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Kaity at the Club Ch. 03

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Kaity goes into the pen.
3.8k words

Part 3 of the 5 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 07/30/2015
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Though Mike wanted me to stay and help him with a whale client, I told him that I would go in with my sis and he agreed. "Every woman in that room has to be naked though - I don't care if you are pregnant." It was hella perverted, but whatever, I wanted to be there with Kaity. I gave the man a quick blowjob to say thanks and for old time's sake.

When I finally got into the room, I saw Kaity near the end of the line of 11 girls. The lineup was a good mix, with a black girl, a redhead, 2 fake-looking blondes and 1 real one, 2 brunettes, 2 Latinas, and the Chinese girl, along with Kaity. Most of the girls looked a lot harder than Kaity - more like me, street-smart would-be strippers. The wavy haired Latina girl next to Kaity looked like a sweet little sister, though and you couldn't tell with the Chinese girl on her other side. Some were dressed all street, a few H&M and A&F, and the Latina girl next to her looked like a hot school librarian in a white shirt, slacks and horn-rimmed glasses. The Chinese girl looked like a BAG (boring Asian girl) dressed all in black. It looked like they might have lined the girls up from bad girl to innocent looking with Kaity on the innocent side. The black girl in the front had almost nothing on and looked like she just got fucked. The redhead next to her looked like an Irish version of that, just with more coverage of her freckles.

The girls were showered in bright light coming from overhead and corner spotlights. The room did not have much in it - it looked a lot like my dressing room, except the walls, ceiling and floor were all painted black. Two narrow beige counters that folded down in sections stretched along the long walls. Above the counters were four 4-foot wide rectangle mirrors, with about 4 inches between them. One end wall had the two doors, the one through with we entered, and the stage door with red, yellow and green lights above it. In between the doors were closets that held BDSM shit and other toys. There was also a flat screen mounted above the stage door, but it was turned off.

The other wall on the other end had an open shower that was about 10 feet wide and had four showerheads. A power washer was on each side, with their hoses coiled up. On either side of the shower were two tankless toilets. The shower and toilets were open to the room. A floor to ceiling mirror covered the entire wall.

Though it was missing a lot of stuff like curlers and makeup setups, I knew this room well. It was described as a prep room but I am pretty sure most of the girls besides Kaity knew what I knew. This room was called "the pen" and behind the mirrors were 8 booths on each side. In the booths, clients parted with $2 each minute to see strippers get ready for a show. The 6 upgraded booths behind the shower and toilets were reserved for annual club members who paid good money to see hot girls clean up and take a dump. A client could pay to press a button that suddenly sent cold water into the shower. The poor girl would get a cold shock and shake her ass and jiggle her tits. If the guy were lucky, the cold shock hit her pussy and her whole body shook. I had to get used to it before I was a headliner, and it didn't even faze me, but I would knock around my big tits to give some perv a show.

The session starred when Derek, the ex-Navy SEAL and current pit manager, walked in and stood facing the girls. A fortyish looking guy, he crossed his arms and was about to speak. Dressed in black t-shirt and pants, he looked like a cross between a drill sergeant and a bad ass biker. He had nasty looking tats covering his arms and neck, with closely cropped graying hair underneath a bald dome, and a trim gray moustache. He's the kind of guy who looks like he's wearing sunglasses even when he isn't.

Derek was joined by 6 other men in the room, two being the big guys who had taken Kaity into the room. The other four guys, though they were also dressed in black, were actually club members who paid to be on this side of the mirrors.

"Good evening, Ladies. My name is Derek and I am here to guide you through the next few hours. We're going to have a lot of fun together, as long as you do exactly as I say. If you have a problem with that," he said with a shit eating grin," all I can say is that it is too fucken bad. You all signed a binding contract, which we expect you to honor, and if you choose not to do so, I will be seeing a lot more of you beyond tonight and you will not like it."

I could see Kaity shake a little there, and I was worried that she might freak out. She made eye contact with me and I nodded my head to reassure her. If she only knew, I thought.

"During this next hour in this room, you will be prepped for the show. Your skanky asses will be inspected and scrubbed cleaned, all your nasty cracks will be oiled, your faces made up and your bodies fixed up. We'll give you what you are going to go out and take off."

Right then, Kaity jumped from line and ran over to me.

"Sis, what's going on?" she whispered. "What kind of pageant is this?" She tucked her head into my shoulder.

"Don't worry Kaity, it is going to be fine. You're fine, I promise that you're going to have fun. You remember how I was in pageants as a teenager? Every pageant is like this, believe me. Miss USA, Miss Nude Day, it's all the same backstage. Only here you have to be ready in an hour. My friend Derek here is just being a badass because is under a lot of pressure to get things done fast. He's really a sweetheart underneath. You know how that is, right? I've seen you be the bad ass to get things done. Just do what he says and you'll be fine. Can you do that?"

"I don't know," Kaity said weakly.

"Is there a problem?" Derek asked as the Samoan and the Russian walked over.

"No, Derek, it's cool. You know I got this," I said as he nodded. I raised my hand to the attendants and they stopped.

Based on what I knew about roofies, I decided to be more forceful.

"Look, Kaity, you are going to get your pretty ass back in line and do what Derek says. Derek is a friend and he'll take of us. He won't let you become a slave here, which is what will happen if you try to run. They're spending a lot of money on this pageant and you signed a contract knowing full well what you were doing."

I could feel her eyes blinking into my shoulder. I grabbed her face, looked her in the eye and turned from stick to carrot.

"Just remember all those souls you are going to save with the money you're going to win. Look at these skanks, you are soooo much hotter. The funds are yours for the taking but you can't win if you act like this. Now get back in line and let's do the Lord work."

She looked up and smiled while crinkling her eyes. I nodded, she nodded, and then she went back in line.

Derek nodded his head, as if to say thanks.

"In the next hour, you'll be out on stage for the contest. You'll do 2 go-rounds for the judges. The 4 finalists will then be selected and they'll fight it out for the win."

"OK, ladies, if we're done with the drama, let's move on. "

"Now face me with your legs spread apart". They did as he said and the attendants went up and down the line to square shoulders and spread their feet.

"Remove your shoes and socks." They all did, though some were slow. Kaity kicked off her sandals and stood barefoot.

"I need this to be quicker, ladies, we don't have much time before the show. It should not take you more than 3 seconds to take off anything."

"Let's try again. Remove your pants, skirts," he looked right at Kaity and smiled "Daisy Dukes," he added, then suddenly barked, " One AL-LI-GA-TOR, two AL-LI-GA-TOR, THREE AL-LI-GA-TOR".

Kaity took off her brown belt, but got the zipper of her tight Daisy Dukes stuck halfway down. In her drugged state of mine, she wiggled sexily from side to side as she tried to force down her Dukes, but couldn't get them over her curvy hips. After Derek finished counting, the Samoan came over and pushed Kaity down onto the padded floor. Her tits hit the floor with a thud. The Samoan grabbed her shorts and violently ripped them off Kaity, dragging, pulling her along the floor. Her tits made deep grooves in the foam and you could practically smell the friction. The Samoan took her belt that had flown from her hands and whipped her covered ass hard at least five times while yelling at her to stand the fuck up. He looked like a cop beating a suspect as the metal studded belt struck her half bared asscheeks. She got up, pulled her top down and stuck her hands through her hip huggers to soothe her whipped ass and yelped in pain. Little did she know how much more was to come.

In the middle of the room, I saw that the tall blonde and athletic brunette both now stood bottomless, since the sluts must have gone commando. The blonde's top stopped at her hips, so her blonde pussy was exposed, while the brunette's gingham shirt hung down and mostly covered hers.

While Kaity struggled with her Daisy Dukes and got whooped, I totally stripped down. I wasn't there to play and I moved to where Kaity could see me easier, just a few steps behind the Latina librarian.

"Get those tops off! One AL-LI-GA-TOR, two AL-LI-GA-TOR..."

The spanking seemed to focus her, as she wiggled out of her loose flower top and then tore off her tank top. She bent over to take off the tank top off and when she straightened up and flipped her hair, her bikini covered tits thrust out.

I swear to God, all the men's heads turn to her, with eyes locked on her 36 DD's. With the two tops no longer there to cover her hourglass shape, she looked 25 pounds lighter and a cup size or two bigger. Derek even muttered "outstanding," as he looked at Kaity's tits forming a nearly perfect flat ledge inside her balconette bikini top. Even in her daze, Kaity seemed to feel the attention in the room turned to her. She blushed, making her tan lines red.

Derek regained his composure and cleared his throat. "Now, ladies, when I say the word I want you to turn to your left and face the doors" he ordered. "Turn left." It was at this point that I realized the real pageant show was right here in this room with all the horny men watching from their narrow booths.

"You all know how to remove a bra. You're going to do it for your partner next to you. Kat, can you help out?"

"Sure," I said, as I lined up behind the small Chinese girl.

"Now reach up to the strap, and when I give the command, you will pop the strap of the girl in front of you."

"Do it."

I took off the Chinese girl's bra, while she yanked down on Kaity's bikini strap. Kaity unhooked the Latina librarian's bra, which almost fell off her shoulders.

The other Latina girl, who looked like Eva Mendes and was almost as well endowed as Kaity, started to remove her bra, and Derek barked "I DID NOT TELL YOU TO DO ANYTHING YET. KEEP THAT BRA ON, COMPRENDE?" Shocked and almost in tears, she pulled it back on.

"NOW, partner off and face each other." A few girls turned back and forth until they figured it out.

"Now, remove the bra of your partner." All the girls did just that, taking turns.

"Now, reach up and feel those tits in front of you. I want you to play doctor and give each other a breast exam. Feel for lumps. You are going to save your partner from the Big C. If you can't do it hard enough, I and the fellas will show you how on your own tits."

Since there were 11 girls, I was roped in with the Chinese girl. She grabbed my ballooned up 36 DD tits hella hard, which were already tender from my pregnancy. I paid her back on her 32 B tiny tits and she stink-eyed me, though I think she liked it.

Most of the girls were going at each other's breasts. As for Kaity and the Latina librarian, they were acting like gentle lovers, with the Latina feeling around Kaity's tits. The tits were way bigger than her small brown hands, which contrasted so deeply with Kaity's pale tits. For the most part, Kaity had a beautiful brown tan, but it was obvious that her boobs had never seen the sun in all her years on this earth. Meanwhile, Kaity was doing a textbook breast exam, just like she learned in school.

Derek marched over and said in a screaming (though not actually loud) voice:

"What is your damage?"

He looked at the Latina and asked, "Is she your lover?"

Kaity was confused and started to answer. Derek cut her off, "DO NOT speak to me!".

Derek then grabbed Kaity's humongous tits and start to pretty much milk them, kneading and pushing them and massaging her areolas with his palms. Kaity welped, but she also seemed to be enjoying it. Maybe the roofies acted like ecstasy. He was supposed to show the librarian on her own tits, but he obviously wanted to manhandle Kaity's double-D's. He pulled so hard, that Kaity fell forward. He then reached behind her and just held the massive globes. His massive hands cradled them.

"Now you grab her tits and do the same," he whispered in Kaity's ear. Kaity yanked on the other girl's 34 C tits and did the same. Both she and the girl teared up a bit.

"What are you waiting for?" he yelled to the other girl. "Grab these." Kaity suddenly had to deal with the girl grabbing her tits from the front, while Derek squeezed them from behind. She felt disgust, humiliation, excitement and ecstasy all at the same time.

He looked around and noticed that everyone else in the room had stopped to look at him while he abused Kaity's tits. We all awaited his next command. I wanted to step in, but I knew I had to let it play out.

"All right then, let's move on. You know what's next. " He spoke from behind Kaity. "You're going to remove each other's panties and inspect each other's pussies. If your partner's nasty cunt is not clean and you say it is, you will both suffer the consequences. But if it is clean and you say it isn't, you will suffer alone."

"Don't ask me what clean is, because I ain't no bitch. But I will show you how it is done," he said.

He dragged my poor sis to the front. He folded down a portion of the counter and put it against the wall. He positioned Kaity so that her pussy was just about 10 inches from the two-way mirror. From this angle, the other girls would be able to see what he was doing in the mirror. He knew who his paying customers were though and he was going to give that booth a great show.

He made Kaity spread her legs so wide she could barely stand. "There are two ways to do this, and I will show you both. Pay attention."

"On my command, you will partner up and assume these positions," he said as he kneeled between Kaity and the mirror.

"Damn girl, you got a fuckin' jungle down here. We are going to have to shave you clean before you go out. Somebody get me a shaving kit. "

"In fact get a shaving kit for everyone. Tonight everyone will be shaved clean."

Derek didn't waste any time. Her legs were already spread, so he just rubbed in some oil and pulled the straight razor clean across in a few strokes, cleaning off the cake of hair after each stroke. When he was done, he took the oil and covered the skin and poked inside of her, where it singed a bit. He felt her tight pussy grasp on her finger. He had never felt a pussy that fucking tight. He thought that the slut must do some Kagle exercises.

"OK, put the fucking shaving kits away for now. You can take care of that later. Now make sure you are in the position in front.

"Reach in and spread her pussy with your thumb and fingers. You should be able to see deep down. If there is any discoloration, that is a dirty cunt. Kaity here has a pretty clean looking pink pussy.

"But looks aren't everything. I want you to bury your nose in that pussy." Derek buried his nose in that now clean-shaven pussy. "Damn bitch, this is the freshest pussy I have ever smelled, " he thought to himself.

I saw Derek spread her lips, look deeper, poke a finger in and then suddenly stop in his tracks "Keep your noses in those cunts," he commanded as he walked quickly past everyone as if checking their work before finally coming to me.

Derek pulled me to the corner and whispered in my ear, "You didn't tell me your sis was a fucking tight virgin!" I think he could tell from my shocked look that I was surprised too. Kaity is a good girl, a leader in the church, but she has an edge like Mindy Kaling, with plenty of street smarts. She is certainly not sheltered, though I had never seen her with a steady guy.

True, Kaity had been obese in high school, but she was hella cute back then. She hung out with hot friends and cute boys who liked her as a friend. When she dropped about 50 lbs. in the past few years, she became drop-dead gorgeous. I was sure some playas started playing her, even though she hid her curves under baggy tops and big dresses. I was amazed that she was able to save herself with that now fuck-me body and her killer looks. I had no idea she was saving herself, and now I was feeling kinda bad about the whole situation.

On the other hand, though, she'd never remember any of this, she'd get the money she needs for the church mission, and I'd make some bank. I could get over it.

"We need to arrange for whale bidders, including some who may not be here tonight yet. Go tell Mike." I nodded and grabbed Kaity's long flower top to put on.

When I left the room, Derek had turned Kaity around and had her ass facing the mirror with her hands on her knees, as he buried his nose in her pussy from below. The other girls in the room were doing the same.

I found Mike in the booth that looked right into Kaity's sweet pussy. He was in there with a VIP who he told me later was a software gazillionaire. All I knew at the time was that this freak was licking the glass as Kaity's pussy and ass were up against the two-way mirror.

I tried to get Mike out of the room, but he was in the middle of a deal with the geek.

He gave me no choice, so I blurted out "She's a virgin." Both the geek and Derek stopped dead in their fucking tracks.

" I didn't know until Derek just told me. Between the shaving and the demo, he has probably seen more of her cunt than any man including her doctor, " I added. "He says she's really tight."

The geek interrupted,"Fuck, Fuck, do you mean anal virgin?" "No Dexter," I said, as Mike shot me a look, " a full-on virgin - no dick, no nothing, has been all up in that."

"So you're telling me that this beautiful Asian girl with gorgeous tits and a sweet pussy is a total virgin at what looks to be at least 21 years old."

"Yes. And she's almost 23," I added.

The geek kept going, "Hold on. Unicorns aren't real. Neither are big-titted 23-year old Asian virgins who look like that in a place like this (no offense), I know a scam when I see it, and if this is bullshit, I will pull all my friends out of this fucking club and ruin this place, " he threatened.

Mike said," Eli, I am as shocked and frankly, excited as you are, but this looks legit. Kat wanted to tell me outside, but you and I were talking. Derek examined her, and he was a Navy SEAL medic. You were right here so close to her bushy cunt you could almost smell the jungle. You saw it go how wild it is. You're a witness. "

He continued, "This is real and may never happen again. You need to contact your rich friends and get them down here by 1am".

Eli said, "OK, OK. Say it's legit? If it is, why would I bring anyone else down here? I am pretty sure you can't reach most of them. If I don't contact them, I will be the highest bidder and have her all to myself. You can't round up the high rollers in an hour like I can."

"Eli, you don't want to do that - you know you would lose a lot of friends and business if you denied your friends a shot at this trophy. I mean this town thrives on gossip and this event will not be a secret. So make contacts, bring in at least 5 other millionaires, and if you are not the highest bidder, I will give you 5% and any other of these girls you see here as a consolation prize. I know you like that one Latina girl more than this girl. You're already ahead without spending a penny."


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