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Jessica Jonesing

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How twisted can two Sisters be?? AKA: Bang! Bang!
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New York may be the city that never sleeps, but it sure does sleep around.

Not that I'm complaining, sex is good for business.

I'm a Private Investigator. A big part of the job is photographing unfaithful assholes while they carry out their kinks:

Need. Lust. Desire.

Point is I find dirt, and it pays.

People do some horny shit. Normally I avoid getting involved; that works for me.

But you've gotta blow off steam somehow.

I thought I knew the line; the one line I wouldn't cross in my twisted fucked up life.

But then I did.


Deep within the bowels of Hell's Kitchen a lone woman languished in her relative privacy.

The block was typical of slumlord territory, the rundown prewar notorious for gangs, vandalism and poor hygiene. Not that the PI cared; her apartment was the most decrepit of them all.

Sat on a filthy couch, her hand worked feverishly with little effect. The pale, raven-haired woman bit her lip, eyes squeezing shut as she slipped another digit under her waistband.

Running her fingertips over the lips of her pussy, she let out a quiet gasp followed by a shuddering moan. Beginning gently, she began to slide her fingers around her nethers in a circle, quickly growing impatient. Baring her teeth, the PI tried to stifle the groans that threatened to escape her mouth, instead emitting a frustrated growl.

Losing all pretence of dignity, the brunette shoved two fingers up to the knuckles inside her own pussy, gasping as she roughly penetrated herself. Panting she thrust forward with her hips, impaling herself on her own fingers, flexing against the cushions like a woman possessed. Reacting fast, she clenched and soaked those digits in her juices. But somehow it just wasn't enough.

Sliding an errant thumb over her clit, she massaged her nub in frenzied earnest.

Chest rising and falling rapidly, the young woman slid low in her seat, grimacing in determination as she continued to masturbate:

Bang! Bang!


Hearing the loud knocking on her dilapidated door, Jessica Jones swore, instinctively pulling a hand from between her tensed thighs only to spill what was left of her scotch:

"Shit!!" Jessica grumbled, sitting upright. Attempting to stand, the brunette realized too late her jeans had slipped around her ankles, falling sideways off the ugly orange seat.

Bang! Bang!

The brunette groaned, disorientated.

Pulling herself up against the cushions, Jessica felt the rush of alcohol in her system. How long had she been at this? 10 minutes? An hour?? At that moment the brunette was too horny to care.

Bang! Bang!

"Alright alright! I'm coming!!" Jessica yelled groggily. Stumbling to her feet the brunette pulled up her ruined pants, sending an empty bottle spinning as she crossed the open room. Another night, still no release.

Someone was insistent on seeing a PI. In that moment Jessica didn't care, all she needed was to get off.

Seeing a recognisably shaped silhouetted in the frosted glass, Jessica grimaced; she knew exactly who that was: So much for kicking her visitor to the curb.

Opening the battered door she found Trish Walker standing before her, expression indignant:

"Started without me huh?" the blonde remarked, her disapproval evident.

"What?" Jessica exclaimed, her eyes widening; Did her adoptive sister know she'd been-

"-I know you were drinking Jess, I'm not an idiot."

Leaning against the doorframe, the brunette exhaled in relief:

"Nice Detective skills sis," Jessica began, giving the blonde a lopsided smile:

"But I'm not dressed for dinner so-"

"-You're not dressed for anything," Trish replied sarcastically, brushing past her sister as she entered:

Closing the entranceway, Jessica grunted, annoyed as the door refused to shut. Slamming it back into place the brunette turned, attempting to improve her shabby appearance:

Quickly fastening her jeans, Jessica tugged her tight grey tanktop further down over her midriff. The brunette soon gave up, content to slip a loose black bra strap back over her shoulder:

"What?! Like I have a professional reputation to protect!"

Trish had always been Jessica's polar opposite, the blonde looked like a Barbie doll. She even wore block colours, contrasting greatly with the darker hues Jessica insisted on: A red frock coat, blue jeans, and blue top; A typically bright enthusiastic ensemble for a bright and enthusiastic person.

Shaking her head, Trish currently had concern etched on her own beautiful face:

"I thought we were having some fun tonight?!"

"And this doesn't count?" Jessica responded sarcastically, trotting past the blonde:

"This is a call for help Jess."

"Well I didn't 'call' so..."

"I just think you need a better outlet for your... frustration."

"Hey I'm open to suggestions!"

Running a hand through her long blonde locks, Trish sighed dramatically. In-spite of herself Jessica smiled: you could trust 'Patsy' to check her hair in a stressful situation. She'd lost a lot of poker games on that tell.

Shaking her head, Trish pulled her handbag from her shoulder, retrieving a new bottle of whisky. Jessica raised an eyebrow:

"What?" I knew you weren't going to come with me so I planned ahead. Isn't misery supposed to love company?? Besides, I can be a bad ass too!"

Jessica watched, amused, as Trish cracked the seal before tipping the darkened glass against her lips. In seconds the blonde was gasping, coughing at the end of her first gulp.

Jessica smirked, tugging the bottle from her sister:

"Told yuh!"

Grimacing determinedly, the blonde Radio Host eyed her sister, before stubbornly rallying. She'd always been the competitive one.

Sitting against the rim of her desk, the brunette leant back and watched in amusement as her sibling shrugged off her red jacket, before grabbing back the bottle.

"You wanna join in? Fine. But trust me-" Jessica poured herself a glass before taking a deep swig:

"You can't handle me Trish Walker."


Stuff got real blurry after that. Blended Scotch isn't great for your long term memory...

I remember... Laughter, gossip, Trish's boring work stuff mainly. Talk of crazed callers and perverted fans.

People I intend to look up...

Point is I didn't know how much we both needed a win.

I do now.


Stumbling into the dimly lit bedroom, both women cackled incessantly. Trying the light switch over and over, Trish rolled her eyes as nothing happened, the dark space only lit by the yellow neon light that poured in through the small broken window:

"Another fixture I need to get... fixtured."

Unfastening her worn out jeans, Jessica tugged the garment over her wide hips, struggling awkwardly before falling face first onto her messy bed. Rolling over, her eyes widened as Trish followed suit; beginning to shrug off her shirt:

"What are you doin'??" Jessica sputtered.

Trish paused, top caught up around her shoulders:

"Well I can't exactly drive home now can I?"

Tugging the hem of her shirt up over her head, the blonde awkwardly wriggled free of her tight confinement.

Jessica bit her tongue as her friend removed the garment, luxurious blonde hair spilling over bare shoulders. Watching as the talk show host's bust bounced into view, the PI swallowed hard; how many of her fans would pay for this view?

The brunette watched in awe; Trish's heaving chest supported by blue half cups that strained to contain full orbs. Jessica shook her head, catching herself in the act: what was she doing? She needed a good lay, and soon. Clearing her throat, the PI tore her eyes from her sisters boobs:

"Sooo, why can't keep your clothes on??"

"Uh, cos I'm hot?!" Trish replied indignantly, throwing her discarded clothing over the back of a chair.

"I noticed," the brunette replied dryly.

Trish flushed: "Flirt!"

"I don't flirt," Jessica scoffed:

"I just say what I want."

Grabbing a mislaid bottle, Trish dropped onto the bed, both women cracking up. Only Trish could ever make Jessica laugh.

"This is fun," the blonde began.

"No it isn't," the PI swallowed, blinking up at her cracking ceiling.

"What do you think normal sisters do together??" Trish asked drunkenly, her constitution proving far worse than Jessica's.

"I dunno... dumb stuff: Dinner, dancing, take in a superhero movie."

"Your right... that stuff is dumb."

"Well we've never been normal sisters anyway," Jessica stated calmly.

"What do you mean? Cos you're adopted?"

"No," the brunette responded irritably: "Cos I'm a super powered alcoholic and you're a former child star turned talk show host!"

"Oh yeah..." Trish giggled:

"We sound like the sort of couple you'd investigate!"

"Well I don't give a bag of dicks what kinky shit people think we're into!" Jessica stated loudly.

Bang! Bang!

Jess rolled her eyes; more people.

"Keep it down in there!" came the muffled noise.

"Go to hell!!" both women yelled back in unison. Looking back at each other they burst into fits of laughter.

"Alright alright, I will swap you your superpowers for my radio show," Trish suggested.

"You don't want what I got," Jessica croaked, her eyes downcast.

"Why not?"

Leaning on an elbow, the blonde brushed back her sister's hair, compassion breaking through her drunken slur:

"Come on Jess, you're gorgeous and super. S-so you're not the-the flag waver or the big green guy but deep down you're still amazing! You might not have a legion of fans, but... you're my hero Jess. And I'd do anything for you."

For a moment both women lay in silence, the only sound in the apartment that of the rain lashing down onto the New York streets below. Jessica struggled with this emotional crap. Even if it was... touching. Clearing her throat she finally pulled out of her stupor, summoning the courage to reply sheepishly:

"Well your not so bad yourself..."

"Mmmm, I haven't got your confidence though."

Reaching over, Jessica grabbed the bottle and shook it in her sister's face:

"This is my confidence," the brunette slurred pointedly:

"Yeah I mean, you think I get this wasted cos I'm a perfect role model??"

Laughing, Jess took another deep swig, Trish giggling beside her:

"Oh Jess... I've missed this."

Jessica rolled over to face her adoptive-sibling.

"Are you a bit tipsy??" the brunette asked smugly.

"I think the word you're looking for is hammered!"


"But I do mean it Jess," the blonde stated honestly, "I miss this, you and me against the world, like before! Getting drunk and talking... shit."

Sighing, Jessica turned her dark brown eyes to her sister. It was obvious what Trish wanted. Reaching out to the blonde, Jessica smiled determinedly:

"Come here Patsy!"

"Hey!" Trish laughed, annoyed by her old moniker.

Hugging tightly in-place, Trish leant in to nuzzle her cheek against the brunette's. Not being one for embracing, the PI was surprised when she found she didn't hate the intimate contact, squeezing closer, liking the feel of her sister's curvaceous, warm body against her own.

Finally pulling away Jessica had no choice but to take in her sister's angelic features: Huge kind blue eyes, smooth perfect skin, plump needy lips. And all the while the brunette couldn't express even a modicum of feeling.

In that moment, Jessica hated herself. What was the point in love if you couldn't tell your best friend in words? So she made up her mind; if she couldn't say it she'd show it:

Leaning forward, Jessica planted a kiss on Trish's waiting lips.

The drunken peck lasted less than a second, but in that moment everything changed.

Peeling away, the brunette blinked hard, rubbing her forehead wearily:

"Ohhh... Shit. I've had wayyy too much scotch."

"N-no its fine," Trish responded awkwardly, opening her eyes to meet those big brown orbs.

"Trish-" Jessica began, an excuse ready.

"-No Jess..." the blonde responded, scooting closer to her unruly sister, "I liked it..."

Jess shook her head sheepishly, deciding to be honest for once: "Me too."

Closing the gap, Trish pressed their mouths together, both women glad to be joined once more. It should have been awkward, terrible, and incestuous! Instead Jessica felt her heartbeat rising, her fugue burning, her need intensifying.

Melting together into the embrace, neither sister considered the consequences of their actions, enjoying themselves in spite of their drunken state. For once, Jessica held nothing back, lustfully kissing the girl she had grown up with.

Tilting her head, Jessica poured all the affection she couldn't express into a mouth-watering smooch. Lips sealing against her sister's sweetness, the brunette breathed the other woman in, clasping a bare shoulder as they begun to make out.

Forgetting her own strength, Jessica was surprised when Trish finally pulled away, panting heavily.


So I crossed the line?


Or did she come onto me???

Honestly I can't remember.

One of the drawbacks of whiskey...

Point is she was horny, I was horny.

This isn't denial, these are facts.

She wanted it, I wanted it. Big deal.



Before Jessica could excuse herself Trish was on top of her, rolling their bodies together as the women tangled together in her filthy sheets. Jessica could only moan as her sister buried her face in her hair, breathing deeply before taking an ear between her teeth.

Unsure how to respond, Jessica went limp as Trish laid kiss after kiss down on her jaw before those love hungry lips recaptured her own.

Allowing her hands to rest on the blonde's waist Jessica swooned, feeling Trish's athletic body role against her own, bare skin brushing against her loose clothing. What was happening? Should she be letting this happen???

"Aw.. Holy shit..." Jessica moaned, eyes rolling, as a gentle hand descended across her belly before skimming lightly over the fabric of her knickers.

With Trish straddling her legs, Jessica struggled to stay still as the blonde ran her teasing fingers downward and along an outstretched thighs:

"What are you doing to me??"

"Come on Jess," Trish replied naughtily, kissing her sister's collarbone as she pressed against the brunette, "I know you're desperate."


Trish rolled her eyes, smiling up at the agitated PI:

"I grew up with you, I know you."

"Ohh..." Jessica nodded uncertainly, brow furrowed.

"Plus I heard you through the door, which you answered with your pants down... kind of transparent."


Jessica opened her mouth, lips forming a silent 'O', only to be quickly cut off by Trish's fingers suddenly cupping her crotch. Biting her lower lip the PI trembled as her sister massaged her hot core:

"Yeh, I think you need this." Trish stated smugly.

Skimming up over her snatch once more, the blonde reached the elastic of her underwear. Pulling aside Jessica's last layer of protection Trish paused, seemingly strengthening her resolve, before finally allowing her digits to glide over wet folds.

"Awwww!" Jessica groaned, head lolling backward as Trish squeezed her swollen peach, eyes watering.

"let me help you..."

Jessica gasped and twitched in pleasure, almost bucking her sister off as the blonde plied her pussy lips. Now tightly intertwined, Trish leant forward, her face millimeters from the brunette's own.

Trish cooed as she ran thumb lightly over Jessica's clit, "how's that?"

"How do you think?" Jessica stuttered, dark eyes rolling backward as Trish's fingers sent little bolts of pleasure into her belly. Feeling her earlier desperation rush to the surface, Jessica bit her lip, her nose crinkling:

"Unngh, mmmm... I'm not a broken bird Patsy! Ah ah-just give it to me already!"

Trish scowled, pinching the brunette's clit between her thumb and finger:

"Don't call me that."

"Ah-Ahhh!! Sorry!"

Ignoring the strange nature of their pairing, the two women embraced each other, consumed by lust and alcohol as their passion mounted.

"Well..." Trish said gently, positioning a finger on either side of her sister's swollen bud and rubbing them back and forth gently: "Some of us have finesse..."

Jessica sighed involuntarily and found herself hugging the blonde close, hands gliding over Trish's bare back, wanting more contact.

"Or maybe I'm just as dirty as you..." the blonde said sharply, flicking a digit over Jess's clit:

Bang! Bang!

The headboard clattered against the wall as Jessica instantly spasmed, her hips jerking violently against Trish and winding the surprised woman.

"Too much," Jessica panted.

Trish nodded shakily: "Sorry! I forgot how strong you are."

Jessica's legs shook and her eyes widened as the blonde's fingers touched her intimately once more. Twitching and jerking uncontrollably, she wondered vaguely if this was 'making love' as whatever Trish was doing was completely unraveling her. For Jessica who always liked to appear angry and tough, she now found herself lost in the softness of loving pleasure.

Shocked by the warmth spreading from her loins throughout the rest of her heaving body, Jessica breathed in her sister's sweet scent, feeling small and uncertain as an orgasm drew near.

Sliding two digits deep inside the heaving brunette, Trish braced herself as Jessica shuddered, her thighs tightening against the PI's hips as her sibling shook impotently. Closing her smoky eyes, Jessica panted, feeling feint as the blonde above her began moving insistently in and out of her snatch, coaxing an orgasm from her tightly wound body.

Feeling cream run along her fingers, Trish struggled with her situation momentarily; this certainly added a new dimension to their relationship... but seeing the ecstasy on the usually frowning face beneath her, the blonde rallied, determined to bring her sister this moment of happiness.

Squirming, Jessica yelped as her sister pumped into her pussy with increasingly confident strokes, her fingers beginning to twist and scissor in her velvety canal. Opening her eyes once more, Jessica felt a tear of relief roll down her cheek as the two women stared back at each other. Immediately embarrassed, Jessica wiped the errant emotion away.

Swirling in her juices, Trish curled her digits up against the PI's g-spot.

Jessica came instantly.


Yeah I know, girly shit.

Like the movie of 50 shades instead of the book.

I mean both sucked but you get my drift.

I just wish things had stayed that family friendly...


Falling down beside her sibling, both women panted heavily, staring up at the ceiling as Jessica came down from her orgasm.

"Wow," Jessica croaked, eyes wide as she felt her breathing begin to normalise, chest still rising and falling rapidly.

"I know," Trish responded, surreptitiously slipping her wet digits between her lips beside the ignorant brunette.

Tasting Jessica's sweet cream, the blonde sighed, closing her eyes.

And then suddenly they opened, blue orbs nervous once more:

What had she just done? Fucking Jessica! What would Mother think?? How were they ever going to get past this???

Removing her trembling fingers, Trish reached for the nearest bottle, attempting to pour the harsh liquid between swollen red lips.

The blonde gasped as the majority of whiskey missed her mouth, running over her chin and spilling over her chest:

"Oh shit!"

Jessica balked in horror, turning to her drenched sister:

"Fuck that's the good blend!"

"You're worried about the drink?!" Trish gasped incredulously, as Jessica leant over her.

"Don't move." Jessica responded, her eyes on Trish's chest.

"Jess... What are you -oh! Oh my god!"

Trish swooned as Jessica pressed her lips between her sodden breasts, sucking alcohol from her wet flesh.

Falling back against the pillows, Trish tried to hold still as the brunette began to lick incessantly, her tongue rolling over the blonde's creamy skin.

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