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Jenna Gives up Sex for Lent Ch. 06

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The church hall threesome.
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Part 6 of the 6 part series

Updated 06/15/2023
Created 02/22/2023
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Thus ends the Jenna saga, with a close encounter with an old, bitter enemy, and a blessed miracle!

And Gordon the organist is a big softie deep down...

This joyful Eastertide

away with sin and sorrow!

My love, the Crucified,

has sprung to life this morrow.

Had Christ, who once was slain,

not burst his three-day prison,

our faith had been in vain:

but now hath Christ arisen,

arisen, arisen;

but now has Christ arisen!

"On this, the most holiest of days, we celebrate the risen Lord!" Reverend Morris began, as the Easter Sunday service at St Michael's began. As expected, the church was packed, much to the vicar's delight. In the four years he'd been in charge of this humble little parish, Reverend Morris never expected to see such an increase in the congregation. It warmed his heart.

Though, he secretly admitted, the fully-stocked pews weren't the only thing making him smile. With the arrival of Easter Sunday, Lent was finally over. His wife's ban on sex had expired. He could hardly wait until this evening, when he and Jenna would finally get some time to themselves.

Over at the organ, Gordon was also hoping he'd soon be able to resume giving Jenna "organ lessons."

"Look at her, sitting at the front in that floral print dress. She looks every inch the respectable vicar's wife...but the way it clings to her curves...a subtle hint at the delicious raw sexuality underneath," the organist sighed, feeling a stirring in his groin, when he should've been concentrating on the service.

"Oh God, she's beautiful and I am so bloody horny," Gordon muttered, slipping a hand under his black robe and rubbing himself.

"Please stand for our hymn, Thine Be the Glory." The vicar announced, and the congregation dutifully did. There were a few awkward coughs and shuffling of feet as the organ remained silent.

"Our hymn...Thine Be the Glory!" The vicar repeated.

"Oh!" Gordon spluttered, and slammed his fingers down on the manuals so hard, the entire church seemed to vibrate.

"Goodness me, he's pounding those pipes," one of the elderly ladies of the congregation muttered. "For the first time in years, I don't need to turn up my hearing aids."

After the hymn, the curate took over the reading of the notices. Reverend Morris slipped over to the organ.

"Bit of a ten on the tension scale there, Gordon!" He whispered. "Having problems with your instrument?" It wasn't the first time the organist had appeared a little distracted during a service.

"Sorry about that, Vicar...this upper manual does require a bit more pressure these days!"

Reverend Morris chuckled. The organist was just as guilty as he was for thinking irreverent thoughts during the service.

"We may rejoice now that the Lent period has ended."

"Aye, I fully intend to," Gordon replied, rearranging his music sheets.

"You never said what it was that you gave up."

"Umm...think it was whiskey. What did you give up for Lent, Vicar?"

"Err, chocolate." He glanced at Jenna, sat in the front aisle. "I'm going to pig out and eat out a, err, eat a lot of it later."

Gordon nodded, as the reverend returned to the pulpit. "He's even worse at lying than I am."

The service ended and everyone headed over to the church hall for tea and coffee. Instead of the usual plain biscuits and cake, Reverend Morris had asked everyone to do a "Jacob's Join" and bring some Easter eggs along. There was enough chocolate to fill a room, much to the delight of the younger members of the congregation, who wasted no time in helping themselves.

"Do help yourselves to some delicious hot cross buns," Jenna smiled, walking around the hall with a tray, and the buns went down a storm with the older folk.

After a longer than normal gathering, it was time to clear away the chairs and tables.

"Where's Norman Winstanley gone? Here's usually here to move these tables." Reverend Morris wondered.

"Oh I have some chores lined up for him so he had to hurry back to my place, Vicar," Mrs Wilcox said, as she began sweeping the hall.

Gordon raised an eyebrow. "Is he your personal slave Gladys? He never seems to be away."

"Well you seemed reluctant to fill that particular vacancy dearie, so I had to look elsewhere. I must say, dear Norman has proved a most willing and able subject..."

The way she emphasised the words willing and able - it intrigued Gordon. He cast his mind back a few weeks to the embarrassing incident with the fleshlight.

The old girl wasn't shy when it came to sucking my cock, but surely she's not doing that on a regular basis to Norman, is she? Norman's never said a word, but he seems to enjoy calling round. Or is it all perfectly innocent and he's just helping her with the housework?

"Hello, earth to Gordon," Reverend Morris said. "Could you give Jenna and myself a hand and help us move these folded chairs into the storeroom?"

"Right you are, Vicar. Sorry, I was miles away."

"Daydreaming?" Jenna winked at him.


The three of them headed to the far end of the hall and down a corridor, where the storeroom was. Jenna smiled as they went in. Haven't been in here since last October, when I seduced Josh the curate and took his virginity. The room was still as untidy as ever.

"One of these days, we really must make time to sort this room out," Reverend Morris said. "It's a disgrace and I'm ashamed I've let it get such a mess.

Gordon placed the chairs in the corner. "Get Oakwood Road Methodist Church to clear out all their junk first. They've been sharing with us for years. Isn't it about time they got their own storage place?"

"Hmm, yes. I'll have to have words with Reverend Ewing."

Jenna rearranged some of the box files. "While we're here, we could straighten a few things...aggh, there's a massive spider on the wall!"

"It'll be more scared of you than you are of it," Reverend Morris said.

"Simon, that doesn't make me feel any better! You know I hate spiders!"

"Where is the offending arachnid? I'll squash it with my shoe."

"You'll do no such thing, Gordon," the vicar interrupted. "It's one of God's creatures and it's Easter Sunday. Let it live. See look, it's scuttled into the air vent up there. It's gone. Nothing to worry about, Jen.

Amidst the uproar over the spider, none of them noticed or heard the storeroom door being pulled shut and locked.

"Now the fun begins," a voice sniggered, opening an app on an iPhone.

"Right well I've had enough re-arranging for today," Gordon said. "It's time for another cuppa and a rest." He tried the door. "Hey, what? This door is locked!"

"What?" Reverend Morris rushed over. "I don't believe it, how is it locked? It can't be locked without a key."

"Some silly bugger's gone and locked the door without realising we're in here!" Gordon groaned. "I bet it's old Jack Bradley, thinks of himself as caretaker for the church hall. Daft sod is always locking up and forgetting to turn the lights off. I really think Norman should be given the job of locking up in future."

"Wait, so we're trapped in here?" Jenna said.

"For the moment, yes. Oh don't worry, it's not like a bank vault or anything. We won't run out of air. I'll just phone Josh the curate. I know he keeps a spare set of keys." Reverend Morris reached in his pocket. "My smartphone...where is it? Oh damn, I left it in the car. I always do that when it's the Sunday Eucharist. I have a phone-free morning. It's my little rule."

"Really helpful, Rev," the organist groaned. "Don't you have a hotline to God 24/7? Maybe a prayer or two will unlock the door. Luckily, I have my smartphone on me. He pulled it out of his pocket and swiped the screen.



"Um, looks like the battery's dead. I swear there was 5% charge still on it but guess I was wrong."

"Boys, worry not. I have my phone, and it's always fully charged," Jenna said, lifting her smartphone from her handbag. "Ta-dah. Fully charged." She called the curate. After a long period of ringing, it went to voicemail.

"This must be the first time ever that Josh's phone has gone to voicemail," Reverend Morris said. "The lad needs that phone of his surgically removing.

"Okay well for whatever reason, he's not picking up. He could be driving. I've left a message. We'll just have to wait. But what's the rush to leave?" Jenna grinned. "If you ask me, we should make the most of our time here."

The vicar and organist looked at each other. "What do you mean, Jen?"

That familiar naughtiness appeared on her face. "Well you both know I gave up sex for Lent, right?"

They cleared their throats. "Yes."

"Lent's over. Let's have some fun."

"J-Jenna, what are you suggesting?" Reverend Morris spluttered.

"I think your lovely wife is suggesting a threesome, Vicar." Gordon replied, fully up for it.

"How about it? It's nice to share, yes? Like we all did when it was my birthday?"

Reverend Morris was his usual reserved self at first, but there was no denying, like Gordon, he was as horny as a rutting stag.

"Well...um, there are no CCTV cameras in here are there?"

"As if," Gordon laughed. "There's nothing worth nicking in here, apart from old furniture and dusty hymn books. No cams, but there is rising damp on that lower left wall."

Jenna began unbuttoning her dress. "Naturally, my dear husband gets to go first. After all he is a holy man. You don't mind, you do Gordon?"

"Oh not at all," the organist said, rubbing his crotch. "Don't keep me waiting too long though, eh? The Wurlitzer is already rising..."

In the passenger seat of a parked car, the unknown person with the iPhone stared at the screen and observed the antics in the storeroom, thanks to the hidden cam that had been installed.

"Well I never. I knew there was something going on with the organist and the vicar's wife! Looks like the vicar himself is prepared to overlook some of the Ten Commandments. Thou Shalt Not Commit Adultery? Thou Shalt Not Covet?"

"Hopefully it'll be the downfall of that little tart once and for all," the driver of the car replied. "I've never forgiven her for bringing filth and depravity to this church a year ago. Marries the vicar, whilst carrying on with the organist on the side. She managed to break up my marriage, and I can't wait to send this footage to the tabloids."

"Oh Patricia, you're not going to go that far are you, dearie?" Jenna's a lovely girl really. I thought we were just going to have a bit of fun. That's why I asked my grandson to install the camera and set up this app thing so we could watch. I wanted to make the organist sweat a little."

Mrs Norris narrowed her eyes. "I haven't set foot in that church since the vicar married her. This sordid carry-on can't be allowed to continue!"

"Ooh look, things are getting a wee bit steamy in there!" Mrs Wilcox replied, gawping at the smartphone. "Good heavens, my glasses are steaming up! Look where Gordon's putting his tongue. He's such a skilled organist..."

"Disgusting behaviour," Mrs Norris fumed. Yet she continued to watch intently.

Gordon opened his mouth again, and ran it from Jenna's belly to her chin. She began moaning. On the next lick the organist started even lower, right on her clit. Jenna moaned loudly as his tongue slowly climbed up her, stopping briefly at her chest. He went back to between her thighs again, and then he began fingering her pussy. Jenna began to moan loudly as she climaxed.

When she glanced down at him, she noticed he was fully aroused. He dropped his trousers and underpants, and presented his large, engorged member to her.

"Did you miss my organ pipe?"

"God yes!"

The organist's entire body shuddered under Jenna's touch. With that, she grasped his cock with both hands and began rubbing hard, enjoying the reaction she was getting from him. She decided to take it a step further, and started to lick his cock, all the while continuing jerking him off. She licked up and down the thick shaft and finally stopped at the head. Precum oozed from the tip. With one fluid motion, she deep throated the head of his penis as far as she could. Gordon cried out in joy.

"Fuck yes, I've missed this so much!"

At the same time, Reverend Morris unzipped his trousers and knelt behind his wife.

"Whilst you are playing the organist's organ, I shall now enter your Holy Temple, which has been closed off to me since the start of Lent."

He pressed his member against her opening. Jenna gasped as her husband applied pressure, and slid his cock into her.

"I've missed your Holy Rod, my love."

He slowly thrust in and out of her, which drove her wild. She rubbed her clit, which stimulated the already overwhelming pleasure. He sped up his thrusting, his dick ramming against her cervix. She moaned. A few minutes later Jenna bucked harder and faster as she felt her orgasm build up. Reverend Morris did the same as his dick twitched in her.

"Ahh oh God, yes!" The vicar's wife threw her head back and screamed as she came. Her pussy walls contracted tightly around her husband's dick as her love juices leaked out of her. His own orgasm hit shortly after, and he shot a huge load of warm seed deep into her.

"Bloody hell," Gordon gasped. That had to be the most intense orgasm he'd ever seen Jenna have. He felt a brief moment of doubt, fearing he wouldn't be able to match the pleasure her husband had given her. Something tugged at his heart, a nagging ache. He shrugged it off, but it remained. He didn't want to think about the fact he was starting to fall deeply in love with this red-haired beauty who'd seduced him so skilfully last September, with a blowjob whilst he sat on the organ stool.

This was always meant to be just a bit of no-strings naughty fun, he thought to himself. But it's gone way beyond that. I never imagined she'd have this effect on me...

Reverend Morris gently pulled out of her and Jenna sat up, cum oozing from her throbbing womanhood.

"Don't keep Gordon waiting, Jen," he whispered to her. "He needs more than a quick blow of the organ pipe."

She nodded, kissing him. "I won't. I intend to make this just as special for him as it was for you."

Gordon brightened up. "What, you mean I'm getting the full Monty?"

"I need that organ pipe of yours inside me, Gordon..." she winked.

He was more than happy with sloppy seconds.

Sitting him down in one of the plastic chairs, Jenna straddled him and, in one motion, plunged herself down on his hard cock. His hands found her breasts, and she squirmed on his lap deliciously. Gordon began to thrust himself into her- slowly at first, increasing speed gradually, until they were fucking for all they were worth.

All the pent-up desire that Jenna had been holding inside throughout Lent, all the desire for this older man, was unleashed. Much as she loved her husband, she'd always had a thing for Gordon - way more than all the other men of the church she'd bedded. He was special. Those daddy vibes. They'd never gone away.

When he paused for breath, she rolled him onto his back on a table and mounted him. Ever so slowly, she undulated on his cock, and, eyes closed, fingered her clit while he moaned beneath her at the sight. When she started to shake and groan, the sight became too much for the organist and he knew he was joining her, whether he wanted to or not.

With a yell, Gordon grabbed her hips and shot spurt after spurt of thick cum into the goddess above him.

"Wow, now that's the kind of worship that truly comes from the heart!" Reverend Morris said, amazed at the organist's stamina. "That's what I like to see - Jenna fully satisfied!"

"Oh Gordon," Jenna sighed, when they'd finally recovered. She kissed him softly on the lips. "That was wonderful." She noticed he had tears in his eyes. "Hey, are you alright?"

"Never better Jen," he mumbled. "Bit dusty in this room, eh? Think it's irritating my eyes a bit."

"We're the two luckiest men in the world aren't we?" Reverend Morris said, sensing Gordon's awkwardness. "To be both loved by this amazing woman. God has truly smiled on us. It's all part of His plan."

"And I love you both," Jenna said, slipping her arms round the two of them.

Gordon felt himself filling up, but he held it together.

"Utterly vile," Mrs Norris cringed, still watching on the iPhone with Mrs Wilcox. "All three of them should be cast out of the church and prosecuted."

"Prosecuted?" The old lady replied. "Dearie, I think what we've just witnessed is a very modern love story. Gordon is in love with Jenna. Jenna loves him. The vicar knows that she loves them both."

"How the hell can you say that? He's a dirty old man if you ask me."

"When you're as old as I am, you just know these things. Human nature's a fascinating thing. And you're never too old to have fun either. I'm so glad that Norman Winstanley called round to fix my kitchen door!"

"So you're not going to give me the footage?" Mrs Wilcox snapped.

"No dearie, I'm not. I'm deleting this video right now."

"No don't!"

But it was too late. The recording on the phone was deleted, along with the app. "I've remotely shut down the camera in the storeroom too," the old lady smiled. "I'll get my grandson Dwaine to remove and destroy it."

"You treacherous old bag. You tricked me!" Mrs Norris yelled, eyes bulging behind her horn-rimmed glasses. There was a knock on the car window and she almost jumped out of her skin. The hulking figure of Dwaine appeared.

"Everything alright, Gran?"

"Oh fine, dear," she said, getting out of the car. "I'm ready to go home now. It's been a rather eventful church service! But first - I need to pop into the church hall. I think I've forgotten to switch off a light..."

Her plans to destroy Jenna thwarted, Mrs Norris accepted defeat and drove off, away from St. Michael's church forever.

Jenna, Reverend Morris and Gordon had just finished getting dressed when the door of the storeroom was unlocked.

"Oh Vicar! I'm so sorry! How careless of me! I'd finished sweeping up and thought you'd all gone home. Jack left me in charge of locking up. Blame it on a senior moment. I had no idea you three were in the storeroom!"

"No worries, Gladys, there's no harm done. We were only in there half an hour."

As they all headed out of the hall, Josh the curate came rushing inside, out of breath.

"Jenna! I just got your message! I'd just driven Bishop George home when I read it. Oh I'm glad you all got out of there!"

"Not the end to the Easter service I was expecting, but it's something we can laugh about in years to come!" Reverend Morris said and he turned to Jenna and Gordon and grinned. "Come, let's all go back to the Vicarage and have a drink. Mrs Wilcox. Your grandson is most welcome to join us too."

The vicar, his wife and the organist remained blissfully unaware of how close they'd come to having their passionate threesome revealed to the entire world. Once again, peace and happiness remained at St. Michael's Church, and it seemed Jenna's amazing way with bringing joy to the lives of men was stronger than ever...

One week later

"We now we look forward to Ascensiontide," Reverend Morris said, as the first Sunday after Easter drew to a close.

Jenna returned from the church toilets. She'd been feeling off-colour for the past couple of days and now knew why.

"Simon, I must speak with you and Gordon," she said, as the church began emptying.

"What's wrong Jen? You don't look too good."

Gordon was tidying up his music books and switching off the organ, when the vicar appeared.

"Jenna has something to tell us," Reverend Morris said. "She says it's very happy, but life-changing news."

The organist put down his books immediately. This sounded serious, and he felt his stomach jump. "What's up?"

"Well you two...how do I break this to you gently? It seems there's been some sort of miracle. My contraceptive pill has failed. I'm pregnant. And, well, one of you is going to be a father!"


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