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Knox County Ch. 09


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He saw her face was still tense, though.

"What's wrong, Elizabeth?" She shook her head, and he pressed. "Come on, tell me what's wrong."

"You don't understand, Will. I almost lost you. I don't want to go through that again, okay?"

He laughed. "So that's why you still insist being on top every time? You're afraid of breaking me?"

She smiled at this, then nodded slowly.

"Well, as much as I like it, it's getting a little boring. I think I'd rather be dead than have to suffer through just that position for the rest of my life."

Her eyes flared. "Boring is it? Making love to me has become boring?"

"That's not what I meant," he said. "But yes, it's becoming too routine. You're too tentative, and you won't let it loose."

He watched her face, seeing her mull this over in her mind.

"So if ever we get married, and make this permanent, then I suppose you'll quickly tire of the same old same old?"

He smiled. "Oh no, not by a long shot. Then we'll be doing it doggy style, sixty-nine, cowgirl, reverse cowgirl, missionary, standing, sitting, bent over the couch. Have I missed any here?"

Her face brightened. "No, that seems to about cover it, I suppose."

"And when all of that gets too boring, I suppose I'll have to invest in toys and the like."

A grin curled her lips. "Toys? Pray tell."

He shrugged. "You know, anal beads, vibrators, dildos, stuff like that."

"You got an ass fetish, don't you?"

"Just your ass."

"And you want to try that sometime, don't you?"

He nodded. "Very much so."

She nodded. "Well, that one's reserved for my husband only, you know."

He knew. They'd had this talk in the past. After her previous career, she insisted that something be saved for her husband, and he intended to fix that issue once and for all.

"Strange you should bring that up," he said, his face getting serious.


"Well, you graduate in two weeks, right?" She nodded. "And you already have a job lined up, right?" She nodded again. "And you love me heaps and gobs, right?" She paused, afraid to draw the connections he was drawing. After a moment, she nodded.

Will walked to his jacket thrown over the chair and reached inside. "Then I guess my only question is whether we have to actually be married before you keep your end of the bargain?"

He turned and dropped to his knees. "Elizabeth, will you marry me?"

She looked at his eyes before looking at the large diamond engagement ring in the palm of his outstretched hand.

Her hands flew to her mouth and she tried to hold back the tears.

"You going to keep me hanging here?" Will said after a moment, starting to rise.

She rushed at him and hugged him tightly, pushing him backward into the chair. "Yes," she said, smothering his face in kisses. Then she stood back and watched as he slid the ring onto her finger.

They resumed kissing for several minutes, their hands stroking each other's bodies.

"Wait," Elizabeth said, breaking the embrace and pushing herself away and looking into his eyes. "You're not just doing this for a shot at my ass, are you?"

He grinned. "Well . . . ."

She punched him on the shoulder before falling back into his arms.

* * *

Hollister stood in the studio, staring at each painting for several minutes before moving onto the next. At works in progress, he nodded and sometimes mumbled, at completed paintings he stared longer and more intently, rarely saying anything.

After a half hour and nearly a dozen paintings, he started on a new painting and his body froze. He looked back at the painting he had just come from, then peered deeper into the one now before him.

"Sean," he said, "what's this? I've . . . you've . . . this is new."

Sean saw Aimee stiffen beside him, biting her lower lip.

"You don't like it then?" Sean said.

Hollister didn't answer. Instead, he snuck a peek at the next painting to his right, looking at it before going back to the painting before him.

"No," he said, his eyes now looking at the next three paintings down the line. "No, it's not that. Actually, I do like it. Quite a bit, truth be told. But they're different from what you normally do. The style, use of color; particularly the use of color. Much more bold. Still, really quite good."

Sean saw Aimee's body relax and a smile turn up the corner of her lips. She shot a glance at Sean.

"You're joking," Emily chirped in, seeing the unspoken communication between Sean and Aimee.

Hollister turned and faced them. "Joking?" he said, then saw the conspiratorial looks between Sean and Aimee. His eyes narrowed, then he turned back and paced the last five paintings he's perused. "They're unsigned," he said. "The new ones . . . you didn't . . . ."

"Aimee did them," Sean said. He was beaming now, his arms folded over his chest.

"Oh Aimee," Emily squealed, throwing her arms around Aimee and pecking her cheek before going on. "They're beautiful. I didn't know you were . . . that you. . . ."

Hollister's face became a mask, his arms folding over his chest as he rocked on his heels.

"Did you do any part of these paintings, Sean?"

Sean grinned, but Aimee exploded. "You pompous bastard," she said.

Hollister ignored her, staring at Sean. "Sean, please answer my question."

Aimee started to speak, but Sean silenced her with a hand on her shoulder.

"No, Roger, she did them all by herself. Every last line and splotch."

Again, Aimee started to speak, but Sean shook his head. Hollister turned back to the paintings and looked at the next six in line, both finished and unfinished. As he did so, Sean pulled Aimee over to the sofa and sat, putting his fingers to his lips to keep her silent.

After nearly fifteen minutes, Hollister turned and walked to a chair, sitting and crossing his legs. "Who's the subject of the last three?" he asked.

Aimee looked at Sean, expecting him to answer. Instead, he looked back at her and nodded.

"Jenny Silverman," Aimee said, looking at Hollister now.

"The girl who's father shot Sean?"

Aimee nodded. "And whose boyfriend used to be my husband," she said.

"Why aren't they signed?"

Aimee shrugged, but Hollister just stared back, waiting for an answer.

"They're just practice, I guess," Aimee said.

"You've done others?"

Aimee nodded.

"Then where are they?" Hollister asked, looking around the room at the other paintings as he did so.

"Mostly underneath the ones you're looking at," Sean answered for her. "They were crap."

Aimee shot him a surprised look, and Sean could see she was upset by this. Sean just shrugged in response. Better for her to learn to take criticism now, he thought.

"Well," Hollister said, pausing to look once again at the paintings before turning back to Aimee, "these are not crap. Not exactly masterpieces yet, but definitely not crap."

Sean saw Aimee's lips tighten, waiting to hear the next words.

Sean heard the doorbell in the background just before Hollister spoke again. Someone else–probably Jenny–would get it, though, so he didn't move.

Hollister took one final look at the paintings before fixing Aimee with a stare. "I suppose I have for you only one question." Aimee bit her lip, waiting. Hollister continued, "Do you have an agent in mind yet?"

Sean heard two things at once. He heard Aimee respond, "Do you really think . . . ."

Then he heard a long, high pitched scream from Jenny in the background. "Noooo. . . ."

* * *

When Sean met Cynthia and David at the door, she could see the shock was numbing him.

"I came as quickly as I could," she said, looking over his shoulder.

Aimee was cradling a sobbing Jenny on the couch, rocking her. Cynthia saw tears on Aimee's face as well, her eyes red and puffy from crying.

"I didn't know who else to call," Sean said. His voice was barely a whisper, and he turned and looked at Aimee and Jenny, frozen.

"Come on," David said, guiding Sean by the elbow toward the kitchen.

Cynthia strode to the couch and sat on the end. "Aimee, what is it?"

Aimee looked at her, trying to find the words and choking several times before clearing her throat and speaking.

"It's Tim," she said. "He's dead. Killed himself."

At that, Jenny sobbed louder and Aimee pressed her tighter.

Cynthia's jaw dropped. "When? Why?"

"About an hour ago. They just told us maybe twenty, thirty minutes ago. The police . . . they knew he was dating Jenny . . . that she was here. They told his mother, then they came here to tell us."

"But suicide?" Cynthia couldn't believe it. Big, strapping, cocky-as-hell Tim, always in command of everyone and everything. People like Tim didn't kill themselves. There had to be a mistake.

Aimee said noting in response, just continued rocking Jenny back and forth, trying to calm her down.

Cynthia sat watching, unsure what to do. She didn't realize she was stroking Jenny's back until she saw her face turn to her, a mask of anguish, and fall into her arms. Without conscious thought, she felt her arms open and pull the girl toward her.

After a few minutes, Cynthia heard the whistle of a tea pot. Moments later, she saw David enter from the kitchen carrying a tea pot and some mugs, followed close behind by Sean carrying the remainder of the mugs and a pitcher of milk.

David nodded Sean toward a chair and poured tea into the mugs, handing them out to Aimee and Sean. He then held a mug toward Cynthia and nodded at Jenny.

"Jenny," Cynthia said, "drink some tea. You'll feel better." She tried to gently push the girl away from her shoulder and toward David, but Jenny held on tightly.

David kneeled next to them. "Please, sweetie, have some tea." She turned her head to look at him, and he tried to smile. "Tell you the truth, you'll still feel like shit, but at least you'll have something warm in your belly, okay?"

Cynthia felt Jenny nod against her shoulder, and she saw a shaking hand reach out and retrieve the mug of tea. After a minute, the sobbing had subsided and Jenny was sitting on her own.

David nodded his head toward the hallway and Cynthia rose and followed him there.

"This one's kind of out of the blue, huh?" he said when they were alone.

Cynthia nodded. She was unsure what to do, afraid any reaction would set David off and bring up wounds that had just begun healing.

"Can't say as I'm really all that upset," David continued, "but still, can't say as I'd want the rotten prick dead." He looked over his shoulder and at the three sitting like zombies in the living room, cupping their hot mugs and staring vacantly into space.

David looked back at her. "Why's Sean taking this so hard?" he asked.

She heard concern in his voice, and thought hard trying to come up with an answer. "Probably because he just went through something like this awhile back. When his wife died." She looked at the three of them, and Sean was now staring at Aimee, his pain obvious. "And because I think because she's hurting so bad, too. Y'know, like if I was in pain because my brother or someone died. Wouldn't you be hurting, too?"

He nodded. "Okay," he said, "that makes sense. So what do we do?"

Cynthia chewed on her bottom lip for a moment before answering. "I think we've got to get Jenny out of here," she said.

David raised his eyebrows.

"Sean and Aimee can take care of themselves," she explained. "They'll work through it. Sean's only hurting because Aimee's hurting–mostly, at least–and Aimee's already divorced from him. She'll get over it quicker because she's got Sean. But leaving Jenny here just seems . . . I don't know . . . I think that'll drag all of them down. She's now lost the only two men in her life, her father and her lover, and she'll take awhile. I think she'll keep that festering here with Sean and Aimee." She looked at David, who was watching the three in the living room as he listened. "Don't you think so?"

He turned back, taking a deep breath and exhaling slowly. "Yeah," he said. "I guess you're right. But she's . . . well, a stranger. You sure you want this?"

Cynthia shrugged. "No, I'm not. But I don't see any other way around it, dear. She's alone. Her parents and boyfriend are gone. I'm pretty sure she was an only child. I don't know about aunts and uncles, but I haven't heard her speak about any of them, either. Not since her dad was killed. And we can't let her go back to her apartment–theirapartment–all alone."

"Fuck, even I'd kill myself in her shoes I guess." David let another breath out, then pulled Cynthia into a hug. "Are you sure you'll be okay? You know, with everything we're . . . . I mean, you're pregnant, for Chrissakes. This won't be too much on you?"

"No, dear," she whispered into his ear. "I helped Sean through it once, and he was a total stranger, too. I suppose I can do it again."

David looked down at her and tried to grin, but she could see it was forced. "You're not going to try to help her through it the way you helped Sean, are you?"

She knew what he was talking about, and she smiled. "No, David, I don't think I swing that way."

* * *

Aimee was surprised to see Will and Elizabeth at the funeral, and she approached their table at the luncheon afterward.

"This is a surprise," Aimee said, sitting across from them.

Will crossed his throat and looked at Elizabeth, who in turn looked at Aimee.

"Me, too," she said. "Said he had to be there, though. After all they'd been through at the shooting and all. Kind of puts a strange closure to it, I think."

Aimee nodded. Strange as it sounded, she understood. Will's tension relaxed, and he held his hand across the table toward Aimee.

"We're really sorry, Aimee. I know you were divorced and all, but still."

Aimee nodded. "Yeah, can't just shut it all off overnight. And thanks."

Aimee looked at Elizabeth's hand and smiled. "Does that mean congratulations are in order?"

"For what?" Sean asked, stepping behind Aimee and placing his hands on her shoulders.

"Her left hand, babe," Aimee said. Elizabeth held out her hand to Sean, showing him the glittering engagement ring.

"Oh," he said. "Nice ring."

Aimee turned back and up, looking at Sean. "They're engaged, Sean."

He was taken aback, then a big grin split his face. "Oh, that's right. You Americans wear that on your left hand. We do it on the right in Ireland." He looked from Will to Elizabeth. "That's great, guy. Congratulations."

Will and Elizabeth both said their thanks.

"Give you any ideas?" Aimee asked.

"Like what?" Sean responded.

She held her bare left fingers in front of his face and flexed them.

"You're kidding, right?" he said.

She shook her head. "We're not getting any younger here," she said.

Sean cleared his throat, looking around the room trying to spot someone.

"Oh look," he said, pointing, "it's David and Cynthia. We should go say hello, don't you think?"

Will suppressed a laugh, coughing into his hand.

"I don't think you're getting out of this that easily," Elizabeth said.

Aimee pouted her lower lip, but Sean was already striding across the room.

* * *

David couldn't remember being happier in the past year than he was this day. The crisp autumn air carried a slight breeze, the leaves were brilliant hues of gold and scarlet, and everyone around him was giddy with joy. Cynthia held a twinkle in her eye as she held the tiny baby in her arms, while little Sean David Holloway clumsily walked between her and the proud, beaming parents of the baby boy.

Jenny was smiling, too, something she'd done all too rarely in the past eighteen months. She was dressed in a bright yellow dress, and her gaunt frame was filled out some. The crew cut young man holding her hand was lost in his doting on her, and she was enjoying the attention he showered at every turn.

"Ladies and gentlemen," the priest intoned at the front of the church, "will you please rise."

As one, the congregation rose to its feet and the organ began the wedding march.

The bride appeared at the back, aglow in her white gown and gauzy veil. Behind the veil, David saw tears of joy welling in her eyes. At the altar, the groom was beaming, his body a tense coil of giddiness ready to burst at the seams.

"She's beautiful," he heard in his ear.

"As beautiful as Elizabeth was at your wedding," David responded in a whisper.

Will nodded, now cradling his baby girl and kissing her tiny, wrinkled forehead.

He felt a hand take his, a gentle squeeze. "It's good to see everyone happy," Cynthia whispered to him.

David's eyes traveled to Sean at the altar, his chest about to burst from his tuxedo. Then he watched Aimee, clearly restraining herself from running up the aisle into his arms. Roger Hollister led her slowly, beaming to be giving his up and coming artistic star away in matrimony to his best–and most beloved–client ever. Emily, the maid of honor, weeping openly and loudly at the import of the moment. Looking over Will's shoulder was Elizabeth, smiling as she made faces at little Nicole while Will's face was transfixed by a look of contentment. Jenny, on the other side of Cynthia, tears now welling in her eyes as her boyfriend tried to do something but was lost as to what. Finally at Cynthia and little Sean, both beaming their joy.

David pulled Cynthia and Sean to him. "Yes," he agreed, "it's good to see that it's all worked out."


Author's Comments. All right, here it is, the unanswered questions. First, the most glaring absence is an explanation for Tim's suicide. This should be self-evident, though: He finally realized the import of all he had done and, sensing this, could not live with the guilt. This was made painstakingly clear in the scene in the mental hospital, and I saw no reason to add another scene to spell out that he was crushed irrevocably. How did he commit suicide? Who cares is my simple response. It's irrelevant. What's relevant is that he did commit suicide. Frankly, it was tough enough killing the rotten bastard off–and the main reason this story took so long; I really wanted to marry him off to Jenny–without having to go into the gory details. Still, I just couldn't have him and Jenny living happily ever after because it wasn't believable. How could they really be happy together when she knew how they'd met, how he was at least partially responsible for her father's death, and how he'd probably revert to his old ways? It seemed easier, and happier, to kill him off and show Jenny finding happiness.

Another glaring omission is whether Aimee was successful as an artist. The final scene indicates she now has an agent and is an up and coming star. In the art world, this seemed believable and a sign of things to come. Ergo, enough said.

If you spot any other omissions or have any other questions, send me a comment or questions and I'll do my best to answer.

Thanks again for taking the time to slog through this convoluted mess!

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LegacybadLegacybad7 days ago

This was a great story from start to finish. And the ending was perfect. I didnt felt there was anything more to say or explain. I enjoyed reading the arcs of all characters and felt they were realistic, anf that made the reading more entertaining to me. I didnt saw Tim's suicide coming, but yeah, in reteosepct I could see it happening. He was an immature egocentric person snd as such he didnt considered how his actions would affect others, but he wasnt a bad person, and when the consequences of his actions finally were clear to him he couldnt forgive himself, so yeah it was a fitting ending to him that his last action was the most slefish one. 5/5

AnonymousAnonymous26 days ago

I loved the story although, after the 2nd chapter, I had to set up a flow chart to keep track of who did what and with whom, where and why. I had trouble with this story wondering if you missed getting an editor or went it alone of had a lot of intrusions in your time. The story was as busy winding in and out an my eyes crossed, trying to follow my flow chart. You had many more grammatical errors, including misspelled words, words with a letter missing or the wrong letter inserted into the work. Most of your stories are near perfect but this one definitely had more errors and glitches than your normal story. I think this one could be rewritten into a short to medium length book if handled properly. If it weren’t for the increased number of errors, I’d have given you 5 stars. Keep up the good work.


AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

I really enjoyed this, and gave both this chapter and the series 5 big stars. At least you were able to keep the names of the different characters correct, which is a hard job when you keep adding them to build the story. I liked the way you weaved the couples lives together thru out the story too. I was wondering when/if Roger would become Aimee's agent, as she became Sean's prodigy, taking over his work, which was something she always wanted to do. Thank You for sharing this with us. It's a good read. :-)

ncdeepdiverncdeepdiverabout 2 months ago

You almost lost me when Cynthia moved in with Shean and the bathtub scene. I am so glad I didn't bail.

Wonderful story.

This could have easily been three separate stories with the three parallel (really four) storylines. But it worked.

5 stars!!!

TotosRevengeTotosRevenge3 months ago

Thank you for sharing this fine tale. Totally enjoyed it.

readnwrite73readnwrite734 months ago

A very excellent story from a very talented author. The way that the Author made each of the many characters interact with each other was very interesting. And to keep it all understandable was quite a feat. Puts me in mind of “Six Degrees of Separation”. It takes quite a bit of organizational skill to produce this kind of work. This is definitly the type of piece I prefer and enjoy. The only qualm I have, and I know some or maybe even most will disagree is that the sex scenes were too long and too many. They may have appealed to the prurient interests, but didn’t add much to the story with the exception of the neccessary ones to explain the story motivations.

Bravo Very Well Done. I enjoy most of your works.

strawboystrawboy4 months ago

A lot of relationships to keep straight as the plot(s) develop but a worthwhile read.

paulsubpaulsub5 months ago

I enjoy your writing. Your realistic bur captivating plot, your characters and their complex descriptions make the a very enjoyable read. I didn't want it to end!

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

Corrupt cops. Whores with a heart of gold. Gotta be a few other cliches we can squeeze in.

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

Well done

EHP4269EHP42697 months ago

A good story. I think you "fleshed" out the characters a little too much at times but overall a good tale that I am pleased to have read. I think the "arse" play was a little too much with all of them wanting to do it and enjoying it. Not my reality at all. LOL

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

Was this long story worth slogging through? I agree with Rehnquist, it is a “convoluted mess”! Also, this story is certainly not as compelling as many of Rehnquist’s other fine efforts. It seems that along the way, our author has developed an anal sex interest, or at least most of his characters have. I can’t give this one more than 3.5 stars⭐️.

DeeSylvanDeeSylvan8 months ago

I love your stories. I left this for last, probably because of the category you put it in. I was really afraid you were going to kill off Sean so he could reunite with Holly, but that will have to wait. I thought Cynthia was going to finish her degree but raising a child is infinitely more fulfilling. I know this was written 15 years ago so I don't know if you'll see this comment, but I hope you are doing well (and thinking of writing again!). :DD

mnop9mnop99 months ago

It was not a convolution mess. It was well done from start to finish. I rate all quality stories with 5 stars. Those that I believe to be less than quality, I do not rank after reading. I feel this writing to be the same quality as “When We were Married “ by Daniel Q Steele.

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

Convoluted is exactly how I'd describe it too...

TwmatthewsTwmatthews11 months ago

I'm going against the grain in voicing some mild criticism with this ambitious story. Normally for me, when reading a Rehnquist story, I can vividly picture the characters in my mind. That picture is drawn from a combination of physical description and personality. Not so this time. I never got a clear picture of Cynthia or David. To me, other characters were remarkably drawn especially Tim, Elizabeth, Aimee and Sean. Maybe that was done intentionally based on the importance of the character to the story.

Another criticism was in the use of anal play. Granted, it could be new and exciting for one or two couples but should not have been included in almost every sex scene. For Elizabeth who was after all, a sex worker, reserving that for her husband was realistic. But for a lot of the others, it seemed somewhat artificial and I found myself breezing through some of the sex scenes.

Finally, the evolution of the characters was really interesting, especially Sean. As the story unfolded and Sean went from the helpless boy to the person who brought out the best in everyone. That evolution made this story so engaging. Cynthia's development was also quite compelling.

Overall, one of the more ambitious works and really good, but a few adjustments were needed to make it great.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

It was an amazingly ambitious and quite a tapestry tale of interweaving characters and coincidences.

I don't know how managed to chart the complicated plots and subplots so thoroughly.

Not the usual infidelity and BTB.

Kudos for creativity and effort author.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Love all of your stories. Since Google deprived me of Kindle I have resorted to reading Literotica. Mostly non erotic tbf.

Fyi we Irish also wear wedding and engagement rings on our left hands.Thanks for the entertainment

dirtyoldbimandirtyoldbimanalmost 2 years ago

Thanks for all your effort and time writing this long saga. Guess Tim did deserve to die, killed in the line of duty would make him heroic, suicide or a car accident is okay. Very pleased that all the other "couples" overcame their difficulties.

backgar12backgar12about 2 years ago

Excellent! Fitting ending….

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

This was a teriffic read. The characters were well defined. Most of the comments seemed to focus on Cynthia and David. Both were believeable and unlike many stories of this nature, seemed willing to share responsibility for their marital problems. I thought Rehnquist did an excellent job of illustrating how Cynthia and David learned about mistakes they made in their marriage in real time. For example, when David had his sexual encounter with Aimee, he questioned why he never thought to experiment with Cynthia. This process made these characters more believabke to me,

My favorite couple however was Elizabeth and Will. I really enjoyed her pleasant surprises during their first encounter. Both seemed almost pure. I also really enjoyed the women's relationship particularly Cynthia's and Aimee's. How it evolved was a remarkable bit of story telling.

On the negative side, there's a little bit of criticism deserved over the ease with which every woman achieves multiple orgasms and particularly how easy it seemed for all couples to synchronize their orgasms. Maybe that"s just the bature of these stories, but through personal experience, multiple orgasns, at least with my wife, is an unfulfilled dream.

All in all, a great read and wonderfully drawn characters.

Tom from NC

DeanofMeanDeanofMeanabout 2 years ago

Wow, loved it, although my adhd/dyslexic butt loved it but i sort of creaTED a program of sorts to just to keep track of the linkages between the characters not sure why I had such a hard time in this one have not had that issue with other stuff he wrote thax for a great read

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

"David chose Tuesday nights to try and work around Cynthia's schedule. Since they had joined the Club two years after their marriage, just when the business was taking off, she spent every Tuesday afternoon playing tennis. David didn't play tennis, and didn't really like the Club all that much, so he stayed late and tried to coincide his return from work with her return from the Club. That used to be at seven or so every Tuesday, but it started getting later. He'd come home at seven thirty and wait an hour or so before falling asleep on the couch; then he'd push it back to eight thirty, and he'd be dozing off when she traipsed in at nine; so he made it nine and she'd be out until ten. He finally gave up, decided it was best they each have a night to themselves, and decided to spend his nights in the dark solitude of his office, working on coding in advances to the software."

Why was this never discussed in the reconciliation talks with Cynthia and David? Shit she really created her own mess. Yes he didn't give her enough time

at home but they acted like two ships passing in the night on Tuesdays. Wtf? Missed chance to dig into something deep.

And btw there seems to be a whole lot of anal in this fictional county. I went to school at UW-Madison. I don't remember so much of that going on. Apparently no one worries about STDs or pregnancy either.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

There are very few husbands that would have forgiven and taken back Cynthia regardless of how much they loved their wife beforehand. David had to see past the betrayal, re-examine his own fault in the marriage, re-examine his sexual desires, and go about talking to Cynthia again knowing that her response to the troubled marriage was really, really bad. Take a big man with a big heart. Just doesn't seem likely given the way it progressed and how sordid her affair was. There is surveillance going back four months but easily could have gone back a year based on his discussion with Alexis. It is never clarified. Also while Cynthia never did certain things she certainly did rough sex with Tim repeatedly.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Would have liked David and Cynthia to have a conversation about how the Tuesday night dynamic happened. Not the core reason she cheated but how she was convinced he was having an affair. How he didn't like the Club and the tennis and worked a bit later, returning home finding her not there, rinse and repeat until he thought she could have a night alone while he worked to save time the rest of the week. Would have loved to see her reaction. She kept coming back after the trysts and didn't see him. Terrible but avoidable miscommunication. Showed the flaw in their marriage. I am sure they would discussed this in their reconciliation talks but would have loved to see the reaction. Also her bringing up the fact she was convinced he was cheating and that while flawed that was her perception would have been an important talking point also. Instead too much emphasis on the interconnected side characters.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Rehnquist is an excellent writer. One of the best on Literotica. But I am glad this was not the first of his stories (all 9 chapters) that I read of his work. It seemed quite frenetic with all these interconnected stories. I assume that was the point but in the end the only really strong relationship with nuanced complexity was David and Cynthia. They both had to go through quite a metamorphosis. The first fee chapters were tough to read. Seeming to be all about decadent, meaningless, or hurtful sex. Speaking of sex scenes, as the chapters went on those of David and Cynthia were simply far beyond any of the other couples. Just not even close. But stepping back to characters. Cynthia certainly starts off as appearing to be a prime bitch. We learn (later) that she degraded herself with Tim for four months on every Tuesday night to get back at her husband for feeling abandoned. Yes she enjoyed the sex during her affair but hated every moment of it afterwards yet never got meaningful time from David except for their vacation in May (shortly after the affair started) when she tried to screw him to death. And yet she was a lonely housewife with no desire for children and a non present though endearing husband. The sex was. In some ways no different than reaching for a bottle. Clearly she had a rough childhood and no confidence in being a mother despite David's long-standing desire to have a family. Wouldn't surprise if that rejection caused him to immerse himself moore in his work. On top of that Cynthia was certain David was having multiple affairs of his own and hence used it as justification for her Tuesday night self degrading acts of sex with Tim. Even if Aimee had not told David about the affair when she did, it would have come to light given Cynthia's self destructive tendencies as she was drinking heavily each time to even get the will to follow through with the next week "session" with Tim. Again she felt unloved and debased herself, akin to cutting herself hoping David would notice. Of course the first few chapters we don't know that. And her visceral shock when David makes her realize there never were any affairs on his part is gut wrenching. But her metamorphosis is quite interesting. By being forced to work for a living and on her own she has to be responsible for someone else (though the bathtub 'clinical' handjob seemed like a weird extra experimental sex scene by the author in a bunch of early chapters crammed with them; didn't seem to have much meaning). The responsibility gives her something to do and gets her to have emotions where she can care for someone without sex being involved. This brings her on the road to not just want but demand children in order to reconcile with David later (though he always wanted kids). Meanwhile David's own metamorphosis is interesting. Being what he thought was a loving husband, he feels absolute betrayal and descends I to fury. Revenge fucks with Aimee, one an exhibitionist act while watching Tim defile Jenny yet again on what would have been Cynthia's night of debasement; his experimentation with swingers and other one night stands and a deep seated anger that threatens to eat at his soul. But even though he joins the sex acts he misses the intimacy and love of Cynthia. They did love each other but their marriage was terrible as they were both broken. David with his overzealous working and neglect of his wife, not only sexually as she has a high sex drive, but more importantly emotionally and his time and presence (or lack thereof). It is amazing Cynthia didn't see divorce years earlier. Meanwhile Cynthia clearly needed attention and love from her husband, but also had a broken childhood that messed up her dreams. She ended up doing the one thing she knew was hideous in order to get back at a man she loved but felt abandoned by and who she was convinced was cheating on her, doing it with a pig like Tim in a way that was loveless and debasing. There is also an awakening of David regarding his sexuality and a slightly dominant sexual personality that he has held at bay for preconceived notions of what he thought a married woman like Cynthia would tolerate. And yet he realizes slowly that Cynthia if anything is the opposite with a slightly submissive personality that he had never pushed but Tim took advantage of in continuing to entice Cynthia to keep returning each week. Their road to reconciling themselves sexually, emotionally and mentally is quite fascinating. But to be fair they should have had there own stories. Fitting in three other romances (one ending with a suicide) was too much. Sean and Aimee seemed like a too soon rebound relationship. Will and Elizabeth was the hooker with a heart of gold trope. The most significant thing about Sean was his effect on Cynthia to want children. Jenny didn't fit in at all. Like an extra that got given way too much weight. Tim was such a scumbag with his four hotties a week that why even both with his arc. Who cares. He was mentally deranged treating his wife Aimee with vanilla sex while enjoying degrading acts with four other women each week. He was so over the top, it didn't matter what happened to him and I can see why the author had him commit suicide. He was a plot device that got his own character arc. A lot of this then led to a lot of bloat in the story. Have Will and Elizabeth in a separate story. And make it more complex and nuanced. Have Sean and Aimee in a separate story. Given them more oxygen. And forget Jenny and Tim. Blah. Despite all of this the David and Cynthia arc is the backbone of the story and is solid. Still deserves a 5/5 but could have been so much more without the character bloat and the incessant sex scenes. Again those of David and Cynthia from midway on are helluva well done. The rest were pretty meaningless. Great author just nowhere near his What You Wish For and Lemon sagas. Not even close.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Admire how you wove the tapestry of these complicated personalities. Skill and thought.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Good...apart from cheating cunt Cynthia getting away with it....and the fact that all women can look forwards to incontinence since all the males are into the shit hole.

JimDiamondJimDiamondalmost 3 years ago

I loved the story and enjoyed ever part except the end. It was rushed as if you simply wanted finished with it and just threw it away. If you were going to kill him off you should have let him do it earlier when he wanted to. Too bad, other than that it was great.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

I read the Bar and Grill 1st What You Wish For 2nd this 3rd. I see how you improved. All were outstanding. I think reading in this order made the comments by Sean regarding Aimee's artistry (talking to the subject) more impactful. All are very outstanding!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

This was an extremely well thought out plot and well written. I particularly liked the time you took on developing the characters and there were a lot of them. I wasn’t big on David and Cynthia getting back together, given what she did, but your plot at least made it acceptable and not a RAAC. All in all, despite the length, it held my interest the entire way through.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

I read all nine stories in 2 days, thought your writing and imagination is great, can't waiting to read the rest of your stories.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

I enjoyed this story. I have read it before - a couple of years ago, I think. I enjoyed it both times.

RimmerdalRimmerdalover 3 years ago

Well........laid out nicely. Wrote very well. Somewhat fragmented at the end. Author's Comments laid several questions to rest. So overall very well done.

dgfergiedgfergieover 3 years ago

What an epic story. The writing is excellent and the characters well developed and even the bad ones got a little redemption. Some of you reason and your characters ruminations on there less than moral actions have actual changed my outlook and condemnation of wives who cheat and walk away from a marriage. It is sad to note with so many failed marriages in this country that people don't live up to the promise made in the marriage vows. Promises must be kept.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

only thing good about this crapshoot was that tim dies. fuck that cheating piece of shit. if you ask me, suicide was too easy for him. being beaten to death by one of the scorned husbands would be much better imo.

rayironyrayironyabout 4 years ago
It was convoluted,

but entertainingly so.

That all the characters were thrown together pushes credibility a bit.

But it's fiction and you gave us what we came for...Thank you.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Sometimes people are married to the wrong person

It's somewhat common in real life, especially in a small town, for people to discover they are married to the wrong person. That's what I see here. Unfortunately people aren't honest with themselves and almost never honest with their mate. If you don't love someone or want to be with someone else then have the balls to say so. Cheating sucks but staying with someone or not letting someone go that you no longer love is worse.

I understand why you let Tim handle the situation the way you did but that is out of character for a cop or the brotherhood of cops. I don't think the PD would have let one of their own get beat up without a more thorough investigation. And for Jenny to blame Tim for her dad's death isn't logical. He didn't even pull the trigger, but I realize people aren't logical.

BTW, good erotic imagery and prose. Well done. I like your style. I'm doing research by reading as much as I can of several authors on this site. Maybe someday I'll take a swing at my own story.

MarkT63MarkT63over 4 years ago

Nice read. Great spelling and grammar. I am still somewhat put out by the easy ending to all the cheaters, except Tim. I don't give Tim extra blame, even if he was the root cheater. I wosh Cynthia would have had some extra pain and suffering...

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago

What an amazing enjoyable read. Loved the many characters and the twists and turns in their progress to an excellent ending. Thank you.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
Best story I've.... on this site yet. Cleverly plotted and the characters were well filled-out. The plot was interesting and entertaining with something for even the most discerning of us. 5 well-earned stars.

peter944peter944over 5 years ago

Telling a tail with so main important characters and intertwining theirs stories through one another is a challenge only accomplished authors usually take on and some of those don't succeed. As for your "gaps" at the end I agreed with you and didn't see them as gaps just unimportant trivial details not essential to the tale. Well done.

paulsubpaulsubalmost 6 years ago
A Story of a Community

You set a high challenge to write about so many characters and intertwine their lives into such a well written novel. I feel I have visited the town and met these characters who have shared their romantic relationships with me. Thanks for sharing

eastwardeastwardalmost 6 years ago

i think it's actually quite unbelievable that tim would commit suicide. it would be much more realistic that he tried to do the "right" thing & marry jenny, and they'd be in miserable marriage for a long time. people rarely change very drastically in a short time; years, decades is more likely. egos & basic survival drive are really hard to overcome.

there's one thing i notice as well, Rehnquist tended to favor happy endings no matter how unrealistic, despite his inclinations & willingness to paint realistic details. and the endings were also quite abrupt, compared to the story build ups. those are glaring weaknesses, and i'd say they left an impression that either he didn't know how to write endings, or too lazy to respect the readers by giving them better closures.

FustZightFustZightalmost 6 years ago

I loved the breadth of this story and how the characters intermeshed. I'm glad the ending was just about believable; not too twee. Tim needed not to have a happy ending in order to balance things out.

A couple of things though.

Brandon was a very conveniently behaved child, but kids don't really work that way.

The main thing that spoilt the story for me was your preoccupation with women's arse holes. Not everyone has your fixation, and it was a bit of a downer.

PilotshopPrincessPilotshopPrincessabout 6 years ago
Great story

As with all there are bound to be those that are overly critical and to that I say get a life! I read one that said this could never happen. Clearly they’ve never lived in a teeny tiny town. Anyway enjoyed it immensely. Now on to the next great Rehnquist story

DogFuzzDogFuzzover 6 years ago
Well Done

I understand why your story was long. There were a lot of characters and individual stories to tell as well as work them all together. Well done. I am somewhat unusual from most of your readers as my first and basically the only concern is the story itself. Any sex is just an addition to the story. Saying that - I give you top marks. My only loss was I couldn’t find how our Elizabeth America to have her son. Darn... Thank you, nicely done.

gatorhermitgatorhermitover 6 years ago
Second time around reads just as well...

Kind of a "Love Actually" for Lit. Complicated, interesting, and intricate.

KelteriserKelteriserover 6 years ago
Complexities of life

I totally enjoyed this story

If one wanted to be hyper-critical one could nit pick but why bother?

I enjoyed the story as told it held the attention as a story not just as a vehicle for lots of sex

I did wonder why a cop in Tim's place didn't have someone in the department querying his behaviour. This was alluded to in one of the earlier chapters but never followed up. I have a hunch this kind of behaviour used to happen far more than it does now with body cams and all the other spotlights on cops and their behaviour.

For all that a good story I enjoyed - looking forward to reading more of your work

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago

Good, food for the soul. Slap hapy papy #9

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
Good even great read.

Really enjoyed Knox County. I especially enjoyed Elizabeth's story and the trouble Will went to to find her. I've always loved the 'whore with a heart of gold' stories. I think I've always somewhat recognized that there is a human being in that situation, and I might be slightly less critical that a person winds up in those circumstances.

I really enjoyed this (these) stories.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago

Rehnquist is the best writer I have encountered on Literotica.

An anonymous shortly before me wonders why Jenny's dad (George) shot Sean and Will. George was shooting Tim (Jenny's boyfriend). Tim deflected the shots, causing them to hit Sean and Will (another probable cause for suicide-inducing guilt). George got re-aimed at Tim, but was taken out by Security before he fired.

Paul in Oklahoma

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
still a fan

this was the last of your stories Have now read them all. really enjoy your style. will probably reread some in the future, but hopefully you will write more thanks good luck in your future.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago

Comments on this story are enlightening and gratifying. If you don't read them all, at least go to Anonymous / Simple_Me on 4-13-11.

I disagree with Rehnquist's last 2 words:. "convoluted mess."


So many great things to comment. But they've been said.

This story is one of the great ones. As is Rehnquist.

Paul in Oklahoma

RalphiedRalphiedover 7 years ago
Great Read

Just finished a nonstop reading of Knox County. Found it a little complicated and slow until i got to know the community and all the players. Overall i enjoyed it emensely and was drawn into the story which was complex but flowed for me. I was moved to anger and sadness with tears through some of the chapters but really enjoyed and am glad to have read it.

Thank you for your efforts and submission.


AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
Reason for Jennys dad shooting?

I don't understand why Jenny's dad shot Will and Sean?

This is the last of your stories I've read. Not my favorite (Bar an Grill) but I think it is your best. I'm not really looking for the sex in these kind of story's but this one had the BEST and longest sex scenes of any I've read on this site. Very real.

Thank you for the entertainment.

Bookworm1962Bookworm1962almost 8 years ago
Outstanding Story

One of the best, most engaging stories I've read on literotica. I was a little surprised by Tim's suicide, though. A bit jarring, I think, for what is ultimately a love and sex story. There is something erogenous about redemption and forgiveness, especially for a couple as lusty for each other as Tim and Jenny. Their "rape" scene was smokin'!

Still I understand why you did it, and it does fit with his character. So ultimately, it's the final dramatic turn in a terrific story. Thank you for sharing it.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago
Great work

Not your best , but damn close to it. I wish that you'd start publishing again. You were consistently one of the best authors on this site.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
Very Well-Written

Just finished Knox County. I had decided to make comments at the end of the story just to see if you could maintain the high level of writing and story development you had attained. You did. Well done. Your editor(s) did a creditable job, though towards the end, a number of small things slipped through.

Overall, this was one of the better stories I've found on Literotica. I'm going to check out one of your other stories and see how it compares.

LalawmanLalawmanabout 8 years ago
One of your best

I read this in one very long day. The thoughts and feelings expressed by the characters struck a deep and understanding chord within myself. Thank you.

Drbeamer3333Drbeamer3333over 8 years ago
Second time through....

Still five stars. Still love it. Not your best, but still better than all the others on this site.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Love this story!

I really liked this and have read it twice in as many years! I enjoyed the character development and the pace. Great sex scenes well done!

Thank you very much!! Write more if u can !

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
A True Story of Middle America

Although I read on Literotica almost daily, I don't post many comments. But, this story and the many, mostly OK, comments prompt me to put in some comments.

This is a story that, although somewhat far fetched in some of its details, is truly a story of the American Upper Midwest--Wisconsin, Iowa, Illinois, Minnesota, Michigan, etc. My experience being born, raised and living to advanced adulthood in Iowa and UP Michigan with many friends from Minnesota, Wisconsin, Michigan and the other states, could accept this story as based on fact given that fact is often much stranger than any fiction I've read. The characters, their actions and moral dilemnas posed in these characters from their actions and the actions of other characters to which they have been subjected is quintessential small-town middle America, including the parts of our Midwestern Cities that maintain the rural values of the surrounding hinterlands in spite of the growing sophistication of our social evolution.

In fact, I would suggest that it is the current state of our continuing social evolution in America as applied to the Midwest that generates much of the story here---characters, events and reactions to events. The author here creates a complex novelistic story that pretty much sums up how one might actually expect any given set of people living in the Midwest to act in and react to the situations posed.

Another aspect of this story that is particularly praiseworthy are the portraits of the characters, their development or non-development, their reactions to the events of the story and further behaviors resulting from those reactions and their ultimate places in their lives at the end of the story are extremely well-drawn and conceivable within the social and moral context of the story, with some minor exceptions that professional editing would undoubtedly correct prior to professional publication.

To flesh out some of what I'm saying here, let's take a look at some of the characters as they expose themselves in the story and grow or fail to grow from their experiences. First. let's talk about Cynthia, who is arguably the main character of the story since she appears first and is often a pivot around which the story evolves. Cynthia is a pretty typical middle American, semi-educated, middle-class housewife of the early 21st Century. She is a product of the sexual revolution in America at this point of its evolution--very sexually aware, knows what she wants from a significant other in her sexual relationship, but is sadly lacking in the skills of how to go about getting what she wants in her primary relationship in a fashion that not only preserves the relationship but enhances and strengthens it. Not being able, for many reasons too complex for this discussion, to realize her sexual needs with husband David, she allows herself to be used by Tim, the main sexual predator in the story. Her growth within the story begins with Aimee's exposure to David of her escapades with Tim. Her profound embarrassment from exposure and responses to David's initial moral outrage is predictable. But, from there she is able to come to understand that she really loves her husband and really wants to preserve the relationship. From her experiences with Sean, Elizabeth and Aimee and her real inner strength of character, she is able to go through a maturation of her character that permits her to learn the skills needed to resurrect her marriage relationship and, by the end of the story, demonstrate her ability and determination to cause it to grow into a truly mature and loving relationship. Also, by the end of the story, Cynthia has become a mature, wise person who not only is able to successfully participate in the rescue of her primary relationship, but is also able to provide significant support and assistance to other characters in the story.

David's initial reaction of moral outrage to the disclosure of his wife's acts of infidelity is fully expected and in many cases would be the end of his character's story, which is very common in these sorts of real life situations. What is different about his character as the story goes on is his ability to mature out of this typical self righteousness and gain insight into his actions within the relationship that contributed to the failure of intimate communication of what Cynthia needs for sexual fulfillment and how his sexual self can be expanded by responding appropriately to Cynthia and organizing his life to provide the time and opportunity for that to happen. The beginning of his maturation process allows him to make the necessary realizations that he truly does love this woman who is his wife and that the relationship provides a fundamental support for his life that is worth rescuing, preserving and enhancing.

The Tim character is a paradigm example of the authoritarian, jock mentality who takes a career as a cop and becomes a petty tyrant and sexual predator (although on a scale substantially below that exhibited by the sadist encountered by Elizabeth in her escort career and provides the inspiration for her to leave that professional pursuit) through abuse of his official position, provoked primarily by what many professionals call the whore-madonna complex so common to our American socio-sexual dynamics. The personality in which Tim is cast is able, ultimately, to gain sufficient personal insight to attain moral self-condemnation in the Old Testament self-righteous ethic of the rural Midwest, but is trapped by the same interior moral code, expressed internally and his contacts in the community, particularly his mother, to be unable to grow and perceive a path to redemption, leaving descent into an ultimately irretrievable level of clinical depression, leading to his suicide as the only perceivable response to gain relief and release. (A more lengthy treatment of this story could workout the dynamics of the Tim we see in the mental institution and his progress to suicide, which may well express the limitations of our mental health treatment system in treating a disorder of this sort, especially in a case where the behavior which is the precipitating factor in the descent is considered by most small-town Midwestern Christians to be so morally reprehensible as to be incapable of redemption. (Note the many comments to this story that state Tim's ultimate end to be the desirable end to him in the context of his behavior and its inescapable effects in the social paradigm of the story. I find Tim's death to be a sad commentary on our societal evolutionary failures in this 21st Century rather than a fitting end.)

Aimee's character undergoes probably the most significant growth of any of the characters in the story. She is able, as a result of her escape from the relationship with Tim and interactions with the other characters, particularly Sean, to mature from self-righteousness into wisdom and, with the mentoring of the artist Sean, flower into an accomplished artist herself, far beyond her entrapment into a recognized, self-limiting occupation of an art teacher in a mid-american public school.

There are similar developments in the other characters. But, now I want to comment on the depictions of erotic and sexual activities using some of the comments as points of departure. Many of the comments to this story criticize the amount and intensity of erotic/sexual behavior depicted in the story. I suggest that, aside from some minor flaws of structure and integration that competent editing would ameliorate, the descriptions of sexual behavior are appropriate in all their aspects--length, detail, and particular behaviors depicted. First, sexual mores and behaviors are the fulcrum on which the story pivots and their explicit depiction are the literary device employed by the author to bring home to the reader the human and moral development theme of the story. The author's descriptions are not sex for the sake of sex nor to buttress the otherwise literary failure of the story. Their purpose is twofold: First, to put the reader in a state of personal erotic arousal the author finds helpful in preparing the reader to ultimately be able understand and realize the difficult, substantial moral and personal growth of the various characters, or, in the case of Jessica's father and Tim, the inability of certain characters to realize any real growth, dooming them to their fates. The attentive, sophisticated reader will initially be erotically stimulated to make immediate moral judgments based on their own socio-sexual developmental culture and level and be able--the author hopes--to experience the gaining of insight and moral growth of the major characters to move from a generally expected response of Old Testament self-righteousness into an understanding of the human dynamics that will lead to personal growth and understanding of the potential for growth and moral redemption in others rather than a dead end of self-righteous condemnation. Also, the developing sexual episodes in the story permit the erotically stimulated reader to be led to the conclusion that a human dynamics approach rather than a traditional Midwestern American Christian approach of righteous judgment is likely to lead not only to personal and moral growth allowing for development of human social skills to work through these sorts of situations but to a better and more enjoyable sexual life as well for everyone involved while maintaining and growing the basic social structure of successful monogamous marriages.

One of the side benefits of the explicit and lengthy descriptions of sexual behaviors in the story is to allow the opportunity, within the moral context of the story, for a reader to become aware of the reasons for their discomfort with the description of explicit details sexual behaviors and to grow to an acceptance of those behaviors at least as an enhancement of the personal lives of those characters in the story who achieve that enhancement as well as the moral growth and maturity to be able to successfully return to or create new beneficial monogamous relationships. That is, sex is neither good nor bad, it's how it is used that makes it good or bad. Or, if it feels good, do it . . . in an appropriate context.

And, I too hope this author brings new stories to this venue. His other stories are very good as well.

slamdog1slamdog1over 8 years ago

Rehnquist has not published in over 5 years. I myself have searched the internet trying to find more of his writings. I came up with a blank. I heard hints that he had died or had been killed in an accident. Nothing concrete. I am sure there are thousands of us that would welcome a new morsel from him but I have given up hope.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

I had skipped this because of its length, until I read your comment that no one read it because it was in Novellas, I know nothing about the Literotica rules, but I see other authors have re-posted their same story so the story has a double listing. Could you re-post Knox County under Loving Wives. Put it somewhere EVERYONE will read it as required reading, if re=posting in another catagory is possible. FIVE STARs. With the warning that it will take 2 or 3 days ,Or one whole day for old retired guys like me. Great Story. JayDee

IndyOnIndyOnabout 9 years ago

Please write are one of the top two or three authors here at Literotica.... OR...If you are posting somewhere else please let me know where.....OR....If you are now writing professionally please let me know under what name so I can buy your work......Thank You Indy

wrangler61wrangler61about 9 years ago
good story

I dont comment often but this tale compelled me to say "well done"

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
Thank you for your hard work and talent

Congrats. Great story. Five out of five. I liked all the sex, all the emotion, the way all the characters were developed and then came together. I liked how David wasn't too upset by Tim's suicide. Brilliant. This should be collected into a novel.

Now some constructive criticism. I think Cynthia needed to suffer more for her sins. David didn't ask about sexually transmitted disease or whether she used a condom which I thought strange. David didn't get angry when Cynthia gave Sean sexual relief which I thought was unlikely. I think the story would have worked better if you could have kept them apart longer and maybe had them reconciliation with the help of their friends.

I thought it was odd the escort asked the john for a health test rather than the other way around. Or that he didn't at least think about it.

There were a few times when the characters were meeting each other for the first time and learning about their connections when there were opportunities for conflict and tension that weren't exploited to the fullest. David and Sean or Aimee and Jenny.

Also you could have had the reader not know who got shot right away and then revealed it by people's reactions.

Don't think these criticism mean I didn't love the story. I did or I would not have invested this effort in commenting. Cheers. Steve

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago

A long and meaningless story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago

I gave up a day of work because I could not put this story down. It was the last on your list that I had not yet read. I hope to have the pleasure to read more of your work through the tears and smiles they invoke in me.

Thank you for your efforts

calflashcalflashover 9 years ago

Perhaps you wrote this for the erotic fans but for it's length, seemed more a series of sex scenes rather than a story. Your concluding explanation explains some incomplete details yet you continually went to extreme detail on the sex scenes. Perhaps I was hoping for more after reading some of your other stories

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
No worries man

Dear R your additional footnote/commentary was really unnecessary. After all, you have spun a rather awesomely believable tale. Kudos, pip pip and all that to you fella!

KarenEKarenEover 9 years ago
Just Wonderful!

I agree that Tim had to go.

We already had three happy endings with the two weddings, David & Cynthia's reconciliation and their baby.

Tim was a serial cheater, who besides destroying his own marriage, helped run David and Cynthia's marriage off the rails (yes, the responsibility was primarily hers, but his actions certainly didn't help!), and bore SOME responsibility for Jenny's father's death and her near breakdown, as well as Will and Sean's shooting.

I suppose he COULD have been kicked of the force and left town in disgrace, but the suicide is more dramatic!

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
5 star story

Great story! I thought you handled Tim situation perfectly...till you killed him. He had seen the error of his ways, found out jenny was his perfect match, so why not let the couple have a happy ending? Just my thought on it. I don't quarrel with the way you wrote it, it's a great story!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago

wish you would write again. I really enjoyed every one of your stories

shangoshangoalmost 10 years ago
you never explained why Cynthia

deserved a happy ending. to me, she was almost as bad as the dirty cop, when it came to self-control.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago
a really good story

Over all a really captivating story. I only started reading it 2 days ago and got on to my laptop whenever i had a break to finish the 9 chapters. . From Malaysia

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago

Ireland - engagement finger is 3rd on left hand. (some continental countries still use 3rd on right but that is dying out)

Historically; It was believe that there was a vein from the 3rd finger on the left hand direct to the heart; quaint, but that's where the custom of using that finger came from.

Good story - more please!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago

the interweave of so many "main" protagonists was most remarkable.

i cannot think of any other story here that equals what the Author accomplished with so many leading characters.

juggling 3 or 4 protagonists , that i have seen done by others as well or better.

but jugging EIGHT , and somehow weaving them all together ... truly Sublime.

just thinking about how much work and effort was needed/required to pull this story together gives me a Headache.

one can only applaud the Author for his Audacity & Skill in crafting a tale of this complexity and magnitude.




rehnquist. wherever you are, whatever you are doing..


godbless & be well.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
I put off cocktail hour to finish the last chapter

That should let you know how much I enjoyed it. But I don't feel that Tim was totally unredeemable. I have been in a couple of situations when I got caught up in events where I acted in a manner that I truly regret to this day.

BuzzCzarBuzzCzarabout 10 years ago

I hate it when I see the adulation and overly gushing praise for most authors. Unfortunately, I find myself in the unenviable position of fanboy extraordinaire in this case. You can write and I enjoyed this story immensely. Thank you.

HansTrimbleHansTrimbleover 10 years ago
Fascinating, Captivating, Hypnotic

I got through the first two chapters and said to myself, "This is just a goddamned soap opera!" and shut the computer off. Half an hour later I was back, tearing my way through chapter three. I got sleepy during chapter seven and looked at my watch. It was 2:30 in the morning.

The style of the presentation, in episodes of 10,000 words or so with a teaser toward the end of each one, is reminiscent of Charles Dickens. His novels were soap operas, too, and tried to expose social ills, with villains even more vile than Tim the horny cop and George the mob boss. Lawyer Will could be a Dickensian hero, or the tenor in a grand opera. In the 1930's he would have been played by Nelson Eddy, with Jeanette MacDonald cast as his reformed hooker.

There were plenty of surprises, and I was left wondering about the motivations in a few spots, but as it unfolded I never thought that the events lacked plausibility. Taking it for what it is, I thought it was well written and I gave each chapter a five. So you got 45 stars, more than I usually hand out in a couple of weeks!

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago

Sean David? Why not David Sean? Even at the end I'm still not sure Cynthia has felt pain.....which she so richly deserved......and you ignored.

elrayo41elrayo41over 10 years ago

CONGRATULATIONS. You may be the best writer on this site. I hope you will let us now when you publish a full length novel. The way your characters and plot hang together and the way your words fly off the page are reminiscent of James Jones in his early novels -- FROM HERE TO ETERNITY/ THIN RED LINE/THE WIDOW MAKER -- although in his love/sex scenes Jones could learn from you. Personally I think you could have shown us a little more of Cynthia as Sean's housekeeper -- hard to believe that as sexually vibrant as she was she didn't pull Sean out of his shell in that regard. Maybe she thought about it but decided not to risk hurting him. But to misquote Brutus, I came to praise not to bury. Great work. Thank you for sharing with us.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago

Five stars, enough said.

LaLlamaQueLlamaLaLlamaQueLlamaover 10 years ago
You're one of the most skilled writers here!

I'll start with a bit of history: I first read "What You Wish For" and loved it, so I decided to read the rest of your tales (not in any particular order), and now I'm done.

I'll go with the bad first: I think this is the least best (I refuse to use the word 'worst' for anything you've written) of your stories. Maybe because it's one of the first, maybe because it doesn't seem to have the same amount of author passion in it, I don't know.

You wanted detailed (warning, random!) thoughts:

* Aimee / Will: In the scene when Sean started talking about his dead wife, I thought Aimee was going to paint him (I'm not sure how you could have made it an intimate moment that way though, so your way makes more sense). I expected her to feel some sort of guilt over Tim's suicide. She's perfectly right in not feeling any guilt at all, but then feelings are seldom logical.

* David / Cynthia: the little you wrote about his job was perfectly done (I'm a computer programmer as well, and it's not often I see this described so spot on). A computer programmer who can apparently get laid whenever he wants to seemed a bit far fetched though... Another thing I missed was why these two were together, I think some back story here would have been nice (or maybe I'm just being stereotypical here, "computer programmer with a stunning wife? wtf?")

* Elizabeth / Will: you nailed them. Nuf said.

Somehow I couldn't quite keep track of the characters, I had to stop and think who each person were every time the focus changed. This doesn't usually happen to me (note that I read all the chapters in 2 days, so it's not a time issue), but I don't have any explanation as to why this happened. Maybe the story isn't big enough for so many characters (but I'm not complaining, it's just an observation and my theory about it).

By the middle chapters I felt like in the middle of a Stephen King story (I love SK!), a big cast of characters and you can see the beginning of a hidden web pulling them all together with some sort of ominous undercurrent. Then came the happy ending and the Stephen King-feeling faded quickly :) I love happy endings, but I can't stop feeling that the excellent start somehow fizzled out in the end. At some point I thought everyone would end up in one big swinger party (but that is ridiculous with how the characters turned out in the end of course).

This is the only story I've commented on (I usually read on an iPad, and writing anything but 'loved it!' is a pain), but I took the time to log in in a real browser to write this, so I'll just say here that I really loved all your stories. You have a gift for writing (probably the most gifted writer I've read here on literotica), and the only reason your stories aren't my personal favorites is because I prefer other types of stories (SciFi/Fantasy/NonHuman in particular - I loved your ghosts btw!). Both your characters and their dialogue are just amazing, better than much of what I've paid for.

I really wish you'd continue writing!

Sassy_th4ngSassy_th4ngover 10 years ago

Yet another twist. Loved it and this fantastic story. Fantastic character development throughout this series but I would have liked to see more about Sean's thoughts, feelings and internal struggles. He seemed to have no issues with getting involved so quickly after his wife's death nor were there any hesitations about the age gap between he and Aimee. I'd have liked to have seen a little more about both of those things as well as Aimee's emotions as their relationship progressed.

I'm hoping to read about Jenny's future love in another of your stories. Also Troy, Tim's friend got me curious as well.

Great storyline, wonderful characters, and talented writing style that grabs the reader from the first chapter and hold them firmly until the very end. Thank you so much for sharing your gift with us.

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