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Julie's happiness Pt. 01

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Man retells the story of his cuckolding.
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This is a cuckold story. It is a fantasy written to create enjoyment for me and my readers. It is not designed to be fully realistic, and I don't claim it is a theme all enjoy. But for those that share my kink, I think you will enjoy it. I am posting it in Loving Wives, a category described by the Literotica website as the home for "Married and extra-marital fun: swinging, sharing & more" and the cuckold theme fits easily into that category.

To save me the time of deleting the moronic comments from those that hate, yet always seem to read such stories, I have just turned the comments off. It is a bit sad that such is the state of this genre, but that is where we are at.

This story, like many of mine, was inspired by a single photo I came across. It was of a beautiful woman who, while fully dressed, had sex written all over her. She is my Julie in this story. I may or may not have played out the story line a few times as I looked at the photo and schemed out the story line. ;)

If it helps you do the same, then I am glad I wrote it. Enjoy.

* * * * *

It was time for my session. Every Saturday at 4pm my wife supervises while I masturbate and ejaculate. It is the only ejaculation of my week unless something special occurs. It has been this way for almost 9 months. In the morning, I go to Mr. Price's condo and clean it. Upon return, I do any needed cleaning at our house and then my wife and I meet in the guest bedroom where I sleep, and I am allowed out of my chastity device and I get to experience sexual satisfaction. After we conclude, I assist my wife to get ready for her dinner date with Mr. Price. They have a date every Saturday night. The date ends in the morning, sometimes Julie wakes up in Mr. Price's bed, other times, they end up in our master bedroom where I am no longer the master. I like those nights the best.

My name is Jamie, and I am my wife's cuckold. My wife is Julie and she is both an amazingly good looking woman, but the woman who possesses my heart. My real name is James, but that is only used at my workplace except by Mr. Price who still calls me Jamie. Mr. Price is Julie's primary lover and the owner of the company I work for. He took over as the man in our house after he charmed Julie and bedded her. I stepped aside to this older, stronger man and became a full blown cuckold.

My wife used her key to unlock my chastity device. She had me clean myself with baby wipes. I am not allowed to buy regular wipes; they must be baby wipes. She says using baby wipes amuses Thomas and if it amuses Thomas it becomes standard practice for Julie and I. Thomas is Mr. Price, but if I called him that I would surely be punished.

"What should we talk about to allow your little willy to enjoy itself today?" Julie asks as she sits on the edge of the bed. It is not a mistake she uses the word "allow" as any sexual pleasure I might receive is always at the whim of my wife and her lover. I am laying naked excited to begin. She has on a sundress that is subtly sexy and has just returned from the spa where they did another amazing job on her hair and makeup. Julie goes to the spa every Saturday with two of her girlfriends. Mr. Price pays for it all and says it is a small price to pay (he loves that pun) to have a relaxed, happy, and beautiful woman to spend his Saturday night with.

I do not answer my wife as she is asking the question not so she can hear my answer, but as a way to tell me that she is soon to announce the answer. She will tell me, and I will obey. She often instructs me to tell a story that involves her and Thomas having an amazing evening and mind-blowing sex. Mostly I tell such stories from what she has shared with me, what Mr. Price has taunted me with at work, and my very submission-oriented imagination. She finds it entertaining to have me discuss humiliating topics while she allows me relief. She also knows that I will finish faster, and she can get to her preparation for Thomas. She has often told me that she truly enjoys the preparation time.

"Let's switch it up today. I don't need to spend as much time getting ready as Thomas is taking me to a party tonight and he wants you to drop me off at 6 pm at his condo where he has a new dress waiting for me. He said it is black and very sexy. He also bought me new shoes to match. Doesn't it make you happy that Thomas pampers me so much."

"Yes, honey, it is very kind of him, and you deserve it!"

"Do you think I will look sexy in the new dress baby?"

"Of course, Mr. Price's taste is always good, and you always make his choices look amazing."

"Oh, you are so kind. It makes you so happy that your beautiful wife finally found a real man to be with, doesn't it?"

"I never deserved your beauty. But you and Mr. Price make a perfect couple."

"We do, don't we. And to think, we almost never met." Julie got excited and I immediately knew what was coming next. "That's it of course, you can retell the story of how he seduced me and made me his. We both love the story. Since it is a long story, you can tell the first part without touching yourself, and then when we get to that wonderful day when he took me, you can touch yourself and let yourself enjoy that experience once again."

"Of course, Honey. Where should I start the story?"

"Start from the beginning silly. Thomas is right, for a guy so good with IT, you can be so stupid. Begin baby, tell the story of how I became the happiest wife in the world and how you became my loyal cuckold."

I took a deep breath and closed my eyes and told the story. My dick was already hard and would remain hard the whole time as this was the story of how a powerful man met a beautiful married woman and took her from a submissive husband, and those stories have always gotten me hard. In fact, it was those stories where this story starts.

As my wife prefers, I always tell the story from the first-person perspective. She says I always tell a good story and it is especially humiliating that way. Julie loves me and knows I crave that humiliation, and she is right.

So, I began where the story began.

The look on your face was hard to read. You walked up to me and put the back-up laptop down on my lap. On it was the Literotica site and I was logged in. Staring back at me were the links to the 60 or so stories I had made my favorites. Our cat had knocked over a vase and after I rushed to clean up the mess, I had gotten distracted and forgot what I was doing when it happened. My heart rate hit an unhealthy rate and I turned bright red.

"Based on your reaction, these are yours. You have never been able to lie convincingly."

I couldn't speak. It was mortifying and humiliating, and I was frozen.

"I read many of them. They seem to all point in the same direction. I don't understand, perhaps you could explain these to me."

The panic, the pressure, the months of coming to realize that I truly wanted you to cuckold me, and the arousal that was causing my dick to harden under the laptop all collided. I almost passed out. But then something happened. My body calmed, my brain cleared, and I decided to be fully honest with you.

We talked for close to three hours about the weird and fetish oriented space I was occupying. It was a good talk. I still slept on the couch. In fact, I slept on the couch for the whole next week. You were mad, you were hurt, but mainly you were confused. You asked for space to process it and later told me you ended up spending a lot of time online figuring out what this cuckolding thing was. Finally, on Friday afternoon you sent me a text.

Come to our bed at 8pm.

I did, and you were laying there. You were dressed in a silk nightshirt and panties. As always, you made it look good! The outline of your perfect sized and shaped breasts was visible via the cut and fit of a garment I had gotten you at least five years earlier. The shirt hung just below your panties and thus your long, perfectly toned legs looked like they went on for miles. Your hair was nicely done, and you had make-up on.

"Sit with me, we need to talk" You said to me as you patted the bed.

You asked me one simple question: "why the stories?"

I didn't have a simple answer, but said it started when I started to have performance issues. I was way too young to have a dick that only worked part-time, but that is what the truth was. It had made our sex life go from good to very infrequent and left both of us feeling a great deal of pressure anytime we got to a point where the usual married couple's next step would have been to fuck. It had gotten so bad that I hadn't initiated sex with you in almost a year. I was a failure as a husband.

A friend advised me to try porn. I scoffed at him, and then he said that I should visit the Literotica site and read. He said he and his wife have a poetic reading of a story every Saturday night and then fuck each other's brains out. I figured it couldn't hurt.

I read, I read some more. You know me, I tend to over analyze and over engage. Soon I stumbled on my first cuckold story. I read it. Then read it again. Then again and again. And each time I got hard and stayed hard all the way through ejaculation. I thought I was cured. I invited you to bed. You seemed so excited. I got hard and then crashed. You cried. I was even more of a failure.

I couldn't stay hard with my wife, but I could with the stories. I shut down any attempt to have sex with you as it was just too hard to realize I would start something that was supposed to be beautiful, satisfying, and relationship enhancing and turn it into a wedge between us. I retreated to the stories. I read, I masturbated, I came. It became my obsession.

I kept wanting to tell you, but, how could I? How do you say to your wife that you love her completely and want to remain with her, but you also want another man to become her lover so she could have some level of sexual satisfaction? And in the meantime, the only way for me to have a working dick was to read stories where the character I related to was the husband who steps aside while his wife gets fucked by a stronger, more virile man. I never spoke up. But the idea had been central to me for at least a year.

You listened. You finally said, "let's read one of the stories together. Pick one and read it to me. Why don't you get undressed" I couldn't decide if that was the worst or best idea ever. But since you asked, I complied. It was my first act of cuckolding myself. I was obedient to you at that moment.

I picked a middle of the road story about a couple on vacation who met a strong man who danced with and seduced the wife and fucked her in front of her husband. I got hard almost immediately and mid-way through the story you pulled off your panties and straddled my cock. I kept reading and you fucked yourself on my cock. As I finished the story, we both came. I was slightly less of a failure as your husband.

You collapsed besides me. We laid there awkwardly. Finally, you said. "read another."

We read three stories together, each time we made love as I read you the story of another weak husband giving his wife to a strong man. In one night, we had more sex than the previous 2 years combined. We fell asleep together. Come morning, you kissed me and told me that as weird as it was, you didn't care, you just needed us to keep doing that. You told me that you loved me, weird fetish and all, but NEEDED to start having an active sex life. As you got out of bed, you said, "it is either this, or I will have to make your weird fetish come to life, because I am never going that long without sex again!"

And that is how our sex life went, until the office BBQ. Mr. Price hosted it at his very nice house in the foothills and most of the company's top level employees, our top customers, and our key business partners would be there. That was the first year I was invited as I had just been promoted to director of IT. We were both very excited as this party was legendary and way above anything we had ever been invited to.

As we got ready, I realized for the 900th time that I had married up, way up. You looked remarkable in a white terry cloth romper that left your upper chest and arms bare. It had a tie at your waist, and the shorts part of it were short, but not too short. The funny part was you had bought it at Marshalls for $39. But after trying on 37 other things, we both agreed that was your best choice. The topper on the outfit, which wasn't a topper at all, were the sexy as fuck sandals that had strings that tied up your calves. You looked stunning. That turned out to be the consensus of the party goers, especially our host.

We arrived at the party and there was a valet. We found it funny to give him the keys to my VW GTI when so many others were in top level luxury cars. You told me it was a bit embarrassing, but I reminded her that my car was paid for and could still corner better than any of those expensive SUVs and even most of the sports cars. You knew you would get no where arguing over my beloved car, so we went into the party.

We had been there about 30 minutes when we circulated to the point that we were waiting to say hello to the host. I was casually looking around admiring my boss's amazing house and expansive yard, but you were fixated. You later told me that you had never seen a more alluring man. Mr. Price was about 15 years our senior, but looked young and was remarkably fit. Not skinny, I go for 12 mile runs every day, fit, but I have a gym in my house and a personal trainer that I work out with 6 days a week, fit. He had dark hair, not having lost a strand to old age, and he was tan, but not in a sunbed or spray on looking way.

And then there was his face and his eyes. You told me later that while you certainly enjoyed taking in his body, it was his rugged, but somehow soft face and his penetrating eyes that captivated you. I finally looked at you next to me and realized you were mesmerized. I leaned into you and said, if you stare any harder your eyes are going to pop out.

You looked at me, and said, "I did not know your boss was so..." You never got to finish that sentence because as you had turned to talk to me, Mr. Price had noticed you and dropped his conversation and came directly to us, well to you.

"I would love to hear the end of that sentence!" He said with charm and a mischievous voice tone. You were mortified. You turned red and you were speechless. I tried to save you and say, "wealthy. We were just talking about how well the company has done and how beautiful your house and grounds are."

He laughed and said, "A nice save by your husband. I guess I will keep him employed. However, I do need him to go over to that group of customers over there as they were just talking about their likes and dislikes of our online ordering portals and I promised to send you over. But don't worry, I will keep your beautiful wife company and give her the tour of my nice house and grounds."

He then looked at you and with a smile said, "Follow me my love, people will actually want to talk to me with you on my arm."

I thought you might protest, but instead you looked at me with a "is this OK?" look and I nodded. You took his arm, and he whisked you away. My dick stirred as I watched Mr. Price stroll away with you. It was his first taking of my wife and the first time I got excited about it. So much more was to follow. I then remembered my task and went over to the customers.

"You got hard and I got wet! His touch was electrifying." My wife jumped in on the story. She was always allowed to interrupt me, although when I was in the presence of Mr. Price and my wife, interruptions were strictly prohibited. Another story I could tell would be how I learned that the hard way. I waited to see if she had any other things to say, then when it seemed the answer was no, I continued.

I ended up in a really good conversation with our key business partners and they were sharing with me very good ideas about our system, a system I managed and had mostly created from the starting point of an off-the-shelf system. And you know how excited I get talking IT. I was in geek heaven. But regardless, my eyes kept searching the crowd.

Where was my wife? I would catch of glimpse of you and each time I did my dick would react because each time you were more and more on his arm. He was parading you around like his date for his own party and soon you two had the body language of lovers. At one point I caught you out of the corner of my eye and he had his arm around your waist, and you leaned in against him to say something. He laughed and pulled you in tighter. I could see your breast press against him, and I was both jealous and excited. I saw Mr. Price look at you and smiled. What man doesn't like to have a beautiful woman offer the feel of her breast to them?

After that, each time I saw you, you and Mr. Price were even more like a couple. You were holding hands and enjoying each other's company as you worked your way through the crowd. At one point, you were right behind me and I could hear Mr. Price introduce you as Marie, your middle name. Someone in the group asked how long you and Mr. Price had been a couple and your put your hand on his shoulder and said, "not long enough." Everyone laughed and he leaned in and kissed you on the cheek and told the crowd, "I am not letting go of this amazing woman."

Luckily my conversation with our customers had ended and I was standing alone because the tent in my pants really started to grow. My fantasy was to watch a real man seduce and fuck my wife and it certainly looked like the seduce part was in full swing. And you my love looked happy, carefree almost. It made me happy to see you happy. It always does.

I went over to one of the three or four staffed bars that existed at the party and got a drink. As I drank it, my eyes found you and Mr. Price again. You had just disengaged with another couple, I think I recognized him as the owner of one of our partner companies. A wind gust blew and brought your hair over your face. Mr. Price reached up and pushed the hair out of your face. It was a sweet and somewhat intimate gesture just between the two of you. You smiled, and so did he.

"Well, it looks like he has found his mark!" The words came from a petite young lady standing next to me. I turned and could tell she had been watching the same thing. I looked at her and smiled.

"Somehow he always ends up with a beautiful woman on his arm. Never fails."

I inquired, "This is a usual thing for him?" It was a genuine question as until this moment, my only conception of Mr. Price was as my demanding, but highly competent boss. I did not know him at all outside of the office.

"He has been charming woman out of their panties for all of the years I have known him. His favorite target is a married woman. There is probably some married smuck here that is about to learn that he has been replaced."

I gulped and took a slow drink to hide my reddening face. Luckily, she was still watching the action between my wife and Mr. Price and didn't read the obvious signs that I was that schmuck. I knew what I was watching, but to have this young lady point it out made it really come to life for me. My humiliation started to rise, and so did my dick.

The two of you were talking back and forth like you were the only two at the party. At one point, you put your hand on his chest, leaned in and whispered something in his ear. He moved his head away and looked at you with a "really?" look and then laughed. Next thing I know he grabbed your hand and pulled you through the crowd.


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