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Knight has Fallen

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The love life of a princess like CMO.
2.3k words

Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 07/01/2016
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You can call me the Ice Queen like all of the people at my Fathers company does. I've heard it all and can care less. Being the CMO and face of Knight INC. I have other things to worry about. Their lucky I pay them. I worked for Knight INC straight out of college and don't get me wrong but I worked for this position without my Father's help. It's funny because people feel intimidated by a 27 year old black educated woman knowing I take no one's shit, Not even Mr CEO.

It hasn't changed in the 7 years I've been here. In the middle of my thoughts I get a call from my Personal assistant. Clicking my bluetooth I roll my eyes.

"Yes Amy?"

"Uh..umm Ms. Knight?"

"What?!" I said annoyed. I don't have time for this.

"Your-r Father is here." before she could finish my office door was opening.

Typing away I turn off my bluetooth not looking up knowing damn well who came into my office without knocking.

I hear him sit down in my plush loveseat.

"Are you back from South Korea?" I asked.

"More or less. You've been avoiding me, DeTeJae." He stated calmly.

"That's one thing that you must misunderstand about me. If I was avoiding you, you would know."

"Right and why is it that I have to schedule an appointment to see my daughter?"

"Just like you're a busy man never having time for family, I am a busy woman. I know you only have 5 mins so please get straight to the point."

"Ok then. Amy has already put in her 2 weeks after working for a month,"

"Not my fault that she is weak and can't do the things I ask of her."

"So I have hired a new PA for you."

Wonderful father of the year. Give this man his award so he can get out.

"Are you done?"

"Yes, I'll be in contact soon."

I don't reply but just watch him walk out. I emailed my team telling them we're having a meeting in 10 mins. Calling Amy into my office, She comes in shaking. She stands there with her head down.

"Amy if you're done for today you can go home and will be paid for the next two weeks."

"O-ok Thank you Ms. Knight."

After having a meeting with my people I sent them home early for the day. I get into my Baby Blue and Black Mustang. Pulling up to my house I punch in the code to the gate when I see a U Haul truck pull in next door.

'Guess I got new neighbors.'

Walking in my house I take off my heels and coat at the door. Striping out of my clothes I change into my silk PJs. Getting a glass of red wine I get out my laptop to work more of the company's logo. I feel that the one Mr CEO made is kind of old and out of date. After 4 hours I eat and get ready for bed.

I know it's time to get up just because of the email notifications I get on my phone at 5 am. After 30 minutes on the treadmill I take a shower and get ready for work.

I greet the security and swipe my ID on the gate to get in. As soon as I get on the elevator I get a call from My Father.

"Yes?" I say as I get off on the 21st floor out of 43 in the company building.

"Are you in your office yet?" He asks

"If you called my desk then no one would have answered." I kind of smiled.

"Your PA would have picked up the phone."

Walking down the hallway to get to my office I already see some of my workers here.

"I fired my PA."

"I already told you that I hired someone new."

Getting up to my office The desk in front of my office is empty.

"Really? Cause I don't see anyone." I walk into my office to see some man sitting in my seat with his feet on my desk.

"Who are you?" I ask the mystery man ready to call security if I need to.

"Your new Personal Assistant good luck!" My father said to me then hung up. Did he really have to call me? Now to deal with this person at my desk.

Walking over to my desk he looks up and smiles. He's is very attractive for an asian man, Not that race matters but he is fine with a sexy smile. I don't forget the fact that he's still sitting in my seat.

"Hello Princess, My Name is Aiden Park." Getting up to shake my hand, He's like 6'2 to my 5'7. I ignore his hand and walk around him to my desk to sit down. I get my laptop out to get started on my day.

"My name is not princess and if I need you I'll call for you.

Acting like I didn't say anything he pulls out his I Pad scrolling through it.

"I've already started going through everything you need and what is coming up like your meetings, contacts and important files. I have gone through your email and I need to make a few calls for you. Also you don't eat breakfast so I ordered your mocha frappe at the cafe. Oh you have a board meeting with the head of director with Jackson James presenting next week. If you need anything princess just call me.

"Wait. Why do I have to attend the board meeting? It's not anything important."

"Your father is on leave for his honeymoon so the next two shareholders have to attend which is You and CFO Mr James."

Great, I have to work with my stalker. I glance up at him unable to resistance looking him up and down. Fitted nicely into his suit with his dark black hair slicked down with focused eyes like he knows what he wants.

"Is that all princess?" He must have saw me cause now he has a big ass smile then licks his lips. Cocky prick.

"Nope but you can leave now."

"OK. Anytime you need me to fully strip to help you see under this suit just ask." then he walked out leaving me in shock. Oh so he not only a flirt but has the balls to say that to me. I'll get him later. Going through my files I see that he indeed is working on them.

10 mins later he walks in with my frappe and sits it on my desk in front of me.

After me not saying anything he speaks.

"You're welcome princess."

"You didn't even knock before you walked in."

"Don't need to."

Trying not to lose my cool I glare at him

"I'm your boss."

"No you spoiled little princess, Your father is my boss. I just work for you."

I get out of my sit and walk up to him, Even in my 6in heels he's taller.

"Ohh really? Then you're fired, Get out of my face."

Walking in closer he looks down on me.

"Why won't you go talk it over with your father instead of nagging me."

Getting a little bit nervous of how close he is, I stand my ground.

"You must think-"

"Look Princess," He cups my chin in his hand and whispers.

"If you wanted to touch me, you could have just asked. A princess that can get whatever she wants just has to open those thick juicy lips of hers."

Shocked I quickly pushed him off me and ended up tripping on my shoes falling on my butt. Instead of helping me like a gentleman he squats down to level me.

"Aww does princess need help?"

Before I can start yelling at him I hear a knock on my door. I quickly got up and straightened my clothes out. Once I done Aiden opened the door.

Seeing who it is made me want to crawl in a hole and die. I quickly get in my seat trying to calm my nerves from Aiden.

"TeJea I've missed you!" Jackson James said strolling in like a old school pimp.

I rolled my eyes at Mr CFO. Is today the day where everyone annoys me? God what did I do?

"Look James If it's not work related I don't have time...Aiden needs to finish helping me."

Jackson turned around finally realizing there's a man in my office.

"Baby, What did I say about calling me James, Even though it will be your last name."

I try not to throw up in my mouth.

"Get real and get out or I'll call security again after I give you a black eye."

"Our fathers want us together. Once you accept it the easier it will be."

"That fact our father's work together has nothing to do with me."

"You know I've loved you for years.."

"No you've been stalking me for years"

I look at Aiden to see him trying to hold in his laughter. I raise my eyebrow to signal him to help me.


"I'm sorry to interrupt Mr James but Ms Knight has work to do."

When Aiden walked up to him Jackson glares at Aiden and I think I saw a hint of fear in his eyes.

"Uh Sorry bye." He quickly looked away from Aiden to me and rushed out of my office.

When he left I just stared at the door and heard Aiden bust out laughing. Smiling knowing the shit was funny I just shake my head.

"What is with him? When I looked at his files I thought that you just didn't like him but now I see the reason behind it"

"He thinks just because our fathers are lifetime friends and business partners I'm entitled to him. Instead of working for his Father he had to come here."

"Well if you need help with him in the future I got you."

"Thanks but I think I can handle him, Been doing it my whole life."

Once Aiden leaves I work on the logo for the company and also check on how our mobile app is doing. I make a note to contact the tech office about updating the app helping customers shop. Around lunch time I started looking over the customers comments and complaints over some of our toy, clothes, tech and different organizations. we sponsor companies like Faraldo Co.

I get a call from Aiden but ignore him. 5 secs later Aiden walks into my office looking worried. Once he looks me over and scanned my office his tense stand relaxes.

"When I call, I need you to answer." He said to me and I got back to looking over the information.

"I'm kind of busy as you can see I'll eating lunch later." I make the mistake of not looking back up at him. My laptop was taken from me and replaced with pasta and a bottle of water.

"Are you for real you asshole. Do you not want me to do my job?!!" I stood up and slam my hand on my desk.

"I was wondering when I would hear your potty mouth Princess. I found out that you barely eat at all while at work. Starting tomorrow you will be eating breakfast and lunch. Understand?"

I quickly sit down taken back by him. No one has really said anything to me about it. I kind of don't eat when I'm stressing out which is all the time.

"Gotta. Can I at least have my laptop back?"

"No, Play games on your phone or something, Also I blocked the internet from your phone so no working for 30 mins." He smiles at me and walks out.

Why do I feel like he just put me in time out. I am a grown ass women. I try to calm down and eat my lunch and pretend I'm stabbing him with the fork. 15 mins later I throw my lunch away and walk outside of my office to Aiden's desk. Holding out my hand he hands me back my laptop. Before I walk away Aiden stops me.

"Princess I really like logo design number 5. If you want I can get a focus group together to see what colors they like and a meeting with the directors to agree upon them."

"Yes to the group but I can release it with the help of Mrs Jasper." CTO of the company 53 years old, she is dominating at her position that's looked at as a man's job. I look to her as a mother figure even though she has no kids of her own.

"Ok I'm on it."

By the end of the day I get my weekly reports from my people. On Fridays they tend to take longer putting all of the data together.

Aiden gives me the last report as I'm packing up. I look them over the weekend.

"You can go home Aiden thank you."

After taking off my shoes at the door of my house, forgot to get the mail. Walking barefoot on my smooth pavement I see a black and red BMW pull up next door. I don't finally see who it is till I'm half way up my driveway.

"Hello Princess!"

Why did you do this to me God?

"Please tell me you're not my new neighbor."

"I can't or that when be lying."

He leans up against his car and looks deeply at me. He eyes makes me feel naked but sexy. I quickly run back into the house and close my door. I try so hard to keep that prick off my mind but he kept popping back up the whole night. I take a long Lavender bubble bath that puts me to sleep.

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roseloveroseloveover 5 years agoAuthor
I'm Back!

Hi! If anyone is still following, Hi! I am back and finished with 3 of my stories including this one. I am contacting an editor and hopefully they can help me make a story you'll want to read. I pray soon you'll get to read the rest of this. I'm truly sorry to everyone.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
Overusing "I"

You kinda used it a lot in your sentences. I simply recommend using other terms instead of always saying "I did this" or "I did that". The overall story however looks very interesting and it's going be fun seeing how the main character loosens up a bit.

Lulu222Lulu222about 8 years ago

Will there be more?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago

I like that this is an ambw story. please finish this story! :D

ChocolateAmazon10ChocolateAmazon10about 8 years ago

this is a pretty good start!

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