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It's The Way You Look At Me Ch. 06


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I glanced to my left and saw Erik standing face to face with Scottie. Erik didn't look very happy but that was almost normal for him. Scottie had asked Jessica to prom the day after Erik did. She ended up declining Erik to go with Scottie. Erik was all pissed off about it and I assumed he was letting Scottie know once again how pissed off he was. We pushed our way through the crowd to get to Scottie now.

"You better not be fucking with Scottie," Shane warned. "You mess with him you're messing with us all."

"You're lucky Scottie," Erik hissed.

"You're lucky," Shane shot back. "You keep running that mouth of yours and your luck is going to run out sooner or later."

"Fuck all you guys," he hissed before he retreated.

"Thanks guys," Scottie sighed in relief. "I thought I was about to get my ass kicked."

"We got your back Scottie," I said. "He wants you he has to get through us all first."

"Come on," Jordan said. "Let's chill for a while."

"I got us a table," Scottie offered.

"You stole his girl and his table," Shane teased. "No wonder."

"Hey," Scottie laughed. "I didn't know he asked her until after I asked her."

"Smart choice going with Scottie," Jamie said to Jessica.

"I can see that now," she giggled a little.

We sat at the table but kept a lookout for Erik just in case. We bullshitted some more before the girls went to the bathroom to do whatever it was that they did in there.

"Thanks for letting me hang with you Owen," Scottie said.

"You're one of us Scottie," I assured him. "You shed the same blood, sweat and tears as we did out there on the field."

"I'm going to miss you guys when you are gone," he sighed.

"You're going to be the star next season," Shane laughed. "You won't even think about us after tonight."

He just laughed a little before I changed the subject to something else. I looked up and saw Jamie as she led the girls back from the bathroom. The way the light was catching her right now made her look stunning. Not that she needed the light to look good. She had been on my mind all night long. She smiled as she came and sat down next to me.

"You look stunning tonight," I whispered.

"Do I?" she questioned.

"Umm hmm," I growled.

"Did I mention that I'm not wearing anything under this?"

"I figured as much."

"Do I even need to tell you how wet I am right now?"

"I'd rather you not. It's just going to make me frustrated."

"Hmm," she growled. "So wet."

The words rolled off her tongue right next to my ear as she stood.

"I'm going to get a drink. Do you want anything?"

"Not unless you are on the drink list."

"Later," she sassed.

She grabbed Kelly and headed to get a drink. I quickly reached into my pocket and checked my back before I packed a big pinch into my mouth. It caught the attention of Shane as he held his hand out and waited for me to pass the can. I handed it over to him so he could have a dip with me.

"When the hell can we get out of here?" I asked Jordan. "I need a drink."

"Slow down there you boozer," he laughed. "We have to wait for the prom king and queen to be announced."

"When is that going to happen?" I questioned.

"About another hour."

"Geez," I sighed.

"Where the hell do you have to go anyway?" he asked. "I thought you wanted to enjoy the night?"

"I enjoyed it but now I'm ready for the after party."

"Just relax," he laughed. "And don't slobber on me with that stuff in your lip."

"Shut up," I laughed.

"I'm going to dance," he laughed. "Just sit tight and be patient."

He took off as Shane pulled a chair closer to me and handed me an old cup to spit into.

"I'm ready to get out of here too," he offered.

"I don't belong in this monkey suit," I sighed.

"Blue collar guys don't tend to fit into them too well," he agreed.

"Yeah," I smiled.

"So how bad was the boat?" he asked. "Did it get all fucked up?"

"Surprisingly it wasn't bad. Some of the bottom paint got knocked off but we can fix that. I'm surprised the motor didn't break off. We buried it pretty good."

"Owen," Jamie called. "Come dance with me."

"I did my dancing last night. I'm all set for now."

"Please," she begged. Her little girl voice coming out as she begged.

"Come on O," Shane groaned. "Let's make the ladies happy."

"I guess," I sighed.

Shane and I both walked to the dance floor. Jordan was moving and grooving to the music. I decided to give it a try and follow what he was doing. The group was laughing as Shane and I both tried to copy him. He was pretty smooth and made us look like idiots. I looked around and saw that most of the guys out there weren't much better than me so I stopped worrying about it and just moved.

Jamie cut in and joined me. I focused on her as she moved her hips around me. I tried to follow her around and dance with her. It turned into us just goofing around and laughing about it. She turned and shook her butt at me to tease me. I gave it a quick but sharp smack that made her yelp. She turned and shook her finger at me teasingly.

"Behave Owen," she sassed.

"I am," I laughed.

She turned and shook it at me again before I gave it another smack. She just laughed and bumped me with her ass before turning back around to me.

"Bad boy," she said shaking her finger at me.

"You think this is bad," I said. "Wait until later."

"That's what you think," she teased.

"Alright, ladies and gentlemen," the DJ called. "Let's slow things down for a minute. Get that special person and head on out."

"Dance with me?" I asked.

"I thought you'd never ask," she smiled.

I took her into my arms and held her as the slow song started. I pulled her to my body as she rested her head against my chest. It felt so right to hold her right now. Her soft smell filtered into my nose as I slowly turned us around the floor. We danced until the end before we pulled apart. I leaned in and gave her a soft kiss to the cheek before the next song started.

We danced for a couple before he changed things up again and sped it up.

"I have to go spit," I said.

"Gross," Jamie sassed. "Go before you slobber on me."

Shane and I left the floor. Once we sat Bobby worked his way over to us and sat down.

"You and Trish work things out?"

"I think," he smiled. "She wants to go back with us to the hotel after."

"Good thing I rented you a room," I smiled back.

"You did?" he cheered. "You are the man Owen."

"I know," I laughed.

"How much do I owe you?"

I waved my hand. "Fuck it Bobby. You're my boy. You don't owe me anything."

"Thanks Owen," he said slapping my back hard.

Jordan now came back over to take a break. The three of us shot the shit for a while until the girls came back over. We continued to talk until the DJ came back on the loud speakers.

"And now, the moment you've all been waiting for. It's time to announce the prom court and prom queen and king."

The place fell quiet as he looked at the names on his list. He called out two names I knew but didn't hang out with them. They walked onto the dance floor and stood there as he called the next set of names.

"Can I get Shane Dexter and Mia Miller, please?"

"Damn," Shane called. "I won."

The place laughed loudly as he strutted up there and took Mia into his arms. He planted a kiss on her mouth before he dipped her down and looked at the crowd. The announcer waited until he was finished before he called out the next set of names.

"Next, I need Owen Hansen and Jamie Hansen."

I was sweating when they called my name. I felt more relief when they called Jamie. I didn't want to head out there with Courtney. There had been some talk but thankfully they didn't vote me and Courtney together.

I walked out on the floor with Jamie. We bowed before standing in line and waiting for the next set of names. They were called as I looked over at Shane. He smiled and pointed towards Jordan.

"He's going to be the king."

"How do you know?"

"I bet you," he said.

"And last but not least, the prom king and queen. Drum roll please."

"Jordan Johnson and Kelly Wright."

"I figured as much," I laughed.

"I told you," Shane gloated.

"You were in the running until you and Courtney broke up," Jamie offered.

"I couldn't really care less to be honest."

Jordan put his hand to his ear to get them to cheer louder for him as he walked across the floor. We all clapped as he stood there and got his crown. Kelly got her crown before they started another slow song and let us dance.

"Let's hear it for the prom court," the announcer called as the song ended.

We all took a bow before we slipped off the floor and headed back to the table.

"Are you ready now?" Jordan asked.

"I've been ready," I sighed.

"Let's roll," Jordan called.

We hit the limo and climbed inside. I grabbed the Mason jar off the seat and twisted the top off. I took a quick sip before passing it around. The jar was empty by the time it made it back around to me. We quickly drove to the hotel and got out.

"On the beach in twenty minutes," Jordan called. "And that's orders from a king."

We laughed as we walked down the hallway to our rooms. I opened the door and let Jamie inside. She took in the room before she turned to me and smiled.

"Unzip me," she ordered.

"You don't have to ask me twice," I smiled.

"And behave too," she sassed.

"I can't promise you that," I laughed.

I unzipped her dress as she shrugged it off her shoulder. It slipped down her body and crumpled on the floor. I took in her body as she stood there in just a strapless bra. She smiled over her shoulder at me before pulling her shorts from the bag on the bed.

"Get changed," she ordered.

"Sorry," I sighed. "I was distracted."

"By what?" she teased. "You've seen me naked a hundred times now."

"But you do something to me Jamie. I can't explain. Seeing you naked is like the first time every time."

"Really?" she questioned with some sass in her voice still.

She shrugged her bra off and let it hit the floor. She turned so I could take in her boobs before she slipped another thin bra over her chest. I had to focus as I quickly pulled off my jacket and tried to get changed. She watched me as I finally got out of my monkey suit and into some clothes more up to my standards.

We left for the beach to find Bobby and Trish waiting for us near the water.

"I thought you guys would be making up," I joked.

"I'm saving that for later," Trish giggled.

"I'm glad you two worked things out," Jamie offered.

"Me too," Trish smiled and hugged Bobby.

I could hear Jordan calling as he walked down the beach to find us.

"Over here," I hissed.

"We have to move down the beach so we ain't in front of the hotel. We can't build a fire if we are here."

"Let's move then," I said.

We headed down the beach a little and got away from the hotel lights. Jordan set down the wood as Shane finally arrived with the cooler. Beers were passed out as Jordan held a lighter to the paper and started the wood. It smoldered for a minute before it finally took off.

We sat there and listened to the radio as the fire glowed in front of us. Jordan was rambling again as he sipped on his beer and told another story. I glanced around the circle and saw everyone was holding their dates as we listened to him talk. I reached over and hugged Jamie. She smiled and leaned into me as I pulled her to me.

I kissed her cheek softly before I stood to get another beer from the cooler. She nodded telling me she wanted another one. I grabbed two and returned. I sat behind her and pulled her to my body as my legs spread around her. I popped the top off her can and handed it to her as she looked over her shoulder questioning what I was doing. We were never this close in front of other people.

"Relax," I whispered. "This is all I'm doing."

She just giggled lightly and took a sip. I opened mine and took a sip before setting it down between her legs. My hands rested softly on her legs right at her knees. Her warm skin felt good under my fingers as I rested my hands there and listened to Jordan and Bobby banter back and forth for a minute.

My fingers carefully moved further up her legs to mid-thigh before I stopped and returned. Jamie didn't move and just let me touch her in front of everyone. Nobody was really paying attention to us anyway so it wasn't a big deal. She relaxed after a few minutes of my gentle touch.

We sat this way well into the night. My hands just softly touched and teased her skin as we bullshitted well into the night. I couldn't count the number of stories we told and how many times we laughed about our years together. We knew it would never be like this again. Everyone was going in different directions after next week. Jordan and Kelly were going to North Alabama together. I was going to State. Jamie was staying local and going to college here. Shane was going to work for his uncle at his shop. Wade was going into the Marines. Bobby wasn't sure just yet but he wasn't too concerned about it. It would come to him eventually. Mack was going to work in construction with his dad. It was time for all of us to head off into the world and leave the safety of this place.

It was just after three in the morning when the fire died out. The group stood and parted ways. Most of them took off back to the hotel for the night. I stood and pulled Jamie to her feet and dusted myself off after she stood.

"Where are we going?" Jamie asked.

"Let's take a walk," I offered.

"Ok," she smiled. Her white teeth showed up brightly in the dim light of the night.

"See you guys on Monday if we don't catch you tomorrow morning," Bobby offered.

"You know it," I smiled.

"Come on," I said taking Jamie's hand.

She tangled her fingers in mine as we started down the beach. I took in the stars as the waves gently washed the sand having that calming effect on us as we strolled hand in hand down the beach.

"It's beautiful out here," she offered.

"It's so peaceful," I agreed. "I'm going to miss this when I'm gone."

"It will always be here," she said.

"I know. I'm just going to miss all of this."

"Are you worried about us?" she questioned.

"No," I smiled. "I know this is going to work somehow."

"That it will," she smiled back.

We strolled along for a while before we stopped to look at the stars over the water. We sat down on the sand and relaxed. She sat in front of me between my legs leaning against me. I wrapped my arms around her and held her tightly. She sat there contently as we listened to the waves against the sand.

I leaned closer to her and breathed softly on her neck. She sighed as my breath hit her and tilted to give me more skin. I kissed her gently on her neck tasting her skin. She giggled lightly and leaned into my kiss. I left little wet marks on her skin as I got down to her shoulder. My hands touched her legs and felt how warm her skin was as she sighed again.

Her head turned around as she found my lips. I kissed her deeply as my hands worked up her legs towards her center. I rested right in between her legs as we kissed hard. She panted into my mouth and started to turn her body into mine. I leaned back until I hit the sand with her on top of me now.

My hands cupped and squeezed her firm ass as she pinned me to the sand. She pressed it back into my touch as we kissed. Her cunny pressed against my cock as she turned her hips over me. The hunger in her kiss made my hunger grow for her. They were these passionate kisses of love. I opened my eyes for a second to take in her face.

Hers opened right as mine did. She giggled as we looked at each other before closing them again. I wanted her more than I ever had before. My fingers caught the elastic on her hips. She shifted as I rolled them down her legs. She let me slip them free before she took mine in her fingers and pulled them down.

My ass hit the cool sand as I returned down. She was still above my body and kissing me as her cunny trapped my cock against my body. She turned her hips letting me slide over her wet skin. She giggled as she reached back and found my cock. It rested at her entrance as she paused for a second.

"We have a room you know?"

"I know," I laughed with her. "But this is where we got started way back when."

"We never did finish did we?"

"No time like right now."

"Hmm," she growled and pressed back.

I slipped into her wetness as she sank down on me. Her sticky wetness surprised me as her mouth covered my gasp. She kissed me deeply again. These wet soul kisses as she turned just her hips with me buried deep inside of her. Her knees were digging into the sand making little mounds next to my body as she undulated.

She sat up a little now, pressing me deeper inside of her. I was touching her very core I was so deep inside of her. My hands rolled her shirt up her body taking the bra up with it. She panted as my mouth found her nipple and sucked it into my mouth. Sexual growls of pleasure as she rocked her hips above and let me slip into her wetness.

I was deep inside of her as she rolled her hips and panted hard. I could feel her cunny squeezing me as she released. I let her rise and fall on me soaking as she got off. I controlled myself so I could continue. I wanted this never to end. Her hands slipped under my shirt and scratched my chest as she moaned above me and came.

Wetness leaked from her as she controlled her body again. Her nipple pulled free from my mouth as she returned to my body and turned her hips again. Her cream pooled up at my sack before leaking down between my legs. Her mouth found mine again as I kissed her. Her mouth was so hungry for mine. Little whimpers escaped her mouth as she softly turned her hips as she recovered.

She began to rise and fall with more speed again. My hands gripped her hips with the lightest pressure to guide her movements. She whimpered above me as she rode me. This slow pace of rise and fall as I found her end again. Her cunny was so smooth and wet as I slipped so easily inside of her. Her legs pressed into my sides as she panted into my kiss again.

Slowly she built the pace again. She sat back up and pressed her hands to my chest. I started pushing into her softly now. I wanted to be so deep inside of her. My hands feeling the soft features of her body. Her skin was so warm and alive now. The slightest bit of sweat covering her as I ran them up her ribs to her shoulders.

I pressed her a little harder to my body as she undulated her hips hard. Wetness still leaked from her as I pushed deep inside of her. Her walls quivered around my cock as I felt myself closing in with her. She pressed me deep inside of her as I started to fill her. Her puss milking me as she came with me. Her eyes closed in pleasure as I filled her so deeply.

She fell to my body and rested on top of me. She panted hard in the afterglow but still found my mouth. I kissed her again. Tasted her kiss as she panted and still turned her hips. I was still hard and wanting more from her as she sat up in my lap. I sat up and held her to my body. She gripped me tightly wanting me just to hold her now.

I finally started to soften and slipped from her. We remained just tangled up in each other's arms kissing lightly. The moment was perfect and neither one of us wanted it to end. She finally relented and stopped kissing me.

"Take me back to the room and clean me off," she growled.

"Clean you?" I questioned lightly. "I'm the one with sand in places it doesn't belong."

She giggled those little girl giggles as she lifted her body from mine and found her shorts. I stood and slipped mine back up my legs. I took her hand and walked us back down the beach to the room. I pushed the door open and let her inside. She made an immediate turn to the bathroom as I let the door shut and latched the lock.

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