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Kenna Ch. 06

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Final installment.
22.9k words

Part 6 of the 6 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 06/17/2019
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Kenna calls me to come over to help her with something, she doesn't sound right so I make my way over to her in a hurry. Pulling up I see Sebastien's car parked out front. He's supposed to be in California, what is he doing here? With a confused look I use my key to come in the house where I see Sadie on one couch and Sebastien on the other couch watching Sadie watch the movie.

"BAM what you doing here?" I say a little too loud because he turned around quickly to put his finger to his mouth. I shrug, I'll talk to him about this later.

"Hey Axl, where's my candy you promised me?" Sadie threw over her shoulder.

"You and Kenna really need to drop the sweet tooth obsession ya'll got." I say chuckling.

"Kenna's in her room. Beware." she says ominously.

I get into the room to see Kenna on the bed with a heating pad stuffed in the back of her shorts with her butt poked up in a semi downward dog slash childs pose. It's hilariously adorable. The remote is on the floor and the blankets are sprawled half on the floor half on the bed like she kicked them off in anger.

"Hey bunny what's wrong?" I sit on the bed next to her face.

"Shark week. I want to give Sadie and Sebastien their space. She's using me as a crutch. Can you take me home with you." she said everything in short sentences like she couldn't bear to speak. She looked up at me with those brown eyes of hers not knowing that her calling my place her home touched me somewhere deep in my heart.

"Sure, what do you need me to do?"

"I have a small yellow treasure chest in the back of my closet behind purses, I'll get everything else." she grunted as she sat up.

After searching through mounds of purses of all shapes and sizes, I finally find the box she was talking about. It's small enough to fit in my hand but it's rather heavy for the size. Shrugging I take the box out to see her bent over the bed waiting for me. We say our goodbyes then get in my truck. When we get to my house she immediately sets up shop on my couch, I try to tell her to take the bed but she wouldn't have any of that.

"Do you need some ibuprofen or anything?"

"Can you order a pepperoni pizza with extra sauce and put some tea on the stove? My card is in my bag." she handed me her bag wincing. She let out a loud moan in pain getting into the fetal position.

I drop her purse back down kind of irritated that she thought I would make her pay. I make the call and put on her herbal tea. When I go back to the living room, she's not there. On a whim I go out back to find her fumbling with her box. She pushes it back in frustration.

"Need help?"

"Uh do you mind if I smoke? I only smoke during this time of the month."

"You do know I lived in California for eight years right?" I made the 'gimmie' motion.

"Can you roll it for me? I'll love you forever." she was so cute.

What she doesn't know is that these fingers are magical and can roll the tightest blunt on planet earth. I roll it carefully licking it closed then giving it a big sniff. This is some potent shit she got. I light it for her then pass it to her watching her put the blunt between her full lips taking a drag.

She holds in the smoke for a few seconds then exhales resting her head on the chair. I watch her as the smoke curls around her lips to caress her face, it's kind of erotic. Everything she does is sexy and erotic to me. She takes in a few more drags talking to me about nothing in particular.

My phone beeps notifying me that someone is at the front door. Kenna goes to stand and I instantly stop her, she's topless. Ain't no way I'm letting the delivery boy sneak a look at my woman. Her eyes are a little glazed but she has a dreamy smile on her face. I go pay the guy hiding Kenna with my body.

As soon as I close the door she snatches the pizza out of my hands to eat one right out the box. I reach to take a piece but she moves the box away looking at me like I lost my everlasting mind.

"Uh uh this is mine."

"Bunny sharing is caring." I kept trying to reach around her.

"I will bite you." she looked at me sternly.

"What am I going to eat?" I put on my best begging face poking out my lip.

"You're lucky I love you. You're only getting two pieces." she was grumpy on her period.

"Kenna there's eight pieces in there. You can't eat six pieces by yourself." I say trying to guilt her into giving me more.

"Watch me." she said haughtily.

"Think about all the carbs." I say grabbing her ass in my palm giving it a squeeze. "Matter of fact, eat all you want, it only benefits me." I quickly grab two big pieces then escape from her little leg trying to kick me.

I let the greedy woman enjoy her snack by driving to the store to get her favorite ice cream. I remember her saying during her really bad days she likes to eat ice cream and watch movies. I want to make her as comfortable as possible so maybe one day she'll actually call this place her home.

As I drive home I wonder if it's too early in the relationship to ask her to marry me. I haven't even met her whole family yet. What if they don't like me? What if she told them about what I said or what I did to Sean. I pull into my driveway then sat the ice cream on the counter looking for Kenna again.

She's out back laying on my hammock with her short leg swinging off the edge. The curve of her foot turns me on. The plume of smoke pushed out of her mouth with puckered lips makes me smile. She giggles at nothing pointing at the sky.

"Look a falling star!" she smiles big at me.

I look up, "Bunny that's a plane." she goes into a fit of giggles.

I shake my head taking the blunt from her inhaling, I need to be on this too. Or maybe I should stay sober to take care of her? Two hits won't hurt. I stub it out on the chair then carefully place it on the table for later. I pick her up out of the hammock and she wraps her body around me.

"You're so fucking gorgeous. I love your lips they're so plump." she kisses my lips then licks them.

"You're geeked." I say laughing into her mouth.

She giggles more placing her hands on my face kissing me more sneaking her tongue past my lips. The kiss gets deeper and I knead her ass in my hands feeling my cock grow. This should stop, I should stop. She drops her legs. Then she shoves my pants and underwear down, aggressively pushing me in a chair.

She palms my shaft squatting down on the ground. She's eye to eye with my weeping cock. She licks her lips then runs her tongue around my angry head. I need to stop her, I'm taking advantage of her. I place my hands on the sides of her face awed at how pretty she looks with her full lips wrapped around me and her cheeks hollowed with the force of her suction. My head falls back with a moan.

"Bunny we have to stop, I can't take advantage of you." I hate myself so much right now.

She pulls back gripping the base of me hard, "If you don't let me enjoy my high by sucking your cock, I will kick you in your shins." she took me back in her mouth.

She's the boss. She gets real nasty sucking me. She pulls me out her mouth sticking her tongue flat out to stroke me with just my head rubbing against her tongue. She looks up at me innocently while she's sucking me so dirty. Her spit runs down my shaft and her mouth is so fucking hot and I can feel the vibrations reverberate around me. Her hand is twisting and squeezing me while her mouth sucks me in.

Her head is twisting like her hands making me feel glorious. Maybe those little hits got me slightly high. She places her hands on my thighs taking me down her throat. Oh god her nose is resting in my hairs swallowing me. I grunt at the back of my throat not wanting to fuck her face. I slowly pump in her mouth as she deep throats me. She takes me out her mouth to take one of my balls into her hot mouth.

My knees are getting weak and I'm so close. I move the curls that fell into her face watching her lick me from the bottom all the way to the tip of my purple head. Inhaling my length she takes me down her throat again. I suck in a sharp breath before I explode inside her mouth with a groan thrusting my hips. She doesn't stop sucking me. A high pitched moan escapes me. I'm gonna marry her and I'm gonna put a million babies inside of her, mark her as mine for all of eternity.

"You're so reactive I love it. Most men think they should stay quiet but I love hearing your moans. It turns me on." she sounds dreamy.

I feel a breeze across my shoulders wondering when I took my shirt off. Once again I bring her to her feet to carry her inside this time.

"Why don't you have a shirt on?" she giggles up at me playing with my chest hairs.

"Why don't you have a shirt on?" I shoot back at her.

"Oh during shark week I get really hot and clothes bother my skin so I try to wear as little as possible." she goes limp in my arms smiling at me as I fumble trying to get a good grip on her loose form. She's doing what kids do where they just make their entire body into cooked noodles. She's such a goofball.

I place her on the couch to go get her ice cream and a blanket because I know she'll be freezing in a few. Happily sated, I sit on the couch with her as she eats the ice cream with small bites. She falls asleep watching the movie with the spoon falling to the floor. The whole movie she kept saying she felt like the characters were touching her but in reality it was just me rubbing her arm. She's funny when she's high.

I love this woman so much it hurts. She is my everything and I love every thing about her. I don't care if it's too soon, I'm proposing to her right now. I look at her lying on the bed I just tucked her into, she looks peaceful. Okay I'll ask tomorrow when she wakes up. I slide in the bed beside her and she rolls over to throw her body over mine. I love how even in her sleep she finds me. I wrap my arms around her falling asleep with a smile.

Everything was right in the world again. I was behind my desk looking at blueprints for a new building one of my clients wanted me to create. This was a very unique project for me in that they are allowing me to have creative freedom. With what they're paying me, I want to make this one of my best works. With me working on point on this one and Dan as a consultant I'm positive that everything will come out fine. I hear my door opening, guessing that it's Chloe I don't look up from the three dimensional design on my desk.

"Hey Chlo could you bring me some more coffee, I'll have to work through lunch today."

"Don't worry pet I have a fresh cup of joe for you." my head pops up with a smile to see Kenna balancing a large cup in her right hand and a bag that must have food in it, with her other hand.

"I am delightfully surprised to see you." I stride over to give her a kiss on the lips taking the bag of food as we separate.

"I had some extra time so I thought I'd bring in lunch. I have a client right down the street who's opening a charming little bookstore slash coffee shop. If I play my cards right I could get free coffee." she does a little dance with the thought of anything free flitting through her mind.

Quickly clearing my corner table I place the food on it kind of embarrassed by how messy my office is. I turn to really look at her. Her hair is done in those long braids that I have come to love with gold jewels dispersed here and there. Her tight skirt falls to the middle of her shins wearing platform heels that match her green shirt. I love seeing her in her professional attire.

Like always, the delicate gold choker I got her is secured around her neck with tiny diamond earrings in her ears and muted gold studs along the seam of her ears. The mascara on her eyelashes make them fuller and draws more attention to her alluring eyes. The muted brown lipstick that she wear gives her lips a charming pout, she calls the muted color matte. I might have to find that color and buy her a lifetime supply since that seems to be her go-to favorite.

"You're doing it again." she says teasingly.

"Well if you weren't so damn fine I wouldn't have to stare at you. Maybe wear a paper bag next time." no matter how hard I try I still cannot stop staring at her. She floors me with her beauty all the time. Especially when she dons new hairstyles, it's like fucking a different version of her each time.

When she has her curls out, it's like being with the goddess of the earth, when she has those locs in her head it's like a bohemian nymph seducing me or one time she wore her khalessi wig and I was fucking the queen of dragons. Yeah we role play sometimes and it's hot as hell.

There was a knock on my door bringing me out of my thoughts.

"I'll get the door and you set up the food." she's bossy but it's kind of sexy too.

"Axl why aren't you-'' Chloe's voice trailed off when she came face to face with Kenna. Well, not face to face, maybe Kenna's face to her chest.

"I put my ring on silent, is there a client?" I ask wishing she would leave so I can enjoy this time with my woman.

"Um no just wanted to ask if you wanted something from the deli. Hi Kenna. Oh my gosh I love your hair."

No no no. Do not do what you're about to do. I sigh, she did it. She reached out grabbing one of Kenna's braids between her slim fingers.

"What. The fuck are you doing?" Kenna moved Chloe's hand from her hair.

"Oh I didn't mean any harm, I just really like your hair." Chloe was defensively holding her hand like Kenna slapped her.

"That's all good and dandy but do not ever touch my hair without my expressed permission. Do I look like I'm a walking talking petting zoo to you?" Chloe did it now.

"I'm sorry." she quickly left the room shutting the door behind her with a soft click.

"Jerks going around touching peoples hair. What is that?" Kenna was mumbling to herself.

I gather her in a hug to kiss her until she relaxes in my arms. I playfully reach down to give her ass a squeeze. I meant to be playful but I ended up turning myself on pulling her closer to my body feeling her curves mold to me. I kiss the top of her head then sitting down to calm the monster between my legs. As we begin to eat, something niggles at the back of my mind like I forgot something but it was at the tip of my tongue.

"I think Sebastien likes Sadie." Kenna reads my mind before my mind could form the memory.

"Yeah, what's that about? How did he even meet Sadie and what is he doing at your house? And for that matter why is he even in North Carolina?" I fire off question after question. He's supposed to be my best friend and he fails to mention he's in my state plus he doesn't even drop by to say a simple hello.

"That's kinda why I'm here. When I met Sebastien at your parents' house, he gave me his number and said to give him a call if I ever needed anything so I did. When we were going through our spell, I called him. He came over to help me and listen to me vent about you when he saw Sadie. He's been down here almost every weekend and talks to her on the phone constantly. Should I be worried?"

How do I tell her that Sebastien is a good guy but he also has never had a real relationship? Sebastien has a new girl every season and never showed any signs of slowing down. How do I tell my woman that my best friend is a ho' but that deep down he is the nicest person I know? I open my mouth then close it trying to find the right words without lying to her or without making him seem like a jerk.

"Oh I get it, he's a fuckboy." Kenna said taking a sip of her water.

"A what?" I blink confused. He doesn't fuck boys.

"It's the new slang for a guy that gets around and never really stays with one partner. But then again I could be wrong." she chews thoughtfully.

"No it's not like that, he's just. He's a great guy. Okay he might be the fuckboy but I promise he's not as bad as it may seem. I trust him with Sadie." I try to defend him as best as I can.

"Okay but if I give him a chance and he fucks this up and hurts Sadie, you'll be missing a best friend."

"I love it when you contemplate homicide." I smile at her violent tendencies.

"Only when it's not your homicide." she tosses a grape at me. I laugh as I fish the grape off my lap to pop it in my mouth.

"I also came to invite you to my parent's house to meet them this Saturday. You don't have to come if you don't want to because I'm warning you now, you will be the only white person there."

"Of course I'm coming, there's no way I'm missing out of hearing baby stories about you." I know I have a big cheesy smile on my face.

"All right, you can back out whenever you want. It's no big deal." she was pushing around food on her plate.

"Do you not want me to go?" I honestly don't think she wants me to meet her family.

"What, no. I want you to meet them, I know they'll love you." it seemed like she was hiding something. It felt like she just put a mask on telling me what I wanted to hear but I can't really tell if I'm reading too much into it.

"I'll be ready to meet the family. Should I bring something?"

"My dad loves a good bourbon. My mom is a bit heavyset and likes sweets like me but her health comes into question. She loves gifts though so let me think about it. My oldest brother, Khari, he likes shoes but you're not getting him any shoes. He likes vodka, I'll buy his favorite bottle and wrap it for you. Kai likes those calligraphy pens. But honestly this is the first time you're meeting everyone so you don't have to get anything now that I'm thinking about it." she was rambling.

"Bunny I feel like you're stressing out over this for no reason. We don't have to make a big deal of this, it's just a meeting okay?" I grab her hands kissing the back of her hand

"I will admit I'm nervous about this meeting." she shook her head looking far away.

"No worries and all that, right?"

"Right." she smiles laughing slightly.

We finished our lunch with me making her laugh trying to get her mind out of whatever dark place it went. I wish so badly to understand her. To know her. The closer I think I get to understanding what goes on in her head, the harder it gets. Her mystery was what drew me in but is the mystery too much, too mysterious. Or am I thinking too much? I thought I knew her, maybe I do know her and my mind is trying to fuck with me. I shake my head dislodging the thoughts my mind was creating.

I slap her on the ass as she walks through my office door. She does a cute little shuffle making me laugh. I needed to prepare myself for this weekend meeting my in-laws to be. This was a big step for us and I can't mess this up. Maybe I could talk to Dan and get the inside scoop. Sebastien! I needed to talk to Sebastien. I don't know how this kept slipping my mind. I pulled out my phone. He picks up on the third ring.

"BAM get your ass to my office now you bitch." I laugh as I hang up not even waiting for a response.

Thirty minutes later he's sitting on one of my chairs with his legs thrown over the table tapping away on his phone.

"So Sadie?" I question looking directly at him.

"Shit. I honestly thought you forgot about that." he puts his phone down in his lap.

"Dude what is going on? And you better not fuck up my good streak with Kenna either, by breaking that girl's heart. She's a really sweet girl and she doesn't need you to fuck her over like you do those other girls."

"Woah man I get it okay. She's uh, she's different." he scratched his head making a look I never seen him make before.

"Since when did you date black women?" I needed to know if he was real about her because Sadie has been through a lot and honestly I know him and he's never really been serious about any woman ever.

"Since when did you?" he fires back. I wasn't expecting the hostility.

"Chill, I'm just trying to figure out your intentions. You don't have a good track record with the ladies." I put my hands up palms out.

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