrists. With her arms behind her back, I prop her up on her knees. Felicia has a look of fear on her face as this is all new to her.

"You have the right to remain silent... but something tells me you are going to be waiving that right," I say as I grope her magnificent breasts. Holding her up around her waist with my left arm, I fist my cock and dip it into her soaked pussy. Once properly coated I pull out of Felicia and force my cock up her ass. Felicia screams loudly as I begin roughly (but not too rough) fucking her sexy ass. Felicia had shared this little fantasy scenario with the girls during one of their girl talks and Amber relayed that information to me. As I want my ladies happy it was with great pleasure that I would do this for Felicia.

I fucked Felicia's ass for a good while until she reached her anal climax. As her ass milked my cock I flooded her bowels with the last of my seed and once exhausted, I released my lover's bonds. Felicia slept on top of me, and we stayed like that until we woke up six hours later.

Unfortunately, I really did have to return my lover to her apartment as she was working on a project for work that was due Monday. So we woke up at 8:00 in the morning, showered together, and played a bit but nothing too heavy. Once dressed I made us breakfast before driving her back to her apartment. We kissed in the car one final time as she would be too tempted to continue playing if I went up with her. I do have self-control but these three are very good at making me forget that little fact.

Feeling quite energized I went home and uploaded the next set of photos to the girl's website. It was a nice site that I had fun designing. The girls split all the subscription fees equally and gave me a stipend for my work based on their monthly total income. As Felicia's schedule was the most hectic we always did several costumes per shoot and divided them up over the month. Each month the numbers went up as I advertised their photos on all the major social media sites. A few free photos (all super sexy) are a good way to entice people to part with their hard-earned money and support three sexy college co-eds.

I thought it would be late afternoon when the ladies returned but I was surprised to hear the front door just after noon. From the voices, I guessed Evie and Amber had returned and from the sound of it they were weighted down.

"Hey, lover." Amber greets me when I make my way downstairs to find out what is going on. The girls are moving bag after bag into the living room along the front window.

"Hey, sexy girls, how was your shopping trip?" I ask. Before I can get too close Evie tells me to back off as the gifts weren't for prying eyes. Once the last of the bags are in place my girlfriends take off their coats before hugging and kissing me.

"Oh Gawd... it was so busy. We found so many good deals though that it was worth it!" Evie stated

"Is everything ok? I wasn't expecting to see you until later this afternoon."

"Well, Evie and I were feeling a bit tired. Your mom, aunt, and cousin were still wired though so we took an Uber and all of the bags back so we could rest up."

"Right... rest."

Evie turns my face to hers and kisses me. She then breaks the kiss and lets me go. "Actually I am going to rest. I'll be in my room in my... UNUSED bed." I'm sure it wasn't lost on Evie or Amber that Felicia didn't spend much time in Evie's room last night. To be fair she did say she laid down while she waited for everyone to fall asleep.

Evie blows me one last kiss and then makes her way to her room. Only when she is at the top of the stairs does Amber give me one last kiss before pulling me to "our" room. Truth be told the "our" applies to all three of my girls but as Amber is currently the only one in it besides me, it is just ours (for the moment).

Amber and I make love for a good half hour before the physically exhausted Amber needed to recharge her batteries. I let her lay with me for a while but soon she whimpers that she wants me to take her to Evie's room. Like something out of a porn movie, I lift my naked lover up and carry her to my sister's room. It is just turning 1:00 when we reach the room. Evie is awake by this point and has her bed turned down. I gently place my lover onto the spot and watch as Evie covers her up. I plant a kiss on Amber's lips and Evie follows suit. Amber says goodnight and curls up in Evie's bed.

"My turn stud." Evie declares.

Taking my sweet sister's hand, I lead her from the dark room back to my dimly light one. Evie asks me to get on the bed as she wants to ride her "BIG" brother. She is grasping my cock when she says big.

I was laying on my back with Evie riding my cock at a leisurely pace. I heard a car door open and close and tensed at the thought our family might be home early, but then heard it drive off. With that minor heart attack resolved I returned my attention to the task at hand of getting my lover off. Evie went back to taxing the bedsprings as she bounced up and down on my cock. Her moans of pleasure got louder and louder and as her pussy began constricting my cock I knew she was on the verge of another orgasm. Less than two minutes later Evie's body stiffened as she cried out, "Oh my god, I'm cumingggg! Do it, oh fuck don't stop...DON'T FUCKING STOP! Oh GAWDDD! It's so good, cumming so hard!"

The mood and my concentration were shattered by a very distinct, very angry voice yelling, "EVA JANICE MARTIN! HOW DARE YOU... HOW COULD YOU? IN YOUR BROTHER'S ROOM!" She took some deep breaths while Evie blushed. Evie was trying to contain her expression as she was riding out her orgasm when my mother arrived.

"Eva... I know you are an adult... but if you must bring home a boy home at least use your own room! Just because you hate Dylan is no excuse to use his room! I knew... I just knew there had to be something more to this sudden change in your attitude."

Evie, still blushing tried to speak but only managed to say, "I don't hate..." but mom cut her off angrily.

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