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Just Go With It


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Stunned to silence, Josh could barely breathe out his reply. "S-seriously? Us?"

"Seriously," she said with a grin. Leaning in close again, she decided to be more direct this time. "This is the part where you kiss me, Josh."

Josh's mouth dried out once more, his breathing intensifying at her admission and suggestion. Still, even if he had wanted to escape, he wouldn't have been able to, not with this Hispanic beauty practically crawling on top of him. Becky never once broke eye contact, and simply smiled as he worked to gather his courage; she wasn't going anywhere. Remembering how close they had been to kissing the night before, Josh finally found the strength to move his face forward, slightly wetting his lips with his tongue. At last, he met her full, supple lips with his own, kissing her sweetly and softly, almost as if he was afraid he would break her if he kissed harder. After a few moments, Becky threw herself into the kiss a bit more, running her hands up Josh's cheeks and beginning to play with his tousled hair. Though his eyes were closed, Josh could feel her grin as she continued to kiss him; he could hardly believe any of this was happening to him. Finally, after five minutes of making out, the pair separated, panting heavily and with a clear glow about them.

"Wow," was all Josh could say.

"You said a mouthful," Becky replied with a giggle. Pecking him on the lips once more, she hopped up and went to the laundry room, responding to the final buzz of the dryer. She returned a moment later and tossed Josh's navy blue swim trunks onto his face, eliciting a laugh from him. "Get dressed. Time to hit the beach," she instructed.

Josh waited until she had disappeared down the hallway before standing, adjusting his boxers around his stiff erection. A part of him still wondered if this was all a dream, but even if it was, he wanted to make sure he stayed asleep for as long as possible. As he returned to his room, he stopped at the dryer and grabbed a floral button down shirt, changing into that and his swim trunks in his room. Pulling out his bottle of pills, he debated about whether or not to take one. A part of him wanted to believe Becky, that he was psyching himself into needing them. Still, he didn't want to take any chances, and decided to take just one, but only to take another if he truly needed it. He then began diligently applying sunscreen to his body, knowing that his fair skin would fry otherwise. As he finished up, a soft knock came at his door.

"You about ready, Josh?"

"Almost. Come on in," he replied.

Becky entered as he was putting lotion on his face, rubbing it in as best he could to avoid a Casper-like appearance.

"Smart guy," she remarked. "I may not look it, but I burn really badly too. I'll do the same once we get down to the beach. Though... I'll need your help to get my back," she said playfully. "I'll do yours if you'll do mine."

"Um, o-ok," Josh replied, his softening boner beginning to awaken once more. As he reached over to his nightstand to grab his phone and put it in Becky's beach bag, the phone suddenly buzzed with a new text message. Josh grimaced at seeing the message.

Josh, please talk to me. We're in love. We can't let a little bump in the road tear that apart. I love you, and I need you. Please call me.

"Everything ok?" Becky asked, seeing his face.

Sighing, he figured he might as well tell her. "It's Jenny. She's been texting me ever since we broke up, trying to mend the fence. I figure she's afraid of the lifestyle security she lost in cheating on me."

Becky's eyes suddenly brightened as she got a brilliant idea. "Are you, in fact, completely over her?" she asked.


"Alright then, do you trust me?"

Eying her, Josh warily replied, "I guess."

"Good." Becky untied the string closing her cream cover-up, slipping the airy garment from her shoulders and revealing her slim, athletic form, complemented perfectly by a sky-blue string bikini. "Phone, please."

As Josh handed his phone to Becky, she pulled herself in close to him, laying her head on his shoulder while still displaying her gorgeous body for the camera. Snapping a selfie of the two of them, she sent the photo as a reply to Jenny's text.

Sorry, I've traded up!

"And... send!" Becky said gleefully.

Josh was dumbfounded. "Holy shit... that was evil! And awesome!"

"Call it... marking my territory. Ready to go?"

"Sure," Josh choked out, still stunned by her gorgeous form. The pair threw their phones and sunglasses into her beach bag and grabbed their hats, a Georgia Tech baseball cap for Josh and a straw fedora for Becky, before heading out the back door. As they walked along the long wooden walkway leading from her condo to the waterfront, Josh's mind continued to race.

"Becky, you've gotta know that all this is still really crazy for me," he said. "I'm just trying to keep up as much as I can here, but I've gotta know for sure... why me? Seriously, what about me would attract a gorgeous woman like you?"

Taking his hand lovingly, she replied, "That, partly. You clearly don't have the ego problems so many other men have, and you were genuinely interested in my brains, not just my looks. It's a breath of fresh air."

"Well, yeah, but you didn't know that when you approached me."

"No, but I had a hunch. When I saw you and Derek chatting at the bar, I saw your face when he made you laugh. It was... so pure, honest, and full of life. It gave me a tiny glimpse of the real guy that was underneath the layers of awkwardness. Most women wouldn't have the patience to work through those layers, but after everything that happened in the last year, I promised myself that when I next fell in love, it would be with a man I knew would be worthy of me being completely vulnerable for." Suddenly realizing what she had said, Becky corrected, "I'm sorry! I didn't mean to use the L-word so soon! Please don't get scared off, I just feel like you deserve for a woman to be completely honest with you for once."

Smiling, Josh found the confidence to put his arm around her shoulder and pull her in close, planting a kiss on her cheek. "Don't worry about it. A lot of things scare me. The L-word isn't one of 'em."

Breathing a sigh of relief, Becky replied, "I'm glad. Oh!"

Feeling Josh's phone vibrate from within her bag, Becky dug it out and handed it over to him. Josh soon started laughing at the message. "It's Jenny."

"And what does the cheating bitch have to say?" Becky asked, taking the phone from him.

Josh, just who the fuck is that?!

"You mind if I reply as you, or you want the honor?" Becky asked mischievously.

Pondering for a minute, Josh finally replied, "Give it."

That's just Becky, my traveling companion here in Cancún.

You're in MEXICO?!

Hey, it coulda been you, except for that whole male stripper incident.

You. Are. Dead.

Sorry, gotta go. The beach calls!

"Nice!" Becky marveled.

"That felt... really good."

"Sounds like that was just what you needed," Becky agreed, taking Josh's hand as they strolled onto the white sand.

Finally reaching a prime spot on the beach, the pair claimed a couple of empty chairs with their bag and towels. Becky took a seat and immediately began applying sunscreen to her arms and legs before working to her stomach, shoulders, and face. Soon, she was completely covered, save for her back. Turning over on her stomach, she glanced Josh's way, seeing him take in the sights and sounds of the sandy white beach.

"Josh," she beckoned in a sultry voice. "I'm ready." As he turned to face her, she reached behind her and pulled the knot of her bikini top, exposing her back completely.

"Holy shit," Josh muttered.

Giggling, Becky replied, "You just gonna stare all day? Or you gonna do something about it?"

Slowly approaching her, Josh took the bottle of sunscreen and squirted a glob onto her back, eliciting a giggle from her at the suddenly cold sensation. He methodically began running his hands across her bare back, making sure to take his time and savor every line of her form. He started high, gently massaging the nape of her neck and the tops of her shoulders, which brought about a contented purr from Becky. Beginning to work his way lower, he traced her shoulder blades and back muscles gently before lingering at the small of her back. Josh noticed that she seemed sensitive there, which he filed away for later. Finally, he felt that she was properly covered and removed his hands.

"Not so fast," Becky said softly. "You gotta get underneath my bikini bottoms. Can't take a chance that they'll slip and burn me, now can we?"

"I... guess not."

Starting again at the small of her back, he tickled her there momentarily, making Becky squeal in delight. Carefully spreading the remaining sunscreen further south towards her magnificent ass, Josh finally gathered enough courage to slip his hands slightly under her bikini bottoms, coating the last of her skin with enough protection to keep her safe in the elements.

"Mmm... that's nice," she whispered.

"T-thanks," Josh choked in reply, finally removing his hands.

"Your turn?"

"Oh, uh, ok?"

Josh laid face down on his beach chair just as Becky had, feeling the same cold sensation of sunscreen being squirted onto his back. As she worked him, he could have easily fallen asleep to the touch of her incredibly soft hands. He especially loved feeling them on his shoulders, like she wanted to grab onto him and never let go. For the first time in an eternity, Josh was completely calm and peaceful, not a hint of anxiety within his mind. He was soon brought out of his daze when Becky, naturally, ventured lower, slipping her hands under his swim trunks. Unlike Josh, she lingered there a while longer, playfully squeezing his ass cheeks a few times.

"I think you may be good to go," she whispered to him.

You have no idea, Josh thought, regarding the raging hardon concealed beneath his swim trunks.

"Oh, you're phone's ringing again! Yay!" Becky said excitedly.

"What now?" Josh wondered with a laugh. Checking out the number, he noticed it was his home security company. "Hello?"

"Hello, this is Sarah with Ackerman Security. Is this Josh Sanders?"

"Yes it is."

"Mr. Sanders, we have just received a signal of your home security alarm being set off, and we have in our records that you reported yourself as traveling right now. Is this the case?"

"Yes, ma'am. I'm currently in Mexico. Nobody should be at my house."

"Understood, sir. I'm dispatching police immediately to your home. Please stay near your phone, as either they or we will call to update you shortly."

"Thanks. Goodbye." Hanging up, Josh plopped back into his beach chair. "Huh, that was weird."

"What's up?" Becky asked.

"Someone broke into my house."

"Holy crap! What now?"

"They said the police are on the way and they'd call in a few minutes to update me." Almost the second he had finished talking, and his phone rang again, showing his local area code on the caller ID. "Hello?"

"Mr. Josh Sanders?" came an authoritative voice.


"This is Officer Brad Hammond of the Forsyth County Police Department. I was passing by a house and heard the security alarm going off, and the young lady inside the house said you were the homeowner and that you could vouch for her presence there. One moment... I've also just received a dispatch alert from your security provider that you're currently traveling. I can confirm from their records that the number I dialed is your primary phone number, is that correct?"

"That's correct, officer. I'm currently in Mexico. Who is it that's in my house?"

"The young lady identified herself as Jenny Hanson, a friend of yours, and says she has your permission to be at your home. Nothing appeared to be broken or stolen, though I did catch her next to your car with a key in hand. Do you know this woman?"

Sighing, Josh replied, "I do know her, officer. She's my ex-fiancé, and has no business being at my home at all. We are not friends."

"Understood, Mr. Sanders. I'll bring her in to the station and begin drawing up my report for breaking and entering charges, assuming you do want to press charges. When will you be back in the country, sir?"

"In two weeks, and that would be great."

"Very good. Just contact our department in regards to a break-in at your address once you're home, and we will move forward. Anything else I can do for you, sir?"

"No, I think that will be all. Thank you for taking care of this incident for me, Officer Hammond. I'll be in touch."

"My pleasure. Enjoy your trip, Mr. Sanders."

Hanging up, Josh turned to Becky with a huge grin. "The bitch was stupid enough to break into my home and try to key my car."

"Holy shit! Did they catch her?"

"Yep, and no damage done. She's currently taking a little ride to her local police precinct. I can handle the rest when I get home."

"Serves her right," Becky agreed with a giggle. "Now that all the excitement is done, you ready to head into the water?"

"Uh, I think I'd rather just, you know, hang here on the beach," Josh stammered, reaching for his shirt self-consciously.

Becky sat on her chair across from Josh's, looking him square in the eye. "Don't do that. Remember, I don't want you to be anything or anyone other than yourself. Last night, it was the nerdy techie that charmed me into wanting to take you home with me, not some dude with a stunning beach bod. Just be you, own it, and everything else will fall into place."

Blinking a couple of times, he asked, "Own it?"

"Own it. Most people in this world don't respect beauty; they respect confidence. If you are you, confident and content in that, nobody else's dumbass opinion matters worth a flying fuck. Just go with it."

Just go with it? Has she been reading my mind?!

Thinking momentarily, Josh finally pushed himself up to his feet, taking Becky's hand to pull her alongside. "Let's go, pretty lady," he said with a grin.

"There's that confident nerd," she marveled.

As the pair waded out into the water, the Caribbean was very calm that morning, as it was almost exactly halfway between high and low tides. This allowed them to go out a bit deeper, up to Josh's nipples and Becky's armpits. They played like a couple of little kids for quite some time, splashing each other constantly in retaliation for one thing or another. Becky soon got a fantastic shot in, squirting water from her cupped hands right into Josh's face as she laughed gleefully all the while. Her jubilation was short lived, however, as Josh charged for her and scooped her up into his arms, dunking her as she kicked him playfully. Still, he decided to go down with her, thinking it was only fair. Both were panting and heaving when they resurfaced, yet still carried huge grins on their faces.

"You're fun," Becky said, still resting in Josh's arms.

Lunging her face forward, she planted a kiss on his lips before he could even reply to her remark. Their second kiss was much more passionate than the first, with Becky beginning to probe Josh's lips with her tongue. After she gently began caressing his face with her fingers, he finally parted his lips, allowing her to taste him for the first time. Their tongues met tentatively at first, but were soon exploring every inch of the other with lustful abandon. Finally, they parted as Josh felt the need to set her down and catch his breath.

"You're, uh... fun... too," he breathed.

"Why thank you. Looks like you enjoyed yourself."

Through the crystal clear water of the Caribbean, it was plain to see that Josh's throbbing erection was protruding out from within his swim trunks.

"Ah shit..."

"Don't be embarrassed! It's really very flattering, actually," Becky said, biting her lower lip slightly. "Besides, I'd be lying if I said that you don't get my nipples hard."


"Uh huh," Becky affirmed with a strong nod of her head. "Wanna feel?"

"R-really? Out here in public?"

"We're the only ones in this area of the water, and my tits are below the surface. Nobody will be able to tell. Just lower yourself a bit so it's not quite so obvious."

Doing as she instructed, Josh squatted a bit to push his shoulders below the surface of the water. Slowly moving his hand forward, he took one of her bikini-covered breasts gently, massaging and squeezing it playfully. Though they were still clothed, her tits were still nothing short of magnificent, being around a C-cup by Josh's guess. He remembered wondering last night whether they were real or not, but it was immediately obvious now that Becky's assets were 100% homegrown.

"Mmm... oh, Josh... that feels wonderful," Becky purred. "Wrap your other arm around my waist so I don't float off."

"Like this?"

Following her suggestion, Josh remembered her sensitive spot from earlier, and began tickling the small of her back with his fingers. This brought about a wonderful response, as she thrust her hips and pelvis into him, beginning to grind against his engorged member. As he continued to fondle her, Becky moved her hand underneath his and slid the cloth triangle covering her breast aside, allowing Josh unhindered access for the first time. Josh resumed his massaging, feeling her small, puffy nipple between his fingers. It was indeed very hard, just as Becky had indicated, and it only grew harder as he gently tweaked it between his fingers.

"Oh my! You're great at this!" Becky gasped.

Blushing, Josh prevented himself from mentioning that Jenny had also had very sensitive breasts, which had given him lots of practice. Instead, Josh simply planted a kiss on her lips, stifling Becky's moan with his mouth. She continued to squirm, soon allowing her hands to drift southward. Before Josh could comprehend what she was doing, Becky had slipped his navy blue swim trunks down to his knees, exposing his cock to her beneath the water.

"W-what are you doing?" he asked in surprise.

"Returning the favor," she replied before locking lips with him once more.

To any observer on the beach, the pair simply appeared to be a young couple in love, kissing and embracing in the Caribbean Sea. Little did they know what all was occurring beneath the water's surface. Becky was now jerking Josh's cock with a loose fist, determining it to be of a decent length and substantial girth. Josh was in complete bliss, yet he didn't let up on Becky's nipple one bit, continually driving her crazy with his nimble fingers. After a few minutes, Josh could easily feel the edge approaching.

"Becky... if you... keep doing that... I'm... gonna-"

"Cum?" she replied huskily. "That's the idea, stud."

Taking a deep breath, Josh worked with all the willpower he had to try and stave off his explosion for a little longer; he was determined to do to Becky what she was hell-bent on doing to him. He redoubled his efforts on her breast while simultaneously wrapping her in a tight hug, kissing her neck all the while. This new sensation caused Becky's eyes to bulge in pleasure; she couldn't believe what was about to happen.

"Holy... shit! You're gonna make me cum... and you haven't even... touched... my pussy yet!"

Taking his face in her hand, Becky moved Josh to stare him squarely in the eyes as their climaxes approached.

"Make me cum, Josh. Make me... cum... for you. Let's cum... together," she panted, driving him wild with lust.

Feeling his balls tighten up, Josh's orgasm began to edge past the point of no return. He embraced it as much as he could, while giving the small of Becky's back one final tickle, sending her well over the edge as well. Knowing they were in public, the pair managed to stifle their moans to a few grunts and sighs, much to their surprise.

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