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Keyholder Demoness Ch. 09

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Tam finds her mouth has been chained shut.
4.6k words

Part 9 of the 14 part series

Updated 06/12/2023
Created 09/25/2022
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"We have Tam in an office right down the hall here," Detective Tumalo said. "I'm going to ask you all to not interact with Tam at all. If you have questions, ask me. She can't really say anything at the moment anyway..."

The detective led Charity, Hope and Metolius down the hall to a door that looked very much like the entrance to a holding cell. The detective opened the door and stepped into a medium sized room with no windows. A pull-down cot was attached to the far wall, and Tam was laying on it facing away from the door. When she heard the group walk into the room she slowly turned over and struggled to sit up. She wasn't using her arms to help herself up. Upon closer examination Charity understood why.

"Wow!" Metolius said quietly.

Both of Tam's lips, top and bottom had been pierced multiple times and each hole bore a thick solid ring. The piercings were staggered so that, with Tam's mouth fully closed, the rings seated together like a zipper. A thin chain had been passed through all the rings. Each end of this chain was terminated in a large chromium ball, perhaps two inches in diameter. The chain was long enough so that the spheres dangled just below Tam's chin on each side. Would have dangled, that is.

The balls must have been somewhat heavy, because Tam was supporting their weight, one in each hand. With the chain under tension, there was no way for Tam to open her mouth. Apparently, though, the chromium balls were heavy enough to do more than simply apply tension to the chain. Could her lips take the full weight of the two balls? Tam's eyes look tired and bloodshot and she grunted in anger when she saw Charity.

"All the metal that was used is particularly hard. We tried to use wire cutters," the detective held up the tool. The blades each had a divet - their metal strength less than the jewelry chains. "Someone's gone to the vehicle impound yard to get some bolt cutters."

"I'm really sorry, Tam," Charity said. "Did she see the person who did this? Did they take her somewhere to do this that she would rec... recog... remember?"

"Mmm! Mmmm mmm mm!" Tam tried to say, pointing at Charity.

"Um... Here's a statement that she typed out for us this morning," the detective said, handing a piece of paper to Metolius, but looking curiously at Charity.

Charity looked over her shoulder and read the brief passage:

"I went to bed at home. I awoke in a small room with white walls and no apparent door. I was strapped in a gynecological chair. I lay there for hours it seemed, yelling, but no one ever came into the room. Then I woke up again. A mirror was mounted over my face and I could see that my lips had been pierced. I couldn't open my mouth. I felt pain from being tattooed. I fell asleep again and woke up back in my bed at home this morning. Five days had passed."

"A tattoo?" Charity asked.

Tam twisted so that her back was to the group. The detective pulled up her shirt a little. Tam had a freshly inked tramp stamp - words that simply said, "never say blue again".

"So, I'm curious, Detective Tumalo, why you have called my client into the station today," Metolius said. "This is tragic, but I'm not sure what this has to do with Ms McKenzie."

"Actually," the detective replied, "I'm more interested in Ms. McKenzie's friend here. Er... Hope. I want to compare Tam's rings with Hope's piercings. The metal is fairly unique. Is the same metal used in each woman?" Tumalo looked at Charity. "Can she take any of her rings out? Can I look at one?"

"Um... We can ask," Charity said. "She wants to look at your rings." Charity pointed to her eyes and then motioned like she was pushing up her sleeve and pointed at Hope.

Hope wrapped her hand defensively around the cuff of her hoodie. She glanced at the detective. "Bithh?"

"Uh... yes... the detective wants to look," Charity said. "It's OK. No touch. No touch."

Reluctantly, Hope pushed her sleeve up, revealing her thin, heavily tattooed arm just beyond her metal wrist cuffs. There were a series of piercings leading up along the bottom inside of her forearm. A chain looped from one piercing to the next, each loop slightly bigger than the previous one.

Metolius had never really looked at Hope before, but now she stared with her mouth hanging open.

Hope noticed Metolius's reaction. "Hoooo-ey thit!"

Metolius snapped out of her trance and let go a nervous laugh. "That's what I was going to say."

"Those rings look very similar," Tumalo said. "But, if those rings are seamless, could I... uh... snip off a sample perhaps? We could study it in the lab."

Charity grabbed Hope's sleeve and pulled it back down to cover her arm, "Oh! Fuck no! Don't even fucking think about touching her!"

The detective held up her hands defensively, "OK, OK. I had to ask. Uh... I see that you have piercings in your ears, Charity - and they look fairly normal - do you have any other piercings?"

"What?!" Charity asked. "Do I have to answer that question, Metolius?"

"So, you do have other piercings," the detective said. "I'd like to compare them to Tam's and Hope's."

Charity stared at Metolius for a second. Then she quickly glanced down towards her crotch and back up. After all she DID have a triangle piercing through the lower part of her clitoral hood, but it was currently locked behind her chastity belt.

Metolius looked down at Charity's crotch. "Oh! Yeah! No! No! My client does not need to answer that question."

"Ok, then," Tumalo said. "If you are wearing jewelry somewhere on your body, perhaps you could take it off in private and bring the jewelry to me to look at." No one said anything for a few seconds. "Unless what you are wearing is permanent..." Charity looked at Metolius who seemed to be struggling for something to say. So, Tumalo continued her thought: "...just like Hope's jewelry... and, apparently, Tam's."

"I'm not sure," Metolius finally said, "how my client's jewelry collection or lack thereof is pertinent to Tam's assault or Blue's disappearance. My client has no such jewelry that she could present to you at this time."

Tumalo looked frustrated. "I have an assault," she said, pointing to Tam. "I have a year and a half old abduction case - Ash Adams. I have a possible abduction case - Blue Barclay. And the only thing that I have that can link these three cases together is a mysterious woman with no past who, conveniently, seems to be incapable of communication without the help of your client, Ms McKenzie."

"Possible abduc... ab... Fuck! Possible kidnapping?!" Charity said. "You seem to be spending all your fucking resources investing... investi... I'm so mad I can't even talk! You seem to be blaming me rather than finding my girlfriend. Incompe... fuck! Stupid... I gave you a lead last week. You've done nothing!"

Tam started moaning again, pointing at Charity then pointing to Charity's crotch. Tumalo noticed Tam's finger-pointing and made an exasperating sound. "Tam seems to have something to say. And she will say what she needs to say as soon as we get those bolt cutters here. You," Tumalo said, pointing at Charity, "are simply being obtuse. You are impeding my investigation."

"Whatever! Call me when you have a lead on Blue's case. Otherwise, call Metolius!" Charity grabbed Hope's hand. "Let's go, Hope!"

"Bitth!" Hope said over her shoulder as they left the room.


Journal Entry 6:

Subject: Ash Adams - p-FEAR Installation

A Philosophical Discussion for the Benefit of the Uninvolved

QM: Rainbow

Where in the body does one reside? Or, better stated, where is consciousness housed within the physical body? A typical human would likely answer that their consciousness resides in their head. Why not the hand or the stomach or the heart? Why not the loins?

I think that the answer is simple. Four of the five senses are housed in the head: taste, smell, hearing, seeing...

Here is another set of philosophical questions...

Where does one feel that their thinking occurs? Once again, most would reply that it is done in the head. We know that the brain is located there. An MRI of brain activity suggests that thinking occurs in that organ.

Where does one feel that love for another occurs? For this, many would say, it occurs in the heart. This despite an MRI again reporting activity in the brain when one experiences love.

Where does one feel physical desire? Most definitely this sensation occurs in the loins. But, again, a lot of the activity regarding the sensation of arousal once again occurs in the brain. Research for yourself. Use the terms "brain sex organ". Most sources state something like: "The brain is the master organ in sexual function."

So, despite the role of the brain, humans attribute its effects in other locations of their body. Maybe the concept that consciousness is located in the head is simply an illusion that humans believe out of convenience.

Let us assume that one's perception of the housing of their consciousness can, in fact, be relocated. Consider this experiment: A subject receives multiple sensory feedback from a flying drone with cameras looking down on the subject's body. It takes little time for the subject to develop the illusion that their consciousness exists outside their physical body. In fact, viewing from a distance the stimulation of one's sex organs alters the perception of the effects of the stimulation compared to a nonremote viewing.

The proximity of the center of perception affects the intensity of a physical stimulus.

These ideas are taken into consideration for the preparation of a subject for use in the Large Multi-source Dammasch Amplifier for Arousal Powered Arcana.

It is now time for our subject, Ash Adams, to undergo the final preparations for her installation.

As with any complex system, when a consistent set of inputs yields a desirable result, do everything possible to maintain exactly that set of inputs. Our subject has achieved the desired equilibrium with an exceptional arousal duration and intensity profile. It is time to make the final measurements.

The measurement process always occurs when the subject is anesthetized. Key measurements include lengths of arms and legs for chain linkages, waist measurements, a detailed pubis bone mapping, pubis to cranium measurements - fore and aft, cranial circumference, chin and nose profile, ear canal diameter and length, various cavity volumes (oral, anal, vaginal, and uterine), esophagus and trachea lengths.

Additionally, construction of the subject's personalized Dammasch transmitter framework may now begin.

Dea Dammasch, aeternum amorem et obsequium meum spondeo.


As Keyholder had suggested, Charity increased her dosage of the medicine to 10ml twice-a-day. Unlike the note had suggested, Charity was having no more luck sleeping at night. Her libido was off the charts. Her arousal was driving her crazy. She could not think very well during the day. She was having a lot of trouble speaking in coherent sentences because she was so tired. She even had to cancel several days of her standard patient sessions due to pure exhaustion.

Inevitably, her breasts seemed to ache the most at night when she lay down to sleep. Soothing the ache only led to arousal, and from there, wild fantasies and erotic half dreams. And worst, less of the thoughts were of Blue, more and more her fantasies included her submissive, ever-naked, decorated housemate - her mysterious angel - Hope.

Charity had cast off her nightshirt. She had slipped both hands beneath the band of her pajama shorts. She was writhing in bed in a futile attempt to stoke forth an impossible orgasm. Her eyes were closed attempting to visualize a scene that would exceed the elusive threshold of an orgasm. She did not hear the door to her bedroom open over the soft sounds of her own moaning.

"Chai-ree?" Hope said quietly. Charity opened her eyes, quickly pulling her hands from her shorts. She laughed in embarrassment as there was no doubt what she was up to half naked with the sheets in disarray. "I can't sleep," she said. Had she been so loud that she alerted Hope from down the hall in the guest bedroom?

"I heh(pop) yuh," Hope said, pointing at Charity. "Heh(pop)? Heh(pop)."

Charity's entire core clenched at the thought of Hope helping, making her feel the need to scream. But she only swallowed - "I... I don't..."

She reached over to her bedside table and pressed the button on a remote to turn on some dim night lights. Hope stood beside her bed naked as always - the jewels embedded in her skin and dangling from chains sparkled brightly in the dim light. Charity wanted so badly to pull Hope to her and wrap her arms around the mysterious woman, but... But, if she did she would likely be lacerated by the sharp, little spikes that protruded from her lips, breasts, and pubis.

"Yuh lihh," Hope said. She walked up to the head of the bed and opened a hidden compartment on the frame which contained a heavy leather wrist cuff attached to a short anchored chain.

"How did Hope know about that compartment?" Charity wondered. She wanted to ask, but the only sound she could make was "How...?"

"Shhh," Hope said and she wrapped the cuff around Charity's right wrist. "Lihh."

Charity wondered why she was so compliant as she lay back on the bed and scooted her body towards the center causing her captured arm to be pulled up and out toward the headboard. Charity had stretched her left arm towards the opposite side by the time Hope had walked around the bed to retrieve the matching restraint.

Charity closed her eyes and a wave of goosebumps rippled across her naked torso. She felt hands on her ankles gently pulling her further down the bed, for there were restraints at that end too and the chains were perfectly measured for Charity's dimensions.

But the restraints did not go on. Not yet anyway. The foot end of the bed sagged slightly under Hope's weight and with a rattle of jewelry chains, Charity felt a pair of hands touch her hips on either side. Charity's eyes popped open. She didn't want Hope to see her chastity belt! But, Charity could not remember why that was so important and she lay watching Hope, speechless, waiting...

Hope slipped her metal fingertips under the waistband and pulled the pajama shorts off Charity's body - tossing them off to the side. She pushed Charity's legs apart, kneeling between them, and she started speaking in her quiet voice - popping and clicking. Charity had forgotten to breathe as she watched Hope slowly raise her right hand toward the faceplate of the chastity belt. She pointed to the symbol in the center of the faceplate - a stylized upside down 'Y'. Hope pointed to her own naked, shaved crotch where an identical symbol had been permanently tattooed into her flesh. "Dah-mothh thorhina(click)! Thith-uhth..."

Hope tapped lightly in the center of the symbol with her metal fingertip causing a crisp ringing sound. Charity, of course, felt no direct result of the touch, but the sound traveled its torturous path through air and ear and brain and synapse and Charity's hidden clitoris engorged and trembled in it's lonely isolation. Charity suddenly remembered she should be breathing and inhaled sharply, her head falling back onto the bed.

"Thith-uhth..." Hope said again.

"Yes. Somehow we are sisters," Charity whispered, smiling, floating in a sea of ecstasy, closer to orgasm than she had ever been while wearing the belt.

Hope slithered off the end of the bed, softly sliding her gentle hands down Charity's legs, pulling them further apart and wrapping each ankle in the waiting cuff. Charity lay stretched out immobile, yet trembling from head to toe.

Hope climbed back on the bed next to Charity and began to sing - perhaps it was more of a chant. The words she was using had a fair share of pops and clicks which created a soft rhythm upon which her melodic voice lay. Hope began to use her metal fingertips to gently stroke Charity's torso and face and through her hair.

Charity was so aroused that she was certain she would never fall asleep, but at the same time, the chant was so soothing. She lost herself in the rhythm. The room faded. Charity's body was awash in a warm vibration that surged up and down, up and down... She slowly slipped into a trance...

Morning light was filtering through the bedroom curtains when Charity woke up more refreshed than she had been in days, weeks. She was still bound, spreadeagle on her bed, strictly restrained, as naked as her chastity allowed. Hope was curled up on the bed beside her, luckily with her back side pressed as closely as possible to Charity's bound form - the skin where they touched, glowing and warm.

Charity wanted to let Hope sleep, but she really needed to use the restroom. "Hope," she whispered.

Hope stirred and turned to look at Charity and she smiled. She slipped two fingers past the spikes on her lips and kissed the metal tips, then she pressed her fingers gently to Charity's lips. "Chai-ree."


"...And so, I have to beg you, Charity, go and find someone who will love you!"

"No!" Charity yelled at the computer screen...

Finally, Charity had received a text from Keyholder with a link to a new voice recording from Blue who had now been missing for almost four months.

The message was devastating.

"It's been so long," Blue said. "I haven't seen another living person the entire time... Just these four blank walls, these chains, this chair... There is nothing to do. I think that they have been spiking my food with aphrodisiacs. I'm horny all the time - ALL the time! And they - generously - have left me with a variety of sex toys with which to entertain myself.

"I can't control myself... Masturbation helps pass long boring hours where I sit and fret about a future that seems more and more hopeless. I can't tell you how many orgasms I have in a day. But when I'm masturbating, I'm not thinking about this bland purgatory where I'm stuck. I think about you, Charity. But as soon as I have that orgasm, all I feel is guilt.

"I feel this collar locked around my throat. This key that has not been used to free you from a device that denies you your own orgasm. Every orgasm I have is one stolen from you. I'm so sorry!" Blue was obviously crying at this point.

"But, within minutes, regardless of the mental torture, my libido is on fire, my hands return to the available sex toys, I'm masturbating again.

"I'm breaking. I'm afraid I'll never return... And so, I have to beg you, Charity, go and find someone who will love you!"

"No!" Charity screamed at the computer screen, tears beginning to run down her cheeks.

"We had a special relationship," Blue's voicemail continued. "We each thrived in our roles. I was the dominant and you were the submissive. We knew our roles. Our roles were utterly complementary. We had a ceremony where I promised to care for you foremost and you promised to obey me in all things. That is the relationship that we wanted together and it worked so beautifully.

"But, now I am gone and I will no longer be able to take care of you directly. So, I have to do what I can to keep my promise to you. Charity... as my submissive, as my slave... you must heed my final command. You must do as your Domme demands you to!

"You must go and submit yourself to another woman. Immediately! I demand it, Charity." Blue's voice was breaking again. "For, if I never return, you shall be forever chaste. And to find someone to love such a woman... to protect such a woman... we must turn to our community and choose an individual who would value the ownership of someone such as you. I have a list of recommendations, but I will let you decide...

"Zenovia Vashukevich once offered to buy you from me. She was willing to pay a very high price. I'm sure she would value you, pamper you, keep you extremely well. She's extremely rich. Julieta Araya had a very soft spot for you. She likes pets. Jaelle Ngoy always wanted me to visit so she could train you as a pony girl. She thinks you are a natural. You would be free to run in the open air, then..."


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