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Jen Goes to College


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"Toys?" said Jen, smiling. "Uncle Mike, I'm not a little kid anymore."

And clearly not a woman who knows much about adult things, he thought, smiling.

After a satisfying plate of eggs, buttered bagel, and banana, the upstairs routine began. Jen already knew the bathroom door didn't latch properly — the little outward thingie didn't seem to line up with the part it's supposed to catch into. This was worrisome to Jen now that she was about to strip naked, so she undressed quickly and piled her shorts and t-shirt on the floor against the door to hold it shut.

The shower curtain had a floral, feminine look to it, but for some reason the tub and shower itself felt very masculine to Jen, a new kind of masculinity that surrounded her goosebumpy nakidity, her distracted mind trying to shake it, trying to stay focused on her first day of college.

She dried herself and finished up quickly in the bathroom, not wanting to hog it, thinking Uncle Mike would still be in the kitchen drinking coffee, ready to come up and take his shower when she gave him the signal, whatever the signal might be. With her mind in a dither of school thoughts, she wrapped her towel around her, opened the door and there was Mike, in his room, lying on his bed with one leg up and one leg down, the pose and the masculine bare-chested look of him reminding Jen of a male model even though Uncle Mike was father-age and much more of an 'everyman' kind of guy.

"Sweet," he said, his eyes on her towel-clad physique, a bit too far away to notice her goosebumps. "Good hot water, right?"

"Oh. Yeah," Jen said, hoping to escape his gaze quickly.

"Hey, come here a minute. Let's talk dinner," he said, getting up off his bed, approaching Jen halfway, her tentative steps leading her to his doorway. He noticed her eyes darting around, looking at things in the room. "Any foods you don't like? Any allergies or anything?"

"No," Jen said. "My Mom says I'll eat anything." Jen felt his eyes noticing her slouching, so she stood up straight, chest out and shoulders back. She suddenly realized this wasn't a thing she should do when wearing just a towel, her mind reeling when she had to quickly grab and re-tuck it, the tuck at her cleavage that she'd hastily done in the bathroom having nearly flung itself open from the outward thrust of her new-postured breasts.

"You look good that way," Mike said, his eyes twinkling in a way Jen liked. "Seriously. Walk around campus all straight like that and guys'll be following you home. That's totally cool by the way, we should get that all out in the open right now. You're welcome to bring home any friends you want, guys or whatever. I'll give you privacy, but if they stay overnight I'll still want to use my bedroom. I know we're right next door to each other, but...I promise not to listen...too much."

"Oh, wow," was all Jen could think to say. These new adult privileges were completely, totally new to her, and they were almost overwhelming.

"It's funny, I wonder if it'll be the first sex on Sarah's bed. I'm guessing she's already christened it a time or two. Her mother and I were never around much in the daytime, so..."

Jen stood dumbfounded, her innocent brain nearly overheating, her nearly naked body slouching again. She straightened herself, slower this time, a feeling of womanliness rising up in her tingling veins, her wide eyes taking in Uncle Mike's genuinely kind smile.

Fifteen minutes later, after a quick dressing and an even quicker hair drying and make-up application, Jen knew she needed to get to the bus stop so she wouldn't be late. Mike was in the shower, using a huge amount of those gallons of hot water he'd mentioned. The bathroom door was already open a crack, and her knocking opened it some more, much to her horror, her worried mind thinking he'd think she'd done it on purpose. But the stupid door didn't latch properly and she didn't want to touch it and screw things up more, so she peered in through the six inch opening because she...she didn't actually know why she was doing it, but it was happening, and her voice was calling out to Mike, and he flung the shower curtain open more than halfway, and Jen was wide-eyed, looking at him through the foggy steam.

"Yeah, have a good day, Jen," he said, so casual and wet, looking right at her, his body leaning so as to keep his privates from her view, but only just barely. "Call me if you need anything. Is dinner at seven okay with you?"

"Yes," Jen said, unable to look away from her surprisingly uninhibited uncle until her feet finally walked her away.

"Oh my God, I made a mess of things," Jen said, her eyes welling with tears just after Mike returned home from work. "I got so lost on campus, I was late for two different classes. On the first day!"

"Jen, these things happen, right? Tomorrow you'll have it all figured out. I'm sure all the staff there know that the first day is always kind of a mess. Right? Did you call your mom and tell her about it?"

"She said the same thing," Jen said, nodding, but her botched day weighed heavily on her.

"Hey, check it out," Mike said, setting a big box down on the kitchen counter. "I stopped and bought a whole bunch of kinds of wine. We'll have a different one each night, and Friday we'll do a blind tasting and see how you do. Maybe next week I'll get scotch or bourbon. Guys'll find it really impressive if you know this stuff."

"Will they?"

"Oh, yeah. I know I'd be impressed. Oh, and I snagged some panties for you from the store," he said, reaching for them and handing them to her. "I got these robin's egg blue ones because they look like something Taylor might wear," he said, winking in a way that was more friendly than creepy.

"Uncle Mike, these are tiny!"

"I thought, since it's so warm upstairs, sleeping nude's really best, but with these you can just wander around and not be embarrassed in front of me. Sarah wears them." Always under her bathrobe, or under her clothes, he probably should have added.

"Sarah? Really?"

"Yeah. Her mother got them at the store, and she told me Sarah liked them and said I should order in more of them because so many of the college kids shop at the store."

"Thank you," Jen said, blushing, stuffing them in the pocket of her jeans instead of closely examining them the way she wanted to. They were certainly sexy, she could already tell. Way, way sexier than her usual panties.

Jen sat at the table, going over school work while Mike cooked dinner. Tonight he made quick-roasted boneless chicken thighs, with rice and carrots on the side. With the chicken in the oven, its lovely aroma scenting the air, he poured two glasses of wine and handed one to Jen. "What are you working on?"

"Going over the syllabus for my Statistical Theory class," she said, her eyes sparkling as she tasted the new wine, happy with this new way of being an adult. Straightening her sitting posture when she felt Mike's eyes on her, she took another sip. "What's this one? I like it."

"Better than the Merlot last night? This is called Shiraz."

"Yup, better," Jen said, tasting it again.

Finishing that glass, and another small refill with her dinner, she sat back in her chair when her plate was empty and thought how lucky she was to have Mike cooking for her. "That was really good Uncle Mike."

Mike nodded, looking pleased. "Hey, try on those panties I got for you. I'll give you the male point of view on how they look on you."

"Uncle Mike! You want me to model them for you?"

"I do. You might like it. Lots of women like showing off for men."

There was that 'women' word again, the one Jen couldn't get used to. Does he really think I'm one, she wondered? And is showing off in panties really a thing? She knew that it very well might be, and she also knew it sounded terrifying but also strangely exciting, the goosebumps all over her body being clear proof of it.

"You can put 'em on right here if you want, or go upstairs and come down. I'll wait here. Wanna watch TV with me?"

"I'm not putting 'em on right here! " exclaimed Jen, sounding very girlish, her face blushing almost as red as the wine she'd drank.

Mike smiled. "Okay. I'll wait."

Jen's eyes flared even wider, her heart pounding, her mind spinning in all kinds of conflicting ways. Without knowing exactly why, she got up from her chair, feeling the alcohol in her blood in a new way, and she walked toward the stairs, and up them, and she took the new blue panties out of her pocket.

Sarah's little room felt so very silent as Jen undressed, the big mirror there for the looking, and Jen looked, often, as she adjusted her posture, the blue panties now on her, her shirt long enough that she had to hold the hem of it up to see them properly. "Oh my God...wow," she softly said, her eyes looking in the mirror at the way her ass thrust out, this new 'proper posture' doing more than just making her bust look bigger.

"God, I love this blue," she said, looking, twisting, trying to see all the angles. The cut of these panties was skimpy, and the laciness of them, the frilly edges, made them look even more dainty and wispy. They weren't the least bit loose, not any bit of them, instead fitting to her body like they were painted on with a delicate brush. Even the crack of her ass was defined, the snug little panties designed to pull inward in between the buttocks, looking ever so modern and sexy.

Jen didn't exactly know what to do at this point, a point in time that seemed to stand still, the room's quiet nearly overwhelming, her mind hearing the silent siren call of a nice older man who wanted to see her looking this way. This fun new sexiness felt almost like a new toy to play with, a private one that real adults enjoy. But...to actually go downstairs, to show off like this in front of a man, in front of Uncle Mike, it seemed wrong, but somehow right. She decided, right then and there, that being a college girl meant embracing adulthood and jumping into new, less childish things, so...

Going down the stairs, to the kitchen where Mike waited, made her all goosebumpy and tingly. Her bare feet moved stealthily and Mike was surprised when she was there.

"Oh, wow, Jen," he said, his kind eyes drinking her in. "I like it. Do you like it?"

Jen nodded, blushing, not sure of what to say.

"Pull your shirt up, so I can see."

Jen did it, feeling that nice tingle in her blood from acting on Uncle Mike's requests, her hands lifting the shirt's hem, giving him the full view of things, all the way up to above her bellybutton.

"Fuck yeah. You look hot. Totally fucking hot."

This compliment was the best she'd ever received in her whole entire life. It made all her muscles tight, even spasming a little, her stomach, especially, subtly but noticeably moving in a nervously excited way.

"I've seen women tie their shirts up like that," Mike said. "Try unbuttoning it if you want to, and tying the shirttails together. I'll bet it'll look awesome."

"Un...button it? You mean...all the way?"

Yeah. Shoot, I should have brought home the matching bra. I figured we'd wait on it till Margaret can do your fitting. Whatever you've got on now is fine, though. Mix and match is cool, too, right?"

Jen nodded, but she really didn't know. Sexy fashion wasn't her thing, but she thought maybe now she wanted it to be. To be called hot, by a real man, yes, these new ideas were definitely worth trying.

Mike watched her slender, nervous fingers as she unbuttoned her shirt. "We've got some cool rings at the store. Ones made out of silver, modern looking, like girls with tattoos would wear, you know what I mean? Would you like to try some? They wear them on all different fingers these days. I think it looks cool."

"Yeah, me too," Jen said, her shirt now unbuttoned but not open much, just enough to see that her bra is white. "So what do I do now?"

"Just do a simple tie with the shirttails. An overhand knot, like you do when you start tying your shoes."

"Oh," said Jen, doing it. "And...leave it all unbuttoned?" Her face blushed again at the thought of walking around that way, this way, in these sexy little blue panties, with the top of her looking like a party girl from the movies. Tying the shirt's tails made the whole of the front of it open some more; she thought of adjusting it for a bit more modesty, but she left it in its naturally flirty state. With her head still tipped down, looking at herself, she worried that Mike might think she looked wrong somehow, too immature, maybe, or just a silly girl who wasn't ready for this kind of attempt at 'hotness'.

"See that? You look fuckin' awesome," Mike said. "You gotta work it, though. Stand up straight, shoulders back."

Jen did it, looking into Mike's eyes now, her shirt opening more, her beautiful, youthful cleavage finally on display for him. Jen's thoughts and her heart both sped up, a warm physiological jumble that made her breathless, and kept her that way.

"Damn," said Mike. "I wish I'd known you were this hot, I could have sold tickets to all the neighborhood men. Could have made a fuckin' fortune."

Jen giggled. Her plain white bra wasn't minuscule by any stretch of the imagination, but the flesh of her breasts that did show jiggled in a sexy way when she laughed.

"If you're ever with a boy you like, dress just like that without the bra. You women don't realize how easy it is to make men your slaves."

Jen's smile beamed, bright and beautiful. She looked at her empty wineglass, but decided it was time to do some school work, to get her distracted mind back on the real reason she was there. "Thanks for dinner Uncle Mike. You're an awesome cook."

"You can call me Mike if you want. I'd kinda like it."

Jen's smile stayed big and bright. "I'm gonna go up and study for a while before bed. Can I help you clean up first?" she asked, looking around at the dinner dishes.

"I should say yes, just so I can stare at your sweet ass while you're at the sink, but no, Jen, go hit the books. Some things are more important than my pleasure."

Jen kept smiling, now with a deeper feeling of goodness about herself, about her body, about her future. Maybe there would be a boy in her life, after all, and maybe it would be this very year at school.

It was three hours later when she saw Mike, the first time he'd been upstairs since the impromptu after dinner lingerie fashion show. Jen, already in bed before 11pm to try and get a good night's sleep, lay rather uncomfortably on the too-warm bedsheet again, in the dark, this time with her door already open, hoping the cross-ventilation would encourage some fresh air to waft in through the open window. She'd dressed herself in her usual sleeping shorts and t-shirt again, and she lay on her back with her arms and legs all relaxedly askew, her head turned toward the open door when she heard Mike upstairs in his room. Just a minute or so later she saw him walk to the bathroom, fully nude again, like last night.

Her heart pounded and her breathing changed a bit, but she didn't move, deciding to stay as she was, deciding to keep her eyes open this time.

It was just a minute later when Mike walked out of the bathroom, his slow pace giving him time to glance into Jen's room. His eyes caught hers, and he paused, the dim hallway nightlight letting Jen see all of his full-frontal nakidity. "Oh, goodnight, Jen. Sleep tight," he said, and then he was gone, and when he was on his bed his hand fondled his already hardening cock again, and he stroked it when it was fully hard. This time, Jen heard something, and her surprised, shocked, excited mind had a pretty good idea of what it was.

The next morning, soft sunlight light streamed in through Jen's bedroom window. She stood there looking at a bird in a close tree branch when a knock at her open door startled her. Dressed in just the little blue panties and white bra that she'd put on in the middle of the too-warm night, she felt almost naked as Mike looked at her, himself wearing nothing but a pair of sleek, skin-tight gray boxer briefs, ones that showed off his manly lump in a well-constrained but bulging way. "Toss your laundry in here," he said, holding out a half-full laundry basket. "I'll do a load before work."

"Oh," she said, sure she should cover up but for some reason not doing it, maybe because she and Mike were both equally clad in scanty underwear. "Okay, yeah. But...you don't have to do mine. I can do it some other time."

"No, toss it in. I'm happy to do it."

Jen only had a few dirty clothes to give him, so the bra and two pairs of plain-looking panties she added to the basket stood out and were easy to see. She blushed when she saw them there on the top of the other clothes, one of the panties a bright red color, looking like a cherry on the top of a basket of dull-colored ice cream.

"Ooo, a red girl. You know, the first time I met you I had a feeling you were gonna grow up sexy."

Jen gigged, knowing her uncle Mike probably met her soon after she was born.

Mike trotted down the stairs with the laundry basket, and Jen went into the bathroom for her morning shower. Less troubled by the unlatch-able door now, she didn't even bother wedging it closed with her stripped off clothes, not that her bra and tiny blue panties would have provided much ballast. Instead, knowing Mike was downstairs, she left the door cracked open the way it seemed to like to be, and she hurried into the steamy shower knowing she was running a little behind the clock this morning.

It was that same hurrying haste that caused her to fling open the shower curtain when she was done rinsing, her eyes still a little soapy.

"Oh, wow, that was quick!" said Mike, standing there in the open bathroom doorway with a nice white towel in his hand. "I brought up a fresh one for you from the laundry. Sorry, I was...just gonna leave it."

Jen grabbed the shower curtain and pulled it to her, almost wrapping herself in it. "Thank you," she nervously said. They were the only two words that came to her, her darting, wide eyes all over Mike, more than she knew they should be. It was his nicely packaged lump that kept grabbing her eye, a lump that she was certain was bigger than before. All this happened quickly, it wasn't like she stared forever, but in these seconds her darting gaze glanced up and down so many times — from Mike's eyes to his lump, to his eyes, to his lump, to his eyes, to his lump...

It stunned her that his growing lump was the last thing he'd seen her look at before he withdrew. Absolutely stunned her. And not only that, he left the door wide open!

Jen was relieved when she caught the bus and was whisked away toward campus; the previous evening and this morning had been a complete mental overload. With the exception of being seen fully naked in the shower, they were interesting things that had happened, that was for sure, but wow, it was a true whirlwind that was spinning in her mind, so much so that her first days at school were feeling like a respite from the excitement at the house, just the opposite of what she'd expected a week ago.

Jen arrived home from school earlier today. With the house empty, she decided to help with the laundry, emptying the dryer, folding everything, bringing Mike's clothes up to his bedroom. This being her first time inside his room, she looked around, seeing a few things of Aunt Rhodie's but not much. Not sure of what to do with the laundry, she placed it in neat piles on his dresser top, a subtle excitement warming her as she touched and straightened the pile of underpants.

Standing in the kitchen reading a label on a wine bottle when Mike arrived, she smiled at him, saying "Hi Mike" — instead of Hi Uncle Mike — for the first time.

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