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Lady in Red Ch. 32


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"They could be watching us because you are the most beautiful thing they've ever seen," countered Steve smoothly. "Or, they may realize by now that something is afoot, or a combination of the two reasons."

Gwen and Steve were only by the painting for a few minutes when President Hanson walked up to them. "Senator Chatham insisted that I come to you when you refused to meet with me privately. This is not the way diplomacy is done. You are not trained in it and you do not represent the government. That said, what have you managed thus far?"

"Mr. President, I asked that you meet us in public because Novokov and D'Anjou both did. I've been open and honest with them and they'd know if I left the room to meet with you. They would lose confidence and everything would unravel. I realize things are not normally done this way, and that's a problem you should work to correct. More open discussion and transparency would serve your administration and Washington well.

"Let me explain what concessions the French and Russians are willing to make. Then I'll explain what they will need from you, and you'll decide how you want to proceed," advised Steve as he went into a brief, but thorough description of his talks with D'Anjou and Novokov.

President Hanson listened intently, and then asked several questions. He was reluctant to agree to some terms and told Steve so. They had another brief discussion on what they each felt was in the best interest of the U.S. Gwen listened and remained silent as the two men kept their voices down, but conveyed intense passion on the subject. After some give and take, Hanson held his hand out to Steve and the two men shook.

"This next step is important, Sir," informed Steve. "The other two are expecting you to briefly discuss the terms and then simply shake their hands to seal the deal. And they want it done in the next half hour. If you need to consult someone, now would be the time."

"You sure don't leave much wiggle room," observed President Hanson wryly. "Let me speak to my aides briefly. I don't want to make any blunders, but I think we can work within the terms and conditions as I understand them. By the time the legal people get finished, this'll be a five thousand page document."

"Thank you, Sir. That's your decision, but I'd suggest you stick to the basic agreement and not try to over think or control it. It's good for all three countries involved."

President Hanson walked briskly over to his aides. Steve and Gwen started back to their table, but faltered when they realized that dancing had stopped, music was no longer playing, and every eye in the room was on them. Gwen caught movement out of the corner of her eye. She turned her head and saw Nadiya smiling and waving to them.

Not knowing exactly why, Gwen tugged Steve's arms and nodded toward Nadiya. Steve quickly decided to go along with Gwen's idea and walked with her over to Nadiya's table. The Ukrainians acted like royalty has just deigned a visit to their table. Nadiya's father quickly had two men vacate their chairs as he welcomed Steve and Gwen with a huge smile and a handshake. Once again, Gwen stepped past an offered hand, and hugged the big man. His huge smile immediately doubled in size.

As soon as Steve let go of her father's hand. Nadiya was in his arms. "I told my father what you were trying to do. We watched you with President D'Anjou, and then with Novokov. Father could not believe how you appeared to argue with him! Then you shook hands, as real men should when they make an agreement. It even looked like you had words with your own president, but he, too, came around and shook your hand. So? Do we have a deal to trade with the West?"

"That isn't up to me," laughed Steve. "We're working on it. I came over to ask you for a dance. Do you think your dad would mind dancing with Gwen?"

"Father has talked of little else since she danced with him earlier! He thinks the sun will not rise if she is out and about, because her beauty will outshine it," exaggerated Nadiya as she melted into Steve's arms when the music resumed.

When their dance with the Ukrainians ended, Paula and Ted were waiting to take their places. "Perhaps you'd care to tell me what's going on? This room is buzzing with anticipation, and you seem to be the cause of it. Did you just argue with the President of the United States, Russia, and France? Is it possible that you're getting a little too full of yourself? The world is watching what you're doing here. Think about that. You cannot embarrass heads of state without repercussions."

"Paula, I really appreciate what you're telling me. I didn't embarrass anyone. Not really. I had a pretty tough discussion with President D'Anjou, but we finally reached an agreement. That made it necessary to ruffle the feathers of Hanson and Novokov a little. That kept D'Anjou from feeling singled out, or disrespected. I had to push the other two just to keep the playing field even."

"Are you serious? These things went through your mind? This is incredible to me. You deliberately argued with the presidents of Russia and the U.S. to keep from hurting D'Anjou's pride? Did the other two realize that? They probably did, didn't they? How'd you know how the game is played? You're only eighteen!

"It looks like you're needed for some more diplomacy. I apologize for suggesting that you didn't know what you're doing. The truth is that I don't know what you're doing, but that's okay. I want you to be kinder to the world leaders. Play nice, Steve," stated Paula sarcastically as Steve dropped her off at her table.

Amber Stahl had been allowed to attend the dinner as a member of Steve and Gwen's group, but not as a reporter. The networks had a 'pool reporter' covering for them. She was not allowed to bring her bulky TV camera, but she did bring a small digital camera with a high capacity chip. She had spent much of the evening behaving very much like a tourist. She videoed everything she thought might be remotely interesting.

When Steve joined Presidents D'Anjou, Hanson, and Novokov near the head table, Amber made sure she filmed it. Steve stood a little taller than the other men and his shoulders were more than a little wider. As the four men quietly negotiated, everyone else in the room simply watched. It was history in the making and they were well aware of it.

Steve translated what each man said to the other two. They interacted for about ten minutes. Then all three heads of state nodded in agreement with something Steve said. Presidents Novokov and D'Anjou shook hands, followed by Novokov and Hanson. Finally Presidents Hanson and D'Anjou shook hands and all three men smiled as they took their seats. Steve quickly returned to his table.

"Ladies and gentlemen," began President Novokov in Russian, "France, America, and Russia have reached a basic agreement. It will be the foundation for these trade talks. It will involve France releasing Sergei Smirnoff, America selling France natural gas at a fixed price for ten years, and Russia and the other Eastern European Nations engaging in greater trade with the West. Details will be forthcoming."

As those in attendance clapped loudly, Novokov spoke briefly to an assistant who in turn hurried over to the orchestra with instructions. As the applause died down, the orchestra began playing. Indentifying the song immediately, Gwen looked toward the Russian leader. He smiled and nodded to her.

"Steve, that's our cue," prompted Gwen as she quickly stood, having no intentions of insulting Novokov by refusing his implied request. "Unless you'd rather dance with a blonde Ukrainian, or a Russian red head."

"There's only one girl for me," rejoined Steve as he swept Gwen into his arms. "She's 'The Lady in Red' and I've never seen her look as beautiful as she does tonight!"

Steve and Gwen had the floor to themselves as they once again performed their signature dance. The other guests rose and stood around the dance floor, enjoying the opportunity to see the famous couple perform the dance that many had seen only on video.

The rest of the evening was a blur of congratulatory comments and claps on the back for Steve and Gwen. They danced every dance with as many different people, from as many nations as they could. Steve managed to work in a dance with is Aunt Janice.

"I have to tell you that this is a bitter-sweet moment for your grandparents and me. We're so proud of you we could burst, but it makes us even more ashamed of how your mother was treated by her own family. To think she actually told you that she was an orphan. I wish so much that she could be here to share in your success. I wish I had known your father. He must have been a very special man to win Jen's heart and to raise a son like you."

"It's difficult for me to hold you, to dance with you, as all I can see is my mother," admitted Steve. "It hurts that Mom and Dad died, but it helps a lot that I've found family of my own. I would've been too stubborn to accept you if it hadn't been for Gwen. She pretty much insisted that you're family and family is everything. I realize now that she's right. Gwen is light years ahead of me in a lot of things. She's on a full scholarship to Stanford, and she's going to be a surgeon."

"You've every right to be extremely proud of her. Jen would have loved her. I'm sure of that. She's an amazing young woman and the only match possible for you. Her love for you flows from her. It's a beautiful thing to see."

Steve danced once more with Anna while Gwen partnered with Vlad Novokov. When the last dance began, Steve moved to take Gwen in his arms. He held her tightly as she whispered in his ear.

"It looks like I'm going to make love to some sort of international phenomena tonight. He's been known to brow beat the world's most powerful men. What chance will a little girl like me have with him in bed? What unspeakable things will he do to me? How can a little girl ever survive a night with a man like that?"

"He'll just have to put a sock in her mouth so she doesn't keep everyone in the hotel up all night," suggested Steve.

"A sock? Is that what you said? I think you misspoke. It won't be a sock, although it sounds a lot like sock," whispered Gwen in a low sultry voice. "I want you to make love to me every way possible tonight. I'm so pumped up from this trip and the things I've seen and done, I can hardly stand it. I won't tell you 'no' regardless of what you want from me. I'll give you all I am, and all I have, gladly."

"You're boyfriend is blushing," laughed Paula as she and Ted danced close to Gwen and Steve. "What exactly are you whispering in his ear? I bet I can guess. I just gave your father a promise for tonight."

"That's too much information, Mom," complained Gwen before she broke into a big grin. "Besides, I doubt you ever even tried some of the things I've promised my guy just now. They're probably illegal in most countries, including the U.S."

"I'd have to say that's way too much information!" responded Ted with a crooked grin. "Since when do mother and daughter compare and compete in this manner? That's probably what's against the law."

"Really, Dad? From what I've heard through the grapevine, and the thin walls of the hotel, you're benefiting from the competitions and comparisons. I just hope poor Kate has earplugs tonight. She and Jen are between your room and Lisa's. Think about how she'll suffer tonight."

Ted replied, "Maybe your mom will need a sock stuffed..."

"Not you, too!" laughed Gwen heartily. "Did you say 'sock', or did I not hear you correctly, Dad? Now you know why Steve was blushing. Look at you, Dad! You too, Mom!"

It was a happy group that returned to the hotel well after midnight. Kate implored all of her neighbors in rooms within hearing distance to keep the noise to a minimum. Everyone laughed at her plea and promised to be careful.

Gwen was like a tigress all night. She couldn't help but think about how she and Steve would soon be separated. She was determined to make certain he had plenty of reasons to remember her when they were apart. Steve did his best to sate her, but it became apparent that her goal was to use him up. She wanted everything he had to give, and he gave it to her quite willingly.

They had all agreed to meet for a late breakfast on their last day full day in Moscow. By 10 AM, Jordan, Charlie, Lisa, Jason, Charlotte, Billy, Ted, and Paula had not yet made an appearance.

"You were so worried about being late, but look around. Most of my family is missing, as well as Jordan, Charlie, Charlotte and Billy. We could have slept a little longer," pointed out an exhausted Gwen to Steve.

"Jen and I were up half the night," complained Kate. "It's so embarrassing when your sister's screams of passion are drowned out by your mother's! Charlotte sounds like a mountain lion when she gets going. I wonder if Billy's all scratched up. I'm just glad you and Steve were moved up a couple of floors."

Just as Kate finished her complaint, she noticed Lisa and Paula standing behind her chair. Both were blushing furiously. Ted and Jason were just behind them, but they were red from laughing so hard.

Later that morning, Amber interviewed Jordan, Gwen, and Paula. The rest of the group sat off to the side and watched. Amber had asked for the interview and explained her reasons.

"My boss emailed me that our old friend Hardy was implying that I was a stooge for you guys. He's pissed because I was backstage at the concert, with you during that awful bombing, and had a ring side seat to a state dinner that's made all kinds of news around the world today. I have video of a lot of stuff the pool reporter missed. My station has been playing parts of it all day.

"Hardy says I never ask tough questions and you just keep me around to report what you want people to hear."

Why would you worry about that jerk?" asked Charlotte. "Everyone knows he's jealous of your close relationship with Jordan, Steve, and Gwen. If he wasn't such a jerk, he might be getting some of these stories, too."

"That isn't even close," responded Steve. "Hardy's right that we give Amber special treatment. She deserves it. She reported on our hospital project when no one else cared. She was at Emerson River that day. She was at the hospital and mall when the terrorists attacked. She was the only reporter at our graduation. It turned out that a lot of bad stuff happened, but she was there and Hardly could have been, but wasn't.

"If you want to ask me in an interview, I'll tell the world why I like you, Amber, and why you have carte blanche with us," promised Steve.

"That's exactly what I don't want," replied Amber. "I love you guys and I worry that my feelings have clouded my reporting objectivity. You've done wonders for my career, but have I become a 'yes woman' to you and Gwen?"

"Let's sit down and do a hard hitting interview," suggested Gwen. "Steve and I will give you permission to ask anything you want."

"I was thinking more along the lines of interviewing Jordan, Paula, and you, Gwen. Will you let me ask you tough questions and use the answers if I feel they are interesting enough?"

The three women agreed to the request. Amber prepared her camera and sat the women on a sofa facing her.

"Paula, let's start with you. You know your 18 year old daughter is sleeping with her boyfriend. In fact, it's with your permission and blessing. How do you justify that? Can Gwen truly be a role model for young women and girls when she is single and having sex?"

"Okay! That's a tough question, but fair enough. My daughter is 18 and sleeps with an 18 year old man. He is not a boy. Why did her father and I allow it? I won't bore you with adjectives I can use in describing her boyfriend. Everyone knows who he is, and what he's accomplished.

"I guess the main reason was that Gwen came to us and asked. She gave us her reasons, and described her feelings. One of her greatest fears was that Steve would be killed, or badly hurt before she ever had the pleasure of having sex with him. Why did she feel that way? Well, she'd brought him home from the hospital three times in a period of three months. Each time, he came close to dying while saving others. She felt that since he was the kind of man that he is, he could perish at any time. Since his heroic actions had saved all three of my daughters, and many others, her father and I considered her request. After a lot of soul searching and discussion, we decided that they were mature enough, in love enough, and strong enough to be intimate. We've never had reason to doubt that decision."

"Thanks, Paula. Now to Jordan. You had a reputation as a problem child. Are you truly reformed? How can the public be sure that you are who you now claim to be, and not just a poser of some kind?" asked Amber.

"I don't really claim to be anything, except a person that was given a second chance in life. Your viewers will believe what they choose to believe. I can't control that. That's a lesson that I've learned. I can't control anyone but myself. For a long time, I wasn't even doing that.

"When my stint in rehab was about done, Clyde Davis told me that I was down to my last chance. My next stop was the hospital, jail, or the morgue if I didn't straighten out and fly right. I realized that it was true, but I had no idea how to straighten out.

"He told me about a couple of kids my age that he knew. In fact, he was promoting them. He told me that he thought they'd be a good influence on me. I'd been in rehab without TV or radio and hadn't even heard of 'The Lady in Red' or the 'Heroine of the Emerson River Rescue'. It was only after Clyde talked Gwen's family into taking me in on a trial basis that Clyde had me watch videos of them.

"Later I found out that the Andersons really didn't want to take me in. They were concerned, and rightly so, that I would contaminate their wonderful family with my penchant for drugs, tobacco, alcohol, sex, and foul language. Steve actually talked them into accepting me on a trial basis. He did wash my mouth out with soap the first day. I was tricked into drinking at a party another time. That's when the now famous pictures of me topless in Steve's arms came into being. He actually washed the vomit out of my hair and put me to bed, alone.

"The short answer to your question is that I now know who I am, and what I am. I have a wonderful support group. I love Gwen and Steve more than I ever thought I'd be able to love anyone or anything. On top of that, I've fallen in love with a great guy. Charlie Burns is my lover, my best friend, and with him, Gwen, and Steve behind me, I don't feel like I have to justify anything to anyone else. They make me want to be a better person than I am."

"Gwen, this fall you're going to Stanford, which of course is in California. Steve will be on the East coast at the Naval Academy. Is it possible for a woman as beautiful, as famous, as talented, and as sought after as you are, to remain faithful? Can a man like Steve be faithful for so long a period of time? How can your romance possibly survive?"

"I have no answer. I ask myself that very question every day. It sounds trite to say that our love is stronger, better, or more special than anyone else's. I will only say this. I love Steve with all of my heart, with every fiber of my being. I will always love him. Your viewers will have to wait and see how it all plays out. Time is the test, and time will be the judge."

"One more question," continued Amber. "You've done some risqué scenes in a movie yet to be released. You've just appeared in 'Maxim', showing a lot of cleavage and flesh. Do you feel that you can be considered a role model for young women and girls?"

"I never tried to be a role model for anyone. I always try to do what I believe is the right thing. I'm not advocating other girls should do everything, or anything, that I've done. I would suggest that girls try to be responsible and to work toward positive goals. I graduated top in my class and have a full academic scholarship to Stanford. I'm very proud of that. I guess I'm most proud of my relationships. I have the best boyfriend in the world, the best sisters and parents in the world, and the best friends in the world. It isn't mine to decide if I'm a proper role model. That's something for the court of public opinion to consider."


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