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Julia's Initiation

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Julia is a girl whose curiosity will lead her to pleasantly.
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Julia continued to insist on accompanying her brother Michael to the mysterious meeting he was to attend on Friday night. That lovely, sweet redhead with the enchanting green eyes was indeed industrious when it came to getting her way.

- I can't take you with me! -Michael said.

-But your fiancée Luli went with you last time. Besides, I'm of age and I hate it when you treat me like I'm a little girl! -Said Julia.

-You are my little sister; I can't please you this time Julia. It's an environment you wouldn't feel comfortable in. -Said Michael.

Julia was really dying to accompany her brother and his fiancée Luli, who told Julia very little about that mysterious and attractive festive atmosphere, Luli kept the details to herself, but it was impossible for her to hide how fascinated she was to return. Something that Julia immediately sensed and that caused the continuous harassment towards Michael to accompany them that weekend.

Luli agreed to intercede with Michael at her sister-in-law Julia's insistent pleas. - Are you really sure about this? Once Michael agrees, you will have to do what he tells you, it won't be easy to convince him. -Luli said in a rather serious tone.

- I'll do anything! -exclaimed Julia.

Luli. - Whatever it takes? Maybe you are not ready, no offense, but you are still a bit capricious and the people who meet there are very serious.

That night Michael took Luli to dinner and they talked about Julia's insistence, to which Michael continued to refuse to consent. Luli used her charms to soften her fiancé, arguing that it could be a lot of fun, and Luli proposed an interesting game that they would both enjoy, taking advantage of Julia's willingness to join them.

The next day Luli went to pick Julia up at her apartment in the university village and told her that she could accompany them on Friday as long as she agreed to certain conditions, which Julia accepted a little surprised, nothing would scare her and she even accepted the last clause which seemed to her the most ridiculous thing of all.

Michael made the pertinent arrangements so that on that Friday he would be admitted with 2 companions. And Luli began to prepare what was necessary for Friday night.

On Friday at noon, Luli showed up at Julia's apartment and they both left for Luli's house where Michael would pick them up and the 3 of them would go to the meeting Julia insisted so much to attend.

Luli watched Julia carefully and saw the great challenge she had in front of her to transform her beautiful and feminine sister-in-law into a boring boy, she soon made her undress to study better how to proceed in this radical makeover. Julia's lush and beautiful red hair was skillfully arranged by Luli who took advantage of her theatrical experience and fitted her with a black wig from the play "Oscar Wilde" staged by the theatrical group where Luli was assistant director. Julia dispensed with all makeup and her face was fitted with a black beard that matched the wig that hid her hair and a pair of Carey-rimmed glasses that gave her a somewhat intellectual touch.

Luli removed Julia's bra and took care to conceal those beautiful natural breasts so that her chest looked flat as a boy's chest. Julia was very amused with the process of impersonating someone else and did not mind hiding her femininity, which she had always boasted about. For her this was the most fun game she could have been a part of so far. Luli continued working to make the look as plausible as possible, she put Julia in an elegant black suit from Michael's closet which Luli skillfully adjusted to Julia's dimensions with a really satisfactory result.

It took a whole afternoon of Luli's time and work, but both were extremely pleased with the final result. Julia was unrecognizable and part of the game was that Julia was not to speak a single word while in the meeting, as her sweet voice would give her away instantly and ruin the whole job.

Luli went to get ready, which didn't take that long once Julia helped her by combing her blonde hair. Luli made Julia wait in the foyer while she applied the finishing touches, shortly after Luli appeared radiant in a beautiful Chinchilla coat given to her by her mother on her last birthday, she looked so elegant with the hairstyle and the discreet jewelry she wore. Minutes later Michael was arriving for them and they headed to the meeting Julia had waited so long for.

On the way Michael and Luli warned Julia for the umpteenth time that no matter what she might see when she was there, she was not to show surprise and her reactions were to be completely neutral. She was strictly forbidden to look directly at other people in that place, unless she was listening to the conversation of those people. In that place everything is very serious and he had to behave like an adult. An adult with really broad criteria. To which Julia agreed.

-We're very serious! I'd hate to see you get kicked out of there because of your childish and willful behavior. We trust you and your judgment, you're a grown woman now. -Michael said emphatically.

Minutes later they were driving up a hill and could see the lights of a mansion, outside many cars were arriving and some couples were walking towards the main entrance where they were received and gave a password to the doorman who made them go to a lobby, where an attendant welcomed them and led the gentlemen to the main hall where they could smoke a cigar and order a drink from the magnificently stocked bar located at the back of the hall, the ladies were led by an attendant to another area of the mansion where they could arrange their coats and perhaps touch up their makeup. When the time came, a herald would announce the start of the meeting in the main hall once everyone was gathered there.

Julia was amazed to see so many people of distinguished appearance arriving arm in arm with beautiful women of all ages. She knew that this was very different from those society gatherings she attended accompanying her parents and looked even better than those tedious parties she got to go to with her mother with those boring aristocratic ladies where they only talked about their children's aggrandized accomplishments, Julia abhorred those statements because she knew the children of those women well enough and always thought that most of them were good-for-nothing slackers, even though their mothers insisted that they were worthy of winning Olympic medals and in some cases even deserving of a Nobel Prize.

Luli headed for the checkroom where she would hang up her fine fur coat and take the opportunity to touch up her makeup. Julia silently escorted Michael into the living room and they went straight to the bar where Michael ordered a round of double whiskey for both of them. Julia wasn't much of a drinker and Michael insisted, as she was looking a little tense and the Whiskey would put her in a more relaxed mood.

Michael introduced Julia as "Tony" a newly arrived guy in town who worked with him in his architectural firm and was having some difficulty speaking due to recent surgery on his throat.

Julia did her best to play the role of "Tony" as Michael introduced her to all these people, she saw some familiar faces from local society, even the dean of her university was there, as well as other prominent businessmen she got to see in her father's company at other parties, each and every one of them were very gracious in welcoming her.

The lights in the main hall dimmed and the women began to integrate into the meeting that was taking place in the main hall, Michael kept Julia very busy listening to the conversation he was having with two other men about the work of Frank Lloyd Wright, so Julia being interested in the subject was not able to notice the arrival of Luli and the other women.

The lights went out completely as the herald announced the arrival of the host who was illuminated by a spotlight. He thanked everyone for their presence and invited them to toast with the glasses that were distributed among the attendees by the wait staff.

Julia felt very formal, Luli took her by the arm and told her in her ear that the party would soon begin.

The lights came on to the applause of the crowd and Julia took Luli's arm as their eyes adjusted and the dancing began. Luli took her by the hand to lead her to the dance floor and the dazzled Julia obeyed, once she took Luli by the waist and her eyes saw everything clearly, Julia made a great effort to hide her surprise and approached Luli to speak in her ear.

-Luli, where are your clothes? You're naked! Let me put on my jacket and let's go look for Michael. -Julia said.

-Stay calm, Julia, look around you. And do it slyly, remember everything we told you when we were coming. -Said Luli with a tone full of serenity.

Julia obeyed and bit her lip to hide her surprise when she realized that all the women there were naked, except for the service women who were attending to the guests.

Luli looked very amused at her sister-in-law who remained silent trying to process what she was seeing. She began to explain to Julia what it was all about.

-This is a CMNF meeting, it is something completely new for you and it is a meeting where the men dress in a very elegant way and the women choose to come naked to have a nice time, as you may have noticed all the men act in a very polite way, there is no morbid curiosity about us and if they look at us it is the same way they would if we had our clothes on, here it is something very natural and very respectful, I thought it would be good for you, if you first saw what it was all about, Michael was a little reticent and thought that you would not react well when you went to the female area and discovered that it was necessary to leave all your clothes on a hook and enter naked in this room as we all do, You know how Michael is, he still sees you as that little girl with pigtails who used to make mischief, just like your parents he has not come to assimilate the idea that you are now a woman. -said Luli.

Julia began to understand what Luli was explaining and why she never told her the full details of what happened in those meetings.

-The only way for you to understand all this is when you are naked and you live with all the people gathered here, there are women that we really enjoy this and there are others that would never understand it, that is why this is so reserved and if you want to describe it in a way; it is something that is done in secret for the rest of the society. -said Luli.

Michael interrupted and asked Luli to grant him that piece, he indicated to Julia to join the gathering. Julia took another Whiskey and began to walk around the room calmly observing the way in which those women of different ages and of all complexions and physiognomies were enjoying the moment, she could see Mrs. Smithers, Steve's mother, a boy she dated months ago.

Julia found it extremely amazing how beautiful Mrs. Smithers was even though she was a mature woman, her large round breasts crowned by grazed nipples, looked majestic in conjunction with a well-defined waist and round prominent hips, she had perfectly well delineated blonde pubic hair and even seemed to see it very well groomed as it was surrounded by those generous thighs. Mrs. Smithers left her stuffy and snobbish everyday appearance along with all her clothes and was enjoying a Martini with her husband and other women in what seemed to be a very pleasant conversation, she could also see Meredith Bachman a friend of her mother, looking radiant with her fine smooth skin as if she were a schoolgirl, her slender figure and firm round ass hailed admiration and Julia remembered her brother's warnings, so she was extremely discreet when observing those women. Meredith was accompanied by 2 girls, the one on her left a beautiful shapely blonde haired young woman who soon made eye contact with Julia and approached her, Julia promised not to say anything, but that beautiful blonde was approaching her with elegant and determined steps showing much interest in conversing.

-Hello, I see you are new here. My name is Cinthya. -Said the beautiful blonde with a penetrating gaze.

-My name is Tony. -Julia pretended to be hoarse as she answered.

Cinthya took her hand and they went to the dance floor. Julia began to feel very strange and a little uncomfortable about her male characterization, she had no problem with nudity, in fact, she had always enjoyed her body and even found it very funny that day when she forgot her skirt at home when she took that exam in her panties before she realized it and could go home. Julia secretly enjoyed the attention it brought other people's interest in her that day when she left the exam and that led her to take the remaining 2 classes of the day regardless of the absence of her skirt, for her it was a new kind of experience that she considered playfully sexy, just like at that moment in that CMNF meeting.

She listened very interested in what Cinthya was telling her and Julia was forced to maintain a conversation, she continued in her role of the aphonic boy and between murmurs in Cinthya's ear was how Julia enunciated her answers, this made the conversation more intimate and interesting.

Julia became more relaxed as the night progressed, Cinthya could see this, so she took her hand and together they walked through that great hall where the festive atmosphere of the meeting was at its peak.

Julia felt the effect of the Whisky in her body, she excused herself to Cinthya and headed for the bathroom, for an instant she forgot her characterization of Tony a few meters before the ladies' room and remembered that she would have to use the one reserved for men, Julia entered the bathroom and noticed that the cubicles were completely occupied and it would be impossible for her to use the large urinal as several of the men were doing there. Her body demanded immediate relief and she had to act smartly and promptly, so she quickly left there to go to the garden where she found many people chatting in the lawns, she felt a bit desperate so she walked through the garden until she reached a labyrinth made by a skilled gardener with bushes in the style of the King Louis of France.

Very soon Julia was inside and once she stopped seeing naked people passing by where she was, she took off her pants and jacket fearing to get them wet, she arranged the garments in the bush avoiding wrinkles and in instants a great relief ran through her body with a pleasant sensation that was highly liberating for Julia, who held back for a long time before getting there.

Julia heard some gasps and voices that seemed to be heading towards her, she had not finished yet when she saw the light of a lamp looking for something and those voices kept coming closer, the sweat on her face started to feel cold, her suit was right where that light was shining and those voices kept coming closer, She could not be caught urinating in the garden, it would be extremely embarrassing not to mention that her cross-dressing would be exposed, she heard those voices behind her and by instinct she got up, she arranged her underwear awkwardly and ran in the opposite direction of her suit over the bushes and those people who were heading towards her.

Julia walked in the dark for a few minutes in that labyrinth garden, she was a little scared by how close she was to be discovered by that couple, now from the suit only the shirt and tie were left, Julia had a somewhat jocular look, because it was so much care that Luli took characterizing her adorable sister-in-law, she even made her wear some tight white jockey briefs under her masculine black suit.

Cinthya appeared in the labyrinth and Julia got a little nervous not having her black suit on, there was another beautiful young lady accompanying Cinthya and both of them were walking smiling towards that boy with no pants on.

-Look Melina, this is Tony, the cute guy I told you about and apparently, he has already discovered the fun labyrinth garden. You have very nice legs Tony! -said Cinthya.

Julia greeted Melina, a beautiful brown-eyed brunette gifted with round and feminine proportions in her anatomy; a beautiful round ass, long shapely legs and beautiful breasts, highlighted by a very well-groomed and delineated pubic bush. Her physique was that which reigned supreme in the goddesses of male movie fantasies in previous decades and bore a strong physical resemblance to British model June Palmer, except for her delicate and beautiful features that evoked the mythological Greek goddesses of antiquity.

Julia was extremely in awe of Melina and next to Cinthya in that instant any man could feel like he was in paradise contemplating Eve and Lilith.

Both girls sensually surrounded Julia who was becoming increasingly nervous about the incompleteness of her costume and her pulse quickened rapidly as Cinthya explained the activities outside the main hall.

-On one side of the mansion there is a small room where there is a less formal atmosphere and men can leave all their clothes in a closet located at the entrance, people who decide to enter that section have a great time in that atmosphere of absolute nudity, At the back there is a good sized room that also has access to the main hall where the most daring women can exhibit themselves on a platform provided for that purpose and be caressed by other people, the naughtiest ones allow to be slapped on their buttocks and even a few, when they are excited enough, allow someone of their choice to give them oral sex and even penetrate them in that place in view of whoever is there.

Those who want some privacy with their partner can take one of the reserved places on the upper floor of that room and those with a more adventurous spirit are the ones who come to this labyrinth garden, seeing you come in here I thought you might like some fun. You know, Melina and I thought it was really cute to find you here with your pants off. It makes me a little tender how you look a little nervous because we found you like this. Maybe you were just waiting for me? But Melina and I are very sharing and we promise to be very sweet to you once we take off those clothes you have on, I don't know why, but I find it very sweet a guy in white jockey briefs having an erection. May we? -said Cinthya.

Cinthya and Melina already had Julia's tie loose and all the buttons of her shirt open and without saying anything, they focused their attention on Julia's underpants which were a bit damp. Something that they found overly stimulating.

Julia wanted to scream, she held back and her breathing became more and more agitated, she was about to be discovered and she was afraid of the reaction those 2 beautiful and excited naked girls accompanying her might have.

Cinthya and Melina put Julia against the bush in a position very similar to that of a police arrest, once they removed her shirt, they made her put her hands against the wall. Now they were both in charge and Julia submitted to them somewhat nervously and very aroused.

Julia continued with her back to her dominas, who soon removed from her torso the garment that Luli placed to hide Julia's breasts who now only had those wet briefs, Cinthya caressed her naked back and Melina spanked her in the precise points, making Julia's excitement grow progressively, in her mind she wanted to reveal her identity and she knew that was about to happen, when she felt how the briefs were sliding down her thighs leaving her feminine and round ass exposed.

-I can't take it anymore, please. There's something you need to know. -Julia said.

-Calm down honey, soon you will be able to show us your erection. -Said Melina and kissed her cheek, then gave her another spank, which increased Julia's arousal even more.

Julia was too excited and felt anxious to tell her dominas the truth.


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