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It's The Way You Look At Me Ch. 06


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Tiki torches flickered around the pool of the beach club. Overhead light softly glowed above as we strolled in and headed for the dining hall. We all took a seat and were given drinks as we waited on the food. There was laughter and good conversation as the food arrived and we ate.

We finished dinner and left the dining hall to head back to the pool deck. The girls wanted more pictures and the fading sun over the sand on the beach was the perfect backdrop. We carefully headed down the steps to the beach. The girls left their shoes at the bottom and walked across the sand barefoot.

I took phones and cameras and designated myself as the photographer for the time being. Each couple struck a pose and I snapped a few. Jamie was nice enough to stand in as Bobby's date so he could have a picture with a girl by his side. We did a few funny pictures of him pretending to chase the girls. Then we did a few solo shots of him too. He didn't seem to mind at all that we were teasing him about coming solo.

"What about you Owen?" Jordan asked. "You want a few pictures too?"

"Of course he does," Jamie answered. "I wouldn't want to go home with nothing from this evening."

"Strike a pose then my friend," Jordan ordered.

I stood next to Jamie and smiled as he snapped a photo. She leaned on me for the next one. Then I stood behind her and hugged her from behind for another. She tilted her head back for the final one and kissed me on the cheek playfully. I wanted her lips on mine but it wasn't going to happen here.

I could see the look on her face as I looked down at her after she pulled her lips back from my face. She wanted more than just a kiss on the cheek. She smiled up at me and playfully pushed me away before grabbing the phone away from Jordan to see what he had gotten. I followed her and looked too.

"You look damn good," I offered.

"I know," she giggled.

"You guys want a group photo?" Mack asked as he stood at the top of the stairs.

"You have to be in it," Jordan called.

"Scottie," Mack yelled. "Get over here and snap a photo of us."

He took the camera for this one. We all stood in a line with our dates in front of us to get the shot. Once we finished we turned and climbed the steps. I brushed Jamie's feet off and helped her slip into her heels again. I let her climb the steps and noticed a few flowers growing along the steps. I pulled one off and caught Jamie by the arm as we reached the top.

She turned to see what I wanted. I slipped the flower into her hair and adjusted it to fit. She smiled as I looked down at her. I wanted to kiss her so bad right about now. She looked absolutely perfect. She just flashed that big smile of hers again and took my arm in hers as we strolled back to the pool deck. Jordan was already telling a story and had the growing crowd laughing.

We stood there talking for a while. Jordan kept telling stories about what he and I had done over the past four years at the school. I threw in my two cents when I needed to or when he had the slightly wrong facts in the story. He could only laugh hard when I corrected him.

The conversation took a moment's pause when Trish cautiously approached the group. Everyone glanced at Bobby then at Trish as she stood across from Bobby.

"Can we talk for a minute?" she asked softly.

"Whatever you have to say to me you can say in front of everyone," Bobby replied.

"Fine," she sighed.

"I was wrong Bobby," she started. "I made a mistake and I jumped to conclusions. I'm sorry. Is there any way you can forgive me?"

Bobby stood there for a minute before he smiled. "Yeah. Come here."

I couldn't help but smile as she crossed the middle of the circle and gave him a big hug.

"That's so sweet," Jamie smile.

"Good thing he didn't ask Courtney to go with him," I said.

"You didn't?" Jamie sassed.

"I suggested it," I laugh lightly.

"Owen, you're terrible."

"She didn't want to go alone so I just thought."

"That's terrible," she said again but giggled after. "Why would you want to subject him to that?"

"It was bad judgment," I offered.

"Terrible," she giggled.

"Speaking of which," I said. "I haven't seen her yet."

"She's here," Jordan said. "I saw her at dinner."

"Who was she with?" I asked.

"Nobody that I could tell."

"Why do you care?" Shane joked.

"I don't really," I sighed. "I was just wondering."

"Might be your only shot at getting laid tonight," Jordan laughed.

The group laughed as I shook my head. Jamie giggled and hugged my arm a little tighter. If they only knew.

"Hey?" Shane called. "What the hell happened last night? I heard you guys were out all night long."

"Oh yeah," Jordan chuckled.

"Not because we wanted to be," I added. "It's kind of hard to get back to the dock when you boat is piled up on a sandbar ten feet away from the channel marker."

"How the hell did you end up there?" Shane asked.

"Ask Jordan and his shitty electrical work," I joked.

"Come on," he laughed. "It could have happened to anyone."

"Yeah, because everyone puts caulking on electrical terminals to hold the positive and negative in the right places," I joked.

"It was all I had."

"What the hell happened?" Shane asked confused.

"He put caulking on the terminals since the ends corroded off instead of spending the ten dollars to fix them. They popped loose and shorted everything out."

"How the hell did you guys get home?" Shane asked.

"A crab boat came by and towed us off the bar," I replied.

"It stunk like shit," Kelly hissed.

"Dead fish was more like it," Jamie giggled. "God that was awful."

"It got the job done though," Jordan smiled his smile.

"If tonight wasn't prom and Jamie hadn't agreed to go with me, I would be at home right now still running around in the backyard."

"I'm sure you will get it tomorrow," Jordan joked.

"Yeah, and your ass will be right out there with me too," I quipped.

"What did you guys do out there all night long?" Shane asked.

"Drank beer," I smiled.

"And other stuff," Jordan chuckled.

"Jordan," Kelly sassed.

"Your ass fell asleep," I joked.

"I wore myself out," he laughed.

I thought about what really happened out there last night.


We got on the boat just after dark and headed out on the water. We bow fished for a while and got quite a few fish despite us not being very good at shooting a bow. We had a lot to drink that night and were having a great time out there. It was fun and peaceful to be out there that night. Four great friends just enjoying some beers and some fishing.

It was on the way home that shit went downhill. The wires finally worked themselves loose which killed the spotlight and the navigation chart. We idled along trying to navigate by moonlight while I sat all twisted up inside the console working on the wires. I couldn't see shit and couldn't tell what went where since the terminal block was made for five switches, not the ten that Jordan and his dad had wired it up for.

Jordan got impatient and said fuck it. He sped up and used the moonlight to navigate through the channel. It was fine until a cloud blocked the light at the worst possible moment. We needed to be exact on this stretch and make the turn or find the sandbar that was ten feet outside the channel. We missed the turn and found the sandbar instead.

A group of white herons squawked and cried as we closed in on the beach. Jordan killed the engine before we hit so it wasn't as bad as it could have been but it was still pretty bad. We piled up on the sandbar with the motor barely in two inches of water.

The girls were sitting on the front deck when we hit and got tossed out onto the sandbar. Jordan and I slammed into the console before bouncing back and landing on the leaning post seat. It was just short of a miracle that nobody got seriously hurt. I had a cut on my forearm from bracing myself against the console. That was the only injury besides a few bruised egos.

We laughed about it once we figured out we were ok. I had to bust Jordan's balls about it for a while over another round of beers. After that we started digging in the sand so the motor would be in the water so we could try and get off the bar. We tried backing out once we had the sand out of the way and a good amount of water to work with. I knew it wasn't going to work but we had to try.

We changed tactics now and tried to push the boat backwards off the sand. It moved about a foot after ten minutes of pushing. The only thing it really did was tire us out. We gave up and decided to just wait it out and let the tide come back in. When it was high tide the bar had about six inches of water over it and that would be more than enough to float us off. Waiting was the only option for the time being.

Jamie and I decided on a walk down the sandbar just to get away and pass the time. We walked for a while just talking and looking at some shells on the sand. I was enjoying the time with Jamie as we walked along. We reached the far end of the bar before we turned back and took our time returning to the boat.

When we reached the front of the boat we saw two beers sitting there on the deck waiting for us. I knew that was Jordan's signal that he didn't want us climbing back in the boat and finding him and Kelly. Jamie and I took the offering and walked to the water's edge again. We popped the tops and took a few sips before she looked over at me.

"Can you hold this for a minute?" she asked, handing me her beer.

"Sure," I smiled. "Where are you going?"

"I need to pee," she replied. "Can you hold these too?"

I watched as she pulled the strings on her bikini bottoms and slipped them off her body. I gave her ass a gentle squeeze before I took the bottoms out of her hand. She slipped off the bar and went into the water until she squatted down. I turned back to the island and let her pee in private. An owl screeched from the trees as I stood there trying to figure out which one it was in.

Jamie returned from the water silently and bumped my hip with hers as she returned. I smiled at her and gave her the bottoms back. She slipped them up her legs and tied them on her hips again.

"Do you think it's safe to go back to the boat?" she asked.

"We can stay at the front of the boat for the time being," I offered.

"K," she smiled.

We headed back to the front of the boat and leaned against the deck once we got there. I finished my beer and wanted another one. Neither one of us had heard anything from the back of the boat since we had gotten back. I was seriously wondering if maybe they had gotten off the boat and went for a walk themselves.

"Jordan?" I called. Nothing.

"Jordan?" I called a little louder this time. Still nothing.

"What the hell?" I hissed as I looked at Jamie. She shrugged her shoulders and looked to the back of the boat with me.

I shrugged with her and decided I would take a chance and investigate a little further now. I climbed the deck and looked towards the back still. I moved along slowly until I could see over the console. There they were, all snuggled up together in the back cut out seat sound asleep. I laughed to myself before opening the cooler and took out two more beers.

"Unbelievable," I hissed as I jumped off the front deck.

"What?" she asked.

"They are sound asleep back there."

She giggled a little as I popped the top and took a long swallow. I set my beer down and glanced at Jamie as she stood there next to me. She smiled then bumped my hip with hers again. She had her mischievous little grin on her face. I knew that look by now, it was her playful, I want you look.

"What do you want?" I teased.

"Nothing," she sassed.

I chuckled a little knowing she wanted something. Her tongue wet her lips before she chewed on her bottom lip softly. It was her smoldering, sexual look that she always had when she really wanted me. I couldn't resist her even if I tried. I knew it was daring to do anything with her here but I figured they were sleeping so I went for it.

I leaned down and found her mouth. She gasped into my kiss as my hand started at the small of her back. I let my hand trail down the curve of her ass until I was between her legs. She parted her legs a little and let my fingers find the space between her legs. I curled them around her cunny and traced her slit through the material of her suit.

I brought my hand up until it was on the curve of her ass again. I slipped my fingers under the suit and let them find their way back to her cunny. I traced her soft and delicate lips until I found her opening. Wetness was already pooled at her opening as I let one finger open her lips and press inside. She moaned softly as I slipped one inside. She broke the kiss and looked at me as I let it circle her opening again.

"I almost begged you not to get on the boat tonight," she whispered. "The way you danced with me tonight, I've been so wet ever since then."

"Have you now?" I teased her a little.

"Umm hmm," she growled. Her teeth chewed on her lip again as she spoke.

"You could have said something," I teased her still.

"I figured we would be back by now," she sassed. "I thought we would be in your bed all snuggled up together."

"That does sound like a lot more fun than standing here on the sandbar."

"I know," she growled again. "But your fingers are making this a little more fun."

"I've got more than just fingers," I said slyly.

"I hope so," she giggled a little. "They feel pretty damn good inside my little pussy. But your cock would feel a whole lot better."

"You don't have to ask me twice," I smiled.

I dropped my shorts down my legs until my cock poked free. The elastic caught under my sack as I slipped my finger from Jamie. I moved until I was standing behind Jamie. She was holding the deck with one hand as the other pulled the string at her hip. Her bikini folded away and left her exposed as she waited for me.

I stood behind her and teased her cunny with my cock. I let her cunny drool on the head as I slipped it over her lips. She let me tease her for a moment before she pulled herself up on the deck. She rested on her chest and left her legs dangling off the ground. The angle and height was perfect now as I moved a little closer to her cunny. I used my fingers to open her up until my cock touched her wetness between her legs.

I sank slowly into her wetness in short strokes. She muffled her gasps as I reached all the way inside and let her walls squeeze me. I loved that feeling. The feeling of her warmth and wetness wrapped around my cock and squeezing me. I slowly started to slide out as she whimpered again.

"You better not make too much noise bad girl," I whispered.

"I wanna cum Owen," she begged. "Please. I'm so fucking wet right now."

"Then you need to be quiet about it," I teased.

"Umm hmm," she growled.

I could feel her cunny already rippling over my cock. It was quivering and gripping me tightly as I started a quick in and out. I was slipping so easily in and out of her. Her wetness was leaking heavily as she whimpered into her hand. She turned to look back at me. Chewed on her lower lip as I stroked in and out of her. Pleasure already building in her quickly as she clawed the deck and started. Wetness flooded my cock as she came while biting her lip. She wanted to cry out in pleasure but knew we were being too daring right now to do it.

I let her cum. Felt her wetness leaving her cunny with each stroke of my cock. Coating my shaft then running slowly from her to my sack. Sticking there and on my shorts right below. I knew they would be soaked but I didn't care. I loved how wet she got each time she came. Loved the look on her face as she whimpered and finally glowed after it coursed through her body.

I slowed now and went to short thrusts as my hips pressed against her ass. I was touching her end with each push of my cock. She was soaking wet now, dripping down my cock, as my hands reached for her shoulders. I gripped her there and pulled her back.

We remained together as her feet touched the sand. My stance widened as she gripped the deck with her hands to steady herself. I was right behind her thrusting up into her hole. Pressing so deep inside of her as I nuzzled her neck. I panted against it letting my breath hit her neck. Little goose bumps covered her arms as my lips now found her neck. She growled into my touch. Twisted her body into mine and let me kiss her.

My arms wrapped around her body now. Pulled her closer to me as I thrust into her with more urgency. She was panting harder, hands reached back and cupped my hips as she grabbed me. Pulled me deeper into her wetness with each thrust. Both of us closing in on release.

I released into her. Flooded her cunny with my seed and gasped into her shoulder. My teeth lightly left a mark on her neck as her cunny squeezed me hard again. She forced me out this time. Her cunny squeezed me so hard I slipped from her. Wetness ran from her as my fingers took the place of my cock. I pressed them into her cunny and fucked her with them. My other hand went quickly to her mouth to cover her pants. I knew it was intense so I did everything I could to keep her noise to a minimum.

She creamed my fingers. Covered them with her cum and mine as it ran from her. I felt her mouth open and wet my hand as she panted into it in silence. Her legs twisted now as her body couldn't take it anymore. I pulled my fingers from her cunny and held her as she twisted around. My hand fell away from her mouth so I could hug her and hold her. She panted hard. Deep, ragged breaths as she tried to recover. I just held her and loved on her. Kissed the flush skin of her neck as she gathered the strength to stand on her legs.

She turned and looked at me. Lips so flush as she smiled her content and exhausted sexual smile.

"Did you cum?" she whispered.

"Oh yeah," I smiled.

"I thought so," she whispered. "I came so hard I couldn't tell though."

"You don't have to tell me that," I whispered. "I can tell."

She smiled. Leaned in and kissed me now. These tender kisses that let me feel her full lips against mine. She pulled my lip with her teeth before we broke. This content smile on her face as she tried to sit up on the deck now. I gave her a boost and let her sit. She fixed her suit as I jumped up next to her.

"Do you mind?" I asked as I dug out my dip.

"No," she half smiled. "Just don't cry to me when you can't kiss me anymore because your lips fall off."

"Yeah, yeah," I sighed and took out a pinch.

She leaned into me and wrapped her arms around me. I pulled her to my chest and wrapped my arms around her. She smiled contently as her head rested against my chest. We sat there for a long time just content to be holding one another and listening to the sounds of the night. It must have been a half an hour before the crab boat idled by and stopped to see if we needed some help.


"I always miss out," Shane laughed.

"Quit being such a damn puss and come with us sometime," I joked.

"I really should shouldn't I?" he asked.

"Fuck yeah," Jordan laughed. "We had a hell of a night."

"So what happened last week when you guys went out on the four wheelers?" Shane asked.

Jordan chuckled before he started telling the story. I had to correct him on a few details but he was mostly right as we all laughed about it.

"Let's go guys," I called. "I'm starting to sweat a little."

"Good idea," Jordan agreed. "Inside to soak up some A/C and get dancing to the beats. Show us the waltz there twinkle toes."

"It was the tango," Jamie giggled.

"I missed that too," Shane laughed.

"I bought the DVD," Jordan joked. "We can watch it later."

We pushed our way through the door and took a look around.

"Oh shit," Shane croaked. "That looks like trouble."

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