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Latex Coercion Pt. 01

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Transformation: Jane's abduction.
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A string of broken relationships, falling in love with the wrong guys, years of physical and emotional abuse had begun to take its toll. Morning after morning Jane had woken up, either alone or in a damp musty motel apartment with a few dollar bills left on a bedside table as payment for 'her services'. More often than not her head was still spinning from the cocktail of drugs and alcohol she had consumed the night before. She had lost count of the times she had taken a shower to wash away the remains of the congealed sperm from her body or which seeped out of her orifices from the guy or guys she had let take advantage of her in a number of debasing activities.

Almost a year ago she had hit rock bottom, an evening which had nearly cost her life, but instead had transformed her in to the seductress she was now.

She had woken up that morning with the usual toxic hangover, her body in pain from the abuse it had taken the night before. She reached for a cigarette, took a swig from the hipflask she always carried on her and made her way to the shower. Just as she got to the bathroom, the stench of detritus filled her nostrils and she gagged instinctively. She backed away, stifling the vomit which had gathered in her throat. She quickly dressed, putting the torn stockings and soaked knickers in her bag and looked on the bedside table for any money.

"Cheap bastards," she swore flicking through the small wad of notes and then stumbled towards the door.

The heat of the mid-morning sun hit her instantly, she felt light headed and put a hand onto the door frame to steady herself, her other hand brushed her long hair back behind her neck as she bent over and vomited in the doorway.

"Keep walking darling," she faintly heard.

Jane looked to her left, wiping the side of her mouth with the back of her hand and saw a couple taking a wide berth as they ushered their young daughter past her. The child turned back to catch another glimpse of her. The mixed look of horror, disgrace and pity in the child's eyes felt as though Jane had been stabbed with a knife, cutting out any remaining dignity she had once had.

She made her way to the corner of the street feeling degraded and ashamed. She managed to hail a taxi, told the driver her address and sat gazing aimlessly out of the window. The grime on the window added to her soiled mood, she closed her eyes, felt the gentle touch of the air-conditioning on her brow, the light fragrance of the taxi driver's aftershave and slowly the blurry images of the dirty outside world dissipated.


Quickly rinsing off the soap Jane stepped out of the shower, her skin tightened as the sudden drop in temperature was emphasised by the warmth of her glistening wet body. She grabbed a towel and quickly dried herself before putting on her bathrobe. She sat on the bed, pulled her gown back over her thighs to keep warm, wrapped her hair up with another towel and began to pour herself a drink. She opened the laptop and logged on to the site she used for her 'evening activities'. She read the messages which were waiting, more hopeful admirers looking to meet (saved), a couple of badly spelt one-liners asking her to get on cam so they could wank over her (deleted) and a few commenting on the pictures on her profile.

"Should have seen me this morning," she laughed as she sent a quick thank you reply.

She unwrapped her hair and began drying it just as she was pinged with a private chat message.

'Sorry I underpaid you this morning.'

She instantly stopped drying her hair and starred at the screen.

'and for leaving you in that hovel of a motel,' read the second message.

She hit the close button, feeling uncomfortable and slightly angry as this morning's events came flooding back to her.

A few seconds later she was pinged again.

'I doubt you want to chat, but give me a chance to make it up to you. If you close the chat again I will take it as a no and leave you alone.'

'I promise,' he added quickly.

Jane downed her drink, poured herself another and stared at the screen. Her initial response was to close the message again, but the amount of money he had left, or lack of it, had only just paid for the cab fare home.

"Cheap bastard!" she muttered and downed the second glass.

A few minutes later the next message arrived.

'Thank you for not closing the chat.'

'You said you wanted to make up for it, what do you have in mind?' she began typing, pausing for a few seconds before hitting the send button.

'I would like to meet up again,' came the reply.

'Get to the point,' she typed, 'I am not exactly in a patient mood tonight.'

There was quite a long pause before the next reply came. She read his message, a carefully written set of invitations, stating how he would like to spend the evening with her and compensate her very generously.

She poured another drink, put her lips against the glass then stopped as the image of the girl's eyes flashed in her mind. She put the drink down in her lap, placed her head in her hands and squeezed her temples to block out the guilt and sense of disgrace for putting the child in a situation to witness such as scene.

She put the glass on the bedside table, screwed the top back on the bottle and decided to not have anything else to drink.

"Small steps," she smiled to herself as she imagined the child nodding back at her approvingly.

'Sounds very interesting, but give me a reason why I should believe you.' She answered, hitting the send button quite forcibly.

'I don't have one, but you know where I would like to meet which is a million times more luxurious than last night. The driver of the car, I will send for you, has been informed to meet you at a place of your choice, and then walk you into the hotel lobby where I will personally meet you. You can choose to get in the car or send him away and return home without any further contact from me.'

Jane gave the proposition some thought. Part of her was telling her that this was too good to be true, there must be a catch. However there was still part of her romantic self which told her that she deserved to be treated better and this 'Pretty Woman' opportunity would never come again.

She stood, removed her gown, walked nakedly into the bathroom with her whiskey glass and poured its contents down the sink. She brushed her hair and put it back into a pony tail and returned back to the bedroom and then opened her lingerie drawer. A few minutes later she was stood in front of the mirror, looking at herself. She adjusted the seams of her high lace top stockings, taking the time to ensure they ran perfectly straight down her legs. She stepped into her lace basque, loving the way it pushed her breasts together and accentuating their shape. Finally she adjusted her suspenders, before pulling on her thong.

She rubbed her fingers over the front of her thong, then gently pressed the lace against the opening to her clit. She could feel her excitement growing, not just at her touch, but also from what she had read tonight.

She went back to the laptop and typed her answer.


Exactly on time, the sleek black limousine turned the corner and pulled up alongside her. The lights of the train station she had chosen to meet at reflected on the highly polished paintwork of the vehicle, but there was a strange illusion that the light was being absorbed by the vehicle's obsidian colour. The driver got out, nodded towards her and opened the door to the limo. She paused, held his eyes for a few seconds then, took his hand and entered the dark interior of the limo.

The door to the limo closed, sealing her from the outside world, cocooning her in plush leather surroundings. On the seat in front of her were a single red rose and an envelope which she reached for. She felt, rather than heard the driver get in, and then the dividing screen between them opened.

"Good evening Ma'am, the journey will take around 30 minutes," the driver informed, "please help yourself to the drinks in the cabinet on your left."

"Thank you," she replied and began opening the note.

The screen began to close.

"Excuse me, could you leave it open please, it's a little lonely back here." She smiled nervously.

The driver nodded and lowered the screen and Jane went back to reading the note.

'Thank you for accepting my invitation, remember you can order the driver to turn around and return you at any time, but I hope you grant me sufficient time to keep to my promise xx.'

She opened the cabinet and a gentle light lit up its extensive contents; a couple of bottles which looked like champagne, red and white wines, and a few bottles of spirits. She was very tempted to try the champagne, which looked to her untrained eye to be rather expensive, but she kept to her promise and chose a bottle of chilled water. She opened it and was about to drink, but thought it was more appropriate to use one of the glass tumblers. She picked it up and felt its weight and guessed it was crystal.

She sipped the water, put her head back and relaxed deeper in the comfort of the leather seats. She could not believe she was here, considering the way the day had started. She smiled, sipped some more water and silently toasted an evening which could be a high point of her life instead of the countless number of low ones she had painfully experienced.

She relaxed more, feeling the seats subtly shift to her form, she barely noticed she had dropped the bottle on her lap, its contents seeping into her dress and soaking her crotch. She was unconscious by the time she had slumped to one side.

Silently the dividing screen closed, cloaking her in darkness.


Very slowly Jane started to drift awake, vague images danced on the outer edges of her mind, teasing her memory. She could make out a long black car, a rose and also a smell of what appeared to be leather. She stirred, her body moved as she began to gain consciousness, but something was wrong, she felt her movements were restricted.

"Shhhhhhh," she heard as something cold and damp was pressed against her forehead.

She tried to speak, but something hard was in her mouth forcing her tongue against the floor of her mouth. Suddenly her memories came flooding back to her, and she began to panic and tried to scream, but the sound was muffled by the rubber gag in her mouth. She opened her eyes and squinted at the bright lights in the room she was being held in.

In sheer fright she struggled violently against whatever was securing her.

"Shhhhhhh," the voice repeated, "Struggling will only make things worse."

She struggled even more, but her limbs were useless, her back arched up and down, banging against the hard surface under her, her thuds echoed around the room. She realised she was naked and began to comprehend her situation. She fought against her bounds with more conviction, tried to scream, but again her helpless cries were muffled by her rubber mouth gag.

A hand brutally slapped her across the cheek, her head rocked to one side with the force of the blow. She stopped struggling immediately then the damp cloth dabbed at the smarting pain on her cheek. Slowly her eyes began to focus, adjusting to the brightness.

"Such beauty and potential," the voice returned, "would be such a shame to see it spoiled by your reluctance."

She winced as fingers stroked her painful cheek and brushed her hair back behind her ears. She was still shaking with fright, her body trembled as she had no other choice but to accept that she was totally immobilised and under his control.

His fingers continued down the side of her neck, over her shoulder and along her side. Delicately they brushed the side of her breast as they continued down her body. As his fingers reached the rounded curves of her hips she felt his hand press firmly against her, spreading his fingers as they caressed her well-toned thigh and reaching behind her leg to feel her slim calf.

"Such beauty," the voice continued as his fingers released their touch at her ankles, "made for so much pleasure."

Her body shuddered, but not at his caressing touch, but from the final words of his sentence. She began to struggle again, sensing his motives, fearing that she would be taken by this man, raped, abused...

Uncontrollably her body convulsed in panic, she screamed, trembled and tried frantically to fight against her restraints in a vain effort to stop the nightmare. She was expecting another violent blow to her cheek, maybe something worse but she could not let this man defile her without making an attempt to stop him; but no blow came. She knew deep down it was useless, but she continued to struggle, contorting and writhing her body on the metallic table, kicking and thrashing her bound limbs as much as she could.

She felt a hand press down firmly on her shoulder, causing her to flinch but she still maintained her struggle.

"Shhhhhhh," the voice repeated.

There was a brief sharp pain as a needle entered her shoulder.

Within seconds her futile struggles began to subside, as the drug raced around her body and relaxed her limbs, numbed her mind seductively as it released its calming chemicals, giving her a feeling of a passive sense of peace and submission.

Although somewhere in the back of Jane's mind she knew she was in grave danger, but the drug had subdued her fears. She did not feel afraid, in fact she felt calm, tranquil and at ease; something she had not experienced for so many years. Even her body appeared to have changed, her muscles were relaxed and all the tension had ebbed away. Her skin had become more sensitive, she could feel the beads of sweat, from her struggled efforts, on her exposed body dissipate as the air around her cooled her body leaving her with goose bumps, which teased her excitement rather than a feeling of coldness.

Her breasts felt fuller, more rounded and firm, her nipples were incredibly hard and extremely sensitive due to their size which added further to her sense of pleasure.

She felt the table move as he mounted and instinctively felt a presence above her. She opened her eyes and saw the face of her captor. There was no doubt how incredibly handsome he was, dark hair, a strong jawline and smooth hairless skin. Masculine but also feminine at the same time sprang to mind as she gazed at the androgynous face above her.

He tenderly brushed the side of her face he had struck, maybe it was a trick of the light but she swore she had seen a flash of regret in his eyes. He gently placed his fingers at each corner of her mouth and squeezed the gag which instantly softened at his touch and then strangely appeared to be absorbed by his fingers before quickly dissolving as it moved across his knuckles. She relaxed her mouth and swallowed a sweet rubbery taste.

There was no need to scream, the drug had subdued any desire to, and instead she just looked up and studied him. He smiled back warmly.

Without a word, he lowered his head and kissed the side of her neck. The tender touch of his lips on her skin sent a wave of excitement through her, something so strong and powerful she had never experienced the likes of which before. Instantly she arched her head back in pleasure and raised her hips off the table, the lower part of her abdomen brushed up against his erect cock. He lowered slightly, his cock pulsed a couple of times as he forced her back down. She gasped in surprise as he kissed her more passionately which sent tremors down body and ignited the fire between her legs. She could feel the lips of her clit open slightly as her juices seeped from her and ran between her cheeks to pool around her ass.

Whatever the drug was, it was working. Never before had she reacted to any man's touch as erotically as she was reacting now. She wanted more and pressed up harder against him. Feeling his cock grow in size and in firmness as they slowly rubbed and gyrated against each other.

She felt something soft and oily wrap around her ankles and wrists and slide under the restraints holding her.

"We are not alone." She thought to herself as she comprehended the oddity of what she could feel.

But she was still caught up in the sensations stimulating her body to give it anymore thought. One by one she felt the restraints release, but she was still held loosely by whatever was wrapped around her. Jane pressed harder against the man on top of her as the feeling of being freed released a wave of sexual liberation.

While the man continued kissing her around her neck and across each of her shoulders in turn, she felt movement on her wrists as the tentacles uncoiled their grasp and the tip began to tentatively make its way to her fingers. Gently it attached a sucker to each of her ten finger tips, kissing and sucking them in unison as its ventricle muscles flexed, released and re adhered itself in sequence. With each kiss the sucker opened and secreted a thin gel like substance which not only acted as a lubricant to take more of the finger inside its mouth, but also released an aphrodisiacal chemical which her skin responded to with sexual desire.

It was not long before both hands had been enclosed, tiny suckers on the inside continued to stimulate her skin, but the tentacle did not stop there. The substance in the palm of her hands began to transform in to a bulge, she coiled her fingers around it as it took its thick and veiny shape. Once the widest part of her hand was enclosed within the tentacle, it secreted even more gel to help glide up her arm which in return produced more chemicals. As the muscles clenched and contracted and the shafts in her hand began to pulse she had a more intense desire and found herself pushing her arms deeper in side its mouths, to aid their progress and also masturbate the shafts in her hands to satisfy her increasing perverse sexual hunger.

Once the tentacles reached her armpits they stopped, but continued sucking on her skin and gently moving her arm up and down its lubricated tube. The man rose off her slightly, shifted his position and moved down to kiss her breasts. The heat of his mouth on her erect nipples sent shudders through her body and, as if in response, the tentacles which were wrapped around her ankles began secreting more gel, the mouths on the end of each of the tentacles opened and began to work their way over her feet, in exactly the same way it had done to her hands.

Reflexively she shifted her body weight and parted her legs a little wider and began to bring her knees up a few inches so her ankles were off the table. He continued to kiss with a little more force, taking her nipple in his lips, caressing it with his tongue then pulling it backwards and sucking with more strength. The sensation was exquisite as her nipples were stretched by the power of his mouth, just before he released he caught the end of her nipple in his teeth, nibbling on her and secreting a gel from the glands in his mouth. He released her nipple and the gel reacted as soon as it came in contact with the open air. The chemicals bonded and fused into a thin latex ring at the base of her nipple, maintaining their hardness.

He lowered his body once more, rubbing his swollen cock against her crotch, she raised her hips up to meet him and together they continued to grind against each other and with each thrust he secreted his precum, soaking and lubricating her lower body. She drew her knees closer to her chest whist also parting her legs wider and wider. The tentacles had slid up past her calf's and were now contracting around her knee caps, all the while hundreds of tiny suckers were stimulating her arms and lower legs, thousands of small needles were delicately puncturing her skin and secreting more gel deeper and deeper in to her muscle tissue. Her body felt like she was having multiple mini orgasms as her muscles spasmed with the chemical being pumped into her.


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