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It was 1978

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Young man's stepmother takes him.
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Practice had been a royal bitch on that day back in 1978. It had been worse for me, since I had gotten beaten for two scores by that Lee High prick the past Friday night. So, on the day I turned eighteen, I had been running shit drills all morning. The lone saving grace on this Monday morning was that there was no school, so practice had been in the morning. The rest of the day was mine to do as I pleased.

Of course, after running gassers for half an hour on top of a two-hour practice, I was in no mood to hit the mall or attempt anything much more than take a shower and zone out in my room.

After practice, I usually showered at the locker room; however, I just wanted to get the holy fuck out of the place that day. I had blown two coverages on defense, and though I had a pretty good day on the other side of the ball, we were all about "perfection". Coach Travis, our secondary coach, had not even wanted to speak to me after the game, but he seemed more than happy to scream at me from the first minute of practice to the last. I can only imagine how the day would have gone had we actually lost to the Rebels.

Anyway, I had experienced all the football I could handle for the day. After the grueling practice, I just wanted to sleep the afternoon away. By the time I pulled my Camaro into the circle drive in front of the house, my sweat-sopped, gray t-shirt was pressed wetly to my chest. As I stepped from my car, clad only in the t-shirt, a pair of black shorts and my cleats. The cleats had been hard to drive in, but my feet were numb from the gassers we had run. I had actually been scared to take them off for fear my feet would come off with them.

I kicked them off before entering the house. I knew if I hadn't my step-mom would have had a fit. It would not do for me to mark up "her" beautiful tile floor. Holding my shoes, I gingerly padded off to the bathroom. The long, hot shower soothed my tired, beaten body. I toweled off, and without bothering to cover up, I walked directly from the bathroom across the hall to my bedroom.

Even as bone tired as I was, I looked down at my semi-hard cock, as it bobbed with each step I took. I was glad to have a day off from school where there would be no dad and no step-mom. I decided I would give my eight-inch tall little friend some attention after a much needed doze in my room.

Back then, my hair was long, down on my shoulders. That was another thing the coaches harped on, but girls loved it. Girls always trump coaches. Fuck, if it hadn't been for pussy, I would never have gone through all the sports shit, anyway.

I laid the towel on my pillow, pulled on my earphones (they were massive back in the day) and stretched out nude on top of the bedspread. There were still small beads of water on my arms and chest, as I closed my eyes to the sound of Pink Floyd.

I don't know how long I had been asleep. I guess, as I recall the shadows in the room, it had not been long. At first, I thought it had been the sound of the cash register on the 8-track which awakened me. I didn't open my eyes at first. I just lay there and enjoyed the moment. The heater had just kicked on, and the warm breeze felt good on my tanned, muscled flesh. There was a scent in the air, a faint whiff of something---something familiar. I smiled, as it immediately caused my cock to stir.

Perfume. That's what it was. It smelled like Linda, my stepmother. It made me think of her immediately. Just as quickly, my cock hardened. I reached down my taut belly to slip my fingers around it. The supple, veined shaft felt good in my hand. Without opening my eyes and breathing deeply to take in the scent wafting through the air, which I figured was leftover from her readying herself for work and filtering through the central air vents, I slowly stroke to thoughts of my dad's wife of two years.

"Very impressive, Barry", Linda whispered huskily as she stood above me. My eyes opened wide, as I looked up into her emerald green eyes. My stroking stopped immediately. I think my heart did too. I just gaped up at her mutely, my right hand still wrapped tightly around the shaft of my cock, precum oozing onto the tip of my index finger.

She was so fucking close. God, she was close. I could have easily moved my left hand to the edge of the bed and touched the hem of her knee-length skirt. I wanted to hide, but I was frozen like a deer in the headlights. I wanted to turn away from her sultry gaze, but I couldn't. I just lay there like a retard with my hand on my cock looking up at my step-mom.

"Don't stop on my account", she whispered, breathlessly. "It is such a beautiful cock, Barry. You shouldn't waste an erection as lovely as that, honey."

I was stunned. I could not believe the words slipping from Linda's lips, as she looked alternately from my eyes, down my body to my throbbing dick. The words swirled in my head, almost making it swim. Slowly, uncertainly, I resumed my stroking, as I looked up at her.

Dad had really picked a hot one, I had thought upon meeting her. She was several years younger than my dad, but it was not like she was half his age or anything like that. She was just past thirty, as she stood there next to my bed, watching her nude stepson stroke his pulsing prick. She had the long, shapely legs of the competitive diver she had been in college. She had long, honey blonde hair, which flowed in curls down to the middle of her back. The conservative, blue dress she had worn that morning to work fit closely to her lithe body.

As I wordlessly stroked for her and about her, Linda turned and sat on the very edge of my bed, lifting her long, thick tresses to the side. "Could you help me with this, Barry?"

With a deep breath, I reached to the zipper at the back of her dress and pulled it slowly down her luscious, tanned back. As it descended, the thin line of the back of her bra was revealed to me. My right hand was still on my cock, yet stilled, as my left slid the zipper down to the small of her back.

Standing, she thanked me matter-of-factly, as if this happened every day. Stepping back and turning to face me, she let the garment drop to the floor in a puddle around her heeled shoes. She stood before me clad now in only her heels, stockings, garter, matching panties and the small brassiere, which barely contained her lovely, round breasts.

"Thank you, Barry. That's much better, don't you think?" She smiled down at me, as she placed one hand at the clasp of the French bra, and paused. "Maybe you would like to do the honors here, as well."

I might have said something in the affirmative or merely grunted, I don't recall. Anyway, I reached up and popped the plastic clasp with my thumb and forefinger. Her breasts spilled out of the flimsy garment. They were full and round. Unlike the high school girls with whom I was used to disrobing, Linda was not self-conscious in the least. She was striking, and she knew it.

"So, are you going to scoot over or am I going to have to beg?", she chuckled softly. Her smile was intoxicating, because now I was smiling with her. As she slid onto the bed, her nipple, small and brown and unbelievably hard, brushed my arm. The sensation must have sent a mild tremor through her, because I heard her gasp lightly.

Linda propped herself on an elbow, and placed her small, delicate hand over mine. The softness of her hand on mine almost made me cum right then and there. "Let me help with this, honey."

With that, her hand encircled my shaft replacing my own. I wanted badly to touch her, but I was unsure exactly what to do. I had never had a woman come one to me like this. In the 70's, girls my age were old enough to drink, but never bold enough to take control. I suppose aggressiveness would brand them as sluts, or at least they might think it would.

Linda was unworried about any of that. Her focus was squarely on what she wanted. Right then, she wanted my cock. Linda seemed to get what she wanted, and I was not about to break her streak.

Her hand moved expertly up and down my cock. Slowly, she would slip her fingers over the precum slicked head and then all the way down to the base. Leaning into me, she flicked her pink tongue in a circle around my nipple, moaning as it hardened under her tongue. Painted lips sucked it in, as her hand traveled up and down my member. I let out a gasp, as I felt her teeth nip at the small brown nipple. I had never had that done before, and the sensation caused my to press my chest hard to her red lips.

"Like that, do you? Just like your father, aren't you, baby?"

"Y-yes, ma'am", I muttered. Without thinking, my hand moved to her hair. It was soft under my hand, as I caressed it.

"Call me Linda, honey." She pulled from my chest and looked deep into my eyes, her hand still moving in a slow, easy pace. "I think we are beyond mother-son, don't you, Barry?"

I nodded. She smiled softly and kissed me gently, then pressed her lips hard to mine and pushed her tongue into my mouth. Moaning, as she whispered into our kiss, "Touch me, baby."

She released my cock and took my hand in hers. Placing it to her left breast, she held it there, as we kissed. I played that the hard tip between two fingers, and Linda slid on top of me, not breaking the kiss. Straddling me, and strategically placing her ass on my throbbing cockflesh, Linda moved back and forth, the soft satin of her panties caressing my manhood. Her hands pressed to my chest. Long nails dug into my flesh slightly, as she moved.

"Fuck, I have just got to have this in me", she rasped huskily, releasing my chest, pulling the crotch of her panties aside and sliding her drenched cunt over the head of my dick. She growled softly, as she lowered herself onto me, "Don't you fucking move, baby. Let me take care of you."

I placed my hands on the soft flesh of her hips and watched as she inched her way down onto my thickness. Her eyes sort of glazed over, as she lowered onto it.

"You are certainly your father's son", she whispered. The thought must have pushed a button deep inside her, because she shuddered hard upon me, as her honeyed lips settled at the base of my cock. As she shuddered, she slapped her hands down hard on my chest, a flurry of curses flowed from her pouty lips. I felt the cascading juices stream from her and cover my loins. Fighting the urge to slam my hips up to her, I merely enjoyed the sight of a woman in orgasm. It was perhaps the first time I had seen one, as up to that point, my exploits had been hurriedly experienced in the backs of cars or in near pitch black darkness.

"Ohhhh, Barry. You little fuck! You have made me cum already." I smiled up at her, knowing I had done nothing, but proud that I had done that "nothing" so well. Indeed, her climax had been all about her.

As her tremors subsided, Linda began to move on my cock. At first, she moved slowly, rocking back and forth. I slid my hands up to her breasts, cupping them in my large hands. My hands just barely covered them. The hard nipples pressed against my palms.

"Yessssss." She whispered. "Pinch them, baby."

I did as I was told. I gently took them between thumbs and forefingers and pressed. "Harder", Linda growled, moving faster. She was moving side to side, then in circles. I could feel the warmth and wetness of her walls grip and release my cock, as she rode me. When I pinched harder, she reached down to my nipples and pinched them hard. I mean FUCKING HARD! So hard it hurt, in fact. But the pain only sent me a step further in my ecstasy. I responded by pinching her as hard as she pinched me.

Screaming, her nails digging deep into my flesh, Linda came hard again. She was moving hard and fast on my prick by this time. I could feel my balls filling, as I twisted her nipples. Linda dragged her nails down my chest, as she rocked on me, obviously sensing my own explosion nearing.

"Come on, baby. Cum for me, baby. I want you to cum with me this time," she panted, her hips circling and slapping up and down on my cunt slicked cock. With a loud grunt, I released it all into her. A raging torment of my semen shot into my stepmother. It pumped and pumped in her, as she called out my name and came once more.

Linda milked me of all I had, and collapsed on my chest. My arms wrapped around her. I could feel her lips on my shoulders. We were covered with sweat, Her breast slid in our mixed perspiration over my chest.

Finally, upon catching our breath, she pressed herself up and looked down into my eyes. Her eyes still looking into mine, she kissed me softly. Then, sitting up, smiling down to me, she whispered, "We must do this again, honey---very, very soon. Of course, being the smart boy you are, I needn't tell you that your father must never know."

I smiled self-consciously up to her and nodded. With a grin, she once more lowered her lips to mine and slipped off of me.

Linda gathered her clothes from the floor, as she bent over, I could see that her panties were completely drenched from our tryst. In fact, the tops of her stocking were none too dry either. Smiling back at me as she headed for my door, she said, "If you don't mind, honey, I am going to borrow your shower. You have made a mess of me."

She left and I heard the shower. Before she closed the door to the bath, she leaned out and called to me, "I could use some company, Barry."

Realizing I needed a shower, I quickly joined her. Closing the door behind me, I knew that my life would be forever changed.

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
So hot, my age

Would have been nice after practice

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago
The languae turned me off in the first

few lines

SparkedSparkedalmost 17 years ago
because its not....

its taboo. DUH! This is incest/taboo not just blood relatives it could be things that shouldnt necessariily happen taht you are ashamed of dont want others to know yadayada

LustHoseLustHosealmost 17 years ago
A random observation....

Why do we call this Incest? There's no blood relationship here; he is fucking his STEP mom, his father's wife. An old story told many times, many ways and not completely unexpected behaviors between consenting adults. The psychological aspects aren't really that complicated but the step mom potentially plays with a loaded pistol when dealing with the male egos involved. An interesting read that could be developed further.

MistressMerryMistressMerryabout 17 years ago

Excellent story and vivid sex. Well done!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 17 years ago

A hot little tale,re,last comment I am sure many have done just that.

don87654don87654about 17 years ago
Any baby-making here?

You need to continue to fuck your step-mom and maybe make a grandad out of your daddy.

TibxoTibxoabout 17 years ago
I liked it.

Personally, I liked it.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 17 years ago

I liked this ,I also liked my stepmom,strange last comment from Canada,

AmyfriendAmyfriendabout 17 years ago
A HOT...short story.

A nice little build up for those that can read properly and realize that it's just a story. Well done, I enjoyed the read.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 17 years ago


AnonymousAnonymousabout 17 years ago

Why are womens panties always drenched,do they piss themselves a lot on this site?and secondly why this mania for mother in law,if you really want to fuck your real mom just say so .Most randy young men at some time wanted and for that matter still do want to shag their mom,its called life.

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