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Jack and Toby Ch. 06

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"Toby Finally Gets His Promotion".
3.4k words

Part 6 of the 8 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 05/01/2018
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Darren called during my few days off asking if I could meet him at the main office. I wondered if he was changing my work assignment. I've been basically stuck on nights since the fucked up of punching Scott. Maybe I'll hear something about more about the promotion. I've been done with my degree for almost two years and like always, 'Toby, please just bear with us the promotion is coming'.

I arrived at the main office a little before ten, I didn't know I was meeting with both Darren and Jacob. When I walked into the waiting room, Susie, I found out what her name was after I'd hired in. She smiled but wasn't her friendly self, which makes me wonder what's up. She just told me they were waiting for me in the conference room. She wouldn't small talk with me at all, so I just told her thanks and walked into the conference room.

"Hey Toby, you've had a day off, you shouldn't look that tired." Darren laughed at me.

"You haven't spent any time with my boyfriend, he can wear you out and not in the good sense." Both Darren and Jacob laughed.

"Oh we know, hell we're married, you don't think we don't get bitched at or get the honey do lists?" Jacob said.

I chucked humorlessly, "Yeah."

"Well you probably wonder what you were called down here for." Darren asked.

"I just assumed you're going to change up my schedule." I responded.

"In a sense we are." Jacob stated. "I'm moving Darren over to the hospital as Head of Security, Frank finally retired. Which you're probably wondering what that has to do with you. Well, the reason Darren asked you to finish your degree, oh so many months ago. Or we should say year and months, was so you could be his assistant once he was placed as head."

I just looked at them, was this really going to finally happen. "Okay."

"So, here is the contract take a few days to look it over. If you agree to all of it. You start Monday, if not, we expect you to show up to your post at six-thirty Saturday night."

I think I was in shock, I just looked at them. "Toby are you there?" Darren asked while laughing.

"I'm not dreaming, this is really happening?"

Darren smiled. "Yes, but there is another thing."

"A catch?" I asked, of course there had to be something.

"In a sense, yes." I just looked at Darren. "No more uniform."

"Well, not going naked for you." I laughed.

"This job is suits." I closed my eyes, of course. "Do you own one?"

"One." I responded.

"Sport jackets?"

"A few."

"Well, you'll have to make do for the time being. Just change it up, until you bank enough to get a few more suits. But again, take the contract home, look over it and get back to us by..."

Jacob interrupted him. "Well its Tuesday, you asked for Friday off, you work Thursday. Why don't you take Thursday off too?" I went to object but Jacob stopped me. "On us, and get back to us Friday. We'll just meet back here at ten?"

"Sure, that sounds good." I shook both of their hands and picked up the contract. I walked out, Susie asked if my meeting went well. I told her better than expected. She smiled at me as I turned to walked out to the parking lot in a daze, I couldn't believe this was finally happening. I put the contract in my saddlebag and sat on my bike for a few minutes for my heart to calm down.

Darren came out into the parking lot, "You going to be okay? Because you look fucked up." He laughed.

"You want me to be your second, with no experience?" I questioned.

Darren closed the gap between us. "I like you kid, you have a good head on your shoulders, somewhat hot-tempered but all in all a good head. I would like to take you under my wing and I hope in a few years you can have your own assignment. This company needs some good young blood."


"Don't thank me now, just don't make me regret my choice." Darren clasped my shoulder before he walked away.

Jack wasn't the first person I call to talk to, it was my dad. Jack would've said, whatever they offer take it but I wanted to look through this offer, it was my first high paying job after my year as a police officer.

That was the first thing that I noticed when I flipped through the contract was the annual salary with the yearly increases. Currently I wasn't making much over minimum wage, I was just a basic security guard. Just looking at this contract it was doubling what I make now and actually a little more than what I made as a police officer.

My dad told me to meet him at the diner where we always go, he would be there on his lunch break. I went straight there and had coffee while I waited for him. When he informed me he was on his way, I ordered for him, I knew what he would like.

Dad looked over the contract, which I already had done a few times before he had arrived. "Well do you see anything you don't like about it?" He asked.

"Not really, they will even pay for my tuition if they request that I take more classes, which is great. I've already have a nice size student loan debt."

"Well stop paying for everything your boyfriend wants and you would be able to pay some of it down." I just looked at him, he's right but I'm not going to admit to anything.

"Oh and..." My dad looked at me.

"And what?" Because this is going to kill me.

"I have to dress up." He started laughing.

"How up?"

"Suits, Darren will take me wearing sports jackets and dress pants until I can buy a few. I only have one."

"You have two, it's in my closet. Remember the one we bought you for your grandmother's funeral."

"Okay, I have two. It still doesn't make me any happier." I half-heartedly smiled at my dad, he knows I hate dressing up.

"Well Tobias, you have to grow up sometime." He laughed at me again. "The raise after the first year alone should change your thinking."

"I was looking at that believe me. Jack will too, if I even show him the contract."

"Son, honestly if I were you, I wouldn't. I hate to tell you but if you tell Jack, you know you'll be footing more of the bills. He will find some way out of them and Toby before you say anything you know I'm right."

I wasn't going to stop my dad this time. "You're not wrong, but what do I tell him?"

"Ten to fifteen thousand less than what it is." He responded right away. "What are you making now forty hours a week at a little over minimum wage?"

"Forty-eight a week at ten, with the eight as time and a half."

"So roughly about twenty-eight thousand before taxes." Damn my dad can add quickly in his head. "Shit son, you're poor. How are you supporting Jack?" He smiled at me.

"Not easily, I'll say that. When rent alone takes a more than third of what I bring home a month."

"I thought I told you to find something you could afford the last time you moved?"

I smiled, "I did it's just harder with Jack. I pay my bills and he wants what I have left."


I cut him off before he could say it. "I know Dad, please. I'm getting to the point, but I still want him. I don't know why, but I do. He still has this hold on me, Dad."

"How old are you now?" Like my dad didn't know.

"I just turned twenty-seven."

"Okay, I'll give you a couple more years' son. If you're still with Jack, I'm handing you over to my brothers to knock some sense into you." He didn't smile so I knew he was serious.


"Don't Dad me, they have been asking me for years, what the hell happened to you. I love you Tobias, but you know I'm still coming to terms that I have a gay son. I still don't know where I went wrong."


"No Toby, did I do or not do something to cause this? Did I not protect you against something as a child?"

I took a deep breath. "No Dad, it's just who I am. I was never interested in the girls that I dated, not one of them." I laughed. "Hell I wasn't interested in any guys either, until the day I saw Jack. Jack blew my world apart, he gave it meaning Dad."

My dad was just looking at me so I continued. "Five years ago if you asked, if I would always be with Jack. I would've said yes, now I'm not so sure. Will it end today, no, tomorrow, no? Next year, I don't know. I still love Jack, somewhere in Jack's world he does love me. But I admit it's not nearly as much."

To answer his question. "Dad, Mom nor you did anything wrong, you protected me. I'm just in love with a guy. It's not going to ever change, I like men not women."

"Okay Tobias, I need to go back to work. Sign the contract and take the job, but for the love of God, don't tell Jack how much you'll be making. If anything have some money put into another account so if he does see a deposit he doesn't see your full amount."

"I will Dad, thank you."

"Tobias, come by the house tonight please. I would like to finish talking about you." I just looked at him. "Please Toby, since we finally opened this can. I would like to talk to you."

"Okay Dad, I'll be there by six."

"I'll have your mother set two extra places at the table." He got up to head out.

"Just one, Jack's out of town with friends until Sunday."

"Oh, so you have really taking it easy this week." He laughed as he walked away.


I went home for a while to relax, no I wasn't taking it easy Jack didn't leave until this morning. A few friends and he decided they were going to head off to Vegas, of all places. We had been fighting a lot more this past few weeks and had a huge one last night.

I vegged on the couch until almost five and I knew if I didn't get my ass up I would miss dinner. I sure the hell wasn't going to miss a home-cooked meal so I hustled, I rode my bike over and dad met me at the door. "Cutting dinner close aren't you?"

"I was enjoying the nice quiet apartment." Both of us laughed.

"Well it's just the three of us, so you'll have a nice quiet night here." I just looked at him because I knew I was in for a talk.

It was nice dinner, we all talked about general things and a little about me taking the new position. Mom wanted to know which hospital and I truly couldn't tell her. I was too stunned I was finally getting promoted that I forgot to ask.

Dad and I retreated to the basement, we turned the TV on to see if there was anything to watch. We sat watching highlights of different games that had played through the week. "You know I love you, right?"

"Yes Dad I know that."

"It's taken me a long time to come to terms with this. I didn't mean to come off that I haven't."


"Tobias, I know this is a new day and age, that kids nowadays tell their parents they are gay, straight or bi-sexual. I just wasn't ready to find out one of my kids were, even though I saw how you looked at Jack when you were in high school and afterwards. I saw it and I never asked because I didn't want to know."

My dad took a minute to collect his thoughts again, I didn't interrupt. "Toby, I know you put up enough with society and your uncles about your sexuality that you don't need it from me too. I have always wished my kids happiness, you know that Toby. I want you to be happy, I would love you to be happy, but I see you're not. If Jack is causing this much unhappiness, why not end it and find someone else."

"Dad, yes Jack causes a lot of my unhappiness but he still makes me happy. I would hate to end something that could work."

"When's the last time Jack has made you happy and sex doesn't count, Son."

I chuckled, "It's been a while, Dad. To be honest, we've been fighting so much lately that I can't even remember the last time."

"When was your last fight?" I knew he wasn't prying he was just looking out for me.

"Last night while he was packing for his Vegas trip. Before you ask, I was asking him who was going and he got into his usual huffy self."

"Do you know?"

"Not all, a few of his work friends because I dropped him off at work this morning and they all were packed in one car for the airport."

"But you think someone else?" My dad asked.

"I don't know, it's just weird. This trip came up out of the blue and he told me about it a few days ago. I've been on vacation with Jack, he doesn't do anything by the seat of his pants." My dad just nodded his head he remembers our trip to Hawaii before I became a cop, it was a nightmare for me. "Just makes me think, he either had this trip planned for a while or someone asked him."

"And you're thinking the latter." I nodded. "A new boyfriend?"

"I'm assuming, I could be wrong but that's my guess." I looked away. "I just don't know anymore. He cheats so much, I can't tell anymore when he's faithful."

"That's why I really wish you would think about finding someone new but I'm not going to push you. When it's time Tobias, you'll know. Just know I do love you and I will turn you over to your uncles when I think it's time." He did laugh this time, he got up and walked over to the mini fridge. "Why don't you stay tonight, have a few drinks."

"Sure." I responded.


"Toby had the nerve last night to question who was coming on this trip with me." I turned to Shana after we were all in the car and on our way because I didn't want Toby to hear me bitch.

Shana looked over to me. "When did you tell him about the trip?"

"Just a few days ago."

"Damn..." Brandon said from the front seat. "We've had this trip planned way before you were let go from Glo."

"Do you have a lead on another job yet?" Natasha asked.

"I have an interview next week. I hope I get it. It has been a pain staying out all day when it's Toby's day off."

"You never told him?" I just shook my head. "Damn you got nerve, what if you don't find another job? Won't Toby be wanting bill money?" Brandon asked.

"He already is that is why I told him a few days ago about the trip. I told him I needed it for spending money."

"Roy will give you plenty of that. He really wants you back." Shana stated.

"Oh I know and he has." I smiled. "It's just if I can have more money, why not? Toby can make the rent, he will make sure that is the first thing that is paid from all his bills."


I met with Darren and Jacob on Friday and signed the contract. Also as my dad instructed me I had another account set up for some of my pay to automatically be removed from my normal deposit. So Monday morning I was to start work at I found out my mother's hospital. She's going to love that but maybe I'll keep it a surprise and just walk up to her.

Once I signed the contract it was actually a peaceful weekend without Jack but I did miss him. When it came time to pick him up on Sunday, I was waiting in Glo's parking lot as instructed. They pulled up and I could see Jack hugging everyone in the car, Brandon got out and helped Jack retrieve his suitcase and then he was walking over to me.

"Did you have a nice time?" I asked.

"Actually it was okay, I thought I was going to have a better time." Jack exhaled. "Can you take me home now?"

"Yeah Jack." Boy was he in a bitchy ass mood. "It's up to you, do you want to come to my parents tonight or not?"

"Oh you're giving me a choice? WOW!" Jack exclaimed.

"Jack, you always have a choice, but you don't have to be an ass about it." I was driving to the apartment by now. I was going to drop him off, collect my helmet and ride over to my parents but it apparently was going to turn into a fight.

"No I don't Toby, you never give me a choice you tell me I have to go to your families or if I don't, you're sad."

"Jack, I'm not going to argue with you but there have been many of times that you haven't gone."

He scuffed. "Only when I've been off fucking someone else." He was glad I was pulling into the parking structure, I parked, not saying a word to him. I walked up to the apartment got my helmet and left.


Jack ended up telling me after a month that he didn't have a job because he couldn't pay even his bills. I could only help him out so much. I didn't tell him how much I was really making, but I took his car to work every day, because it became a pain rolling my clothes and dressing at work. It was great when he finally found employment again and it was actually a partner that split off from Glo and formed his own company.

But when he got a job, I lost the use of his car and had to start using my bike again. I was actually getting used to having a car, but using Jack's compact car was a little on the small side sometimes. So I started thinking it was time to grow up and car shop, one Sunday I informed my dad this and he laughed at me.

"It's about time you grew up and got rid of your bike."

"Who said I was getting rid of my bike, I just said I needed to buy a car. I can still keep my bike, I was going to store it in your garage and ride it on the weekends."

"Oh you were, were you?" He laughed. "And were you going to pay me rent?"

"Dad, I can't get rid of my bike."

"Okay Toby, but one of these days, you'll have to think about it."

"Yeah Dad, one of these days just not today but will you go with me looking?"

"I'm amazed you don't want to take Jack with you." He laughed.

He knew why I didn't want to take Jack with me, I would end up with an expensive car that I didn't need. Where all I want is something that is down to early, a decent size and affordable. I was looking at a Dodge Charger, Toyota Camry, or Toyota Avalon. I ended up with a black Camry which of course Jack hated but I'm the one driving it.

I had to of course rent another spot at the apartment complete and it was sad to let my bike go technically into storage at my parents. I wish I could say I got it out every weekend but I didn't, Jack found some excuse for me to do something so I couldn't take my bike out for a spin.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

If readers asked for a history of Toby before Jake (I haven’t read that one yet since it wanted to read them chronologically), that doesn’t mean the backstory has to be an absolute shit show! And one of abuse that went on for over 10 years. No one would have asked for this story as it was written - it is absolutely horrible. Jack is a hateful asshole and Toby’s willingness to put up with his constant infidelity and disrespect makes Toby seem weak and totally unlikeable. End this story before Toby himself is unredeemable.

chilliwackbc2020chilliwackbc2020about 4 years ago

I am looking forward for Toby to tell Jack to fuck off....he is a selfish little dickl

kmillerk1kmillerk1about 6 years agoAuthor
The End Is Near

I have 2 chapters left, One will be coming out in the next few days and the last, the wrap up will be in a week or so. This story again was a story that never should have been (but was asked for, Jake "The Doc's" prequel will NEVER be written). I hope everyone enjoys Chapter 7.

I am going silent once more. Thank you for reading. kmillerk1

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago
Let it go man

I'm with the first respond-er... Let him go man. You know he's cheating on you now he has a crappy attitude. Let him go!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago

I wish the author would end this Shit story! Wrap it up already. Let Tobias realize that he needs professional help to get free from this sick relationship. Jack is the Scum of the earth, let him find someone else to use! Like anybody else would ever put up with his cheating and his selfishness!!! I want Toby to find a guy that will sweep him off his feet, so he can tell Jack to go Fuck himself! After each chapter I read I promise myself its the last time. What a complete waste of time reading this Garbage!

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