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Laundry Date

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A Lesbian makes due with a cute boy.
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This story contains light femdom, humiliation, and crossdressing themes. All characters are 18 or older.


She did enough housekeeping at work, and now her Friday was taken away from her because of even more cleaning. Four year degree and what did she get out of it? A stereotypical maid's salary at a hotel that paid just enough for her to live in a run down crime ridden apartment complex five blocks away. She looked at herself in a dirty mirror of the Laundromat and scowled. She had swirls of dark dots over her latina skin. A previous girlfriend had told her she looked like a sandstorm, and though it had been a complement, she'd always wanted to be prettier, and more clear skinned. Her hair was tied back in a braid going down to her shoulders and she crossed her arms over her modestly sized chest. She ran five kilometers every day before sunrise and practiced ju-jitsu on the weekends, her body was feminine, but it as not going to be a victim to anyone.

Sometimes she hated how many times people judged her correctly. Spanish girl is a maid? Check. Athlete is a dyke? Check. Looks like a thug? She shook her head. At least she'd gotten a real job. Most of her childhood friends were dead or in prison. She didn't make many friends in college. She didn't make many friends period. A social life was hard with her schedule, and her personality.

The door to the building opened and she aimed a cool gaze to the intruder. She was used to being alone at this time at night in the Laundromat, and used to keeping her cool in tense situations. It was just past sunet.

She must have scared the shit out of the poor girl though, because she jumped at the sight of Isabella and dropped all her clothes. Isabella smirked, sometimes she liked having that effect on people. The girl gathered her things, nodded to her, and took a machine far on the other side of the building. It was a little white girl with brown hair that shone with a hint of red, a plain white shirt, and long grey shorts to her knees. She was boyish, nervous, and very cute. Isabella watched her put in a load and find a seat, trying to avoid eye contact. Should she stop staring? There wasn't much to look at here.

"You new?" She started. She thought she'd be friendly and walked to the new girl. And maybe, if her gay-dar wasn't acting up, she'd score more than a friend. "I'm Bell" She walked to the girl.

"What? Oh, me?" Her voice was deeper than normal, and boyish as well. Maybe that was a good sign, "Yea, I go to the community college down the road. I just started. My name's Sam." She seemed polite.

"You seem nervous Sam." Isabella sat down next to the girl, a little too close. She squirmed but didn't move away. "You should be. You shouldn't be out this late on a Friday around here."

"Yea," She stood. "I, uh, Should be going. I'll wait in my room." Shit, she scared her off.

"Wait!" The girl stopped and turned as Isabella stood. "I'm, uh, I'm in apartment one oh three." Isabella started. Damn, why was she was nervous? Girl was really cute though. "I was going to watch a movie tonight. I don't know many people around here, and if you're new, you probably don't either." Why was she meandering around the point? "If you want, you can come over. I mean, if you're free." She usually had more game than this.

The girl blinked, and then blushed, "Uh," She stammered. "You mean, like, just the two of us?"

Shit, don't scare her off again, "I mean, if you want to bring friends too that's fine." She shrugged. "Westside right? I went there for four years. Maybe you can bring some friends from there."

"Oh, you went there too?" Sam turned back to her, "I'm studying to be a nurse! So, it actually keeps me pretty busy. I don't really know anyone form my classes yet, so is it okay if I come alone?"

Jackpot. "Yea, of course." Isabella sighed in relief. "We girls have to stick together around here right?"

Sam was silent, and then she blushed madly again. "I'm, uh, I'm sorry but I'm actually a guy."

Isabella blinked. "What?" She looked Sam up and down, then at the laundry. Sure enough, no bra's or panties, just boxers. Shit, she should have noticed that. "You've got some long hair for a guy." She was slightly upset, but mostly surprised. "And wide hips. And a high voice." And a pretty face, she mentioned to herself, "Are you one of those who switched or..." She trailed off.

"N-No!" Sam stammered. "I actually got teased a lot back where I grew up because of it, I tried short hair but it didn't help, it just made me look like a lesbian."

"You still-" She stopped herself. "Look," She looked Sam up and down and sighed. He still looked like a very cute girl. Was Isabella really getting that desperate? "You can still come over if you want. Sorry about, well, you know. I was going to start things in about an hour."

He seemed pleased, "No problem, I get it a lot. And thanks!" He nodded. "I think I will wait in my room though. But I'll see you then!"

"Sure." Isabella nodded. She'd been attacked more than once around her this time of night, so the less he was outside the better. She watched him leave, and kept watching until she saw what number he was staying at. "Two twenty." She mouthed. Tonight would be interesting.


She was half surprised when she heard a knock at the door. Isabella didn't think he'd come. She answered the door and found him dressed in a grey cotton shirt, jeans, and sporting a pony tail. She gulped, she'd never been more attracted to a guy before. He was just a little too lean and flat chested to be decisively feminine, but his hips, hair, face, build, and even clothes were enough to fool her. "Glad you came, make yourself at home, take a seat on the couch."

He walked in nervously, but quickly followed his orders and became relaxed once he sat down on the couch. "So, just the two of us?" He asked.

"Yea," She started, walking to the kitchen area, "Drinks?"

"I don't drink much,"

"Come on, have some fun!" She goaded him. She still wasn't sure what her own intentions were, but teasing him seemed fun enough.

"Sure, what do you have?"

"I'll break out the good wine, I was saving it for a special occasion." She popped the cork and poured two glasses. "So, uh, you have a girlfriend?" She asked casually.

"No." he shook his head. "I decided to dedicate myself to my studies."

"Well, me neither." She responded. He paused, then laughed. Good sign, he didn't assume she was gay, though it would have been a reasonably correct one. She smiled and continued, "Forgive me for asking, but, what about boyfriends?"

He blushed and looked away, "No, I'm strait. But I get that a lot. Actually, a lot more guys hit on me than girls." She handed him a glass and sat down next to him. As he continued, "What about you?"

"No boyfriends either." She shook her head. "I tend to scare them off."

"Really?" He asked. If he was faking surprise, he did a good job of it.

She was flattered, "Yea, but anyways," she looked to the TV, "How do you feel about Underworld?"


"You know, the movies?"

"Never seen them."

"You know, they've got vampires, were-wolves..."

"Oh, the teenage romance ones?"

She took a deep breath to calm herself; "I'm going to educate you on a great action series okay?" She got up to switch the disks in the player and grab the remote. "Uh, you're not squeamish about blood or nudity or anything are you?"

"No." he shook his head. "Hard to be a nurse like that wouldn't it?"

"Right." She chuckled, how could she forget? "Well, lets start."

She turned the lights off and started some distance away from him on the couch. He sipped his wine and winced. She smiled, "Come on college gir-guy." She corrected herself at the last moment. He didn't seem to notice. "Don't tell me it's too strong for you."

He seemed insulted. Good. He took another gulp and tried to hold it down, "I'm just getting used to it okay?"

"Right." She nodded skeptically and rolled her eyes. He took another gulp to prove it, much to her amusement. As he coughed from another sip she re-examined him in the blue light of the movie. His attention was forward so she felt safe staring. She had to keep reminding herself that there was a cock in those shorts, but each time she did it seemed to matter less and less. The last time she'd felt a cock had not been pleasant or consensual. But now? She was seriously considering how it would feel. Not inside her of course, but just kissing him, touching him, maybe putting things inside him. That could be fun, if he was into it. And if he faced away from her she could definitely pretend he was a girl.

She inched closer to him right before she knew a sex scene was about to show. She'd steal glances at his face to gauge his reaction. He was blushing a bit, and looked away every few seconds awkwardly. He looked to her once and then quickly looked away. He made for a very cute girl.

As the scene continued she tried the old highschool reach-around with a yawn, settling her arm around her target. "So Sam, how do you-"

He immediately tensed up as she touched her and spilt wine on himself. He yelped and put the glass down on the table, standing up. "S-Sorry!" He looked around for something to clean up with. "Did I spill any on the carpet?"

"Nope, just your dic-yourself." She stopped herself, She could see some of his soft belly through the thin grey shirt. His hands covered crotch. "No biggie," she paused the movie and turned on the lights. "Bathroom is down the hall if you want to clean up." He rushed there and she heard the door open and close. She wasn't sure how the night was going, but Isabella was at least having a good time.

"You know," She had a devilish idea as she walked to the bathroom door, "If you're that worried about making a mess, you can totally use the shower. And I can throw those clothes in the wash if you want, the quicker the better so it's less likely to stain. I already have a load washing down there already."

"Really? I do like this shirt..."

"Just hand them to me, promise I wont peak." The door cracked open after a few seconds and she had his clothes in her hands. "Make it quick in there, not much hot water here."

"R-Right!" Sam agreed as she kept her promise. She walked out, threw in the load and, walked back with a grin. When she had closed the door she heard Sam again, "Uh, Bell?"

"Yes?" She spoke pleasantly.

"There aren't any towels in here."

"Oh shoot!" She snapped in mock surprise. "I forgot about that, yea, I'm washing them now. I have a hand towel in there you can use."

"B-But," He stammered. "I don't have anything to change into!"

She imagined forcing him to used the hand towel as a loincloth, but then had a better idea. "You can borrow some of my clothes. I know you're not my size, but i'm sure i've got something. It will do for the next hour or so right?"

"R-Right." Sam agreed reluctantly. She grinned and knocked once she was prepared. She handed him the bundle when he cracked the door. "T-This is...!" He stammered again after he had some time to process what she'd given him.

"Sorry, thought I had more than that, but I only kept a shirt and some panties." She stifled a giggle, "I didn't think I'd need more for tonight. Laundry day, right?"

"I can't wear this!"

"Sure you can, I wont tell anyone." She shrugged.

He was silent. "You promise?" Hell, was this actually going to work?

"Cross my heart." She swore. "Or you could just go naked. I'm easy." She half expected him to rush out wearing his birthday suit, but instead was pleasantly surprised. His wet hair was unbound, and the shirt she'd given him was long enough on him almost be dress, but he still had to pull it down slightly to hide his groin. He bashfully swayed as she stared and questioned her sexuality more seriously than she had for over a decade.

"This feels weird." He admitted. "Are you sure you don't have anything else?"

"I have sexier underwear. And a bra if you're interested."

"You're really enjoying this aren't you?" He seemed frustrated.

"Immensely." She admitted. "Honestly, I do also have my work clothes, but I'm not sure how much you'd like the maid outfit."

His face was nearing cherry red, "Y-You're a maid?"

"Yep." She smirked. "You want to see?" He was silent. "I'll put it on for you if you want. It's only fair." She shrugged. "If you have to look silly, I'll look silly too. What are friends for?"

He nodded, still blushing and hiding his lower half, "Yea, thanks."

"Just sit on the couch and I'll be right back." She liked how obedient he was. She got a good look at his ass as he passed. She couldn't believe she actually convinced him to put on the panties. from behind he was was cutest girl she'd ever seen. Maybe he would have actually put on some of her more raunchy stuff she had if she'd tried. She went to her bedroom and opened her closet. She had a maid uniform for work, but also a more playful costume. When she'd told her previous girlfriend about her occupation she'd been disappointed by how unsexy the actual thing is, so she'd gotten the more sinful version a few Halloweens back. Inside her closet she found a few other options as well... but decided against them. Not tonight. She was still afraid he'd run screaming if he saw something swinging between her legs, or wielding a pair of handcuffs.

Maybe later.

When Sam saw her his eyes went wide. The costume pushed her breasts up and together, making a little look like a lot more. The dress extended barley past her modesty. From his sitting position, Sam could probably see a trace of the black lingerie underneath her dress. She giggled as girlishly as she could, gave a curtsey and said, "Holla Seniorita!" She realized the misgendering almost immediately, but thankfully, he didn't.

She saw him gulp and tighten his grip on his shirt. "That's uh, you work in that?"

"Sometimes, for people I like." She sauntered in closer. She noticed that the sex scene was still paused on the television. "Enjoying the view?"

"Yes! I mean, no!, I mean," He squirmed. That was when she noticed it. It wasn't even part of her plan, so the laugh was genuine when she saw it. "W-What?" he asked. He looked down to where she was looking and his eyes went wide again. He was bulging against the shirt, "Oh God! I..."

"Does Master have something that needs taking care off?" Isabella put on her slutiest voice and made her way to him, sitting on the couch next to him. "How about," she reached out with a silk gloves hand and caressed some hair over his ear, he shuddered and closed his eyes, "I start with a kiss?" She asked. She hesitated. This was a guy after all. His dick was just a few inches away from her. But the more she looked at that cute little face, the closer she got. She came closer and closer until their lips touched. He didn't stop her or say anything, in fact, she felt him shiver. He was sensitive. She caressed his ear and hair with one hand, and the other felt up his chest. She felt him moan into her mouth and gasp. His grip tightened on the shirt and his hips bucked. He drew away with a start and a very red face. She was confused until he looked down a dampness had spread across his clothes. He was almost at the point of tears when he tried covering it up. "I'm so sorry, I should..." He had cum just from a kiss. He was so adorable!

"Let me take care of that for you." She tried and failed not to laugh. "You really are sensitive. But you don't want to stain my clothes right?"

He was mortified. "I didn't mean to!"

"Off, off with the shirt!" She played the role of a maid, "Let me throw it in the wash." She seductively and pried at his hands. "Don't be so stubborn," She lifted it up and over his head, getting a partial look at his goods as it was pressed between his pelvis and waistband of her panties. He tried to hide it once more as soon as his hands were free. His blush extended well beyond his face. if it wasn't for the tip of his dick pocking out, she'd saw Sam was a beautiful, if unluckily small, woman. "That too." she motioned, after considering letting him keep it on.


"You're the one getting cum all over my clothes." She said in a motherly tone. Sam looked around, trying to find some escape from this situation. "Give them here so I can clean them up. You're quite a dirty g-" She was silenced when she saw him stand and lower the waistband of the panties in shame. His half erect cock sprung out. She gulped. It was bigger than she thought, and it was slick with cum. He was uncircumcised, and shaved. Both were unexpected. He quickly covered himself and handed the garment to her.

"You just can't help but keep making a mess." She shook her head. He looked down and noticed how sticky and wet his hands were now. "Here," she walked behind him and held his shoulder. He tensed with the touch, "Lets wipe that off." She used the panties, still slick with his cum, and brought them to his groin. "Rub it all of, nice and clean," At her touch the member seemed to grow back to full attention. "You are really enjoying this aren't you?" She pressed herself against his naked body, her breasts at his back and shoulder, her hips aligned just above his. "Is this your first time with a girl?" She licked the back of one of his ears, "Hmm?" She sighed. She noticed that her heart was pounding in her ears.

"I'm going to-" He came again without warning, cum escaped through the cloth and out of her fist, oozing from her fingers and onto the floor. He grunted in a high, girly pitch as he shot into her hands and seized. He stopped squirming after a good half minute. She was impressed by the quantity, if not the endurance.

"You're still so dirty all over. I think you need another shower." She led him by the dick back to the bathroom and turned on the shower, throwing the panties to the floor for now. He silently waited for her. Then she began to take off her own clothes. She was embarrassed. She'd never done this with a guy before, and she was always so self conscious about her skin. She tried to keep up the act as she slowly removed her stockings, gloves, dress, and finally. She made sure that she faced Sam as she slowly removed her bra and panties. She had an unkempt bush and eyed Sams hairless groin with curiosity. He was diligently not touching himself, but he was already erect again, and a bead of pre-cum had already formed, joining the slick cum already on him. Horny little bastard.

She led him in and laid him down, facing her. There wasn't too much room, his arms were trapped at his sides and his feet were forced up and over Isabella's elbows. It would have been a perfect time for a strap-on, but again, she wanted to take this slow. She had to pace herself. Sam was breathing heavily, even the droplets of water were getting him off. Seeing all of him like this below her was starting to get her off as well. Maybe If she just saw him as a chick with a dick, maybe she could get off to this. "You're so cute!" She grinned and ran a finger down his shaft, from head to hilt. He shivered and slowly thrust up as she continued, her fingers wrapped around his sack and massaged the flesh around it, caressing the smooth skin.

He gasped as she teased his scrotum playfully, careful, and curiously. She'd never done this before and was getting acquainted with the male anatomy. With her other hand she caressed his side and leaned in, letting her breasts in front of her partners eyes. Sam shuddered as she touched a nipple. She tweaked it and felt him arch his back. She sat back up, drawing a line with her finger across his pale chest and hips. He squirmed as she finally made it once again to his shaft. Her other hand was busy exploring.

"W-Wait! N-Not there." He gasped breathlessly.

"Hmm? Not where?" Her middle finger pressed knowingly against his puckered ass.


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