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Jack's Story Ch. 02

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Jack's job ends. Jack's wife does the Bishop.
7.8k words

Part 2 of the 4 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 01/11/2012
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Wednesday had me back at work with Lori Ann. Wow, had my life changed since I last saw her. We got checked in and the other guards left.

"How was your weekend?" She asked.

Our weekends are on Monday & Tuesday.

"Pretty good. Some ups and downs. But, with some surprises."

"Not for me. I either work, sleep, or have the kids to watch. There is never a moment for just me. Then I talked to my husband in video chat from overseas. That little blonde clerk he seems to like was standing off behind him watching every word that was said. I'd like to have the little cunt killed."

"That sounds a little harsh!"

"Not to me!" Lori Ann reached out and put her hand on my shoulder. She had never done anything like that. She even stepped in another half step and grinned up at me.

"You're evil!"

"No, maybe I just have evil thoughts." She laughed.

She kind of had me with my mouth open. Between her using the word "cunt" and few minutes ago, touching me, and now hinting about thinking evil thoughts seemed really un-Mormon to me.

Lori Ann sat on the counter and I sat back in my chair. A truck came in and we got busy for a while after that. A couple of hours later it was just us again. I waited for her to start a conversation. I was lost in thought with images of my wife with whoever this guy might be. Thinking of her spending the night full of his sperm kept coming forefront in my mind.

"My thigh bothered me a couple of times while we were off."

"Is it trying to cramp now?"

"Yeah, I think so."

"Want me to help?"

"Sure!" Lori Ann pulled of the right shoe and put her foot in my lap. I pushed her pant leg up to her knee and started working briefly with her foot. She moved around to indicate she wanted my hands a little further up. I massaged her calf just a bit and slid my hand past her knee.

When I thought my fingers would run into her garment it wasn't where I expected it to be. I kept both hands inside her pants and massaged the lower third of her thigh. Lori Ann was getting all goofy acting and scooted down in her chair towards me. This put her foot on my cock. I was praying it would stay down and not embarrass me.

I moved my hands up to mid-thigh and kept working the muscle there. I didn't know shit about massage and don't think Lori Ann cared. I had my hand almost to her crotch when she stopped me with her hand.

"What happened to our little garment friend? I asked. "I don't feel your Mormon shield."

"I'll tell you what happened. That little slut in my husband's unit happened. We went through this once when he cheated on me and I'm sure he is fucking this little cunt. Meanwhile I am stuck here working this shit job and taking care of his kids while we miss the full income of his regular job."

I was hoping she didn't take the anger out on me. I didn't now what to say. She had used the "Cunt" word again and this time added "fucking". Definitely unexpected. I assumed she decided to dump the Mormon garment and it's sign of fidelity since her old man wasn't keeping his side of the deal. It seemed like the only sane thing for me to do was to keep up my massage.

What I ended up with was a hard stare from Lori Ann. I was afraid to stop moving my hands up and down her thigh. Her expression softened a little bit. I returned my attention to where I was just stopped by her a few moments before. She relaxed and her breath started coming more in a gasp and whimper. My left hand was about three inches from touching her pussy. I moved it up slowly until I could feel panty material against my knuckle on my little finger.

"Go ahead and touch my pussy." It came from almost under her breath. I could barely understand what she said.

"Are you sure?"

"After ten years of marriage and six children that cocksucker is not going to treat me like that. No man has every touched me sexually other than him."

I slid my little finger over her panties and ruffled across her pubic hair.

"No ... touch my pussy ... "

My finger hooked under the elastic at the leg hole and touched her pussy hair. I moved it around until until I felt her slit. It was damp. I took my fingers out of the leg and put my hand down the front of her panties. From my angle and the fabric of the pants restricting me I used my left thumb to rub across her cunt. My thumb found her clit and she leaned back and arched her back.

I wanted my tongue there, but that couldn't happen in the guard shack. And, this may be my only chance. She was really reacting to her clit being rubbed. I rubbed wider and got my thumb pushing into her cunt opening.

"If he likes little whores and sluts I'll give him one. Fuck my hot little cunt with your thumb."

I heard her that time. I went at it. She had herself so wet I had no problem finger, excuse me, thumb fucking her. Little squishy noises were coming from inside her as I stroked in and out. Then we hit the big time. Lori Ann tried to bite her lip, but screamed anyway as she rocked hard down on my hand and thumb. She beat on my shoulders. She started kissing me and tried to swallow my tongue.

"Oh, fuck. Why did I let you do that to me?"

"I thought you wanted me to do that to you?"

"Oh, I did. I needed someone so badly."

"I did what I could."

"Oh, shit. I came big time, didn't I?

A couple of trucks were heading towards our gate. Lori Ann tidied up the best she could and got her clothes straightened. I was pretty well all set unless someone questioned why I was sucking my thumb. The girl had a good taste about her.

As good as she tasted the shack smelled like pussy for about an hour. True to schedule, old Clint came in a half an hour way too soon. Out at the cars we kept a respectable distance.

"Don't think you'll get away with doing that just once."

"Don't think I let you get away with you letting me do that just once."

"See you tomorrow."

"Yeah, see you tomorrow."

When I got home at 8:30 my wife had a dinner ready for me. Usually it was pizza or hamburgers, but I got a real meal. We spent the evening together without a mention of sex. She did act a little more like she was interested though. It had been her day off. I had no idea what she had done and she didn't bring it up.

I was more interested in getting back to Lori Ann. Mostly to see if I was in deep shit, in heaven, or somewhere in between. We arrived to work at the shack at almost the same time. I waited in my car for her to get out, then joined her. We clocked in and waited for the early guards to check out and leave.

"How do you feel about yesterday?" Lori Ann seemed bubbly.

"I liked work yesterday."

"Me, too."

We clocked into the shack. We had vehicles lined up at the gate from the beginning and didn't get much slack during the rest of the shift. Then our supervisor came and stayed with us a couple of hours. That was kind of freaky. He had me wondering if maybe there was a camera somewhere I didn't know about. Nothing odd was mentioned so I guess Lori Ann and I still had jobs and were okay.

By the time he left we were busy the rest of the afternoon. It was almost time to go home when old Clint showed up about five minutes before crew change. He had to drive out of his way to get around an accident and was really nervous he would be late.

"Now you know why I always get here early." He reminded us.

"Thanks, Clint. See you tomorrow." I waved and headed to my car.

Lori Ann slowed for me to catch up.

"I got about worked up as much thinking about it as I would getting that thigh massage."

"Maybe tomorrow."

"Okay, we'll try. You owe me one!"

I wish I knew if she was a tease or wanted it to go further as we went along. When I got home my wife was already in her nightgown. She had brought me a couple of burgers, admitting she just got home herself. By 9 PM she suggested that I might want to take a shower. Something must be up.

When I got out of the shower she was standing at the foot of the bed naked. I had just reached for the towel to dry off.

"Do I look any different to you?"

Well she was naked, so the only thing that could be different would be her hair. It hadn't changed so I felt safe to answer.

"No, I don't think so. You look the same to me ... you look great."

She turned around and bent over the bed, bending from the waist and putting her cunt in full view.

"How about now?"

"No, still looking good."

Turning back around she sat on the edge of the bed and spread her thighs and really let it open up her pussy slit.

"How about this. Look the same?"

I couldn't figure out what I missed. There wasn't a tattoo hidden in her bush or any kind of piercing, of which I would have hated with a passion.

"No, you look exactly the same. I can't see anything any different about you."

"I didn't think you could." She moved up to put her head on the pillow and again spread herself wide open. "I'll just wait for you here until you are ready."

With the show going on I had a rock hard boner before I got dried off. I went onto the bed and got between her legs. I looked at her open cunt and gave a thought about how I had loved to eat her out. Yet, right at the bottom of her slit there seemed to be some pearl colored moisture.

I moved up and like a couple of nights before, I poked at her snatch with the head of my dick. I don't know why I had always let her guide me. I just nuzzled the head between her outer lips and the head popped right through. A few easy strokes and I was all in. Making short strokes I could feel the fluids washing around the head of my cock. Her cunt was soaking wet inside.

There wasn't any doubt in my mind that she had just fucked the other guy and was giving me sloppy seconds ... again. It was different. Different in a good way. It wasn't sloppy. Just super slick. Her cunt walls still gripped my cock like always before. Just this time was different. Different, I hate to admit, in a better way. She was a better fuck if I wasn't first to get my load in there.

My wife was really in to it. Moan and groaning, begging me to fuck her, and fuck her harder. She came a couple of times with me fucking her. Who knows how many times with the first man in her tonight.

"Oh, I really love that?"

"Love what?"

"I love you fucking me that way. Do you like it?"

I did. I, also, realized she was getting a kick out of fucking some other guy before fucking me and not letting on that she was swimming in sperm inside and thinking I wouldn't notice. I didn't care. It was kind of exciting. I was getting a lot more pussy than I had been. To go along with that my wife had not been that hot for fucking in a long time. My thoughts on the whole thing was when did she starting screwing around on me? I needed to answer her question.

"I do like it. You make it really special."

"Would you say it is better than when we used to do it?"

"Yes, it is better. You get so much wetter now." I tried to cast a little bait with my comment.

"Oh, I'm a lot wetter in there now compared to then." My wife laughed really hard. Getting her thoughts back to me plunging into her twat she got to humping back on my dick like her life depended on it.

I got into it, too. She would move so I could feel my cock hitting the end of her vagina. Whomever she was fucking apparently didn't have a dick any or much bigger than my own. I was relieved to know that. We both started to cum at the same time. I added my load to her slippery gash and held myself buried inside her. My seed mixing with that of her lover.

Again this time she wanted to remain in the bed with her cum filled pussy. Again, I looked at her wet hole and took my finger and pushed some inside her that had trickled out. Again, I watched the original puddle slip back inside her as she thrust he hips to were her cunt lips were almost straight up. The last little drip I had guided into her went out of site into her pinkness.

I went to the bathroom to clean up. When I came out she was still laying with her pussy rocked upward.

"Can I get you a washcloth so you can clean yourself up?"

"No, I think I'll stay like this for a while. If you want to watch TV go head. I may come sit with you later."

I was kind of tired. Maybe if I went to bed I can see how long she would lay like that. I hope at her age she isn't hoping that either my seed or this other guy she fucked would get her pregnant. I don't care which of us knocked her up. If she has a baby from this I'm putting her on the street where she belongs.

I got in bed and kissed her goodnight. I got a mouth full of tongue and a kiss that told me she would have another go if I was up to it. I played with her nipples. Within seconds they were sticking up hard like marbles. I ran my hand over her pussy expecting it to be slick from leaking cum. There wasn't a bit. She still had it all inside her.

After a couple of feels I laid on my side and pretended I was ready to go to sleep. About ten minutes later I heard her whisper.

"Are you asleep yet?'

"No, not really. Almost through." I lied. "What's up?"

"I've decided to shave my pussy!"

"You mean now?"

"No, I think I'll do it in the morning when I shower before going to work."

"Okay. I remember when we were younger I wanted you to shave your pussy and you wouldn't do it."

"Well, now I've decided that I want to shave it. It's my idea. My pussy. I'll do what I want with it!"

Boy I'll say she is doing what she wants with it. If she's decide on her own to let someone else fuck her I'm sure shaving her pussy wouldn't be up for discussion. I won't let on, I love her pussy hair, but the idea of seeing it naked was getting me hard.

The next morning I woke with her still in bed, her ass still in such a position as to elevate her cunt hole. I did an half roll and said good morning. I went right to her snatch with my hand.

"Whoa! No sticky cum this morning on you or the bed. Did you wash up after I went to sleep?"

"What I did was lay here and feel it all pool at at my cervix, then on into me. I think I got all of it to seep into my womb. I like the way it feels. All warm and slippery and knowing I must have a billion sperm deep inside me."

"Are you trying to get pregnant at our age?"

"You don't pay attention, do you? I'm done having babies. I'm forty-six. I haven't had a period in over a year!"

"Oh, I wondered why I it hadn't been mentioned in quite a while."

That was a relief. I won't have a kid that looks like the Bishop or some other stranger.

She went into the bathroom while I continued to lay in the bed. I heard the sound of scissors snipping. She was doing it. She was trimming her pussy to make it easier to shave. I could see her stooped over, her back to me, her right elbow moving around to work the scissors.

My wife got into the shower without even a glance to me. I could see a pile of the pussy hair where she had pushed it into a pile on the countertop. I went to the doorway of the bathroom to look at it. I had liked the look of her bush for thirty years and here was the most of it neatly gathered. I could see her movements though the shower door glass. I was soon to have a wife with a bald pussy.

She came out of the shower drying off with the towel. I had never left the doorway.

"How do it go?"

She looked up quickly, not expecting me to be standing there.

"Oh, pretty good I think."

She moved the towel to show me her handiwork. She had done it. Shaved every bit of it. It look like a little girl's pussy on a full grown woman.

"Looks nice. Really sexy!"

I probably would have knocked her over and buried my face in her cunt had we not just had the conversation about the billion sperm inside her. She put on her bra and slip and reached into the closet for the dress she would wear that day. She dropped it over her shoulders and let it fall into place.

As we started out of the room I nodded towards the clean panties she taken from her dresser, but had left on the bed.

"Do you think you'll need those?"

"Oh, maybe. I still have all that sperm inside that may try to get out. I can put them on if I feel a trickle."

She put her panties on the kitchen table while she put on her make up. I made her a couple of toaster waffles for breakfast. All ready to go, she started out, leaving the panties still by her plate.

"Aren't you forgetting something?"

"Oh, God! Honey thanks. I love you!"

She gave me a lingering kiss and turned to leave.

"Hey, don't I even get to check out the new look down there?"

"Oh, sure, grab a feel."

She lifted her dress, exposing her bare cunt lips, slightly parted in the middle. I ran a finger across her slit and cupped the smooth softness of her pussy mound in my hand. She dropped her dress back down and left to get into her car. Very hard to believe that was my wife. She waved with her panties in her hand as she started backing out of the driveway.

I always enjoyed her company, but this was just God Damned outrageous. I loved it. I didn't care who it was that was fucking her. This was absolutely fun! I picked the newspaper up from the yard and went back into the house.

My mind wasn't on the news as the idea of Mary Beth going to work with her nothing under her dress and a cum load from two of us buried, I guess, in her womb. I got a little tickled at the idea of some sperm leaking out and someone slipping on it, causing a fall at the store.

It was back to work day. I thought of Mary Beth the most of the morning as I loafed around and prepared to be on shift at noon. On the way to the shack I wondered if Lori Ann would be up to another leg massage if time permitted. I was a little bit early and Lori Ann was already there. The crew from the earlier shift had gone, leaving us alone.

"I thought of you while we were off. I worried what I would do if I got another thigh cramp."

"Really? I thought about your thighs." I teased.

"It's not funny. Actually my thigh a little sore now."

"I don't see any traffic. How about I massage it now?"

I was all for it. Lori Ann took off her shoe and put her foot in my lap like she had done before. I massaged her foot a little and then moved to her calf.

"I didn't tell you my leg was sore. It's my thigh!" She pointed about 4 inches below her pussy.

Working my way up her bare thigh I was glad she wasn't wearing her garment. Even a better surprise, she had her legs open and no panties. Without yet even a kiss between us I slipped my thumb into her open cunt. The girl was wet.

"Ahh, that's what I've needed so much. Finger fuck me. Make me cum!"

Lucky for her, no vehicles approached the shack. I made her cum on my hand three times. I don't know what she considered cheating on her husband, but to me it looked like she was well on her way to getting even.

"Oh, shit. You made me so wet. Hand me a couple of those paper towels."

"I have a better idea ... "

"What kind of an idea?"

"You'll have to lower your pants a little to find out."

"Really? I'm not sure I can let you do that. Not here. My husband hasn't even done that it years."

"It would only be fair ... after all ... " I motioned to her crotch."

"I don't think we should."

"Just let me get down there. Let me give it a kiss and get a taste of it. Then all you have to do is say stop."

Lori looked around the yard area. "I can't believe I'm doing this!'

She dropped her pants to the floor, moving her knees apart to give me good access. I looked at her hairy cunt. Her juices were leaking out of her pussy. I stuck my tongue in her slit and licked upward. Then gave it the kiss. She smelled and tasted really good. I wanted more. She didn't say stop and I wasn't going to stop anyway.

Her bush got my first attention. I sucked on the hair and stripped her girl cum off it. Then I went to her slit and began to scoop out the wetness with my tongue. She was moaning and rocking her cunt at my face while making little moaning sounds.


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