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Last Chance Ch. 01

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Divorcing couple challenged to try a perfect spouse.
14k words

Part 1 of the 11 part series

Updated 06/07/2024
Created 05/19/2024
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Authors Note: This work is about the discovery of a couple on the verge of divorce due to certain incompatibilities. It's quite long and I am posting it in chapters to help make it easier to read.

I'm also posting this in exhibitionism / voyeur, as there is a lot of this in this work. I hope you all enjoy this sexy little yarn.

Thanks to ChiefHal for his proofreading assistance.


"So, Barry, Amanda, tell me, how did the week go?"

"It was a fucking disaster!" My wife, Amanda, snapped. "He couldn't even do the fucking laundry right. Shit, half of my bras are now pink!"

"Hey, I couldn't help it one of your stupid red socks was left in the washing machine! Maybe you should have made sure they were all out, the last time you did laundry!" I snapped back at her.

After twelve years together, our relationship was a fucking train wreck. I was madly in love with her when we got married. We were so good together. Both of us graduating college together, coordinating our job searches to end up in the same city, finding housing together and then finally taking the big step, getting married. It seemed perfect, at least to me. It wasn't two years later, the trouble started. Her career seemed to become more important to her than I was. Traveling around the country, but not with me, long days in meetings but not with me, late into the evening work sessions, power dinners with clients, you get the idea. I'd often suggested that some of her trips included more entertainment than was allowed in a marriage, which she vehemently denied, though it was getting harder and harder to convince me otherwise.

Late night phone calls and texts from her male bosses at the law firm didn't make things any better. She kept calling me childish, for my concerns about what was happening to us, telling me to be more like her, more focused on my career. I countered that I wanted her to be less a stuck up, hyper focused, fancy dressing bitch, and spend more time doing things I liked to do, like fish and hunt and camp. It was, after all, part of MY career to engage in activities that utilized the products I was part of designing. The last vacation we took together was cut short because she hated having to sleep in a tent, hated having to cook on an open fire, and hated to sit out around an open fire, when we could just as easily be comfortably housed in a nice hotel with a soft bed, eating in a fancy restaurant, and sitting around a gas fireplace in a cozy bar.

I, of course, made the mistake of accusing her of knowing all that from experience, but not with me. Like I said, vacation got cut short. This was the last-ditch effort. I still loved her, and I wanted to find a way to get her to loosen up, to relax, to stop being what she had turned into, and more like what she had been, what WE had been during those first years together. Maybe it was a lost hope, but I was willing to try anything before giving up. Rachel, our fifty-year old marriage counselor, had given us a task. We were to do each other's chores for the last week, each of us taking over the other's responsibilities, besides work that is. So, she did the cooking, and I did the dishes and cleaning. She mowed the lawn, sort of, breaking the lawnmower in the process. Since it would have been my job to fix it, I made her try to do it. I had to say, it was almost comical to watch, as she tried to crawl under the riding mower to replace the jumped belt, wearing a fancy spandex designer jogging suit. By the time she had herself wedged under the mower, the zipper on the front of the suit was split open, her pants were worked so far down her hips that I could see her panty covered pubic mound, and like I said, she was stuck, with her jogging suit caught over a lever, that she couldn't see from her position. The harder she tried to free herself, the more of her lower body was exposed. I got a good laugh, which pissed her off to no end, making her then refuse my help to even get un-stuck. Eventually she got the belt on and herself unstuck from the mower, though not without ripping her jump suit. She did look pretty sexy getting up from the ground, her pants and underwear worked down enough to show off her bare, grass stained butt with her jogging top ripped and separated so that her lace bra covered tits were exposed.

No, she didn't think It was funny at all, and it was all the less funny when the first load of white clothes came out of the washer a subtle pink, due to an errant red sock. No, the weekend didn't go very well.

"So, what you're saying, is that changing duties didn't do anything?" Rachel asked sweetly.

"Oh, it did something. It confirmed for me that any smart woman would hire a lawn service, instead of doing it herself." My wife snapped.

"I see. So, as far as you're concerned, there isn't anything positive that came out of it?"

"I thought there was." I said quickly. "She always belittles the outside chores and things I do. She got a taste of what it's like to have to do those chores."

"And like I said. Any smart woman would hire a company to take care of the yard, so she didn't have to crawl around under a mower, getting dirty and torn up. I don't know how you can put up with doing that kind of shit!"

Rachel sat and shook her head. "Alright. Let's not start a fight. We both know this is a safe place. Anything can be said without a fight, right?"

"Yeah, okay." Amanda said quietly.

"I'm just going to say this. I think both of you are acting like children. Neither of you wants to make the slightest move to balance out your issues. I don't see any other option than a trial separation!"

I looked at her stunned. I was hoping that she could find a way to resolve some of our differences. But this...this was basically calling it a lost cause after only half a dozen meetings. "There isn't something else we can try? Something we haven't done? It's all over?"

"About time!" My wife said, with a scowl.

"I said TRIAL separation. Take some time apart, to let you focus on what is really important in your life. Now, during a separation, neither of you has the right to challenge or complain about the other's actions or choices. What happens during the separation is completely protected. That means; that if you want to explore a relationship with someone, the other can't complain."

"And by relationship you mean she can go and fuck her bosses outright, without me being able to complain?"

"I've never cheated on you! You know that!" Amanda snapped angrily.

"Yeah Right. Maybe not in front of me, but I'm not at all convinced it hasn't happened on one of those many late work nights."

"Oh? And Suzanne's and your swim suits just happen to fall off accidently at the same time?"

"You know damn well I didn't do that. She did. She was just objecting to her husband having his hand on your pussy, when you two thought we weren't looking."

"That's not true! He didn't have his hand on my pussy!"

"Oh yeah. I forgot. You're so prudish now that you won't even wear a bikini any more. Too bad for him. I have no doubt that if you weren't wearing a one-piece suit, that he'd have had your bottoms pushed down, and his fingers in you long before she got mad and did what she did!"

"Alright! Stop you two! As of this moment, you're officially separated. If she wants to fuck her boss, that's her choice, yes. But the same goes for you. If you want to explore a physical relationship with someone else, she can't complain."

"Like I would care? I'm ready to be done. I don't care who he fucks or when or where. I just want out." My almost, ex-wife snapped angrily.

"Understood. Now this is a trial because, well, it's meant to allow you to have a taste of what's on the other side of the fence. The old saying, the grass is greener isn't just a saying, it's often the truth because once you have that, what you had might actually look better, than you thought it was. Now, we could let this trial separation go for a few months and let things take a natural course. But I like a bit more of a direct approach. We're going to do a wife swap. Just for a week."

"A wife swap," we both asked, in unison?

"That's what I said. I have a lot of clients, and I actually have the perfect mates for both you, or at least what you have indicated you think the perfect mate would be. For you, Amanda, a very career minded man, that is exactly what you have complained Barry isn't. Barry, I found a perfect mate for you, a sweet young woman that loves the outdoors, and enjoys being in a relaxed environment."

"I don't see anything wrong with that." I nodded.

"So, Barry. I want you to plan a week vacation, away from work and the rigors of life. I want it to be the kind of vacation you always envisioned taking Amanda on. Assume that if Amanda were there, she would do and enjoy everything you suggest."

"That shouldn't be hard." I agreed.

"Amanda. You will be spending seven days with your perfect man. You will be his wife, in all the ways that matter. He's expecting a dedicated, career focused woman, that any senior executive would be happy to show off to his peers."

"When you say wife in all the ways that matter, you mean sex too, right?"

"Of course. What relationship wouldn't include sex? Does it bother you?"

"Well, I don't even know him."

"No, you don't, but trust me, he's everything you have spent weeks trying to convince me Barry isn't."

"And Barry will be having sex with miss outdoors?"

Rachel chuckled. "Amanda! Be careful. You almost sound like you care!"

"I don't. He can fuck anyone he wants." She snapped back.

"Good. I want you both back tomorrow at noon. Barry, expect to take your wife home with you. She will have the same things to bring with her that Amanda is going to take with her. Amanda, you are allowed to bring any medications, cosmetics, your electrical devices and chargers, things you need for work. You can bring your driver's license but no credit cards or money. The only clothing you are allowed is the clothes you wear. You will be totally dependent on your new husband for everything you need, as will Liang, or 'miss outdoors' as you call her. She will be completely dependent on Barry to provide everything she needs and desires. Any questions?"

"What will I be doing, with this new husband of mine?" Amanda asked.

Rachel shrugged. "He's dedicated to his career advancement. I told him you were a very attractive, driven woman, intent on advancing her career, and he should plan appropriately."

"That doesn't say much."

"Actually, I think it says a lot. It is exactly what you have chastised Barry for NOT being. I wouldn't expect a dedicated career chaser to take a vacation, not when career advancement is on the line trying to land a very important client. Now, both of you, go home and I'll see you back here tomorrow."

I got up and walked out of the office, Amanda following along, with the distinct clop, clop, of her high heels. She followed me down to the parking garage and our car. I dropped into the driver's seat while she climbed into the passenger side and we started out for the half hour drive home.

"So, what are you going to do?" Amanda asked quietly.

"Dunno yet. I was thinking about the lake."

"Miss outdoors will probably like that."

"Maybe." I nodded. "If she doesn't come with clothing, we're gonna have to stop somewhere and get her things. Sounds like she isn't even allowed to bring underwear."

"You'll like that." She said with a sarcastic chuckle. "Maybe you can save some money and not even buy her any. God knows, you tried to get me to walk around without any enough times."

"Just because I like your body." I answered. "There was a time when you wouldn't have objected."

"Well, I do now. I wouldn't be caught dead at the office without panties."

"Yeah, probably right. Gotta have underwear on, to keep the cum from leaking down your legs," I said with a scowl.

"I keep telling you, I don't have sex with my boss."

"And I don't believe it. But it doesn't matter. If we're done, getting separated, I guess you can fuck him as much as you want."

"That's not fair."

"No, what isn't fair is turning into an ice queen with me, but playing footsie with your bosses."

"It's an old argument. How about we just let it drop now?"

"First sensible thing you've said all day."

"I wonder what he'll be like?"

"A male version of you? Clearly, he couldn't keep a wife either."

"Well, most men your age, that are single, aren't single because they want to be. Most of them are because their wives couldn't stand living with them."

"Or the husbands couldn't stand living with the woman they married."


We drove on in silence most of the rest of the way home, Amanda finally breaking the silence. "You know, I don't hate you."

"I don't hate you either."

"Just because we can't live together, doesn't mean we can't still be friends, does it?"

"You still want to be friends? Really?"

"I wish we could at least part as friends."

"Amanda, I still care about you more than you can know. Your body still excites me and I still want to find ways to spend time with you, but not on the terms you keep dictating. I'm comfortable with my career, I don't need to be the CEO. I just want to do my job well and enjoy life. The idea is to work to live, not live to work. You used to think that way too. Not any more though. I sorta pity you there."

"Don't. Don't do that."

"Do what?"

"Try to be the bigger person. I know you hate the way I am, the way I've become. But I am what I am. I don't see that changing, and I don't see you changing, so that's why we're where we are."

"True enough. I still hold out hope though."

"For us? You're a dreamer."

"Yeah, I know. But look at it from my side. When you were out there trying to fix the lawn mower, you really did look good."

"I looked like a mess. Dirty, dusty, half dressed, ripped clothes. I don't see how you can find any of that attractive."

"You'd be surprised what I find attractive. Or maybe you wouldn't. I've never hidden my desires or attractions from you."

"That you haven't. Hell, I got tired of you badgering me to take off my clothes all the time. I hope your new wife enjoys being naked."

"I never tried to make you naked, well, mostly not."

"Yeah, mostly not. Just the same, I would like to part as friends."

I turned into the driveway. "I'll try to do friends. But I can't make any promises other than trying."


"I'd say you need to pack, but it shouldn't take long. You don't have much you can take."

"You on the other hand, need to find your vacation and start packing."

"I figure I have time. First day I think I'll just bring her home and try to get to know her a bit."

"In our bed, I'm sure." She said, with a scowl in her voice.

I looked at her in surprise. "That sounded suspiciously like you cared. What difference does it make, if we sleep in the bed we used to sleep in?"

"Sleep in? That isn't what I was referring to."

I shook my head. "I know exactly what you were referring to. You don't want me having sex in the same bed we did. Well, once you're gone, what does it matter? You don't expect to come back, that's why all the talk of parting friends. Don't worry, I won't throw your stuff away, or let her wear any of it, whoever it is."

She climbed from the car and walked into the house without another word, leaving me sitting in my car, alone...again.

---o--- Saturday ---

I wouldn't have thought it was difficult to figure out what to wear to meet our temporary spouses. I decided on just a normal, day at the lake attire, a moisture wicking t-shirt, a pair of light weight fishing shorts, synthetic boxer briefs, shorty socks and running shoes. Took me maybe ten minutes and I was ready. Nervous as hell, but ready.

Amanda chose a mid-thigh navy blue skirt and a very light, powder blue, button down satin blouse, over a pair of lacy, high waisted panties and equally lacy bra to contain her double D breasts, and still create a huge cleft of cleavage showing from the top of the blouse. She changed clothes three times since she showered this morning, finally changing back into the aforementioned outfit once again. She paused as she walked to the front door, looking back at the house as she prepared to leave, for what I guess she thought was the last time, carrying nothing but her cosmetic bag and computer bag. I don't recall that we said a single word to each other, all the way to the counselor's office. I was surprised to see her carefully wipe her eyes several times, being cautious not to mess up her mascara. Maybe she didn't hate me as much as she thought.

"Well, I see you made it. Any last minute reservations?" Rachel asked, as she let us walk into the office.

"No, I'm ready to have this done with." Amanda said, with more stone in her voice than I felt.

"Very well. Barry, I'd like to introduce you to Liang." Rachel said, as a young Asian woman stood up from the sofa where she had been sitting, next to a man in a suit. Liang stepped toward me, wearing a very short black micro skirt and a yellow tube top, the pair of which left lots of creamy white skin exposed. She was short, almost petite in height, but not super slender. She was nicely rounded and had a pair of breasts that probably came in at a nice, full C cup or larger, with pierced nipples that poked the front of the yellow spandex top out obviously. She had on a pair of platform sandals, that tried to bring her height closer to my six feet, but failed, by almost half a dozen inches. She walked up to me, and without the slightest amount of hesitation, wrapped her arms around my neck. She pulled us together, pressing her firm breasts into my chest as she pulled my head down and her body up, to bring our lips together.

She kissed me softly, my return kiss more hesitant at first, but as she kissed and sucked, teased my lips and tongue I couldn't help but get turned on, and kissed her back eagerly, my dick hardening in my shorts between us. I could feel her press her pelvis against me, grinding herself against my growing bulge until Rachel gently coaxed her back from me. "Hi." Liang finally said, breathlessly, as she pulled her face away from me, but still pressed her body against mine. "I am Liang," She said in a clearly Asian accented lilt.

"I guess you are," I said, as breathless as she was. I looked over at Amanda and the scowl on her face. I sighed while I blushed a little, coaxing Liang to release her arms from around me at the same time.

"I guess we know what you two are going to spend all your time doing!" Amanda snapped irritably, as she stood with her arms crossed.

"Amanda? Is there something wrong with Barry enjoying the attentions of his wife?"

Amanda opened her mouth as if to start saying something and then closed it, in a firm thin line. "No, not at all. I'm not his wife anymore, so as he so eloquently put it, he can fuck whoever he wants, wherever he wants, whenever he wants!" She finally said, "It's not my problem anymore."

"This is what you wanted, wasn't it? For your marriage to be over, so you could move on with a man more suited to your desires?" Rachel asked softly.

"Yep, that's exactly what I want."

"Alright. Allen, this is Amanda, your new wife, at least for the next week."

The guy in the suit stood up. He looked to be a few years older than us, but not by too much. He straightened his coat sleeves and stepped toward my wife, holding his hand out.

"Good afternoon." He said, as if meeting a business colleague.

My wife, reached for his hand, clearly surprised at his greeting. "Hello," she responded awkwardly, as she shook his hand.

"Okay, just a reminder," Rachel said quickly, as my wife and Allen let their hands go. "You are responsible for your new spouse until this time next week. Treat them exactly the way you would if you'd been married to them for months or years. This is an opportunity for all of you, but mostly for you, Amanda and Barry, to experience what a life could be like if your spouse was what you have described for me. So, learn, enjoy, and above all, be safe!"

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