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Kayla & Aaron (K&A) Ch. 01

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Story of Love between a beautiful girl and her brother.
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Hello, My name is Kayla 'Altoid', I'm 18 years old and this is my first true story! The story is added along, but the events, the locations, the details are all very much real. Enjoy!

It had all began about 4 weeks ago.

"Hey, Aaron?"

"Yeah?" he shouted back from the other room.

"Could you get me some uh.., What are those things that mom bought?"


"No no, the other things."


"No (laugh) The other thing! OH, the burritos!"


"Yeah! Those! I want two please!!"

I heard him walking around in the living room a few minutes later to head off to the kitchen. I sat on my bed, endless in thought about what had happend at school today. I was walking to class when this guy named Ricky, this tall ginger started to walk by my side in the hallways of my campus during passing period.

"Hey kayla." Ricky said with a assertive voice.

I kept my composure and ingored him, because the last thing I wanted to do was to be harassed by another horny guy. I was thinking to myself: "Why doesn't he just, leave me alone? I obviously don't want to talk with him.." I was saying to myself, as I maintained my walk.

"HEY, Kayla? Hello? Can you hear me? Are you ignoring me?"

"Listen, just leave me alone okay? I don't want to talk to you!" I screamed at him out of my own suprising frustration.

A stunned Ricky stood infront of my face as I turned to him, standing there with a pale face that suddely turned red with embarrasement. Within an instant I had found myself on the ground, being pummeled on by this guy who is twice my size, and 6 inches taller than me. All I could hear is the 'ooos' and the laughter of the massive crowd. I looked up in a plead for him to stop, but his eyes were closed as he had kept striking me in the face, no longer feeling the pain, just the feeling of my head moving.

I looked up and I saw my older brother staring down at me from above as I finally came concious.

"What happened...." I had asked.

I looked over and I saw his friends, all stomping and kicking the kid until large campus staff had lifted the kids up, holding them back.

"Don't speak kayla. You're alright now." he had sad lowly in my ear, as I still laid there confused.

"...okay." I said softly.

I could feel him pick me up in his arms, and he carried me to the inside of a classroom. He layed me out on the table inside. I could hear the teacher and my brother talking. I looked over and I saw him run out the door full sprint and tackled the kid as he was walking away with the guards. He got in a couple punches to the unconcious boy before yanking my brother off of him.

I woke up again to my brother shaking me to wake up. I looked up at him and I sat upright incredibly dizzy.

"Don't move too fast now, just sit up. Everyone is tending to that kid."

"What happened to him?"

"Well me ali, richard and kenny heard a commotion and we didn't come right away because we figured it was just another fight at school until we heard you screaming. I came running. By then you were already unconcious, and I took immediate action. I ran in and kicked him over, and kicked him in the head and I ran over to you, and I looked back an I saw my friends taking care of that guy."

"what..?" I said entirely confused, trying to wrap my brain around what words he was mumbling.

He took my hand, and helped me off of the desk. He held my hand as we made our way off of the school campus, through the halls with everyone staring at us, as if we were in a relationship together because nobody knew who we were. Much of that early day was a big blur, I remember I rested my head on his shoulder as we sat at the curb infront of the school waiting for our uncle to come and give us a ride to take us home. He was wiping the blood from my face, ripping his shirt to use as a plug for my nose, using his saliva to clean it off of my neck and chest.

"I love you Kayla." He looked at me with great sorrow.

"I love you too big brother.."


"Hey, are you feeling okay?" He asked as he sat down on the other side of the bed from me, breaking my daydream.

"Yeah. I was just day dreaming."

"About earlier today?"


"Well kayla, don't try to think about it, I don't care what happens to me as a concequnce for helping you. My friends and I joked about it on facebook a couple minutes ago, that kid ricky was posting picture on his wall about how he was jumped and tagged us in it saying how a girl was in it too and how you're a dike or something."

"A dike? A lesbian? Do I dress like a lesbian?" I asked curiously.

"If you considered ripped skinny jeans, jordans and a tanktop and long straight blonde hair to be lesbian than I guess so." He said jokingly.

We laughed and he ate one of the burritos with me as we talked for over an hour.

"Well I'm gonna go and take a shower now." He said with a smile, giving me a hug as he walked away from my bed.

"Wait, here take the plate in the kitchen please?"


As he turned his head, I could not but notice his muscles flex as he got up from the bed, and notice his amazingly muscular body walk with such easy as he walks out of my room, utterly oozing confidence and handsome glory that I screamed into my pillow and kicked my feet with a big smile. I had quickly jumped up with excitement and suprise as I remember my contraption in the bathroom.

I had a spare smartphone laying around and I downloaded a Webcam App that allowed me to connect to my phone from my Computer and use it as a webcam. I walked in the bathroom and closed the door, locking it. I looked into the closet connected to the tub and saw that my phone was still taped to the wall. I quicky took it down, and clicked start broadcasting, and I carefully placed the lens over the hole I had made. (there was already a gap in the calking inbetween the tiles, and i shoved a screw driver through the wood closet and made a perfect hole for the phones camera.) I close the closet, and I flush the toilet and walk out as he walks into the bathroom with his boxers on and his clothes around his shoulder.

Patiently I sit here, waiting in anxiety for him to close to the bathroom door to begin his session. As soon as I heard the door close, I quickly locked my door and went to the local ip address on the internet. I sit here, anxiously waiting for the video to pop on, my hearts beating out of my chest, and I cheer when I can see the camera is working perfectly fine, and everything is set up. He opened the curtains, and turned on the shower. I was suprised and even more excited that I could see the toilet from the angle of the camera. "Yes!" i cheered in my head. I watch with my head resting on my arms as I wait for him to stop organizing his stuff. My eyes grew wide, he had taken off his boxers and I for the first time, have seen my brother, or any guy infact, naked other than in porn, but real life and real time!

He turned around and my jaw dropped as I saw my brothers penis, half erect a perfect 6 inches atleast! I began to feel really warm and wet in my panties just sitting here so I decided to just lean back and slowly slip down my panties as he began his shower. He cleaned himself head to toe with his scrubber, then washed all of the soap off. He looked around, with a curious look on his face as he put away his scrub brush. He moves his hand off of the cameras view and he grabs MY pink scrub! He places soap on my scrub and he begans to wash his privates. Slowly cleaning his balls, and working his away up to his hard dick. He grabbed the soap and applied more to his penis and begans scrubbing it lightly with my scrubber, and then washed himself off. He put my scrubber away, and turned off the water. But as he looks around, i see him grabbing my body lotion, and he applies alot to his hands, and then to his dick.

I'm already sweating from how hot this is, not including the clit rubbing is making me nearly climax! He begans to stroke himself with one hand, and covering his mouth with the next. I began to move my fingers at the same pace as his hand rythym. I began to speed up as im about to cum, and he grabs my scrubber and unleashes a large load onto it, as he thrusts his penis all over it, unsure how pleasant that feels, it surely made him cum alot as i could see it just pouring off of the scrub. I let out high pitch moan as i cum and i quickly cover my mouth as i keep rubbing my clit and i quickly shoved 2 fingers into my vagina as i was cumming, just the video was such a hot mess for me. I stopped recording on my pc and i saved the file and shut off my computer.

He walked out of the bathroom, smelling like my lotion and his cologne.

"I seeeee that you used my lotion?"

His entire face turned red.

"What do you mean????"

"Well I can smell my lotion off of you, and you instantly bursted into a blush." I said casually as he began to turn brighter than an apple.

"I don't know what you're talking about."

"Mhm. It's okay, I really don't mind!" I said smiling.

He looked a bit relieved. He dried himself off infront of the fan in the living room before turning the t.v. on and sitting in the reclining chair. I peeked around the hallway to see his eyes closed, and his heart beating really fast as he lays back in the reclining chair as he lays there with no shirt on. I went back into my room for 15 minutes or so and I peaked my head out, and he had rolled onto his side. I slowly tip toe my way to his chairside and i can see it there...the head of his penis just peaking its head out. I was in heaven! I looked for a long while at it, comparing my hand to the size, and everything. He sounded like he was going to wake so i wanted to do something quick. I looked up at him, and i slowly kissed his penis and I got up and walked away slyly, but then it dawned on me. I could tell him his junk is out, and he'll know I've seen it!

I slowly crawled over to the side of the chair and he still remained asleep. I slowly...slowly lifted part of his boxers, unsheathing more of his penis. I tapped it lightly on the tip a couple times and it moved up and down, slowly erecting. I watched fascinatedly. I could see about 4 inches of it sticking out of the front of the boxers. I stood up and i shook him lightly on the shoulder.

"Aaron, wake up."


"Hey, your junks hanging out, figured i'd tell you."

"My what?" He said covering his eyes as he opens them, looking up at me.

"Your penis?" I said and touched it.

His eyes immediately flared and chills ran down his arms. Trying to play it off like nothing happened, he pulled his boxers out and moved his penis to the side of his leg and placed them back. He looked at me with a smirk:

"Why were you looking anyways?"

"Well gee, I came out here to clean the living room and all I see was a huge shlong just peaking itself out of your boxers. Wasn't hard to miss."

"Are you complimenting me on my size?"

"Are you implying that I was complimenting you? Or are you taking it as a compliment?"

"Well, thank you for your compliment about my large member there." We chuckled.

As I was finishing up cleaning, to my suprise he smacked my butt as I walked past the chair, and i fell to the ground.

"Woah! I'm sorry! I didn't mean for you to fall!?"

"No it's okay you just suprised me!" I said smiling, feeling the stinging pain on my right buttcheek, I closed my eyes and i bite my lip and sit there for a minute.

"Are you okay?" He said worriedly

"Yeah, it doesn't hurt."

"Then why are you sitting there biting your lip? Did you like that or something?" He asked me curiously.

"I swear I didn't..." I said a grin.

I rolled over slowly to get up and again he smacked me but this time he smacked my left cheek.

"Mmm." I moaned.

"You like that?" He said unsurely but with a smile.

I simply nodded my head and shook my butt.

"Nah." He smiled and laughed.

"..Nah what? No more?"

"Do you want more?"

"Sure why not?"

"I mean.. alright."

*Smack!* I felt his hand print on my butt as he kept his hand there. He grabbed a tight big grip of my ass, that really turned me on, I can't describe how electric it was.

"Mmphm..." I let out a moan. He used two hands and grabbed my ass and just held on and couressed me.

A car pulls into the driveway.

"Hey, get up." he asks.

"Who is that?" I say fixing my hair, and adjusting my pants.

"I think it's mom and dad?" Aaron asked confused.

"Really? What are they doing at our house?" I asked curiously.

"Nooo Idea."

The car slowly backed out of the driveaway.

"I'm pretty tired, kayla. I'm going to go ahead and go back to sleep."

"Oh, okay." I said with a smile.

He smiled aswell.

"In that case, I'll be in my room for awhile."

"Okay, goodnight."

"Night." I replied.

"Man that was alot of fun, I've never been spanked but it all had felt so right, felt so powerful to be put in place like that, spanked. I want to do more stuff like that. His hands were like..perfectly gripped my butt." I said there just lowly talking to myself.

"I wonder though.. if he is thinking about it right now, if he had fun. I think it was all because I touched his dick that he got pretty crazy like that.."

I woke up at 8 A.M., and I can already smell the coffee brewing.

"Goodmorning." He greeted me as I walked around the kitchen in the big long shirt he gave me.

"Goodmorning." I replied. I looked over at the eggs he was making and I knew that he was making me something special because he doesn't eat eggs. He had a ton of things out for a recipe.

"What's the special occassion?" I asked.

"It's a weekend silly."

"Oh It is!" I was happy.

"So I been having some ideas go through my head."

"And what kind of ideas are those?" I asked.

"Like, let's make some plans for the weekend, yeah?"

"Yeeesss!!" I danced in cheer.

To my suprise, that sounded like so much fun.

(3/19/15) -- More tommorow, enjoy for now!

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wetswollenrawpussywetswollenrawpussyover 9 years ago

Can't wait to read more.

sabra16023sabra16023over 9 years ago
Good story

Keep writing. Waiting for next chapter. Thanks

lemonheadslemonheadsover 9 years ago

I thought it was good. For a first story you did well. This is not an english class, I never noticed anything wrong I just read the story. I look forward to seeing where your story goes from here. Please ignore all the critics who want everything perfect and just write your story, I'm sure you'll next effort will be better and the next will be even better. For your first effort job well done, keep your head up and write your story. Thank you

Epiphany_JonesEpiphany_Jonesover 9 years ago
To BonnieTaylor2

Your comment was about as atrociously written as the actual story. You and the author should get together and make little, illiterate babies!

bonnietaylor2bonnietaylor2over 9 years ago
edit my big fat ass hole dear annony

this is a sex site with fuck stories you want edit go to News Week. God you;'re a dumb fucking asshole

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
5 becasue dear annony

hated it so your story is great to every human being on earth

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
so so terible

stupid made no sense both at school yet "why are parent at our house "

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