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Jordyn Goes to a Party With 1 Goal

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A newly confident college girl gives party goers a show.
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The joke's on them!

'Them' being men, of course. They all made fun of Jordyn when she was flat chested and awkward while everyone else was developed likely long ago. It didn't help that she was barely 5 feet tall and under 100 pounds, looking more like someone's kid than the college freshman she was.

But things changed very quickly when she hit a very late puberty boost, transforming her flat chest into a 'gaze inducing' 34c. It happened pretty suddenly between freshman and sophomore years. While her friends had all matured, physically anyway, in high school, Jordyn had to wait a bit longer but it seems to have been worth the wait. While interestingly enough she didn't sprout up in height, her chest blossomed significantly, which, when considering the petite frame it sat on, made it look even bigger.

Her world was suddenly completely new. She had never needed bras before because there was nothing to support. But now? Now she can bra shop all she wants and it made her feel good to have to scroll down a bit until she found bras in her size. She's even bigger now than her mom, who wears a full B cup. She even noticed what looked to be a flash of envy or jealousy from her own mother when they were out shopping together and she tried on the bigger bras. Jordyn smiled to herself at the thought of all those times they went shopping and her mother shopped for bras while Jordyn had no need and would go look at clothes in a different department to spare herself the embarrassment.

So getting back to the story. Why is the joke on men? Well, one thing Jordyn realized after all this time craving attention from men when she was younger, now that they were all leering at her and trying to pretend they weren't looking down her shirt or at her deep cleavage, is that she actually has a different craving. She always kind of knew, but not having attention from males of course made her want it because she was trying to fit in. Also, it's not like she was getting looks from the other sex either!

But what Jordyn ultimately came to understand is that she wanted the small and soft hands of a woman touching her, feeling her chest, trying to cup it in their hands and feel their weight and size. She wanted to join tongues with a sensual woman and feel her between her legs. Not the rough, unshaven face of one of the many ogling men, but rather the soft face and more knowledgeable skills of a woman. She wanted to kneel between another woman's legs and kiss the inside of their thighs as she inched closer to their panty-covered pussies. What she didn't want was some horny guy trying to stick his cock inside her.

So last night, the night of the big frat party, Jordyn decided to wear her tightest white tube top with no bra underneath, along with a skirt that ended about 8 inches above her knees. Her dark brown hair was up in a ponytail. Her tanned legs looked pretty good, she thought, her butt average, but it was her big tits on full display tonight. She fully intended to tease all the guys while hopefully satisfying her burning need for a hot pussy.

Jordyn and her friend Nicole got the party and Nicole immediately went off to find the latest guy she's been hooking up with so Jordyn did a lap while making her way to the area by the keg. She wasn't a huge drinker but always liked a few beers to take the edge off and feel a nice buzz. As she wandered through the party, it was obvious that all of the guys' eyes were honed in directly on her big chest that was clearly on display.

Jordyn got to the keg and three guys immediately fought to be the one to hand her a beer. Pathetic, she thought. Literally the only thing different about her than last year was her large chest. These fucking men! Well she hoped they'd all try to get into her pants, or skirt, tonight, because none of them are going to. Not only that, not only will any of them EVER fuck her, but she wants them to see her with another woman. Tonight!

Jordyn sipped her beer, and then suddenly remembering her goal for the night, she took a big swig of it. She noticed guys stopping mid conversation to stare at her and it made her so happy to have their attention at last. But back to her goal for the night. She started scanning the room for women and quickly noticed a group of 3 girls sitting together on a couch. Two were super pretty and chatting up guys, fluttering their eyelashes and clearly on a track to get their brains fucked out before the night was out. The third one, though!

The third girl looked utterly bored, was barely scanning the room and looked to be casually playing on her phone, likely to avoid the embarrassment of not being chatted up by some horny frat guy. From afar and compared to her two friends, she didn't appear to be as hot as them but if you really looked close, as Jordyn was now doing intently, you would see there's much more to her than it seemed. She wore black jeans and a pink tank top with a lightweight black jacket over the tank. Her chest was actually bigger than Jordyn first thought, before she moved a bit closer for a better look. Probably a size or two bigger than Jordyn. She felt an immediate tingling throughout her body, especially 'down below,' where an electricity was running through her now damp pussy, which by the way, was covered by barely more than a lace black thong at the moment.

The girl had black hair that contrasted with her pale milky skin, and it hung down past her shoulders, maybe halfway to her ass. Her face was pretty but the difference was she didn't have a ton of makeup on like her friends. You had to really look to see how beautiful she was, and that was exactly what Jordyn was doing.

As she watched, an attractive and athletic looking guy approached the girl and while Jordyn couldn't hear the exact conversation due to the loud music, she could clearly see that he was making an attempt to hit on her or at the very least, chat her up. Jordyn watched intently expecting to see the girl's face light up at this newfound attention. Well, to Jordyn's surprise, the conversation was over before it had begun. The guy walked away muttering something to himself and Jordyn watched as the girl's gaze went back to her phone and then suddenly looked up and right at a staring Jordyn. Jordyn caught what she thought was a slight smile before the girl went back to her phone. But a few seconds later, she looked up again, and while Jordyn wasn't staring this time, she was still well aware of the glance from the girl.

So Jordyn did a quick calculation. The girl rejected a guy in a matter of seconds, does not seem to have any interest in any other guy, and just smiled at Jordyn. Yep, this was who she wanted. Jordyn approached slowly:

Jordyn: Hey! Do you know where the bathroom is in this place?

She instantly had her attention, unlike the frat guy a few minutes ago. She smiled.

The Girl: I don't but I need to pee as well so I'll join you in your search for it!

Jordyn: Oh that would be great. I'm Jordyn.

The Girl: Hey Jordyn, I'm Laura.

Laura did a once over of Jordyn's body. Actually, not a once over, more like a 5 times over, as she unabashedly soaked in the curves of Jordyn's petite body. Jordyn smiled as she did the same, focused in on Laura's breasts and deep cleavage and seeing for the first time as Laura stood up how tall she was. Granted, everyone is tall compared to Jordyn, but Laura was tall compared to the men! Her size was intimidating to Jordyn but turned her on beyond belief as she roamed her hands all over Laura in her mind. The girls walked off together and made idle chitchat.

Jordyn: So what, are you and your friend's boyfriends in this frat or something?

Laura: Oh them? No, I mean yes, my friends are fucking half this frat.

Jordyn: Your friends. And you?

Laura: I know what you're really asking and I think you know the answer to your real question.

Jordyn: I wasn't asking any 'real' question.

They exchanged knowing smiles as they found the bathroom and got on the surprisingly short line. Laura was about to speak again when the bathroom door opened and its occupant stumbled out. Instead, she grabbed Jordyn and pushed her into the bathroom with her and gave the door a kick with her foot. They could hear the reaction of the others on the line, some sounding angry of being cut in line and a few others making some crack about two girls just going into the bathroom together.

Laura: Well, I am going to answer your real question anyway!

With that, Laura's hands went right to Jordyn's chest, squeezing her tits through her shirt as Jordyn quickly came to grips with the situation. Her hands in turn found Laura's even larger chest and she pawed at it while smiling at Laura. The two locked into a deep kiss, swirling their tongues together as their hands continued to roam. Laura had Jordyn up against the wall, quickly working to slide her hands up under Jordyn's shirt, knowing already that she was braless but nonetheless still very much pleased at what she was feeling. Jordyn's tits were a bit more than handfuls even with Laura's larger hands and she traced them and fingered Jordyn's rock hard nipples as both women felt their pussies on fire.

Jordyn followed suit, her hands all over Laura as Laura willingly lifted up her shirt to reveal a perfect set of full breasts, barely encased in a light blue bra. She seemed very proud to reveal them to Jordyn and was loving the attention as Jordyn leaned in and licked Laura's deep cleavage as Laura made quick work of unhooking her own bra. It fell to the floor as Jordyn stared with delight at the massive chest in front of her. Knowing they were probably short on time, and desperate to taste Laura, Jordyn knelt down and made a half-hearted effort to undo Laura's black jeans, knowing Laura would take the lead on doing it herself, which she did. She shimmied the tight jeans down far enough to show Jordyn that she was not wearing any panties. Her jeans were down just far enough that Laura could spread her legs enough for Jordyn to get between her legs and she leaned her long arms against the wall as Jordyn got her tongue on Laura's hairy pussy. Jordyn herself is shaved but seeing the dark hair contrast the pale smooth white skin of Laura's legs was making Jordyn cream herself. The bathroom already reeked of their pussies and both women were focused only on getting each other off.

Jordyn worked her tongue onto Laura's clit, focusing on it as Laura's knees weakened and buckled to Jordyn's touch. Jordyn lapped away, taking time to also lick Laura's slick thighs in alternating with her clit. She gripped her ass as she greedily ate Laura's sopping pussy and as soon as Jordyn worked a finger into Laura, she knew that she had put her over the edge. Laura shrieked with pleasure as her body shook in orgasm and her girl juices leaked all over Jordyn's face. Jordyn kept her tongue and face in Laura's hot pussy as she came down from orgasm. When she was finally calm, Jordyn stood up and the two kissed, with Laura tasting her own horny pussy on Jordyn's lips and tongue. They continued to paw at each other's chests and bodies in delight as Laura's fingers found their way under Jordyn's little skirt. She felt a lacy thong that was soaked through without even having been touched which made Laura get wet all over again herself. Their slick juices were sticky and plentiful and as Laura slid Jordyn's thong aside, she quickly buried two fingers right into Jordyn's pussy.

Jordyn gasped as Laura's fingers made quick work of exploring her pussy, a pussy that was wetter than it had even been before in her life. Jordyn needed to explode in her own orgasm, and was deprived of Laura's fingers as she pulled them out and licked them clean. Before Jordyn could process, Laura took her turn tasting her new friend directly from the source. She sat down on the closed toilet as she positioned Jordyn to straddle her face and immediately started licking her, feeling her own legs get slick again as she devoured the yummy pussy in front of her. Jordyn had no chance and gripped Laura's head and by her hair as her body gave in and shuddered to the hottest and strongest orgasm of her life.

The two women kissed again and seemed ready for more when they both turned and realized the door never closed and the few people that had been waiting on line had turned into a crowd of what seemed to be the whole party! People started cheering and hollering and making all sorts of comments, most of which were stupid, drunk guy comments like people yelling 'I've got next.'

What they were witnessing was these two women ravaging each other's gorgeous bodies and who now stood in front of them with no shame at all. Laura with her black jeans halfway down her legs and her fat perfect tits on display, with visible red hand print marks from Jordyn's attention. And Jordyn, skirt still on but pulled up showing her lace thong and soaked pussy. Her braless tits sat proudly atop her tiny frame, making her seem even bigger than Laura. She could see the guys drooling over her body and the unmistakable look of desire on all their faces. Every one of them wanted to fuck her right then.

Jordyn smiled as she looked to Laura who also had that same naughty grin and shy smile she had when she first eyed Jordyn, which was barely 20 minutes prior! With no effort to quickly get fully dressed again (why should they, with gorgeous envy inducing bodies on each of them), they slowly gathered their items of clothing and walked out of the bathroom, their two sets of large breasts on full display for all to see and ogle. Everyone could smell the excitement of their pussies as they walked past and as Jordyn was basking in the wanting looks of all the men, Laura leaned in and whispered:

Laura: You ready to go back to my dorm and do this properly??

Jordyn looked at Laura's chest and gave it a quick squeeze for the benefit of the audience and simply nodded at Laura.

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

"Jordyn: So what, are you and your friend's boyfriends in this frat or something?"

Haven't you ever read a book and learned that this is not how you write dialogue? You're not writing a script and this is the most basic stuff..

"Jordyn said, "So what? Are you and your friend's boyfriends in this frat or something?"

All numbers under 100 must be written out, i.e., "five feet". Also, women aren't nearly as obsessed with bra cup sizes as you seem to think they are.

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