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Joining the Pack Ch. 08

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Anahid gets to know her pack better.
5.3k words

Part 8 of the 15 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 02/26/2021
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Anahid crouched, watching Vairya warily as the other woman circled her. Variya's wolf form was even fiercer than her human. Deep brown that darkened to black at her paws and snout. Large, though not as large as Anahid still. She was more muscled though, not as lithe OR quick as Anahid. Which Anahid took advantage of now. She darted at the other wolf, taking her by surprise and knocking her to the forest floor easily. Variya scrambled, trying to regain her feet but Anahid pressed in, snapping and pouncing, and finally pinning the other wolf to the ground. Variya whined and rolled to her back in submission.

Behind Anahid she heard another wolf. She twitched, prancing away at the last moment as Varick leapt at her. Varick—like his mother—was a deep brown coated wolf. Slightly larger than Anahid though, he was a bit more dangerous an opponent. The two circled now, Anahid snarling and snapping at the handsome wolf that eyed her intently. He charged her and Anahid danced back from him, tried to circle him. He matched her, twisting and catching hold of her front leg. With a savage shake of his head he threw Anahid to the ground. She clawed at the dirt, gnashed her jaws at the attacking wolf but he pinned her. Anahid growled low in her throat, refusing to submit to him. Finally Varick chuffed and stepped back from her. Anahid rolled back to her feet still growling menacingly at him.

Varick shifted, his wolf form retreated, he grew smaller and the man emerged. Anahid sighed and shifted as well. "I won," Varick said, his brown eyes crinkling in humor.

Anahid snorted, tossed her hair. "It was two against one."

Variya—still in her wolf form—huffed as she came up beside Anahid and stared balefully at her.

"She thinks I went easy on you, waiting to attack," Varick chuckled.

Rolling her eyes Anahid stepped from the treeline and began to walk back across the narrow valley towards home. They'd spent the day sparring in wolf form. Anahid craved the feel of the sun again on her soft human skin. She turned her face up as she walked hearing Varick fall in beside her as Variya trailed behind them. Anahid bristled. Variya was her constant shadow. Teacher. Bodyguard. If Anahid wasn't next to Kaev then Variya was sure to be close at hand. So Anahid tried to stay near Kaev. But he was gone the last few days, working with Kayl and her builders to fortify the defenses around the valley. Traps, snares, several deadfall pits. Anahid wondered if they would really keep out the vampires that threatened. She shivered. Atalanta had grown up here, paced these same halls, felt the sun of this valley. She knew it too well.

Anahid knew she was beginning to obsess. The vampiress scared her. She hated her. Envied her. Wanted her dead. She felt in that animal sense, that Kaev would never be safe as long at Atalanta lived. Varick cleared his throat, brining Anahid out of her musing.

"I think tomorrow we spar with mother and I playing vampires," he said.

Anahid cocked her head up at him, he stared down at her, that same subtle grin always on his face. He was handsome, lovely even. He had Variya's dark curling hair and deep chocolate eyes, but with the lightly tanned skin of Ash, the same mischievous eyes. Anahid couldn't help her roving eyes for a moment. His lean muscles rippled in the sun as they walked and she had to glance away, feeling her cheeks instantly redden. Though she'd been among the pack for a week she still wasn't used to the openness.

"Vampires?" Anahid asked.

Varick nodded, "Yes, we'll stay in our human forms, we're as strong, as dangerous as your average vampire while in these bodies," he ran a hand down Anahid's arm. "But you should face us in your wolf form. You'll see the challenges when fighting such a quick, small opponent."

Anahid's arm rose with goosebumps as he touched her and she stiffened, meant to pull her arm away but his fingers had already retreated. He walked on, ignoring or not noticing her sudden flush. She swallowed, "Great. I want to be ready for anything."

Anahid hurried back up to her room, afraid the Lycans she passed would sense her distress. Sense the arousal within her. She flung open the door to her room, hoping Kaev would be back. He was not. As she'd known. He wouldn't be back until the evening, several hours at least. Three days he'd been gone. Three long days she'd sparred with Variya, joined the gathering, sitting next to Variya and Sim. The three all missed their mates, watched as the wolves around them fucked. One night Variya and Sim had turned to each other even, giving in to their need. Anahid had watched it all, arousal and longing for Kaev thrumming within her.

So walking next to a lovely, rippling Varick in the sun did not help things. She paced the room, still naked, nearly vibrating with need.

She imagined Kaev's face.

Those steely gray eyes that watched her so intently.

The massive chest, covered in thick dark hair.

She licked her lips. This wasn't helping either. She could paint every brushstroke of him in her mind and it would slowly drive her mad with need. With a snarl Anahid grabbed up her green dress and hurried from the room again. She needed a bath.

Anahid entered the bath, groaned as she saw who sat already in the large pool.

Of course.

Varick lounged, head back against one of the ledges, eyes closed as he slumped in the water. It lapped at his glistening chest, covering just enough. Not enough. Anahid turned to leave.

"There's room," Varick said. Always he used the same tone, the same light voice with the edge of laughter barely held in.

"Oh. Right. I just worried you were asleep, I didn't want to wake you," she mumbled.

"You didn't," he said.

Realizing it would look worse if she turned and ran, she draped her dress on one of the racks and hurried to the water. Desperate to hide she quickly moved to the deepest section, submerging her head as she moved as far from Varick as possible.

As she turned her back to him, focusing only on grabbing up a towel to scrub at her skin she felt the eyes burning into her. Anahid glanced back, found his eyes on her, like she'd known they would be. They darkened, moving from her face, traveled over her smooth back, further down she knew he couldn't see, but still he looked. She flushed, narrowed her eyes at him. "Something interesting?"

He snapped his gaze back to her face, the smile returned to his lips. "You're beautiful Anahid."

"I'm Kaev's mate," she frowned, willed him to look away from her.

Varick cocked his head, confusion flashing across his face. "I know." He chuckled. "It doesn't make you less beautiful."

"Well, I'm not yours to look at."

Varick stood, the water streamed down his chest, perfect rivulets against his lightly tanned skin. He stretched, still watching Anahid with those laughing eyes. "Yes you are. We're a pack. We belong to each other."

Anahid's stomach churned. Try as she might, she couldn't keep her eyes from running down his lovely body. She wanted Kaev. Wanted him so badly she felt ill. But Varick's words, the sight of him sent a fluttering ache into her center.

But then Varick turned, moved towards the exit of the bath. He glanced back to her and she flushed, knowing he'd caught her watching him. "See you tonight," he said lightly as he left.

Anahid slumped, finally alone. Achingly alone in the water. She throbbed. Her need was becoming unbearable. Kaev's body flashed in her mind. The dark trail of hair that led to his groin. The rough patch that his gorgeous cock sprouted from. Anahid groaned, imagining the things that cock could do. The feel of it tunneling inside her. She moved her hand to her nipple, twisted one savagely like he did. The pain arced down her body, straight to her aroused sex. Her fingers twitched, desperate to touch herself down there. To relieve a bit of the aching tension.

"You will not pleasure yourself while I'm gone," Kaev whispered in her ear as he prepared to leave three days ago. She'd felt the command in his voice like a hand against her sex. She'd stiffened, looked up to him petulantly, already preparing to bite back at him. The look in his eye had stilled her though. Dark lust, testing...curiosity. And so she'd accepted the challenge.

Twining her fingers in his she'd stood on tip toe to nuzzle his ear. "I promise, Pack Leader." She'd bit his ear. "I wonder if you can wait as well?"

Anahid smiled, remembering the way he'd growled and pulled her into a fervent kiss before springing away, leaping into his wolf form to charge south down the valley with Kayl and the others.

Giving her nipple another impatient tug, Anahid moved back through the water. Arousal and angry need rippled from her like fire. She imagined if Kaev didn't return soon the heat from her skin would send the water in the pool sizzling and boiling away in a cloud of lust. She paused before drying herself, dotting drops of clove oil on her skin, between her breasts, at her throat, on her wrists, anywhere she wanted Kaev to kiss.


Anahid sat next to Sim on the low stone ledge ringing the fire. Variya lay stretched next to her, eyes closed as she enjoyed the warmth of the fire. Sim also leaned back on the cushions, absently staring into flames as he chewed slowly. Anahid picked at the trays of food around them. Nothing sounded appealing. She was too distracted. Too anxious to eat. Kaev had not yet returned. It was now well into the evening and still he and Kayl hadn't returned. She sensed Sim's anxiety rippling from him like the flames he stared into.

She impulsively pressed a hand over his. The slim, black haired man glanced to her in surprise, his dark blue eyes curious.

"I miss Kaev," she whispered.

Sim drooped, nodded. "I doesn't get easier. Variya likes to pretend she doesn't get worried. But it will always roil within you until your mate returns."

Anahid gave him a weak smile. She was suddenly grateful for him. He understood what she went through better than most. Having only joined the pack a couple hundred years ago since he was born human like Anahid, his eyes were always full of empathy for her. "Do you ever completely get used to THAT," she asked quietly, jerking her head towards Cobb.

The large tan man held Besqa on his lap. The pretty raven haired she-wolf straddled him, swaying her hips sensually against him as they kissed. Anahid looked away.

Sim cocked his head watching them as he considered. "No, I don't know if I will." He looked to Anahid, a slight smile crinkling his blue eyes. "But I think you will. You seem to take to all of this like you were born into it." She flushed, ducked her head in a smile at Sim's words. She hoped what he said was true.

Suddenly she sensed a shift in the room. A ripple in the gathered Lycans. Like a weight at her back she felt Kaev's return. All the Lycans circling the fire did. Anahid jumped to her feet, peering up past the Lycans gathered in the circled steps around and above her. Heads swiveled and she followed their gazes.

Kaev strode into view at the top of the large ring.

His gray eyes found her instantly and Anahid sucked in a breath, her heart suddenly skittering in a frenzy within her chest. The Lycans around Kaev seemed small, insubstantial next to their looming leader. Anahid stood, her back to the fire, as she eagerly watched him stalk towards her. Down, ring after ring of their large gathering area. His dark eyes burned into her, animal hunger rearing within him. Anahid shivered, her own need rising to meet him with a stabbing ache to her groin.

He stepped from the last ledge where she'd been sitting only a moment ago and swept her up in his arms. His mouth smashed into hers as he clutched her to his chest. His hands instantly moving, roving down her body, cupping her ass as he pressed her into him. Anahid leapt to meet him. Wrapping her legs around his waist she clutched at his neck as she hungrily kissed him back. Distantly she heard approving shouts and laughs from the gathered Lycans. But for now. For this moment in space, the only thing that existed was Kaev.

He greedily tugged at her dress, slid his hands under it, up her thighs. He snaked a hand between them, fingers questing against her quickly moistening folds. Anahid groaned into his mouth as she felt his rough fingers against her. She imagined if he barely brushed her impatient little nub she'd climax instantly. He growled into her mouth, his tongue questing, demanding as he plunged into her. And she clasped his head all the tighter to hers as if to say "Yes, consume me, take everything."

Anahid tightened her legs around him, grinding her pussy against him as best she could, desperate to feel his cock. Knowing it must throb for her. Kaev pulled his hand from her trembling entrance and tugged at his pants, deftly freed his cock and guided it against her now dripping slit. Anahid arched, helped guide him into her as she as she felt him at her entrance.

Grabbing at her ass he slammed her down onto his waiting cock. Anahid flung her head back iwth a gasp as he bottomed out within her. He began to bounce her on his straining cock. Clinging to his neck like her life depended on keeping Kaev inside her, his length ramming into her hungry folds. As he slammed her down onto him her clit screamed in pleasure at the feel of his hard pelvis, the roughness at the base of his cock.

Her climax hit her without warning. The base of his shaft smashing against her aching clit sent her over the edge and Anahid howled as the tension of the last three days was finally released. She bucked in Kaev's arm, keening and whining as the pleasure ripped over her. She felt only Kaev's still thrusting cock inside her, his bruising fingers against her ass, his lips against her ear.

"Yes, just like that," he whispered harshly in her ear. Her climax receded, turned into the warm sensual glow of arousal, of greedy passion for Kaev. She wanted to touch every inch of his body.

He'd slowed his thrusts, seeming to enjoy every long inch as he moved in and out of her. She leaned back slightly, found his eyes as she began to match his rhythm with her own hips. They stared at each other as they rocked, Anahid running her fingers up his neck, caressing his face, pulling his head forward in a deep kiss.

She finally glanced up, and the heat of the eyes on her sent a gush of her juices to swirl around Kaev's stroking cock. She flipped her gaze over all the watching Lycans. Every eye around the large pit watched them. Fingers stroked nipples. Tongues moved against cocks. Anahid found Besqa's eyes on her. The she-wolf still sat in Cobb's lap as he suckled at her nipples. Her face was red as she watched Kaev and Anahid hungrily. Anahid moved her lips to Kaev's ear. "Let me show them," she whispered.

Kaev growled, bit lightly against her neck. But then he released her, let her slide down his body, though she felt every inch of his missing cock within her. She looked up to Kaev, traced her fingers over his muscled chest. Peeled off his shirt. Tugged his pants the rest of the way off. Lightly she pushed on his chest and he got the hint immediately. He lowered himself backwards, sitting back on the warm stone floor.

Anahid pulled her dress over her head, dropping it to the floor beside her. As her breasts were freed and she stood naked in the center of the pack she heard murmurs of lust ripple through the watching Lycans. The sounds petted against her skin with the heat of the fire. Her eyes were for Kaev only though. His waiting cock, that powerful body that pulsated with need for her.

She straddled Kaev, lowering to him and his eager cock. He groaned as he entered her again. He lay back, admiring Anahid and grabbing at her ass again as she began to move against him. She rocked slowly, first smashing her tender clit back into the rough hair at his base, then arching, retreating slowly off his cock before tilting and taking him back inside her. She watched his face, the lust darkening his eyes as they ran over her. His eyes moved constantly, taking in her face, her swollen breasts, her bright entrance as his cock slid into her.

Anahid felt the heat rising again within her as she watched him, as she moved against him. And he let her move at her own pace. His fingers gripped her ass, gently helped her rock against him.

Anahid glanced up, caught Besqa's eye again. The other woman shivered, licking her lips as she watched. Sliding her eyes past Besqa, Anahid found Kayl and Sim. The two were curled around each other, though they kissed they also watched as Anahid swayed against Kaev. Letting her eyes move higher up the ringed pit she found Varick. A charge raced down her spine as she met his eyes. He smiled, slowly stroked himself in time to her movements. His eyes were ravenous as he watched and Anahid felt the shiver of arousal again ripple down her. She looked back to Kaev, knowing he must feel the quivering of her pussy, the rush of cream around his cock.

He grinned as he watched her. Gripping her ass all the harder he began to thrust into her. "Let them look," he growled. He bounced her on his cock and Anahid grabbed at his chest as he took over. She threw her head back as she rode the waves of him within her. She didn't need to look. She knew every eye watched her. Knew the lust she set aflame in them. But she was Kaev's. And he was hers. She felt her climax build again. The heat of the Lycans around them seemed to stroke against her apex in time with Kaev's pummeling inside her. She flipped her eyes back open, needing to see Kaev's face again, needing him to know what he did to her.

He saw. Slamming into her he gripped her to him as he ground his hips into her exploding center. She let out a long, warbling cry as she came again, trying her best to hold his eyes. She knew how that defeated him. He grinned, still holding onto his own pleasure. She writhed against him, chasing wave after wave of her climax. Her body felt like it blazed, she imagined she glowed hotter than the fire beside her.

She collapsed down onto his chest, panting and twitching against him, still feeling the welcome throbbing of his cock within her. He thrust slowly still, her folds now swollen and gushing with arousal.


Kaev held Anahid to his chest as he continued to milk the last of her orgasm from her. She shuddered, clutching at him as he moved within her. He didn't know how much longer he could stand it. His cock practically screamed at him in impatience. He let his eyes wander up, around the ring of watching Lycans. Dozens of hungry eyes watched them. They drank in Anahid's slowly shuddering body on his.

Imagined themselves where Kaev now lay.

Imagined Anahid mounting them and taking her pleasure.

Kaev growled, suddenly rolled, twisting on the ground and flipping Anahid onto her stomach. She squealed and struggled for a moment in protest as he roughly pulled her hips up. Kneeling behind her, he shoved aside her thighs with his and reached a hand down to swipe along her slick folds. This was the wettest he'd ever seen her. The lips of her pussy still pulsated, bright red and slippery. She growled, low in her throat as she bucked under his hands, her perfect ass now high in the air as he fondled her sex.

Kaev listened to the rising arousal around them, the Lycans panted, moved against each as they watched their leaders. The heavy scent of sex filled the air. Kaev guided his cock back to her entrance, nearly lost control as she let out a needy whine as he brushed her slit. He glanced up again, Cobb thrust slowly into Besqa though he hungrily watched Anahid. Further Kaev swept his eyes, every un-mated male had eyes only for Anahid. They growled as they stroked themselves, as they pumped into whatever available hole they could find.


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