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Jamal and Orla Ch. 02

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Orla's Accident: Jamal and Orla get to know each other.
4.4k words

Part 2 of the 5 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 03/02/2012
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Chapter 02: Orla's Accident

Jamal took a shower and got dressed. He felt like a real stud, fucking married white sluts was a fantasy that was pretty popular in his neighborhood. He'd never really thought about it himself. The fucking "Head Nurse"! Yeah, she gave sweeeet head.

A bit dazed, he was walking to French class, where he was meant to be right after practice. He got to the corridor, and could see the closed classroom door. Just then, the bell rang.

Shit! He thought, I missed French! He looked up at the French room door, expecting to see his classmates clear out, but a bunch of Sophomores piled out instead.

Fuck! He thought, What is this shit? What's the time anyways?

Madame L'Oréal came to the door of the classroom. She was giving some kid a telling off, when she spotted him.

"Monsieur Jamal, why were you not in my class today? You 'ave the audacity to appear 'ere at going 'ome time? Why, I should give you detention." She wasn't best pleased.


"Non, Jamal, get in 'ere, you are in real trouble, Monsieur." Jamal was alright with just about anything right then, Nurse Dixon's skills still putting a smile on his face. In he went.

"Skipping classes is not acceptable, we shall 'ave to bring the Principle into this."

"I'm sorry, Madame, I was in physio. Nurse Dixon was treating me." And what a treat it was!

"Convenient, Monsieur. I just 'eard 'er speed out of the car park. She can not corroborate your story."

"Come on, anyone on the team can, the Coach, too, this is unfair, you can't do this."

"I'll tell you what I can or can't do, Monsieur. I can make sure you cover today's lesson, so get started while I try to contact your Coach. Your team mates will 'ave gone 'ome."

Jamal wasn't in the mood to argue. His earlier treatment had sucked all of the stress from his body, among other things. He got his French books out and got started on the work.

Orla was a top student, and she often stayed late at school. Teachers would often ask her to help them with some small tasks around the place while she was there, cleaning blackboards, setting up experiments, etc. It gave her a chance to ask the teachers for help if she was confused by anything. Just so happened that today she was having some trouble with French.

She arrived at Madame L'Oréal's French room to find her sitting on a desk with Jamal on the chair in front of her. The French teacher looked a little flustered.

"Ah, Orla, I was just finding out what makes it so 'ard for Jamal in French." She said, turning around. "Are you 'ere to 'elp me out, or is it you who needs some 'elp?"

Orla looked at Jamal, sensing that there would be some chance here, somehow.

"A bit of both, really." She smiled, "Do you need any help?"

"Oui, Orla. I am going to see the principle, can you 'elp Jamal 'ere. 'ee is 'aving some difficulties."

"Sure thing, Madame." I'll 'elp him out of those pants.

"Thank you, Orla." She swirled and left.

"What you in detention for?" Orla asked, keen to break the ice.

"Madame thinks I skipped class, but I was in the treatment room with Nurse Dixon."

I know, she thought, "What was wrong?"

"Not sure," he answered, truthfully, "I got something weird going on down there," he gestured vaguely at his legs, "she gave me something to take down the swelling," he said with a glint in his eye, "and told me to come back tomorrow." He felt like he should keep the true events quiet, at least for now. Less likely to have a repeat otherwise!

"That took a whole two hours?" Orla was sceptical, even though she had seen him in there.

"Yeah, she took a while to see me, and there was quite a lengthy exam, and a lot of massaging. She said she'd never seen anything like it. She bandaged me up tight, too, not sure what that's meant to do, though." None of that had been a lie, and he was pretty happy about the whole thing, so he came across as genuine, at least to Orla.

"Does it hurt?"

"No, its not sore. I mean it was sore, but its calmed down." He smiled.

"Guess Nurse Dixon's treatment helped after all." She smiled back. He smiled even wider.

Suddenly, Madame L'Oréal burst in.

"The Principal says I cannot detain you, Jamal. You can go. Orla, would you mind if I 'elped you tomorrow, I 'ave to go." She certainly looked flustered now.

"No problem Madame. Everything OK?"

"Oui, tomorrow, OK." She stormed off.

"You want a ride home, basketball star?" Asked Orla.

"You don't know where I live, girl." Jamal answered.

"It's in the city, tho, right? So it'd be something to do for like half an hour. Besides, Grandfather says we should help our injured brethren." Jamal smiled.

"Shit, yeah. I clean forgot about you. You're the religious nut, huh? You're not gonna convert me, you know!"

"I'm not a nut, fuckwad. I'm not trying to convert you either, I just thought with your leg and all... Nevermind."

"No... No, you're right, I'm sorry, you didn't deserve that. You've been real nice to me. Sure, sure I'll take a ride, and thanks. I owe you one."

"Never know when I might come to collect!" She laughed. "Can you walk OK?"


"OK, let's get you up, then." Jamal packed away his things and was getting up, but tripped a little.

"I thought you said you were alright to walk, basketball star!" Orla laughed. She lifted his arm over her shoulder and helped him up. She positioned herself just in front, giving her a stronger stance. This also meant that she could try to judge his "snake" with her ass. She wasn't able to tell, however, as there was something in the way.

"I'm all right, seriously," he said, feeling her ass rubbing against his shaft. It would have been an embarrassing moment to get a hard on. He felt a twinge as the blood began to flow to his cock. "I'll be fine." He said, stepping away a little.

"You sure? I wouldn't want you to collapse on the stairs or something." She thought she had felt his muscle twitch in his pants, but how would she explain that?

"Sure, c'mon!" He hadn't convinced her, but he wasn't going to wait around. He was already making his way to the door.

"All right, all right! Wait, here I come!" He turned to face her just on time to see her bend over at the waist to pick up her bag from the floor. Her ass was full and firm through her skirt, and she lingered just a fraction too long with her ass in the air.

She turned, first seeing his face, which was trying to look innocent, then his pants, which contained a bulge, but it could only be a result of the injury. Nothing should bulge that low down. He looked a bit embarrassed now, too.

They walked down to the car park, where Orla's old Chrysler was sitting, probably in need of some attention, definitely a lick of paint. It had been a gift to the church, and she was allowed to drive it to school.

"Not too shabby," said Jamal, running a finger along the worst of the rust spots.

"It's not great, really. But it starts!" Orla replied, bashfully.

"Hey, these things just keep on going!" He beamed, pleased to see her smile back.

"You think so? I don't know, its not exactly new."

"Don't sweat it. If you have any trouble, I'll be glad to take a look."

"I might take you up on that."

Two happy kids, they got into the car and Orla drove off. Jamal gave her some rough directions, occasionally stealing glances at her bare legs, and wondering how far up her skirt would ride before she fixed it. He imagined it would not be much farther before he saw panties. Unless she was like the nurse. Wow.

They stopped at a junction, where Orla looked over at him. He was looking right at her legs, which she had deliberately uncovered by sliding her skirt up. They were doing their magic, for sure, but she couldn't believe her eyes, because when she checked for the bulge in his pants, it stretched down past his knee!

She almost choked. Jamal realised that she'd spotted his hardening cock. He grabbed his bag and tried to cover himself up, looking embarrassed and sheepish.

"I'm, umm, sorry. Umm, you can drop me here, if you like. Umm, sorry." He was already trying to open the car, but Orla drove off before he could get it open.

"It's all right, I'm flattered. And kinda curious. What you got in there, a police baton?" She grinned, "or is that why they call you Snake?"

"Yeah, that's part of it. I don't know if I should show you, though." His embarrassment eased off a bit, but not completely. "Ain't you're religion got something to say about it?" He asked, trying to gain the upper hand. She gave him a weird look.

"Something, yeah. I don't think we should talk about that, though." She looked kinda angry, not at all what he expected.

"Hey, what kinda religion is it anyways? I guess I never asked." He was glad to change the subject. For now at least.

"We're a Christian group," she returned, relieved like him to talk about something else. "We place emphasis on equality, sharing, brotherhood, that kind of thing. Grandfather's favourite commandment is love thy neighbor. He's a big fan of that one."

"I can relate to that, I guess, I thought it was some kind of cult!"

"A lot of people say that. It's a new church, and people who don't understand that say cult. We don't mind, its the message that's important." She shrugged. "My grandfather founded the Church of Love and Equality when he was 32. It's been growing ever since."

"Wow, your Gramps, huh? No wonder you're into that stuff. Pretty cool, though. Maybe I'll come along one day."

"Maybe. Now though, you've got your answers. Time I got mine!"

She had stopped in a car park. There were no other cars in there, but it was broad daylight, and the place was open for just anyone to come in. They had, hadn't they? But she was driving, so it was either get out and walk, or see where this went. She reached over to him, and he got ready to feel a hand on his cock. She hesitated for a teasing second, then quickly grabbed the backrest adjustment handle and yanked it. Jamal fell right back. With surprising speed, Orla straddled his chest, pinning him to the seat.

"I've been trying to see this cock of yours all day long. You think I want to peek at it? I'm gonna make it my toy, and you're gonna be back for more!"

She spun, now facing his legs, she leaned forward and ran her palms down his legs, feeling the hard length of his weapon running down one leg.

Her skirt was still bunched a little, but Jamal flipped it up, uncovering her firm, round butt. Her panties, lacy black numbers, covered her pussy, but a growing damp patch made it clear that she was already worked up.

Orla was nibbling at him through his pants, teeth separated from flesh by cotton, she could bite pretty hard, feeling the hardened muscular resistance.

She unzipped his pants, moving a hand into them. She kept biting and nibbling, her hand rubbing his boxer shorts, feeling for his balls. She gasped when she realised that she had found one, and pulled her hand free. Now with fresh impetus, she tore at the button of his pants and dragged them downwards.

Jamal reached a finger out and touched the damp area on her panties, making her moan and buck her hips. She was horny as hell!

Jamal didn't make it easy for her to pull down his pants. He knew she'd be getting hotter with the anticipation, and she wouldn't be disappointed! She hadn't got them past his ass, but she was drooling, hungry for what might be in store.

Tugging and pulling, she got them past the legs of his shorts. She was shocked to find that his cock was sticking out of his shorts, and she still hadn't unsheathed the whole thing! She couldn't help herself, and leaned forward to kiss this shaft. Jamal picked this moment to run his finger across her clit under her sodden panties.

She came.

Her legs began to shake, her hips jerked, bucking onto Jamal's hand, his finger forced into her pussy.

"FUUUUUUUUCK!" She screamed, her tight pussy clamping, vice like around Jamal's finger, his hand and chest now soaked. A second wave of spasms rocked her, this time she was able to use it to her advantage, tearing Jamal's pants down past his knees until his purple and swollen cock head filled her vision. She quickly engulfed it, passions wildly inflamed, unthinking, animal. Before he could stop her, she was sucking the hole organ into her throat, sliding her body backward.

His boxer shorts were a slight obstacle to her, but she pulled them back as best she could, soon nestling her nose against his huge nuts. Jamal was on the verge of shooting his load right there. She had swallowed his whole cock, right there, first time.

Her pussy was still about a foot away from his face. Although he wanted a taste, he settled for pleasing her with his fingers. Her whole body rocked back onto them, big cock sliding out of her hungry mouth. She sat up, her pussy tight around Jamal's middle finger, thumb flickering across her clitoris. Jamal's cock, stretching his boxer shorts, twitched, beckoning her.

She ground into his hand, feeling another orgasm building, slowly filling her tingling body. She plunged her face forward, now ignoring the main attraction, and went straight for Jamal's cum filled balls. Noisy slurps and licks covered his fuzzy nutsack, while the church girl sucked and drooled over them. Her hands got under them, through the cotton shorts, she tickled and nibbled and rolled her tongue around them until they were bathed in her saliva, damp and glistening.

Jamal's finger pushed into her. Her orgasm built and swelled and as she sat up, taking Jamal's cock in both hands, and as Jamal jammed a second finger into her tight slot, she came again, pussy clenching around the thick fingers invading her.

"Sheeeee-iiiit! Oooooh FUUUUUUCK!" She shook and ground his hand and shuddered. She shook violently, but sexy as it was, it was too much. She whacked her head on the door, and collapsed.

Jamal took a moment to register what had happened.

"Orla!" He nudged her, removing his hand from her soaked panties. "Orla, you all right?" No response. "Orla, wake up!"

He nudged her pretty hard, but she remained limp. He didn't know what to do! She was a dead weight on him, he was pinned to the reclined seat. He was going to have to move her.

She was sitting pretty far up his chest, but she had slumped forward. There wouldn't be much room for her to go forward, and he really didn't want to bump her head again, so he decided that it would be easier to move her into the back seats. He pulled her feet out of the tight gaps she had wedged them into, and slid her up his chest until she was virtually sitting on his face.

That was when he noticed the blood. It seemed to be coming from under her panties, but from this angle, he couldn't be sure of much. He hoped that it was just her hymen. She was a virgin, then?

With a fairly large effort, careful not to whack her head again, he put her on the back seat. Her feet dragged painfully across his face.

Sitting up, he turned her legs around and sat her up. She was breathing, thank God! Ok, now what? Hospital? Does she have insurance? Don't know, umm, where does she live? Shot! I don't know! Nurse Dixon could, oh bit she fucking left! I can just leave her here! Fuck! My place, then. Mom probably won't be home, but at least it's better than here! No seat belts in this old thing, shit!

He fixed the passenger seat and carried her around to it, belting her in. She was pretty light, now that he could get a proper hold on her.

He got into the driver's seat. Thankfully, the keys were still in the ignition, so he started the old Chrysler. First time, reliable old beast, this.

Soon, he had arrived at the house. No one in, as he had expected. Only Jamal and his mom lived there, but she worked more often now that he was old enough to look after himself.

Orla had been dreaming, snoring and generally showing the world that it'd take more than a bump in the noggin to finish her off. Jamal carried her carefully from the car and laid her on his bed. He fixed her a hot drink and left it where she'd see it when she woke up. He hoped she'd wake up soon!

He went to get washed up. He was sweaty and bloody. His shirt was ruined. He'd have to go out and get one before his mom found out. He stripped and quickly showered. There was blood under his fingernails, but he couldn't leave her in there by herself for long.

He came back to his bedroom to find some clothes and found Orla sitting up groggily. Relieved, he walked over to her. He was still pretty worried about her, she might have a concussion, or a cracked skull!

"Hey, hey, you all right? You've taken quite a knock! I didn't know what to do, so I brought you here. Made you some cocoa, why don't you sit right there and drink up, then I'll show you the washroom."

She looked up at him, confused.

"Jamal?" She asked, "What happened? Where am I?"

"Drink up, I'll, umm, check to see if you've got concussion."

She sipped at the cocoa, allowing her head to clear. While Jamal shone a torch in her eyes, she remembered the last thing that she was doing. It brought a smile to her lips.

"I was sucking your cock, and I blacked out?" She was laughing at how silly this sounded.

"Yeah, you came pretty hard, and banged your head on the door, I think."

She looked up at his naked form, suddenly filled with desire again.

"Did you? Cum, I mean? I should return the favour, after all." She got up, cocoa forgotten on the floor, and started walking towards him.

"Oh, no. Not right now. No, you need to see a doctor. You have insurance?"

"I'm only sure of one thing, Snake. I want that cock!" She kept walking, reaching, entranced. Jamal would have been happy to oblige, but now was not the time.

"Orla, you were bleeding, you know, down there, I don't know what happened." She reached down and wrapped a hand around his cock, mouth hungrily hanging open. She was in the process of sinking to her knees, when his word sank into her brain. Her eyes flickered, her trance broke, realization dawned.

"Wait, what?" Her eyes widened, she looked up at him, startled. "Blood? Umm, ok, yeah, maybe you're right. Umm, where's that washroom?"

He took her to the small washroom, self control slowly trickling away. She still had his cock in her hand and was stroking it absent mindedly. By the time they got to the washroom it was starting to harden. She looked up at him and kissed his bare chest, as high as her mouth could reach. She walked into the washroom, still clutching at Jamal's tool.

"Orla," he spoke gently, "you can let go now." She looked up, question in her eyes, then down, noticing for the first time what she was doing. She took the other hand and weighed his ball sack, looking him in the eye.

"We'll empty these soon enough." She said, a wicked smile on her lips, then she let go and closed the door.

Jamal got dressed, and soon they were ready to go. He had no intention of letting her drive. Even though he'd shone the torch into her eyes, he didn't really know what he was looking for. Grabbing the keys, he asked her,

"Where are we going then?"

"I should go to the church. I need to speak to... someone." She answered. They went out to the car, Jamal telling her he'd need directions.

"Go out onto 38th, heading east," she told him, "you'll see it."

She sat in the passenger seat, a wicked grin on her lips, and as soon as he sat down, she started tore down his pants. She put her head in his lap and started sucking his balls and found his hard cock with her hand.

"Drive, Jamal, I want to get there today!" She demanded, sliding her lips over the tip of his mountainous hard on. He didn't need to be told twice.

She expertly wrapped her tongue around his cock, sucking down the whole length and coming up for air only when she wanted a slurp at his fuzzy balls. Her head was bobbing and her lips were sucking and his cock was oozing pre-cum. He was tempted to drive around the block a few times, but he was still worried about that knock she'd taken, so as he turned onto 38th, her hot mouth twisting and sucking and slurping on his cock, he was glad to see the church, a neon light on the spire, proclaiming the churches message. "Equality".


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