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It's A Family Tradition

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A husband learns about the in-law's traditions.
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Copyright ©, 2003: All characters, events, and text in this story are purely fictional, and are created by and the sole property of the author. All rights reserved.

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When we marry, we get introduced to a new set of family traditions. Usually, they're not all that different from those in your own family, nor are they such big deals. Like, what side dishes are served for the Thanksgiving Dinner - green bean casserole, or creamed onions? Or, which sports teams claim your loyalty? Sometimes, though, there are family traditions that are decidedly unusual, and come as a shock to the non- traditional spouse. Such was the case for me last summer, even though I have known my wife, Callie, for ten years, seven of them married to her.

In the early nineties, Callie attended Radcliffe College for women, and I was at Harvard, in Cambridge, Massachusetts. She came from Georgia, while I went east from a suburb of Chicago. In our senior year, we met and fell in love. After graduation, we lived together for two and a half years, while I went on to Harvard Law School, and Callie worked for WGBH, local public television station. We adopted the contemporary 'Friends' culture of group apartment living, wearing jeans and sweatshirts, and not paying much attention to the family back home. That lasted until I got my law degree, and Callie had an offer to promote her career in television production down in Augusta, GA, her hometown. We got married, and I accepted a junior partner position with a law firm down there. In retrospect, both the TV job and the law partnership were part of the largesse bestowed upon us by Callie's parents, who are pretty well off.

Life has been good, and neither of us has regretted abandoning the bohemian life of the big city dumpy apartment for the predictable routine in a suburban tract house. My law practice grew nicely, and Callie established herself with a local radio and TV network station. We have settled into a comfortable phase of our lives as thirty-somethings, and we're trying to do all the necessary things to keep ourselves looking and feeling young - diet, exercise, and frequent sex. My parents are retired in Sun City, Arizona, so we have infrequent contact, but we are quite close to Callie's family, not only geographically, but socially.

Callie is the youngest of three daughters, now aged 39, 36, and 32. She was the only one who went to college. Both Marla Penny, the oldest, whom we call Sissy, and Tanya Pauline opted to marry their high school steadies. They got a head start on Callie and me in producing grandchildren, and my nieces and nephews are well into their teens. We are known affectionately as 'the younguns,' by Callie's parents and her aunts and uncles. The nieces and nephews have nicknamed us 'the hunk and the fox,' which is pretty ego flattering.

Like all tight families, they are rich in traditions, especially her mother's side, the Powells. Callie told me that it was her grandmother who instituted the philosophy that all the Powell women should be proud of their feminine heritage. So much so, that, for the last three generations, every daughter and niece from the Powell lineage has a middle name beginning with P. Also, all the married women have retained their family last name, rather than take their husbands' names. So, we call my mother-in-law Momma Powell, and my wife and I get introduced as Carrie Powell Taylor and Sam Tonnelli. I tell you all this so that you can understand the objectives of an unusual Powell/Taylor family tradition, to which I was introduced late last spring. Here's what happened:

I was already in bed, reading a mystery novel, waiting for Callie to complete her nightly feminine things in the bathroom of our master bedroom suite. The day had been good, and I was feeling relaxed and mellow. Callie turned the light out in the bathroom and bounced up on the bed, kneeling in front of me. She was wearing the short silk nighty that I had given her recently, for no reason other than I thought that she would look sexy in it. One of her best attributes, and for which I love her dearly, is her boundless, childlike energy. That, and the fact that she enjoys sex more than any other woman I've ever met. I call her Cat as a nickname.

"Hiya, big boy," she said. "Ya wanna peak down the front of my nighty?" Then she blocked my view by leaning forward and kissing me.

I pushed her away and teasingly tugged the neckline of her garment lower. "I can see clearly now," I began to sing. She laughed, and the novel, her nighty, and my lounging pants were tossed aside in favor of some adult recreation. See what I mean about Cat?

Afterward, Callie lay on my chest, twisting my pubic hairs in circles. I was exploring her backside and hip with my arm under her body.

A very mellow and satisfying night, I thought. It seemed the right time for me to begin a conversation.

"When's the family reunion at your folks' place going to be, sweetheart? Usually, by this time, Sissy has begun giving dozens of orders as to who brings what, and when, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera."

"Oh, that's going to be the two weeks after the Fourth of July. She called me last Monday. But we're not going. Well, that is, not the first week."

"What do you mean, we're not going, Cat? Every year, for the last nine or ten, you have said that it is unthinkable for us to miss the Taylor/Powell family summer reunion. What's come up that would make you want to miss it this year?"

"What has come up, darlin', is Sue Ann's eighteenth birthday. You do remember your niece, Sue Ann, don't you? Sissy's oldest child?"

"Of course I do, Cat. She's kind of quiet, but she's becoming a very good-looking girl. When I last saw her, she was developing a dynamite figure. She takes after her mother, so if she's now eighteen, she must have those great Taylor boobs and tight ass."

Callie bounced up on her knees and looked at me, eyes sparkling with sexy ideas. "You naughty boy! Are you lusting after Sue Ann's body? For your information, though, the Taylor girls' figures come from my momma's side of the family, not the Taylors. In any case, I'm glad that you find Sue Ann attractive. If she weren't sexy and attractive, it might be a problem."

"Cat, what are you talking about? Why would there be a problem if Sue Ann weren't good looking? And why does her eighteenth birthday prevent us from going to see your folks and the rest of the family? Even I have become attached to the tradition."

"Sam Tonnelli, will you please calm down and listen to me? First of all, we will go to see Momma and Papa. Bur first, we'll drive to Sissy and Travis' house. They're going to take their son Jarrod to Kiawah island. You and I will be taking Sue Ann with us to the Powell family cabin in Piney Woods for the first week, then join the family on the island the second week."

"I love that place in Piney Woods, Cat. It's so secluded and peaceful. We've had some sexy times up there when we escaped by ourselves. But you said that we have to take Sue Ann with us. What's such a big deal about eighteenth birthdays there for Powell and Taylor girls?"

"All the Powell girls, including us Taylors, are taken to my granddaddy Powell's place in Piney Woods on their eighteenth birthday. It's been a tradition that goes back to my Powell great-aunts. And now Sue Ann is the first of the next generation to be old enough to continue the tradition."

"And what tradition is that, Cat?"

"Well, my momma's family doesn't make much public mention of this tradition, but when a Powell girl like Sue Ann reaches her eighteenth birthday, she selects special kinfolk to take her to the old family cabin and initiate her into womanhood. I can still remember my eighteenth birthday, when I went there. I was initiated by my Uncle Jake and Aunt Jessie. It was quite an experience."

"Just what do you mean 'initiate into womanhood,' Cat? Do all the girls go through some sort of rite of passage on their eighteenth birthday?"

"Exactly. In Georgia, when a girl reaches eighteen, she is legally an adult, and can engage in consensual adult activities. The way my momma and grandmomma Powell explained it to me was that an experienced man, rather than some ignorant, clumsy boy, should introduce a girl to those activities. And there would also be an experienced woman there to, you know, sort of coach her in learning all the right moves."

"You're talking about the birthday girl engaging in sex, in that cabin, right? And you say you did it with your Uncle Jake, with Aunt Jessie coaching? That's incredible, Cat."

"Well, lover, just how did you think I learned all those little things I do that you like so much? Think of how many inexperienced girls are left to learning things from young boys who are as inexperienced as they are. The Powell family tradition just insures that each daughter will enjoy sex a lot more, and will be a great partner. Some day our daughter will continue that tradition, although she'll probably have to pick one of her older cousins. By then, her uncles will be a might too old, but you never can tell."

"Wow! This blows my mind, Cat. Why didn't you confer with me before you made these plans with Sissy? How do you know I want any part of this?"

"Oh, come on, Sam. Why would a guy like you, who is so good in the sack, and, I might add, who appreciates his nooky a lot, ever want to pass up an opportunity to get into a nubile, eager eighteen year old's body? And besides, you should consider it an honor that Sue Ann chose you. Well, technically, you and me, but I don't think Sue Ann thought much about which aunt. I know I didn't when I chose Uncle Jake. Let me tell you, he was some stud in those days."

"You say Sue Ann picked me. Did she get to choose, or was Sissy deciding for her, like she commandeers everything else?"

"Well, an important decision like this deserves some parental input, but I'm sure that Sue Ann had the final choice of partner. So tell me you won't disappoint her, Sam. Speaking from experience, you've never let me down." She giggled. "Or should I say, you've always been up for me?"

"And you have no problem, Cat, with my screwing your niece? Isn't that cheating on you?"

"Don't you get it, Sam? That's why it won't be a problem. With me there, and even participating, how can it possibly be called cheating? But let me tell you, darlin', once we're out of that cabin, don't even fantasize about Sue Ann. That's the way the family tradition operates. Just this one week, and from then on she's your niece, that's all. However, Tanya and Paul's daughter Melissa is seventeen, so you could get lucky again next year. Now, let's go to sleep, and we'll discuss this some more tomorrow."

We concluded our discussion the next day, with Callie convincing me that she really wanted me to go through with this bizarre family tradition. She was excited about the prospect of being on the mature end of the deal this time, and began making lists of things to bring and do to help Sue Ann get really initiatedinto womanhood. During the six weeks before the vacation, I eventually came around to supporting the initiation concept, even working up some of my own ideas for spicing up the event.

When the second week of July finally arrived, we left work early on Friday and drove to Sissy and Travis' house. Sue Ann met us in the driveway and put her duffel bag into the back of our Explorer. She smiled shyly at me, and blushed, no doubt imagining what lay in store for her that week. Sissy took me aside and gave me a big hug, pressing those magnificent breasts of hers into me, and whispered into my ear.

"I've told Sue Ann everything she needs to know, Sam. And don't worry about the virgin thing; she told me she's done it twice already. Oh, remind her to take her pill each morning. That's still new to her, and she may forget. God, she's so lucky to have a hunk like you for her initiation. Anytime you want some variety from Callie's tits and snatch, you call ole Sissy, you hear?"

"Sometime, Sissy, I must take your Momma Powell-Taylor aside, and ask her what she did to make her daughters have such an appetite for sex," I said to her. Sissy laughed, and then went to give Sue Ann a good-bye hug, along with Travis.

The drive from Augusta to Piney Woods takes about an hour and a half, and we arrived at the Powell family cabin late in the afternoon. The cabin was built before the Great Depression, and is one of those classic rustic vacation cottages.It overlooks a small lake, which has some of the best bass fishing I've ever known. A private road off of the county highway leads to the cabin. It is sited on the side of a hill that slopes down to a boat dock on the lake. There is a carport under a screened porch that runs the entire width of the cottage. The floor plan is very simple. Off the screened porch is the great room, with a native stone fireplace in the center, and a large bedroom on the side. In the rear are the kitchen and the new addition of the nineties, a bathroom with toilet and shower. The path to the old privy is still visible, but the woods have pretty much taken over. There is a sleeping loft above the great room, which the kids love, not only to sleep in, but to rummage through all the old stuff stored up there over the past seventy-five years.

While Callie worked in the kitchen, putting the groceries into the cupboards and beverages in the refrigerator, Sue Ann helped me unload the car. She took her bag up the loft stairs, out of habit of coming here many times as a kid. Callie noticed Sue Ann going up to the loft, and scolded her.

"Sue Ann, that loft is where the little kids sleep! You're an adult now, so go and put your things in the big bedroom. This is your special week, and that's the place of honor."

"But, Aunt Callie," Sue Ann protested. "Where will you and Uncle Sam sleep?"

Callie had come out of the kitchen by then, and she held Sue Ann's head in her hands and kissed her forehead. "Why, honey child, Sam and I will be sleeping with you. And, please, no more Aunt and Uncle stuff. Adults call each other by their first names. Now, start unpacking, you two, while I finish in the kitchen. Sam, have you lit the pilot light for the water heater?"

I confirmed that I had, and informed her that there could be hot showers in about two hours. Callie suggested that the three of us spend that time with a swim in the lake, and then grill some steaks for a late supper. I got into my trunks and went down to the dock to drag the diving raft out to anchor it beyond the shallow waters around the dock where the bottom drops off. By the time I got the raft in place and was testing the diving board, Callie and Sue Ann arrived at the dock. They were wearing skimpy bikinis that Callie had bought over the Internet especially for this week. Our intention was to have Sue Ann become comfortable with her body being exposed to us two.

Callie was wearing a hot pink bikini, very tiny, with a top that was just two triangles tied together at the back and neck. It covered her nipples and not much more of her 36C breasts. Cat has worn bikinis at other times, but this one was the most daring I had ever seen on her. Sue Ann's all white bikini was more modest than Cat's but it was obvious that she had inherited the Powell women's attributes of melon-sized breasts with large nipples, and voluptuous hips and ass, all over long, shapely legs. An outstanding combination.

"Ladies, you look terrific!" I exclaimed. "Cat, you picked some winners in your on-line shopping. And, Sue Ann, you definitely are not the skinny little girl anymore. You look just like your mother, and I've been ogling her body for a long time. Now, I get to ogle yours."

Sue Ann blushed, but her eyes sparkled with appreciation of my compliment. She giggled, and said, "Well, Unc, er, that is, Sam, if you want to ogle something, wait until Callie comes out to the raft, and you see what the back of her bikini looks like. If you can see it, that is."

Sue Ann and Callie climbed down the ladder at the end of the dock and waded out to the raft, carrying towels, sun tan lotion, and a drinks cooler. When Callie climbed onto the platform, I was rewarded with a view of her ass cheeks, fully bare. Her bikini bottom was a full thong, with just a thin pink cord forming a T from her hips down through the crack in her ass. I had never seen Callie quite so risqué in front of other people.

A number of ideas danced through my head when I thought about what was expected of me this week, and I felt my cock begin to stiffen. Callie noticed the bulge in my trunks, and grinned at me. "Sam, I do believe that you're getting a little excited," she said. "Sue Ann, take a look at what we've done to the man in your week."

That kind of talk only made my cock swell more. There was no way that I could hide my arousal, other than dive off the raft to cool off. Sue Ann stared at my trunks, and smiled before licking her lips. Then Callie's eyes caught mine, and, like most loving couples, she communicated her thoughts with just a look and a Mona Lisa-like smile.

We swam, dived, and soaked up the sun on the raft for about an hour. Once we were back at the cottage, we took showers and changed before supper. It was about 8:00 when the steaks were grilled. We ate our dinner on the table inside, but had our dessert of ice cream on the porch, to watch the setting sun.

By the time we finished, Sue Ann was quite at ease with Callie and me. She suggested that we wash and dry the dishes together as a way of getting to know each other better. I washed, while Callie dried and handed the plates and flatware to Sue Ann to put away. We completed our chores, and I remarked how lucky I was to have two beautiful women working with me.

"Thank you, Sue Ann, for asking Callie and me to celebrate your eighteenth birthday with you. This is my first introduction to the family tradition as well."

Sue Ann lowered her eyes and spoke very softly. "I told Momma that I wanted you and no one else, Sam. I like you and Callie very much, and I want this to be a week that I will remember all my life."

At that moment I felt very attached to Sue Ann, and I was determined to do everything I could to make her wish come true. "And Cat and I want the same for you as well, Sue Ann. Will you let me give you your first adult kiss right now?"

Sue Ann blushed, and hesitated. She looked at Callie, confused as to what to do. Callie gently pushed her toward me, smiling her encouragement to Sue Ann. "Put your arms around his neck, honey, and slightly open your mouth when he kisses you. Sam will do the rest."

Sue Ann obeyed, and I embraced my niece. Her breasts rubbed against my chest, while my left leg nestled between her thighs. I began my kiss lightly, letting both of us become familiar with each other's lips. Sue Ann responded, closing her eyes and letting her fingers slip into my hair. I pulled her tightly against my body, and began to make circles on her back with my hands. While her lips were still puckered, expecting more kissing, I began to concentrate on her lower lip, licking and sucking it tenderly. I interspersed that with some tongue exploration, teasing the tip of her tongue inside her mouth. This was a new form of kissing for her. After the initial surprise, she enjoyed its pleasurable sensations, and she pulled my head into her face, signaling for more.

Kissing like that always gives me an erection, and Sue Ann felt my hardness press against her. I wanted her to know that she could arouse me, and I shifted her body so that my stiffening cock was pressing against her pubic region. At the same time, I slid my hands down her back until my fingers were holding the cheeks of her ass, pulling her body harder into mine. Sue Ann responded by digging her nails into my back and mewing soft moans of pleasure. I didn't want this to go too quickly, so I slowed things down and finally broke off the soul kiss.

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