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Killing Me Softly


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He had me sit on his face after we showered, it was the most luxurious way to start the day. I'd graduated from guys who didn't like to, or wouldn't eat me, to a man that couldn't seem to lick my pussy enough. I somehow had to make this work between us, I didn't want this to be a once and done weekend like the others. I wanted this one to last. After boarding our plane and settling in he asked the stewardess for a blanket, there was only one other couple in first class and they were two seats ahead of us. As she handed the blanket to Bob she leaned so her face was between us.

"Wait until we're in the air and leveled off."

We'd been in the air about twenty minutes when I excused myself to the restroom, as I sat upon my return I put my hand in his palm, my warm damp panties were all he needed to get things in motion. I'd purposely worn a dress for the flight, he took full advantage of it by getting me off not once but twice with his fingers. I returned the favor with a slow hand job, one that filled the hand towel I had in my flight bag. We had approximately an hour layover waiting for our connecting flights so we spent it together at my gate.

"Bob, yesterday you said you wished I was yours forever. Do you remember?"

He smirked, "I think I said I wished your cunt was mine forever, but seeing as how it's attached to you, I think it's safe to say I wouldn't mind being with you forever. The trouble is, you have your job and I have, both miles and miles apart."

I needed to let him know my heart, he was killing me softly with his love and I didn't want that to end, even if it wasn't everyday.

"Bob, I'd really like this to continue if at all possible. I know my getaway weekends prior have always been once and done, but I want more this time. You're kind, loving, gentle and so attentive of my needs. I also like the fact that you screwed me into the mattress when I needed to be thrown on the bed and fucked senseless. I know you have to be gone for a few months, but can we get together then?"

"I'd like that Reba, but if we're gonna do that I want to be the only one you're in bed with. I don't want to share you."

I gently caressed his face with my fingers and kissed him. "That sounds perfect, I don't need to have sex all the time, although I think I would if you were constantly around. I like the idea of throwing myself back into my work without wondering where the next hook up will be, in a few months we can be together again and fuck like rabbits."

He laughed, "I like the way you think."

We had tears in our eyes as we parted, my flight was before his, we promised to stay in touch. Three days after parting my phone pinged with a text alert. We spent the next twenty minutes texting. By the weekend we were on the phone every night. I loved listening to him as he described his day, it sounded so interesting, something to grasp onto that was him and him only. By the end of the month we were a pair of hornified lust buckets ready to fuck over the phone. We didn't make being apart more than a month when we set up plans to meet in Atlanta and spend the weekend in a Marriot suite.

That weekend was more intense than our first one in New Mexico. We only left the room to have dinner Saturday evening, other than that it was room service and coitus in every position we could imagine. When we parted Sunday I was glad the weekend was over, my body ached and I'm only 39, he sighed when I squeezed him goodbye.

"Oof babe, be careful. You wear me out girl, and I love it."

Over the next few months we reached a comfortable stage where we would call or text every third or fourth day and at least once on the weekend. If he was in the states we still got together once a month, with my sister always searching for airfare deals it worked out great. Considering we both had high paying jobs money was never an issue. Thus was our life from that point forward, I spent a week with him in Mexico and again in Hawaii. If he was going to be abroad for more than a four months he would always fly home for a week in the middle.

For my 41st birthday we took a trip to Europe, he wanted to see distant family in Belgium that he'd never met. We were staying at the Hilton in Amsterdam our last night so we could catch our flight home the next day. To my surprise he told me to get dolled up, we were going to dinner. The restaurant was only a few blocks from the Hilton so we decided to walk, after the meal as we were headed back he pulled me into a little sidewalk café for coffee and some local pastry everyone ranted about. And they were correct, it was delicious. Sitting in the evening breeze he took my hand, looked at me with those dazzling blue eyes and said.

"I have a surprise for you."

My heart was beating a mile a minute, "What, what's the surprise?"

He looked past me a second and then focused his gaze on me, "I'm going to quit building towers in three months. I'll be a few months shy of fifty like I wanted, but it's more than I want any more Reba. It's too hard on my body, and, I don't like being away from you."

My mind was in overload.

"Do you mean we will be together all the time? Can we do that? I mean, I have my job and we've never been together long term. How do we know it will work?"

He smiled, those damned blue eyes searching deep into my sole one more time.

"Here's what I know Reba. We're good together, I don't want to be with anyone but you. Have I given you a reason to think I might not love you as much if we're together as I do when we're a thousand miles apart?" I shook my head. "Then why would you think that now? I don't need to be some alpha male bullshit, I know who I am, what I've accomplished and other than you, I have no one to impress."

My mind was spinning, "Where will you live? Will you come and be with me? Are we gonna get married? Oh Bob, I have so many questions."

He didn't say anything for a minute or two, then stood, dropped a hundred on the table, signaled to the waiter and took my hand. As we walked I pulled a little to stop him.

"Bob, you left a hundred dollars, the bill only came to seventeen."

Slipping his arm around my waist he kissed me. "It's okay beautiful, it's okay. As for the rest, yes, I would like to live with you. I have an old family estate in Northern Wisconsin I haven't seen in over three years, it's rented to a distant cousin. In time I would like to completely remodel the place and someday retire there. It sits on thirty six acres along a 1000 acre lake. I have over three hundred feet of shoreline. We could go there and visit some time, you might like it."

I stopped and made sure he was looking into my eyes. "Bob, I'll go with you anywhere except hell. I've never known love like you show me, I'm your girl and you're my guy. We're in this together, how soon do we leave?"

He laughed, "Oh honey, we aren't leaving any time soon. I want at least six months to a year with you, I can cook, I love puttering and fixing around the house. If you'll show me how I'll even do laundry, I know how to do mine, but I think ladies do theirs different. I want to know your ways, everything about you, I want to hear about how your day has gone, what the week ahead looks like. I want to be the one you show up with at your work related parties and other gatherings. Baby, if we do this you're stuck with me."

"You said six months to a year. What does that mean?"

"It means I'm not going anywhere. Maybe after a year I'll take a trip to the lake house, better yet, you can come with me. If it's somewhere you absolutely hate we'll stay in Alabama where you're comfortable. I don't need to be there, I need to be with you."

And that is exactly what we did. When Bob retired from building towers he moved in with me, my home is a four bedroom ranch on an acre lot. There was plenty to do with yard work and all the little repairs a woman ignores until she's forced to hire someone. Most days I would walk through the garage entry door into the kitchen and be greeted by the smell of something delicious. I let him do laundry other than my dainties, they were his to take off my body and ravage me with his oversized cock, but there was no way I was going to let him wash them. He'd been with me just shy of six months when I had an overwhelming need to ask something.

"Bob, don't you ever feel emasculated by doing all these domestic things?"

He scoffed, "Why would I feel emasculated? Nobody cut my balls off. These are all things that need to be done and I don't mind doing them. I still work out every other day to maintain muscle mass and strength, we live together, why shouldn't I kick in? You work ten or twelve hours a day, I do yard work and keep the house ship shape, seems to me it's an even trade. By the way, if any of those pussy doctors you're around very day want to start making noises that I'm some sort of sissy, send them my way. I'll break their fuckin neck, nobody, and I mean nobody, is gonna mess with my woman."

My heart swooned, "Thanks honey, I just needed to know. And there have been a few of the younger doctors making foolish remarks, I think we should go to happy hour together this Friday, they'll all be there."

He beamed, "Oh, I have a job interview next week. A local fabrication shop wants to hire me as a consultant on large welding jobs. Probably wouldn't be more than eight or ten days a month, but it's something to help me not feel "emasculated" he said with finger quotes. Emasculated, what a pile of shit. I think we need to play doctor more often if that's what you're gonna think."

"My gosh Bob, you have me walking funny at least twice a week as it is. I'm not sure I can take that firehose more than four times a week. Congrats on the interview though."

Friday night at happy hour was what I will describe as interesting. I was at the local hospital watering hole before Bob arrived. I didn't normally attend these functions which seemed to have people focusing on me inordinately, especially two of the younger doctors. One was black, the other East Indian and full of themselves. It appeared as though their mission for the evening was to get next to me. I'd been there about fifteen minutes, I'd been fending off their crude remarks and failing attempts at flirting when in walked my loving hunk of man.

He had never been to any function prior, walking toward me he soon became the focus of everyone's attention. When he reached me he pushed one of the doctors aside, pulled me into his arms and kissed me deep. Pulling back he smiled.

"Hello beautiful. You boys can run along now, I hear your mom calling."

The east Indian guy foolishly made some stupid remark about an old man, Bob simply looked at him and stated. "You sure you wanna go to the hospital tonight, as a patient?"

Over the next hour I introduced my lover and boyfriend to those that mattered. It was also an opportunity to tell any other leches to maintain their distance in the future. Bob got the job, it got him out of the house and while between his life savings and mine we didn't need money, it was something we squirreled away for, well whatever. In June we both received an unexpected surprise. Bob's cousin would be moving out as of July first and the conglomerate that bought our local hospital was going to eliminate my audiology department. On my last day at the hospital Bob and I sat on the couch after supper, I looked up and spoke.

I think we need to make a trip to Wisconsin, I've never been there and I want to see the cabin."

He pushed me back with a smile, "Reba, it's no cabin. It's a home with three bedrooms, two and a half baths, an attached three car garage, two outbuildings and one hundred feet of sandy beach. It was built in the late seventies and needs to be upgraded, but it's no cabin."

I slugged his chest and grinned, "Since you put it like that. When are we going?"

"I need to let Tim and his family move out over the next two weeks. We'll head that way on July first. There'll be a big parade and craft fair in town for the fourth, I think you'll enjoy that."

Long story short we had a blast over the fourth of July, then spent the summer remodeling and upgrading the house. New kitchen, upgraded bathroom fixtures, a walk in shower for the master bedroom, replacing the sliding patio doors with French doors. We upgraded the electrical, changed out all the doors and windows, replaced the heating/cooling system, the well pump and had the septic pumped even though it was functioning as it should. I wasn't sure why we needed air, until late-August when the heat combined with high humidity made it feel like you were breathing through a blanket.

We sold my home and made the decision I wasn't going to look for work in WI. We were set financially and planned to grow old where we were. As I write this the storm has made its across the lake, it's like a wall of snow. Bob's awake now, we're settled in the great room watching the snow blow horizontally as the wind picks up. The house is warm and draft free, there will be a foot of more by morning. Just one more reason to stay in bed a bit longer and start the day with me on my back with Bob's dick buried balls deep within. Now that we're in the later years of life sex isn't as often as days gone by, but it's still as fulfilling as it ever was. Though we never had children, we seem to be enough for each other.

I marvel that at the age of 67 Bob can still get an erection watching me dry off after a shower and put panties on. When that happens, they usually don't stay on very long, but then that's part of the reason I make sure he's watching. He still dines at the Y every time we make love. Unless it's a knock down drag out fuck fest, then he skips that, wastes no time in burying his cock deep, typically from behind. Skirt or housedress over my back, panties around one ankle, me gripping the back of the sofa and him slamming hard enough to make my tits swing.

He's spent the better part of twenty years killing me softly with his love, I've not regretted a single day.

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AnonymousAnonymous21 days ago

Very good story. Thanks. BTW, I grew up in northern Wisconsin. Boulder Junction and ShellLake.

Keep on writing good stuff.

yarinc7777yarinc77777 months ago

Sexy and realistic , I love it

Oldsalty1Oldsalty111 months ago

Best interracial story I've enjoyed here. Everything fit together so naturally. Well done!!

PppskiPppski11 months ago

Nice to read a more sensitive story …

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

Superb! I see a screenplay in your future!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Amazing, a must read!

StruckwrongStruckwrongabout 1 year ago

Great romance abvout two great people.

MikePaulWritesMikePaulWritesabout 1 year ago

Great writing, great romance. Pretty good sex, too. Easy five stars.

JohnnyRebBBJohnnyRebBBabout 1 year ago

Excellent. Thank you

BadBardBadBardover 1 year ago

Touching, romantic, scintillating, and erotic. A thoroughly satisfying read. Thanks!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Two clues makes me suspect the author comes from T&T.

Comentarista82Comentarista82about 2 years ago

Wish I had spotted this earlier, as it's such a gem of a IR story--something that is hardly well-supplied in this category. You certainly earned a 5 for this and my vote for best IR in the nomination.

I read your profile first, noting you were male and wondered how you would handle the female side, and you certainly did so more than adequately: I was concerned you might miss some of the finer details that a female writer might include (you did miss some), but did that detract from the story? NO. I wondered if you would also address the seemingly more-common phenomenon Black women mention in interviews about their dating habits, and ever one that is well-educated, self-made or successful stated they had trouble finding men that could appreciate their success without jealously and without feeling threatened; as a result, they found few dates with fellow professionals of the opposite sex. Therefore, they considered men of different races and were more concerned with how those males would treat them. You addressed that part exceedingly well, and excelled at making her thought process transparent in appropriate ways. You even indirectly addressed the issue of female hypergamy, something that's been a known issue for the last 6 years for sure (and actually before that). I really appreciate how tactfully Bob replied to her both at the bar and later: that level of thoughtfulness **should** score with a lady.

You do many things well, among them describing their relationship and activities in general, and you draw up appropriate banter that never seems to go overboard. However, if there's one weakness you should work on, it's the very common comma splices/run-on-sentence phenomenon I couldn't avoid while reading. Did that distract so much it dulled the story? NO. But...it was kind of like what Muhammad Ali said when he ran, something about it wasn't the long run that wore him out, but rather "the pebble" in his shoe. A lot of needed hyphenation is also missing in more than just a few cases. There was also the issue of her starting some personal question during their first sexual romp that should have been re-oriented to when she questioned him in the lobby, as in the bed...that created awkwardness.

Overall, quite the engaging tale that adds to the category, and one that surprised me some, as I didn't originally expect her to consider marriage, based upon her own premise. Thanks though for writing about a man's character being most important to her, and that a guy is "just as much of a man" when he does laundry and such to help out his woman. Nicely done!

IntoblackIntoblackover 2 years ago

Beautiful love story. I hope you and Bob are still together and still enjoying each other.

wunderboiwunderboiover 2 years ago

I enjoyed the story very much. Being Canadian and living in a multi-racial world-class city gives me the thrill of seeing some of the most beautiful women in the world, and being lucky enough to meet Reba would be a serious treat. Nice to see that some anonymous comments can actually be positive, which is the opposite of ones I have experienced after posting my interracial fantasies. Well done! Yhanks/W

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

What a fond! Wonderfully sophisticated, mature and sexy. If I could have, I would have given this story 10 stars.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

That was an awesome story. Thanks. Reminded me of a woman I dated while in the military. Thanks

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

One of the best stories I have read on this site. I enjoy all reading all categories of erotica, this will forever be in my top 10. Have to admit that masturbated 3 times while reading😋

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