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Kitty Gets Spirited Away

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A costume gala turns into a haunted gang bang for Kitty.
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Author's Note: This was supposed to be an entry for the Halloween story contest, but it took longer to write than I expected. So, I am posting it here so that you my fair readers can still enjoy the trials that Kitty is made to endure at a very special Halloween party.

I tried to use some actual historical background and real locations to ground the story and I hope you all like it. Please give me your thoughts as I really want to know what you all think. This is only the second Halloween-themed story I have ever written, and I hope I did it justice. You can leave comments here.

One last note, this is a story that deals in non-consent and has aspects of BDSM in it. If that's not your thing, feel free to choose another story. This is a fantasy and meant only as entertainment. Enjoy, and as always, thank you for reading!

* * *

[Seattle. 1911]

Eventually, the building would come to be known as The Lester Apartments. 50 units in a multi-story wooden monstrosity that crouched along the bottom of Beacon Hill in Seattle. Primarily used for housing workers from Boeing Field, it remained a fixture until 1951 when a B-51, taking off from Boeing Field, developed engine trouble and crashed into The Lester Apartments, engulfing it in flames and burning the entire structure to the ground. Over 11 residents of the apartments lost their lives as well as the entire crew of the B-51.

However, it's original purpose was much more sordid. Constructed in 1910, it was the brainchild of then Mayor Hiram Gill, one of the single most corrupt politicians in the history of the city. Along with his co-conspirator, Chief of Police Charles "Wappy" Wapenstein, it was the largest brothel existing on a public street in the world. The Mayor and Police Chief built and filled this den of iniquity and instituted a $10.00 per prostitute 'tax' upon its residents, a tax that went directly into the pockets of the politicians.

While it only remained a brothel for a few years, the stories of abuse and sexual depravity that went on inside have become legends in the history of Seattle. Women forced into prostitution, kidnapped and held as slaves, sold to the highest bidder. All run by the wealthy and corrupt of the city. That kind of stain can never be completely erased.

After it was destroyed, the city, looking for land to appropriate for it's new interstate, absorbed the property, as well as many other parcels, and paved it all over for the new route of I-5. If you have ever driven through the city and travelled through the Beacon Hill neighborhood on Interstate 5, you are travelling over the remains of that tragic site. Some people say they have felt an 'otherworldly presence' when driving through that region. Perhaps the ghosts and restless spirits that once walked the land of the living are still hanging around. If so, who knows what they want. Unfortunately for her, Kitty Hall is about to find out!

[Seattle. Friday, October 28th]

Kitty was very excited. Her boss had sent her to Seattle for a month to watch over the opening of their newest field office. Kitty had not done a lot of travelling and this was all quite wonderful for her. She got to fly business class, which was almost as nice as first class. Then they put her up at a very fancy hotel. She had a per diem for food and assorted expenses and she was getting to show her boss that she was ready for bigger responsibilities. All in all, it was a wonderful experience so far.

Today, it had gotten even better. It was October 28th, a Friday and the office staff had been invited to a big Halloween costume gala that was to be put on Saturday night. Kitty loved Halloween and her one big disappointment on this trip was that she was not going to be home where she could celebrate the holiday properly. But now, this was almost as good. A big party, costumes, drinks, food and music. Kitty had eagerly agreed to attend.

Then she realized that she didn't have a costume. That wasn't a wardrobe item she had thought she needed to bring. She couldn't go to the gala without a costume, how would that look. She was very upset. It was probably too late to go out and check the Halloween costume stores. They had likely sold out all of their good costumes weeks ago.

She was moping in the break room; afraid she would have to miss the party after all when Della came in. Della Rose was going to be the new office manager for this office. Kitty had been working with her all month long and Della had proved to be a quick study. Della seemed to be able to handle any situation and Kitty was certain things were going to be in good hands when she finally left. Della saw the look on Kitty's face and knew immediately there was a problem.

"Hey Kitty, what's wrong?" She asked, genuinely concerned.

Kitty looked up and sighed.

"It's the Halloween party tomorrow. I was really looking forward to it but..."

"Was?" Della interrupted.

Kitty frowned and nodded.

"I was, but, well, I don't have a costume." She sighed deeply. "It's too late to go shopping for anything decent and I can't show up without one, or worse yet, in a shitty costume. I love Halloween and I really wanted to go, but I don't think I can." She looked down at the breakroom table, dejected.

Della came over and sat down next to Kitty. She was smiling.

"Well, I just might be able to fix that problem." Her smile was genuine, and it perked up Kitty's spirit a little.

"Really? How?"

Della leaned in, as if imparting company secrets to a corporate spy.

"My brother-in-law works at the UW. He's one of the instructors in the Drama department. I'm going over there right after work because he said I could have access to their wardrobe department. They put on plays all year round and have a lot of costumes stored there. That's where I'm getting my costume for the party, and I bet he would let you borrow something as well!"

Kitty was now very interested. She looked at Della with hope.

"You really think I could?" She asked. Della nodded.

"I'm sure of it. Why don't we head out after work, and I'll take us up there."

Now Kitty was smiling.

"OK. Thanks, really!"

"Don't mention it. We girls have to stick together.

So, at five o'clock, Kitty found herself driving onto the grounds of The University of Washington. Della was driving as Kitty still had a little trouble navigating the city. Della parked and she and Kitty walked across the grounds to a large building marked 'Meany Hall'.

"This is it!" Della told Kitty. They are one of the premiere Performing Arts Centers in the region. Nick will be down in the basement level."

Kitty followed Della as they entered the building and walked through its large halls, down to a smaller corridor and an elevator. They got in and took the lift down to a level marked B-1. They stepped out into a narrow, crowded hall. Students and faculty wandered up and down the corridor, moving past racks of clothing of seemingly a dozen different styles and eras. Kitty was lost but Della seemed to know where she was going. She plunged into the rush of the crowds and forged her way upstream as it were.

They came to a door marked 'Wardrobe-A'. Della stopped and opened the door. She knocked as she did so, leaning in and calling out.

"Nick? You in here?"

"Back here" came the reply. "Come on in Della."

Della walked in and beckoned Kitty to follow.

"I, uh, brought a friend of mine along. She needs a costume for the party too and I was hoping you could help her out!" Della said that as a statement, not a question.

A man came out from behind a double rack of dresses and shawls. He was about 5'10" and slim. He wore jeans and a flannel shirt. His blonde hair was a bit messy, but it fit his clean-shaven face nicely. He smiled when he saw Della and Kitty. He gave Della a hug and a peck on the cheek and turned towards Kitty. He held out his hand.

"You must be the friend! I'm Nick."

He took Kitty's hand. Kitty expected him to shake it but before she could react he took it and brought it to his lips, kissing it. Kitty blushed.

"Uh, hi!" She stammered, caught momentarily off guard. "I'm Kitty."

"Well, it's nice to meet you Kitty." He smiled at her, his eyes lighting up. "C'mon back and we will see what we can find for the two of you."

Kitty returned his smile and she and Della followed Nick back into the maze of clothes racks and trunks that was Wardrobe-A.

Two hours later, the women were thanking Nick and leaving Meany Hall with several large bundles of clothing they had found on the wardrobe racks. Kitty was elated. Once again she was looking forward to the party!

[Seattle. Saturday, October 29th 5:00 PM]

Kitty looked at herself in the mirror. The image she saw staring back delighted her. Nick and Della had outdone themselves in the costume department. From a performance based on Madame Bovary, Kitty had found a beautiful regency gown, a deep saffron blue, with petticoat, ruffled skirt, scoop neck and trimmed in delicate off-white lace. She twirled herself once, watching how the dress flowed around her. Her large, 36DD breasts were tightly packed into the corset she wore, creating a spectacular view of her cleavage while still keeping her breasts tightly stuffed into her gown and allowing her to show off and still maintain her modesty.

She had opted to wear long silk leggings beneath all the ruffles and a pair of black, sensible shoes. They weren't one hundred percent era-appropriate, but they were close enough and mostly would be out of site beneath her gown. She had opted for comfort over style for this one accent.

Now she looked over at the ornate leather mask, beaded and feathered with blue and black plumage that matched her dress. It covered the upper part of her face, leaving her full lips on display. Lips she adorned with a deep red lipstick with just a faint hint of glitter. She would definitely get noticed tonight.

She made one last twirl, making certain all of her costume was in place and then headed for the door. Della was going to pick her up and they would be going in together.

Della had also found a wonderful costume. She had opted for a bit more modern. She had found a gorgeous 1920's era Flapper costume, all in silver and black, with beads and fringe everywhere. It fit her slenderer figure perfectly and allowed her to show off her assets to their best advantage. She had found elegant elbow-length gloves, a black ivory cigarette holder and a beaded headband, with her own feathered accoutrements. High heels and flesh toned pantyhose helped to cement the look. She had chosen a simpler mask, white and grey with small black feathers, at the end of a long stick that she could hold to her face or easily set aside.

The downstairs buzzer sounded as Kitty was heading towards the door to her apartment. It was Della.

"I'll be right down," she said into the little mic on the wall speaker.

"Well hurry up, we don't want to be late!"

Kitty smiled, not bothering to reply and headed out the door. It was going to be a night to remember.

Kitty didn't know how right she was.

Interlude #1:

[Seattle, Beacon Hill. Saturday, October 29th]

The Old Rainier Brewery. Once an active brewery for the city, it was now a landmark of this upscale neighborhood in Beacon Hill, with office, retail and living spaces available for the gentrified populace. Tours were still held, walking tourists and interested city denizens through all the new modern features of this beautiful, old building, as well as some of the old brewery locations, still kept intact as it was in its heyday.

In some ways, the old brewery was wearing a costume like many of the others gathering here tonight for the grand Halloween gala. It had decorations and lights adorning its larger, open public spaces and it hid some of its darker, older bones under the whitewash and glitz of this refurbished and remodeled historic landmark. But old bones, no matter how well disguised or covered up, remember their past.

Deep within tunnels below the brewery, in areas that had once served politicians and wealthy clientele to come and go to the world's largest public brothel, something was stirring. These tunnels and passages had also allowed women to be brought in (or their bodies taken out) without ever being seen by the public. These tunnels were now all but forgotten. They had been abandoned decades ago and had seen fire and decay. They had been paved over and sealed up and new structures built upon their remains.

Now, deep within them, Consciousness awoke. It heard the sounds of people, laughing, drinking and dancing. It felt the electrified atmosphere of joyful abandonment, sexual desire and pent-up emotions being let out for just a little while. Most of all, it could feel the power of this time of year, when the metaphysical walls between the living and the dead were thinner, more permeable.

The consciousness remembered its own life. Not all of it, but the strong emotions most associated with its former existence. Lust. Desire. Rage. It felt those same emotions in this place tonight, some openly embraced, some simmering below the surface, but there none the less, and calling to it. The spirit of the past looked around, seeking more like itself. It found them, awakened them as it had been awakened, and together, they sought out the life and light they remembered and so jealousy wanted again.

[Seattle, Beacon Hill. Saturday, October 29th. 7:00 PM]

The Gala was being held at The Old Rainier Brewery, once an actual brewery, now broken up into various work and living spaces. The corporation had rented out part of the grounds for tonight's bash and as Kitty and Della arrived, it was already in full swing.

The main room featured a stage where a live band had set up and was playing loud and rhythmic dance music. There were tables set up all around the room and a large banquet table arrayed with various foods.

Shrimp Cocktail, Lobster Rolls, Crab Cakes and Seafood Salad. There were plates of spicy sausages, each decorated like severed fingers. A wide variety of Sushi, glazed and fashioned to resemble eyeballs. There was a huge tureen of some soup, boiling and smoking like a witch's brew, replete with some ingredients that had been made to resemble small body parts. And more of the same on other tables.

There was a large and expansive open bar, cashless of course. The corporation was footing the bill tonight and most of the partygoers were happy to avail themselves of the free booze.

"Wow! This is amazing," said Kitty, wide eyed and staring.

She couldn't decide what to look at first, the guests in their elaborate costumes, the tables of food, the gorgeous decorations. All of it dazzled her eyes and she drank it all in.

Della smiled at her friend, enjoying the way Kitty stared at everything and delighting in her amazement. She was a bit more used to this sort of extravagance. If it was one thing Seattle knew how to do, it was throwing a party.

As Kitty watched the other guests, she couldn't help but compare her costume to the others she was seeing. There was the expected amount of cinematic superheroes, mostly on bodies that looked more like 'supper-heroes", beer guts and expanding waistlines. Spandex was definitely earning its keep tonight. She also saw several witches, a few skeletons, and even a few more novel costume concepts.

One fellow was dressed like one of those old fortune telling machines you would see at older arcades. The upper half of his body was wearing a frame, resembling the arcade booth. In it, the costumed guest was dressed in gypsy inspired wear including the requisite turban. There were also several guests, men and women, dressed in Steampunk attire: Leather coats, top hats, canes and odd mechanical gadgets adorning them all.

For the most parts, the costumes were elaborate and very well done. In other times Kitty might have felt a bit shy and conspicuous amongst all these wonderful costumes, but with the wardrobe she and Della had gotten at the UW, she stood straight and proud and felt like she belonged here. She set out to mingle through the crowd and enjoy herself.

Interlude #2:

Like a flame attracts a moth, the consciousness from below the brewery was drawn to the surfeit of life and emotions that filled The Old Rainier Brewery. It crept up from below, bringing with it other spirits of similar desires and needs.

The first life it encountered was a large man wearing a Victorian style suit, with a long black leather duster over it. He wore a bowler cap and sported a monocle with tiny gears around the outside of it. He was taking a drink from a large punchbowl and loudly laughing at an obviously witty bon-mot he had just told. The spirit sensed within this man, small, dark desires. Sexual fantasies he would never act upon and the frustrations and anger that boiled within just below the surface because of that fact. The spirit watched, and when it was certain that this man would do, it pounced.

The next spirit encountered a young man, perhaps barely 21. He was dressed as a cowboy from some children's movie that was stuck in his head. He even had a lasso coiled at his hip. The spirit liked this man and took him.

The next abandoned soul searched the myriad of guests for something it could connect with. It found that connection in a 30-year-old banker. He was dressed as the grim reaper, thick and expensive black robes, white makeup to give his face the skeletal appearance and of course a huge scythe. A rope was tied about his expansive gut and hung on it were several plastic skulls. He had a plate of food in one hand, the scythe momentarily leaned against the wall. The spirit could sense his lust and excitement as his eyes watched the women at the party. He would do.

The fourth spirit to enter the party sought for a vessel that would most closely fit its own dark desires. It bypassed several possibilities whose banal lusts or petty resentments didn't measure up to its own twisted needs. Then it saw the police officer.

Dressed as true English Bobby, he was resplendent in his crisp, dark blue uniform, adorned with bright copper buttons. He wore an appropriate police helmet and carried a nightstick with him which her would take out and twirl jauntily.

But below the surface, he seethed with anger. His wife was divorcing him, and he blamed another woman for that. She had just recently come out as lesbian. He was angry at all women and longed to shove that nightstick right up their lying, traitorous cunts, He was the one and the spirit moved in.

The last spirit was different. It had been a victim, not an abuser and it never wanted to feel helpless again. It wanted the power, the feeling of being I charge and taking what it wanted. It moved among the guests till it felt a like mind. This guest was tired of always doing twice the work for half the pay. That one was so tired of men always looking at her like a sexual object, not as a person. There was also jealousy. She lusted after someone, and that lust was unrequited. Desire and anger mingled, and she so desperately wanted an outlet for it, but her rational mind kept forcing her away from acting on it. The spirit watched the woman, dressed in the attire of a 1920's era flapper, all silver and grey and beaded and it chose her!

[Seattle, Beacon Hill. Saturday, October 29th. 9:00 PM]

Kitty leaned on the bar and signaled the bartender for another Tom Collins. She was slightly flushed and had just finished dancing with a very attractive accountant she had met. Dancing in all these layers, along with the warmth created by the crowded room and the alcohol Kitty had imbibed, it was no wonder she was flushed. She wasn't drunk, but she certainly had a pleasant buzz going on.

The accountant had been a good dancer and very good looking. Kitty thought he felt the same about her as they had danced together for the last half hour. He had also taken the opportunity to take several deep looks into her cleavage, so Kitty knew he liked what he saw. Maybe, if she had a little more liquid courage here, she might see if he would like to get an even better look at what she had under her bodice. She blushed at her own naughty thoughts.

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